Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 01, 1900, Image 2

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    little anxiety to contract the disease. not
•ven for $16. But, shining on the pages
1'ubli.hcd Every Thurxlay,
ol various exchanges, we still discern
the asm« old rumor, nccompnnitsd by
It iou u<> not Get
comments of different quality, some of
them almost sublime in their opacity, in
which the officials of Granta Pne* are
batks or at aacairriux:
One Year, in edvar*«.
H-® gravely roasted by men, who, it is plain
Bia Months,
.... .66 to he seen, know just a little less than
Three Month*,
.35 nothing ol what they are trying to talk
Single Copies, .
M about. “Pos'tively criminal” says one,
Advertising rale» on application. Fopy gazing with horrified eyes on some btc-
for change or‘ad’ ’inu»t 1« Landed in l«efore
Tuesday noun, oiherwi*«- setting of lhe eria leering at him from behind the
matter will be charged for at the rate of 5c ink well.” “No punishment severe
Ki running inch, »ingle column. Aiu-ra-
in* an«! addituma to copy will l»e charged enough for them" remarks another, des
ur at the rate of 10c per running m< b, »in perately beating down an attacking
gie column.
microbe. In reading some of the articles
Entered al the post office at Grants Pa*«. one might almost And excuse for the
Oregon, as second-ciase mail matter.
idea Chat delegations of Ntarlled citizens
from other town* would come here and
T hursday , M arch i , 1900.
violently seize our officials, but when
we remember that the tin manikin
down by the bridge is reported to have
Yellow 1« jealoiuy’» dor. And tlie
the sruall-pox, we feel that they are safe,
preiial^nt waving •! the yellow rag in
W. E. DEAN, & CO.. Propr.
our direction by euaae ol our neighbor» fur he is better than fortification«. ber-
’uusly, the Grants Pa®» people have
give» iuu-‘h color to the fancy.
some time ago forgotten the small-pox
Post Office Building. 4
Th. regular annual .chool meeting scare, and are busily engaged in their
for thi« dittrict wid be held on Monday, accustomed pursuits. They have some
March 6, and, it 1« bo|d, will call out thing better to do than to forever harp
a little larger attendance than the la«t a I out the ghost ol an imaginary pesti­ would pay the fine. He says that he
on. did, 12 being the va»t number lence, and if the people ol other towns was drugged at Lempke’s and does
attending at that u>e«iing. A bond have not, they are subjects Ijr svmpathy not know what he said there.
The judge rendered a decision, “not
ieaue of *3000 will be presented to the and not for reproof.
voter« for their contideralion.
Regarding the Sewer Injunction.
Look at jour Face.
P^efore bis death, Gen. Lawton had
And see if it is reflecting health or
For dry stove or heater wood call E d . CotJUKk: It. i« refreshing to read
aueb a communication as “Fair Play”
given much thought to the j>olicing of disease Karl's Clover Root Tea beau­ on J onkfii M om .
subscribed to in last weeks Observer; it
the Philippines and had perfected a plan tifies the fat e and complexion, and as­
is the first grain of comfort yet offered
which may be put into ofieration by the sures perfect health. All drugghls, 26c.
Nothing Like It
to the citv council for their course in de­
government. His idea was to have a and 50c. Money refunded if results are
You should remember that no other fence of the city’s right to the use of the
force of native police whose officers not satisfactory.
medicine ia like Hhiloh’a Consumption streets for public purposes.
should he Americans. While at first,
Cars in any respect. If other reinediew
The unwarranted and <o«ardiy action
all the officers would be Americans, as
Lempke Assaulted.
have failed to relieve your cough or cold,
conditions improve, all but the npjwr
Ou teat Wednesday evening a* Biron thah is all the more reaMon why you of tbu water company is instigating ths
suit against the city, ought to find uni­
grade* would be native officers. Owing lempke waa returning home from hi*
to the racial diversity existing in the aaioon, ahortly after midnight, he wan should try Shiloh’s. Always sold under versal condemnation among the citizens
of < »raat-H Paas ; but such is the servile
islands, it was General Lawton’s idea waylaid and struck over the head with
that there would be no difficulty in se a club. No attempt wan made at rob­ you lhe druggist niUHt give back your and compromising character of a few ol
our tax payers, that they are up in open
curing police who should be proof against bery, ao it waH Nuppoae«! ¿hat aome money, 25c., 50e., aud $1.00 a bottle. 1
rebellion against any and all measures
disloyalty in the districts to which they one was endeavoring to Hettle Home
Railroad in Klamath.
that have for their sole end and aim, the
might be aligned
grudge againat Lempke. The weapon
L. W. Van Horne, manager of the the protection of public rights.
We fear that the reform school io not
We ask in all sinceritv, when or where
Oregon Midland railroad company, is
receiving its just dues. Wanton de­ a round, straight black-jak atick, about registered at the Perkins, says the Ore­ liMM the city council invaded or tres­
struction of property by mischievous
and a half inches in dianfeter, trimmed gonian. The company, be Hays, has passed on the rights of the water com
and malicious boys is altogether too fre­
about completed its survey from K lamatli- pany? And where is the council wrong
quent. In one instance we know of, a flown to a hand hold on one end. It on, California to Klamath F m II h , Oregon in demanding that the waler company
house in town which happened to be
a distance of 63 miles, and an average comply with the requirements of their
left vacated lor a time suffered the de­ made for the purpose, the aHaailant not grade ol 2 per cent has been found, fol­ franchise and furnish the pe«jple with
molition of some of its large windows,
lowing Klamath river and Jenny creek pure water?
with serious loss to the owners. This the knots from it.
And why should not the city council
A subsidy of $160,000 is being raised by
is not an isolated case, buch vandalism
the citizens of Klamath county, and the i use all lawful means to uphold and main
is frequent. It may be the parents of
taken to lank, made HtatementH charg time of breaking ground for the new tain the city’s credit?
the boys in question are ignorant of the
road detrends upon the success met in | The people of Grants Pas* petilione<l
criminal propensities of the youths, but ing Henry William* an being the prlnci* obtaining the subsidy The company the inuncipal council for a much needed
if they Lave any inkling of such a thing,
does not ask for cash, but will accept •ewer to be paid for out of the general
if they feel even a passing interest in and has made several cenfe*«iunH in lands, town lots or any property repre- fund of tlie city, and in granting their
the future of their tmys, they should not
Henting cash. Ue confidently expects to ( reasonable request, the shortest and
hesitate to adopt severe measures If nec­ others, lite preliminary trial wan held see the line completed before the end of least ex pensive route to the river waw
essary, to check their wild career. Com*
lempke testified that he left the this year. The people of Siskiyou coun- adopt« I, and if any error of judgment
■ion sense should teach the parents that
at about 12 o’clock, going home
this disregard of property rights is a long
step toward crime. The boys are well by way of the postoffice. As he Datumd
started. They need only to continue a woodshed near hi* bonne, he heard a
their course to find lodgment in the noise ami, turning around with In*
penitentiary, for they are practising the lantern, recognized, ho he nay*, Wil­
New Goods Arriving Every Dav in
criminal principle. Thoughtlessness is liam* in the act of striking him over the
head with the club. Lempke threw up
m poor excuse
We have some grand
All Departments.
hi* arm, partly breaking the force of the
example* of It this week in the Justice's
ibh little knowledge of any
thing until some time later, lie aayn,
3 J*
The fire which occurred last Heptem* however, that he was struck only once.
ber, while severe in its effect on many On being cruHH-examlnt'd, he said that
pro|»erty holders and business men, has the reason he did not have Williams
given the moot substantial proof of the arrested immediately was liecause he
Among some of the »Many New things
town's property. By far the largest por­ wished to get more evidence first. At­
just Arrived in the Dry Goods
tion of the burned district has already torney Smith and the witness had a
been rebuilt, and the remaining gap will lively word contest In which the wit
Department, Are Some.
be closed early iu the spring. Of the nesses imperfect English gave him Home
business men who suffered by the fire, advantage. Honors even. He had
evfry one has re-embarked in business told many people that Williams struck
here. The fire left some of them foot­ him, but could not remember who he i
loose, but they did not seek any other told.
Marshal Lister was in the corner
location. They reestablished them­
selves right here at the earliest possible saloon at the time, but heard the row
moment. This kind of argument can and started in that direction. He dis
not be refuted. It is impossible to covered the dub.
To Loll Metzler, Lempke’s mixologist,
deny it. When we are questioned
about the pros|»erity of the place, wo is dee the credit of ferreting out tin*
And a Nice Line of
need not say a word, but can merely piece of timber from which the club in
point with the finger. The answer is question I* sup|H»sed te have been taken,
convincing. We doubt if there is a town chopped oil with an ax.
William Tuttle, duly sworn, tettllfied
in the state not a boom town that cun
produce a better record for development that he roomed with Williams and that
than Granta Pass ha* shown iu the past I m * went to bed that night at 10:30
year. We have no boom. We are only Afterwards Williams came in and woke
You will always find a well'selected
growing Into our rightful proportions at him up. He did not know what time it
a moderately lively gate. We have lbs was. Didn't look at the “time,” in fact
resources, and the future is before us. had no “time" to look al.
District Attorney Stewart testified
Things are coming our way. But wo
ueed a few niurs houses to accomodate that Williams made a confession to him
in the City hall. The mention of thiw
our ever increasing population.
conlMSioa caused a contention between
Cronje surrendered on Tuesday morn­ Attorneys Smith and Wataon which
ing after one of the moat heroic defense* consumed a period of atenit three hours,
in history. Completely surrounded ami at the end of which time they discovered
hemmed in by about ten times hit num­ that each had misunderstood the other
ber ol British, he held out for over a and that they were of the same opinion
week, compelled to burrow in the exactly. Die esse was resumed.
Tuttle, recalle l, leellfied that Wil­
ground like a rabbit. At first the
British attempted to carry hi* position liams made a eonfes»ion ter io re himself, ty, California, expect« to assist by do was made in so locating the sewer, the
by asHault, with such desperately fatal a young man named llorner, and nations of timber lands.
engineer in charge. Mr. G. 1. Brown, is
Klamathon, the junction, is situated the one to blame, for it was upon his
result* that they soon abandoned that Ixmipke, Horner promising to help pay
idea. Cronje tua«le a rrqaeet ul K lie ho­ his fine, and Lempkt* patting him on about 30 miles south of Ashland. The expressed approval that the present
nor for an eremitic no that he oonld the back, saving that he
a good new mad will follow up Klamath river contract was let. But the tact is, no
bury hi* dead, which was bluntly boy, “just like uiy Isiy Willie,” and from this point in a northeasterly di­ error was thus ma le. 'Die sewer as now
refused, and the alternative given that he, lempke, would make it as easy rection, and v* ill tap a region rich in till) completed will beat serve public use,
ber, agricultural and stock raising re­ and will tie finished in due time even
Cronje to surrender unconditionally or for him a* he could.
fight to a finish, Cronje’« case was
llorner corroborated Tuttle, admitting ' sources. Klamath Falls, the terminus, though the exfiense tie paid by the
hoprlsssa, but ho stayed until ths Boer on crus* examination that he himself ’ is the county seat ci Klamath county property benefited thereby.
army could man* al Bloemfontein, then, had been warned Io leave town by the ( and the building of this line will make
T om S mith
the ton nthe supply point of all south­
a strung perputr of his defenae tieing oflleers.
accomplisheiI, lie gave In. The loss ol
Attorney Stew art detailed lhe slate- !
hi* army w ill of t A>urse cripple lhe Boer merit which Williams made to him in I Malheur and Southern Crook counties-
Fdly passengers on a Halsted Street
army to •me extent, bni magnifies the the City hall. Williams to d blm that The company does not propose to extend electric car in Chicago were shocked by
diHhiiltire of ultimate conqu« • t for tlie he ent the stick at his fathers wood pile the line beiond Klamath Falls
electricity Thursday evening A panic
The new row I. Mr Van Horne feels followed, but nobody *ui seriously hurt.
British. They were ten to unr, and he went up town and slaved al the depot
held U mnu back for over a week and till he saw Lempke leave the saloon,
Two passengers felt the effects for some
gave them slot for shut. I »ord Roberts then went over near lempke’s house er tourists and summer travel, as Crater lime aftei, but were able to mo\e about
has not yet bad time to semi in the and waited for him. He sav* lie was lake can ba reached within 15 miles of w itboul assistance
its line, ami magnificent scenery ot the
caanaiMO*. h they had l»eeii but five to alone
At Folk street tlie pas er n gers wearing
one, iii«j could never have taken him,
Tuttle and Horner sav that William* Cascades, wi h such peaks as Mount I’itt rubb* rs wt re surprised to see the other*
but being ten to one, he was out told thciu that hi* motive a n revenge and Mount Scott, can t»e enj »ved from suddenly jumping about. Conductor
BUhibeied. The British wil make lio lie did not want to kill lx'mpke or to the car windows. The streams viaptving ('rawford was collrcting fare*, when «u I
jinte Klamath lake all abound in moun­
must of whatever glory there te attached, ruh him, but wanted to hurt him
drnly lie irat»rd from the Hour and r®
and we wish them much joy of it.
Vttorney Norton aaid that he was tain trout. For number ami weight, marked that needles were passing
cmioh I iu Lempke'« to take lhe ixmivssion theee fish t»**at the world, some having through his legs
lhe floor of the car
The irrttsting prrnittcncy with which in writing l he court did not allow the b«*efi caught weighing 22 |»ouiids ea* h.
The hunting in this, as yet, isolated tiad besome thoroughly *<»*ked with
the newfpwp»- n of certain towns cling to written »'onleasiun to be read.
water and made a g od conductor lor
the erruneup« reports concern ng the
I^t pkr, recalled, «aid. be might have regten is a strong at’raction, a* the deer the rlectncity. Women and children
burial ut (he «man pox patient gives us « U>id Cobsirn that hu did not sen who ami twar have by no mean* been hunted
felt I be shock and were panic atrick-n
leciitig of sadiiees which i« almost akin it was that «truck him He ttelitied to dealt).
when several men wrrr thrown from
te pain, lhe rldiculuu* Mew that the th«’ he did not know whether or not: He think* Southeastern Oregon will
their Iret. lhe car was Stopped by
be brought considerably nearer to Port
Grant* F am official* had tsrned louee hr had a roulette wheel al his aaloou.
some one pulling lhe troLry pole from
iaiH’iilated tramps, to distribute bacteria
The defense rudeavorrd to show that ' land by the new road, as g«>Hts can be the wire, shutting otT the electricity.
up and down the road *t*rme to have William* was first druggt-d and then ship|M»l from this city to hiamath hall»'
tn investigation showesi that ths msu
in a few hours, whereas heretofore long
found read) lodgment in the fluttering cajoled into making the oonfeeeron.
latmn of a wire connected with the heat­
nun<ls of many «>f sir neighbors. It ba*
Mrs. Williams, hi« motbrr, elated
ing apparatm* had fallen off, allowing
been said and rrpeate I, and with wsaried positively that Henry went Io bed al roads have been nece*sarv in 'reighting
the copper wire to come in contact • it It
paliem-e, we will again «ay that all pre­ half iM**t ten that night an I did not go ' auppl.e* in, as w«dl •" in shipping w
lhe water soaked Hour
caution« were taken , tlmrowgii and < «ua
and other product* out. Even indriv
mg cattle and cheep to market from the
plete change* of raiment, divini* ting
great eteok ranges, the animate have ia
ablutions, burning of ; xeibly infected
lew off quite a large per cent as a reanli
garments. Reliable |MofeMional ad\ ice
of the tiresome journey and long <li*
wu obtained beforehand, ant was ot-
lance between watering place* This
sxivved inure tb*n cowp'etelv, a* precau­
slot k cau be stopped over the new line
tions coneiderod by the phyaicisn* a*
and Ian led m Portland with pi opera
wholly unnecessary were taken, f«>r,
lively little trouble, delay or loosed I
strange to nay, ths uiru theiueetee* Lad
• eigh I.
¡ ►
> I
Wear Resisters
► *
- Dress Goods
E. C. Dixon.
Grant« P am . We are aorry to I om him.
He aaa a good citizen and aiway« had a
smile for all.
W® are having'warin «ptiug woalber
Ux> nice to suit ua miner®. We would
A three-etamp quartz mill is being
like more rain, aa our «ater ia getting erected on the Dunlap ledge near Tolo
«bort, but we suppoee the farmer would by Mr. Trimble aud other«.
hke to have warm weather, eo as to put
The Go'd Bug mine ba* procured
in hi« crops. If we have spring now it
•ome new machinery which was taken
will be rather hard on us miners, but we | in laat week A break in the engine
must all submit to th« great Ruler ui
caused uperatioua to oh suspended ¡or a
the universe
The miners have done
iew days.
well this winter.
Tiie preparatory work al lhe C A C
Lew Browning is working on a two-
mine on Jump off Jue is rapidly near­
loot ledge. Urie can see the gold spark­ ing completion and both mine and raw*
ling al) through it. The farther be goea . mill are about ready to begin operation*
into the mountain, lhe richer the ledge
nor Discolor
I in earnest.
is. He can sell fur a good price, but he
The Victor, Junior mill lies keen
wishes to erect a mill on it in the near
future and work it himself. He has soinewhat crippled lately on account of
often regretted selling ths Greenback. breakage-*, so that for a ligie only four
Enough gold was taken c at of it in a very of the ten stamps were dropping.
W. H Moyer ami L. J. l«emere, min-
«hurl time to equal the purchasing
A First Class Article made in America
tag men recently from Seattle, have
for the American trade.......................
Mr Dana has struck it rich at the
Copper Stain mine. He has a six or
The owner« of tne Rising S ar mine on
seven foot ledge in which you cau aee
gold in any part of it. There have been Williams creek hauled five tons of ore
w>me «niart Alecks who came here call­ from their place to the Bailey quartz
ing themselves prospectors, who looked ' mill on Missouri Flat. The ore gave a
around and went up and down Grave return of 46 ounces of gold aud cne and
creek, cursed the country, Haying this a half ton« of concentrates.
was no place for quartz miners, and left
The N<-enic quartz ledgde situated
for other parts, The men who have near the Victor Junior, and owned by
found guo<i ledges are the men who Sutherland, South and others, is pre-
have stayed with it and they deserve) | Healing a very promising appearance
great credit. Many ledges of low grade | under the development work which is
ore have been discovered here and the j now being carried on.
discoverer« would not work them, but
Casey and McWilliams, proprietor*
tofurai.h anything in the hue of Cemetery work in any kind
the beat ledges that have been discov­ ef the Gold b andard mine near Jack­
ered here were low grade on top, but the sonville, now have a portion of their of MARBLE or GRANITE
Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble busmees warrant, my saving
deeper down or the farther into the lumber and machinery on the ground,
I ran till vour order« in the very beet manner.
mountain you go, the richer they are.
and will soon nave their new five stamp
Can tarnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Gr.mte or any kind of
M iner .
mill running under lull headway.
Joseph Mc(’ourt recently picked up Marble.
Kerby Item«
a $.35 nugget in his mining claim on No. Front Street Next to Greene’s Gunshop.
Tom Johnson was in town.
8 gulch, a tributary of Althoime. The
Mr. Sam Gales is in from his mine on Allbouse district has always been a prom­
Lightning Gulch.
inent producer of coarse gold and seems »re very far from beinu alienated from ' part of them, should remain the property
! of the United State», I am unalterably
Jessie Mastin spent Saturday ami Sun­ bent on keeping up its established record. the world.
day in town.
“The district in which we operate was (opposed to their inhabitants becoming
A building is now being erected on
. The mask ball given by Mr.Casy on Harth’s lot immediately north of the discovered in 1854; its location is among citizens of this country. We should get
tlie 22nd wa® quite a success.
Hotel Josephine, which is to lie occii- the Siskiyou foothills, the north side of away from there as soon as our honor,
dignity and interest« will permit. I
Georgie Thrasher has been very ill pied by Wright's quartz inill. This is which are covered by snow during the
a Lightner mill of two to four ton daily larger part of the summer; this gives us have no sympathy with the Filipino*.
this week.
They are now enemies of the United
Sam While has just returned from capacity and will be of very material water sufficient to operate our mine States. As soon as they have laid down
CMietco, bunging a nice lot of fish with
we wish to. The Sterling is located their arms, perhaps we may be able to
sources of (his section.
nine miles south of Jacksonville, on do something for them. It is absurd to
School i* progressing nicely under the
suppoee that they are now, or in the
accident recently in the King A Co. Sterling creek, which is a tributary of
^*naK*i,*ient of Mrs. Iluden.
immediate future will be able to govern
mine near Holland, While removing
Born. —White. In this place, Febru­
themselves as we regard government.”
timbers from the tunnel, a large piece draulic mine in the state of Oregon.
ary 7, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs Thos. IL
Although the house has passed a
“Ihe shallow ground is mined by
oi soft serpentine rock fell from above,
White, a daughter.
throwing him against the wall. He placer process and some drifting: the financial bill and the senate has done
Married,—Mathewson and Adams. In was very fortunate to escape with a heavier drift necessitates the use of more likewise, the financial bill that will
this city Wednesday, February 21, 1900. bruised back and a lame shoulder, water, consequently a large ditch, 26fe become a law, will be made by the six
Geo. Mathewson and Miss Martha which will, for a short time, incapacitate miles in length, with a capacity of 2600 men who from the conference com*
Adams, Rev. Sams, officiating.
miners’ inches of water, was constructed mitte, representing the house and
him from work.
senate, which is charged with the task
Washington’s birthday, was appro­
Considerable development work is by the Sterling Mining Co. at an outlay
of reconciling lhe differences in the two
priately celebrated by the school, and being done on the copper mine at of $100 000.
“The Sterli ng is in active operation bills. The gentlemen charged with this
the teacher, Mrs. Huden, deserves great Tunnel 4 iu the Cow creek canyon. 1.
credit for the able manner in which the F. Rice and S. C. Flint of Reseburg are nine or ten months out of the year, run­ important duty are Senator® Aldrich,
program was carried out. The program the owners, and development is being ning night and day, and employing 26 Allison and Jones of Arkansa4, aril
consisted ofjpatriotic songs, recitations, carried on under contract by Finn, men. In connection, also, we work a Representative^ Overstreet, of Indiana;
Brosius, of Pennsylvania, and Cox of
etc, appropriate to the occasion. Fol­ Miller and Russell, Their contract is day shift on drifting,"
Tennessee. The last-named senator and
lowing this was some deft questioning nearly completed and they are contem­
representative represent lhe opposition
Washington Letter.
by the teacher to bring out what the plating taking another on the same
to both bills.
pupils knew of George Washington. tunnel, which now has a length of
(From Our Regular Correspondent.)
While the question of praising the
The decorations were unique, patriotic about 130 feet.
W ashington , Feb. 19, 1900.
bravery of volunteers in lhe war with
and pretty. Quite a numlier of .isitor*
Hawaiian and Porto Rican legislation Spain from one section at the expense
were present, and they went home, fee 14
iug that they were, truly living in thd interest of Fred Stevenson in eight cop­ now has the right of way in both branch­ of those of other sections, enabled
per claims in the Illinois river dialrict, es of congress. In the senate, the bill several mem tiers of
age of progression.
the house to make
near the copper mines operated by Cap­ providing a form of government for
little speeches that will add to their
tain V Wheeler. I)evelopinent work will Hawaii, on territorial lines, is the “un­
Illinois Valley Notes
personal popularity at home, its good
The recent heavy rains made the » begin i at once in a systematic manner. finished buNinesa" and will remain such taste is doubted by disinterested per­
This portion of Josephine county is ¡>ec- until disposed of. In the house, the
miners happy.
sons. The bravery of Americans of
< Dice more old Sol shows his smiling uliarly rich in «upper ore and will un­ Porto Rico tariff bill, which was reported
every section is too well established to
face and the grass is green and the birds doubtedly be a field of much richness in from the ways and means committee
the near future when its transportation last week, and has been called up and require either praise or defense. It is
are singing.
one of the natural acqiiireiucn's of
Considerable grain was sown during facilities improve. Copper as a metal will be kept up until disposed ef. Both Americans
the recent fair weather, but there is
bills will probably pass as paity meas­
propositions are esgerlv sought.
Shake Into Your Shoes.
still more to follow.
ures although the sentiment in the
’s Foot Ease, a powder. It cures
The select party at the residence of
Mi. \lvxander White was a success. British Columbia has been here lately, unrestricted trade with the Uuited States painful, smarting, nervous feet and in­
Everybody seemed to have a good time. examining the mineral resources of this will cause not a few members to vote for growing nails, and instantly takes the
section, whose peculiar ad vantages are thetariff bill reluctantly; but the an­ sting out of corns and bunions. It’s the
Rev. Mr. Brock preached in the All­
obtaining more and more public iecog­ nouncement bv the president that he greatest comfort discovery of the age.
house M. E. chutch Sunday morning
nition. There is no other place in the would sign it if passed, although in bis Allens toot Ease makes tight or new
ami in Kerby in the evening.
world where rich mineral fields and message he had recommended free trade shoes feel easy. It is a certain efire for
Mrs. Redman who has been suffering pleasant climatic conditions are united
for Porto Rico, ended the serious op|K>si- sweating, callous and hot, tired and ach­
from hemorrhage of the lungs is still as they are in Sum hern Oregon. It is
tion to it in the ranks of the majority, ing feet. Try it to-d»y. Sold by all
confined to her room, but seems to be the rule, almost world wide, that the
But the minority will utilize the bill to druggists ai*<l shoe stores. By mail
slowly recovering.
mineral fields are located in the bleak make some extended speeches, which for 23c, in stamps. Trial package Fice.
Mrs. F. W. Sawyer,wh j some time ago and inhospitable corners of the giube, they hope to use later for political am­ Address, Allen S
Olmsted, Le Roy,
was suffering from an attack of heart but «Southern Orevun is a grand excep- munition.
N'. Y
trouble, is around again smiling and tion.
Spain put a new tariff into effect the
busy as ever.
A rich strike is reported from Boland first of this year, which eontaiued some
A Good Thing
Rev. Mr. Bell, presiding elder of the creek, a tributary of Sucker creek. Tne items which can only be explained on
Our Great Grandmother’s garrets con-
United Brethren church will preach at discoverer ia W. D. Gardner. He has the ground of hatred toward this country. tain«! the same |lerha of all healing
Althouae, March 5th, at 7 p. in., and at dirt that yields |50 to $60 to the pan, For instar. ■the Unite«! States consul ound in Karl’a Clover Root Tra. They
Kerby the evening of March 6th
and quartz, that ha* an estimated value at Barcelona, in a report to the depart- gave our anceatot« atrength, kept the
The third Quarterly meeting of the of from $80 to $100,000 to the ton. He ment of state, (xjinta out that the duty Mood
blood paro,
pure, aiid
and «|||
will .| do o the .»me
.aina for
fur tuu
M. E. church for Althoure charge will has unearthed a ledge from two to six on typewriter*, which under lhe old if > oil ray so. Price 2k- »nd 6ft..
tn» held at the Althouse M. E. church in<*iies wide. This is described as one tariff averaged about fifty cents a ma-
Saturday and Sunday, March 24th, and of the very richest finds ever in vie i n I chine, is now from $13 to $20, As no
2>th. Services as follows: Business Soutbein Oregon, The frequent rich typewriter* are made in Spain, the big
meeting Saturday at 2 p. in.; Preaching strikes made in all portions of Southern [duly areins tu hive l-eeo imposed for
Sunday morning at II a. in. and Sunday Oregon, are « proof of its the purp >se of heaJifig off he use of
afternoon at 2 p. m. R hv D. T. Sum­ opporiiir.Hn s to the miner aud protpec American typewriter* in Spain, as ihev
are almost the only ones yet introduce«)
merville presiding elder of Grant* Pass lor.
district, will hr present. Basket dinner
Mrnwar and Chilewol, ol the Provolt in that country. Tne new tariff ha*
on the grounds, all are cordially invited. mine, have purchased the five »tamp duub'ed the duty on paraffine wax an«)
Bring well filled baskets.
J. S ams .
qiixttz mill formerly operated by Orme lubricating oils, which ha* shut out
A Company on Foots creek, and will American trade in lhe former a n| crip-
move it to near the junction of Bushy I ple<i it in the latter. A® lliaae duties af­
and W hleky gulches in the Williams ford neither protection nor revenue for
---- VIA THE
creek district. This vicinity contain* a I Spain, they can only be reaar fed a* hiv­
number of very promising quartz ledges, ing beim im,*o*ed for spice The «pit®
mi i p
and the mill will b*» of material assist policy ia never a goo«l one in the ling
anc® in their development. The num­ run, either for nations or individual®.
One® more the house, sitting a* a
some women
To lx bright eyed, clear ber of the quartz mills in Josephine
skinned, red lipped, vivacious, attractive (county has been very materially in- ^committee of the whole,” when no
1« the privilege (creased in lhe past year and more will • record :• made of the rote, derided, bv
of all.
i a vote of seventy five to sixty seven to
Ill health, i l»e installed in the near future.
face. >
Herman Lueihye l»a* been in from i strike out the clause uf the legislative, '
11 eye*, pale
" a) Biadimi»
holl®w | Althouse, during the past week.
Mr. executive and judicial appropriation!
««d «1:45 1»
cheeks —those
bill carrying money tor the supp ,rt of I
lock the d<*>r
in Love’« fa<r. Qne**n mining properly in tbat *ection the civil service commission only fo
No man
ad­ and brought in a quantity of gold and reverse that action on a record vol*
r ‘riiand .. g ;yj
7.0 i p.m.
mires« »alhnv,
‘ afterward*.
it.rj-. j,,
backache y, quartz from there last summer which
9 30 a.m.
headachey was p aced r.n exhibition a.u<l
11 30 a m.
was i The Loud bill, amending the law for
‘raiuenlu 5:00
; .. a m.
the regulation of «erond cia*e mail
Pierte’s probably the h«ndeomrel display of the
*<*»Francisco 7 :45
V 30 a.m.
Favorite Pre­ 1'kiiiiiever seen in Grants Pas«. Since i ter. ha* been favorably reoorted t
scription and
that time, he h*« t»ven doing a good | house from the po«t uffi<
‘Golden Me4/
5 :45 p m. 11 45 a.m.
cal Discovery ’ are be au u tier* because they - deal of development work on his pro- | The bill ditfe>s slightly fit 3tn th» jimil
.9:00 a in. a ui.
are health maker*
j bill which was feiure the I last congre«
:26 a m. 7 ;25 a.m.
Favorite Prescription ” is designed
y 30 a.m.
to cure all distinctly feminine ailments It is svttemauc ami lu<>ranve mining.
An It provides a uniform late of 1 rem
prescribed for girts about to béeront women
pound for e®wnd dan® matter
and .*kes ftom this «langerons period much
I 20 p m
7 0o a.m.
of it* disc >mf«»rt
It is prescribed h»r |«l«'pth on an eight <»r
leu inch vein to inrlu<ie all newsi a(>er* and
*i 'M p.tu. 6.0 I p in
women of all age* «ho are troabled with ( pr duced 1 <> ounce*, the pay smak cal« iMued at sfeted period« at
Ii 6 M a m
6 .30 a.m.
quenlly a« four time« a year
«icoV:5¿ ».iu. V 55 a.m
drain* and other symptoms of derange meut still confirm ng
of the feminine, rganism
It is a general
sample copies up io V) per c,
« ’«) a ui. 4 :00 a.m.
tonic for th«* whois* sywtrni but when such
Mvrlmg Mining Co.
'< 23 » tn. 6 25 p.m.
bona fide »a tan pt ion list, v|
a tonic is needed it is better to take the
hat Ar.
«2 a.m. 0 .42 a ui.
The Eugene Regn»;er saya tha'- II. E does not exceed 560 of one iss-ie
"(»olden Mesh< al Discovery ‘ in cnanec
■ .12:4J p.m 12 .42 p.m.
Hon wilto the
Favorite Prescript low "
Inkeny, dropped in at that office, and
Tlie house cniuru.itee vn vub
iltimno Wotee.
Granite Ware
N. E. McGrew
Pioneer Truck and Delivery
To love and be loved,
is every woman's
right. To be beauti­
ful is impossible for
Dr Fierce’* Golden Medical Discovery
is a medicine for men and children a.« vr«fl
a* women
It fta a most w«Hideif«d
purifier an«i flesh builder
It searches out
and kills disease germs in the digestive
wvstem bl«s*tl and lungs and puts the
whole body in a strong healthv state
Hrfvre purchasing meslictne of anv kind
it is welt to write to Dr MV Pierce st
Burt«) « N Y stating tout «rmptron*
will diagnoar your case and prescribe f«x
you free of chaqre
It mav be that you
need both
Favorite Prescription
*' GoMen Me«!ical Disc«»very.*’ or you mav
need <«n’r one Feambte your case require«
worn«thing entirely diffi rent
you need Irir Fierce will tel! you wrihout
a veut
coat to you
talkrd ol his min ng hi It re* I* in Jack
»•»n cwanly.
“The Gierling M mng ('o.” ««id Mr.
Ankeny, I« owned by my »elf and Mr. V,
Cook, ui Portland. It« situation is
umq ie among mine« in general ae it is >
in the midst ui civihxai:on , «zur worker*
for Hie n o*i part tea rd among families
whose Ite hut a «‘o íes throw from '
oar propsrtr, an i th« y pay tbe »mali ¡
•utr ui $•« <> per w«*rá for board. We
have a ftbeol ami chunk near u« and
«Mi Inl liisT CAR!« on
incs and gruun te ha* arrange
•ir cara Garramen o to
litil® junket to New Y«xx nn
in*t., the excuse bei'ig « »er*
annuation of the |
1-- al San Francisco with sev-
Srnator M Ener is on
? lines for Honolnlu,
U*r« •bo. «6*1« < opposing t
ntanrnt {*!>•», Cüin», t-to.l,,,
r*t«niK*a m th i* I’b.lipi
Ppmes, Central and
VnitMi Stat.«, •'iV'X'tU-'
•ii.oprw.iori <*l, tl
Mr. j p j
• •* n again
P am «tetto«, or a i-l^’
at Greats
aatborit,. U a
’ ö
not wi'lia< that t
p. A.t
I nuippmes, <
Fortiaad, Or«.