mil :: ERR AFRICA. BATTLE OF THE I UMERAL& _______ Worrit* Mathematical Nine T-r csind Purchased in Amer ica by England. Arisen with Maw lear. That the Have I ll » Ure.d with the Man H ho Me filare! tes Slop lu the K"*d tu Lei Hiiti Paa». Shake Into Your Hboes. Allen's Foot Ease, a powder It cores painful, smarting, nervous feet and in growing nails, and im-tanlly takes the sting out of corns ami bunions. It’s the greatest comfort discovery of ths age , Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new !■ not of or-1-r If you have the sytiiptosse shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sn'i-neratel on this eh»rt. You can be enrad sweating, callous and hot, tired and a h without the aid of Calomel, Blua Mats or Qu.nin«. They are mineral* and -rs apt V» ing feet, Try it to-dav. told by all pulaun tha Why not add your name druggists arid sbtwt store*. By tn si’ U> tha alrewiy larre list of pe »pla cured by Dl bYtMt WLMYAM has surad 10,»0 oth for 25c, in stamp«. Trial packaf« Frer ers and tt will cure you. Ml DY AM is the Address, Allen H. Olsnsted, I.s Roy ffuatcut e«S‘*'.abla remedy oi the centr.ryaad N. Y. will reUava all the folkrxlnf symptoms : YOÜH LIVEH Tabla« €h««cr». j When in doubt as to 1 or to go Iwk think of ' Zulu say if [ die. if we i go forward game oi forward Severe Nervous Disorders Some of the Cured. chakle » w . t . pi - ett . C Tlf p^.jkuoe, Ind. (*rod of fdralytu. Here 1» an incident in Washington*» The advent of the yiar has life in my |K>»»e»»ion, lilustn’ing hi» brought other malh< it; .tj< •al worries magnanimity, which has never been liuuilrrela oí ( «r I nsti» of Ferii, «bora than that regarding th relation it J0EL given to the general-public: and Supplir« »hipi’ed with ih« bears to the twentieth < r».’ lury. There Some years ago, in Mon* .n, Maas., at Animai« oa < hrrtrrrd is for instance a difference id opinion a. Fourth of «July cede bra ion. in re Stra inabili«. That Dr. Williams’ Pink Hu, as to how the numeral -i nifylng the Mn. M. C. WHITR^ w k|M)D»r to a sentiment conce ruin g year shall be written, Si ral ways of for Pale People have cured ol- When English capital am! American arranging tne Roman 1: rerwis are Georg«- Washington, Rri. Alfred Ely. Curri->f Faralynr. 1). I)., rtlattd the followii ig incident thrift combine, something is going tu possible, and the batt It stinate cases of locomotor ataxia ’ I •• M’s and of which he was i an eyewitness. I g.v« Mr* HARRIET BEGOL^ happen, and the reauit is very apt to be C's and D’s may be mi» c now fair- ich. partial paralysis, and St. Vitus’ it in his ow n wore both interesting and stupendous, a* in ly on. As a matter < t Hl DYAN un be bad of all drujgUts for ibe Roman Cured-.' frrtvrt frtrolytil "When a boy I rv»idrd in We»’. dance, is the best evidence that the rate of the recent purchase in the numeral ha* fallen lar 60 cents psr pa.' kaia. * SHORT OF SOLDIERS. out of uar Spring field, Ma**»., aud w orked on a United States of nearly mule» by during the century jn dosing, ai d they will cure all lesser nervo» Mr* EMILT »«AM AM. th** British government, ami the trail** is now to be found chi fly in formal farm. In the autumn of the y»ar 17*» 31 lk-U ULSL, Burlalo, N. I. the tw disorders, because the principle in pollution of the same from interior document* and occasionally on the title I vs as « ngugtd with my employer in Cured of NonMU Prostration. gathering a load of eornttulk*. from luting. point*, through the |>ort of New Or pages of books, l i e mr <.. i mij J 1. BIEIOVa HEAD the treatment of all nervous dis Baden-Po leans, to South Africa, for the use of the too thoroughly arcuKtom«<1 to the more a hi id not far diatant from th«* Connec ACHE- B«U« v «4 tr Mr* II T SALIHBrRT, ticut river. My tmployer bao drive) eases is the same. Nervousness is The conscript» belonging to this 11 J<„..It SC. Pswlucket, K. I. British army m the Transvaal. easily written and understood Arabic HUOYAN. On r Cured f LoonuAor Alaria. In September last Maj. H J. Scobell, numerals to pause to figure out intricate the loaded team trom the lot and hr year'» contingent are now rejoining 3 8. JAUNDICE 03 An Am a question of nutrition. Food for of the Royal Scots grays. British c»»* problems in the Roman*. The year me an u>ual Io put up ti.e our . V.Lih i their respective regiments, and Pari» THE EYES HUD- thus occupied 1 noticed iLc appruact the nerves is what is needed and 1 ha» lately been afforded the rather pic- YAM wUl cau^ th. y.l organ wo airy, arrived in New Orleans, and in 1900 may I m * regarded n» 400 years after H. N. W MINER. Minden, aNeb. I. jwu . m todiMi ptar »nd the ubuul unostentatious manner of the the year 1500, or 100 years »hurt of the of four fine horses and a large vehicle . turesqu«* spectacle of the departure of r the best nerve food in the world Am Cured of Puralyti.9 th« normal, health, color «be bleus, as the young »oldiers are pop English man of affairs went quietly to year 2000. Much depends u, < n the There was nourher upon th»- carriage the Boers, 1 to roturn. is work obtaining bids from the various point of view. Jf the year 1500 is taken but u»tride the nigh uu I acu I >-. k h -pan ularly termed. Squads of young fei- priced and th JAMES bUELTON. « COATED TONGUE stock dealer* throughout the west, ns the base of calculation, that bring w 4 a a young mulutlo postilion. There | low» in ehargf of a corj>oral or a ser jf. Bourbon, Ind. FOBTID BREATH. making several trip* for the purpose. the least multiple of 54Mi, the present were ai»o two outrider» and .i footman. geant were to be met with at every turn Cured of Pur al y nt. The vehicle-iu which was »eaud ii l and corner. A* they inarched through HUDYAN . lilt.ear tn» the canned ni< He person a 14 closed contract* with year may be written MIM’CCC. meaning twugua and utaMO th» undersells ( h; grnl.i-ii an wl.u«e »-Kiking p r>onul ap I tbe streets they presented anything dealer* in St. Lewis, Mo.; Kansas City, 1,000 years, 500 year» and 400 years, a are in despair U. H. HNYDER. P ■ ■ iu. pi . m«i ••■••- ' - .• i in I but a military appearance, for thej, Wreath pure end tweet. Mo.; New Orleans, La.; and in north total of 1900. Or, somewhat on the Lawrence, han. over TOO toot thu»v «lay» a chariot. It ss.t- entirely ' were all of them still in iheir civilian Cured of Creeping Furalyiie.. ern Texas, for 8,820 mules, or upward «Mine basis it inay be written MIN'D, 5. TENDERNESS AND PAIN IN the Transv: uniipie and unlike anything now in use. »•luthes, and the infinite varieties of cos- of 300 car load», at an average cost of which means 1,000, 500 and a hundred THE STOMACH. DUE TO INDIDES- fence post« except its running part. I >a\s U h out lume made up a very motley picture. about >80 per head f. o. b. sttatrr r at Irs* five hundred, 't his, however, is an Mrs. MINNIE FIEDLER, TION. HUDYAN wlU clear the »too.», u of Erg Id nd. rider» gallop on in advance of Hie char Most of them <*arried a little hand hi, ML Pleasant, Iowa. New Orleans—a total of over >700,000 for awkward met bod, and might confuse iot and hold a parley with my employ- gage, made up in the main of proi >ions the eiceta of bile, rellere the pain and enuee nished for th Cured of St. VUus' Lhince. the lot. some nonexpert*. Taking the years »•ago. having the food to bo perfectly dljeeted. < r, who occupied the entire roa<i with given them friend* to cheerthrii. «u. In addition to the mule» Maj. Scobell 2fXX) as a ba*i* two way* are possible, 2G tun m a day. be.- his loaded cart. The roads at that time their route. Not u few had screwed u; The above are a few ca**-t from S. ENLARGEMENT OF THE LIVEB of cold storage.-— also purchased 200 ear load* of hay, M( M, meaning 1,000 and a hundred h-s were so narrow that two team» could iheir courage for the orchal that Dr. William,’ Pink Pilla tor Paia Paoploar. nn. hundreds cored by Dr. Williams' oat-, bran, etc., from New Orleans, St. another thousand, or ('MM, meaning a HUDYAN .Bl leuan the con,e»tlon and ta told b, tne doran or hundred, but al»a,t in pick Pin* Puls. If you area nervous not pas* unless one yielded the way to awaited thim l>y copious libation»*, as toe, Alali druggilte. or direct Iron, th, Or Wil- hundred les* than 2,000, Of thrse two Louis and Kansas City firms. SUMMONS. Bufftrer. write us. Advice will coal llie other. I perceive»! that my em the result of which tiny exhibited a duct tbe Brer to It* normal »11». líeme M.dicln. Compon,. Schenictid). H. r. 50 The larger portion of the mulesand the weight of reason and usage lies ployer y ielded Lone of his right to tlx you nothing. cento por boi, 6 bo»»o 52.50. In the « circuit court of th< Ht’DYAN will curs *11 the above symp all of the feed reached New Orhan* via with the former, on the principle that road, and that the chariot was detained merriment that was noi»:^ if a little tom» »nd make you well. Do not 4el»y g zn, fur Josephine county forced. At the railway >• lations whi» h the IU Inois Central railroad, the entire I it is proper always to rxpr* ^» the larg* • I longer. Go to your druggist at out* and pro I Melven B. Murphy, by tlieeai t until they reached a turnout, | >hy. i shipment being loaded n board thè possible established number, and to re wht rt* th»* cortige parsed by. 1 soon j were sptciaMy guard« d for the «.era cure a P»--k fiot HI DY AN for 'o cents or « Plaintiff. / hiun by small d« tachment* of soldiers, I transport* at the Sou th port docks of sort to subtraction only In case of the overtook my employer and inquired j packages for >2.50. If your druggist does no» ■ vs- I I he ait ¡mat io 4 w as great, since the n urn- keep it, s**nd direct to the HUDYAN lCE.'I- that ‘company, where the facilities for smallest possible numeral to product who the »listingui»hed personage vsa- I her of ( onwript - uontributed by Paris Ei)Y COMPANY, Han Francisco, California. Cora Murphy, handling such large consignment* are exact definition. Should the principb w ho had just pa>b«<l us, and was in- ’ ; was nearly 20,», u, and most of them If you ar» not satisfied with the effects, re Défendant. tf positive expression be regarded unexcelled. formed that it was George Washing turn the emp’y IK DI AN box and we will The mule* were moved from Kansas throughout, the symbol MIX ( ( ( would ton. I obtained permission to run on i ; were seen off by their friends. To Cura Murphy, tl.e a: ove The total number of coiiMTipts thi* return your money. Remember that you can defendant. City and St. Louis in »pedal trains, stand as the correct numeral for th» and see if I could »-atch another g.imp»« I ! c<m ¡It tr>e IIUDYAN DOCTOKN In tbe name of the State of Or» ¿-»n made up of large patent stock cars, on year, for it Involves no subtraction of tbe great chieftain whose deeds dur 1 year »bowed u reduction of nearly 15,- fr'Kl.E. C h 11 and see the doctors. You may you are hereby required to appear in , i 0 on that of lust year. Ibis notice- whatever. At the same time it is true exceptionally fast scliedules—the run ing the war had so filled my wondering ' I able drop ha» caused some unrasines* call »nd see them, or write, as you desire. the above entitle ! Court from St. Louis to New Orleans, a dis that t he sym«*il fur '> if .d\\ a \ - ai r :,t t 1 Addr nt A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical, fancy. As there was no bridge across I compiaint filed against i tance of 706 miles, via the JUinois Cen upon the basis of subtraction, ihu*. IX. the Connecticut river at that lime, I , I in France, and efforts were being made Up-io-Jatc. Concise and Comprehensive—Hand or before the last day pt to account f»»r it in a» satin factory a Upon this principle, which i carried tral, being made in 28 hours, which !» HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, order for the publirati x somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. hoped that the ferry I »oat might be on | • way a» possible. The fundamental through the multiple*, the pH pt r *y m practically passenger train service. inoiig, said first date the op|>o»itr side, and that I iiughi j , cause of the diminution w as doubt less By JACOB BIGGLE Cor B:> kton. Market and Ellis Sis., bol for J9oo would be Mlmflarly sub From Kansas City, a distance of 880 being on the 1st »lav of M ire r* aeh the bank heiore it arrived. In No. 1 HIGGLE HORSE BOOK San Francisco, Cal. the last date of publication miles, via tin Kansas City, Fort Scott tractive, or MCM. And so M( M is find this I was not disappointed. I found i , due to the »t&tionary state of the popu- All ' >»ut Horses—a Common-Sense Treatise, with over 12th day of Aprial. 19oo, and il }ou tail A Memphis railroad to Memphis, thence ing many advocatrs, and it may prove Gen, Washington standing on the bank , : lation, but it is also a fact that then 74 1 . ¡stratioii' . a standard work Price, 50 Cents. 1 has been a special chum * this year. ar. Tht to so appear and an-wer caiil complaint, that for a hundred years the world over the Illinois (’entrai, the through No. 2 BIOGLE BERRY BOOK | »if the river, drc»h( »l in a snuff-colored the plaintiff will apply run to New Oceans was made in 40 will be divided Into two rival camps, I ' .• ui tout with a long lapelled vest »•{ the I medical examination of th»* con ¡uri pts All outgrowing Small Fruits—read and learn how ; ’ he relief prayed for, ! ha» be« n far more severe on th.« « occa- con* .in84j ("loir! life like reproductions of all leading those who persist In writing MIN ( ( ( hours, including a stop-over at Mem hiune color and material and in small i sion than for »eieral years past. . In varieties and 100 other illustrations Price, 50 Cents. bunds of luairirnoiiv and those who maintain that Alt M phis for feed, water and rest. clothes and boots, and the most majt >- I 1894 (ivn. M« rcier, alarmed at the between plaintiff' an 1 defendant i»** I No. 3 BIGOLE POULTRY BOOK On arriving at New Orleans the ani alone I* proper. It is a relief to refiect tic and dignified looking man he was | ever dissolved and pvt aside, and 1 nil ..'»out Poultry the best Poultry Book fn existence , dw indling of t ill<• annual » (intingeuL < r A man must fight to win a woman. It plaintiff have the care and i -istodv oi 1 mals were unloaded and placed in large that with the year 2000 the r< nlrovcrsy tells« verytliing . with»3 colored life-like reproduction« that I ever mi w. dereti th«* milii Inri medical board f tin i* not alw.ivs a duel wA rapiers that he of a II the principal breeds, with 103 other illustrations. stock pens, where they wore held and will cease, for there is no dispute over Price, 50 Cents. "W hile I was gazing upon him,one of ponsefis de revf»ii n, as tin y are term.»* must engage in. Sometimes it is a struggle minor child. Uiara Mav Murphy, i cared for until »he vessels were ready to the double M. Washington Star. which on the surface appears to be far for su<h other relief a*« to til his postilions drtrse up and, dismount- | No. 4-BKMLE COW BOOK to puss nu n who, though th»*y woib»,: receive them. more peaceful than any battle at arms. It may seem equitable and ju-*. All al ut Cows and the Dairy Business • having a great ing and uncovering his head, »aid m the ( not I m * fit to make active soldiers, miu 1.1 isn ’ t the soldier only who must be brave. Thia summons is publi-the»! 1 sale contains 8 colored life like reproductions of each THE SCARLET LANCERS The British government chartered the most »lefervntlai manner, and witWhn yet be utilized for duties that do i ot breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. Men need courage to succeed anywhere in of Hon. II. K. Hanna. Judge sten m ships I‘rah, Montezuma, Cor- life. A mechanic or a farmer need« grit ” expression of injured dignify : No. 5 BIOGLB SWINE BOOK court, made at Ciiaitd involve actual fighting. Their pres ¡l.tliia, liuronia, Manchester City, An A Fdinoui Flritiah < aiiilry I« «>« I uir n t in his soul as well as on his hands. In ville, Oregon, on Feb " 'Your exc<R#fr*y, as we wer»* driv- ence in tbe ranks would thus set fr<» Just out. All about Hogs-B:ceding. Feeding, Butch Timi llreibr n Square whatever line of work a man is called upon ery, Iusea.ves, etc. Contains over 80 beautiful half seima de Lar ri unga ami Hermes to ng along, a lit th- way back, we over a number of men capable «if going t» W)>. to make his way in the world he must tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. of lufaotry. transport the animal» from New Or took a man with a loaded cart, whooc •how pluck, and steady, per«» veiitig deter The HIGGLE BOOK S are unique,original .useful—you never th»- front, but whose occupation woiild leans to destination. The cost of such mination if he expects to win and hold a saw anything like them -»o practical, so sensible. They copied the » nlir«- road. I asked him to make them noncombatants in the event The Sixteenth lancers (formerly worthy woman's affection. are having ..ri enormous sale—Hast West, North and transportation was about Sion per head. stop his team that we might pass by. of war. 'I here have since been »•om- S< uth Every « ne wh-. keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Light dragoon», by the way) are the A woman judge» a man from a These boats were specially fitted up He declined. I tin n tol<l him that ITes- Chicken, • r tn ws Small Fruits, ought to »end right ances If he is energetic and forcib plaints that some of the men passe»! as away tor the HIGGLE BOOKS. The for the service, bring lighted with elec only regiment of British »ainlry that idt nt Washington was in the chariot, doesn ’ t always stop to reason why the result of Gm. Mercier's instruction» has ever penetrated and • broken a tricity, carrying their own distilling off» i n their li> al th in < m cqu» i <■• square of infantry. This tine frat was lie again r«fu.-»»l and »aid that he plant, and every stall provided with an performed nt the bloody battle of Ali- would nut »t< p tlial he hud as good a of their incorporation. M. De Frey- automatic cock, from which water for right to the mad a.s George Washing »•¡net, in response to public opinion, wal, in the Punjab, in January, 1846. the mulo ran be let out regularly three ton had.’ decided to return to the old system, 1« v«ur ] |[ rr. n>vtr for yon .nd not t mt.St. It I. nyrar. The gallant Ki Id is had thrown them times a day. The feeding is done by cM it_ L .. »ret«..: . -m. hit tlrr nail-mvth. he.rt "T'lie simple i( ply of Wa»hington am! th«* military doctors have, there selves Into squares, and in this forma hand, a sufficient number of hostlers be '1 " ! It. I srnr .nrt H -nwhold p.per in was: ‘ And so Ii« hud!* The postilion, fore, had to show themselves much tnr w ■ rhe I.iKrfe.t paper fit, ,i,c in the United St.lea tion they had for a long time resisted ing taken along for that purpose. One after a moment’s look of vvoiuh r and of Amerr .. having ove- a million and a halfregular readera. tricter. 'll»»* resulting deficit that has the desperate charges of our cavalry just or more veterinary surgeon» accom a* stubbornly ns our infantry had re astoni»liinent ut the »•<»inle»<« nsioti of to be faced is, howe'er, n serious mat Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL panied each veaael, to take care of such sisted the French «■iwrn--iers nt Water tin* pr< : l(l»,nt of tin- I nitid Stat« . ter, especially as there is little ho|x* of the animals us might fall sick on the <|uietly put <>« hi* luit and mounted hi- that it will disappear in the future.— ■'1 a ?k*sa i 111 ■ ■*• •*» o ~u This is beyond qtiesti loo. It was history repeating itself long voyage, which will consume at most successful Cough hoiTe. I watched the «•ort«,ge until it bimplcul FARM JOLkNAL ami circular dcKTlbina B10GLE BOOKS free Paris ( or. Pall Mall Gazette. only this time we happened to be the cine ever known to scit least 26 day* from port toport. w ilmer ATKINSON. Addrcsa, FARM JOVRNAI few doses invariably cure th ns»ailatits. Again and' again did the was out of sight, but my impr« •»sion r ja-xuri... J The Manchester City, the largest of worst cases <-f Cough, Crou WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Sixteenth lancers strive to break and memory of Washington are as vivid and Bronchitis, while its wor the transports, bring 530 feet long, and distinct this moment as if I ..... ................. T - I I I I I i i derful success ip the cure of t h rough the sullen masses of the Sikhs; stowed away 2,090 mules in her five Consumpt ion is without a par seen the great man only yesterday i I.iat «»f SpeelflrHtioiia na Given in h allel in the history of medicine. decks, to say nothing of 65 car loads of again ami again score* of saddles wen* R«’v. Frederick Alvord, in N. Y. Ind«- N»w I.asv J uat In KiTect Since its first discovery it has emptied, and we were beaten buck L rd, 3,000 keg* of mule shoes and nails, been sold on a guarantee, a In IliiMwIa. with slaughter. The Sixteenth and |M*ndent. test wh’ch no other medicine and nearly 300 men, including officers, can stand. If you have a other cavalry were led by that tine of crew and hostlers. SARCASTIC NOMENCLATURE. A Russian law. which w< nt into effect Cough, we earnestly ask you look* like the Spanish señorita at her win fiver. Brigadier Cureton, destined to to try it. In I' r..t< Statesand The mule shoes, of which there were January' 1 last, declare* the following dow and applaud» the man who fight» Canada iff , ’• die in a later battle of the Mime cam This School is Now Under State Control. %n i: i p ri-■■ Inn That Ha« I le rm in- Tra- 3,000 kegs, were specially ordered from in England Is. list of weights and measures: bravely. Ib may win, he may lose , but The Is the Largest and Most Progressive School in Southern Oregon. paign. As the lancers got dose enough 4». 6d. he must never flag ; he must fight. 3 roy, N. Y., via the Illinois (‘entrai, for dillonal T’li r mt K li Itn I at* by I hik I m of » Russian weights is the ¡found, to deliver their thrusts their weiipoiiv A man dov*u I always <1.. him-. It justice shipment on the Manchester City. As Old I’lliHrm, ' apparimi» an 1 Uurea, fm. . anipu», heulthful loi ation, delightfol which is practically of the same value He may make a bad showing when he SOLE PROPRIETORS cimiate, excellent influences for students, would splinter lik«* matchwood upon this steamer was expected to clear New as the English pound. really isn’t to blame. It is common to *ay ( <>urse of study the same as at other Normals of the state. the stout shield» of their swarthy for» Orleans shortly after the order wns "I was just stepping off the street The basis of the Russian long no as- of a man who is timid and incapable that ! i advantage- m Vocal and Instrumental music to be found in Southern Oregon. Suddenly an inspiration came to tin car,” remarked the old printer, who he is "white livered ” Sometimes this is placed, quirk service wan essential.— ur«* is an arshine, equal to 28 English I ramini.- - hool fully equitiped and in . barge of a thorough critic teacher literally true, vet not any reproach to a troopers. Without receiving any ordt » wn» telling a story, "when I met a tWo- Leslie's Weekly. iifches. LEROY, N.Y. man either. Slany a man with a brave, ' ' .lr term. musi. and tin per term. hoard at hall fl 7.’> and Indinne Xk: whatever to that effect, but as if con [>ei week, ondimi-furni-hmg bed clothing Smilv board J2..X1 and |S. k ' lilcker fare to fact The fundamental measure of time i» willing heart for hi* work acts at times trolled by a unanimous impulsi . thr\ TORONTO, CAN. C-",;.'... ,........ "You met a what?” "sutki" (day and night), consisting of like a lazy "quitter,” just because his liver A YOUTHFUL DIPLOMAT. suddenly shifted their lanrr» to the is out of order. It is the commonest kind "A two-nicker. • h ) 24 hours, according to the average of a disease. . -bcn.rmalcmro. R. bridle hand and charged In once more Ila Thoiighf I p a ». berne l»> Wkleh Ing. she-” time of the sun. An hour contains G< A man doesn’t know what is the matter The Sikhs, entirely Un prepared for this For catalogue or information, address two- minutes; a minute. 60 ae»*onds. Tin with him ; he feels all the strength and FOR SALE BY W F. KREMER "But what In II« Win Over Illa ludulgent sudden and masterly maneuver, received energy oozing out of him ; he can’t work , .W. T. \ AN 8C0Y, President, Ashland, Oregon. nickerT’ Kather. hour* are counted in St. Petersburg he can’t eat . he can’t sleep ; he can’t even in their bodies Instead of on their tar "Oh, you know what that is, don’t according to data of the Nicolas Prin think clearly. He loses heart and courage Facts That Ready gets the deadly spear points of I hr you ?” cipal observatory at Pulkova; in other and flesh ; pretty soon he feels it in hi* United States Senator John C. S|M»on- horsemen. Into and through the lungs. Thu doctors call it consumption "No, 1 don't. Never met one in my Every Patriot January 1st. iocalities, according to t heir geograph er, of Wisconsin, ha» ideas of domestic and prescribe lung specifies. But w hat the squares swept the Sixteenth with life.” ¡cal longitude. discipline as well as foreign relation*. man needs is a medicine to go deep down lances a» crimson ns their tunic*, Kv en jijiji "Well, a two-nicker i* a lady, a worn- For measuring surfaces square meas into the foundations of the trouble , clear and Voter Several years ago hi* young »oil, aged so It is recorded that the re*i*tance ■in, anything that wear* petticoat*.” six, importuned him for money, after ures are used. For measuring the sur the poison out of his blood ; wake up hi» was so desperate and I *u k Ininrd that liver, purify, revitalise and build up his Ought to Know. "I never hrard the expression bvfurt face of land the »lessiatinv (two and a the manner of small boys. system from the foundation stone. He the Sikh square hid to hr ridden Where docs il come from?" "What do you want to do with It?” fraction acres) is equal to 2,400 s»|uar« needs Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov througli again and yet I again err they "Now, you're too hard for Hie. I Mignrs. ery which ha* cured innumerable cases of aske<l hi* father. were finally destroyed ! and dispersed. don't know where it started, but in liver complaint which the doc Cubic long incasures serve for meas obstinate "Oh, nothing,” responded the boy, in tors diagnosed as hopeless consumption. Since that proud day . o of the Nikli rmn- t he good <drl times of case ty pe and hand definitely. uring the volume of bodies. The work of this masterful " Discovery ” paign the regiment baa had many mag press« s it was the common expression b- at the very corner stone of life in For measuring the volume of dry "You have plenty of »¡lending money, nifiemt officers, and Sir I). < bruri the stomach and nutritive organism. It used to designate a woman in a print MlbMnncrs, chetvert* (about five bush and I buy you everything you need or Lowe gave the corp* the highest po*»i f’ives appetite, nourishment, rich blood, AND ENCYCLOPEDIA shop. It Wasn’t used outside of th els) are used. ought to want. Unless th» re i» »oinc lealthy, solid flesh. A cough is only a blr character during hi* tenure of the composing room*. I’ll tell you h low I • pee in I reason, I can’t let you have it. For measuring the volume of liquid* symptom . there are other things that Aidershot cavalry command Pull Mall I think it aroae. All the old hand t tnak ' the cough ; they must be got rid of th«* vedro (about two gallons) and it* There isn't any reason*la there?” (hurt te. first, the cough may be the last thing to go ini everybody knows, 1» provided with sulxlivisions are "Not exactly, but I want it. Yon away Dr Pierce’s marvelous "Discov I nicks on the side, so that the ty pi ir set- The iuternatiu know how it is, papa; you were a tittle llalher < «»I«1 — II11»«»«!«-<f. ery ” isn’t a lung specific , but it does more »f the t< rs don't have to look at th»* fact* < than any such specific can ever do It boy once.” gram and their Of the t-activK of infantry there is no sweeps out of the blood all the foul di» This appeal failed to move the sen t nd, but there arc some simple rules type to know- how to throw it In the until you have examined the ease germs .hat lodge in the lung* and ator'» heart, and a sill nee followed that for the individual ftKit soldier to re 'stick.* I Far back, in prehistoric days, tracts, originate consumption ; it heals and Kuilds the type * had only one nick, but later conseti lasted an hour or more. During this Up the delicate tissue* and imbue* the member when lost in the clmos of bat entire system with strength and active troit Frei time the father read aud the son tie. If you cannot bayonet your t-uemy, two nick* tievanie the style, and 3i energy With thought. At hhgth he said: »hoot him; if he goes away, aim nt the vears ago |wn nick* wn* the UMial thing I Over WgAtiw attachment you can take The fact is well established that the ! Evenrl The ”l‘apa.” base of his spine. Hut do not let your But there came improvement* in type "Golden Medical Discovery" cures weak ■ Politician < Iv von iT"'' tX'° 3nd 3 4X12 P‘cture- as desired. Conse New lungs, bleeding from lungs, obstinate, i 600 “Yes, my son.” attention he distracted from burlneh* making, and it was discovei em Want! . > you hate five cameras in one. lingering coughs, laryngitis, bronchitis, ”Siij»P < I was to meat a highway by the consideration that other |>eo|>le three or And the “AL VISTA' ” is throat disease, and kindred affections of !Congress. tor time and snap-shot work, too man .»is a lonely street late at night.” are making a mark of you. It is your ty pe ma< the air pa«*agt s, which, if neglected or lises the ordinary 4x5 "Yes. my sun.” badly treated, lead up to consumption* duty to kill the highest possible num handle, n ight loading fi]ra on spoo’s in liti Many thousands of well established cures Drop us a postal and get our "And suppose hr should pull out a ber af those oppost <1 to y t>u, not io mivc type can i catalogue. lito d< of such cases are reported by the most pi*t I ai I say: ‘Little I m y! •Your your own skin ”IIow Soldier* Fight.” nicked ty trustworthy citizens. Many of these case* pute. l‘r money or your life!' U hat could I do?” had been pronounced consumption-—and encra tyi»e .if that time women g »t a Incurable—by the best local physicians F<»un<t llrlllah ('«»lamhln To«» < old. Ten minute* later the senator’s son t the b< i -r< the sufferers commenced the use of foot I th«* prilltüig offices. They Agents of the Russian quakt r sect was whistling to hi» chum outside hi* SPECIAL « The South African Di Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. flii'ca. BURLINGTON, WIS. rgnrded with favor by th«* the douklmbers, arc insiH-etieg sugnt were chum's w iudow. w ith a new- silver half- Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription i* FEATURES. J War; War in the Phil- 1 1; »' 1 V inters. The w omen and the ‘ dollar in his pocket.—Philadelphia beet land» in south Califoit ia. and 1 recogniz« d evervwhere as the greatest of nerve and strength builders for weak and —------------- - ippines; The Intema- t y j >r w ere In alkiut tile 11ad Ihi Post. proper arrangement* rm>. !,» made f< i ailing women His " Pleasant Pellets ” are tional Peace Congress: Our Naval ’ leisurely paymviits a e»»Nq x < ory in the « strem of th« ackti wlcdged as the most perfect natural ind Military Establishments; The •orlai Misil«*« and llvnrree. II id it w i is very natural that H Russian« will move to I - • A1 »•< i> • m v laxative ever prescribed. "Are youB new neighbors nice, Mrs, M i •. i Out of his lifetime experience as a prac S. noan Settlement ; The Great Skinner?” ticing physician and professor of physiol Trusts ar. J I heir Capitalization, and northern part of British ( »nubia ogy Dr Pierce has compiled a wonderful i "Well, they’re not exactly nice, but where they arc now (] inrt<*rtd. t *» < < thousand page book, illustrated with over many other subj-cts ot equally vital they are pit tty near nice.”- Indianap and sterile for sue»«-*ful vului isatiui Tup drawings and several colored plates. interest. olis .Tournai, City. Ca . passing through th« r *’ 1 -in'l Crescent It is entitle 1 the People’s Common Sense N V Sun M< lical Adviser, and is a complete family ' :e I. A, . ' interior points: Wilder- A coTip'e'e Histcry of etch of nietb il library in one volume. Nearly the Ships in the Amenctn seven hundred thousand copies were sold at <; so each. D t . Pierce considered the Navy, by Edgar Stanton Mac- profit on this sale warranted him in issu lay, Historian U. S. Navy. ing a (fee edition c”*1—- and —* a pane; -------- *- * copy er-bound will now be Iw ___ -ent Absolutely ------ - ly free for the Leave Grants Pass bare of mai ig 21 one cent »tamp», EASTBOUND o ’• ,8a m- Leave Crescent City... ,6 a.m. or in heavier Fren ch cloth cover* for u Arrive .t Waldo Surgical operations and flesh destroying plasters are usrlesa, painful and dangerous, and besides, never cure Cancer. stamp«. Addi r*» W orld » Dispensary Med* waido.. 6p - m - No matter how often a canceroua sore tt remove»!, another vxrmea nt or near the i»uiie joint, and al wav« in a vn tsc form. Arrive at Waldo.............. 8 p. m. leal AMoctatv ’n. f’ói Main Street. Buffalo, Does nut this vruve conclusively that Can«?er is a blood disease, and that it is folly to attempt to cure this deep seated, dangerous I-eave Waldo.................. 6:30 a. m. Ani ve at Crescent City.. Nly mj one ci'i ropy IT »rm V Will will be »ent IO to c one 6 n m blood trouble by cutting or burning out the wre, which, after all, is only an outward ngn of the disease a place of exit for Fost pi id to in y iddresi. It should be in every family r lb Tbescec- ‘ '• 6P- Thtce wry through whi ‘ m- * °Tto PaSS •*** IX the poison ? 77i£ W0ÄIP, Cancer runs in families through many generations, am! those whose ancestors have been afflicted with it are liable at any ghtfu! mountain a . . :■■■•' be.iutiful. A lie. time to be stricken with the deadly malady. „• itui A«> Ieri rates during «ntnmer xaso-i 1 t0 Cres«nt City. Excursion 50 YEAR®’ EXPERIENCE ORPKR THRoV Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People BIGGIE BOOKS THE W TO W!H 1 WOMâN FARM JOURNAL 7 Dt: Shilohs S Couijh and ^©nsiimption t.ï z—Cl»* Southern Oregon Stale Normal School. S.C.W ells &C o X /jl h Five Cameras in One.,. THE 1900 1 Pcliliial Pe^lei ! Containing Full Information Upon AJ1 Statistical Facts and Figures. Al \ ista Panoramic Cameras. A Complete Guide to the Forthcoming Elections of 1900. Multiscope & Film co., Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Line Ui i CANCER I . S. Mails, Passengers and Stage Express Cannot be Cut Out or Removed with Plasters THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. i 25cf5. » wtbovxi F,MK TAI i LE- Î Only Blood Diseases can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another —further proof that Cancer Is a disease of the bl«Kx! To cure a bloo»! disease like this you must cure the entire Idood system remove every trace of the poison. Nothing cures Cancer effectually and permanently but S 8. S. S S. S. enters the circulation, searches out and removes all taint, ami stops the formation of cancerous cell« No mere tonic or ordinary bltxxl medicine can <lo this S. S. S goes down to the very routs of the disease, and forces out the deadly p'i«on, allowing the sore to heal uatuially and pencanently. S S S at the same time purifies the blooti and builds up the general health A little pimple, a harmless looking watt or mole, a lump in the breast, a cut or bruise that refuses to heal under ordinary treatment, should all !e looked upon with suspicion, as this is often the beginning of a Iw! form of cancer. Mrs Harsh M Ker si in» 941 Wtn<i»>r Av» SHwtol Tenn., write« am 41 years old, sn«1 f*»r three years ha.I «uttered with • severe f rm Cancer >>n my j»w which the doctors ia thi« ettv «a-d w»« .. urable «n*l that 1 couhl n«M live m >re than ■ month« 1 «.»• • 1 r ’ • •» ntement a« true amt had given all h<»|w of ever being wetlaga n w e - ■ ,» <kng Gat. knowing of my 1 on<hth>n recommended S S M After lakin* a few rttlew the sore t«eg«o t > he«1 much to th» ttirprlw* . t the | hy«i «'tana and In a .hort Un>. mart, a comnlm, rar.. 1 ha„ ninrrt tn Hr.h mr at.|>HI«r la aplrndid. alwp la ralraabta, in fan an rnj. ,tn, fwrfnf baattb Our medic*! department ia in charge oi phvatetana of long experience, who are «a|e- tally akilled tn tna'.iug C.m. er ant .liter »1 .»ldtar ire. Write for an» ad eve or Iblennih.« want».!, »<• make no < liaqfe whatever for thia aert;.. THI SWIFT SPECIFIC CONPANY, ATLANTA. 6A. ; 1 AR r.R, Grants Pass, Or.. Manager. Dct>a*<v COATRIGHT» Ae »nd dn»«—«pHítal may ert«i’*. • rr omnv n frw whochFr an mtabte. C ui « p u • Ys- Haa.lN.-A »m Ktwta- % «»■> >«' ra Scientific NUNN&Co llr*i»«tl »"’.M'A, m V ‘X. We»: Gandies r*** ’’>**•'■■ r •• TtotZe -»• fr « CUHDOV« « • Wui ’■»U iSwf b . feat* 4(»s«t Th. ” * T »»« , »»•borst« C.A.SNOWA.CO F»TtwrOe«»et wssn «»«•aw o • •Ton«*» •IL le •a 4 a»M