tydrantte methods owing to th« utter bers responded to the roll. It was I agreed to deter the election of moderator absence of grade and dump The drr ig**, till the Wednesday morning session the gnzxtey and the hydrau’ic etev » >r Rev. G. W. Brown was selected as clerk, | are al* e?nirivib*M3es overcome tF-ia A. K. VOORH1ES, after which the Presbytery adjourned to abortcoming. There are consiueca’» « meet Wednesday morning. rBormrroB The 10-staiup mill st the Short)-Hopt Dr. Townsend of Roseburg ami Dr. mine near Ashlaad resumed operations areas of ground for which the dredge >« Holt, synodical mieaiouary lor Oregon, batxs of suBacniriioN: last Wednesday and !• now steadily at peculiarly fitted and this method of miu* arrived 0« Wednesday morning. Dr One Year, in edvar«w, • • $125 Townst-ud was elected moderator and work. There is enough ore on lhe du np ing will probably become a much mure Six Months, • • • • .65 A Ha burly permanent clerk. A popu­ common one than it ia now. . for a five-week’s run. Three Months. ... .35 lar meeting will be held this evening, Wimer Broe. are running down their Single Copies, - • • • .66 Wednesday, in tbe interest» of gunday- Bennett A Milter have put in a good SILK WAISTS, race, preparatory to the spring cleanup. Advertising rates on application. Copy scbools and general church and society winter's run with a hydraulic at their for change 01"ad’lunst 1.« banded m before work. > claim on upper Briggs creek. Their Under the method carried on at th.s Tuesday noon, otherwi.se setting of the SATIN WAISTS, piped from tbe matter will be charged for at tlie rale of 5c Mining Transfers. ground is good and their c,«*anup »bould place, the ground is par running inch, single column. Altera­ banka into the rare or ground sl-iite, ' Recorded rince April, 2.) 1*1 RCA LI W AIM'S , tie more than satisfactory. tions ane charged which is of immense dimensions, and or at the rale of 10c per running inch, sin­ L. J. Fader and John Auge! Io W’m. Black .one of the miners of Briggs thia race is allowed to remain well tilted SKIRTS gle column. Eugene b. Watson, nine placer SECTIONS, j creek, came over to (¿rants Pass thio claims on Rogue river, const ¡era with gravel until near the time when | ALL UP TO DATE. Entered al the post othc« at Grants !’••», week, bringing with Inui a considerable tue cleanup ia made, when it is *r,in tion ................................. ----- $ JO Oregon, as ihm ond-t lass mail matter. SMOKERS, ' quantity of Briggs creek gold. He is W. F. Horn to W. T. Cope, bond ) ■ down,” a process which consists largely L) interest in Oak Flat placer 1 the proprietor of a piece of excellent in throwing out the boulders and wash­ COMB FOUNDATION T hürsday , Avail. 12, 1900. none................................ ground on that auriferous stream, which ing away the lighter debris by reservoir W. H. Saindea to Chas. Burk- he works by the old time method ol heads until the race ia cleared. A wash­ The nomination of Chas. ( raw as as 1 IlBtofMl m piacer ground sluicing. mine on Oscar creek, coniMera- out of 48 feet of flume on the ditch ««nor on the Republican ticket is a good tion .. . 300 W. (i. Wiigbt, tbe a^sayer, left Tnurs occurreJ recently, which was an accident choice. Mr. Crow is one of our bright G. Knox, et al, to Minerva W. E. DEAN. A CO.. Propr. 1 «lay on bis wheel for Crescent City, of s.-rious proportions, moat of the dis- young men, born in Josephine county, John Topping, water right and dit< h t whence he will go to Eureka and other I placed flume being carried into the and is in every way well fitted for the known as “Jones’ mill race” in IXMnte along the coast, buying platinum Illinois river and lost. C The Wimer Applegate mining district, con­ office. ! for Baker A Hon, platinum refiners, of mine has been among the ! foremost of sideration ..................................... 3 Governor l>*ary of Guam has been G. W. and G. M Seeley to W. T. 1 New York. He will be absent a month lhe large placer properties I of ibis di«* relieved and Lieutenant Schroeder is bis Gage, Forest Q'iee«i placer mine or more. trict for many years. in Lou«»- Creek mining district, successor. The change was mads at R. Green, a mining man from (’enllos, Easier Hervlcee. I' i • > p«js«dM ,IU consideration ............................. Itili l^ary’s request. His administration ol Kew Mexico, arrived here Friday morn­ Numerous locations have been made Easter Sunday will be oterrved at lhe ii • • i «nd stat< d that’tjiey the affairs of this island has t>eaa of W. M. Gulvig, assignee, to W. H. AT JEWELL’S OLD STAND ing ami in examining placer properties on the Big Yank ledge since it has been churches with appropriate exercise«. a »fk on th||^MK Emerson, lour quartz and two such a character an to draw wide spread in company with J. J Fox. Mr. Green | shown to be valuable. The Big Yank placer claims Jump-otf-Joe min­ At lhe Bethany Presbyterian church, a anf - Mining company is n w showing an 18 attention. His field was not large, but ing district, consideration ......... 250 very interesting program has b»-en pre­ this time, but to let t .« ' *r is pleased with the country and says it loot body of $33 rock in their tunnel and lie worked a marvellous transformation his old home in North pared lor Loth morning and evening Her rost until after tbe adj *urni tf iWptL g. reminds him of County Court Proceedings. such property seems well worth looking in it. He taught the indolent and vices. Tbe church will be tasiefully ami The following bills wkru’JlflWle ‘ R Carolina after. Tne B g Yank is an enormous lu the matter of collection of taxes on attractively decorated with flowers, and MARBLE AND (¡RAM I E WORKS- ignorant natives of the island more came up from Galice G, Smith, attorney ‘ H feke, , James Dan Green dike of mineralised matter several civilization iu the months of his govern tax roll for the year 1H99, now in the a concert has been arranged for the Tuesday, bringing with him about 32 Holman, canvas»! n/ ; W. T. J. b bjydidock profr orship than one would suppose possible hands of the sheriff, the time for the evening. Following is be program of ounces of gold, the result of about 20 bundled feet in width and in length is Coburn, elect traceable for many miles. Locations preprred tofuruisb anytbiiqj tn 'he hne of Cemetery work in any kia4 in as many years. He taught them to payment of said taxes was extended un­ services for morning and evening: days work with two men. The gold is Bartlett, canv uMi • • have lately been made on it as far north work, to make gardens, to keep pig* til June 2nd, l'.MX). or GRANITE. . . MOKMIMi. die Hardware! Cramer Bro»., coarse, most of the pieces about the size as Grave creek where it appears as a of MARBLE Nearly thirty year, of ei»eri*nce 111 the M.rblabuainaaa warrants mv fann| In the matter of ranvaaning wild am •nd poultry and, above all. to make Invoiation ........................................ of an ordinary grain of corn. The $1 H3; John FuftK, ^$17 M); J. R. Gun ­ proposition of fully as promising appear ­ Anthem — Te Deum in E Flat by mal scalp affidavits and aolps presented homes. His teaching was eminently largest piece weighed about half an that I can fill vour orders in the very bert manner. Cecil Klein .............. Choir ning H. ance both iu dimensions and apparent practical, yet it must have been tactful therewith, found claims as follows: Canfur.tish work in Scotch, '»ede or American Granite or any kind of ounce. The IJymn ......... ............ ............................. also, for the results achieved could never wild cat. 34; coyote, 17; cougar, 2; grey Prayer.......... A. F. Nelson of the Eureka mine Was quality of ore, as it does on Rogue river Marble. ......................... •lay • vehii^ 1?. have been so qaickly attained unless wolf, 1. Solo—“The Resurrection”.... .. J. B. PADDOCK, in town last week attending tbe Rt-pub'i where ii is being opened. The Yank is The following bills allowed au« firm of E. J. I.ix rails arid records capable of worthily carrying on his Hymn ... . I li» n«y; 4. «Ir ina bu.lo«.. in til« city which is one of lhe most attractive, sinus on Forest creek which may be GI uhh A Prudhomine, tax ledger» traced from Foots creek to the Siskiyous Benediction. of To <14, coujit ami etale aforeaain, propositions in the county. work. Leary has shewn ability that for sheriff.................... ......... Wk xml that Valff ffri will pay the sum of an«.4 another in the J uinp-off Joe country. KVKNIXU might be utilized in larger fields than Glass A i’rudhomme, stationery Reeves and Williams are steadily at . . . (’hoir II in H o I aaeh and every case of catarrh Anthem........................... These huge ii regular dikes, liearing Glass A Prudiiomme, regi-tration Guam. Hong ............................... School that< Ai£fM be cured by the use of Hall's work developing their copper prospect at bodies of high grade ore, represent mag­ •UpglfaM.................................... 1» now on; all Nature has liken on a fresher and brighter ap­ I (.’atarrh^^^^^^ F bamm J. C heney Hcripture Reading......... Galice, and are showing a good body of Wcbstei Davis has returned from the J II Miller, mdse for paupers n to biffin me and subscribed in high grade ore^ Jjuc jspjpeH' ances im nificent new ¡jOM-ibilities iu tuv mmmg Prayer ....................... pearance an iih anrfaci ot Hi. ny.tem. Rend for Choir Anthem Cbas Ladd, J P, drawing jury for *’ârriew ifWut $15 per ton in "”t ’• taeyut J>ani«i«. he. Joubert and Belha had only 7,000 men Benediction. Mei Im been unfamilar. The mining text-books Which is a mo st durable, sanitary, economical and beautiful i . J.CHhNM’ii CO.Tolad.i, o before Ladysmith, and with this farce T M Rowe, assiHtaiK'e, drawing Mi. Turner, who own. a claim on may have to he revised to conform to Council Meeting. t r, jury wall coating. All tints in stock. they, fora long time, successfully resist Brigg« creek ne»r the uioulli of Swede newer ideas in the line of minerals and l,««t 1 tie city comici, malin regular ad Buller’s advance with 40,000 men, J H Hart, arsistance, drawing creek lia. been operating during the mineral deposits. These dikes are If your house needs painting, or if you are building do not jun ......................................... last Tlim.si»y‘ ’»•J iug * People's Party Convention. and kept White with 15,(MX) men shut lip E N i’rovolt, remittance tiling fee winter with a ho.e, which ia one form of enormous propositions whose value is, fail to give tne a call My stock of Paints and Oils is com­ Ih.ir Mld^’jgjT K .u lhe ui«y hall. T <■ Tiie People’s Party Convention met at hydraulic appliance, in fact, the fore­ in most cases, waiting to be demons­ in Ladysmith. He consider» Pretoria in estate of Ambrose ('ofls plete. G W KtnurnM, board of insane pyr- rod *«1 called, Ruiumwr<> »nd l ay be the City Hall on Saturday, March 31, runner of the modern pipe and giant, trated. impregnable and thinks the British will juu and expeases . . „ and elected the following delegates to tie ha. ground which pay. wage, with never be able to capture it. He seem« mg reported absent. D F Hte^he;iaUA expenae in- Win. Stock made a visit to Grants Pass to be rnu' h iiDprrsm-d with the earuest- .hovel and (luice box and of course is iwrton this week from the Phillips hydraulic on ness of the Boers in their MMft Whwl Au orifio Jone*, Ut.od, court house increasingly lucrative under the more Silver creek. He says they have had an Cbas. E. Macrum, former consul tbe I 1 aad fsll .. . r . advantageous method of working exceptionally good run this winter. They I Republican County Convention. mi Smith, HHH’Nsor'e ralaij u services in his own church, and has Swede creek furnishes one of the best Iransvaal, i«Uarned Wflimg similar will continue piping until late in the «lays . . The Republican county convention made, in connection with hie lay com­ stat. menu, he was and representation from mittee, most elaborate preparations for SEE S land office for assa«aor........... thiug Isto«, Ujig ujgy happen to Davis so the same vein ai> the Alfred Snelling sure and dumping facilities, and is well all parts of the county, proxies being the solemn conduct of these rare func­ THAT THIS D W Mitchell, mdse pauj»erH . . 1'is report Is not of a nature to please Sam mine in the Galice district and just and completely equipped with hydraulic few. The utmost unaniinity and har­ tions. The ‘‘Altar of Repose,” now com­ Axtell, work on court I iqiimi any one whose syinpatbies are with the Wyckoff, Seamens A Benedict, across tlie river from that profertv. plant. It was fitted up two years avu mony seemed to prevail and the pleted, for Holy Thursday is a gem, and •UH i”in 1 v British. rhe rock aMoive $41) per ton and appear­ List winter, ail supplies, machinery and oub in ess of tbe convention was quickly t-be decorations are only limited by tbs 11 1 1 A G Evans, lumber road dint no. ances indicate the development of a equipments being transported by mule transacted. The convention was called resources of Grants Paes furnishings. II Grants Pate should organize a board property of large value. The Alfred 1 trait» over a trail for 30 miles. The re- to order by C. E. Harmon. H. C. There will be a grand procession Thurs­ IS BRANDED There is a treat in store of trade witiieut any unnecoeaary delay, »1 W Howard, mdse pan pern ON EVERY Snelling mine bae rock that a say. | nioteness of the district, of course, con- Kinney waa elected chairman ol the day morning led by the little “flower G Kurg, board of paufwrs SHOE. it is a matter of surprise to those who Mrs B A Piatt, washing for jail for those women who have several hundred dollar, per ton. It has i -’«b rably increases lhe cost of operation convention ar.d F. W. Cnausse, clerk. girls” strewing flowers, and by the come here from other places, to find J B Benson, care of paupers at been worked to some extent with an I by the added expense for supplies, but A large proportion of the nominations ‘‘guard of honor.” Holy Thursday if not worn a pair ol these fa­ poor farm ................................ that a lively, prosperous town like this ara.tra, a large percentage of the values I the good quality of the ground makes were made by acclamation. Four nom­ lhe day that (’bust instituted, at His J T Taylor, stamps for treasurer lias no board of trade or anything to tuous shoes, being lost by this method. Guy Gano, lumber for Applegate Fashion’s this a small consideration. The Silver inations were made on the candidacy Last Supper, the Blessed Eucharist, and take its plat o. Our buaineaa ai»n show bridge........................... .............. A new tunnel ha. been started to tap creek gold is well known as being of for assessor, Chas. Crow, A. K. Russ is a day of special devolion throughout Favorite. Styles for all uses ami W I* Kremer, inquest on body of a pleating uaaniinib* of progrewive the O’Neill ledge near the mouth ol more than ordinary purity and worth and Geo. P. Furman running nearly the universe. Good Friday, the awful Alison Every, deceased ......... •entlmenl, but there is no provision occasions ate represented in this lim of footwear, ami BLAU TY. palmer creek on the Big Applegate, It is very heavy, smooth and io lid chan­ even on the first ballot. On the second tragedy of the death of Christ is com­ il I. Robertson, cofouer ’ s juror uiads for concentrated action. Indi­ J A Flowers, LAM AND SERVICE are tlieir distinguishing features. rhe ledge varies in width from six to 14 nel gold, nearly all on the coarse order, ballot, the choice fell upon Chas. Crow memorated and honored. vidual effort is of hide rfFect mh com­ AC Ford. Sunday last Father Hickey com­ Inches and the value, run from |40 to I nuggets of considerable size being no of Merliu. W. II. Hampton of Piacer pared to united eflort. It is to gain David G Robertson, “ menced a series of dtscourees explana­ [rarity. The largest piece secured at the •JOO to the ton. Venable and tian- ! Albert G King, ” drew a creditable vote for representative , thia united effort that a board of trade guisch of Jacksonville, have recently Phillips mine this year was valued at as did Ed Hoband of Althouse, for com­ tory of all these ceremonies, and as he is T Everton, should be organized; that our people J P W Everton, witness coroner's bought into the progierty ami develop­ about $30. The creek has produced nug­ missioner. Following is the ticket in every sense a thoroughly well-equipped It is an easy matter to make a pretty shoe without com­ may pull strongly tagether one way lll‘pi«-Ht . clergyman, these discourses will proves ment work wiii be ateadily carried on. gets worth $100 or more. Silver creek presented : E C Neely, witness coroner's in- a hundred ways. We are instead of fort, or a comfortable shoe without beauty or style; but to very interesting treat. There will be no D e outlook is very promising end th. was known and worked in the early 50’s Representative ■ .1 Geo. W. Culvig developing rapidly, but such u measure charge for admission, and non-Catholics combine glove fit, absolute ease, fashionable elegance, and ex­ easy accessibility of the property ia a ami was the scene of an excitement and Sheriff Oregon Observer, printing E<1. Lister would accelerate our progress in a tre­ S W Forbes, supplies to paupers R. L. Bartlett very material advantage. will be courteously received. rush at that time, with many miners at Clerk cellent wearing quality is Art in Shoe Making. mendous degree. Them are many dif­ Calhoun Grocery Co, supplies for Treasurer T. B. Cornell Galice will soon have a daily mail. work there. In later years it has been Assessor paupsrs . . e ferent measure*, tending to lhe ex|jo*i- Chas. Orow This fact testifies very emphatically to worked in a rather desultory manner by School Supt. Lincoln Savage tion of the resources^of our rectiou, that A K Russ, supplies for paupers. . R 1 C m d! < •..................... primitive methods, its remoteness being Commissioner 1!. 8. Woodcock. the increased iuiixirtance and rapid individuals cannot take and that a Jackson county, Ore, mdse and T. A. Hood a drawback to hydraulic development Coroner development of that district during the lioard of trade would. We are con Surveyor cate of pauper........................... B. O. McCulloch which the substantial advantages of the past year. It is the wealth and abun ­ Turn Galvin, witness fees, justice stantly receiving letters inquiring about district will in time overcome. Phillips’ Grants Pass Precinct—Justice, James (•••in. 11 Al cam« dance of quarts at Galice which is bring ­ the resourceH and conditions here, and Holman; Constable, Theo. Mott. tor l»o\ s' F' ii Bciimidt, iiidsti roads ing about ¡be chang >, though the Galice mine has at present the only full-fledged often find it iinpoaaible to answer the R L Bartlett, expiessage and West (»rants Pass Precinct—Road 8 up- hydraulic plant in lhe district, but oth placers are among the most productive inquiries, in as full, complete ami stamps er visor, R. A. N. Reyner. 111 southern Oregon. A. a quarts min­ era are projected ami some may be in­ aceorate a manner as we could desire It I. Bartlett, depy clerk hire stalled during the coining summer. For South Grants Pass Precinct—Road up- James Holmau, building cabinet ing section, Galice presents grand |>o.- This is a matter for the oMrd of trade. Then we ebotild James Holinas, justice fees, case North Graute Pass Precinct—Road Sup- «lumping priyl'cges. Kilver creek possess see well on the wav toward consumma­ arrange if possible to have a mineral nf wtate vs Mansfield........... er visor, J. M. Briggs. es great ad vantages Wuich cannot la* tion. exhibit at the depot where travelers may J It Colby, constable tees, case of Althouse—Justice, G, W. Young; Con- long overlooked. »■'a'. \ - *1.111*11. IJ The Harris Gold dredging plant, a**e it. We believe (hat Grants Paas stable, George Lewis; Road Supervisor, W A Leonard, dvpy sberitl, case (¡<»< h I s , operating within eight miles of Waldo tn PLENTY OF STOVE WOOD, can produce an exhibit of this kind Ed. Tycer. of state vs .Mansfieltl Josephine county, is said to be paying Ready for quick delivery. Prices are Kerby Justice,T. H, \\ bite; Constable, which cannot be surpasseii, either in A A Boyce, witness, case of state Each package Colors either good dividends. The company have right. Leave orders at Marble f*hop, \ - M anftueld variety or richness, by any other sec 1. H. Chapman; Road Supervisor, Popken, witness, case of Silk, Wool or Cotton about 200 acres to dredge, lying along Front street tion. A l»oard of trade, if organised, Henry Homer White. state vs Mansfield lhe Illinois river. It appears to us that should I hi strictly non-fjoliliual and Roy l evere, witness, case of etale Waldo—Road Supervisor, W. A. Me- at One Boiling. Collection for India I'amine An ordinance providing for a granit*« tiie state convention ; 11. C. Perkins, R such method of mining could be suc­ must leave matters outside of its sphere \ • Minefield ...... Galliard. Nuffprrri*. D. ( ’ ole, W. II. Merritt, F Eetsch, C. H. sidewalk on M »licet was read by the Ernest Kunsler, witness, case cessfully operated along Smith River. severely alone____________ A collection will be taken at the New Slate Creek—Road Supervisor, J. C. K. Marshall, C. II. Burton and J. W Part- As is well known, gold can be found recorder. state vs Mansfield McCann. Joseph Moes addressed the council.pe­ low. It was also decided that in view of almost anywhere along that stream, man M. E. church on the coming Sun­ 10c per Package, Itewey han produced considerable coa­ Chas I’vrrin, witness, day in both the Sunday School and(he Oak Flat—Justice,W. Ward ; Constable, state vs Mansfield the fact that some of the precincts had titioning the council (or opening and ex ster nation in the political world by the James Holman, justice fees, case ami undoubtedly there must be much : public e ngregation for the starving ones Jas. Conner, tendingllridge street from its present ter­ failed to hold primaries, to appoint gold in its bed, which lias been carried ' in India. It is desire«! that all S inday atinouncenieat of his willingness to be slate vs Briggs ....................... minus to the city limits. He said that there Saturday, the 21st of April, for all such down from many feeders in times al i »School children as well as adults in the Leland—Road Super,ieor, A. A. Porter. Sold by come a prec.dential candidate. lteway J II Colby, constable fees, case of ( ongrtgation will come prepared to con- Merlin-Justice, W.c. Fry; Constable was quite a settlement in that neighbor­ precincts t«> meet and elect delegates to high water.—l*el Norte Record. as a candidate is so absolutely an un­ state vs Briggs j tribute to this object. Jas Holman, justice fere, case of C. F. Kayser; Road Supervisor the county convention, and nominate boon, tlie southwest corner of the city, known quantity that |toliticians are tet elate vo Williams The revival of mining in Josephine Wat. Crow. lor which no road or street had been precinct officers Convention adjourned ally unable to discern to what extent he lames Colby, constable lees, case If “ coming events cast their shadows Galice—Road Supervisor, Edward Fri­ and Jackson counties, Oregon, is great provided, As long as the land had lain to ;..ee' at tlie city hall Vpril 28ih LHX), stale vs Williams ..... would break into their arrangements before,” those shadow’s on the bund day. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. open and unimproved, roads were run at a hidi time lhe county ticket will be Rich strikes are being mads on all lhe presage a wed­ Wolf Creek-Justice, A. 8. Uo.enb.unr,' lh*w«y is a democrat, gold standard and JD Kernan, wit,state vs Williams creeks that were supposed to have be< n W m Lister, •* “ ** nominated. IL C. pKaxhu, inconvenience was ding in the acroMs lots and no expansionist. It is difficult to discover I Horner, •• •• •• worked out tn tlie early fifties, tlie out Constable, Win. Stchtenberg,r: Road : near future. Chairman. felt, but now that portions of the laud N. R k \ noli > s . what paity vould nominate him. Dewey, Win Tuttle, “ " •* The y o u n g put of wiiich used to come through < res Supervisor, Henry Grots Becretary. had been bought up ami were being in ­ WT Coburn, ** •* In bin management of alfaim at Manila, ladv may even I William«—Justier, Jss. ent City. From reports that coma W ’ E Harmoti, •* “ ( closed by fence, tbe need of a street had It- (,'iinwt iiu<»n Ire “ all ready ’ * has shown that he has good presidential (J ) Shall uck, “ •• across the mountains those c ntities “ irrv. that j Con.tabla, W I> John; R.» d I Stipe-. - become somewhat imperative. The lhe iMmocratic convention of Jose­ offer a Ann opportunity fur tlie exp ri-, timber in his make up, yet he is lacking C J Williams, “ “ ** visor, J. T Payne. e thinkr, opening of tlie street as propped would phine con Hi met al the c mrl house in ail the training that a man should M “ 8 Brew, “ ’* no ister for the children s “all Murpb; —1{, .J s pr,ii,.,r .Joh 1 en, i d prospector. In I »el Norte county afl'ecl only three pro|x»rty holder», Mr. gustar, k Brown, •* * ’ •• ready “ for her have tn fill that poaiti.m satisfactorily. \pnl 7, to elect delvgAlet to lhe slate there is a'so an immense area of country without colored eggs. You Folio»,n. are the di L/jc«s r » -ted to w Matcliett, ” •* *• Lee, Mr. Mash and Mr. Taylor, all of troussea u ’ s c invention. Dewey’s |M-r(ormsm.e in winking the which is practically u opro» pe«-ted, lying C Nickerson, ** '* “ object on accouut of the fuss prepared, the thr congr «s-ioni 1 con venti ou; Dr, F. W. wh«uu had agreed to give tbe requisite Hpantah fleet was brilliant, yet ii cannel Jan German, " ** I \ . Dean called the convention to •• “tnp” has i I \ xn Dyke, R. G. Smith, R. A. Booth, amount of land for the street l he mat order. J. II. Chalten was choaen ar on tlie west slope of the Htakiyoue. — »tel attending the coloring. That M ** •• be denied by sober judgment that lie W J Wiggs, been planned, L. V Stewart, II L. Truax, Norte Rei-ord. ter was referred tn the sttrrC committee secretary. F. W. *• *’ •* and the house was largely aided by fortune or chance Alice Tral is entirely unnecessary. All CbiU'te ami W. H. Hampton The Galice placers are still running in t'lemens, mdse paupers. . . . On motion of Turn Smith, seconded by sa picked out and It was rather in the subsequent pror'eed M tin motion the chair appointed II. D you have to do is to dip the M Clemens, stationery I »«legates elected to the state c »uven- • «verything.” 1 etsvli, it was ileculed that the last prop­ Norton, W. F. Horn and J. W. Virtue as goon being organize«! the ■ and Or. J. S Moore. Lister expense nerving pap panv should constrncl the sewer ex ten« following names were put in nomination started on a new p vce of ground. Dan the Light Brigade. “ It was magnificent field Itewey should realize that if be Ed Folloaing are the comtuipfenien se- EJ Litter, stain(>e................ sior. at their own expense ami pay the ami elected bv an lamation as delegates rd. It wa* mig^vstrd tb it, land, April 12th. : K»i Kuykendall. medicine paupers . ......... The presidency should not be tonsidered , South Granta 1’a.e G. W. Colvin ‘ »een abundautly productive of gold and her physical condition is up to the stand ­ solved dye. Let it renrain W F Krt-airr. medicine pauper« as a representative of the n ater company > West Grants Paes J (I. Booth, J \\ Howard. J.Swarea • h any prize or as reward fur crvires I I Kellogg, justice fees stale vs G. H. Parker. luring tbe coming dry season arrange­ ard of marriage, in the health of all the Leland was e«|»ecivd here in a few days, no gar, W. J. Oct, W. F. Horn, J. W. ¡' »r a few minutes and you The ollice carries with it too n u b re H. Hampton, l.edy ... Vir- ments will be made so that next year it delicate womauly organs, and rarely is Merlin action ehould t>e taken at Ibis moating tue, J. Wplke. G. A, Guild. that the case. have the daintiest colored eponsibililv. If sober, unsentimental G \\ Lewie, constable fees, state 1 Kerby may be worked to still better advantage regarding the sewer or Inc bund tssue J P. Stith. Young women entering upon the i A'tbuuse ve l^niy ... J. W. Virtue off *red the following judgment can say that itewey has shown «fgg imaginable; isn't that J. F. Kellogg. and therefore more lucratively. The state of marriage will find no friend so Murphy A Johnson, wit, state vs l.edy R W. ( lark was present and stated that olution - himself fit lor lhe position, he may bv WJohneun, C. F. Gentner, helpful as I>r. Pierce’s Favorite l*rracrip- ■ Williams ’• •• eu J- Twelve pretty colors ground lies on th« opposite side of Galice if the council would adj uiru until the Whereas, having full sanely considered h r lha office. It is Ed Johnson, •• •• tion. It gives vigor and elasticity to the *• M. Cougle. •• the for five cents. You will be next week, a reprem-ntathe ol tbe water «lem«*« raw, ability ami honesty of lion. ¡creek from the ditch, the water being org ms peculiarly feminine, prevents the I Wshlo Chas. I»ecker. " the general expression of opinion al* Chan Ballard, ** '* Company would then be prudent and J. (» K »«jth to repr« -« nt our party in the . carried across by pipes. drains that ruin the health, anti makes Galice Bvn E. Stahl. •• satisfied with our that Mrs. Dewey is undesirable as pres Mrs CH lady “ " Wulf Creek C- W. Kt .te,. the ordeal of motherhood so easy that it Oak *< Beyferth, ’ • •• •• would enJeavvr to reach an agreement The geld dredge Josephine, near Wa-- Fiat ident.___________ national convention to be held in Kani sas is practically almost painless. A F. Nelson. J M Miller, indne paupwr >1 .te Creek with lhe city Io, is again tn operation after a stop City, July 4th, therefore be it A M.Jesa, J D Have*, stamps, school oupt ' At *n rar!« nf msrrted life, write* Mt. Reuben Meeting ol Presbytery. J II. Williams ad'lres'.’tl the conned I K»'* ivei *. that .»or dehgation tot •i.ade nece-A y by the breaking of ti e Mr, r*MN A>I*, am inummk jAaksuMlCo Mo. I W. A. Kium. Al>e Axtell, himt^r ami work at th« w« rtratlr with paiaful ^ For ct* * ---- * • on the matter of exte nding an addition st.« e conventi u are respectftillv hairmaa of the con-.mrtee p. w. court hoaee pumping machinery. This dredge, when a trwtArwwne dr.Mn whfe-h rrn frrrtl me vrrv Praabvtiry of Southern Oregon wmk .tml unfit fctr work of any ktnd I became Kuykendall was reiecterl. in* tin Grants ¡’as«, Tueaday evening. Atn* Axtell, stamps to ti e W'ilhatns L*« - »a-1 n bu g quested to place Mr. Booth’s name I running steaitlv and anhampervd, is So be thin there w»« tuxhing left me b«H «kin and April ¡0, with the following luinisiers IU’ (»» <>rgs, romtniasiuner'o nalaiy intv tbe allev. It was eiplaimd that I" *-.1 I c ¡1 en’iun i -r drtegate to 1 My htt«haml hcrame atertneri »i>> fr A me Hot, U . •• u Mb eipable of handling about L>o0 cubic hone preaent: F. G. Steaaga. J Aahlaud, Nick Tnoss, • bottle of Fwvorkr l*rr io„ruw|rt ’ r‘,n' *' • «’pfH..it, n,p„,. Court a