ROGUE RIVER COURIER, PVBUKHBD BVBBY 1'HVBBDAY, PRICE «S te a I all Leland Item*. Thearle'a Nashville Studen's, a col­ Mr. snd Mr*. D. L. Browning went to Roseburg on Wednesday evening’s tram lection of )oung colored »tergere abo Helena on previous Mr. B, went down to be initiated into have been in na. played a return engagement the older of Elks. last night to an audience that tax cl the P. E. I a: ver ck went to Untati hai» ^eating capacity of the house. The Friday. personnel of the company has been Hunt Lewis, a younger brother ol J i materially strengthened this year and C., is visiting here now. the performance was a marked sue* ere. J. N. Fielder visited his brother a ' There are excellent voices among the Jacksonville last week. i Students, and all blended tunefully in Mrs. James Herr, accompanied by i the quartet and ensemble singing Miss Eva Partlow, made a few «lays Mrs. Warr, a recent acquisition, is possessed of a beautiful, clear soprano ( visit in Granta Pasa last week. Tus mask bail at U. 8. Webb’s on voice, a rare accomplishment in one ot New Year’s night was a success both her race. Her husband proved to l»e a good atery teller and lite recitation ol Aeancially snd socisliy. ” Bi other Watkins—ah!’* was the hit of The text thing on ths program is to the evening. The Nashville Students, break all of those New Year’s resolu- as at present compowd, are certainly tiona. the premier musical organization of the H. E. Riant has sold bis residence to kind that ha> visited Helena, and on James Herr. Mrs. Riant will visit with their next visit will need more commodi­ uer folks for some time and Mr. Riant ous quarters to accommodate their will probably stay with us until spring patrona —The Daily Independent, when he intends going to the coast. Helena, Friday morning, November 10, 1899. At opera hou»-e this city Jan. 8, 1900. Admission 25, 35, and 50 cents. Ou« Year, in rd vane«, - • $1 25 ‘ Hix Months, • .66 Th re« Months, - -35 Hngle Copies, • • • • .06 J» J» J» Adv« rates on application. Copy for chang« or' ad' inust I»« handed in b«iure Old second-elaas mail matter. is raised on a flag pole about 40 feet high. The expense «f securing it was T hursday , J anuary 4, 1900. defrayed by the proceeds ef a social, ■ which was given for the purpose. We h«v« an iuterestiog article on the Much credit ta due the teacher of the Tranayaal war from the British ■land­ district, Mr. Walter Dyke, and his ! point which we will publish later. Both school, and the community in general, W. E. DEAN, & CO., Propr. »idea «f a question are always necessary fur the spirit of ¡»atriotiam which moved to a proper understanding of the cane. them te secure and exhibit this nation­ .* J» .* al embleas. The supremo court of Montan a has 4k A. A. 4k A. A. A. A A A. A. A. A Our flag is not a mere painted cloth. disbarred lawyer Welcome of that state It is the past history of the nation, its MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. for complicity in the bribery case To Cure a Cold in One Day California Mwelclane Coming present trials and triumphs and its has begun suit against lx« lisa Grosse in concerning senator Clark. in other Take Laxative Broruo Quinine Tablet». future hopes. It is the symbol of the The University of California Glee the sum of $8275, in the Dialter of some There are 664 good-roads organiza ­ words Welcome is unwelcome, and Clark All druggists refund money if it fail-* to cure nation as a whole in the sense that it is Baeje and Mandolin Clubs have arrang­ personal property. tions in Pennsylvania. seems to have worn bis welcome out. Less than two per cent, of all the men E . W. e mg of thus« who have Its interrata performance. The program is made up An apple orchard in JefTerson county, lie, pastor of the First Baptist CLurch tween Jan. 2. and May 15. Electors Miucerely at heart. It is the soundest of pretty musical numbers, jolly college i brlMtriiSM at Lous« Creek. di TZnib 8ix acres of iruit. young trees officiating. Ind., is on the side of a perpendicular ¡n g,,,,,; condition, 6-room plas­ living in the county snat, must register legislative ¡tolicy to strive to increase songs, specially acts, sad solos inter* Christmas s*j celebrated this year hill over half u mile In height. The MORSE—BROOKS—In Granta Pans. tered hou*e. dry house, barn, etc., etc., best (he percentage of sincere, earnest patri ­ mixed. A great many people will prob ­ with the county clerk. They will be re Dec. 27, 1*99, Jas. Morse and Stella water in town. Only 7 blocks from the for the first time by a Christmas tree st trees grow straight out from the hill­ GLEE, BANJO AND A true ably reinember the ¡»erforinarice given side, and when ivn apple drops from a i ■ . ; \ .'"rhie.N. Brooks by the Rev. Wilson. quired to slate full name, age. occur « ots throughout the country the Oak Grove school-house on Louse MANDOLIN CLUB S tree it falls nearly half a mile before COWAN—BIGELOW—In Grants Pa«« by the Berkeley Quartette some time tian, nativity, place and court of natur- patriot is always a good citizen and caa Creek. The exercises, consisting of it alights on the ground. j'-.yz A story and a half plastereA Jan. 3, I960, Mr. Chas. H. Cowan, ami : Wl lation if foreign born, and actual place not be anything else. Not only in war ago which was so well received here recitation and singing, commenced at house, four rooms and woodshedx A man in Clay Hill, 8. C., has made do«« the flag have a message for us, hut Miss Mary G. Bigelow, both of this Most of the members are with the pres ­ down stairs and lot' ot room up stairs; of resilience. If the elector li vea in the about half past seven in the evening the training of game cedes a life study. county. a re <•(’ ground, good »hade, 9 blocks from country he musi tell the section, town­ should also bear a message of warning ent organization. Thu prices have been The school elm Iren taking part in the About six i oritbs ago he sold a fowl to r< :. tt: e Half ' ash secures the place.- ship and range, in which bis borne is as well, tube untiringly vigilant against set al 50 and 25 cents with no extra for exercises reflected much credit both up­ a sporting man in the Lone Star state, MORIAN—CATCHINto!l e mall hut cosy home, well, DIED. fully trained them for the oecaaioo. -mad or' hard. | >UUdown secures the place nations welfare. for $10,000. due the Indian War Veteran« of the Pac­ it may be identified. Fo* the con­ Mrs J. J. F rier, the fallliful superin­ with monthly payments tor the balance.— EGGERS — On Sucker creek. Dec 23, The national emblem should be as­ ific Northwest will tie meeted out to Our next census will show a popula­ venience of those who lire at a distance Price it Voorhies. tendent of the Sunday school, conduct 1899, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. from the county seat, blanks ars furn­ sociated with the educational institutions them during the coming ncAsion of con ♦ d the exercifM*s alter which Mr. Spring tion of about 75,000,000, says the Ladies* Egger», aged 2 year*« and 7 months. H I Four acres in orchard; small Home Journal. To complete this ished to justices of the peace and no­ great and small, all over the land. It is gr«M. Oregon at leant, should tie not made a few remarks appropriate for the Vo’ ’ house and outbuildings. These HAMILTON—At the residence of her count within the required 30 days about a matter which has l>«en laiguly neg only a unit in th« endeavor to favor their trees are in good bearing, and adjoining taries public upon request. The electors parents in Medford Dec. 26,1899, .M ish occasion. 50,000 census enumerators will be em­ THE CU BS ARE WITH _________ ____________________ are requested to fill out these blanks lecled, a condition which we can ill cause, but work for that interest with I«eona Blancne Hamilton, aged 19 Mr and M rs. Santa ('laus were present ployed. It will be necessary for them Directer like unalloyed energy. years. 9 months and 18 days. andup will buy line building lots C. It. Morse in such a way an to afford all the infor­ afford. Spasmodic Fourth of July patrio­ something and after the exercises, did their part in to count at the rate of 2,500,000 persons .Character Artista C —»J withii. the city. We have the land, mation required in cases of registration tism is nut th« article most to be de Senator McBride and Congressman making the people happy by distribut per day, or even faster. The population HERBERGER—In Jacksonville, Dec. Schwartz A Tully . . . . Monologiat you have the money, t ome in and let us 29, 1899, John Herberger, aged 62 Eiiuer B. Harn» .... ..............Comedian talk the matter over. of all cities and towns of over 8,000 before the clerk. No one, not a voter aired, though it is better than none. MiMxly are native sons of the stale and mg ths presents. Arthur C Nate .......... years. must be enumerated within a period of is allowed to register, and voters are We want the steady, thoughtful, in­ Senator Simon is not only a pioneer, but Edward G. Kuster . .. ............... (,’elloist The people seemed unwilling to leave two weeks. •/ w i Thirty acres near town. Both telligent quality «f patriotism, that rea was Oregon rsissd. Coiigrenanian SIZEMORE—In Pasadena, Cal , Dec. 28 Hugo G. Poheine .... .............. Violinist required to register every two years. OUv\/ red and dark »oil. This land and stayed sometime after the distribu­ 1899, M inh Hattie bizeinore, of Sams In France, at a small place near Quim- lizes more than Bunker Hill, liettys Tongue owes what he has become to th»* And the Celebrated lays well sheltered, and is well adapted to tion of the presents, enjoying a pleasant per, a statue of a local hero was or­ Valley, aged 22 years and 8 month». fruit raising. ROUGH HOUSE SEXTETTE. A grand year of progress is before us burg or San Juan, and this quality must food will of the early Met tier» as he came social time. dered of a sculptor, and in due time the in 1900. Grants Pass and Josephine be inculcated in youth. It is the piali- here in th« early «lilies and can lie call- ti U | A( RE.> ou Applegate, a tine gra*s work arrived. One of the authorities iW tarni,20i.> acre.« in cultivation each Many a Lever coaaty have made great progress in the ty that will make our uat.on united and ed a pioneer, and is fully conversant of the town was not acquainted with year. Entire farm can be covered with past year, and the indications are that strong in war and peace, and its wide with the debt of gratitude and pro|»er re­ Has turned with dingust from an other­ bronze sculpture,and was great ly disap- ditch taken from the Applegate. This speed existence will go (ar toward aolv quital the govsrnineHt owes to the In wise lovable girl with an offensive farm could l>e made ven profitable by an the comiug year will be one of greater pointed when he saw the dull color of No extra charge for reserved »Seats. up-to-date farmer. Wurth $50 an acre, can perplexing questions dian War Veterans. In the past other» breath. Karl's Closer Root Tea purifies it, which was obtained with infinite general advancement sad prosperity. mg Hie many UNDERTAKERS Tickets on sale at Clemens ’ drug »lore be bought lor hall that amount. It is a statement commonly heard which constantly arise, not according have done nobly in this cause, hut cir- 1 the breath by its action on the bowels care and labor by an expert colorer of January 11 and 12 from 8 a. m to 6 p. in. EMBALMERS s2O( R H ) Twenty acres, mostly in from traveling men who have an op­ to the demands of partisAnhip, but ac e«Ris'aiices were against them. It Is to etc., as nothing else will, hold for years bronze. The officiul ordered that the a-’ rl ' on hard, and bearing fruit. surface should be rubbed with emery portunity to know, that “Grants Pass is cording to what is right and best for the lie hoped that th« present delegation on abso'ute guarantee. Price 25 cents Good bouse and out building . This is al­ paper until it acquired the appearance Office on 6th St. oppo. Court House wind« |»eople, While differences of opin ­ ready in profitable fruit tearing. Young will know success.—Oregon Native Soil. and 60 cents. W.F. Kremer, 2 which was considered necessary. tbs best town ©n the line.” Josephine trees and choice varieties of apples. Residence North 7th St. county and Grants Pass with it must ad­ ion will always exist, the sincere wish vance, and cannot keep from it, because ou larth sides, for the liest possible FRIENDLY CALL IN SULU. GRANTS PASS,OR --story ’’-looni pla-tered house brick cellar, milk bouse, barn, it has substantial resources to be devel­ solution, will nearly always produce a tool hou*e. windmill, el« , 6 iute; about I atiafaclory result. Taken I'p oped. Wo do not have to depend en <»ne bait mile from Postottice. Ask Price Jc The flag should float over every school bombastic «Iterances and inflated false­ On the nightajf Dec. 14, there conic to Voorhies. hood for our inducements. We do not house in Josephine county as well a» in my ranch a 3-year old Alley with white .Miles from Grants Pass-70 acre farm, 35 AT THE RIVERSIDE NURSERY, seek asv boom to break and leave us all every other county in the United States, I * i forehead and one while foot, *.i. re- under leiu-r. x acres of winter apples Peter MacQueen. special »tafT corre­ and peaches, d a« res strawberries, hoU'e, that it may bring coiiAtantly before tte»- demoralized. What we want is intel­ spondent in the Philippines, writes as branded on right thigh. Owner can GRANTS PASS, ORE., barn and outbuildings, good well $1500 follows of a visit to u local chief- ligent,* calm, reasonable recognition of minds ot teachers and pupils what it ha e same by paying charges. “The datto, or chief, rents the land to our advantages. That is all that in is, what it means, and what the Julie« M ubice I les . X3I10 One acre of land near town, 4- Y<»O will fin•)( M b{ b 'even and ots out of the sultan. year with the brightest of prospects. eti«-' ol apples, pear.«, |»ea<-ties, nectarine», I rum-.*, quim es, etc. A1. no a good variety which patriotism is far iront being the “This Joka Nina I had the pleasure of ot MinaJJ fruits. A deep well ol excellent J. T. TAYLOR. visiting; he ia a fine-looking man; a Colonel Baden Powell, who is shut up least. water. 1 In» is one uf the finest, if nut the lithe, blithe savnge indeed. *Ix>ok out iu Msfeking by the Boers, has recently The presence of the Illg due* not ix-t locations in town. Overlooking broad for him,’ Buys Shuck to me; ‘lie is a fields and rugged mountains, ottered for delivered himself of a proclamation in bring ateiut all thia of itself, uf course, -ait- or* account of poor health of owner. first-rate man. If he is going to kill which he makes the startling Htatement but it is a perpetual reminder and, if its I A rvsof red land Ivinz with west ex 1 ’ you he’ll say so.’ With this pleasant that the American government has demands are neglected, a perpetual re­ 9 At KES just north oi town. Good and assuring description I adjourned land i-one mile from Grants l’a*8,on rising iraine house, land in good cultivation warned others of Iter intention to side proach. And no one can doubt that its ground and almost perfectly protected lroiu A lout with an allegretto beat of heart along one-ball in fruit. A bargain.—$*ou. iro»t, will make a tine orchard. with England in case »he should have mere present s and silent influence over the shore from Jolo, five miles, and collision with any other nations. While the bouaes which represent the nations came to where the datto lived. $1000 11 wn an1h i 1»2 acres on Oscar creek, 5-room we are not so severe as to accuse him o hope, will be productive of more nation “Under the great tree of Patikolo the p ain iioU'C. Barn and ^hed*, 75 large fruii has for y« ars been producing very abun ­ country folk held market day. Tbe being sincere in his remarks, we rather al benefit than can lie estimated or ex­ dantly in fruit, terries and garden truck. ir* < . p'a< re* ol good placer mining ground datto's house is built over the waters. object to the name of America being pressed. Noth'-i» win* adda no mnrh I here is a good house and out buildings, on puce that (an be covered by ditch, •o th« charm of th« drawing He received me kindly, in his bare feet, also a good a ell. hive minutes v\alk to rrice A \ oorbies. used by him with such freedom. The Ho ter as we know, Mr. Dyke's is the room or tioudoir a- th* «oftljr radi and placed for edification lx-fore us a- ■ vht fr.......... RIM) I school or church. Would sell three lots, sympathy of the American imoplu seems only country school in the country Nothin® wni coatribut* morr to the 100x150 ¡ret, (corner lot,) for >*<■». Ibis lot ten kinds of sweetmeats and’ some ex­ artmtie «acce»" of the luncheon, The main thing for you to consider is: Don’t I k ? too ( I '• atioM ia fairly well divided between the two par- which has a flag would make a l»eauiitui building lot. if this is true, they tea or dinner The l>^-t decorative cellent coffee. The datto uas glad, he the < ¡ty, two story, new and modern candles for rhe mmpleet or the lies, but it does net require a prophet to deserve special credit (or being the first, moat elaborate fun • r i m t hou-.e, 8 room-, hard finish, a good late. Delay fosters uncertainty and often di.sapjKiint- said, to have the Americans near him. I •) 1 » "•*(•• - " • ■ M ■'* “ a,ld nei cNxary outbuildings, two acres 1 lor orchard or ram. say which side is training and which is But th« year 1900 should wet« every He thought they would make gtx»d and the nsowt 'leticate tinta by ment. It you delay you can’t blame me if the very ami, at a good elevation above the level »TA.Wn.VRI» OIL < O. losing in sym|»athy, day by day. The school Imus« in JuHsphiue county pro­ servants and tratters. Yes, thought 1, "i the town. Owing to i iiange ol business and sold everywhere. $U)() !""' ' ■ ■ but, shades of JefTerson and the true Suit or Overcoat you wanted has just been sold. idea seems to prevail here that if Eng vided with a flag The cause is worthy it I wm than cost. Enquire ot us. pleaxani location an t cheap. American Washington, the countrymen laud isn’t able to take care ot herself in and the results are sure. Exceptional values in Men ’ s Heavy Underwear of Lincoln serving a half nude satage! thia matter, she had tietter go out of bus **'•!•)() ?IVe acres near tewn. .* H H H I ' Weather ilrpnrt. The thought wrung laughter. < reek. 1J acre^ in cultivation. Good two Story house, lath Inees. It may not l»e any great harm for Woolen Shirts, Hosiery, Blanket!», lite. D octor Following is a summary weather ob­ “The datto had a fine little boy. He Good variety of fruit. Water for irrigating urn. plai-ter flntih Nearly new. Thin eoU her te bold up the United Hiatus as a servation at «.iraiils Tans during the H hx p|...¡g a (.drgain und >uU I..rk am and ba. a general assortment wanted me to take a picture of him. M EYERS purposes want tu -re it btlorr it i- sold. bugatxx), but she must not take it ser­ month of Dec , Kpp, as re|M>rted by J. down 1 • I did so; then his excellency wanted the 4 CO. •trau erne,, and ^.-lecled rrom the best va- iously kerself. A feeling of gratitude to­ B. Paddock, l«al voluntary observer for picture. 1 explained I would put it on 1 (rood well and ncc.--arv out- Specialists (or Mea ward her is prevalent here, on account the Oregon State Weather Service. paper at Manila. He said: 'Why not til house. ■ w'/n',' , ‘"g “ l' >-»> it was such an ini- AiU»tkMk «od u» — ; Ml stand at her l»ack in all her quarrels for 2 60 ! 38 . ) a 44 b ie, from town, one M im I i « pfaclkc« ia tk« V a ; ¡Hirtant thing it took time. Thia re- wo-story ** house of 7 r UM; so cheap a price ba that The American 3 46 bum red ami twentv bve acres o( :<5 40 d plaster W- 6« Pa; Till lsr«4. , lieved the situation, and wc continued, finish ;«MMi well wn '. . . Th .»f .luill frutto, harne«. e bar cause in this matter as lu be vocifer hard one-half o> which is » inter appb ,hé‘L;î "“T,"' n‘nr '•«•fergLuud shoulders.” National Magazine. Will I 49 24 t) 39 Fit KF I.ettrr from Mr«, (’nr«1* sold on easy terms. a ns. __ Ul. jwrc.t out in her favor Obituary Notice. I --------------------------- 34 46 ,, i b-Mw«. 7 aliar.if..... I barn and ..... ... - . Js. A tine — v- llurfc ter CoaA^lutiss. Shr XV >«• rd on !.«»*■. We are iu receipt of a very ioterwil 46 35 • 40 11 Mention war made last week. of the e a » Would Lil »T BT., I ... _ r Thia is (be hour ot the much derided V 33 41 37 36 mg com tu unical ion from Mrs. M R. i death of Mi. Samuel IHrknrHS. Allow . A young married woman, whose bluck With; Hi 4..40 . * '**a,<* tartanes. $5500. th 64 36 46 Postoflite. Un* hat. and long suffering New Year’s resolu­ 10 home is in that vague region known th aim rit CorJs, of the Pacific l‘in« Needle coin t me to give you a few particulars con- »«cures tbe property 66 42 (M 49 as uptown, startled some of her rela­ tion, which is (»opularly soppoeed Io t»e 11 paay who with Mr. Cords is now stop- , earning I iiui . payment'.— Price A \ 36 49 42 12 tives greatly the other day by h quite one ol th« bsos I delicately ephemeral ’ ' ' '• *9 i r» - of 4-year- 29 ping al th« Ih'iwrial hotel al Portlead, 47 38 13. Mr bainuel Harknvas wan born in unexpected humorous onslaught. She «- PISO’S CUR E rOR K. I things os record. It is not our pnq»oAe II 28 36 "K itik W cr ■ 42 3«i but who eapecta to return this week. Sa'rin Washiugl«n County N. Y. in I is an impetuous young woman and she 1 «I . a < ity of Sfitei pop- t ' ~ a. . ri I 45 37 to deride this loa« hoaored institution 15 41 1 16 Po*t<»rtii'e. no bou<«e. Her '' hania- for botei or mum k Coiicwrning the Pacific Pine Needle 1818. Removed with his parent« to was just ready to go out, downtown, «■EE 31 49 13 40 »ty for the making of a - i irm m th© Rogue River lor in our belief, it is a very honorable 1(1 CONSUMPTION “I Price A \ our hie?*. company*■ exhibit which has te-en f •■- i the W sstern Reaervw in Ohio and th I presumably, when she suddenly turfled 31 47 01 .39 V \'^rh l orange grove thing. The New Year's air is always 17 29 !»ack and rushed into the family rit- warded to Pan», Mrs Curds aay • in her 49 39 It to Wisconsin. filled with goo*! reeelulluns. Hume fall 10 42 ting-room. Several members of the tetter that Mr lk»sch. the iX'inmisSK'ner lie married in 1844; crossed the 34 62 flat but «li du net. Il is a, moat befit­ 20 43 26 of the «tp«>*itiuti, openly declared it plains with his wife and family in 1862 family were there and she exclaimed; 43 61 47 12 I “Did you hear about thus« New York ting time to resolve to du better, and to 21 to l»e th« h it‘dmoment and most. Inter­ i nettling in the Umpqua Valiev 49 : 45 47 fakirs?” be better aaJ lu make a near.r appruach 22 4«) 40 esting oua o( all the exhibits which he 23 43 then in 1856 at Grave Creek, Ju«e| • • i I “What «boat them?” cried aome- lu wbal waoughl lobe. Frail buniainlv 24 41 37 39 has forwarded. The exhibit filteJ three t'ounty where fur years he kept a hotel ■ body. 38 32 can hvl by a word, aliake off the nn|«r- 2Ò 36 large l»oies anJ contained a large variety fametl for it» hoApitality. “Why, they’re just earning loads of 32 42 37 iection by which it i, toeaei and enconv 20 of article«, including nialtieeevs, pillows 32 42 27 bile on a visit to Michigan in 1871 money selling canes made from the log 37 iasae.1 and covered latbom. deep, but 32 30 comforts, gorgeous cushion«, prepared Mrs. Hat knvss died. In 1875he married of the Olympia! lie, ha. ha!“ And 2M 34 it can atrire, and prevail. All the gomi 2U 38 32 36 • pin« needle« fur smoking, cigars, soap, Mis Hasan Davis near Runeburg, Douglas I she rushed from the house to catch the 45 15 tirai i. m the world and all that ia worth so 10 I 50 ear. oil, perfume«, syrup, win«, candy, wool, CotiDty Ore. 43 1 35 • i 06 1 All the listeners laughed save one. having comae Irvin atriving after it 31 fibers ot different kinds aha in es he al Fur a year they lived al n waiting. The g «od rwolnlion I minimum trm|>eralure, 22, date. 19, number days clear, 3, partly cloudy, 3, tion of Mr. and Mrs Cortis Theeihib Mr Harkness had four tuns by his laugher«. ia prwhminary to the good deed, and cloudy, 25, prevailing wind, 8 W. it, which co«t over ten Jays lal>»r to first wife “That log.” The eld eel of them dud in ia a neceaaary part o( it In making the prepare, was ac. mj an ed by doeertp 1892. A daughter by his secoud wife. “Do you know what a logia?” Ths latetl lire reeolulion we are by th. i The exception smiled in a auperior A Pittsburg drummer tells this new Hoas written by Mr. Cords in four Jif died al the age vl 18 years. diltlcuiliee and drawback, which beaei manner. Hadn't she just Fwen up the (erent languages ' yarn I always carry a bottle of Kemp's Th« three tuna and Mrs Hark ties« ua in the eie. ution, and it ie no wonder lakes? Mrs. Cords tee’s naturally indignant •urviv« to inuurn his death. that our product falle eo far abort of our i Balsam in my grip. 1 ink« ruld easily, “Why. if« r ■ r of those timber»,'* she the funeral services, on Friday, wet« Mid. “that th v l ang over the side of ideal, that we are di«( ) ■ ' 150 A< 1:1 ' 3 [QF $500 £ $1300 ' 7in<‘,' ,,Uj 5T. CL/4IR JTEEL 5T0VEJ AHa RflNQE*