% HONEY IN A CAVERN. Unknown Riches Found on a Re- markable Game Preserva. CREATION OF CATS AND if ¡CE­ WOMEN AND DRESS. bllaa Obaervatiua« b» a u Thiak» II« Knew« Vthing Abuat It. NO LONGEP PUBLIC Visitar« tu Use White House .Now Hear Letters from Co POLYGAMY OPPOSED Younger Generation of Mormoni Against It TRAVEL ON THE LAKES Verjr Hu*» t»> tke Te«r- iat Tra»«L The travel un Lake .Mi higan by bual A new pian bss beta devised in regard is in.mef.»r. far t. •• '■’.’! a:.\ p'r' Ur -'“ ea ** AvthoriUM »», th»r, ar» mort worn- to xdon't Jn-oc« tu the white house par- timate. The along-shore route. fron Also, there porta vu than m«D in »»-* world, lots which wid be of ÌX ì *cresi not uuly Bv-Ideae« •••retir Fwreiah««! lall, here to Raciur, -, Milwauk ik» are more »arietiea. B»«ry woman ia a ' to ths thousands who i LasàiDgtuu rd Niete« katborltlr« la Legal further north aa i far ax < diff.r.nt »ariaty —in fact, but two ar, I every year, but to t i*< • .\L.a.can puuKc Frorerdtaa« b> Vturmun the routes acre uaa the lai I thief, »boae who know how to rtre.a 1 in general. It has lou customary Children. points sr* crow >ded throu and tbuae who don't. nd io the fur the great east 1 * o * m uf tne whitc I n»er months ar A ifrntl.man ia defined aa one who la bouse to be open tu 1 ir pubiic between * rea t nuiri ben i “It is a great icistakf* to suppose ihat the C hicago Ch broniele. G A ux.urxl c». of h°ne» 1» auperior to his clothes, but the lady is ten and t #0 o’clock < rack day. leverai also embark at Chicago » for Lake 8c I the Mormons are united in secret in- addition to the ricbe. ol < < L Moaea v known by them. I.mly. therefore, is famoui is _ painting» _ hsug _ in this ruum. 1 dorseinrnt of polygamysaid a resi­ prrior. All the cruft oi a the lineis tc Wetmore, of M. Lou.. I hi. .«»<•«< the fir.t of the aboee-named two »arie­ ami admittance to it may be said to af­ a ad dent of Salt Lake < iiy the other day. Mackinaw, Marquette, . Aahl and honey ha. Ju.t been di.eo.. red on CoL tiea. Duluth are loaded with t< ford a glimpse uf the white bo u»e. * "The younger element —¿hat is, th Now it does not follow thst a lady is Opening out uf it, however, are three Wetmore'. T.OW—re r»“*« ^rr*T, children of the original emigrant*» years ago the lakes were in the wild» of Tnney county. mile, one »»bo Is |fi»en to wearing gay gown, jjariors, known respectively, as the ed by travelers. Within a y »outb of Springfield, Mo. It 1. • 1“ K* and giddy garmrnta. Fine feather, may green room, the blue room and the red from Nauvoo, bask in 1M7—is bitterly the attractions of lake travel opposed to the practice and has pra<- ta»e hidden from »lew in one of th luske flue birds, but a crow wot 1 1 *k room. Gcally stamped it out. When the Unit- widely appreciated by the j mo.t iwlated .pot» of the Oxark mou awkward with a peacock's tail. The admission of the public to these I rd States authorities lx-pan to enforce a trip on the “floating ¡»ala' The demure little lady with tb< ?ale '“The"*« ha>. probably bad umlix- more restricted, but thr general law on the subject in 1*?*5 speak, of the lake navigationc complexion and dark limpid eyes vnd rooms ha» been generally all responsible person» haw they could never ha»» mace out a single with a sojourn at reports or puted powmxion of the ca»e for many such a general air of sugar am! i .r*- l*een aLlowcd to go in at certain times in case had it not been for the evidence favorable points, is undr rat o< plicity knows thst a plain gown of year., for it appear, to »* 1 the day, since these rooms are quasi­ they were privately furnished by the the best outing that a fellow-ci fllle.1 with honey, ju»t like a hire in a black or gray is juat the thing she need» They are | yuuiqrrr MorrroLs, and ou thr strength of moderate means can find within hb well-kept apiary. How far into the to complete the picture. Her frock will public in their nature. reach. A trip up and down the greai be plain to painf ilneas—on another g:r'. adorned with paintings which have been I of that infonbation ihe\ sent dozen» of lakes serves the came purpose as a trij aide of the mountain thia ca»o ex- but »he knows what suits her. If she presented by great association», the I the most prominent men of the terri- across the continent by rail tu create b ten*. 1» an untitled q oct loo. Tbe members of which oftentimes feel, I lory to the penitentiary. That i» a month Of the < ave 1. about .lx feet in can only get one oi those chuck-me- properly or improperly, that they have uell-kiiown fact, although, of course, vivid conception of the greatness of thi* diameter and it present, a front of under-the-chin lx>nnetsantl look up In­ a right to see th«*m. At all event«, the it would be denied. TTie fight on polyg­ country. The length of the lakes i» »olid honeycomb. While the bee a ap- quiringly from lieneath it» brim she miles, and to produce an ap- _ 1,500 1,50_______ number of Washington visitors who amy in the church ranks is what might some knows the picture is peiCect. pear to be of the common a pec ir a, pn elation of their remarkable diver« Uy the war. what do',, »he inquire would go away disappointed if only al­ be called a sweethearts' war. they are unu»ually hoatile. “The women among the early settler» ty they should be seen fror m both direc when she gi»es this glance? It may t>e, lowed to see the east room is very There are few wilder apota on earth lurgr. But since the return of the pres ­ didn't know enough Io stick up for their tions, making a voyage as long us tby as Mr. (iilbert said, that she ia wonder­ than the Orark mountain, in Taney across the Atlantic, An American wh< ing what on earth this world can be, ident and .Mrs. McKinley this fall. Sec­ rights. They were cowed b? hardship has not traveled on the laket from Buf But few men have had the retary J. Addison Porter has evolved a and persecution and were under the but the chances are that she is silently bravery to approach the place. In falo to Chicago and to Dulu* . nrd bad and innocently inquiring if she isn't the novel and somewhat original theory in thumbs of the men, but their daughters again is not fitted for fore» diwo»ery waa made by William Hunt, are of a different breed. Thr average regard to the three parlors. sweetest thing in sight. who i. In charge of Col. Wetmore, ”This has been a very troublesome Mormon girl of the present day is a he has no imagt s of his ow n There are women who should always game preserve as keeper. As soon as compare with thr images of wear light and feathery, airy-fairy, matter for me,” said Mr. Porter to an beautiful, hralthj, high-spirited crea­ tries which may be formed in the mind Hunt found the hidden treasure he ture. with a goo. what is more natural than deceit? have a thorough exploration made. girls. By the way, I mer.nt to have said through the parlors is less distasteful Very few an- aware, for instance, that This remarkable beehive Is a novel­ the text-book of their religion is the to her than at any other time. that there are lots of young women who ty within a novelty, for Col. Wet­ “Y’ou would ire surprised to know th* Bible. The ‘Book of Mormon' is simply are not demure brunettes, nor yet wil­ more's preserve is well worth a thou- a supplementary volume, purporting to lowy blonds nor tailor-made girls, wr.o people that were in these parlors when Mind miles of travel to see. The col­ give a history of the lo«t trite that set­ dress well. They always keep thr pic­ I first came here. Almost everv bod v onel and bls ass> .IX now, end they will leave y-u only thing lav-king Is buffalo, and Col. dismal u'ad lonesome cry only brings they pet and thr one they worship. pital a delirious Miff« rer from the gar- Wetnmre and Maj. McCann are now bock long forgotten memories of what the child of the church ml *' is • '¡< at< < The first is of the confiding sort | ret of a house in which she was prac- and cared for out of the gem ral fiu;<\ negotiating for a herd. This preserve this house has been, says un exchange. alxiut whom everyone remarks: “Isn’t | tically friendless. She was a practic­ The system of ‘tithing,’ about which n ia T5 miles from the nearest railway The house wua built ill 1H4H by J* tTvi« site just the dearest little thing?” for ing physician for many years, and while good many misstatements have been station, and it is reached over as «on Du«is, ex-president of the southern 1. CONSTANT HEADACHE. HI 1«VAX she has a trick of smuggling her way engagt-d in her professional work be­ made, is »imply a voluntary contribu­ will mak« th« blond pure sud nutritious and rough a wngon road as can be found confederacy, who nt that time was an Into the affections of all women that came interested in preserving meats anywhere iu America. Hut here In officer h. the United State« army. tion of one-tenth of the annual increase th« headache will dl«ap|»ear It they prefer her company to a man's— and vegetables without the aid of ice. of personal property or income for this wild spot "Tlie Lodge” is carpet­ wns here that Dav la was in. the zriiit!» of sometimes. « OUITM'M. OH YELLOWISH ORLEN After many < xperiments she Anally chuirh purjMise». If not given it is ed with the softest of velvet, the win­ his glory ns a defender of the United COMPLEXION HI IIUS will make til. The other is the kind that Invites con­ perfected a formula which was said to never asked, and the greater part of it Complexión red and rosy. dows are draped with the costlieat of State« flag. It wns here that D.ivia, fidence. She is usually of the large- I m ? harmless to the health of consumers is spent in charity. These are merely curtains, there is a grand piano, a then a lieutenant, fell in love with, minded tyi>r of whom all women must and the food in which it was placed. «. PULSATION IN THE NECK.-Thteledno a few isolated facts, which I mention mahogany sideboard, witli a fortune wooed and won his wife, the daughter stand fti awe. They do it as women du Thr process was thr forcing of ozone In rilverware, and many other furnish | of Gen. Taylor. at random. The truth is the Mormons to th« watery condition of th« blood, and will almost everything. Intuitively. And into the food to hr preserved. disappear shortly after the uae <>f 111 DY AN are a singularly happy, pro»|»erous and I Ings that are not to be found ehe fhe |»ost wa« a wild and woolly mjm »V 1» commenced. where in thia region.—Chicago Itec- in those day«. It was the only trading then there is thr ••motherly” woman, Confident of thr success of hrr ¡»roc- well-behaved lot of ¡M*ople, and have no whom women worship more devotedly. ess she impress*d some < f the wealth­ problems that ure nut rapidly solving «. WEAKNESS ANI» PALPITATION OP point for mile« around, and* was infest­ The average man when he meet*» THE HEAHT.-HI 111 AN will stn . en ed wit I) gambler», deaperadoe«, Indian these types has hi« well-defined ideas iest men in New Y ork and Chicago w ith themselves.”—N. O. Times-Demucrat. The Wat«rlo Not Ntsniprdr. rexular. reported that n fraud which states, with now ami then u gang of than ever on the clothes question then. be near to realizing a great fortune. Nobody ever heard of a Georgia mule vogue nt the period of Water- It had received the indors* ment of such IITOYAY 1« th« remedy that you want. loo hns been revived in Izmdon in con- cowboys, who would come in to the As I said before, be only gets general men as Drs. Dr Wolf and GUas in, of stampeding, lie will flinch and doylgv The color will return to your cheeks Your |M>st to get “ red eye" and incidentally impressions, but there are times when | and go through other performances, liection with the war. Two city men, thr Chicago boon! of health, and Dr. headache will disappear and you will no longer shoot up tlie tuw nand any thing and any­ even his well-planned ideas fail him but he never runs from anything. He on comparing notes, found that each body w I m » objected to them «hooting op incidentally he has planned them all Billings, of New York. F. K. Thurg« r has a battery of his own ns efficient at appear weak and miserable. Ill IlYAX will had been uccoated in a northern au- restore the functions of nature. Remember and other prominent New Yorker*, the town. Here in the shudow almost l>\ thl Mt wOman hr ha met. close range as a Maxim or a Gatling that Ill’ll YA V is for men and w »men. *..» Of burb by a middle aged man with a of the post have arisen and thrived such Course, they are shattered when he w ith William P. Clyde, of this city, wer« gun. and on this he depend* absolutely. to your dnirgiat and get III DY.lAi and Bardolphian nose, who asked to l>r al­ drsperadocM as the James gang, the meets ths next on«. When he begins to about to become interested in her par­ Moreover, he never wastes his ammuni­ follow th« directions as given in the circular. lowed to look at an evening paper. ents. Sbr had received offers ranging On scanning the list of wounded hr Daltons, the Starrs, ( herokee Bill, etc., tliink it over be finds, as a general rule, from 125,000 to <50,000 for thr perpet­ tion nor misses his aim. Speaking, Ill l»YAX is «<>.1 ar mi cent« per pa< V hr , or tt package« for <2.50. If your druggist •!••♦ « seemed stricken with grief, and ex­ who terrorized tlit country for so long, that thr maxim stands true; there are ual use of th«- formula, but shralwa.v» therefore, in behalf of the southern not keep it. «end direr« to the Ul l>YA\ plained that hr had ascertained that until civilization und the farmers only two kinds of women-those who refused the offer in the hope that she bred mule generally and the Georgia H V VI I 1» V I OIII’IM know how to dress and those who don't. he had lost a son itelonging to such cleaned tlwm out. would be able to influence capitalists raised mule particularly, we could wish Cal. Remember that you can consult the This old house has seen many stir­ 11 on««* Life»_ and such a regiment, lie told a piteous to incorporate a stock company to- that the British commander in attril»- III DYAM DOS TOIta IKF.I'.. < «laud ring times; it has sheltered many fair uting the capture of two of his regi­ see th« doctori. You may call «..d see them or tale of poverty, and said that hi» wife Incredible.- “Frnnkhn,” cakl Jeffer­ handle thr patents. women snd brave men, ami if it hail a ments to stampeding mules, had in­ write, as you desire Addn s» was an invalid and that the Miul new a So interested did she become in her son, ns they sat nipping cool drinks in tongue it could doubtless tell many cluded a brief biography of the mules would break her heart, Both of the the Patriot’s club over the river« ”1 work that the professional practice she in question, in order that full justice Hudyan Remedy Company gentlemen were moved to give the state secrets, as well as many interest nee th« Philadelphians have given ybu enjoyed gradually dwindled, until, a max be done. So far as our observation ing stories of the rarh days of the In ­ man a few shillings, but they discov « statue.'* ”8<> soon a« this?” queried few months ago, she was without a and experience go. neither the music of Cornac Stockton, Market and £///» Sfre te, dian territory. The ¡»oat was destroyed rrrd afterward that be had on each oc­ the sage, in surprise. — Philadelphia patient. From hospital to hospital, many bands nor the war of artillery has casion pointe<) out a different name in in HV2, and now only a few buildings SAN FRANCISCO, CAL with an incurable trouble, she drifted, stand where there was once a thriving North American. any effect on the Georgia mule.— At- U m I IM Mat' i ’■ v I'.u • • Old Lady (onocean steamer)—”Mvrcy and finally, in a little attic, she was lanta t onstiiution. |M»»t of several thousand souls, ami where the deer and turkey used to roam me! Is this nil one ship?” Traveled fouml dying. An effort was made to llo«r« a»iit («iraffea. influence her to impart the secret for­ \Vh«r« do vou get tour hair cut? Try It Is averred that thr Boers are in the broad prairie, almost In pistol Granddaughter—”Why, yea, grandma, mula to one who knew her, but she was Will Ma.lurv. chiefly responsible for thr threatened «hot of this house, are neat and cozy anl 150x180, a beau.ifu* ville. Love's, Anderson. Kerby, Waldo, Shelly Creek. swelling« have resulted, for which the doctors insist that The a hole place nurers to tha abaolute purity oí Allen'» building site, foi (lxng.n'U. «urgi Patrick's Creek, Gasquets. a x dangerous « ¡rgical operation is Decaeaary. can te bought fur $ 1 ¿ m H) — See I ’ ric A Foot Fa««. All drug and shoes flore» Mr II. E. y- Thomj Thompson, of Milledgeville, Ga . writes : ”A Vwrhies \d sell it. 2fir. Sample aent FRFF b*d fx»e C. of Scrofula ....... ... broke v—■» «#«•« out wm on »no the Kiaam« glands ui of my my nucs, neck. ________ U ... Buffering. •__ 1- - KA8TBOUND WESTBOUND > Srset Allen S. O trusted. La Roy, NY.. which had to balanced and cxux . _| n 1 me much I T wax treated for a long while, but the phj.icixrx were un­ 6 a. til. C'tracent City and Granta !••«« «««gr Leave Grants Pass .. .M a 111. | Leave Crescent City able to cure me, and my condition wax ax bad ax when I Arti ve i at Waldo.................. • • 6 p. tn. | Arrive at Waldo I r IB. tone |*a««rngrr Hate« l‘eearrd. Thr devil was furious “I must fli;d some way to make this stolid fellow lose patience.” After much thought he rubbed his hands with delight, lie created mice, and they multiplied by thousands In the wink of an eye. The cell of St. Francis was filled by them, and he tririi in vain to drive them out with his hands and fret. But as he drove them out of the door they swarmed in at thr window, and when he closed imth door and window they crept up through hojra In the brick floor or drop|>e Disease Cured in Four Ml Dr. Williams' Pink P'»ls for Pals People are nwa sold bvth« doren or hundred, but always in pack. h ties. At all drunglsts. or direct from the Dr. WiU turns Medlcln« Cempany Schanactadj. N. Y , 50 cents per box, S boxes 12.50. ) B1GGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical, llp-to-date. < mcisc and Comprehensive—Hand­ somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIGGLE3 No. 1-BIGGLE HORSE BOOK All about ii rset—• Common Sense Treatise, with over 74 illustrati us , a standard work. Price, 50 Cents. No. 2-BIGGLE BERRY BOOK Allatioiit erod ing Small Fruits—read and learn how ; contain» 4 colored life-like reprod action» of all leading varieties and iu> other illustrations Price, 50 Ceuta. No. 3-BIGGLE POULTRY BOOK Ail about Poultry; the test Poultry Book In existence . tells everything withaj colored life-like reproduction« of all the j n .ipal breeds, with iej other illustration». Price, 50 Cents. uts. No. 4-BIGGLE COW BOOK All »bout Cows «nd the Dairy PusineM • having a great sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions of each breed, with 132 other illustrations Price, 50 Cents. No. 5-BIGGLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs—Breeding, Feeding, Butch- erv, Disea », etc. Contains over 80 beautiful haif- t ues and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. The BIOGLE BOOKS are uuique,original,useful—you never »aw anything like them so practical, ao sensible They «re having an enormous «ale— East. West, North and S' uth L -ry ne who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, .r g> ws Small bruits, ought to send right away for the BIGGLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL 1« v«ur paper, made for you and net • mi«fit. Tt 1« as ye«r« old. it is the »irat bote-l .? *n, hit the-n«il-nn the head,— quit after vt Id-the *t paper ..fits site in the t'nited State« of America— having .ver a million and a-half regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL s YEARS remainder cf ioo< 1901, 1 ,■ 2 and 1903) will be «rut by mall tu any address for A DOLLAR DILI.. sample of FARM JOURNAL au : circular deacri bi ng BIGGLE BOOKS free. WIEMRR ATKINSON. FARM JOURNAL CHAS. F. JXNX1N8. 1 MILAOELFN1A i- AT THE RIVERSIDE NURSERY, THE PRINCIPAL SYMPTOMS ARE ONLY ONE CURE FOR SCROFOLA Dr. William«’ Pink Pills for Pale Per>DU [conuin, in a c«»udeu-*ed form, all the .d? eeamry tugive new lif- atl.i rll ir to the blood and restore »hatter« .1 nerva They are au un tailing spec inc for »u<*h eases ad locomotor ataxia, partial para|y,j. St Vitus’ dune«, sciatica, neuralgia ri~ matisin, nervous heudache, the after-, rteuof 1 * grippe, palpitation of the heart, pH|e and callow complexions, all formsot Wetknra it it her ia male or female. ---- VIA THU (¡RASTS PASS, ORE., You will find a nice lot of healthy trees. Shasta Apples, latest keepers as earliest. Pears. Cherries, Ron te — oí the — Southern Pacific Company. Plums, Prune, Peach Nut and Exurren fraina Leave Portland Daily 1 LV. AB. North Shade trees, as well as Berry plants. ■ SOUth. P . i)1A| PuriUnd 7:15 P 9:15* 9:38 \ 10 18 p 1 Grants Pass 4 :2ô a 6:58r Get my Prices before you buy. • 12 a 7.45 p ar s. F. lv . J. T. TAYLOR. 7:0o a 8 ' F Above trains stop at all stations between Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jetl'er.-on, Albany, Cottage Grove, Tangent, frhrdds, Hal>ey. Harrisburg, Junction City, 1 • ne. Drain Oakland, and all station« from Roseburg, to Ashland inclusive. Roseburg Mail Daily Effll Ì» ! » A k r .30 a . m . , Lv. Portland 12 l«'p. m . ¡ lv . Albany 7:45 r. M. ; at . Roseburg DINING CARS ON 0GDCN ROUTE. Pullman ■ & Buffet — and — Sieepets S econd C lass S leeping C a ; s Alt»' lieu to all tluough train. '■ X. *r. I 4 i.'jilp.SL LV. 1 12:25r.«. ^V. 1 7 :30 a . m . For further particular^ inquire of Geurgt Estes, (»rants Pass. West Side Division «i tv. Portland 'r. Corvallis at . 1 5:50r. • - v. • ; :2»i r. v Hr» _ Kdfl’s Clover Root Tea i P’ Reautlftox; CompleyV»n, Purifip«_ tl aj n,r*« the Compia »n, purifi- ••S th« »■ , ^’*| u»), «• C. WELLS A C0., LZAOV, N. Y c ' f y «» p a i c to R « ívx.T DR. JORDAN'S (BUSE’Jfl OF AMTOm r •ipsa 4 :kOp. m . 7:30r. m . (xxcirr sfnvay .) •nd a :. . train daily Rebate tickets c on «ale ltelwetn Ford And, ‘sacreinentn and F rancisco. Net rate! ♦ 1' r-t ( •, 4 and 'An >11 second class, in, lud- ing sleeper. Kate-» and ticket.* to Eastern point« and A N.I .1 A PAX t II IV» a »I..V U ,,Jfr - tiialia LI A < ’an t»e ub- wuw rroiu our agent, Grant« Pas«. MARKHAM. R- kokhi . er . * ' P. F. ft g. Agt.. M anagei. Porllsmi, < 'rs. Ch Auiturrn .tnniiniw.ciL♦ »•■ Ana- w caí Man« Ir tM A 1 ÏMMM •». - ’ ■'■»«■r. « I-w »>!•«. °» J1***' Garrie*jr. S. Mails, Passengers and Stage,Express. '*’• ***• «-»rr e»ft| Q«OF«<| E5H3E ’ ♦ ii- Mark« «btaiasd »•