AB iMDBrBBDKMT P.l-Z«, D b VOTBD EeFBCllLLT TO TUB I k TBBBSTB OF B o CTUBBM O b BOOM. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY VOL. XVI. — local toappenings — Communicatch. The tkotewors. Washington I-euer. The Filipino insurrection is so nearly (From Our Regular Correspondent.) ended that it ia said Buffalo Bill ia al* W ashington , Jan. 22, 1900. ready negotiating for the appearance oí An epidemic of Boer lympatby broke Philippine Letter. Bicycle hospital for all repairing at Aguinaldo with hia wild weal show neat out in Washington ««veral days ago, and aeaaoa —Albany Herald. Cramer Bros. C avity , P. I »Sunday, Dev. 17, 99. is now raging in aud out of congress. II J. E. Ryan, mining engineer and As thia is Sunday, 1 will write. 1 may be said to have started with Senator A Georgia editor ia also a lawyer. expert, returned to (¿rants Pass Friday We are not sure how it will work to have been on the jump during the last Hal«1, aon,«what eenaalional speech, in morning. blend together a man who cannot he month, as 1 have been sending from 15 which he expressed the belief that nine- Miss I u a E Dunbar, now of Saginaw, and one who it ia eaid sometimes has to. to 2ii tons each week by steamer to Ho tenth« of th« people of tbi, n.untry war« came up Thur*!ay night for a few days — Myrtle Point Enterprise. Ho south, and north to Lrngyan gulf. in aympalby with the Boer,. Then visit with friends at tbia place. I have issued almost a shipload of pro­ came Senator Allen's resolution, asking A high school class iu Kansas City haa visions during lhe last six weeks, and for information aa to why the etale de­ The M E. church Kuuth baa purchased j decided that tbe Boers are right, and it now the supply of almost everything in partment declined to recogaize a proper­ the Knight property on E. street, which was decided in a debate between Port­ the provisions is nearly exhausted* But ly accredited reperaenlative of the Trans­ Do not buy a camera until you have examined the will De occupied aa a parsonage. land youths that the British are right; the navy transport “Solace” came in vaal republic, which waa adopted by the Rev. Robert I^eslie, of tbe Baptist ' so lhe war will have to goon.—Telegram. last evening iroiii Ban Francisco with 72, senate after it was amendai, so as to liny 1 I oiim « church, held services at Placer on urnisliinffsi 000 packages, so tomorrow 1 will begin leave it to the discretion of the president, With the patent long and short negative attachment you can take Wednesday aud Thursday evenings of A species of octopus was caught in to receive those stores. 1’11 assure you whether tue information abould be given Do you read the Ladies’ Home Journal?—If so, the article last week. a 4X4. 4*6. 4x8, 4x10 and a 4x12 picture, as desired, Conse- front of the Bay hotel last week by Prof. that this position al present is no snap, ft reached ita highest point last night, THE ACTUAL COST OF FURNISHING A HOUSE A. F. Nelson, of the Eureka mine Roup. The rough high tide which was but 1 would honestly rather lie working at a big public meeting, advertised aa a quently you have five cameras in one. And the “AL VISTA” is spent two days of last week in Grants prevailing at the time, caused th. ani­ than be idle. Working, 1 say, when 1 ''Boer demonstration,” at which speech­ wade tor time and snap shot work, too Uses the ordinary 4x5 Paas. He says that the work is steadily mal to be thrown among lhe d< lit and never turn a hand but to check, and 1 es were made by Senators Hale, of ntay have interested you. So can we. We can discount their fig­ daylight loading film on spools. Drop us a postal and get our progressing at that property, and that it was easily caught.—Creeceut City imagine that work. You may say to any Maiue; Allen of Nebraska; Mason of Il­ ures very considerably. We're headquarters for 1900 catalogue. they are taking out a large amouutof News. inquiring friends who wish lo know linois; and Representatives Baily, of rich ore. when I am coming home, that there Texas; De Armond, of Missouri; Bulser, So far this has been one of the wet­ Miss Sadie Clevenger left on Friday test and warmest winters on record. A woul 1 have to be strong inducements, of New York ; Lents, of Ohio; Lamb, of and things for the House. Let’s figure with you. All goods marked BURLINGTON, WIS. morning fur an absence of several weeks, few more weeks of such weather will as it is very seldom that 1 care to re* Virginia;and Champ Clark, of Missouri, itt plain figures that show our confidence in both Prices and Goods. during which time, she will visit her start fruit buds, as already the pussy turn. Because a man happens to be a member Yon can’t beat them. We re selling a lot of Granite Ware Coffee Pots OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. home at Albany. She also goes to Port­ willow and alder blose jmti are much in We are having most beautiful weather of congress, doea not prevent hie hav­ P. DODGE, land to procure a supply of unllinery evidence.—Drain Watchman. here now. 1 shall plant the sweet >»eas ing the same sympathies as oilier men, very cheap—goods usually sold for 45c we're selling for 23c. Tinware I'NITKD STATES. INSURANCE and President . ................. William McKinley for tbe spriug opening. in the garden this afternoon. The nat­ but many question of good taste of their same way. Glassware away down. Plenty of Building Paper just Vise President............ REAL ESTATE ives are having a grand time. They participating in a public demonstration received. New Glassware, New Chairs, Table Covers, Portieres. For If there were already a big English J. O. Booth, of tbe Hotel Josephine re- becretarv of State ... .............. John Hay Life, Fire and Accident Insurance. Lyman J Gage Becretary of Treasury ........ . turued Thursday night from a trip to victory in South Africa, there wouldn’t hold a least for nine days before Christ­ against a nation with which this country things for the House Uibue with Price A V oui hies. Secretary of Interior ................C N Buss Portland, where he attended the meet­ be time for any rumors to be Hying mas. ¡vast night at 12, the band came is on the most friendly tenue. TM.Y” ’X’HOMAH. Secretary of War .... .......... Elihu Root around and played in front of our bouse In view of the fact 'hat the committee O regon . ing of the democratic state central com­ about before the facia would be plastered Secretary of Navy ... .......... John I) ¡Xing G kant » P ass , mittee. He also visited at Roseburg all over England and the rest of the and they would not leave until 1 got up was unanimous in its verdict against the Secretary of Agricultui re . James A Wilson world. Unpleasant news, you know, is and tossed out a dollar for them to buy right of Roberts to sit in tbs house, al­ Postmaster-General ........ James A Gary aud Saginaw during his absence. Mining company, 8E!«4 of SKJ^ of though differing as to whether bjs seat Attorney-General.. Joseph McKenna pRICE A VOORHIE8, kept back by tue censors.—Albany liquor wita, as they stay out all night. sec. 16, tp. south, range 5 west, G. W. Johnson, formerly employed at We received the sad news by cable should merely be declared vacant, as consideration................................... | 50 STATE OF OREGON. De as o< rat. the Shorty-Hope mine near Ashland, REAL ESTATE, and yesterday, of tbe death of Geo. H. Gritf- advocated by the majority repart, or A. C. A Cora Spencer to R. M. I>ool- (Geo W McBride U. 8. Senators... and Eiling Johnson of Rossland B. C., A local husband, suing his wife for ing, pay inspector. He was ordered whether he should be seated and expelled INSURANCE. ey, trustee, lote I and 2, block 23, ’ (Joseph Simon A Shocking Story. arrived here last week to examine min ­ (irants Paas, consideration.............. jThos H Tongue t diveroe, complains that on oue occasion home from here, as he was working teo aa advocated by the minority, it Congressmen.... Representing the most reliable com ­ From New York coiuee the shocking ’ (MA Moody ing properties in this section, which ia .be threw a glass of beer in his face. hard for an old man. We were all so S. H. Calhoun to 8. P. D. A L Co., seems a little odd for the house to de­ story of tbe arrest, and conviction, and ..URN Blackburn panies in existence, (both tire an years, gather at the Mining Transfers. he a as like a father to us all. the question involved, the right of the years ago. her life, during these latter F1RHT JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Office over First National Bank. rendezvous and play the great Americau publishers. (Recorded since Jan. 22.) Several of the boys who came here house to shut out a memtier, even when years, lias been a swift, downward rush Western Division I udge H K 11 anna G rants P ass , • - O regon . Mr. and Mrs. R. O. McCroskey re­ game. Parents should form another from San Framisco on the Monadnock be presents credentials which are per­ to the drunkard’s inevitable and. What Hydraulic Mining Co to Benedict Eastern Division. Judge H 1« Benson Crowell,t lease)8 placer claims in Prosecuting Attorney..............C B Watson -y turned last Wednesday evening from kind of club, to counteract the gambling were sent home last March, via Suez fectly proper. an example of Hie power of an evil Jump-off Joe mining district, Member Board of Equalizat . KA Emmitt The regular pension appropriation bill habit! What a lesson to those «ho their business trip to San Francisco, proclivités of ths rising generation.—Del canal to New York, and from New York considers' ion.................................... |3000 U. 8. LAND OFF1CX ROSEBL RG. across the continent to San Francisco, never fails to bring out some lively talk idly prate ol the hariuleeanees of strong T. R. Dean to J. 8. Tuckor and T. J^R. J. JENNINGS .Mr. McCroskey expects to open up hia Norte Record. Receiver .................................Henry Booth w here they re enlisted, and were sent in the house, and the present bill just E. I*acey, interest in “Hidden new store about the 15tb of next month, drink, when taken in moderation I Today the city marshal has been work­ Register......................................J T Bridges RESIDENT DENTIST. I reasure” quartz mine in Jump- across the Pacific again to this place, passed by the house, was no exception in the bui ding recently vacated by R. Can we suppose that thia jietted child ing two hobos, with (Mill and chain at­ JOSEPHINE COVNTY off-Joe mining district, censider- making a complete circuit of the globe to the rule. There was some plain .10 Years Experience. L. Coe A Co. stion... of fashion and wealth slatted in her 50 tachments, on the street This is the pro Joint Senator........... ............ C E Harmon in a very short time, Probably many of talk about the methods of the pension The social given by the Ladies Benefit per thing. If more of the hobos were Office in Opera House block; see the sign awl'll downward course iu sny other County Judge.. . . ............... Abe Axtell Booming Oregon Wuthcr. the old crew are scattered to tha four of The Big Tooth. sharks, just before the amendment was (Nick Tlioss society of the Presbyterian church last put to work instead of being allowed to way Ilian as a moderate drinker of the Commissioners ... Oregon |>euple are not an * rule vaia- corners of the earth. ' (Dick George adopted giving the commissioners ol lightest and least intoxicating wines? G rants P ass , O rkgon . Wednesday evening was well attended, lay in jail, they would give lhe town less .. . Roy Bartlett County Clerk.......... Klorioue about tbeir wealbar, yat juat C harlton B. P krkinh . pensions authority to retuse to pay the and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed frequent visitB. It is no punishment to In the mad whirl of balls, parties ami ........ Ed Lister Sheriff...................... fee of a pension attorney when he knows midnight dinners, her strength was now tbia in receiving to flattering ao ad- by all. A lively and interesting program some of them to be put in jail. But .... J W Virtue Representative........ vertinemenl in tbe Ea,t ae will almoat that the attorney fails to perform bis ..........J T Taylor Treasurer.................. was rendered, and lhe refreshments work is not what the hobo is looking for, taxed to the utmost. Hew easy to C. PERKINS, School Superintendent.. ........ J I) Hayes full duty to claimants. Representa­ renew her lailiug energies; to revive put the model weblooter to Ilia bluah. J. W. Virtue, who represented reached the very acme of detectability. and where be ia made perform a little ....... Tom Smith Assessor Josephine county in i the last legislature, tives Ray, of New Yolk ; and Mahon, of her drooping spirits by indulging iu a Chicago has been having a «pell ol re­ BO McCulloch U. 8. DEPUTY Surveyor. Representative Fordney, who visited labor be will scarcely ever appear.— is at lhe imperial, He is engaged in Pennsylvania, asserted that It was a moderate drink of wine! Others of her markably balmy apring like weather. Coroner . .......................Dr. F W Kremer B. 8. I’ague, Bitting up among the MINERAL SURVEYOR, Ashland recently, says that he is in ear­ Dalles Times-Mountiineer. placer mining on (¿rave creek, and practice of the petition sharks to hie a set found it helpful and harmless; why PRECINCT OFFICERS. nest about his elk farm in Jackson coun­ caaBKGON. ty. He says he worked five years on a How it wai Named. ium lower, with bin arma folded com­ Constable.................................... J H Colby hazelnuts, to show what 1 umi > lie picked of lhe claimant to look alter, know­ ence? Hire conformed to the habits of profitable elk-raising farm near Walla K. M. Hutchinson, of Oakland, Or. CITY OF GRANTS PASS. ing the fee would nocessarily have to be ■ociely ; became its slave, and tbe result placently over In« capacious cheat and a on the bedrock. Walla and that he will rai-a (hem at his ron. t. *Wki‘n we need provisions in caiup," paid to them when the case got allowed. look of autocratic ea'isfactioa upon hia ?yond doubt the tallest man in Oregon, M s vor , .................... ... . W T Cohnrn £OSHOW& SHERIDAN, is shown in the newspaper reports of farm on Bear creek when he g»*ts lo­ md, with butoneexi eption, in the north­ Auditor...................... . ..(•>. Fuimai Talk and investigation consequent tier awful degradation. Iler ones comely face, nays: "Yeo, sir, I brought this lie said, **we just go out and gather up MINING ATTORNEYS, .... Lol Johnaou Treasurer.................... cated. weather with me from Oregon. I con­ west. The only man who can look duWu a few of these, like picking up chips, upon ths unveiling of a handao ne bronze . John Patrick features bruised in her fall on the Street Comiuieeioiier sider it s tins brand, f am pioud of it. Spécial attention given to Mining Willis Kramer, the flour manufacturer on him in this part of the country ia his and Hie stores are always glad to statue of Daniel Webster, in Washing . ... Wm. Lister JI irshal...................... pitiless pavement ; her trembling form and Land l.aws, and Land Office practice. of Myrtle Creek, paid (¿rants Pass a son, who is chief of police of Ritzville, ( August Fe.ncu ton, list brought out the very Interest­ scarcely covered by the tattered gar­ Out on ths Pacific coast we don’t bare exchange sluff for them.” I Tom Smith visit last Thursday. Mr. Kramer is Wash. Tbe father stands six feet eight K osxbcrg . - - O regon . ing fact that Mr. Webster, who was ments that have taken the place of the your raging winters, 20 er more degreee The placer mine in which Mr. Virtue u D Fay interested in a veiy promising quartz iurbes and tbe son seven feet. is interested obtains Ils water from (or a long time one of the leading splendid raiment with which she was tielow zero. We believe tbe proper I E E Dunbar thing ie s little rein now snd theu and a Councilman .. Tbe senior Hutchinson came to Ore­ Rock creek, through a ditch two miles practitioners before the U 8. supreme properly in thia county and iutends to T P Judson wonltoadorn herself; the woman who I? OBERT G. SMITH, little less beat than in summer. participate in the advancement of thia gon from Iowa in 1852, and what he long. The mining season thus lar has court, never was formally admitted to I N E McGrew once was a member of Hie inner circle of M M Rummage 1 bsve been out there a long time run­ section by putting up a quarta mill in doesn't know about early days in South­ lieen an ideal one in Southern Oregon, practice before the court. In view ol Hie II D. NORTON, I v H E Smith society at tbe nation's capitol, goes, in ning lhe weather on the north Pacitb ern Oregon ieu't worth knowing. He as abundant tains fell in lhe early fall, atrictneas of that court, it is ditll -nit to lhe sprii g. all probability, to end her days in a Regular meetings of the citv city council of coaet front the office at Portland. As mined is that country when lhe war­ and the ground ia therefore thoroughly understand the omission of this form In Grant’s Pass are held in the council I Tbe Big Yank M. A M Co below prison cell. But lite wine flows ou, and whoop of the red men could be heard on A ttorneys and C ounselors rooms in the city ball on the first and soaked. When the pipes are applied Mr. Webster’s case. The only theory lhe tread mill of fashion still finds the government decided to send uie to i Galice, is going steadily ahead with third Thursday evenings of each month. Chicago to ex|«rienee a change of heart. evt rv bill, and when miners had to pros­ the ground is found to be in excellent advanced to account for it is that Mr. at L aw . the development work there and have a thousands ol willing slaves—Ram's I thought a little miesioaery work on CIRCi IT COURT. pect ia companies and carry a gun along conditi in, as it dissolves easily, leaviag Webster was so well known tuet it never Meets on the third Monday in April Office in Firat National Bank Building. good force of men employed. Tbe Big Horn. my own account would be a good scheme with the pick and shovel the gold dust and nuggets on the bed­ occurred either to him or members ul and the fourth Monday in September. Yank has been known since the early so I brought a trunk full with me. If you He was one of the first white men ts G uanto P ass , - - O rboon . days, but the new company haa taken COl'BTT COl RT The Wide Tire Law. rock, while the soil and lighter gravel lhe court, that he required to be form­ remember, tbe weather turned warm Probate court meets first Monday of enter the Josephine county diggings, and are washed off into Rogue river, much ally admitted to practice. The wide lire law passed al the last rock from it which has made the old- January, April. July and September. about New Year’s and stayed that way tells an interesting story of that trip. The pro|HMM'd purchase by the govern­ sitting of lhe legislature to encourage to tbe disgust of the fishermen along timers open their eves. County commissioners court meets first ever since. “That’s when I came to ‘‘Wefirst camped awhile on Rogue riv­ that classic stream. ment of the submarine tor pedo lx tot Wednesday after the meeting of tbe ^JEORGE H. BINNS, the use of widc-lires on wagons is as fol McClure’s Magazine for February will er,’’ said he this morning, while telling town”. county court. Although Mr. Virtue is a prominent Holland, received * decided ret bar k lows; “From and after the 1st day of contain a character sketch of the new of his early day experiences, at the St. Cattl< or Nog Ranch Cheap. when the navel board of conatruction democratic politician, he declined to January, A. D. 1900, the county court or ASSAYER, Governor of Cubs, Major General Charles. “From there we went to what A splendid ranch of 160 acres, eight Iteonard Wood, written by Ray Stan­ we afterwards named the Illinois river, discuss politics, simply confining him­ decided by a vote of 5 to I, against re­ county board, of each county within commending the purchase. Thia ame as at other Normals of the state. Drank Carbullo .told. Best advantage* in Vocal and Instrumental music to be found in Southern Oregon. cation of the rapidly growing importance search of gold. He brought bis little was poetel laet we«k. Although tb^rs Gen. Itewton, in Washington. In view which there is m difference of at least Mrs. Ford Gabbert, in a fit of tem­ Training school fully equipped amt in < barge of a thorough critic teacher wan important business to be transacted, of the niaety mid thousand dollars, con­ eight inches in tbe length of the front Tuition i»».25 per term ; music $5 and |1‘» per term ; board at hall >1.75, and lodging .iffu of the mining industry iii Uitgon which girl ; her name was Joseph)nt*, and site lhe number present, besides the board tributed by the people of the country, and rear axle, so constructed that tbe porary insanity, drank a bottle of car­ is nowhere more manifes'. than in Jose­ was w ith him when he went to the gold per week, students furnishing l>ed clothing; family l»oard 12.50 and >3. of directors and the clerk, wa-« exactly for th» widow end children of lien. front ami rear wheels will not come in bolic acid at au early hour last Wednes­ phine and Jackson ooua'i s. >125 poy* off expend far onf year's nrhotj/mg, including books. field. Being the only female in tbe twelve including the principal of thu Lawton, it would seem that congre», contact with Lite same road surface while day morning, and died iu a lew The shortest and most thorough route to a state certificate, is the normal course. F«e Harry C. Collins, who b ■ U-«i> mall party, we namu«l the mines Josephine in would do a proper thing to pass the bill the vehicle is moving in a ftraiglil hue, moments, 'be had been threatening her view classes for tea* hers throughout the year. school. ing a practice of ooteHiing Mia where* her honor. The county afterwards look For catalogue or information, address Henators are very leisurely discussing shall receive, in addition lo the aforesaid life lor u long while, and it is supposed The meeting was called to order by withal by issuing togas drift«, and tbe name from tbe «Jiggings. W. T. VAN SCOT, President, Ashland. Oregon. the chairman, Harry Hmith, and the the financial bill, which la to be voted rebate, a further rebate for four years in that a severe spell of sickness of a vear “Josephine was a bright little girl, and whose crooked work in that line in Atb clerk read the notice, which ntateij that on Feb. 15th, and the speeches so fsr tils or her road tax as aforesaid of |2 for sgo had unbalanced her mind. land, Medford, Grants Pass, Roseburg, was a sort of pet with all tbe rough min­ I the purpose of the meeting waa to levy a made are notable for their brevity «nub vehicle of thia clans for eai h and Marshfield and Harrisburg haa brought ers. I don't know where she is now. tax and provide for school purposes. This is aot hard to understand, how- every year during lhe said period lliai him notoriety, was arrested last week She married and went over into Cali- It, A. Booth read a statement of tbe ever, as th« financial ipiestion ha. been said vehicle is habitually used upon the in Junction City, and now languishes in fornia. But, no matter where she is, Weceipls and expenditures of tbe past so thoroughly talk mi oat that no sena- highways of this state. J. ZB. PADDOCK, ZPZR.O'BZR. nJ- Joseph line county is her namesake. tbe Jackson county jail. After doin; tor can find anything I new to say on the .IU ”Well those were digging days Meet year which showed an increase of indebt I am prepared to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery werk in any kind a swindling act in one to«u, he would Hiding Location* ednewa ot 11100 during the post year. subject. of us tiled to get an ounce a day, and move on to the next and repeat tbe of MARBLE or GRANITE (Recorded since Jan. 22) The influence of lhe administration is The new i*ubool building has been built, Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants my raying same ojieration. He seemed lo bsve an usually succeeded, As winter came on, and the old one repaired, aud the sur- being exerted in behalf of the Payne A. B Hopbine, 21» a« ree pla< er ground, that I can fill your orders in tbe very beet manner. idealbat be could go on in this way however, some of the crowd wanted to plur over (he normal expense of running bill, now before the house ways and in Joeepbin« taming dialricl. Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind of indefinitely and seemed quite creel get out, to we all bad to go, as there Agnes Andernen, 20 acree plncNr tbe school has reduced the heavy addit­ means committee, providing for an ex- were two many Indians around us to per­ fallen on being arrested. Marble. ional expense to lhe figure named. In tension of the IT. 8, laws to Porto Rico, ground, in Hlinoie River mining diairict. 50 PenseH of the coming year, Die qus* internal revenue collection districts If district. yet be is strong and active. He declares Cold Does Not Affect. liie bill («r ames a law, Porto Rico will lion I m * fare tbe house a as whether to Notice is hereby given that the county be can ride a borne and herd sheep along (’. A. Purdoiu. Ju*epli Stiaaka, Wtn. snperinte-i lent of Josephine county with lhe best of them, and doesn't ask float bonds to cover the indebtedness, or have free traite with lhe United Stete« Rvan.qu artz claim, “bt.Manne" in Dry Diggings mining district. will bold the regular examinations of for tbe safest place because of bis age.— to vote a tai levy sufficient to provide E. E Moore, quartz claim, “Oregon” lor the indebtedness and also fur the applicants for state papers at Grants Telegram. Ksilroadinj Patenti. in Rogue K iwi mining district. w-hoolexpenses Av such a tax would Pa*nw of tbe school was then Wedneeday: |*nman*hip, history, have been acensad of railroading patents John F. Wickham, water right of I00U | spelling, algebra, rending, Oregon school eighth grade. One year ef praclfee diamsMMl. A 10-mill tax was first pro­ through the Patent Oflke, but they in­ No wicks ta trun, so smoka, or tea* hing in the training school is afford­ posed, but it was shown that Ims would inches from Bailey creek ir. (¿alive mm la*. smell. No chimneys to clean. Super­ ed to students prrjmring to teach hardly t»e suffi< isut, as more tea« hers sist that this locomotion is better than mg dieincL Thursday : written arithmetic, theory ior to electricity, gas, acet y lens or oxcarting them, fot by tbe latter process R. ('. Kmney, quartz claim, "Bonanza , Many young per>p:e leave out the train ­ will be r.e «ded, and salaries will prob­ of teaching, grammer. book-keep.ng, kerosene. Basing eileeled by ita use ing and have the advantage of tbe aca- ably have lo be increased. A ll-mtil tbe inventor often dies before be gets in < ¿slice mining dislricl. physics, civil government. C. D. Hornell, M D. Hudson, R I quickie pays for it demic work ao a preparation for college tax was therefore voted, which, it is ex his patent. Friday; phveiology, geography, men Gibeon, qusrts clsnn, “Mountsia Lion” j Not all oto*lento, by any meant, attend­ parted, will leave some surplus above in Ml Reuben taming dietricl. tai arithmetic, conpoeittvn. pkysicai Team f«*r Male. ing a Normal ecbool, make tea« hers of Henry Hutchins snd W. Kramer, ge-grapnv. the •IpnMne. It was suggested that ths A splendid testa, about 1IM) weight/ Saturday. botany, plane geometry, ibernoelvee sewer system should be extended lo the spring wagon and new barneae for sale quartz claim "Big Dipper” in (¿alive kxhibtted and Sold by mining diatrivt. scbcMjIbouse. A motion was made to lor |225. The«« are good driving or general history, English litar ature, Burglar Proof Hafe the effect that stejni should be taken to work boraea and lhe outfit ia a bargain. peycbolofy. Real Estste Transfer«. F. BLAKE. J. D Havas For aale for 1100—a splendid large «afe induce tbe dty to eitertd the svstem to For particulars inquire al the Courier ' Rerorded aince Jan. 22 j GranU P m », Oregon (oool; Mupt* I I as roa J aa mw . Inquire at tbia office tb.s point. Tl*e meeting then adjourned. office. Hinte ¡«and Ikiard tu Oregon Bonanza Five Cameras in One “Al Vista” Panoramic Cameras. Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Multiscope & Film Co., N. r ua. a. a. xi A [J Southern Oregon State Marble and Granite Works. 100 Candle Power 3 Hours . . 1 Cent. B. PADDOCK, The Best ....Incandescent Vapor Gas Light. W.