■ (Cutiftef. A» IxDcrKMDKxr Farn D bvotbd Karacuwr to tub I wtxbx . t » or S ovtmbbx O bmoob . No. 19. GRANTS^ASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 1900. VOL. XVI Tue rebellious Yaquis came near „Iroying half of Mexico’s navy one The new Palace hotel which is now desti almokt eomplet«d ia on. of the mmt recently. They peppered tbe man- modern, convenient and commodmu« 'rf wy. .***^7“ "Hh/ : until it had to hobble otf tu Guayama« hotel edifice« in «outhern Oregon. ------ --------- M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist. The building occupie« a lot 50 x DM repair«, . The other half of the navy, Where de you get your hair cut? Try inch of . the feet, and cover« every i™_ — oui other ver«el. will be kept oat of Will Mallory. ground, it ia two «tone« in height, eon range of the mischiavous savage«.—Tele Bicycle hospital for all repairing at «tructed throughout of preued brick, gram. Cramer Bros. and ita general external appearance i> | Goo<i Ashing in the lakes and rivers An assay office has boon oiwned in of far more than ordinary elegance fur a still contnues. As soon aa it gets a Gold Hill by J. J. Houck and W. I. building of ita character. little warmer, the fish in Lost river will Flock. ltiaaituated on the southeast corner be so thick that a ...... ...... a pitchfork man with , BM0£ i ^ j i B Photograph mailing envelopes for cab of Filth and G. afreets, very centrally or ,hovB1 (.ail lhr,,„ ¡net and larger size. For sale by A. E. located, and at a very convenient tris an hour. Soins say that fi»h are packed Do not buy a camera until you have examined the Lance from the depot. VooRHILK. in tbe river so solid, that one may walk The office occupiea the corner room j ((n ” haclg Mrs. G, H. Palotborpo returned on ,.r. ’ ’ from shore to Al ” Cameras. on the first floor and ia very neatly and Thursday to Ashland after spending •bore dry shod. Perhaps this is slightly With the patent long and short negative attachment you can take «everal days in visiting friends at this eommodioueiy arranged. A 10-toot- j exaggerated.—Klamath Republican. place . | writing desk will occupy a weli lighted • 4*4. 4- y 6. 4x8. 4x 10 and a 4x12 picture, as desired. Conse The feeder recongnixes the i in porta, me 40 acre farm 12 miles from |l’ortland, 2 apace on the east aid«of the room. quently you have five cameras in one. And the “AL VISTA” is The rooms on the aouth half of the of a balauced ration. The farmer miha from jxist office, to exchange for made for time and snap-shot work, too Uses the ordinary 4x5 Grants Pass residence property. Inquire Fifth atreet side are reserved for the use should know that he must keep up the daylight loading film on spools. Drop us a postal and get our of the proprietor and his family. They fer|j|jty o( the soil and maintain the at this office. are very handsomely finished and are balance between the various fertilising 1900 catalogue. Arthur Woolfolk has recently pur vary tastefully and couvenien tly ar- element* in order to make a good, pro chased two lots on I street near Mr. ranged. ductive farm. He should know, too, Stanard’s place and has begun the BURLINGTON. WIS. The west half ol the drat door ia that in older to make a good farmer he enction of a residence thereon. occupied by the dining room and must keep up the balance between OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Wjll Smith was up from Wolt Creek kitchen, The dining room ia 20 x 50 feel mental and physical labor, and that P. DODGE, fora few davs last week. He reports in dimension«, lighted by eight win informât ion and thought must go hand UNITED STATES. very favorable conditions in that lively INSURANCE and dows, and is designed to seat a large in hand with etfort.—Rural Spirit. President... ............ . William McKinley town, with every body prosperous. REAL ESTATE number of nereons. Tbe kitchen is V im Presidei.t................ I>oes your friend hive a camera? A arranged in the most complete and con- John Hay becretery of State ........ Washington I.elter Life, Fire and Accident Insurance. Secretary of Treasury .. . .Lyman J Gage flexible, leather covered album would veni nt manner, fully equipped with Uflice with Price A Voorhies. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Secretary of Interior .. ........ UN Bu«. make a spiendid present—11 and less. all the culinary conveniences and all Secretary 01 War ........ .... Eliliu Root > G rants P ass , O regon . W ashington , Mar. 5, 1900 A. E. Voorhies has a stock of albums. appliances for the complètent consuiu Secretary of Navy ........ . .John I> Long Everybody now tecogniaes bow im mation of satisfaction to the appetites Secretary of Agriculture Janie. A Wilson | A party was given in honor of the of the house's patrons. The very im portant and far-reaching are the ques Postmaster <>> neral ... . James A Gary W. Helms recently at birthday of W. C. HOUGH, Attorney-General.. . Joseph McKenna I A ' bis residence on Jones creek. A portant deoartment of hospitality is tions involved in the Porto Rico tariff 1 ’ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, STATE oE OREGON. large number of friends, neighbors receiving the moat thorough considéra- bill, which has passed the house and is r, o . (Geo W McBride l’iactices in all State and Federai Courte and relatives gathered and a very tion, and no t«ina will be spared to i now being conaidered bv tlie senate, U. 8. Senators.............. j Joseph bi mon pleasant evening was spent and heartily make it eminently satisfactory in every When the bill waa living debated in th« Office over First National Bank. fl'hos H Tongue respect. house, it «: bn-âdiy aaaerted that thia Congressmen enjoyed by all present. (M A Moody ' G rantk P ark , - - O rkuon . The stairway opens on the second government had promised the world . D R N Blackburn Attorney-Gem ral Get your writing paper by the ream ............. T T Geer I floor into a large court, which is lighted that commercially the "open door” Governor .. ■ ■ and save money. We offer a ream of FI Dunhar Secretary of Slate. policy should prevail in the Philippines. by both windows and skylight. note paper, 480 sheets, *i ‘ 2 pounds, for State Treasurer.. ......... .. Ch as 8 Moore The parlor occupies the corner room Senator Foraker, chairman of the senate .. J 11 Ackermau 45c. We get the paper in large quapti- Hupt Pub Inairm uon on the second floor, the northeast corner Porto Rican com in it tee, said on the «am« . W 11 Leeds Stale Printer tiesand can sell ch**ap; this is not cheap iC E Wolverton 30 Years Expetience. of the building, overlooking the railroad subject: "Beyond Porto Rico lie the paper but first class goods. — C ourier Supreme J udges......... -.Kb Bean park, and affording the opportunity for Philippines. It has been suggested that office. I F A Moore Office in Opera House block; see the sign one of the best views in the city. The in our eastern possessions we shall have of Tbe Big Tooth. Clerk Board School LandCom W HOde’.l RAMBLERS are titled with G A J second floor ia occupied by about 30 the ‘open door.’ if we open the Philip FIBKT JUDICIAL DISTRICT. G rants P am , O regon . Tires. The lajst Wheel and the best looms, arranged in four lines with two pines to the trade of all the world, we Western Division.. . .Judge H K Hanna Tire, price |40 —Hair Riddle Hardware hallways running lengthwise through tbe shall have the products of tbe world Eastern Division........ Judge H L Benson Co. building. Every room is well lighted poured inta the United States, and our Prosecuting Attorney ........ C B Watson J [ C. PERKINS, and ventilated. The interior rooms are whole protective tariff system will fall Member Board of Equalizat . KA Emmitt It will do you (itHid. all lighted by skylights, and, except for to th? ground. This raises a question Ü. 8. LAND OFFICE RO8EHURG. A Blood Purifier and Tissue Builder is' the reason that no view is obtainable, on which it is entirely unlikely senators Receiver................................. Henry Booth Karl’s Clover Rent Tea. Sold for half a are fully as desirable as the other in debate willl ever get together. It Register..................................... J T Bridges < 'KROON. century on our guarantee. Money re rooms. Every door in the house is fit will have to be determined by the courts, O rante I’ abh , JOSEFHINE COUNTY funded if results a e not aalisfactory. ted with a transom, affording tho most and it is highly important that tbe de ............ C E Harmon Joint Senator. Price 25c. and 50c. complete facilities for ventilation. termination shall be reached soon.” ............ Abe Axtell COSHOW & SHERIDAN, County Judge (Nick Those The interior finish is very handsome , Although Senator Foraker was tbe first ÜMnmisaioneri ' (Dick George t and thoroughly in keeping with tbe sup senator to publicly «ay as much, the be MINING ATTORNEYS, Cars Painted in Fifteen Minutes. ............. Roy Bartlett County Clerk erior workmanship and character of the lief among them has been general that now 1 A number of American railways .............. Ed Lister I Special attention given to Mining Sheriff.... ... .1 W Virtue | ami Land Laws, and Land Office practice. paint all their cars by machinery and entire edifice. The plastering through tbe questions involved could be more fit Representative . .1 T Taylor , Treasurer.... .. ami the apparatus used is very curious out the building is handsomely complete tingly decided by tho United States su R oseburg . - - O regon . I D Hayes School Superintendent . and interesting. The paint is first with a hard finish, and the woodwork preme court than in the field of partisan . .Tom Smith I Assessor mixed to the consistency of cream and has tbe finish known as East Lake which politics. Surveyor |\......................... B.O McCulloch Men in congress who are usually well- then poured into a small steel tank con« gives (a very beautiful effect. Twenty Corouer. .........................Dr. F W Kremer ROBERT G. SMITH, netted with a reservoir containing com rooms are fitted wiih electric bells. The informed are expressing the opiuion PRECINCT OFFICERH. pressed air. When tbe valve is opened proprietor, W. 8. Woods, has had many that if the United State« supreme court Justice................................. James Holman A ttorneys and C ounselors the stuff is forced up into a flexible tube years of experience in the hotel business, decides that congress has not the consti Constable..................................... I H Colby at L aw . about as big around as a man's thumb which has been of great advantage in tutional right to impose a duty upon the CITY or GRANTS PAKS. and comes out of a brass nozzle in the directing tlie construction of the build products of any territory owned by the Mavor.. . !............................. W T Cobnrn ' Office in First National Bank Building, form of a fine spray, thin as knife blade. ing for the best convenience and enter United States aa claimed bv, the I’orto Auditor......... ............................ (isj. Fur mail j G rants P aks , - • O regon . Treasurer. ............................ Col Johnson All the operator has to do is to wave the tainment of the guests, and is a very Rican tariff bill, that the retention of Street Comm u’Bdioner........... lohn Patrick nozzle to and fro, using it exactly like a material aid to bis ability ia (urestallii g the Philippines by the United States, r .......................... Win. Lister I Marshal.... brush. The spFay at the top is not more and providing for the wants of his will lie an impessibility. Already, ( August Fe’.scu QKORGE II. BINNS, than an inch broad, bo if lie wants a patrons. Mr. Woods expects to have prominent senators and representatives I Tom Smith narrow stroke, he has merely to bring it the building complete and ready for .have said that they would prefer giving ASSAYER, E E Dunbar near and vice versa for a wide one. It is opening in about two weeks. The ex up the Philippines to giving up the pro Councilman f P J mison claimed that this apparatus deposits tlie ternal appearance will be greatly en tective tariff, which could not be main N E Met»rew Office opposite Hotel Josephine, paint film of exactly the same thickness hanced by an American ting, which will i tained with the Philippines bavins free M M Rummage H E Smith G rants P ass , - • O regon . throughout, which is of course, impos wave from the cupola trade with the United fltates, and pre senting the “open door” to the com Regular meetings oi the city council of sible with a bruah, ami that its work is, Grant’« Fa»« are held in the council merce of the world, whi« b is pledged in consequently, more durable and a better The Helsaars room« tn the city hall on the first and the Pans treaty which transferred them protection from the weather. Be that third Thuredav evening«of each month. Ladysmith and Kimberley were re from Spain to the United States. This as it may, there is no denying its super SL CfRCllT COI RT. lieved, but in both cases it cost the Brit aspect of the question has already been ior speed. The rapidity with winch Meets on the third Monday in April ish about as many soldiers as were shut touched upon in the debate in the senate painters using compressed air work is and tke fourth Monday in September. up in tbe towns.—Globe Democrat. and it will be gone into much deeper be marvelous. They stand on movable cot NTV COI RT — of — fore that txxly dispoaM of the Porto Rico platforms which are plied backward and Probate court meets first Mondav of Ohio will ask Congress for a ship SOUTHERN OREGON. January, April, July and Sentemlier. 1 forward before the cars and they literally bill. canal to connect Lake Erie and the County commissioners court meets first It may bethat there was politics in | paint them on the run. The time oc Wednesday after the meeting of the cupied for each averages about 15 min- Ohio river. Tbe new century promises the recommendation of tbe president county court. to open with a general discussion of big that the money already collected and I utes ami the men claim that they can to be collected as tar iff dirties on Porto Receiveds|w»-iu subject to check or 00 ; even do an entire car in 10 at a pinch.— waterways.—Globe Democrat. Certificate payable on demand. Rican products, be expended for the I American Exporter. Hon. II. B Miller haw been appointed Sells sight drafts on New York, San Fran benefit of Porto Rico, at present to an important consulship in China. there is politics in almost everything cisco. anJ Portland. IT IS BEGINNING Should he accept he will be in a posi done in Washington, but there was also Telegraphic transf-rs sold on all points in To be understood that it does not take tion to do the country tome servira in the United States. Do they like milk from the humanity in it, and congress deserves Sjfeial Attention given to Collections and a fortune to secure a first class Monu opening up a demand for Oregon apples credit for so promptly responding to the ment or Tablet at the • ¡rants I’asw Marble and fruit.—Oregon State Journal. general business of our customers. suggestion of the President and making Collections made throughout Southern ami Granite salesroom. mor, than $2,(MM),0M> immediately aval! Oregon, anil on all accessible points. The capture of a Boer general'• hatid- able for I’orto Rico. Railroading Patents. ' kerchief has created a spasm of congrat J. D. FRY, ¡’resident. Senator Teller is a man of positive A single Grin of Patent Lawyers, C. ulatory exthment among the British J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. A. Snow A Co., of Washington D- C., soldiers. They probably considered that opinions on all subjects, and they are K. A. B ooth . Cashier have in the last year procuie.I 1,630 pat I the trophy was worth blowing over.—8. usually opinions which receive the most respe< tful consideration from senators, ents for their clients, in my «4 them for | F. Call. who know that they always represent rejected inventions. A. ‘‘now A Co. 17 Quart Tickets for $1. This season haa been an exception deep and careful thought, lie said in have been accused of ra'lr<*a<iiog patents Stop the New Wagon. f ■---L linn CT) OTA la through the Patent Office, but they in and most ebrubliery is showing signs of a sj>e»-ch on the Porto Rican tariffi till now sist that this locomotion is better than leafing out much earlier than usual. before the senate: “I want the party DAIRY oxcarting them, for by t ie latter proceaa Hn> kleberriea are said to be blooming in power to say whether it may Ire the « tlie inventor often «lies before he gels ! quite profusely In some localities south plirpoee ultimately to take in this island E. B BROWN, propr. as a state. I know tbe ¡wople there are oi town.— Bandon Recorder. his patent. Order Through the Courier Office Five Cameras in One “ local t>appcnin00 Vista Panoramic Multiscope & Film Co., FIRST NATIONAL B JL 1ST ZEC Capital Stock, $50,000. Why Englewood Dairy? PATRIC K & ENGLEWOOD * 1 1 jí fit for self-government, and they ought, in my opinion, to have it as soon as it may be given tbeui. 1 would not be alarmed if we should speak of tha ‘Province of Porto Rico.' But I «ay that 1 am not going to vote for any bill that does not give the people abauluto control of their own atfaire.” Mr. Teller ottered an amendment declaring that Porto Ricans shall be allowed to deter mine the permanent form of govern ment for the ielaads, and that they are cititena of the United States. Exaggeration io one of the cursee of the American newspaper world. A striking instance of it ia the paragraph, now going tbe rounda, saying that the Turkish minister had brought a harem to Washington. This paragraph haa greatly distressed Ali Ferrough Bey, the Turkish minister to tbe United States, who io a quiet and modest gentleman. He save it has made him afraid to pick up an American nowspapar, lest he dis cover a new variation of the irritating and utterly untruthful story. He has no harein with him. The story grew out of the presence of bis wife, who is in bad health, and who was given permission by the Sultan to accompany him, solely because her physician advised a long sea vevage. Although Secretary Hay will not ad mit a belief in the probability of a tariff war with Germany on account of dis crimination against American meat products in a bill which lias been favorably retorted to the Gorman reiclistag, Secretary Wilson, in bulletins iastied by the department of Agrii-nlture, loints out the probability of our having to engage in such a war if tlie objection able bill becomes a law. State depart ment officials intimate that this govern ment baa received assurances from the German government which have re moved uneasiness concerning the bill. It was a relief to the members of the senate elections committee, when the last witness in the Clark bribery case which has eoat the senate 130.000, was heard. To give counsel time to prepare argument, the committee has adjourned until March 20th, when each aide will be given six hours to talk, and the privilege of filing printed briefs. For unblushing perjury on tbe part of witnesses, this <‘ase broke all records. Furniture, Carpets, Picture Moulding, Wall Paper, Tools, Glassware, Cutlery. Graniteware, Lace Curtains, Tinware, Lamps, Linoleums, Mirrors, Mattresses, Pillows, Cots. Iliay I lotiHe l/'iamiHliinK’** K-i^-lat These Prices Will Interest Economical Buyers. Genuiiw Bargains Darning Needles, 2 for..................... Draw» Shields, per pair..................... Elastic, per yard ................. Red Embd’y Cotton ......................... t uff Holder«, per pair Pocket Book«, each worth 20c Dre«« Stay«, black, per net only.. . Hat Pins. Jet, |>er dux................. Cornet Clasp«, per pair............... . Stocking Darner«, each ................ Porcelain Buttons, per doz............... Pearl “ “ “ ................. Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding, 12 > «!• for Colors Slate, Navy Blue, Myrtle Brown and Garnet. Hook« and eye«, per dot................. Tune Books, each .............................. Cash “ “ ................................. Pocket I«edgers, each ........................ Copying Books, “ ......................... Ink Tablets, large sixe, each . ......... lc 5c 3c 2c 10c 5c 10c 5c 5c 3c 3c 5c 2 quart l’laniabal Tin, Copper bot tom Tea Puta, each......................... 2 quart Tin Staw Pana, each.......... B quart Retinned Preaorve Kettle«, Pruning Shear«, each......................... l’be»t Handle«, per pair................... Heel Plates, each............................. .. Haali t Retener«, each ........................ Saeh Ixx-ke, each................................ Hath Lift., 3 for,................................. Thumb Latchea ................................. Bicycle Wrench««, each................... No 4 Trapa, each ............................. .. ; lc 10c 15c lOe 3c 5c JP im •• «« • 1 •• «I • 0 •• Coffee Mills, Waffie Irons, “ .................. 5 Gal Oil Cans, Faucet, each Harness Hooks, each............ Brooms, each . ..................... Saw Clamps, each................. 20c 5c 20c 30c &c le 5c >5c 5c 8c 15c tjOc 25c 15c 10c . 10c .1 CO , 90o 5c 15c 50c All purchases of tbe above articles that are mailable and amounting to 25c or upward will lie sent prepaid on receipt of Cash with order. If you want to take advantage of these prices BUY NOW for they are subject to chauge without notice. Goods are advancing. JTOHE NEWS More New Wall Paper, House Linings, Furniture, Tables, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Headquarters for Style and Priées. digestion, are better reserved for the din ner bill of fare. No vegetable except the potato is especially serviceable as a breakfast food, and it is much more readily digested when bakeu than pre pared in any other manner. Stewing requires leas time for preparation, but about one hour longer for digestion. ▲a an introduction to the morning Breakfast Dishes meal, fresh fruits are most desirable, "SC'IBNCM IN THE XITl'HKN." A good breakfast ia the best capital particularly the juicy varieties, as oranges upon which people who have real work graj>e fruit, melons, grapes, and, peach«« to do in the world can begin the day. some one of which is obtainable nearly if the food is well selected and well the entirj year. < Hher fruits ; as apples, cooked, it furnishes both cheer and bananas, pear«, etc,, though I ms suitable strength for their daily task. Poor food, may be used for the same purpose, or good food poorly prepared, taxes th* they are however Lest accompanied digestive powers more than ia due, and with wafers or some hard food, to insure consequently roba brain and neivesof their thorough mastication. For the second course, some of the vigor, tiood food is not rich food, in the common acceptation of tbe term ; it is various cereals, oatmeal, rye, corn, bar- such food as furnishes the requisite ley, rice, or one of the numerous pi Op ir- nutriment with the least fatigue to tlie ations of wheat, well cooked and ae ved digestive powers. It is ul the beat ma with cream, together with s< me good terial, prepared in the best nianuer, light bread (“not «our dough biscuit, and with pleasant variety, though it baking-powder or soda biscuité"),cooked fruits and some simple relishes, are may be very simple. "Whet to get for breakfast" is one of lUite sufficient for a healthful and pala the most pimling problems which the table breakfast. If however, a more extensive bill of majority of housewives have to solve. 'I be usually limited lime lor its prepara fare is devired, numerous delicious ami tion requires that il lie something easily appetizing toasts may he prepared a«' and quickly prepared; and health de cording to the recipes given, ami which, mands that the bill el fare lie ul such because of their simple character and articles as require but minimum lime the facility with which they can be pre lor digestion, that the stomach may pareil, are particular), suitable aa break have a chance for rest after tlie p-rw-ess fast dishes. The foundation of all these of digestion ia complete, liefore the din toast« 1« "zwieback ,” or twice-baked ner hour. The custom id using fried bread, the u.oot nutritious is piepared potatoes or mushes, salted flab or meats from good whole-wheat, or grahaiu bread and other foods almost impossible ol cut in uniform slices not mure than digestion, for breaklast dishes, is most a half inch thick, each slice being diyid- pernicious. These foals set completely ed in halves, pl acet 1 on tins, or what ia at variance all laws of breakfast hygiene better the perforated sheets recommend« They are very difficult of digestion amt e<i lor baking rolls, baked or toasted in the thirst provoking quality of salted a alow oven for a half hour or longer, fools makes them an important help to until it is browned evenly throughout the acquirement ol a love of intoxicating the entire slico The zwieback (zwi drinks. We leel very sure that as a buck) may be prepared inconsiderable prominent temperance writer says, "It quantity and kept on hand in readines very often happens that women who for use. It will keep for any length of send out their loved ones with an agosy time if stored in a dry place. Stale bread is the best for making of prayer that they may be kept from drink for tbe day, also sends them with zwiebatk.but it should be good light a breakfast that will make them almost I bread, that what is sour, heavy and net frantic with thirst before they get to tbe fit to eat untoasted, should never be used Care must lie taken also not to first saloon." The food composing the breakfast scorch the slices, as once scorched, it is menu should be simple in character, spoiled. Pro|»erly made, it is equally well and delicately cooked, end neatly crisp throughout, and poaseaeea a dell served. Fruits and grains and articles cious nutty flavor. made from them offer the requisite tor Ils preparation affords an excellent the ideal breakfast Thee« afford ample opportunity for using I he left over provision for variety, are easily made slices of bread. rea<ly. and easily digested, while at the Fur the preparation of toasts, lb»* same time furnishing excellent uulri zwieback must be first softened with merit ia ample quantity amt *9 the very «oms hot liquid, preferably hot cream lie st quality. Meals, most vegetables, Heat the cream two thirds of a pint of and compound dishes more difficult of cream v ill be sufficient for mix half slices) nearly to boiling in soiua'rather shallow dish. Put tbe alicw, two or three at a time, in dipping tbe cream over them and turning so that both sides will become equaly softened. Keep the cream hot, and let tue slices remaia un til softened just enough so that the'cen ter can be pierced with a fork, but not until at all mushy or broken. With two forks, or a fork and a spoon remove each slice, draining as thorough ly as possible, and pack in a heated dish and repeat the proceaa until ae much rweiback has been softened a* deairod. cover the dish, and keep het until ready to serve. Care shoald be taken in drain ing slices that none bo wet and mushy. It is better to remove them from the cream wheu a little hard than to aiio«r them to become too soft, Prepare the sauce for the toast at the same time or before softening the slicee, and poor tuto a pitcher lor serving. Serve the slices in individual dishes, turning a small quantity of bot sauce over each as served. Ain't.« T oaat . Freeh nicely flavored apple« .tewed in a amall quantity oi water, rubbed through a colander, aweetened then cooked in a granite-ware Utah in a .low oven until quite dry, make a uice dressing (or toaat. Baked .weet or aour apple« rubbed through a colander are alao excellent. Hoden alien« oi xwie- back in hot creaui and Mrva with a spoonful or two on each a I ice. II de- alrod the apple may bn flavored with a little pineapple or lemon, or mixed with grape, cranberry or apricot, thua mabing a number ot different Uxuta. B erry T oast . Canned .trawberrioa, blueborriea and blackberries may be made luto an ex cellent dtoa.ing lor toaat Turn a can ol berriea into a colander over au earthen diete, to aeparata juice from berriea. Place juice in a grauito- ware or porcelain kettle and beat to boiling. Thicken to a eonaiatancy ot cream with flour rubbed amootbly in a little water a tabloepoonful of flour to the pint of juice. Add tbe berriea ami boil up juat aufliciently to cook the floor •nd heat the berriea; aerve bot. If cream ia not obtainable lor uioiateuing the iwiaback. a little juice may bo ra- <wrve<l without thickening, mid healed in another diah to . moi.len toaat, or if preferred, the fruit may be healed and loured over the dry iwiaback without lieing thickened, or il may ba rubbed through a colander. C m am T oast . Moiaten zwieback in thin cream as prevloualy directed, Add salt to if, and butter ifdeeired. .Serve without finit. A unt J our . R. O. McCROSKEY READY FOR BUSIN Ii Plato said: "To be first in anything ia distinction.” I believe I have achieved that honor by showing the First Up-to-I>ate crea tions of 1900; No old stock in my Lines to show. In my Dress Goods Department I have tne very latest in Crêpons. Pastil and Suiting«, and a big Fringe« and Braidx line of Plain and Figured Giodi n all colors. to match, Silks. In Silky you will find the M at Beautiful Patterns the eye ever gazed upon in Stripes, Persians an 1 Plain. Petticoats Ladies' Neckwear Net Ties with Battenberg and Fringed ends from long. Ix>ts of new things in Ribbons for the neck. to 2 yards Silk Waists. I have the richest and most beautiful designs in Silk Waists, and at prices to suit your purse. Skirts. Some of the very newest ¡designs in Skirts See my Dry Goods window for all the New Creations, Trimmed in Aplaca and Fringe. NEXT DOOR NORTH OF EÆTTIC. In the Mercerized Silk, in New Blue, Cerise, Navy, Green and Black Hosiery. A big line of Hosiery for Ladies, Misnes and Gentlemen at jc, toe, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, in Red, Blue, Tan and Black. Shoes, The Entire Length of 85 feet of shelving <*n one side of my stoie infilled with a thoroughly up-to-date line of Ladies', Childrens', YOURS FOR BUSINESS, .Mens' and Boys' Shoes. and Tan. Btby Shoes |tu Red, Chocolate. Black Men’s I urnishing Goods. All the up to date Myles inStifF B >wmt with tbe Stripe running up and down. Golf and Negligee Shirts in all the new things. Neckwear in all eutirely New Designs in Imperial, Square, Four- in Hand, Baiid and Shield Hows Nobby shapes in Hats. A big line oi Outings, 'Ctlicm. Shirting, Ladies' Wrappers. The best Overall in the market for joc.