DENTAL Europeans A ditlon ■•Aieal Anti Tlrer Hr* A writer it a cry of alui cadence of t calix attentio which caries i of ch vrntive m**as «affair» which ai calamity." whose mouth: 3.357 bad tee-1 lie is justly and hr calls Kchoolu.Mbtrni thia too-mucl vtnile bygi< n< advocates I m a made rrgulu by Mulled de schools. If English t< is no reason 1 ct rning the 1 T he French d simistic ibfut lish review. ? v ex, out of tl pile of the pl his dental clil n«rd of imine ur. the linage of the satisfactory to h rates during sum«”" Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Courier ; 0 Ilh sun place will • 1 Mmmg Local» ments. According to his statements, dxv of thl» month. the British lam|>«red with his mail, and L. L. Jewell «Lipp« I three gob! bri< ke l*ubli»>i«J E»«ry Ttiumday, Banks Newcotnb. who ba« their censor doctored bis dispatches to to lhe mint at >an Francheo on Friday. incat 'be Greenba.« i-'ne. this country, lie obtained, as he says You do A. E. VOORHIES, An ore vein that run« I’.iO tu the ton joyma a «bort vacation. relative« leave of abu-nce to return home, and raoeairroa. ba* been uncovered in tbe Aahland unne. at this place. when he arrived here be found that a The ore ie fine mi III ng and uperatre BATXM or Bl BMA BirriUH ; successor had been appointed in the M im Moll'« John eatily. One Year, in edvarce, • • 1125 ¡«eraon of the son of becrelary Hay. Jauktunvills not lung Hix Months, - - - - .65 ▲ Ihree-fetamp mill ia »oou to be His reason for returning home was that Gao. E. Weber oi Three Month«, ... .35 erected on the property of Terry, Langley lhe government had an imperfect under­ large crowd Saturday Single Copies, - - • • .06 A Collina below tbe mouth of Bquaw on Applegate, in •— Advertising rate« on application. Copy standing of the conditions there. He creek on the Big Applegate. The mill hall Woodmen of the World. «“j for change of**ad"mu«t t>e banded in bef«>re made public the proclamation of neuta- will be operated by water from Squaw Tuesday noon, otherwise selling of th« rlity, but .many A merlins, in lhe face many of lhe >oumf P-nle oftu. matter » ill lie charge*! for at the rale of 6c 4 creek. Went over and indalf»'* *“ • ' per running meh, «ingle column. Altera­ of it, were joining with the Boers P j 4 tions and additiona to copy will tie charged fight the Brilpih, his own vice-consul J. E laoomia, Gallee’• merchant, was ,b. we. .mail hour, of -be n'Chl eheo or at th« rale of 10c per running in« h, «in­ in town last week laying in a supply of they rewrned home tired but happy. 4 among the number. In the beginning gle column. gozada. Tbe rapid development of tbe nor —— of this present ccnlroveisy, it was often Entered at ths noG office at G rants P»«s, said the Uitlanders far outnumbered tbe luiniog induatry at Galice is making it a Oregon, a.i aecond-claMi mail matter. very lively ramp and Mr Loomie finds Beera in their unn country, and to right Colonizing Parana. it necessary to replenish hi» stock much I Serious mistakes were made in the Britain's T hursday , F kibuaby 22, 1900. Um wrongsof these Uitiandersis are more often than in the days gone by. these Diissiou in the field. Where 'colonization of Parana Inti ruentiy, Tbe quartz mill in the Winnington- immigration into Brazil was largely »nb Uitlanders in this contest? There is A First-Class Article made in America Some Cree Indiana at Butte Montana, considerable evidence that they are Fence mine on Foreel creek has been aided by the state and tbe National gov­ in purchasing alcohol for liquor, were fighting with the Boers, their reported running for tome time on rock which is for the American trade........................ "i*® ernments ; but it Mmra tbe given woad alcohol instead. Three oppressors, against the British, their said to have averaged $36.50 to tbe ton. < W. E. DEAN, à CO.. Propr. had charge of that function »er« not ludians drank it and all of the three intended deliverers. It has a peculiar It ia reported lhat a ri« h «trike has been careful enough in the aeievtion oí Iba _________________________ made at a depth of 75 feet, the ore being look. __________________ Office Building mineral with which they coloniwJ. •o rich that tbe gold may be easily seen Mayor Colton of Ashland has issued l^arge sums of money were wasleò and AAJkA. A. A. A A.4 This day Feb. 22, is annually observed with the naked eye. a proclamation to tbe people oi that undesirable elements brought to tbe in oar country as the birth day of one B, E. Meredith was over last week State in great number« Guided by the town, urging universal vaccination, for of the greatest characters in history Mining Tranafer«. Voters Rcgxured te f ebruary 19, >900 from the W'ilaon and Meredith mine on tear lhat any one da-» of immigrant, which cot rates have been obtained It has often been questioned, in these ( Recorded siuce Feb. 12.) lhe Illinois. They are now piping night might become too influential bv concern from the physicians. He also recent- AT JEWELL'S OLD STAND later years, whether or not Washington North Grants Fans T. E. Lacy, et al, to Gopher Gold Min­ South Grants Lass inends the cleaning up of all garbage and day and have plenty of waler. This tration of it« force., «ome ot the«« ing Company, (¿olden l>*af, Gopbrr would have been as successful in a Went (¡rants Pass ia the propeKy formerly known aa the formerly ill charge of tbe colonial »y.teiu and refuse, which is a wise and benefi­ and Hidden Treasure quartz mines broader field than lhe one in which he Kerby ............ cial measure anyway. Woodcock mine, and is situated jnet be­ locate*! the ninety colonies in »ueb a in Jump-off-Joe mining district, operated, but a study of the man's Leland .......... with other consideration ........ >10 low the mouth of Josephine creek. The «ay a. to put lhe n.uel bderogeneon« Williams .... We have been informed that cows principles and methods leaves no doubt Merlin............. W. F. Horn to W. T. Cope bond 17 present company put on a good equip­ element« into lhe cloeect prox.uiity, in­ J. E. PADDOCK, PROPR. || plac er claims in Oak Mat mining wearing bells have been intruding their that he would, for he ojierated on broad Hlate Creek .. ment last summer. tersecting »mall parcel» of one nation district, consideration ................... 1 and solid principles, that would cover a Murphy . discordant clamor upon the sleeping ears Mr. L. W. Musick, ie engaged in de­ ality with »mall parcel» of another, Aus I am pr. '»red to furnish anything in the hue of Cemetery work m M, Illinois and Josephine Gravel Mining of objecting citizens in certain [Kirtions field of world-wide scope. He stands Wolf Creek Althouse......... veloping and taking out copper ore from trian Fol««, with Bu-»i«n I’ol«» and company to E. Wilson, et al, strip MARBLE or GRANITE. g^g 0Í of the town. The cows should under­ out from among the other great men of Waldo.............. « of land 25 feet on each aide of ditch an extension of the Avoca mine near Italian», Germans with Rnwisn Pole«. Nearly thirty year, of experience ill the Marble business »arrant, my „ stand that they are subjects for incar­ hie lime with startling distinctness, <¿alice ............ consideration....................................... 1 Catching's on Smith River. We are Italia»» with Prussian Pole», etc. Thu» thI can till your order« in the very best manner. ceration if they do not mend their ways. infinitely greater than the rest. Hw was Lucky Queen informed be has ore assaying high in the colonial uiap of Parana presents the Real Estate Transfers. -. A . Ill - oteb, Swede or American Granite or any p. < the man for the time, as Lincoln was Mt. Reuben gold as well as copper. A shipment to sspect of a German-Latin Slavonic crazy The house committee on mines ami for a later time. We owe to Washington Oak Flat. ' Recorded since Feb. 12.) Ma-ble. the smelter at San h ransirco of several quilt, a fact which fs not conducive to a mining has decided to rej»ort favorably more of our prosperity than we realize Total 398 R L. Durham, trustee, to R. M. B. oi the I rom Street Sext to tireene'« Guneliop. tons will be made in the near future, to homogeneous development on a proposition to establish a depart­ or appreciate. He never made a mis Dooley, trustee, lots 1 and 2, block At tbe J me election in 1898 there 23, Grants Pass, consideration | i determine the market value of lhe ore.— commonwealth. ment of mines, with a secretary in the take, neither in hi» military operations were 1720 votes cast in the county. Of Del Norte Record. OI the 250,000 inhabitant» of tbe State, president's cabinet. This is welcome against a strouger foe, nor in lhe more there, 706 were cast in the three pre­ M. Minnie Gray to Maggie F Mitch­ ell, 2 acres in NW'4 of NE‘"4 and Wondtrfal Photograph. L. L. Jewell and C. E. Harmon about half are native« of Brazil, «0,000 news to a great many in the western difficult work of building a stable cincts of Grants Pass. Next comes Ker­ in lot 2 Of sec, 17, tp 36 south, range Mr. J. A. Keonz, of this city, has ac­ states, and shows the increasing ap government from the shalterel, divide«!, by with 145, Leland with 132, Merlin 5 west, consideration ..................... 290 leturned on Thursday from a visit to are Germans, about «0,000 are I'alian, their respective hydraulic mines at 35,000 are Auetrian. Russian, complished something in the art of j preciation ot mining as an industry of clamoring fragments of states which with 119 and Williams with 113 The OAC. R. R. Co. to J. F Mail, N^ Gahce, the Rocky Gulch and Harmon- and Prussian,, and the rest are of Span­ photography that is truly marvelous. SVVJ^of sec. 23, tp. 34 south, range were the materials at his command. total nnmber registere«I te Feb. 19 is 19 i a 1 | >or ta n ce.________________ G we«t consideration ..................... 200 Green placers. These mines are mi ak ¡ ish, French, and other origin —Eugene M ) Buys 2,s a< r‘‘> of land • He lias succeeded in taking a circu­ There was nwtler is taused by carelessness in AlDlruggintN refund the money if't fails The Camera. The pictures were recently taken by ground and almost perfectly protectedfr, arises that tbe Boers may tie carrying dent, the Admiral has spoken in no un to care. E. W. Grove's signature on every "Mountain blide" in AlthouHe mining frost, will make a fine orchard. thawing it. There are safe methods oi Mr. J. \. Koons with "Al Vista" pan ­ In a course of study in photography out some plan for entrapping their certain tones. If he had really promised box. 25c. district. doing thia and they should be adhered for amateurs, Geo, W. Gilson writes as oramic camera from the tup of the steel enemies. The relief of Kimberley falls such a thing it would have made little Qne block in town, overi;< to strictly. The Sterling placer is one follows concerning the camera. Of dif­ tower of the Niagara Falls Tower Com­ * year old fruit trees. This ptt far short of ending the war, and only difference, as he had no authority to do of the most important hydraulic mines ferent sty lea of cameras there is no end pany, 303 feet in the air. The camera is has for years been producing very makes a commencement. ho , and it would have been only an in­ ■ i.mtly in fruit, berries and garden tr GA‘ on the coast, employs 26 men and oper­ but for the present purpose they may be of the kind made by the Multiscope à discretion on his part. But the Admiral There is a good house and out buildin__ ates about 9 months out of the year. This is the hour of the unconfirmed re­ Nays: “I have never by word, act or in­ divided into two kinds, the uai.d camera Film C nn pin y of Burliugto, Wis. and a good well. Five minun > - - port and the unreliable rumor. len«onally or through a The Lawrence Mining company is an«l the stand or tripo«! camera. the picture taken with it by Mr. Kuonz school or church. Would sell three . 100x150 feet, (corner lot,) fur|4O(*. Tbit person get a bad cold, a touch of mala­ representative, conveyed to Aguinaldo making preparations for extensive oper­ A beginner usuajiy has the somewhat is nearly three feet long. New Goods Arriving Day would make a beautiful building lot. ria, or an ache or pain, and small-pox or any of hie associates the assurance ations on the Cop|>er Stain mine in the mistaken idea that the hand camera is The camera was adjusted in position . All Departments. is the word used to describe the ailment. that the United States government Mt. Reuben district, and a large the easier to handle, and in a way it is, at the top of the tower and then at the $T()0 l'i »''I >ieople Tbe small­ pendence. Dewey says that he never them, show their worth, and get them parlance, a "4 by 5". Tbe hand camera entire view is emitted. trees, io at res of good placer mining grvu pox which has Ixea prevalent at Sump­ Haw Bray, and never heard of him except iu line for gold producing. is a very popular and extremely useful Department, Are Some. The city is shewn perfectly. Main on place that can be covered by da. ter and Granite has been of a very mild sh a disreputable adventurer in the pay of and will be fuUy taken up later Street can be seen stretching away to Farm in summer ¿nd mine in winter, Geo. Simmons of the Simmons and camera, < order, and if any deaths have occurred the Filipino junta. Dewey says plainly Cameron mine near Waldo, has been in 1 this series. It is not at all the object the north, tbe mills and factories in the W W I Seven and one-half acr* there from it, we have failed to note the and squarely that Bray's statement is a 71 7 land within city lin.. spending some time in (¿rants Pass. Hi­ of these articles to recommend the goods lower milling district loom up conspie- J •- 1 A<> -tory, ten room house, m-arly i — fact. It is said by per ho ns who have an lie. lie does not mince matters. It is not reports there is still an abundance oi of 1 any one manufacturer over another, uouslv, the resilience section is carefully 19^2?^ _______ _t_t ’ Vuik-i,,gH ah of good an opportunity to know as any one complimentary to us an a nation that we the make of camera to be i portrayed, and the river, tbe islands *8 jn fruit bearing, consisting of choicen- water at their mine and that they bav>* therefore, ' eties ot apples, pears, peaches, nectafiM n»> iu town, that Johnson had not, to hi» have |>eople among us who let their pre­ and the falls are clearly seen. The tow- If __ selected will be left to tbe student with already worked a large amount of ground ’ prunes, quinces, elc. Also a good vane. 1 knowledge, lieen ox|>osod to small pox judice! so run away with their reason aw advice to purchase one ot the stand­ •*r at Lundy’s Lane is a prominent fea- , ‘-»f small this winter, This is one*of the largest the I -¡..dll fruits. iiuiis. a deep well oi exo niy n for three months. Every ene has been to believe the statements of a man like makes having a goot locations in town. Overlooking In ' or will be vaccinated, however, and tbe Bray in preference to those of a man tn .Southern Oregon, and the annual i a shutter and a fairly long Irawn bellows »■¿iter» of tlie lower Niagara have the fields an-> . tbe new treaty with Englund regarding Curt for Small pox. Urge scale. The front board spoken of above should The Islands in the upper Niagara Riv­ i\ of truit. Land lays lacing the souil*r,ce tbe Nicaragua canal, that it is an "alli­ People who are unduly wrought up Meade Bros, have recently completed be 1 what is termed a sliding front, and er near Ton iwanda can be seen and the u-t the pla< e lor fruit culture. A > rm Root) ante" with Great Britain. Reasonable over tbe present small-pox excitement their assessment work on their mine, the camera should a't»o have a swing farm lands for quite a distance out are ne ,u re land near town, the b ing up a new tunnel al a lower level. These terms will be fully explained as the sky line. room house, two barn- ue 1 may be open to objections in some ways, ton, California, Herald gives the following line of STAPLE DRY GOODS. they come up in future chapters. orchard. Halt down secures it. aumt The diameter of the view is about 15 This mine is situated on Jones but the "alliance" cry is nothing shor valuable receipt, which is pronounced One plate holder < holding two plates) miles, It is an eipenment on lhe part creek about three miles from Grants $500 Buys a good house amt quzrte of absurd. The reason given by certain a sure panacea for that most malignant block within four blocks of to Bass, and has produced some remark­ comes with °ach camera, and it will I m * of Mr. Koonz »nd its success has opened senators for their fantastic Iwlief is that of «liNeases small-pox, as well as mar let One half the amount dowi ably rich ore. The owners, last sum best to get two extra holders so that new possibilités in the art of pbotogra M-. ostothce. ures the property ; balance m month we have agreed not to fortify the canal fever; f ur or six plates may be ready for use mer, sacked and shipped the ore to Gold nby,—From the Niagara Falls, N. Y.. payments.-Price A Voorhies. and thalli should tie as neutral in war 1 herewith append a receipt, which Hill, where it was milled and mined it at once. A pneumatic release shutters, (i izcttp, Nov. 10. 1899 as in peaoe. What reason England has been aueesstully used to my know S12( W >( > Twenty acres, nm-tly is capable of fast or slow exposures and of for some time bv lhat method, realizing . * . . or< hard, and bearing fruit would have for making these stipulations ledge in a hundred cases. It will pre time exposure should be a permanent <"'«xl house and out buildings. Tbi-bai a good profit. It has all the marks of a if there were an “alliance”, is something vent, ur cure small |x>x though tbe pit ready in profitable fruit bearing. Y oum part of tbe lens. The tripod should be good mine, and if indications are worth trees ami choice varieties of apples. that the vigilant senators have tailed to tings are filled. When Jenner dis- j A FREE PATTERN anything, it is one of thuee that will be sufficiently strong to be perfectly rigid satisfactorily explain. Under the pro­ Covered cuw jx>x in England, the world > roar own Election» to e»cry i when in position and b )ldmg the amera. $1000^ ’»rm of lfiO acres on «»raw J5 0,1 50 cents a year. listed with the profitable quartz min« s visions of the treaty, we would control of Bcience bulled an avalanche of fame /■reek. P2 acres in < uliivation. Some are made s<) as to fold into very --------------------------------------------------------- - of this section. iikh variety of fruit. Water for irrigatine the Niaragua canal just as Great Britain upon hia head, but when tbe most scien­ •mall compass. Du nut get one in which L .. »T* '■ ■ !ls I’'acc a bargain and yv» The Allan Mining Company with a controls the Sues canal. Another ob tific school of medicine in the world, H. M. Chapin. 20 acres placer • ant to see it latore it is sold. Kerby Items. strength is saenfic-d t k > m i. h to the ground, "Humbug ’ in Rogr.e Kiver f rce of 10 men are doiug considerable jeclion raised is that ths Monroe doc that of Paris, publishes this receipt as a manner of folding into sin ill space. In Mra. Kats Kruse has returned mining district. $1300 a< res of fruit in good < «»n«ii- development work on their Fire C<» nage trine was not mentioned. The treaty is panacea fur siuall-pox, it passet- unheed­ I. , ,, Don, about half a mile troni tbt H M Chapm, 250 inches water from mm», on Sampson creek, a branch of selecting the first camera it :a a good l\>rance iMtaou hat returned from not for the purpose of expounding the ed. It is as unfailing as fate ami con­ tv °r Üe’ n° f‘OUse- Here is an opportun- of experi- Zanders gulch in Rogue River mining Emigrant creek. They have jnst fin­ plan to consult A LADIES’ MAGAZINE pt ' * hv of » splendid borne.- Monroe doctrine, but to provide lor a quers in every instance. It is harmless Grants Fans. district, « rice a \ oorhies. ished an air shaft of 200 feet to the •utiful colored plates* I- Manter Qwurge Thrasher is recovering Nicaragua canal. If there is any matter when taken by a well person. It will H M. Chapin, 250 inches water from I to which a >q»erdy settlement is required, also cure scarlet fever. Here is the re­ Irma an attact of lung fever. $'2 ."MIO »i re» of fruit, vc-ung tree »ig Zigzag gulch in Rogue River mining tunnel 4«m,it.-.,et. J.e.f Mr*, J. M Farmer, quarts claim. continues all the bright promise that grist of other matters to imjwde its children of scarlet lever, here it is as I change in proprietorship p“'"rtc'. "■ "nly 7 blocks fr‘" "Slide Gulch No. I", m Fickrtt Cretk it has given of being one of tbe most ng Paper Patu-rna X prompt disposition. have used it to cure small-)>ox when Kerby is to have a wedding this week mining district. valuable quartz properties oi Southern $1100 '2-story. ■’•loom plastered lu ü>e J. M. Farmer, quarts claim. "SliJe Oregon. After the arrival of the new Philippine learned physicians said the patient must George went after the license Sunday. Those who are thoroughly oi ir. ,,n** ‘«dar. milk huu^r Hara, die . Gulch No. 2", in Pickett Creek mining Mies Margaret l^onard ot Holland has commission, Otis will L m * detached from ■ ynidmill, etc.. t> Joi- oM reliable experts and have secured lueir dialriel. one ha«f mile from Portufiice. Sulphate of zinc, one grain , fox glove, n BAZA FL been visiting friends in Kerby. duty and ordered to return home. This knowledge from years pf ei|»erienee, are Geo. .Martin, 2d acres digitalis, one gram , half leas|»oonfull $ frive acres ot choice v. iter is not on account of any intention to re­ J. W. Howard in ofl for a vacation. in Waldo mining district. watching this propertv with much . r ... •PP|e® / and » years ol«l in . md lieve Otis ot the oominand, but is in of sugar , mix wtth a tables|>o.)nfull of II. Nesbit is waiting on the customer-«, Frank J Leonard, 2» a«*res placer inteiest, and it is fully predicted that it < rount hard finish house *»uC ground, "Bettie,” in Waldo mining will prove one of the most profitable compliance with hia own wishes, as he water, when thoroughly mixed add lour during his absence. Al ••>•»€« Pitfen».) f Take a spoonfull every district. e'ch-**e hithet 1 lain n”vd of a respite. Ths «everecntic ounces of water \ ' *"h’ Lalan' • «»>••- »'ri * mining propositions in this section, Jim Eslinger, Charley and William V m.i" fr aea,b ,very «ay S C. M Parcel and N York, ____ __ 20 acres and develop into what the name of the ia«N in regard to Olin w as silenced w hen hour. Either disease will disap|>ear in Gilmore have started to brave lhe snows L placer ground on IlliuuM river in Brigg« lbO A' HE.' tire nule. ><>uth of tur M c C all co . f lhe la-1 campaign uroved itself a success, t w rlve hours. F or a child, smaller doses, of lhe Indian ('reek country. com any indicatrs-a veritable "moun­ Creek mining district. 5 'IS 14« U(h S) I I«". 15 acre- improved, 100 tr. • •. • and any severe criticism directed toward ac<*ordmg to age If countries woul«i Edward Jones, <1 lartx claim, "GoUl *n tain of gold ”—Tidings „ ral'anetyot fruit, 1J, «tory hoUM v» him wowadaya falls rather Hat, because conqnd physicians to u*e this, there | J. D. Haye«, one of Kerby's prosper Key" in sec., lp.,H> south, range ’» west ‘ •........... . " rn, rii., wo,H|,tle,i, tn,, ag(M„, <»us mercbatiU ivlmiied from lhe I*at>s would I m * no use of |»est houses. If you « -l-niignearbouw. Urgt «mou
    believe lhat he has Nathan Merritt, quartz claim, “C<»n- hdliams Items. "aturday, whence he had been acting in . m w r r ami pine fw lire-wood, will la d filled hia place creditably, and that his value advice and cxpuritnce, use this for tmental.” in I .ouse Creek mining d»?- Gieap. Wm I/MHnin and family his capacity as County tiuprrinteedent trict. coster | former lack of Buccess was bwcause that terrible direa«e. I Grants Fare Inst wrt-k. Mr Loomo He came fortified against small pox. »-\< hange of the (act that he had too much to W G M Anderton. liuahrla uf Money. has been in our midst fur several year» international IF kt. Valentine and Shakspeaie too do and too little to du it with. In 1 ' 10 ' \ E - J.i :i. r,.. | Following it a sketch of the life of a and we are sorry to hear of his «1» p«rt- away by worsen annually in would have shod tears of genuine sorrow '■ lri*-ju.t coming into ticarin;-. , bis reomstruclion policy, he lias pioneer Mr Anderson, who died recen- are. awe ot cosmetics, lotions and , , „ro,lw i?*111*' T ai , a city of p p- A cts gently on the had they seen the caricatures, dubbed shown much ability, and in the W oi ez, (range for hotel or< th at Andereoi s station in this county none of which ever accom- Miss Abbie St lire returned to W illuim« valentines that were sent the 14th. I ‘ '"' ’ or good farm in the Rogue Kivrr foundations for future government in W. (». M Andemon Kndemon was born in bent- » object. Beauty dejMmds on I after several weeks visit in your city. a good orange gr ve The sending of vulgar valentines is an [ ths islands, has acted with wisdom and land, Oct. 12, IS20 He went to Cana la (IN or pnee A t oorbren. mm ! digestion, sueb 1 odiou* custom and should be prohibited C. IMvbison of the Rural district h is found judgment It is much easier fur when he was 9 years old an,I was an ’♦mudarti ari s t lover K.H't Tea guarantees ’*s)s5() Eve *'re’ "e,r -■'’• G ab N ix . moved h e family to lower Williams. a man to gain discredit than credit, and early pioneer tu California. He came for Mr. and per package, , ,, f’ood two story house, th it is not ewer for a man who gets him Mia* Jennie Burge»» of («rants Pass, o»*i',r I,n‘*hV Xe"r|y "'»■ Thl« d to Oregon ia the year 1878, locating in it and wr guarantee your complex- Died on the Train LtAN5E5 ¿VSTEM r, ..‘' f11' al'd has a general asaortn."it self condemned in be public opinion, to Jack»m County, then went to Waldo in is the gu -t of Mrs. Tom .Martian of this 1 -tra. •,l'* pear» down 1» " •»’ i : i I > A >oung lady named Celia Mallory lhe year of 1AS|, thence to Anders >n Place. rise again, but Otis seems tn a fair way . *t"'"elected from the be*f va- Shake Into Your SIMM crtl, : died un Saturday evening's north btiund l''c 'ini- A t ” '? ’ W,U an<1 oeceawv vut- tu accomplish this, and be may yet hr Rev. Jewell pre»« hen Sunday m< rn­ station in the year laSI. He leases to « t « u >. I ,kln« • aery piea-ant bcm« Allen’s Fool Fare, a powder It cures paMMmger tram, just after it !efl Gold a hero, eepecially as we have had few mourn bis death three daughters and ing a- d evening, to a large » »operation wtuun lOmmutee’ salkof the P.O. I adv, who was two son«. Cnarlie and Will And»-r>on, in the B»p ist church bare. new ones lately. Alger, Otis and G-rbin painful, smarting. narvotM feet and in ! Hill. The young OVERCOMES1 -. J Cxi - ' were a trio at one time in the |xq uls. gr wsrg nails, and instantly takes the I Act'oinpani»\i by her father. Joseph Mrs. Mgry Rabvock, Mrs. Elisabeth _ '•'■K SAi.E OK KXCHAMVK. M •• Rena Bingham an returned Wmi disdain. Alger fell ingloriously and •ting out of corns and bunions. It's the ’ Mallory, was returning to her home t'alveri and Mn. Anna Ru«s a I resid­ IñO A' l:hs 3 mije, fron, town. "■ « nesday to U ibiatr.» after eeveral tn nth» H4BJTUALC0NSTIPAT.ON grt-stret comfort «liscuvery ot the age. at Castle Ruck, Wash , freon Tuc»t»n. Corbin has been unheard of lor a hmg ing in Southern Oregon E. .. . re,‘ t»«'t>-hve »-r.- stay in your city. Allvn’i Foul-Fare makes tight or new tria , where she had been for the benefit time But Ot>s’ future looks brighter. ■ ' ter'¿7i rhere are 15 »ere- oí ITtw PERMANENTLY A Thing W R Nipper, mode a u » Ptae ireeegyear,®«. Apohe ' ’ ’ -•"Ui'eld. St»., butine»» trip •h'-es leel east. It is a certain cure for uf her health. Her U«*aih was mured i-h I.... e'c . govsl hard Charles E. Marruiii, former •wealing, callous and hot, tire«! and ach­ by qtink cons'i as plion. On the arrival Our (treat Grandaiuthei‘s garret» coo io Williams last week. SM Tlox, '-.» mu . 4. . _ *, f n,ne roomsemi umlenrr."" ■* *l"r «mail consul at Pretoria, has returned, mak ing fret. Try it to-day. Sold by all «d lhe tram al Granta Fare, the coroner. tamed lhe unis lierbe of all healing M *• D>ra W.Utntn»n retnr el to I 1 i > arn and outbuildings. Atine .i, ’nM-1 «"'.lmi.l an.l tank W. uct log statement* that are somewhat sen tiruggials and shoo stores. By mail Dr. Kretuer, was eemuiooed aud the found in K*rl’s Clover Rout Trs They her h< nie UtBl Saturday, alter several j or a «aaau j» town . aational, and. if true, would eeem to (or 25c, in »taiup«. Trial package Free. body removed from the train. After gate our ancestors streugtii, kept the nonthi visit with i eliti vea an I friends prove that he has been unfairly treated Address, Allen b Oliusted, I-* Hoy, Itwmg pret»ared for burial it was sent blood pure, and will do lhe same fur vou ia Medford. by both American and British gui»ru-J ot uorth un lhe nett train. it you say tu. Price 25c and 50v. 1 Dx Baptiat Sunday K-hool of thia I ROGUE RIVER COURIER, If not (¡ct Satisfaction in...... SHOES Granite ware Lewis Wear Resisters Warranted not to Chip, Scale Discolor — Post Hair-Riddle Hardware marble and granite works . J. PADDOCK Real Estate Bargae Every in BEAUTIFUL DRESS PATTERNS, SILK WAIST PATTERNS, READY MADE SILK WAISTS. -Dress Goods E. C, Dixon. MSCALL ô .MAGAZINE A MSCALL/ ■dTtTh r T atterns s ’s f Diùi ioiixèry K idneys , L iver and B owels £ THE EFFECTUALLY D'5.-roLPs>:.'H£S- r< c. fCvE5! 'T5BEt