Harth & Son This is the Dressy Don’t Your Back Wholesale and Esta w. U. Prompt and Careful Attention paid to M large Reserve Steck always on han d.—no delà out . Afe shall be pleased to quote price outfits. fcjj Lili« ?>.'». ar»4 *x- xftd tfa<» uæm '4M. .ft*. the Jt/ZAp Sixth Stre Cloth mg Department try. a amt 8* gvzt i* « ry wrtgi»ra»^ t? • BCaTTS* Á ■ wxs mám 7 M) •X.« • ” - w •XI Uvy w a a¿ - it. w V «. If V Grants r’a Men s Dress Shoes C-zzx Eircüä. soi; P. H HARTH Read th * rage uarcfuiB .: *2.2» im 7*0 X X>-> M j O ftzz» io-, « * Y. ■■■*'» ' IO oo *y w- • • . O- fczz, . ts/O a<*» M» Y^// * ó - » «Z. X M.OO f AO .■■> KJ, z. 'Z, ■ » fKl to * ¥•«»2 l/z •. » »jt»« r« V» r'ziwt **z <•«. 7 w*»< CMaMa**» 43^wfe*a *• fe oz ' k'X». wp*« 4 U> í J /•»*• fr'iaa fc-"z» SX,*-» pfoar- . ITOtTS ? . 4U K Mzr.kattaa lest. r *>. Z b'z-. Czz Htrtnr.r ’ zazv Tw*«4* J 0 00 11 00 W*r, • H>* /y * v*' ar toe­ 'A ■ X • '/ng ; 5 oo «J so e $o fkzy'« M«Z M »‘zz « fkxz» C » -.r/rtr 4 00 I $2 2* Men s Furnishings ■ P < ty- zrt» and Men « « R dowble coated. black I>z»bb cade • v.isk fit :jsaá tf proved «na» and ring ft arable Calf Bh'je made Motermea'- and Dr ' ' l> 2$ I’ ÿj fnitterx, with rn MitU, jyc. / » ail ladsoci et burton«, 7 Men’s Gloves and Mittens. A^b ¿ .¡a. t*r «nriace coat with d n-> . proof to im wrist feta Men s Oil Clothing «harp n GT M.n » Angf/ft Yarn f/lote*, 25 Mew« D .. r G kA ‘ ■, / Mm « Í z « ‘ .4 r Í / . ■* # *» • A ' ' An An«’,« .n All W„,l, , ,, IfofH Hid», will wA h«r«lm All W-z/l > Th* k rr**-?.' ^/lov* tram and beat fi oo and fi.25 H*/f * Hl'1* 1 N»w Madi'st' '■ It Weft« a urrfe«t fitting glav al (fr*y M»n « ( ,, . if . an/J |i .y> h*«z b t//n «n¿ ' ffa'kskia, Aalx.toe tanti »all* ‘ Men’s and Boy’s Hats. H* t < y*?n H f/iyl th« »11 1b* poj/iibtF »helving )h9¡^ *> 'X/1 Ifati nt «f/tnpicte. The latewt block « and ouf If it Îl/p4ftm«nt ab/n<- cover* + Y> feet »>1« n-i the tuaiket including Rubber Boots Department N m I hub I (h aright, I |i«l| .io ... R 1 ' 5°’’’^S-2.00, 2 25 and .. 2 5° mottled. «» 71 ir-4 mottled.Na: 3-5° ‘lani,y '«« ““ ”O «“«“ ming. i'> to 5| C licit Mriiu Dti« y I n •• ’ M tly all gratli ...t ¡u ■nd *• i Mr | ■«■¿tato« ••RHODE ISLAND." od ¡lio ................................. >* lottled 4 50, 500. • 6 00 at.d....... LarUr MX:- ' SuuevY ’•“«Value less Money" ’ ^*1