AM I m DCFKMDKMT P a FKR, D k V o TKD K o TBCIALLY TO TMK I nterests OB BüUTUKRM UBKOOM. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH i. 1900. No. 17 LXJ | Five Cameras in One Real Eital« Trsnileri local t>appcnin08^| I Recorded since r eb. 19. > A. Richaeon to Frank I.. Richaaon 8EL* of SE»< ol sac 32, tp. 31» south, except a strip 30 tret wide M Clemens, Prescription Drufffist. on nortli side, also a strip of land Where du you get your hair cut? Try 8 feel wide from west aide <>(»W4 of 8W ot sec 33, tp 36 south, Will Mallory. bsolutely kibe range 5 west, consideration 41250 Bicycle hospital for all repairing at Jennie and John Casebolt to C. H. Cramer Bros. Makes the food more delicious and vs holesome McCann, waler ditch on N lM ol NE‘* of sec. 18, tp. 37 south, Mounts for stamp pictures, all kinds range 6 west, consideration 50 fur aaie by A. E. V oohies . O. A C. R R Co. toT. 8. West. M iss Ruth l>ean, came down Friday NWlg of NE'a of sec. 29, tp. 35 Notice to Voters. The SciMawra. south, range 5 west, consideration HW evening from Jacksonville, where she The attention of voters is called to the i O.&C.R.R Co to T. 8. West, 8% of We had our Bull Run but Grant Brit is attending school, to spend a few days ain has had her Ruller run.—Cottage requirements of the registration law, SW'4of SW, of sei-. 21. and NS, Do not buy a camera until you have examined the al home. and the compliance thereof, reepecling [ of NE'4 of SW>4 sad E1. of E% Grove Leader. 40 acre faim 12 miles iron |l‘ortland, 2 registration of electors thereunder prior ! of N EQ »( N W ‘* of sue. 29, tp. 35 “Al Vista wiles from post office, to exchange for south, range5 west, consideration 132 Dietary note from South Africa, lx>rd to May 15th, 1900. Owing to the fact With the patent long and short negative attachment you can take ! Grant. Bass residence property. Inquire Roberta has taken five lagers and feels that very few persons have thus far W. J. Caesar, to \ugust Fetsch, 8W1* of SEI* of sec. 15. and registered in this county, and that the better.—S. F. Examiner. >4>4. 4*6. 4x8, 4x10 and a 4x12 picture, as desired. Conse ' al this office. NFl* of NE'*, W>, of NE>* and Geo. A. Crux, special agent for the tune in which to register is limited to 1 8 El* ot NW1* of sec. 22, and do quently you have five cameras in one. And the "AL VISTA” is General Kelly-Kenny, the Kilkenny May 15th, after which time the registra nation land claim of J. G. Butch Caledonian insurance company, was in made for time and snap shot work, too Uses the ordinary 4x5 er, tn sec. 14 and 15, except a Grants l'asa on Monday tn the interest cats. That’s it. Though we’d heard of tion books will be closed. Ths law pro strip 13 chains wide ou east side, daylight loading film on spools. Drop us a postal and get our the family before.—8. F. Bulletin. vides that an elector ui«y register by of his company all in tp. 36 south, range 7 west, 19OO catalogue. Does your friend have a camera? A ¡»ersonally appearing at the office ot the consideration..................................... 2600 A volunteer in a Colorado regiment county Clerk, or he may register without flexible, leather covered album would O. A C. R. R. Co. to G. W. and M. J. Seely, SW>* of N W '* of sec. 27 make a splendid present—41 and leas at Manila was cured of stuttering by be charge before a justice ot the peace or ing shot through the throat by a Mauser notary public in the precinct in which and 8l„ of SEl* of FE1* of sec, BURLINGTON. WIS. A. E. Voorhtea has a stock ot albvms. 21, tp. 35 south, rang« 5 west, bullet. However effective this remedy, he resides. District Attorney C. B Watson of consideration................................. . 150 it is not recoin mended in general practice. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. The following is a list of the various Ashland, was in town this week, attend E. J. and 8. L. Partlow toj. M. JÇ P. DODGE, —Yamhill Couuty Reporter. precinct registration officers, authorized I.KWSOH, 18 acres in E% of lot 4 ing to the legal business tn his line, a UNITED STATES. otaec.,24. tp. .16 south, rauge 6 INSURANCE an i to register electors in their respective Urge amount ol which nuddenly President ..................... William McKinley The candidate that strikes the News west, euiiaidorsttou........................ 900 real estate precincts: Viae President............ accrued last week. office this year with the “old gag” about R. M. Iiooley, trustee, to II. F. ........ John llaj Secretary of Stale ... Wolf Creek — A. 8. Rosenbaum. Life, Fire and Accident Insurance. John Lance, who hail hi« leg broken official patronage “if” he is elected, will liartta, lots 1 and 2, block 23, .Lyman J Gage Secretary of Treasury Gaiice—E. 8. Merrill. Office with Price A Voorhies. Grants Pass,consideration .......... 250 Secretary <<f Interior some time ago by a cavo in at the Hull be pretty apt to get the cold shoo der. .......... C N Bliss Leland—D. L. Rrewning. Secretary .... J. P. Tuffs to Clark Nickerson 10 — of - War - ___ ... Eiihu Root G kaxth P ash , O kkuon . Booth aud Mangum placer on Louse We’ve been taken in on that kind of a Lucky Queen —H M. Gorham. Secretary of Navy............... John D Long ac res in sec. 17, tp. 36 south, creek, is now able to be about town lay out once too often. — Yhqiiina flay Secretary of Agriculture James A Wilson range 5 west, consideration ..... 500 Merlin— C oms . Laud. News. .gain, though on crutches. Postmaster-General ........ James A Gary Murphy—F. G. Day or W. 8. Bailey. O M. and A. F. Knox to Minerva Attorney-General.. Joseph McKenna A C. HOUGH, Get your writing paper by th» ream Topping, SEl* of BW'* of sac. 35, Williams—D. John. Here'» a crackerja. k rainfall record for tp. 37 south, range 5 west, con | and save money. We offer a ream of STATE OF OREGON. ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Hlute Creek—Orr Brown. thia county from the three station»: Bay, sideration........................................... 950 (Geo W McBride ' note paper, 480 sheets, 2’2 pounds, for 127.1*9 Lichee : Nehalem, 134 .16 inches; Kerb}—J. W. Howard or E. F. Pi actives in all State and Federal Courts I U. 8. Senao rs ‘ (Joseph Simon I 45c. We gel the paper in large quapti- Glenora, 162 48 inches, last year. “Gee” Hathaway. Mining Tranafera. jTbos 11 Tongue Office over First National Bank. tiesand can sell cheep; this is not cheap Congressmen ......... (Recorded since Feb. 19.) Alt house -J. F. Kellogg or M K. (M A Moody G rants P ass , - - O regon . paper but first class goods.—Cot uttu aotae people may remark, it’s a wonder J. W Welle ta Oregen Mining coin Attornev-General.. . . D R N Blackburn Titlamookers are not drowned out. Not Leonard. pany, "Columbus Hill” quarts ...........T T Geer Governor .... .... office. Waldo Chas. Decker. so however. It simply showea how to mine in Ismse creek milling dis F I Dumber Hecrelary of Stale.. Mrs. C. L. Clevenger, president of the rain here, while in other places it drizzles Mt. Reuben — Justices of the Peace trict, consideration ........................ 4 1 . Cb as 8 Moore i J^R. J. JENNINGS Slate Treasurer........ grand lodge of Rebekahs returned last appointed by county court but not quali Floyd Mattason to C. J. Allen.“Stan .J H AckermaM day alter day.—Tillamook Headlight. Supt Pub Instruction Wednesday to her home in the city, RESIDENT DENTIST. W H Leeds buie Printer.............. dard” quartz mine in Gaiice min fied yet. C E Wolverton after a two mouths absence. Mrs. Clev Oak Flat—Justice of the Peade appont- ing diatrict, consideration.................. I 500 An eastern paper says; “Coos coun 30 Years Experience. Supreme Judges.......... , K 8 Bean enger has visited all the Rebeka lodges ty out in Oregon, was named for Cone ed by the county court, but not yet Geo T. Hevare to J. T. Gilmore F A Mc»ore Office in Opera llou-e block ; see the sign in the northern part of the state and in “Mavflower” mine in Waldo min county up in New Hampshire, and qualified. Clerk Boanl 'chool LandCom WHOdell of The Big Tooth. ing district, consideration................ 00 tends soon to make a trip south. both were named from a passage in the State Convention. FIRM JUDICIAL DIISTB1CT. Edward Friday to I*. H, Hartli, G kanth P ash , O kei . on . Mrs. Henry Phillips, Mr». E. P. Bible, which bays that the people went “White Elephant" quarts mine in A republican convention of the state Western Division....... ludge H K Hanna Phillips and Miss Maude Phillips who down toCooe. the land of pines. If we of Oregon is hereby called to meet in the Gaiice mining district, consider Eastern Division.... Judge 11 L Benson 1 ation ..................................................... PrueecaliagAttorney ........ C B Watson have been spending the w inter at Pres are rightly informed Coos county, city of Portland, on Tliurs<lay, April 12, . Member Board of Equalizat . KAEuimitt J [ C. PERKINS, tons Peak, arrived here Monday, on Oregon, took its name from Coos, or at 10 o’clock A. M.. for the purpose of P. H. llarth to Edward Friday,“Blue Earth” quartz mine In Gaiice o. a. land orrKK boseih ko . their way to their home in San Fran Koos bay so named by the Indians. Ii nominating candidates for presidential mining district, consideration ... 1 U. H. DEPUTY Receiver ................................ Henry Booth cisco. The occasion of their leaving at isn’t likely that the natives were famil electors, state and district officers, ex MINERAL SURVEYOR, this time of the year was an accident Mining Locations. Register..................................... J T Bridges iar with the scripture when they nauied cept congressmen, and of electing four (Recorded since Feb. 19) josamixx count v delegates at-large to the republican (ikAXTh P ass , O kxoom . which happened to Maude Phillips Co s bay —Bandon Recorder. Joint Senator.................. . .0 E Harmon whereby her hand was severely burned W. Smith, 20 acres placer ground national convention, and to transact County Judge.............. . . . Abe Axtell Two days before the passage of the such other business as may properly in Briggs Creek mining district. with carbolic acid. The wouud is a tNick Ibosa Ralph Hamblin, quarts claim, “White Cotniuiaaioiors ............ (Dick George QOSHOW& SHERIDAN, painful but not a serious one. They Goebel law Col. Watterson opened an come before the convention. The con editorial with these woids: “The people vention will consist of 335 delegates Bear," in Wolf Creek mining district. will probably remain in the city for . Roy Bartlett County Clerk . MINING ATTORNEYS, Michael McKrietv, quarts claim, "Ore may well stand aghast before the revolu chosen by the several counties as follows: Sheriff............................ .... Ed Lister several months. gon Webfoot," in Waldo mining district. Speiial attention viven to Mining Representative.............. ... J W Virtue R. L. Coe returned last week from tionary election bill which has, like «orne Baker .................. .............. 9 Ed Smith, Bert Adame, J. A. Conner Treasurer.......................... ... .J T Taylor an<l Ijtnvl Lawn, and Land Ultice practice. Chicago. He notes some difference in dread monster, suddenlv emerged iron» Benton.................. .............. 8 ... J D Hayes School Superintendent and Mary Conner, placer mine on Red RoHKBuaa. ■ - G bkoon . the weather between that place and this. the fastnebses of passion and error Clackamas............ ............... 15 ... Tom Smith Dog creek, in Briggs creek mining Assessor Clatsop................. ........... 12 . B U McCulloch district. Surveyor From 20 below to 60 above in the same through which the legislature has been Columbia.............. .............. 6 . Dr. E W Kremer Coroner .. J. G. Lake, C. W. bpente, J. M latitude is an appreciable difference. threading its tortuous way”. The Col O OBERT G. SMITH, Coos..................... .............. 7 Hpence and Janie. Hpence, quarts claim, PHECINCT OFFICERS- The people of the Pacific coast and par- onel was right. The people of Kentucky Crook .................. .............. 5 “Eolileaa,” in Allbouiw milling district Justice..................................Jamea Holman Curry.................... .............. 3 ticulary of this part ol it, become so stand aghast now, if they did not when J. VV. Wells, 20 acren placer ground, Constable................................... I II Colby Douglas................ .............. 12 accustomed to the mild weather that Watterson sounded the alarm.—Albany A ttorneys and C ounselors ill laiuae creek milling district Gilliam................. ................. 4 Herald. CITY OF GRANTS FASH. they fail entirely to appreciate it but it at L aw . Grant.................... .............. 7 Protection of $orn( Birds .. W T Cobnrn only needs a comparison with other Harney................ Prune (iroweri Convention. . 1Ò a ............ Ge>. Furman Office in First National Bank Building. places to convince us of onr privileges iu The law on the subject ol killing song Jackson ............ '• <«i A prune growers’ convention is to be Josephine ............ . . birds is M follows ; B - • O regon the matter of climate. 8t reel CommiHHiouer.......... 1 /'fiXr G rants P ass , Klamath .............. .............. 4 held in Portland March 7th and Sth. ‘‘General laws of the state of Oregon, M»rih»l.. ■ \ bh’ler 1 ,akc .............. 4 lilch Blood. The organization will be formed for the to prefect the native song birds within ( August Le.scu Lane .................... ff the stomach and bowels perform purpose of stopping the suicidal compe the state ol Oregon. I" loin . Smith ...... *’ Lincoln.................. "_____ 4 (JEORGE II BINNS, Linn their duty the blood is rich in all the | tition in which one prune grower reck “Section 1. Every person who shall I g D Fay ............... 14 E E 1 hin bar Malheur.............. ................ 4 elements needed to assure |>er(ect health. lessly slashes the interests of another within the state of Oregon, for any pur Couniiluien..........j 1 P J udson ASSAYER, Marion ................. 22 ............. ! Karl’s Clover Root Tea taken as directed, and thereby hurts himself. Col. Busch pose, injure, take, kill or distroy or Morrow................. .............. 5 I N M E M McGrew guarantees the perfect action of stomach Judge Galloway and J. H. Fletcher if, Rummage have in his possession, sell or offer for Multnomah .......... ............... 70 Office opposite Hotel Josephine, and bowels. Price 25c. and 50c. Money Vancouver are the official conMnlltav r. k ........ .............. 9 sale, any yellow breasted chit, meadow I H E Smith Sherman - .............. 4 Regular meetings <>l the city council of G rants P ass , 2 - - O regon . refunded if you are not aatiafisd. The signatures of represenativs prune, lark, robin, song sparrow, lark finch, I llamooli .............. 6 Grant's I’ass »re held in the counci growers of the northwest can be recared, variegated thrush, woodtbiusli, hermit Education in a Normal. i malillit is rooms tn the city ball on the brat and and then a general call issued inviting thrush, American goldfinch, bluebird, Union .... ......... ............... 14 third Thursday cveningeof each month. The Southern Oregon Normal, at Ash Wallowa ....................... 5 ail the prune growers in Washington» snowbird, oriole, laznli-flncli, house aud CIBCVIT COl XT. land, gives a training of three and four Wasco................... 10 British Columbia, Montana, Idaho and winter wren, pine linuet, California lin Mi-ewvi. the third Monday in April years in branches of study above the Washington ............. 13 Oregon to attend the convention and net, warbler, vireo, swallow, tanager, and the fourth Monday in September. Wheeler ........ .............. 4 eighth grade. One year of practice help form an association for material grosal>eak, ringlet or horned lark, shall Yamhill .............. 12 COVXTT COCBT teaching in the training school is afford t>e guilty of a misdemeanor.” benefit. The association will probably Rr^ate court meets fir.l Monday of ed to students preparing to teach. — OF — Total .................. ............. 335 The second section of the law de< lane lannary. April. July and September I mj in the nature of a Gust and control Many young people leave out the train The same bring one delegate at large that every person who shall, within tbe CounW cominiwioner» court meets nrst SOUTHERN OREGON. prices to a certain extent. For instance ing and have the advantage of the aca- WedneMiav »('er thi meeting of the the association may have in its power from each county, and one delegate for I state of < >regon, destroy or remove from ’ deinic work as a preparation for college. eoiyity court to say that the price for a season will be every 160 votes, and one tor every frac nests any of the at>ove-named birds, < r Not all students, by any means, attend 5 cents. Commission men, dealers and tion over seventy five, cast for Governor any egg er eggs of such birds, or have ing a Normal school, make teachers of Receive deposits subject to check or on other retailers will be notified that that Geer at the last *ta«e election. The in posseihiion or offer for sale any such themselves. I certificate payable on demand. will be the uniform price, ami can shape committee recommends that the prim« eggs, or willfully destroy the nests of Death of T. G. Reamti Sells sight drafts on New York, San. Fran their plans accordingly. The usual dis aries be held on Wednesday, March 21. any such birds, shall be guilty of a cisco. and Portland. S' ien. T. G. Reames. of Jacksonville, one heartening slashing of prices, »hen one and the county conventions on Thursday misdemeanor. Do they like milk from the Telegraphic transfers sold on all pointe in i of the best known men in Southern prunegrower sacrifices his neighbor’s March 29, 19uO, unless other she ordered “Any |>eraon or jkersona violating any the United States. of the provisions of this act, or any Oregon, di d at his home ia Jackson crop and bis own at the same time, will by the proper county committees. G. A. Hi kel , Chairman. other act or parts of acts, for the pro Special Attention given to Collections ai d ville on Sunday night. 8oma weeks ago. be obviated. Prunes will then bring general busineHK of our customers. tection of game or song birds, not In he was suffering from nasal catarrh, and prices according to their worth, or mote G raham G lass , Jr , Secretary. Collections made throughout Southern conflict herewith, and for which no j>en- went to Portland where he submitted to strictly speaking, according to the de Railroading Patent«. Oregon, and on all accessible pointe. a surgical operation Following the mauds made by the market —McMinn A »ingle firm of Patent Lawyers, C. alty is fixed shall lie deemed guilty of ecsusc our cow« are all high grade, J. D. FRY, Preeident. operation he caught a severe cold, which ville Rejiorter. t cause you get it night or momio*, A. Snow A Co , of Washington 1). C., a misdemeanor, and upon c onviction J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. ecausc it is pure and clean. resulted in erysipelas, 1 he csnee of his have hi the last year procured 1,630 pat thereof shall I m ? punished by a fins of R. A. B ooth , Cashier Bargain on Driving Ou lit death. He was a native of Kentucky ents for their clients, many of them for not less than |I5 nor more than |200, A good sound horse in tine rondition* rejected nvenlions C. A. Know A Co. i together with the costs of the prosecu arid earn«» to Oregon in I8’>2 soon after 17 Quart Tickets for $1. settling in the locality o' Ph-w»nx where weighing al>out 1200 pound«, perfectly have been accused of railroading patents tion of Mid action, or by imprisonment he remained till IfWH. wlirn I e removed t’UKiy and willing; a good strong boggy, through Hie Patent Office, but they in in the county jail of the county wherein «top the New Wagon. V» to Jacksonville, where he teas since re l/a inch axles, nearly new; good har- sist that this locomotion is bet ter then such offense may have been « ornmitted, O Ki « ‘»ugh Hr nip. T«*»e* I’« RI sided. He was a prominent Mason, and ners; all for 1100. oxrarting them, for by the latter process ! not less than seven or more than 100 ENGLEWOOD DAIRY Apply at this office or to S. IL Cal the inventor often dies before he gets »lays, or both such fine and imprison a considerable delegation /rd that order E B BROWN, propr his patent. ment.” houn. «. nt from here to attend his funeral. A ” Panoramic Cameras. Multiscope & Film Co., I » I FIRST NATIONAL * 9 B _A_ 1ST 2EC Capital Stock, Why Englewood Dairy? B Furniture, Carpet«, Picture Moulding, Wall Paper, Tools, Glassware. Cutlery. Graniteware, Lace Curtains, Tinware, Lamp«, Linoleums, Minors, Mattresses, Pillows, Cots. New Furniture. New Suites coming in every week. Some beautiful new goods. We have an immense stock of Dining Chairs and Rockers; Iron Beds. New styles in Springs and Mattresses. Carpets. New Stock — By far the largest stock of the Handsomest aud Best Goods ever shown in Southern Oregon for the money. Our New Century Wall Papers. All new—No old stock. Positively the very latest and most up to date stock in Southern Oregon; beautiful effects; and the prices —well we will show you some modern price making on the largest assortment of WALL PAPPK shown in this part of the state. Bear tn mind House Furnishing Is our business. Over 20 years’ experience at it with the largest concerns in the United States. We can and will give you values you cannot obtain elsewhere. The actual cost of Furnishing a House will be but nominal if we tigure with you. Here are a few Scorchers. Regular 10c Comb and Brush Cases............................. Big Value Stationery i* pound Tablet, Fine Paper.. .. Crepe Paper, a few colors, per roll... Heavy 4 piece Glass Sets. ...................- 4 Heavy smooth bottom Tumblers. .. Jet Hat Pins, per doz....... .......... Buy I to ime ( haff With Mothers. Iii^lit Para, quaiter and core the applw. Make a ayrup from halt a enpinl of sugar and half a pint of water, when it boila, add a little lemon peel and than the apples. Put them on the back part of the stove where they may cook slowly. — Ladies Home Journal, HOST TO CLXAX HTOVS Rub wull while warm with linseed oil. MOT Ila. Tu »w>p iHutha out of drawers, wet a piece of cloth in "Spirits of Turpentine. 1 wonder how many mothers realize I that what they feed their children de termines to a great extent what kind of h«a!th their children will have during their childhood days and when grown. 1 believe that every mother should ac quaint herself with the proper c'inbi nation of foods so that no part of the body will lie deprived of its proper por TAB. tion of material with which to build and repair. Borne girls think, "I don’t need Tar may be removed from either hands to get much of an education, I intend to or clothing by rubbing well with lard marry and what good will it do me.” and wash out with cold water and toilet Ah! what a mistake. How much more soap. ABTS. a well educated mother can do fur her children than one who can ouly teach To keep black ante from any <liah or IbeiM what she herself knows. Bite only pail draw a circle of chalk around it. cares for the trashy dime novel and to Tine remedy hai been proved. gossip about her neighbors. The moat "A vnt Joint." ignorant woman that 1 have ever met Five Things. could neither read nor write. They had The five diseases for which Shiloh’s good memories and when 1 went there Consumption Cure is especially recom the first time. I heard the histories, mended, are Coughs, Colds, Vfhoupiag good and bad o* several of the neigh Cough, Croup and Consumption. No bore for thirty ynars back Every time medicine ever made by iubb ia equal to one goes there they get some neighbor it in any re«|M»ct. Hold under a positive hood gossip. Their children feed on guarantee. Money back if it fails. 2fa that until they leave the parental roof 50 c, and I LOO a bottle. to lie the heads of Borneo. What kind of A Flag lor Your Schoolhouse. an education can they give their child Every school bouse in the county ren? They no doubt cook just like their mother. Plenty of beans and bacon, should have a flag. If you want one tor fried |>otatoes and eggs swimming in your district write to the Co« bikb about grease, heavy pan cakes, etc. Il they IU don’t read much, don’t take any pafiers, etc. they have no way of 1« anting. Many would like to do better but do not know how. I hope to choose siuipl», inexpen sive n ci pee for this department. I trust those who haven't much time to read and become posted will resd the aiticles which will be in moft every week and they can get a better knowledge ot how to cook for their loved ones that may grew to l>e strong and we'l, ami how to Ptr ernt Cheaper than Kerosene. train there. 100 Candle Power 1 Cent Insurance Companies Approve. RKCIFEM FOR COOKING AFPLKM. The apple ranks chief among the fruits, I think with tbe exception of grains, there is no product tretter adapted aa a food for man than the apple. The apple eater is rarely a dyspeptic. BUC'KD AFPI.KB FOR HREAKFAHT. Pare and slice several apples, put them in a biking dish ; cover with cream, ■ bake 20 minutes Another way ia to cover them with well cooked oat rneal and bake 15 minutes. Herve with milk MTKWKD APFLKM. Take firin, sound apples of average' size; cor« without paring, stand them' in a porcelain lined kettle or granite- iron ; add sufficient water to cover the bottom ; rover and «¡aimer gently unti* they are just soft, Lift with a skimmer ; dish; arid to the waler in the kettle! sufficient sugar to sweeten; add a few drops of lemon juice and pour the syrup thus made over the apples. Herve cold Cold Does Not Affect. The Best Incandescent Vapor Gas Light No wicks to trim, so smoke, or smell. No chimneys te clean. Huper- ior to electricity, gas, acetylene or kerosene. Having effected by its use quickly pays for it. Exhibited and Sold by BLAKE. Granta Pan, Ortgoa. READY FOR BUSIN F O. McCROSKEY We live in 1900 And I have all 1900 Goods I Will Tell You More About My New Goods in the Next Issue. R. O. McCROSKEY