our ter A» IxDirrxDtsT Parsa, D evoted E itbcluxv to tue I nterests or S octubre O i » c <3 Na. 18. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1900. VOL. XVI. Lace Curtains, Furniture, The acuate committee on commerce Tinware, Carpets. Blesse. 1 are they who live in Weet.ro | has favorably reported a bill providing Mmps, Picture Moulding, for a cosiuaercial oommiesion to be sent Oregon, where real winter weather is Linoleums, Wall Paper, unknown. Here is the way winter is to Asia, for the purpose of investigating Mirrors, Tools, described back Eaat: "Fust it (ria, su' and reporting ufion lhe best methods of Chat» With Moth«». Mattresses, M. Clement l’rewription Dru»«i.t. Glassware, increasing American commerce in that then it tbew ; an* then shew ; an ’ then Where do you get yeur hair cut? Try Pillows. S chool L vxcbes . Mother, wltoae chib Cutlery, it suew agin an’ frix en it." Bad road, J part of the world. The commission is dren are obliged to go lung diataACO. Cots. Graniteware, Will Mallory. i to be composed of five busiresa men, ara preferable to that sort oi thing — U> school, are often greatly perplexed to Bicycle hovpital for all repairing al Merchandising in J one from each of the geographical di- Aurora Boreali». know what to put up for the noonday Cramer Bros. visioi s ef tlie country. lunch which shall be both appetixing Whisky haa beeu elevated, it aeeina, The 8. I*, railroad company is making The new i'hilippine commission ia preparations for building a new dejuvt to the dignity ol a alalutory deienae for now complete, uniese some of the mem and wholeaem.. The cuventional school ' crime in Hanford. A citixen of that bers should lisck out. Ds luemliers are luueh ef a lute bread and butler, sand- at Gold Hill. wiehes pickle., mince or other rich pie Mis« Maud Merrill made a trip on i iutereating town who did hi, beat to Judge W. H. Taft, of Ohio; Prof. D. 0. A FORTUNATE PURCHASE BY OUR EASTERN BUYER enables us to with a variety of cake snd cookies, i. Monday to Woodville, where «he will »end a fellow to hl. long account hae ; Worcester, of Michigan; Gen. Luke E, put on the market in Southern Oregon the Biggest Drive ever offered scarcely belter than none at all ¡since been held guilty of a simple aaeault Wright, of Tennessee; Judge H.C ide, resume her school next week. Do not buy a camera until you have examined the tc the people here. I taM-auee lie proved that he was full of of Vermont, snd Prof. Berna d C, Moss, on lhe one hand there is a deficiency of 40 acre farm 12 miles trum l> ortland, 2 food material which can be used for the ! wbiaky.—S. F. Call. of California. The present plan is to “Al ” mile, from poet office, to exctiange for PyPp a upbuilding of brains, muscles and nerves; have the onmmiasioa start to the Philip Grant. I’ase residence property. Inquire while ou the other hand 11 contains an At a political »peaking in Coquille X Double With the patent long and short negative attachment you can take pines about the first of April. al tIns office. abundance of material calculated le in City some miscreant stuffed rags in the a 4x4, 4x6. 4x8, 4x10 and a 4x12 picture, as desired. Conse War department officials are wrestling of positively new—this year’s Doe. your friend have • camera? A chimney and when the tire was started duce dyspepsia, headache, dullness of with a problem which they would glad quently you have five cameras in one. And the “AL VISTA" is flexible, leather covered album would i in the stove the speaker and the crowd intellect, and other morbid conditions. Century Designs ly evade. They are called U|wn to de made tor time and snap-shot work, too Uses the ordinary 4x5 make a spiendid present—$1 and less gathered, were soou almost suffocated 1-ell la the ante-room, during the scbool- cide whether the country is in a state ot direct from the factory. You get the benefit of our eastern con E daylight loading film on spools. Drop us a postal and get our A. E. Voorbtea ha. a stock oi album». I by the smoke and the occasion declared war or peace. The problem haa been ! session, until in cold weather it becomes nections and experience when dealing here. The difference in G, I. Brown returned Saturday morn not a success. This is another way of raised by the application ot a number of I nearly froseti, and then partaken of 1900 catalogue. price is yours every time. hurriedly, that there may lie more time chukiug off a political speaker. — Myrtle ing from a visit to Fortland. soldiers for the purchase of tlieir dis (or play, is it to be wandered at that the Miss Sylvia Anderson, who ha. been Point Enterprise. charge from tlie army, which the law says BURLINGTON. WIS. after-dinner Session drags ,0 wearily, attending school at Salem, returned may be done in time oi peace. A Witne.se- in the Coeur d'Alene riot and that the pupils (eel sleepy, dull and home Thursday to remain. peace decision would enable these men OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. cases testify that the ‘ bull pen" prison uninterested? Our brains are nourished -V- p. DODGE, Mr and Mr«. B. H. Calhoun went to where the rioting miners were confined to purchase their discharges, but it by blood made from the food we eat; reducing the pay of would also result in Ashland Thursday. They are intending while under arrest, was a filthy, CSITXO STATE». INSURANCE*" J and if it be formed of improper or un the Philippines who soldiers serving in to make tlieir home at that place. Vreeident ................... William McKinley unhealibful, uncomfortable place. It REAL ESTATE wholesome food, the result will be a Vi -e President............ Mrs. J. H. Booth passed through might be staled that "bull pen" prisons, are, in the absence of a decision, draw- disordered organ, inca|iable for fir.', class Fecretary of Xate .... ........ John Ha\ here last Wednesday evening returning jails and penitentiaries, are gool-places mg lhe increased pay authorized by law work. . .Lyman J liage Berretary of Treasury to her home in Roseburg from Cal to stay out of, and ought not to be in time of war. On the other hand, a .......... C N Bills tiei retary of Interior . Again, the extra work imposed upon war decision would raise com plications O regon . ifornia. Be. tretarv oi War ........ ........Elihu Root G rant « P ass , furnished too luxuriously.—Albany Her John I) Long abroad, which might become dangerous. the digestive organs, and the liver in Secretary of Navy ............ . The public school began on Monday, ald. Ke. retary of Agric jI J.. ture — . James A Wilson The solving ot this problem is likely to getting rid of the excess of fats and PoF-tinaster-General........ James A Gary sugar in rich, unwholesome foods, con after a two weeks vacation. The only j Though corquered aud captured, and lie deferred as long as |iosritele. Attorney-General.. . Joseph McKenna x A X« C. HOUGH, present reminders of lhe late small-pox though it may be determined by cril cs : That the scheme for the sale of the tinually overtaxes these organs. ATTORN EY-AT LAW, STATE or OREGON. scare, are tlie occasional insane reports and experts that he took too great risks , south side of Pennsylvania avenue, It can hardly be doubted that a large (Geo W McBride Pi act ices in all State and Federal Courts which are still observed on the pages of about the most nnprotilable real estate majority of the cases so-called overwork U. S. Senators... and made mistakes, Cronje will remain (Joseph Niinun from which school-children suffer, are some of the exchanges. Office over First National Bank. an heroic figure in history. There have 1 >n Washington, to the government as (Tiros H Tongue Congressmen .... • M. W. Wheelor, who is now in busi been, there will be, lew more sternly sites for future public buildings, is caused by violation of hygienic laws re A Moody G rants P arr , • - O regon . We have something interesting io show you in Tables also. The Altornev-General. ... D R N Blackburn ness in Sumpter, writes concerning our pathetic scenes than the surrender of nothing more than a big money grabbing garding food and diet rather than by an alxive cut shows one of our new ones. For taste and elegance in ............. T ! Geer excess of brain work ; or in other words, Governor .............. •inall-pox scare, that there have been Cronje's decimated army, driven to real estate deal, has been demonstrated designs and style We lead and for prices we are Headquarters. Het i vlary of Stat«........ ........ Fl Dunbar JJIC. J. JENNINGS tunny cases in Sumpter and in Baker "lhe last ditch," and surrounded by by the hysterical opposition of the bad the brain been properly nourished Stale Treasurer............ .. Cli us S Moore by an abundance of good wholesome City, but as yet not a single death unless principal newspaper organ ol the Supt 1‘iib instruction .. J il Ackerman I ten times its number. You surrendered, RESIDENT DENTIST. Stat- Printer................ ........ W 11 1-eeds in complication with something else, Cronje, but tlie world takes its hat off to schemers to the proposal, endorsed by food, the same amount of work could tU F. Wolverton 30 Years Exp -• ee. snd 'hat the form of lhe disease preval you as a hero.—Telegram. the committee, composed oi tlie govern liavs been easily accomplished with no under. Fill the interstice, between the ’ 1/ > H Lean lluu„ vallis lie is now at the head of the Supreme Judges........ • K ent there is not usually so severe as lhe ors oi states and territories, representa detriment whatever. (FA Moore Office in Opera Hou e block; >ee the sign bread with hot fiuit uaing juat aa little Horticultural Board of the state. and when that Whenever practicable, children should Bad news travels faat, of The Big Tooth. tives, senators, and prominent citizens measles. Clerk Board S-liooi l.aiidCoin. WHOdell return to their homes for their midday juice aa poaaible, cover with another oldt prevai icating jade Dame Rumor riEST JCIHCIAL DISTRICT. O regon . G rants P ass , The following original |>ensions have starts a report there are always enough of Washington, which met last week to Innch, since under the oversight of a layer, thia time placing the atrip, of Disaster it Iron Mountain. Western Division....... ludge il K Hanna been granted to citizens of the Rogue of those of a thoughtless and uninvesti arrange for the celebration of the cell ten1 wise mother there will be fewer viola of bread over the fruit i.1 the tirat layer. The most distressing accident in the nisi ot the establishment of the capital Eastern Division........ Judge ii 1. Benson River Valley by the federal government; gating turn of mind to push it along. tions of hygienic laws, and the walk back Fill tne diah with theae layera of fruit history of mining in northern California Pro».-, tiling Attorney' ........ C B Watson j J C. PERKINS, Win. Shafer, Gold H ll, »S ; Esther Nutt, Some shallow-pated individual ha* start of the United States, at Washington, to to the school-room will be far more con and bread and when full pour over all occured last Thursday at the Iron Men iber Board of Equalizat. . RA Einmitt lay out a new federal avenue, Irotn the the hot fruit juice, put a plate with a Mountain mine near Redding. With Grants Pane, »10; and the following ed a story that “the «mall |»ox ha* U. S. DEPUTY ducive to good digestion than the violent U. 8. LAND OFFICE RONEBURO. increases in pensions: Jesse Higgins, reached Ashland,’' and various parern capitel to the proposed Memorial bridge exercise or the sports so often indulged weight on it on the top to preaa it firmly. out a moments warning, the roof of a Ker? ver ................................ Henry Booth MINERAL SURVEYOR, across the Potomac to Arlington, upon Dip off any juice that may be preened Jacksonville, from »S to »12: C 1'. Jones, published in Northern California towns, Kegi'ier...................................... J T Bridgts which all future federal buildings shall be 111 directly after eating. When this is out, and set the pudding in the refrig tunnel gave way and tone of copper ore O regon . Ashland, »30 to »3(1; A. D Burton, Ash and one across the Klamath divide, have G rants P ass , cauie crashing down, anti eight msn impracticable, let the Innch be as sim JONEPHINE COUNTY erected. The proposed avenue would be land »6 to »S. given sufficient credence to the lie a« to entirely on ground already owned by ple as possible and not to ample as to erator to cool and pre»« When cold it were buried. A number of heir-breadth ........ C E Harmon Joint Senator......... The Glee Club men are preparing to treat it aa news and publish it with the government, and no ground would tempt the child to overeat. The bread will turn out whole, and can be cut in escapes ere recorded. A rescuing party County Judgd.. . . ............ Abe Axtell ' Ç^OSHOW& SHERIDAN, alicea and served with whipped creaiu or was at once put to work, and five of the (Nick ThoNs | make a tour of Southern Oregon during prominence.—Ashland Tidings. Commissioners .... have to be bought; lienee the squealing should be made of graham or whole cocoanut sauce ) Dick George MINING ATTORNEYS, lhe April vacation. They intend going unfortunate men have been taken out. wheat flour and well baked and light, ........ Roy Bartlett oi the speculators. County Clerk ........ Washington Letter. Rica prepare*! aa directed below niakea Four of them were yet alive, but all Special attention given to Mining as far south as Ashland, stopping ata biacuit made with bread sponge is good. Sher nt...................... .............. Ed Lister The vote by which lhe »cuate took up (From Our Regular Correspondent.) a wholeaome and appetising artici« for have since died. The accident was ..........J W Virtue | and Land Law s, and Land Office practice. ' number of the intervening towns Eaton Representative........ tlie (Juay case, 34 to 28, is regarded as One can put a well beaten egg, some the lunch banket W ashington , Feb. 26, 1900. .............1 T Taylor ’ Treasurer.................. will be unable to sc ompany the club, »o caused by the insecure timbering, the sugar and a little butter, beat well to K osebi rg . - - O regon . having settled two things. First, that School Superintendent. ............ J I) Hayes ' C hkamy Rica. Put a pint of milk, nature of the ground making safe tim Dick Smith will take hie place in lhe | Another striking example of legisla a majority of the senate, upholds lhe gether and work In the dougli saved ........... Tom Smith I Aases.*" r travesty. The Eastern Oregon trip was tion by conference i« furnished by the claim that anything affecting a senator’s wheu bread was put into tine. Mix well one quarter of a cup of best Carolina bering an extremely difficult operation. ..BO McCulloch Purveyor. . ... Dr. 1- W k remer U OBERT G. SMITH, a highly successful one and the Glee finance bill, re|>orted from the confer right to his seat, is a question of the and let rise again, make into small rice, a tahivapoonful of sugar, and a Coroner . . Club men protwee to make tlie coming ence com.nitte. It i« practically a new highest privilege and can be called up biscuits, let rise again and bake. Put handful of raiaina into a granite iron or A flag lor Your Svhoolhouse. PRECINCT OFFICERS. tour ¡even more so.—Oregon Weekly, bill embodying the principal features of at any time, regardless of what ia before cold water on when taken out of the earthen-ware diah ami place on the top Every school bone, in the counly SBce................................. James Holman A ttorneys and C ounselors both the house and senate bills, but ex of the range where it will heat very should have a flag. If you want one lor Eugene. Uomtalile .......................... ........ J H Colby oven. pressed unlike either. It is more flat- the senate, and second, that Mr. Quay at L aw . Fruit rolls and buns are good, A cup alowly to boiling temperature. Stir your dlstarM write to the C ourier about A proposition is now under cons’dera- cirv or grants ! PASS. will be awarded the seat. footedly in favor of the gold standard ; of fruit, som« good bread and butter, frequently •> that the rice will not ad it. Mavor .......... ............ .. . W T Coburn Office in First Narional Bank Building. lion by tlie people of Medford and provides for refunding the bonded in Wife Wanted. .. .Ge j . Em 111a i fresh fruits, nuts snd a bottle of rich here to the I ki II oui of the dlab. When vicinity for a canal carrying water from Auditor............................ U sants P ass , - • O regon . debtedness of the government in two First class baker -ami chef wants a milk is as tempting a lunch s» any child boiling, place in the oven, and bake till Treasurer......................... .... Col Johnson Little Butte creek to a point n-ar Med- . John ^Patrick per cent gold bonds, upon which nat wife, lias been superintendent of rail* Street Comruiiwioiier. need desire. Of course each day tlie the rice la tender, which can be axcer- ford. The proposed ditch is to have an .. Win. Lister ional banks may issue currency to the road dining car service in the East and Marshal mother can vary the food. Wlien one tained by dippiug a apoon into one .ide Y^IiORGE II. BINNS, average depth of six feet and an average ( August Felten full face value, and it retain* the senate private cook to Ex-Governor Joe Flier I loin Smith i. situated where fresh fruits can lie ob and taking out a few grain,. Twenty width of 10 feet and will he near 25 bimetallic amendment, but in a more oi Illinois; is 35 years old, votar, steady l D Fay tained, they should furnish the children minutea will generally be .officiant. miles in length, it will be used to ASS A YER, ( E E Dunbar meaningless form. There is no doubt of and industrious, and a widower, best "A unt J ohim ". with apples, oranges, bananas, pear., irrigate the large area of now arid land Councilmen I T P Jadson the adoption of the bill, reported by the of references can be given in regard to north of Medford, known as lhe"de>- gra|iu., filberts and almond, in place of I N E McGrew Office opposite Hotel Josephine, H B. Miller for Chung King conference committee, by both house faithfulness and efficiency as servant ar I M M Rummage rich pie and cake. They ere just as ert,” and to furnish the town of Med Henry B. Miller, of Eugene, Oregon, ’ and senate, probably before the close of workman. G rants P aks , - - O regon . ( H E Smith cheap as lhe material need for making who was last week appointed United ford with water and power. the present week. Reg ilar meetings Address. T hus . H. W ard . IVegniar inwnaaRO of w. the ...- city . .... council of the Ires wholeeonie sweets, and far easier States Consul at Chung King, China, *• ----- L..1U I wi I Get your writing paper by tlie ream Grant’s Pa«« are held in the <*<>■! council The republicans of the house who o|>- Kearns Hotel, Wolf Creek, Oregon. 50 Per cent Cheaper than Kerosene. of digestion. An occasional plain fruit was selected by Representative Tongue, rooms in the city hall on the first and and save money. We offer a ream of poeed the I’orto Rican tariff bill, us re or grain pudding, cup custard, or molded whose effort« brought about the nomi Insurance Companies Approve. third Thursday evenings oi each month. note paper, 480 sheets, 2'a pounds, for ported from the ways and means com IT IS BEGINNING dessert inay be subatituied for variety. nation. Soon after last election Mr. CIRCUIT COURT. Cold Doe» Not Affect 45c. We get the paper in large quapti- mittee, forced the party conference to To be understood that it doei not take • Fruit sandwiches or a slice of stewed Meets on the third Monday in April Tongue made an effort to «ecure a tiesand can sell cheap; Ibis is not cheap agree to a modification of lhe bill. A b a fortune to secure a first class Moim Fruit 1'ndding. Recipe, will be given. and the fourth Monday in September. con«ul«hip for Mr. Miller in Germany paper but first cla»s goods.—C ocrier modified, the bill will l>e passe-1 this in nt or Table at the< irania Pass Marble ’ are also suitable lor this purpose. £ V* COUNTY 1 COUNTY COURT — OF — or Eastern Asia, ami for that pur|>o»e week. Ils defeat would have been cer andjjranite salesroom. office. Probate court meets first Monday of Much care should lie used ia petting secured the indorsement of the delega tain bad the modification not been made. SOUTHERN OREGON. January, April, July and September. up the lunch to have it as neat and tion. la thia Plain Enough? The objectors knew the bill could not County commissioner« court meets first Arm Dislocated dainty aa possible. A basket of suitable The present appointment meet« with Wednesday after the meeting of the be passed without their votes, and they If you have a nagging cough, andaré Capital Stock, Joe RedHeld, the young eon ol E. E. sixe covered with a clean white napkin the approval of both Senator« Simon county court. loving fle«h, go to a drug atore, and get ! made the most of their knowledge. Redfield, the jeweler, was the victim of or cletn ia better for use than the con and McBride. The appointment will I Receive deposits subject to chec k or on I a bottle of Shiloh', Consumption Coro. ' Representative Littlefield, of Maine, an accident on Friday afternoon, lie ventlonal dinner pail, in which air tight probably I»« confirmed in a few day«. I certificate payable on demand. i whose speech in the Roberts case placed Take two tbirda of it, and then if you are and another bov were riding a horse, receptacle each food is apt to savor of all This office pay« a year. Through J him in the ranks of the best legal ora'ors Sells sight d.-afu on New York, San Fran- i not benefitted, return the bottle to the No wicks to trim, so smoke, er anil Joe says the horse bucked. Any the others, making the entire contents the office Mr. Tongue and Mr. Miller cisco, and Puf'Jand. druggist, and he eil! return your money | in congress, clinched that position by a way the boy made violent connection unappetizing if not unwholeaome. smell. No chimneys to dean. Huper- hope to be able to assist in building up Telegraphic transfer* «old on all points in Isn't that fair? No one could ask more. speech against the Porto Ri<*an tariff | ior to electricity, gas, acstyleoe or with the ground, with the result that hie the Oregon trade with the Orient. Al'l-aTIZING lilKIIEH .OB LVMCMES. j the United States. Do they like milk from the , 25c., 50c , and »1 ( hi a bottle. W. F. bill. Like his first effort, bis iast spe < h i right arm was dislocated at the elbow. kerosene. Having effected by its use H. B. Miller i« one of the well-known K tewxii F ei . it PimniNG. Take a deep Special Attention given to Collections ai d Kremer, Druggist. was mad«* as a minority member of his quickly pays lor it. At la.t accounts the injured memb r granite ware or earthen dish; cut .trips business men and politician« of Oregon, general business of our customers. party, but that did not lessen it« effect* | was doing as well as could lie expected. ot etale bread uniformly an ineh in width in 1887-89 he represented Josephine Collections made throughout Southern i ven ess. Indeiamdence of opinion is a-1 Education in a Normal. Oregon, and on all accessible points. and three fourths of an inch in thickness county in the state senate, and «ub«e- mired by the average man, even when Railroading Patents. The Southern Oregon Normal, at Ash J. D. FRY, President. it is against his own. A single firm of Patent Lawyers, C. and place them in lhe dish with space« quently represented that county as «tale Exhibited and Sold by land, gives a training of three and four nOffiMt our cows are all high grade, lietween them equal to their width, or representative, and In both house« was J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. The debate in the senate on the bill A . Snow de Co., of Washington I). years in branches of study above the von get it night or morning, , active, in political and busine«« meas tit the stripe around the bottom of a R. A. B ooth . Cashier. couse it ie pare and clean. W. BLAKE. eighth grade. One year <•? practice providing a territorial form of govern have hi the last year procuted 1,630 pat For many years lie was a partner round, earthen pudding dish, like the ures teaching in the training e<-h«x»l i« afford* ment for Hawaii, has not developed ents for their clients, many ol them for »imkea of a v heel with an often apace ' Orant» Pass, Oregon. | ol ex Senator J. C. Carsori in the menu ed to students preparing to teach much opposition Amendments offered rejected nventions C. A. Know A Co. far'are of white pine lumber at Grants I between each end in the center. Have 17 Quart Tickets for SI. Many young people l»*av^ not the train by senators on both sides of the cham have been a< < *n«ed of railroading patents ready some hot slewed or canned fruit, Pass, hi recent year« he has devoted ing and have the sdvantaL'H of the aca ber have been adopted without division, through the Patent Office, hut they in I Stop the New Wagon. sweetened to taste; apricots, cherries, hie attention to fruit culture, in which and it is certain that as fsxm as all the sist that this locomotion is better than demic work aa a preparation for college. I currants, slrawberriee and gooee-berriee he has been very successful. For a Not all students, by any means, attend senator« who wish to make speeche« oxcarting them, fot by the latter process may all fie used, si-parate the juice (row. while Mr. Miller served as president ol ing a Normal Rcb<x>l, make te&chi*rs of on it have ha-l an opportunity to do •««, trie inventor often dies before he gets the Iierrie. by turaing them into a cci- the State Agricultural College at Cor E B BROWN, propr his patent. that it will pass. themselves. Five Cameras in One Hunt 3oeie’g Cbat. j local Dappcninfle Modern -Wall Papers- Vista Panoramic Cameras. 3000 Rolls at for I* Roll. New Multiscope & Film Co., > < TZE3ZOZMZ7LS’ 100 Candle Power 3 Hours . . 1 Cent FIRST NATIONAL Œ3 JL 1ST The Best .... Incandescent Vapor Gas Light Why Englewood Dairy? B F. ENGLEWOOD DAIRY Order Through the Courier CfHce. R. O. McCROSKEY « READY FOR BUSINI Plato said: "To be fir-rt in anything is distinction." I believe I have achieved that honor by showing the First Up-to-Date crea- tions of 1900; No old stock in m v Lines to allow In my Ladies’ Neckwear. Petticoats. Net Ties with Battenburg and Fringed ends from r Ji to 2 yards long. Lots oi new things in Ribbons for the neck. In the Mercerized Silk, in New Blue, Cerise, Navy, Green and Black Dress Goods Department Silk Waists. I bave tne very latest in Crêpons, Postie and Suiting«, and a big Fringes and Braids line of Plain and Figured Goods in all colors. to match I have the richest and most beautiful designs in Silk Waists, and at prices to suit your purse. Silks. la Silks you will find the Most Beautiful Patterns the eye ever ">ted upan in Stripes, Persians and Plain. Skirts. Some of the very newest designs in Skirts in the Dry Goods window for all the New Cria’ions, Trimmed in Alpaca and Fringe. NEXT DOOR zltozrtzhz OF EÆZTSTZEC. Hosiery. A big line of Hosiery for Ladies, Missea and Gentlemen at 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, in Red, Blue, Tan and Black. Shoes, The Entire Length of 85 feet of shelving on one side of my store isfilledwitha thoroughly up-to-date line of Ladies', Childrens’, Mens' and Boys' Shoe« and Tan. Baby Shoes in Red, Chocolate, Black Men's Furnishing Goods, All the up-to date styles in Stiff Bosoms with the Stripe running Golf and Negligee Shirts tn all the new things. Neckwear in all eutirely New Designs in Imperial, Square, Four- Nobby shapes in Hats. A big in-Hand, Band and Shield Bows line of Outings. Calicos. Shirting. La lies’ Wrappers. The best up and down. Overall in the market for 50c. YOURS FOR ZBTTSIZtTZESS, R. O. McCROSKEY