Rtsl t»UU Transfers. Little news of mement has come from Rec orded since Feb. 26 ' South Africa daring the past week. The VuMi»h..l Every Tliuml»», press censor has u«A neglected his duties C. A.Trefsthen Io J. B. Hickox. lots 1 and 2, block 70, Grants I and the consrqueoce has been that the Fas», with other consideration war news baa beeo mainly limited to The Alexander-Bent mine, recently Mary B. Montgomery to Jeun e I the expressed opinions of war expert«, had the misfortune, dating a storm, to Ems, lot 1 of tract tonal block 36, sapient prognostications of future epera- BATKS or SI’BM.’M1FT1OM Z lose seven boxes of flame, which can, I Grants Fas.«, cou«i deration . .. One Year, in edvan'-e, • • $E® | tions, and detailed account of Crouje’s however, be easily rep'aced. •«•»e Ma*h to Susan Hark new», lots Mi Months, • • • • .«6 actiuns and sentiment« under captivity 10, 11. •»> I I-. block 25, Grants Cook brothers ot Foots crrrk bart ’ Three Months, - • • J® i | A part of Buller’« army reached Lady Pass, consideration ..................... picked up about $100 oo bedrock this bingle Copies, • • - • .Uf> nin th and the long siege «as raised. Geo Mauer to Edgar T. Wallace, winter, in small nuggets ranging from j Advertising rates on application. Copy , Mafeking is not yet relieved, but it strip of land 25 leet wi le from for change of* ad’must I* handed in before |2 pieces down- They expect the most, north ride of Wm. Newman Tuesday noon, otherwise setting of the seem« probable that it will lie in the profitable clean up this »season that they donation ciaim in Altbuuse pre matter will be charged for at the rate of 5« near future. The preliminary steps or Try cinct, co ns ide rat ion. ................ per running in« h, o.ngle column. Alters-' have bad for ycavs uun* andaddilion» to copy will t>e charged approaches Io the war seern to be on B. F. Htevena to C Bradbnry. W| The Big Yank mine at Galice is sho* pr at the rate of luc per running in* h. sin- l the eve of completion and the real con of SEl4, hElX of BE»4 < ing up grandly under developmert gle column. 8EW and lot ol 2D acres in see. test may begin soon when the British 23 and of NEl4, NE‘4 oi Kerenily the ledge was tapped by » , Entered at the po»t uffi<-e at G ranis Pa«s, attempt to invade the TramivaaL NW^and 2 lots, in section 26, tunnel at a depth of 90 feet showing a : Oregon, as second-« la»» mail matter. There are practically three British all in tp 35 south, range 7 west, large amount of rich ore. A trnnel and water ditch, consideration . armies now in the field, one in the Free will be run to tap the ledge at a depth T hursday , M arch 8, 1900. M. M. Dobbins to F. I. and C. Blate, one in Cape Colony aa<l one in of feet. Bradbury, undivided one-sixth of Natal, commanded respectively by Kub- lot 5, sec. 26 and lot 4 sec. 23, A First-Class Article made in America erte, Uatarre and Buller. In tbefree John Taylor is home from the mine» ' The world's production uf guld during >E'4 of hW!4, 8’, of 8E’4 a for a short time, He will return to bis 1 lot 5, sax 23, and NEI4 of NW tba lut 16 year» >• placed at »2 500 UOO-1 Roberta’ army of 60,000 is in for the American trade............. W *.2 of N E’4 aa«l lot 6 of sec. ! mine on Reuben creek as soon as the 000 <•! which the Traa.raal ba» produce« with an army ol 0’»M> H-er. and a W. E. DEAN, & CO.. Propr. sil in tp 37 south, range 7 west -*.* .**_*. A or usore than . -- -1 » I ^1' The 1 ■ 1 British V ■ a . 6» water subside» sufficiently. He has | $38b 000.000. one seventh .a « A A » l battle k M is A. expected. consideration.............................. encouraging prospect» there but there I will probably win urile»» the Boer» uf the entire amount. M. M. Dubbins to F I. and C. Brad is too much water in the creek at pre» receive more strength as their percent bury, water right and ditch from hj A A A AÉ In regard to the registration of foreign age of effectiveness is somewhat in ent to permit of the claim being worked. I Fickett creek consideration . born voters, H. H. Holiaes, Multnomah ad vs nee of equality. In the event uf Joseph Wolke to Clara R Turci. The Steamboat district in the upper cousty clerk, who under the law has the British overrunning the Free State, MS 10 and 11, bluA-k 9, Millers Meld for Forgery. conditions, manners ami custom» of the Applegate country is the scene of con addition to <«rants Fa»», con- charge of ths registration of voters, i it is planned that the Free Staters will •iderabie activity in quariz operations. AT JEWELL’S OLD STAND The preliminary trial of Dec Mans Indians and Mexicans of Arizona ami »nieration. ... states that he will follow suggestions retreat lo the Transvaal and there fight J. M. Toms has a tunnel 175 feet in Both lectures are ac- New Mexico, field, accused of forging Win Alexander ’ s Suwan Harkrie»» to Jenna Ma«b, 45 contained in the letter of District Attor to the last. The entrenchment» at length on an IK inch vein which millw co oj pan led by a large number of mag- acres in sec. 15, tp 36 south, ney Sewa.'l, aw near as he can. Mr. Pretoria are being strengthened to pro name on a $10 order, occurred before mficent views, There will be no charge range 7 west. consideration $10 to the ton in free gold, Jaw. Young Justice Holman on Thursday, Attorneys Jlolmessays: “1 will require all natural vide for a siege. Kimberley has treen has made a new discovery on the old for adtuiseion but a collection will be Eva L. and F. Y Allen to J. H. Watson ami.Stewart conducting the pros I horndyke, lots 4, 5 and 6, block ized citizens to produce their papers, or relieved but the garrison ar« still on Steamboat ledge. He has a 10) foot If there is taken to inset the expenses 35, G rants Faws, consideration . certified copies of them, where it is pos half rations. The war is likely to ecution and R G. Smith appearing for any surplus, it will be applied to mis tunnel on a 15 to 20 inch ledge which the defense. O. C. K K. Co. to Uriah Miller, sible and also flrnt papers by those who develop results unlike those calculated assays $10 in free gold besiJes being sions At the Presbyterian church, NE’^ of and lot» 3, 4 and 5 The circumstances of the case are an have not taken out their final papers. on by ChamI mu lain and a certain circle rich in sulphurets. of »ec. 19, tp 33 south, range 5 March 13 and 14. THE PUBLIC.— follows: Alexander lives on Sucker If a mao bas lost his papers for any rea of capitellate and spe< ulators who are WH»t, consideration.................. We beg leave to aunounce that we have opened a Drug Kubli Brother?, owners of the Golden • reek, and Mansfield had prior to Christ Kerby Itcmx. son, ho must obtaia a copy if one io to responsible for the war. Store on Front Street, opposite the depot, where we will be glad Standard mine on Gail’s creek, will be inas been working in partnership with Nothing Hike it. be had. When he is unable to do this The Pioneer hotel is receiving a reno gin operations on that property thi? Cha». Perrin on a mining c[a'm on that to meet old and new friends and patrons. You should remember that no other To Cure a Col<l Hi One Hay he must sign an affidavit setting forth creek, the claim being held by Perrin vation. medicine is like Shiloh's Consumption week with a force of 12 men. For the that ue is a citizen and has no papers, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet». Mr». Tbo«. Gilmore is very ill with la Cure in any letpect. If other remedies present they will use their old two- and the reason why he tonnut procure AII druggiwta refund money if it fail» to cure. under a lease. The claim is near Alex grippe. ander ’ s place, and tbey were well ac Will be given Special Attention and by prompt and courteous have failed to relieve your cough or col d stamp mill, but they have secured a 10- E W. Grove ’ s signature on c-aery l»ux. 25c copies and tbs affidavit must lie signed quainted with one another, visiting M ism Linnie Howell is visiting friend» than is all the more reason why you stamp mill which they will erect ami service, t'.ie use of Pure, Fresh Drugs, and with a long exp«, by not lees than two wlUMMMfl who will Weather Keport. uol infrequently. Mansfield came over in Kerby. bould try Shiloh’s, Always s* Id under have in running order in the near future. certify that tbey believe the statement* ience and skill, we hope to merit your patronage. Following i» a atitninary weather ob- to Grants Pass immediately after Christ The number of quartz mills which are Mrs. A. J. A<lams ban moved aero*« a positive guarantee, If it does not help made to be true, knowing the elector to servation at Grant» Pass during the Yours Respectfully, you the druggist must give back yi our now being installed in Southern Oregon be a true reliable man. I shall pursue month ol Feb., 1900. a» reported by J. mas and did net return although be the river. is very considerable. The work is being says that he was intending to return k, local voluntary observer for B. Padthx SLOVER DRUG CO. the same course in the cases of tbuae Miss Florence Feagle went to Grants money, 25c., 50c., aud $1.00 a bottle. W shortly. Captain Boyce owed Alexander : done without ostentation, but we will F. Kremer, Duiggi-t who came here under age and assert the Oregon State Weather Bervice. Pass Friday. Successor to Stones' City Pharmacy. $10. Mansfield wrote an order, signing 1 hear from them later. Mai. Min. Mean i Pre« ip citizenship by virtue cf the naturalize Mining I j O cm Cion». DATS Trru. 1 < in Tern inches Alexander's name, and collected the $10 | Mr. and Mr». C. T. Payne have taken "Tap" Cole came in Friday from Six- tiou of their fathers, where they cannot shake Into Your Shoes. (Recorded since Feb. 20) 35 ’ 36 41 have had po»se»»iori of the Union Hotel. T..7.Ï.7 from Boyce. He claims to Mi ie creek where he has been working Fruit Preserving is not a Small Industry . produce their father's papers or satis 2 ........... 3ff 46 64 Allen ’s Foot Ease, a powder. It cures Alexander, ! Snow on the mountains west of Kerby Frank Kel ’ er, qua.tz claim, "Coyote," authority to do this from at the Old Channel mine. This mine is 39 factory proof that he was a citizen. 3 ........... ... 47 43 ; .. In speaking of the proposed woman’s in Wol» UreeK mining district. He wrote bis own name on the back of telle us that our winter is not oyer. 34 42 1 .. now under full operation and working a fruit-preserving factory, one of the painful, smarting, nervous feet and in M Those who have been born outside of 4 .......... E. T. B» nnett, H. 8. Woodcock and T. growing nails, and instantly takes th« 29 41 the order. Boyce wrote to Alexaader 63 Frank Payne ha» a broken kg. A the United States, whose fathers may 5........... B. Woodc ck, 60 acre» placer ground in crew of about 15 men It is equipped women interested 8 <id : 33 39 45 6 ........... sting out of corns and bunions. Il’s the who came immediately to Grants Pa««, cave in the Simmons mine wan the with two giants and the gravel is being Waldo mining district. have been citizens at the time of Lbeir 7............. .. "The hom«-fruit" industry, which at 41 34 48 greatest comfort discovery of the age, and had Mansfield arrested. cause. 39 46 H.b. Woodcock and B. F. George, moved at a rapid rate. This mine wiiL present is agitating the minds of many birth, 1 shall register." 611 M............ . 47 35 Alexander testified that he never gave . : mi 9 John Gilmore, who has been housed quariz claim, "Webfout," in Waldo not have the benefit of a full season's women in the state, is not a new one, Allen'» Foot Ease makes tight or new 30 45 The owner» and employes u/ »he Iron 10............. .. 6,1 Mansfield any instructions to collect up with la grip,»e for some time, is able mining district. run this year as the preparatory work yet, for this state, a most important one, shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for 33 R* sweating, callous and hot, tired and ach W. If. Arthur, B F. Hartman and Mountain mine will have to divide the 11 ........... the money for him, but says that Mans was not completed until the season was to greet his friends once more. .. 40 26 ....... ». .. &* W. F. Ault, quariz claim, "Lone well advanced, but there is time yet for and has great pjssibilitie« in it. The ing feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all reapoiiMibility for ei/ht men'i death a» 12 field knew that Boyce owed the money. 44 55 33 13......... The many friends of Scott Nisbet will Spring," in Williams mining district. Woman’s Industrial Union, of Boston, 36 best they may. It I imh been well known 14 23 Ue did not see or B|wak with Mansfield be glad to hear that he received the sil a profitable tun between now and sum- has sold some year» >10,OK) worth of druggist» and shoe stores. By mail , *u E. T. Bennett and John Lewis, quartz mes. 30 39 4M for 25c, in stamps. Trial package Free. for a long time that the mine wan not 1 i on coming to town until after his arrest ver medal in the "Demorest Contest," homemade jellies and preserved fruits." | 29 44 claim, "Webfoot,’’ in Waldo mining 69 Address1, Alien 8. Olmsted, Le Roy. safe, and many competent miners have Ifi ......... .. Bovie ways that Mansfield gave him to at Corona, Cal. We hope w hen the gold district. The Gold Bug quartz mine has put on 33 .. “Fruit in Oregon, tuna of it, goes 4b 17 ............. 67 infused to work in it for that reason. IK............ N, Y 44 37 61 underwtand that Alexander wrote the medal contest take« place he’ll be the a night sbiit and now has a force of 27 to waste ; why? No market, you say ; | Addie Cooksey, quartz claim, "Lady Their judgment is now vindicated, but 19 42 .. 33 61 order but does not »tate that Mansfield lucky one. Point," on NW’4 of SE’4 of sec. 23, tp men at work. This mine is one of the and yet there is always a demand for a 41 46 51 A Good Tiling somebody is responsible lor the deaths 20 ......... ( iak Nix told him so. most important and productive on the really good article so the secret of find-; 43 50 .’16 south, range 7 west. ... 67 that have occured. If the men them JI Our Great Grandmother’s garrets con coast and requires five figures to express mg a market is after all, largely found 47 37 22............ .. 67 nelves were thorough miners aud fully 23 . tained the same herbs of all healing Talked of Oregon Fruit. 47 32 <12 the value of its monthly output. Its in first having a good article to »ell." 3K understood the conditions under which 24 46 .. M H. B. Miller, secretary of the Oregon surface indications were no better than "The ever prom inent supply and de ound in Karl’s Clover Root Tea. They 4M I . . 44 they were working, they must aland 25........... ... 1 62 State Horticultural Board, and recently those of many other iedges in this county, mand question is not al a ay» so intricate gave our ancestors strength, kept the 46 37 ... 66 26 ........... their share uf the responsibility. If the 43 .. appointed to lie United States Consol to aud the reason that it has acquired such a problem as at first it may appear. blood pure, and will do the same for vox 32 ...1 64 B man who had charge of the timbering 2K 4H 1 32 <14 Chung King, has just returned from a a lead over them is because the men Men of business solve it many times if you say so. Price 25c and 50c. did not understand hie burines*, he is 29........... ... .. lour of inspection through Montana, who took hold of it had money and with the aid of printers’ ink ; women can Look at jour I-'ace. responsible, with the mine owners who W............ ... .. •• Idaho, Eastern Oregon and Washington, were not afraid to spend a considerable do so also. We believe there will al .. And see if it is reflecting health or should not entrust euch work to an 31............ in the interest of Oregon truit and fruit amount in development work. ways be a demand lor wholesome, pure tem|M*ralure, disease Karl’s Clover Root Tea beau irresponsible man. If, as some assert, growers. articles of lood, and that this class will tifies the face and complexion, and as the nature of the ground is such that maximum temperature, 64; date Mr. Miller's object in making the Hip minimum tem|H*ralure, 23; date, 14th; Roulhern Oregon Mines. increase as the pure food is supplied, During the Last Week I have Added Several Bale timbering is a virtual impossibility, num tier days dear, 7; partly cloudy, 6, sures perfect health. All druggists, 25c. was to confer with the state board of Davidson, Ward A Co., successors to and as the elucational work goes on the mine should not Im worked, even if cloudy, 15; prevailing wind, N. W. Inspectors of Montana regarding the I. G. Davidson, 272‘2 Stark street is a along the line of household hygiene. and 50c, Money refunded if results are the profits were millions a day. If the 2 A l ew Pointers. condemnation of Oregon fruit. He found new mining and real estate brokerage Already there is a uomnendable revolt not satisfactory. mine-owners are men, they will now The recent statistics uf the number uf that Montana was only desirous of pro firm recently organized in this city. against flavorless compound« called jel .Josephine County Maps. make the mine reasonably safe or stop death» nhew that the large majority die tecting her home growers against. dis Their headquarters have been removed lies, etc," working it. Mining is almost al ways a with consumption. This disease may The official map of Josephine county eased fruits from other states, lie said to 406-8 Chamber of Commerce. It is "If we concede the fact that pure fruit dangerous occupation, but to wore a commence with an apparently harmless that unjust decisions had sometimes the intention of this new firm to deal in food is wanted, is it not then imperative can be had at lhe C ourier office at re mine under the almost absolute cer cosgh which can be cured inwtantly t»y been made by reason of lack of ex mining property from an investor’s stand to set the ball rolling toward the estab duced prices. Folding pocket map, $1; tainty of disaster which will happen at Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and perience on the part of the inspectors, point. They are eaid to have some of lishing of an industry which may well be wall maps in colors, $3.50 Call and get some indefinite time, is surely criminal, Lung», which i» guaranteed to cure ami but there was no disposition in Montana the leading mines of Southern Oregon a factor in making Oregon fruit more fa one. and this haw been done at Iron Moun relieve all cases. Price 25c. and 50c. to discriminate against Oregon-grown on their list. Within a short time they mous than it is now?" tain. ____ ________ LADIES’ TAILOR MADE SUITS. fruit. Mr. Miller believes that here h >pe to have the richest mineral exhibit Fur »ale by all druggists "An authority on fruit preserving •ooooooao after Oregonians will have no reason to in the city.—Telegram. UNDERSKIRTS, WRAPPERS, Moat people »mile at tbr idea of hold SKIRTS, siys that our good hau»ekeepers can pre Buying Oregon Cattle fear a condemnation of clean fruit in ing up Mormonism as a bugaboo, but pare anything in preserved fruit, from MVSLIN UNDERWEAR. CORSETS, ETC. Joseph Roach, a well known cattle Montana. Arrangements were made to People’s Party Meeting. there is no denying that the sect are <iif- the juices condensed to a dry jelly (a raan ol Minot, N. D expects to purchase maintain a correspondence between the By authority vested in me as «liai r- Turkish method) and the candied cher fusing themselves over the western states j» J» .< 5(>00 head of Oregon t attle, with which Montana and Oregon Bjards of Horti man of the Feoples' Party County Cen ries and plums which sell for fl a iK>und at a rapid rate. One reasuu of this is to restock his ranges along the Yellow culture While in Montana, Mr. Miller tral Committee of Josephine County, m decorated French boxe». Tn is au probably that their |w»wrr in their own I Take Orders for SucccMor o/ the “ I'Habriflijctl.'* stone and in the upper Missouri River made several addressee to fruitgroweis Oregon I hereby call a county conven thority says further: state of Utah has been largely curtailed The (hie (,r< ;it Standard Authority, Valley. Although he haw heard of a anj made many Investigations ot the tion of the duly ele« ted delegates from RowritrsDon 1» .1. Brewer, in recent years by the largely increased "Any woman who can make currant JitsU’ e ( . S. Mipremv ColirL shortage of cattle on Oregon rangi*«, he n anner of fruitgrowing in the state, as the various precincts of sai l county to jelly, can make fruit confections, and <¡entile population. The Mormons prac HlaiKlartl feels (-oiifident of obtaining all be need», well as in Idaho and the Columbia river meet at tl e court house lice a system of colonization which it 11 1 s * ;°v’i PrhiUni what adapts them specially to home in I '' ' ' ,l" ' *• i|»n in as he tindM gooilly bunches of yearlings country. suitable place in Grants Bass, on Satur dustry is that they must be made in |J < •mt, »11 the Miih- Mu very strong and wherever they plant * 13 * <»nrl».aii<!olne»r and 2 year ulds foi sale in vaneus par ’ s IhrniseiveM they generally «lay. If the r| h all the St'houllMMiks. day, the 7tb day of April, 1900, at 1 small quantities to insure perfection ('ash paid for old Rubber,Copper,Brass of the stale. He says ttosy aru held at tlr h Warmly o’clock p. ni. of said «lav for the purpose The high pi iced Levantine candied fruits Mormon religion ware curtailed of lome . C oni m end eel and Zinc at Marshall’s second hand »tore pretty stiff figures, however, and that o' elect! ng'seven delegates to attend the are made in harems and peasants’ houses ’ U I' l-y •'tnte Siipermieiidenl« of its features which are contraty to the on Front street, opposite the Round cattle raisers do not »vein overanxious Come and see my I.ine of Samples. 1 i’”- state convention of the Feoples’ Party with no other apparatus than an earth very principles ol our government and to x---- F •'■ t*.aiul’>th«-rl <lu«-:it<’!8 House, Grants Pass. to sell. The ( au»e of this indifference F iiliii 'ac wtihcnt number. to lie held in the city’of Portland on the en cooking xessel and a portable furnace.1 the laws of morality, tbey would certainly Invaluable l»e fiee to practice it anywhere In the he ascribe« to the mild winter and abun 12th day ot Apr l, 1900. There is really nothing to prevent a tine ’ 1 ' »ml !• Governor Bob Taylor Cominy dance of green grans. The stock 1» kept r-r, B<-h"l.ii, pr ■ Unitetl btates and no one could object. It is suggested and recommended that industry here in Portland, and we be '»I man, ini self Arrangements have been made to in prime condition without eipensc, and e-tiii iL r. But, unferlunateljr, the two principles have Governor Bob Taylor of Tennessee the primary elections in the Various pre lieve it will receive the heartiest co as rattle men obtained good prices far which are the must <li»aatruus are the deliver a course of lectures in Oregon, cincts be held at the usual voting places operation of many, both men and worn- i G.& C. Merriam Co.,Pul»llnli«*t>. Springfield, Maas. very ba< kbone of the system. However their surplus last year, tlisy are not suf* ’S and it is very probable that be will in said precincts on Saturday, the 31st en. Every woman who does business in much they may l»e denied, ceocealed fering particularly for money. He has dav of March, 19.)), at the hour of one a business way helps herself and every CAITIOX. 1)0 not be deceived i i lecture in Grants Pass. recently purr hawed 2MM) head of year , buying small so-<a!k ‘ and kept in the background, the features Governor Taylor, three times governor o’clock p m , of said day for the purpose other woman to independence." "vvebster s Dictionaries." m •■th. !>• abridKiiifiita of w. •. ;,.] ■* |. t(.rnnti. • t f»l»-t<- ■ of polygamy and priestly control of tem ling» and 2 year olds at Ixiwieton, Idaho, of electing 3 delegates trom each precinct " The question of feminine and home at y In thr* vatji.t M „ w . ,a«. ,rL ,, , of his state, has no superior on the plat Uwtr.H.lrov« ,J, ........ . poral matters are all that make Mor paying $13 for the yearlings and $.’6 for to attend the county co ’ ivention «fore industries is among the most in eresung form fur wit, humor and pal hue He the two year old« 1' 1 in stock is to lie monism noticable These principles, / 0 ■ /X0'\ enlivens his lectures with music and is men timed, and it is further suggested questions of the hour and deserves the District Clerk's Repart. (S) LSSC.I lAA Man«field testifies that Alexander h»’d though often denied from motives of delivered in May, and will t»e shipped and recommended that the county con c oeetst studj* uf the fair polit cal econ \xmaery \aKn/HrJ '■*?!•».*■/ yctnaMM an entertainer of rare ability. A lead by rail to the Yellowstone. Following is the annual report of the him to collect the $10, ami enumerate« venlion for the nomination of county policy, always crop out full blown wher Mr. Roach makes yearly vihi I s to Ore several different ocraaions, unit at the Grants Paas school district for the j ear ing newspaper describee him as a officers be held at tome future date after omist. Timidity, hesitation, lack of ever the Mormons are in anything like courage to strike out, mus give way to “Paganini among politicians and a Pat gon to purchase young stock, which l.a cabin in presence of Ferrin and other«, ending March 5, 19J0. complete control of a community. The the state convention to be agree« 1 upon business plans ani ine;hods. One of rick Henry among fiddlers.’’ holds until the animals become three RKCKIPTfl. and twice in Kerby where both were in first degrades morally, the second phys by the county convention, convening on our great and leading thinkers once said ically. Both are rapid and alike fatal years ebl when he ships them fat to town on the occasion of the Christmas Funds on hand March 6, 1899 1 81 57 the 7th of April. It is greatly to be ’ What must be. can be." Oregon must 4.831) 5. Our state uuw has quite a large number Chicago, usually in Alignât or Septeto dance. He says that he agreed and l<»ld Received on district lax acct. desired in the interest of good govern 1 have development in utilizing the pro 2.1 <s. 61 County school fund ........... uf Mormons. There are several colonies l»er of each year lie han received as Alexander to give him mu order, and Slate school lUiul . ............... ment that the primaries l»e largely at I duct of the farm Why theorize .»•< 1221 in eastern Oregon. There are Mormon high a» $70 a bead for three year old that Alexander told him to write the For tuition .............................. . tended an i that conservative and rep ! speculate as to what might be; 35 steers hi Chicage, but expec ts the mat « order and it would bv all right. He put W arrant» issue*! 3448 12 luush i.arieL imw working al Ashland resentative men I h * sent as delegate*« to coinbin- the in ght-b^’s ami a< k«*t to fall somewhat from now on, as in hi» own name on the order to «how that and probably making couverte. the conn y convention Nearly all ths time is ripe, fruit soon will be Total $11,736 46 dicaltons p"inl to an abundance of fat I the money had been paid to him He I evils to which political flesh is heir to :• Have an industry here which w lilSHl KskMFN r. it in iko t»ee( hi Texas snd other state» for this ha I not returned to the mine, there | originate at the primaries—hence the ur Oregon famoaw.“—Telegram. Tue gentle and jojuus milk producer w age* ........... 95 Tt aciier«' $3.309 year. being too much water for drifting lie gent neces«ity of an attendance of ail is m her best aspect. vsNwntially a rural lie says. “Cattle raising in Oregon i» i prudtl ed a >10 gold piece and swore Rettern pl. ol w ar rants and ml 3.3M 94 The Plate tboih* interested in defeating the mach character. As w denixwn of the cilv# Repair» on school liuuae, preui . 433 .18 is a pr »filable iadusl>y, ns each cow that it was the identical com whicn In a course of study in photography inal ions of <lrs going p ilitirian« against privileged to roam free and uneuufined, >chuol furniture .............. . 714 earns $13 a head in raiding a < atf No Rayce had paid Imu ani which F uri and lucuteiitais.............. I for amaUir«, tieo. W. Gilson thus dis I’reitiw Mave Granta |»a 291 t5 the will of the people. she has lw»en cotivieuitied by governing land and ay Station! leedmg is required in Oregon, and so behvngtkl to Alexander. ID • District clerk s services ......... iMn’t stay at home on convention day cusses photographic plates. citizens in solemn conclave an<l ha« a. in, •»Ml <115 ¡i J anilor s »rrvicvn .................... this $13 is made ahnoel clear ot expense. 276 63 These btoG are actually blew« blots, To m«l then say that the convention wa« There are a number c Cha« Ferrin testified that he remem JiIT«-r.nt m.liM bees irlegaird to the dismal obscurity cure them lotions ami outward appli i urdíase ijl ih bool house site 100 In Montana and North Dakota we can't | °I flfy plates on tbe market, b- ’ ied a conversation at hi« pltco bo of back jttida and I nath bite Under cations are useless. The blood must he "packed" anti kick because the candi any of s . buoi house, and uul- raise <attle mi «hraply, as the seasons twevn Mansfield, \lvxatidvr and othri « Building which with proper handling will yield nd . S tiousrv 2,578 64 cure, I, lief ore the «kin becomes clean dates don’t suit yon the law, no cow whatHorver ba* any a. tn. 7 :00 p m are loo severe, and the calves are liable Th.it great nichcine for the stomach Fass..10 69 and that to the liesl ol his remembrance, i iisuiauce 9 30 a tn. No government is superior to the peo good results, and the b**«t c xirae for a P m street or s.dvwalk privileges in Grants ami blood. Dr. Heroe s C«ohlen Medical Other will lw I purpose» ....... 228 12 •d. .12 a. in 11 :30 a m | pie who make it ami no peo ple can ex Legim er is to s • ect one (¡rule .nd p. Paas. Bi »me of us are not no young but Co die of cold before becoming strung tlrxander h*4 dir«civJ Mansfield to Discovery, is most effective in cleansing lento 5 P.m. 4 :35 id . that we c an remember bow our (air city enough to travel about. This season, ivllrct the money. He ea><l that Mans Total $11,696 40 the complexion ami healing diseases pert to be well served who do not take | to it until tbe working of it ittliorva^Liy p m. 9 30 a.m ■ which defile and deface the skin It an interest in the choice of their public understood. was turn with drsrenaiune ami von ten however, has l»een one of the open kind field had left his personal Ulecla there Cash on hand aits directly upon the stomach and the servants. in my vicinity, and no hay al all haw and had written him one letter saying .Most plates are nude lion«covering a period of year -» and how • 5 45 p m. 11 45 organa of digestion ami nutrition It Iwen fed. Even now, fat steers may I* that he would come ba« k shortly. •9 :00 a in. w (M H. (\ F kmkins , C o , Chairman. I «>f «peel, Mftalif ter ne i In fair fight, the free < >w i>euple were newer Nltuatiun increases the action of the blood-making had in those northern pastures, as the •7 :25 a in. 7 ;25 Mansfield wa» placed under te>n«le of and fast or instantaneuui ?;t.oi ’ S m. ’ . pels from thv sx stem th« is, N R».\Vo i»s, >v« retarv. delisted and lhe ci»w repressed. Upon I grass has been excellent, and the ground Judge ID ma » ah down from Jack •7 ;55 a,m 9:30 urking poisons which defile the blood should choo«e the sloe )r medi $.Uk). to awad the action oftheCrand the elreugth of thia devisiun, and upon »onville on Monday to hold a t»pe« lai ami through it deface the shin. bate of snow for the t>ettrr portion el the ijury. p^ate fur hie first w-»rk, _ Th» Americin Soldier* in the Philippine« which the non sp|M-arancv for a season of the i winter’" No alcohol or other intoxicant, no term oi court to try the injunclit n mil 701 am. rapacious bovine, some of our towns A notable article, al once an apprecia always an out door | P’ctur- U.Otl pin of 1 ,ev i II Ferry vs |Cdy of Grants Pa«*. opium or other narcotic is contained in Mcrxoptken t ntertainment Bow to Re»vue Nort«> trom fir« “ Golden Medical Ihscovery." medium plates admit d .-«.n people have Lad the temerity to set out 6 :30 in. The case was argued and sttbftliltrd, but It tnay pav a dealer liettrr to sell vou a Ito a id a vivid, stirring picture of cur V:66 a.ui trees for the futnrr beautifying of their Hume on« who has no doubt ha«l < «»n- The illustrated lectures w hich will be the jmlge «aw aaked to withhod his substitute which is less popular but more boys in the field, ba« t»eu written ex more latitude in expo«»! 4 00 a m preoneue. But n w comee the etarlhug ««iderabie experience in hamlhng h xrae« given here by Rev. !>. E. Finks of New ileciatou while the patties should make profitable than the “Dtacovery." It clu-nely Jcr the Saturday Evening Pont, plate, an i are bt*etdee e 6 25 p.ni information from very cred liable sources gives thr following advice at*mt saving York, on March 13 and 14 w ill be a rare an t-ffGrt fur an amicable aeitlrnirnl. won't par you to buy it, if you want a of Pndadrlphia. by Senator Albert J or toe miro I in develop u 0.42 a m. remedy. The great («rerntue oi that cows have I hm - ii p<*rivnvd extant them from the flames when the ham is opportunity to com blue pleasure and lhe water company •ubmiltrd two reliable Beveri-’gr. Senator Beveridge write« as 12:42 p.tn. ' For «Nnut iWr vrar and a half mv face wan roaming free and untrammelled duriwe on fire profit. Mr I* ink» is an old friend <4 the pit'l’o.sition? on Tuesday, both of which vrrv tw».! y br -O" .■>»• wntm Ml«* < ■ .orcefutit at d as brilliantas he speaks. co nmencernent of the a ‘1 i i m A5 \M) tourist caw ou Adam« iM' Ilf West Main St Rattiexrrxk Mi^h the dwik hours of the night, ami more "It is almost imjHWsible to drag out faun v of Kev. < W. Hav» w ho guar ah we*r rejected bv the citv A keen observer, with the faculty of rapher » career it due t a great deal of m<xiev with -incti»rs aod k iwlHion is f>K 1 «pent '* n-, 1 hair car» >a< ramen o Io different kinds uf mr> Kine, bnt receive»! wo With the fast plate, or» over, they wear belle which jangle with your burses except yen first blindfold tee« an excwlleut an ter tai a me a I. l’eoo, and Tooriat car» t i being virca'alrd asking that the people bene At At last ! read ne of yuvr advertise grasping the thing of vital and human few seconds only is fat -t. L jui ,, Xew Orlean» and hideous claaior. Fur the sakv of the them as many owners know lo lheircuat A M'od «tereopúcvn entertainment is be given an op|x»nunity to vote •>« the ments in a paper and ohtaiasd a buttle of LW interest, w hat he ba« to say will interest rierec s (kUden Mcdicwl thaevn-erv Bef.rr 1 “ S ’ uiugion. experience uf a veteran newly planted trwes, it is Meeesary io what a ma<l mat met tne dumb brutes alwavs worth aeetiut The view» which ma t> r of buiing the city fur the cun- had taken owe b»<tle of this medicine I mdaed «very A mem an a chan<r and after takin* three Nit ties 1 waa while «uh the t\w pi* , ins;sl that the free cow evil should not have to rush into the fianee Throw a Mr Finks will prêtant will be exrep air u u n of a nea water, light and avwer en.irrlv This great artic < ‘«i noting at San Francisco with sev- cure«! ! can well recuaninewd De. so eeriotit a matter. Th Fierce • <»«U«len Medical Dtacveerv to any one again gain a hold in this town, and a hemp ba« oi h«»rse cover or an old piece tionally fine and wilt moreover, give u« system one that Senator eral ’>*mship Lnea for Honolnhi ■mulartr sfflix-trd ” find that he will watt« r little laady in ths matter might easily of carpet over their hva«le, covering much information un |»«>rtion» of our The Frople’a Common Sense Medteal for any us vga* ne igh tn Japan. ( •na, Ph’iippiaes, Central and result in serious roneequem-«M For if their eves to shield them from the light, domain of which w» know very little \ splendn! line of mounts f«»r multiple - ra'.nrn f«o n the I’.idippme«, ap;*earw ex his early yff ,rt4 witu the atea ¡Wii A nance. one cew can roam unmolested, there and the in<wt excited animal will quiet and ol which we ought to know a gv>*d pu'turr«, some as low as &c per dereti author. IW R V l*ien-e, Buffalo, N V . eliMneiy in the March 17th number of without sq*ia(ing the nan e use rrcri|»< of stamps to cover expense of of fast one«. will be mans more and tlien we would down as docile as a iamb and let you deal mure than we do. Die first lecltir*’ Aiwo |»auels (or four pH lures in different on 8«e J, er. agent al Granta l’a«« mailing o«7v Semi it one-ernt stamps The ^at-irdav Evening Poet. l’a«s wu •» 1 jo J— have the fight all over again ami the lead him oat of danger Northwest will tie on Alaska and the Klondike, and positions All kinds uf mounts on for the jxqier tiound, or jl stamps fur or a«i.lreee Mounts for stamp pj<-t the second will deal largely with the han«l —A F \m»rh»ea. the cloth bound rditurn. Tun e book« at the Cot niaa orti trees would then be »lead. I Facifi Farmer. fur sa»e by 4. E. V.. H h markham . < j . r. a ., ROGUE RIVER COURIER, ÍTinino Hotel?. If 1 ou do not Get > Satisfaction in > A. E. VOORHIES, rnoriorroB. » > ► » > > > > > » > » > ....SH()I£S LeWiS Wear Resisters Sold at Granite Ware XV arm anted not to Chip, Scale nor Discolor < 4 4 4 < RED STAR STORE, > > v 4 4 4 < 4 Post Office Building. 4 A A Hair-Riddle Hardware Co Slover Drug Co. The Prescription Department New Goods ! -New Lines. . . Spring Stock Webster’s International Dictionary LADIES’ TAILDR-MADE COSTUMES. MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS, SKIRTS, CAPES AND JACKETS. E. C. Dixon. l)rv Goods, Shoes and Furnishings. Eruptions and skin diseases are a blot upon EAST and SOUTH SKasta Ho ute a I Portland, Ore