I I Nhdkv Into Your Hhoea. WashFflgton LeU M«c?’*l con«» try soutli engine. flea that n» *eek 1 remedy in the electi^n of pr«»par legi- dent occurs HUDYAN j lator».” Senator Hoar—“Hneh s mathol • he morning of Monday May 2b. and I main almost unknown. In connect¡<> i of th«* Staki-d Plains and west of th« ojrport, fcí-. is what you need. HUD- will l*e total along a track varying , with the voyage of the B< Igira w«* had Colorado river, it Is neverlbt-lrt s a fact SCIENCE ANU INDUSTRY of atacti» n involving th-* mxnipolMiof! ' unusual opport uni ties for study »uj' YAM will strengthen the >!. - «'. en rcc ntly inter- C ’ f»MM» 4w to 5U miles in width, and ex­ that th«* razor back bog eootriffutes a heart. HUDYAN will of i»arty roavmtions, will eraata •>**« lending from New Orleans to Norfolk. their wild life and their wvathrr-lxat« a Lirmingham, Ala., has a cooperative full Lhure. 1 •rolmbly ‘ thr make the heart museteg tempts* «jfis to fraud an»l corruption.” viewed, said : Jf-t. Su»an H. Edmands, i clothing null. From there the shadow will cross the land. They are not, ns is g«*neralh‘ try anywher* “ lx?tter ««hi rtrong and bard. lx> not I Senator Pritchard—‘T am inuli«»eenin- supposed, one honi<>g«-neons trilx». but A fa» tory u> to be built at San Quen ­ delay too long. Begin the production of • ' »¡'I H. ... ft ^.n-r-d I m ’ in Ih. Junta of my arm» ana 1 lx*! ¡eve that the i 'iHiia'i *n of sens- Eula, leap over the Mediterranean to ( thre«* distinct races, with different ■' ...a. rl.nra matter, an.lt employed l»u um of HUDYAie now. •ty tin, t at, to make sacks of tiax and covrre«! with cedar and a Algiers, and fin«By leave the earth not language, different app«-uranees, dif »; '.I... n.... One day nrywn round alitUa book the party «*onventionfl wool«! tors by hemp. >ns of scrub-oak trees, an«! „ . ..■.au«! a .tat. ment by a irunOter-hr. a.rmcrly far from ancient Thebes. Before reach­ ferent habits und homes. . . . Th. result in just as mn< h ecm»lal as r»m« Aluminium tubing used in the sei­ X "1 gSJSZZ. k.r..«n to M U man or that, . tor J*alo Pooplo. J tol.l my .¡octor If ba waa m cross Mexico and the gulf, its entire 1-3. THBOBBING IM THE TWM- 1 lor rich m»*n Io buv up conventione as it ' ,1 1 tb rill, mytelt. The mlnteter ahoao ataUtoonlt ♦ there is tilwa>s i an abuntJan'/r of excri- I *»).(KM) trees in the healthy color in the cheeks. limited pow«*rs, and th»*«* chirfs have try, «o that the only outlay interest. that of the fir; t c«/st of a few head f a streets nnd public platx-s. There are the submarine torpeJo boat Holland, for Even to the non-astronomical ob­ waged warfar«* among themselves. ’1«, 7. PALPITATION OFTHE HEART i ».tart. Running loose In tide wuy t ihey 2». ( « f lane trees, 1.70U ehestnu! trees server the phenomenon Is ¡»erhaps the the present they have had their worst AND IRREGULAR BEATING HUD­ 1150,000, and agreed to purchase other are not ■ ubj< * t to th«* dturaar« mon and I m . ogo elms, th«* remainedr con­ YAN . by M.engthenlng the heart m <• .. a and boutii of the same type for $175,00) each. Sold by all laoxt impressive that the heavrns «ver enemies among their own people, but Lock for this INK o H j to the h »g in thr sty or feed lot, and sisting of sycamores, maple*, lindens, tha nerves that supply It, will atop the palpi­ ■ druggists, 50 present; the moon «lowly and inexor­ now that sheep-farmers and gold- This ¿¿tion. which wa*« taken in spite of trade mark IM ILLS being excellent fighters they h< j£d their etc*. tation and tlatt«riuf aad cause tha heart to beat ably creeping over the face of the sun, digger» want their country, th« , mi . cents per box ; an e.»’versa report front a board of naval FOR on every own with thr wolves and other wiki an« There is brisk demand for «ailing regularly. the gathering gloom, the swiftly ad­ uniting to fight their common « n< n;y. six boxes, pe.jo. ofli ■ei’», in ole li t i* r, wa* br». ight ALE j imals which prey on the sheep and package. Physically the Onus are giunts. *1 hey vessi-ls to handle Atlantic nnd gulf vancing shadow, th«* sudden darknes», 8 THROBBING IN THE STOMACH Thu» they multiply very rap- coast traffic. EOPLE E Within the last few REGION - This throbbing und pulsating dis­ ab<»ut largely b*. ih»* two »ble showing followed by the wonderful spectacle are not, however, seven or eight fr» t goats. made by the llolbind in th«* exhibitions years the tonnage has fu Hr n off 30 appear shortly after the use of HUDYAN. of the jet-black disk, set around with in height, as the early explorers re­ i«lly. DR. WILLIAMS MEDICINE COMPANY, Schenectady, N. Y. In order to g« t the lx*nrfit of thr in- |x r cent., owing to numerous wrecks, the solar promin«*nces like blazing ru­ ported their neighbors and nearest Thousands hare been eared of Heart Weak­ given on the Potomac river, near Wash* bies, und surrounded by the lovely radi­ relatives, the Patagonians, tob«*.'I heir , rri i*»»r in his stock, however, it is nrc- while the business increase«! fully 50 ness by HUO’/AN. Y ou should be »tired too. HUDYAN will cure you. Proc ure ance of the corona, with its streamers average height is close to six f«*et, a ' »xhury for thr rancher to get his mark per cent, last year. assessment NOTICE. In Virginia a company has been HUDYAN from your druug>-»». It is so»d of pearly light, and then, ail too soon, few attain six feet nn«l six Inch«*«, and ‘ on the pigs. As this, owing to the In all drugstores for 6hc. per park ?e, or fl roughness of the* country ami th»» wilil- forint-dfor fhe manufacture of an arti­ the flashing outburst of light and «lay, s few ure under nix fret. The women • Pacific Pine Needle Cornj any. — ' packages for 12.30. If your drugg. ». does not ! nrxs of th«* sows, is no small task, it is ficial marble, which closely' resembh r. kep it, send .l’fct to the HUDYAN REM­ lx < ati.>n of prineipi! place of bu inoas, and the restoration of the world to its are not so tali, but they are more cor- | accustomed aspect. It is a glorious pulcnt. There is perhaps no ia< < in | genrrally th«* custom for all thr hog i*nuine und can readily b«* carved, EDY COMPANY. H ud Fr . , < al. >an Francisco, California. Location of owners in a given flection to turn out sight, not to lie missed if its seeing Is the world with a mor«* p«*rf« ct physical the ingredients b*»ing milk of linn». Couault th * H IJ D Y A N D OC - O R S works, Granlg Pat*-, Oregon prac- together, with their dogs, and Notice is lie»elr. given that at a meet possible; one«.* seen, never to lx* for­ development than the Ona men. This glyc' rin. silicat** of soda, soap, salt FREE. You may call an«l s th»-in hu -1 have unique development is partly due to t¡rally “i' un«l thr men ride after thrrn just as on cun at other times. All along th«* i«*an continent. 9z7 Market wtreet, Rcorn No. 715, San phoid fever, diphtheria, cholera and GAN FRANCISCO. CAL a w « j I/ chase. As the pig« cannot hold track observers will be stationed with The mental equipment of the Ona is Francisco, California. other diseases. The temperature of Lelexcopes. camera*. *|H*ctroscoj»eR, pho­ by no means equal t6 his splendid nut very long on«* of them is soon Jiipiid nir--!90 degrees centigrade-- Any sto«k upjn which this a-segment ?uught nnd til«* squeals bring back llie shall remain unpaid on the 17th day of tometers and other appliances, with physical development. He understands had no effect on bacteria subjected to rest of thr bunch to his aid. A«s«»on as May, 1900, will be delir.qnent and adver­ which they ho|»e, perhaps, to win som«* very well th« few arts of the <4ia*f* it for 20 hours. Th«* light-giving ba«*- tised for sale at public a luliun, and tin- new (liscovery concern a th« mys which In* finds nrcunsary to maintain • thr pig is frr«» th«* sows f«»rm a cir­ t«*ria lost tbeir luminosity in the cold, I p « m payment b, thry nr»- slender 13-y«*ar-ol«l lad in knickerbock­ mination if he expects to win and hold a 1900 catalogue. where they are nearly ns good, while mostly i naked, poorly fe«l, badly other with a bit of rope to tir the one ers, owns thr largest pheasantry in the worthy woman’s affection. seized» When all of them have thus and almont neglected, not In the duration of the totality will be trained, i A woman judges a man from appear­ been put out «d th«’ way of fighting, tin* west, selling bOf) eg^s in a season, and ances. If he is energetic and forcible she som<* ten seconds longer- an Impor- <*nuae « of n h^k of paternal !y is gen»*» all; a makeshift, but the material to nink«»good tents ami w arm. it hitpp<*ns that then* are hogs be' rlong- 1 to :;t*veral different men thr pign Eviiiifl pheasantry is |«rf(«*t in con­ JEWELRY TRADE IS BOOMING. storm-proof houses; but they simply Ing 1 struct ion, ha*, dig about 173 by ’HU Ever Ilefore. existence. siting than that of getting thr «■losing nnd I locking automatically, so rrn«ly f«>r market, for us it is inq Stages run both ways daily between Grants Pass, Oregon, and Crescent there is no «langer < of the birds etjrap- American women are fond of jewelry ilr to driw them tiny diatunee cv City. Cal., passing through the following interior points: Wilder- inff* at ull times, but there haw been little HOMELIFE OFA NAVAL WOMAN thr corrals of thr ranch's it is n Th« flock of gold pheasants is n gor- ville, Love’s, Anderson, Kerby, Waldo, Shelly Creek, limit to their desire for precious stones • he Ila« a Peculiar Faeulty mry simply to butcher them out i for geons sight with their brilliant yellow thia year, says the Chicago Chronicle. Patrick’s Creek, Gasquets. fills. MaltlNf a Home <»11 an j h«*a(l.», capi s »if orang»- ami blue, lined This is the jewel age. Never before So along in thr early part of the wln- Hour*« Nolle«», .with vivid gnen. scarlet Ixaiires, bur- have women in America worn so many LIN E T<> t«*r, after th» new must has fall« n and WESTBOUND I nishrd wing.« and long, gruceful tails, or such costly ones. The report of EASTBOUND lh<* hog« nr« n« fut n < th«*y will • ■t. tin» One ot the* hardrut «juration* a naval ST. PAUL. DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS, Leave Grants Pass.... i.«l thcli wagon« will Mlllt, wu tn a 11 miiMt decide la where exactly aiming ’ fancier«, and their price is in Arrive at Waldo..... CHICAGO, iner at the New York public stores, 6 p. tn. | Arrive at Waldo............... 8 p. m. {Tllb, k« 11 H i and lar«l cans, tiiki tiieir her «liity Ilea, between her husband « rt asing, ns thry now bring 130 a pair. shows the Importation of precious Leave Waldo................ log*« itn«l \\ i idnst( th nnd atril e out AM» ALL POINTS EAST 4 a. ni. | Leave Waldo............... 6:30 a. __ in. '11 k * brant i fully plutnugrd hen lays looks like the Spanish señorita at her win­ stones and pearls during the year 1M99 («nd her children, writes Anna A. for th«* 1 ills Arrive at Crescent City dow and applauds the man who fights Ì ii«*y make carni near . 6p. tn. j i Arrive ' ~_____ 7 Pass ___ .4:30p. m. at ' Grants Roger« out of her own rxperirnc«* in eggs in a Muaon, which are ‘ worth 30 to have been S19.321.752.55 th«* largest bravely He may win, he may lose ; but Through Palace and Tourist bleep­ «orile «pring or wat» i hol»* and th $10 a dozen. Wallace has n large num­ he must never flag ; he must fight. > r sce,1$ry through whi h this line passes is beautiful. A de­ value ever brought through the port Woman** Hom«» Companion. Poverty flu tin* worl of “killing." «-hi. ers, Dining and Buffet Smoking i in- ber of English pheasants, furnishing a A man doesn’t always do himself justice, generally decide* it in favor of th«* Iguttul mountain road from Gasquet to Crescent City of New York in the history of the jew Excursion Library Car«. hid«*« th«* I« ndciing of the Inr lie may make a bail showing when he 1 and «utter, leaving her no choice but to rates during summer season. 7’ dry trade. salting of t h muni. It in like a great fin«* contrast to the golden beauties, really isn’t to blame. It is common to say i h» y lay from 50 to 75 eggs, which are of a man who is timid and incapable that I Of this amount S5,m»7,534.7ft repre­ itay with her family during th«* tin*«*«* hunt. \\ In io u r n w agon load « J C. HAR1 ER, Grants Pass, Or., Manager. f ln.«l I he is "white livered." Sometimes thia is i radily sold for $5 a setting. sents uncut diamonds ami 113.414,217.7V years of his cruise. At auch tiiiira th«* tnd incut lin« I h »*n ptX up it is 111’ il'll to Ilis vou v of «piail ivould make thr literally true, yet not any reproach to a cut diamonds, precious stones and wife remains in entire aclijia«* oav«» 111«* near« ht r man either. Many a man with a brave, meh and l«*ft there until for the letters, many and long, that pearls. th«» “killing” ■ » iiNon is <>v«*r; tlien it 1« hunter's heart leap ns they* fly’ to cover willing heart for his work acts at times Tirki'ts to point- Ea*t via Portland and with a whir *»f wings nnd warning like a laxy "quitter," just because his liver Th«» Spanish-American war had an strive to bridge the separation, and •"■■min m,. «aided npain und freight«*«! t«> the near- is out of order. It is the commonest kind tin GKE \T NORTHERN UY., on mlv appreciable effect upon the diamond it is in thrflt* letter« and the com at Southern I’a. ¡tic I >. po< Ticket Olli, ,., ■st railroad »»•¡nt. wher«* it i« w« »Id at eri«‘H. TI k * (dd birds w«*re importc«! of a disease. J from Tennessee, where thousands of market during 1H98, and this year th«* panionahip of h«*r ehildren that «I k * (he market p A man doesn’t know what is the matter i.rmis I'o. r >,|;| \ f NORTHERN But th«* luckless l»ir«h. follow a trail of with him ; he feel« all the strength and Ticket Office Transvaal war caused th«» price to ad­ finds her chief con«<>lntion. It i« anid t! nt only one man ir that should there be that dt*flirablt* thing, vance. grain l«*ading straight into a wirc-in- energy oozing out of him ; he can t work , Il»2 Third Rirnct. Portland •ountry v»«r tiiu«l driving his hogs to clos»‘d corral, and ar«* there shipp» tIn* herd to l«;tlltiCOT .UlFIIJfKW.UL f flects unl>oun«l«*' M >’e m In the À stones- are scarce, Perhaps it is the ignorant UM to whnt i« called e«luca proprietor, who, in addition to having begins at the very corner-stone of life in " or'd. W e.ilt.i«SK«n «r iny • nrrseted V its men to sepnrat«» n lit th* and k«»vp th«* m J«* rare of it. is finishing th»* the stomach and nutritive organism. It j No. 3- BIGOI I Po ; i ky BOOK accuracy with which colored stones are tion. Then there ia the third typ«* ■ paa-Ult«»-ly rara».» .ext A '■» • . '.h- fc. s ,earu 9 moving toward Krrrv ill«*. the childleNa wife, who «camper Imitated that has caused them to be <*i>*hth grade course in thr public gives appetite, nouiishment. rich blood, Dr. JORDAN BISEASIS OF MEN« healthy, solid flesh. A cough is only a At noon on the fourth day the line wh«xd. come less popular, for mnny of the about merrily from |>ort to port, mid • trill' IS»* -h'v e-e<*l<-at«d À symptom ; there are other things that »-• • ». -b „ r ■ Serrar; V imitations can only b<* detected by an who hnn a conaequent mid xui!k*icnt was within half n mile of the Guada- make the cougji ; they must be got rid of rruaae» ' r' ai cnie foi •*•««'*. XiMaire » ri Y away Dr l’iercc’s marvelous "Discov­ Fancy stones, « specially colored «tin envy epidemic mnong th«* . Yjr U f J «d**»'» paav 9 great ery ” isn ’ t a lung specific ; but it does more leAt B<«tfeeda. \ Ben >■ - »rv tx.» V ng ar«» popularly stt el rases of American women contain to n Kpcciali/.«*«! faculty among women 1 how mnny hogs I k * ha«l. ax after p No. 6 — RKKil.R SWINE BOOK sweeps out of the blood all the foul dis­ un' »«en. V.»i. h*nil OSOI HV •« A ease germs that lodge in the lungs and some of th«» finest specimens of these of the navy for mnking n home any ’ th«* Gua«kil>Hi|M* it would lx* iin|x's*iblr the inhabitants, MIRSIkGX, vULfcDFMBi- A»a.-a.,e «F ¿T »unh- originate consumption ; it heals and builds \ ; to s«*<* them in th«* <>|x*n again. S«> hr a few* daya ago t» beautiful atones to b«* found uutshleof where anr a room j plrted un«l hr <-linilx*d Int “ Golden Medical Discovery ” cures weak a tab pr«*an kit tenu, 1I luukjH birt-ding from lung*», obstinate, prod tie ti* is exported from Porto Rico D wires th«* addi'VH« t :o th»* husband. so •«» as to get n belter vi**w « >f th«* hog« into the tow r.W 11 ling» ring coughs, laryngitis, bronchitis, «mtsi«l«> of coffee, xugnr nnd tobai'co. that th«* mesaagt» will g«> off throat disease, and kindred affections of with when they «hull 1*1 «’ ouk * swarming out a bear, and ht All other crops are consider«»«! un­ the air passages, which, if neglected or th«* mail-orderly tn the first boat into th«* river, II«* watched Intently was inclined -ir badly treated, lead up to consumption- worthy «if the arrious nt t«*nti«»n of the i ashore nft«»r th«* ship'« arrival, Then intil night wnx falling, nnd then hr •■bat her off»i Manv thousands of well established cures planters, their cultivation living gen­ out of jx*rha|>a one trunk will coin«* *»aw a Iran «d«l sow emerge from the of such cases Are reported by the most I' la her erally left to th«* desultory efforts of >mr. trustworthy citizens. Many of these cases forth a marvelous International muti bush«** nnd go d< •w'll t«> «!i ink nn«l a ino- It outline lh»«»lamtb* ¿7?!! th. th«* moat ignorant of th«* population. had been pronounced consumption — and . imnt later the drivei ley of little wall hanging*» a mantel . i .. n coming . ** -I niner oTu *D'' nw in r< Incurable —by the best local physicians ¡ Order Through the Courier Office There has been little at tempt at the Im­ (1rap«*ry, «aan rm tain.*«, table covers, a >ut. Hr nearly fell on «• free. Hr before the sufferer^ commenced the use of ' provement of varieties, either by srl««c « Dr. Pierce’s ('»olden Medical Discovery. vase or two (for fiovv«*rs alrra«ly has never tried driving ,*Ä 5C YEARS’ r lion or by th«* Introduction of auj»erior I)r Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is ' 1 lx»ught on the way from the rail I EXPERIENCE aeed -Chicago Record. recognized everywhere as the greatest of 1 way «tation), aoinv ph’»tographa. a h *ot nerve and strength builders for weak and I Tranasaal tn Parts. few books mul the usual dainty toilet ailing women. His Pleasant Pellets ' are » ara,H«». AL«".a BIOGLE BOOK, fr« ful r WILKE* ATKTXSCNt. acknowledged as the most perfect natural A Boer farm and homest«»ad ie. it in piirtiphernalfa «»f th»* iiKHleru woman I; Andrew, caaa. f . jaaaxag. * FARM jot RNAU laxative ever prescribed «•Id, to lx» on«* of the fenttires »»f the When at last th«* lotured for step heal 9 hr th I-» ' Out of his lifetime experience as a prac­ J'HIL a DBLFHIA J Faris expoaition. In thix form will be tales outside her door, mul mi «*\p«*ri ,1 I ticing phv*ician and professor of phvsiol- exhibited the chief wll»l animala of mental rap ia hear»l it is a freshly ogv Dr Pierce has compiled a wonderful has |>r»l fr :i ugh ter h «I T rade M arks thousand page book, illustrated with over th«» I mnavaal. The means of trans­ arrnyr«l. ni'liant wife and hostess In Iv i t il.g ■ • Q f signs *«o drawings and several colored plates. portation in the country are also to her cosy little h»»m«* who cries' Ccpy will be sent to one I the nose and throat, little or no attention is given it. But, however insignificant it may seem at first, it family li shoubt !>c in every family ia is serious amt far-teaching in its result». the land. ri question the The foul s»*crrti«»ns entering the circulation |x»iaon the entire system The stomach, kidneys — in r °««h Medi. ! .»•« un «I X W HIM fact all the organs feel the effect of this catarrhal jM»ison, and when the lungs arc reached its progrefls • > actemw: a an«l destructive, ami finally ends in consumption. oiy cure the Intense Buffering w.»< «*n»l' w is rapid *’! w.»n- *w s*« T D M«r*ii*.o( Dixie, the nose eaten into and d«-stroved causing intense suffering amt greatly disfiguring the fair While sprays, n the cure of ”e wflie ibi’ emittier; wuhes and salves may give tenip*nar\ relief, no ¡»ctniauent benefit can beex|’ccted from such treatment ItftMM t«o«t a par- & I f»! medicine. •»veri n’ght until niv thront Ilf Youth! has ran ; then tried Dr King's ’ “arantee. a se esn »e : n i«M UflM *K-~ U mm < <*r medicine xry, which gave instant re’ Y ’i hare a *•<>■. ■ j * »* » r»* .*• • . wflh « ■ y ask you t« T< i«r*l it in mv family for t«»i ten. W l - a .:• •»».« nr ••<. free nf' and far beyond the reach of mere local iemedi«n Tb<»ae who rely upon them for a cure l”*e valuable time, meet with »iisaj»- and >1 nn, an<1 '■ecominriul it as the grra!»flt pointmrnt and allow the diaeaxr to take firmer hold Onh a real >ns. SOLE PPOCOIETOQS kb «rotai <*o *gh, and lio< nnlv j Mra Jaarphiae Pi.lhlll nf Ihw U e«t fl C write« I had catarrh wl » ; < « ,!eep. tMted that I waamitratv >fr.» i. •Sxilntrlv r. i ^o«» PsrenvOrrcc W*«-. iqvon O c . I‘r>< Sloughed ».« When thr . OelerwiiMd to try fl fl S a« a laa< rtaori ’ t ... r It •» . the ■! SK I k\* amt 41 00 seat of the df«ea«* an»! after • rw » »rk. »rar». : 1 >. . > . UI, , c ■ yiwffKlV-»■ leroy , ny . r»rn year« hare had no «igu of the • mad« of toot», brrb* «n : I mi .I,* <.f . I 1 k. ~ yropert.r« 1 Small, «P m> w*n'w ci...- affiaMagy Uave < er at tbi TOR BALE BY W F io tter a»n>r t.n.r wnir <>ur ph»»u lan, v.ur <»*r T • clierttullv g hind» At ell oik* any information or adrire wanted We make no charge 1.« tin» SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA, GA. THE COMING ECLIPSE St lU AMERICAN GIANTS. MONEY IN WILD HOUS. Heart Weakness it I ( 1 ài HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS: Dn WILLIAMS’ i 8 Five Cameras in One... ’ » >-• A-3 THE Vii 10 WIN 1 WOHIN “Al Vista” Panoramic Cameras. GO EAST Multiscope & Film co., Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Line, hi Carries I . S. .Mails, Passengers and stage Express. Shortest and Quid «• * a *1 TIME TABLE I BIGGLE BOOKS farm journal ■fl . f 4 a ■e * I* % B Our CutsJlfriK OF CONSUMPTION CATADDH* FORERUNNER VrllrlKllMlI* 7 Di: Shiiohs /,« ÍÍ Cough and |l Consumption Cure/¡I ! Sdeutiiic r muc' 3 t » ■% I > TS CATARRH IS A CONSTITUTIONAL OR MOOD DISTASI. ordovg C.A.SNCWàCO. Candles 1 y r ^C.W llls XC oj jl JJA TM m À *