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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1899)
I <|UMtion which affect* the moral coridi ■ tiou ot any part of the nation ia ol PVBUHHaP KVXBY THVBaDAY. vaatly greater importance than quee- lion, of finance or economy. Roberta ia PRICE <fc VOORIIIES, an avowed polyganiiat aud the rtpro- BOrroBK AMO bKOFKlKTOkN. , tentative ol the principle of polygamy, a-xTKK or si BMc airriuJi; and il be takes bia Mat in cungreea and One Year, in edvanee, - • 1125 ie allowed to be one ot the national body Hix .Months, • - • • .65 of legialatora, it ia giving polygamy and Three Months, - .35 j it* principle, national recognition. Sour* Kingle Copies, - • - - .06 will ridicule the whole matter, and say Advertising rates on application. Copy for change of* ad' must Ire Lande«! in 1*1« »re : that they have no tear, of polygamy be Where we will lx: glad to show anything in the Tuesday noon, otherwise retting of ihe coming dangerous It ia dangeroua al matter will bo charged fur at the rate of 6c New goods in all departments, Dry Goods line per running inch, aingle column. Altera ready. Whatever affects a part affect, tion-< and additions to copy will 1« charge«! the whole. Every wrong move and ev so that our stock is now complete. o r at the rale of ldc per running im b, sin ery right move ie far reaching and never Our store is large and commodious (and we gle column. ending in it* effects, anil il ia a moat have plenty of room to display; our goods so you Enter««! at the post office at Grants Paas, rhort-aigbted and dlaaalroua poiu-y to Oregon, aw second-claim mail matter. need not feel crowded when you come. Then •anclion anything that is nol right. The T hursday , N ovkmbkr 2, 1899. way may look smooth at the lime, but it we are in the P. O. store and are handy to get at, lead, toendleaa complication, and trou for you always go to the P. O. The war in the Philippines and the ble foi geueratinria. There ia nothing to war in the Transvaal are not parallel lx said iu lavor of polygamy and there cases by any means, and it is useless to ia much to be raid agaiuat it, but the try to make them appear so. There is moat dangaroua and disastrous resalt ol no similarity in ca ires, conditions, or the system ia the degradation of woman, objects. __________________ which ie the most demoralizing thing t bat could bap|>en to any people. Poly The Boers won a great victory over gamy ie not uncommon with savage an<h tha British at Ladysmith on Oct 30.cap ball civilized people, but the most en- turing an entire column of British, two lighten««! nation of the nineteenth cen Desirable Books. Dragon is not getting her share of the recimente, one fifth of the w bole garri tury i* certainly not expected to sane* new people coming to the Northwest. son. England has called out mere re i tion any such barbaroua institution. She is not putting forth suffii int efforts i N B. Green, authorized agent for the serves. Occidental Publishing Co. of Oakland, Polygamy may exist in obscurity and I m ? towards this end. She is lacking in the Calif., is now in (¿rants Paee soliciting A granite aidawalk m being put in on ignored becaure, although its existence orgaaixed efforts of railroads to secure subscriptions for a nnmber of desirable the streets which bonier the court house may be generally known, the natural desirable new people. But this might books. He has five different works, var inertia and dislike of strife may cause grounds. At the brick building* succeed be supplied by the concentration of pub iously adapted fur different ages, tastes the wooden houses, so the granite side ; ita opponent* to keep silence. But when, lic and private enterprise. There is and prwietencse. ‘Our Country in walk Bii|>eraede9 the rickety and demor as in tha present rare, it comes lx»l !ly to room here for a vawt population. Room Peace and War” is a comprehensive and alizing plank affair. The permanent the front demanding recognition as an for w rkere in our forests, on our rich up-to-date history of the United States and substantial structure succeeds the 1 institution, action is necessary. The is lands and in the mines of wealth of by Hamilton Maybee. It contains 600 temporary makeshifts This is progress sue is tquarely before the nation. It minerals beneath the surfaceof the earth, semi quarto pages with 250 fine engrav in the right direction and is only one cannot be dodged or ignored. For this which have scarcely been prospected a* ings besides numerous wood rats. It is , more indication of the steady, quiet and reason men and women all over the yet. Thia takes push; organization of a full and complete history of our coun United States are uniting in an effort for , healthy growth of Granta Pa**. enterprise. We have more capita! than decisive action in the matter. Helen Washington; as great (or greater) res try from the Lira* of its discovery by Columbus to the present day. It con- In the death of (ien. Guy V. Henry, Gould, whois loved by Americana for , ources; as much enterprise, perhaps, tains the history of the late Kf unisti military governor of Porto Rico, the her patriotism and generosity, has con- , but it lacks concentration. What shall American war and descriptive articles country lores a most valuable man and tributed largely toward this cause. Briv- we do abeu! it? In these pushing times concerning Cuba, Porto Rico and the one whom it will be exceedingly bard tw bam Roberts may not be a bad man, ( it is not wire policy to simply sit snd Philippines. “True stories of our Fam replace. He baa been doing a grand but lie stands as the exponent of the in “wait for something to turn up.”—Ore ous men and women" ia a collection of work in Porto Hico, correcting evil* and stitution of polygamy and the mailer is gon Histesmau anecdote» from the lives of prominent abuses and administering the affaire «»I not to be treated lightly. Catarrh Cannot be lured men and women of America. it is corn the island in a wise and firm manner, with l<aal applications, as they cannot piste in two volumes, the first vol working for Ike welfare and advance An Important DlfTarencv. reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh ume containing stories of famous merit of the Porto Ricans. Porto Rico To make it apparent to thousands, will be fortunate indeed if Gen. Henry's who think themselvaa ill, that they are isa biood or < oi^tit ilioaal disease, and men, ami the second volume de successor can show as much honesty not alHicted with any diaea-e, but that in order to cure it you rm st take internal voted to extracts i from the lives of and executive ability as was shown by the system simply needs cleansing, is to remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken famous women. It contains 4(X) pages isternally, and acts directly on the blood i and bus lull and graphic accounts of the late governor. bring comfort home to their hearts, as a and mucous suriace. Halls Catarrh nearly half a hundred of our famous costive condition in easily cured by using A temporary boundary between Can* Cure ia not a quick medicine. It was men am! women. “Aunt Charlotte- Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the ada and Alaska was agreed upon ¡some prescribed by one of the best physician-* Stories of Bible History” contains 100 California Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold time ago by diplomatic representatives in this coustry for years, and is a regu stories of bible times arranged in modern by all druggists. of the British and American governments handsomely illustrated. lar prescription. * It is comjrowed of the style, very but was not accepted by Canada until Shake Into Your Shoes best tonics known, combined with the 'Beautiful Stories alrout Children” by recently. It is thought that England’s Allen's Foot-Eaae, a powder fur the feet. best blood purifiers, acting directly on Charles Dickens, is a collection of ex war trouble in Africa had something to It cures painful, swollen, smarting, ner the mucous surfaces. The perfect com tracts from Dickens works, of a number do with Canadas acceptance. This vous feet and instantly takes the sting bination of the two ingrediente is what of his most beautiful stories of children. temporary line gives Canada no access out <*f corns and bunions It’s the oroduces such wonderful resulte in cur- | This bxik contains 230 pages and ie to tide water and leaves the entire Lynn greatest comf rl discovery of the age. nng Catarrdi. bend for teatimonialw handsomely illustrate«!. “Happy Little canal, on which Dyea and Skagway are Allen’s Foot-Ease makes light nr new free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Americans” is a very attractive and des situated, in the possession of the United shoes feel easy It is a certain cure for irable book for little children. Thia Sold by Druggists, 75c. Mates. This arrangement is held not to sweating, callous and hot feet. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. book contains 120 pages with straw board prejudice the claim of either nation as Real Estate Transfers. ------------ t<> the true boundary line, but is a mere (Recorded since O;t. 23.) temporary agreement designed to pre D. (». and Thetta Meveiis to Win. ventstrife until dual settle«!« al is made. Seifert, north half of Iots5and 6, block 33, Granta Pass. Ore., The cooked dispatches from corres consideration .... .............. |4(X) 00 pondents in ihe British army concerning the early battles in Natal caused a feel J. H. and Susanna Ablf to H. T. and Joseph Kessler,|lol 3, block ing of disgust as soon as the real truth 48, Grants I'ass, Ore., consid became known. By means of the terri eration ............................................ 600 00 ble bulletin board, the Boers had suf fered a most crushing defeat, and had W. M. and M. A. Royal to O. 1*. Harvey. S‘2 of SE'4 of sec. 12, been driven pell rnell ba« k through the tp. 36 south, range 5 west, con passes to the Tranavaal with British cav 00 sideration ....................................... alry in hot prusuit. It waa thought the war was ended. The Boer army was Alice Rogers to J. E. Peterson, lot 3, block 8, Miller s addition thoroughly demoralized. Kruger advo to <¡rant's Pana, ore., consid cated unconditional surrender, and eration ............................................ 150 00 much other similar foolishness was per petrated on a credulous world. But (¡ilea Davis to Helen A. Walker. W’.d \I and M (of NW when the truth Ixgan to leak out a little *4 of sec. 7, tp. 36 south, rang«* .4 .4 at a time until the real state of affaire 5 west, consideration................. was known, how different the case a|>- W aller E. Linnett to Ed Lister peared. The Boers, though terui»orarily and J, L Calvert, lot 12, blocx «59, Grants Pass, Ore., consid driven back at one or two points, bad 100 00 eration ...................................... been really advancing and gaining ground, and the British immediately re Weather Report. treated from the scene of their reported Following is a summary weather ob victory. Whether or not their retreat servation at tirants Paas during the was hasty is not told, but they lelt their month of Sept., 1899, as re|M»rte<i by J. It. Paddock, l<M*al voluntary observer for wounded commanding general in the the Oregon State Weather Service. hands of the Boers. This ■< heme of M ax. Mm Mean ; Precip cooking re|»orte »eeuis to us a short Temi Tern. Trm inches sighted policy. We are somewhat sur 43 <M 1 86 69 1 .. 41 77 prised that the English should indulge 2 .............. 3 49 ao 17 ............... 71 in it. We ridiculed the Spanish reports 57 ! 4(1 4 49 65 of their victory at Santiago, but have not 5 ,V> 1 .. 69 41 57 1 .. been entirely free from such degradation 6 ................ 39 73 84 42 63 .. 7. ourselves in the Philippine matter. It 8 is a most disastrous policy. If garbled 44 9 90 67 reports are given out to the people, they 10 “•> 96 4N rightly lose all confidence ia those who II ................. 4i 66 96 63 I 88 42 are reajAonBible for their circulation, as 12 42 69 76 soon as the truth becomes known. In a 13 38 11 01 -, 84 country like the United States or Eng l.'i 65 1 43 87 land, straight facta are not too good to KI 92 42 67 Sticceswr of Dixon ¿t McCroskey. 69 46 93 give to the people Lying rej»crts are 17 ............... ................ V3 4«5 t»9 H criminal. ___________ _______ 47 V3 ll> ................. 70 92 I 48 70 The uiovvmeat to unseat Brigham II. 20 83 21 47 65 Roberts is widespread and determined .«.« 87 41 64 It is a movement of principle, and be 23 ................. Ill 43 (17 comes necessary on account ot a much- 24 68 .. 47» VI 68 92 44 dodged question being brought brim« 25 85 46 65 the nation in such a wav that the |»eo- •.•(> Mi 66 27 42 ple are compelled to det ids whether or 28 87 4.1 66 not they will sanutiun polygamy. II tbs 29 53 64 76 Last Sunday*» Rally. 67 «51 56 ¡ .02 movement is lust it will b<- through the 30 . .......... The usual morning services of tl e indifference of those who hold the desti Si MMun : Meai temperature, 62 ; churches gave wav on last Sunday to a nies of the nation in their bauds the <l> e HUI 11 i union Sunday school temperance rally voters. There are many who are indif niaxiuiuui t.*inp«>r»tiirv, minimum temiera! ure, 38, date, 14, belt! under the auspices of the W.C LI’ ferent. The matter does not ap|n*.il to numlær davi clear, 27 ; |>»rt V cloudy, 2, The several Sunday schools marched hem as anything of importance. \ny clo uiv, 1 , prevailing W Hili, >. w from their respective places of worship to the I'res by ttrian church where the exer« ises were held. Mis Albeit Hood, biipeiintel.«lent of t hnreh Notice. Sunday school depart in nt, ably presid ROGUE RIVER COURIER, ► > We are now ► » ► Doing Business In the l*«>*t Office Store > > > > ► » > Call and sec our (.anus and Jackets New Finn - - BUT - The Same Business. I have purchased the interest of R. 0. Mc Croskey in the Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoe business formerly conducted by the firm of I hanking the friends tor their liberal pat ronage in the past, and hoping to receive a fair share of your trade in the future, I remain, Yours truly, Millinery Display Every Dav AT THE SUGAR PINE STORE jl j» jt Look at the tip«to date style* in the dts|»la\ window of the Sugar Pine Store and then come on the inside and let me show you other stylet You can certainly l>c suited. .4 .4 .4 Miss Bertha Barrie ed lcr<>«s ihr fn nt of the church was fell<»one«l a long chain of pledge cards, each card representing some boy or girl who had pledged theinselvt to um1 no form of intoxicating liquor, tabarro or opium This S|«*aka well for the future oi Grants Pare. A very intereeting de red by ■rem bere iroui tive Sonda? schools, The pastore of thè vanoun churches alno lent their hifluenve ami hearty good will to make the rally a sue cess, rhe house was crowded and the program carried out as announced In last week's issue, with the om.ssion of one recitation. At the close of the meeting a collection was taken up tor the W. C. T. I’., which amounted to 110.04. The Eitement not Over The rush at the drug store al«11 con- 11oues and daily scorrs of prwple call for Abultleol Krmp's Balaam lor tne i'uruai and Lung«, lor the cum of Coughs .Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis and Consumption. Ketup s Balsam, the standard family rvtor«!v, is sold on a guarantee* and never fails Io give entire satisfaction Frua I 25c and 50v. INGUSH AND IRISH Ed Liater, J. V. Ltyeert, W. D- John aud <»• •«. RKipaniet, <ja*rii oaiiu, “Horre head” >u tl iiiiamauur^ iiiiumg Why Ihtir Two Korea Hase Never Ilers Able to I uderstand district. Eaeh Other. W. L>. (> Brien, four water rigti.s ci «'»<»<) luche* each from Ru-Kabee guicli, ^'ish and That tl »- Erg.i»h ami the me Irish, *ri»«, liv- *.• Dewey gulcL, L reach gu>eh and Dvuver Ing under the same sanie physical conditions, Kulcb, all hi Jump off Joe lumibg dis should have th».- mo*t opposite charac th1 two people in the world irne. teristics have of any * of any twe is one of the Leland Siftmp. he mysteries. mysteries, Tas physical the two two i, races of the ___ are almost Here we are again, but we notice that conditions of our local writer has dropped out oi line. identical, Ireland. like England, being a surface marked by mod- We miners have been so busy that we insular, with a ties and possessing a erate irregula have not had time to write unless wt )le climate, the chief moist and equal wrote at night, then we would have to that Ireland is rather differences being us than England and w rite by the ligul of a piece of pitch. more mountainoi a little milder and The miners iu this vicinity are all its climate being busy fitting up for Ihe winter. J. C. wetter. Yet the two peoples are sharp- i di tempera meat and char- Lewis us fitting up tao mines with grest ly contrast* Irish are as impulsive, mer- water privileges. He is running a large seter. The ornus and unmet hex!ical as hum force of men. The Steam Beer mines are curial, ?li*h are stolid, ord» rly and prac- the £m running a bed-rock tunnel, working two Jn war the Irish are most suc- shift«, so as to be ready for the tain tfcal. attack. the English in de- cessful in when it comae. The first rains have j fense. The Irishtuan enters into matri- soaked the ground, so that it will not I mony with his heart only, the English tase so much to furnish water for the j man calculate 'S the cost of marriage be- fore making a proposal. Irish liter- mines. I ature is mure witty, more tender, more Virtue, ddwu the creek is almost English, but is less solid , glowing than ready tor the rains. He believes in I and enduring. 1 he contrast of charac- making hay while the sun shines. I ter is most strikingly demonstrated by Daney has the Copper Slain quaitx i the fact th at the two nations, during of more than seven ccn- •sine bonded. It is looming up all , an L ntercourse __ jble to t bur light. The Gold Bug mine ia without a turies. have never been nt her, and, doubt the richest mine in ore in the 1 oughly understand each apart from artificial difficulties manu- country. i factor« d by unscrupulous agitators, the As we go up the creek the first ledge j real differences betw< - n the two coun is Haydens. It prospects at the rate ot tries have been entirely due to a mutual |17 p r ton. Then comes the Browning misunderstanding of each other’s char mine, which is opening up well a* could acteristics. I I X be expected. Tlicv are going into li e THE PHONOGRAPH. hill and every thing looks favorable. Do Tom East gulch on the pan e One That Played a Trick on a Min ister W Im W onld Have llad mountain is one that goea by the name It Preach. of Green back. It assays very high. lì e It is own'd by Tobler and B. A M It is strange that no one but a Kan trr«able with many of our prospectors is sas pastor, full of the life and energy that they have not the capital to develop that has come to that state, would have the ledges when they find them. thought of the phonograph as his sub I he famous Greenback mine is run stitute in the pulpit while absent on a ning between 30 and 40 men. Their vacation. It is reported that an earnest and progressive pastor, leaving his ledge is ail that the owners can ask for. Hock for a vacation, left a 30-niinute Gra(s i* growing nicely and ihe stock sermon on a cylinder to be delivered at on the tenge« are doing well the proper time. The hymns were sung, lheieis but little sickness reported. a brother had oiTi red prayer, and the A. Loren/ » at tunnel nine had a sick boy announcements had been made, when one of the decons brought forward the Dr. VanDtke was called out there one phonograph, placed it upon the pulpit, day la*»t week. and announced that, when set in mo Robert (' ockett is herding Japs in the place of Dan Peterson who is takings lay off |< r a month. Bob is a good track man and understands his business, lie boards at Lew Browning's, but seems to have business home aboi t three times a week. Business is good in ami around Leland. Botli of the stores 1 are doing a good bucinees and so are both I the hotels G. W. Chapin is seen on ourstre»- s selling vegetables, I*ew Browning is running a delivery wagon. His team is kept quite busy delivering goods, Mack in Bros.^are hauling wood for the rail road company so you see we are all busy. M iner Lincs from Leland. D L. Browning is having a stable built. J.’C. Lewis went to Portland last week. tion, it won «I give a devoted flock one of the sermons w hich had so endeared the pastor to the congregation. There upon the good deacon set the machine in motion, says the Indianajiolis Jour nal. No one can imagine the consternation of the congregation when the phono graph gave out the song: “Dinah, de Moon Ain Shining.’’ The song ended, but there was no break—the terrible machine proceeded to relate a number of up-to-date but not very Sunday or pulpit stories. No one understood the machine, but after 20 minutes the deacon grasped the irreverent phono graph and hurried out of the church. The much-beloved pastor might have been called before a e . incil had it not been discovered that th° sermon-loaded phonograph had been left In charge of a son of Belial with the weakness of a practical joker. A NATION OF KINGS. The Steam Beer is now workimr a force of 11 men. Frank South was seen Monday. on our sírcete There now remains only one people Henry Simins ie now a resi lent of and one little valley south of the Leland again. equator whuse sovereignty has not been Robt. Virtue has been claimed b;. *<ome European power. It the past week is the xall. v of, 50 or 60 miles Henry Walters bad a cow killed by wide, north of l/ia.ui, in South Africa. Ami the only rc.v >n why the Marotse, the cars last week. who inhabit it, have preserved their Miss Mind Clark, who has been quite independrn e is that England and Por ill is up and around again. tugal both claim it, and therefore the F. E. Norton of the Greenback board work of “civ; ization” is at a standstill. It may not be > • easy to conquer the ing house was in town Monday. M arotbe when the time comes, for they R. L Coe made a Hying trip to hit* are a tall, well-set-up race, very black bianch store at this place last week. in skin. In manner.* they are very cour J. J. Hasty cairn* over from Happy teous anti in bearing dignified. Every ( imp to work in the Steam Beer mine. full-blooded Marotse is by birthright a king, and takes his place in the aristoc Mr. Morgan has moved his family into racy of the empire. In fact, as every the residence lately vacated by W, S. one is king, there is no head ruler. The Webb. bare fact that he Is a Marotse insures Mr. Reynolds has put a roof over his the respect of the subservient tribes, tent ami is now in pretty good shape for and as he grows t » manhood a sense of superiority usually implants in the na wet weather. tive the dignity of self-respect. All Quite a number of our young folks he labor is done by slaves who have been went to Placer Saturday night to attend captured from neighboring tribes. the dance at that place. JW. 8. Webb took a trip to Grants Pass the last part of last week, and returned with a brand new wagon. Mr and Mrs. Heir of Baker City, ar- rivd in our town last week and Mr. Heir went to work fur the Steam Beer right aw ay. Mr. Lawler, who left belt* sometime since for Eastern Oregon and Idaho points, has returned to stay, lit* says Southern Oregon against the world. be of The Prices of * rtllaea. Thirty years ag ■ i ne« and young herring in Canadi i. » rs were sold mostly us fertilizers, •97 near- ly a million boxes of s i were put on the market. I ’ r'ce paid to fiihermen varies x*i • ■r ’y. ae- cording to catch, season being sometimes as low ns six • -‘ta per hogshead, and sometinn a« high aa J<>.^epti Dysvrt, E«1 I ister, W. D. John an«! G A. Fitzpatrick, quarti claim, “> uthern Iteli” in Williamsburg mining district. Gms. L- Hats, F-dwin G iiorxien, ú m. W ( > x an«! John lk<da« n. q ia-t« laim, * Richmond,” in Jumpvtf-Jiv m ming ilstrirt. Geo. 1. Haves, F. Iwiu G. Borden W. Cot and John Deiv»>n. quarts cl m, *’(Nd ¿ohJier” in Jump-off J«.»e miu k district. i Don't forget to ask Cole’s Airtight They are the beat. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co AT JEWELL’S OLD STAND —.....1.J S triCE EUR PUBLICATlOJ ■■ Land Oftiee at K CONSUMPTION Look at the Label. Subscribers to the C oi hiek : Y ou are requested to look at the date on the pa per opposite your name, and if in ar rears, von will be called upon soon to pay up Any who have given us any thing on subscription and have not re ceived credit will please notify us im mediately ami the date of expiration w ill be changed. When You Ride Your Wheel Always shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It keeps your feet cool, prevent« sweating feet, and makes your endurance ten fold greater, Over 1,000,000 wheel people are using Allen’s Foot-Ease. They all praise it. It gives lest and comfort to smarting, hot, swollen, aching, feet and is a certain cure for in-growing toe-nails. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Sample FREE by mail. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy,N. Y. Josephine County Maps. Octobw, 5, Notice ia here by «iven ftm u, t low ma named aeliler ha« , Uta intention to make tinil | him i :,,, IKirt of bia claim, and tbtt uidw, will be made before R I. Rar..- ozxa»»»* L' Cm,,? ** eoiimy “ clerk, of Josephm, 1? on, at firent* l'a«'', Ort-,on on « 2 fu-r IH 1MHI U — ; — .:. ber, 18, 1899, viz: Benjamín F <»n bis H. E. No. 7898 íor the 8 NE'4 NWl4, NW»4 NE'4 -ec SR6W. S He ñames the íollowing «itnwiwiH prove bis coiiliniious residen^ and cultivation oí waid !an<l, vu J.^I Croxton, oí (iranís Pasa. O«eg,)n;<j.(B Savage, oí (iranís Pase, Oregon;|.¡B^B Freyer. of (iranís Pass, Freyer, oí (iranís Pa-s, Orrgon. J.T. BRlh JES,Rehire | Graduate of Horology pa^au Unir» sity, Germany. Joseph Kessler, ....PRACTICAL WATCHMAN Prices Moderate ; lull Guarantee Given. The official map of Josephine county can be had at the Coi hier office at re duced prices. Folding pocket map, $1 ; wail map in colors, $3.50. Call and get one. LA GRIPPE rich harvest. Medical statis tics compiled by the tx-st physicians of the world »how that aver sixty per cent of the cases of acquired CONSUMPTION are due to LA GRIPPE. There are also other points of > weakness. Refer to the numbers on the chart Study each one care fully. Familiarize yourself with them. If you have an attack of LA GRIPPE begin the me of III I)YAK as «.«on as the acute symptoms - del. Ill will bring about the restoration to perfect health. Gli AMS PASAflU If you are in need of Harnp either single or double. Halm Sweat Pads or anything else in t» Harness line, don't fail to go to.» Front Street Harness Shop. Shoemaklng and repairing neari and quickly done. EAST and SOUTH ---- VIA THE The Parts Affected Are: Shasta I. TH! nccovs nttHRKNE LININO THE BACK PORTION OF THE NOSE.-It be coins* inflamed and thickened, and a Chronic -therein!* Ill 1» VAN will reduce the inflammation, and leave the mucous mem brane in a perfectly healthy condition. «. (THE EAR DRUM) THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF THE EAR.-It become* iu- flamed and thickened, giving rise to a’most t i III HV AS will prevent the spread of the inflammation. The drum will not be affected and hearing w111 bo unimpaired. 3 CHRONIC TONSILITIS, OR CHRONIC SORE THROAT.—From the tame cauae a* the III BIAS will prevent it* coming on. Route — of the — Southern Pacific Coim ! * i rvHH Trains Leave Ik buuth. 1 I"*’41 ar. 1 ».Un 7:0U p. m . i i ly . I ortlind 9:30 vu ¡ lv . Grant- Pata lv . 1 7:45 a . m . at . San Fran co LV. 1 ? ÍÚM. Above trains stop ut all stations let««« I Portland and Salem, Turner, Minisi Jefferson, Albany, Cottage Grove, f««»- I bhedds, Halsey, Harrisburg. Junction,’. " Eugene, Drain Oakland, and all nlaù* from Roseburg, Io Ashland inclusive. MAIL TRA IN DAILY (XttZPT _ 7:30 a . m . | lv . PoruaiKi v. ' ■ and see the doctor*. You may call aud sea 41 • • r m . af . i ormi i them or write, a* you ieslre. Address Al All«any and Curvai > cuusct train.-« of Or. i entrai A I s-tern tG- Hudykn Remedy (ompktiy Carntr Sto-t‘on, Market aed iil>i Streett. FRANCISCO, CAL. f . xprkha train iuilt ( xx < ift * r ’ wl 4.ò*ir.M. LV. Portland *s.. ' 7:30p. m . | ar. McMinnvilie lv . J“ Rebate ticket* on -ale bel A rea >Merement«« ami Han Fran i*"» ^Ir*. 117 fìrxt » v and |U recond ■ Is-su» ing sleeper. Hate* «nd ticket» to EaMe-n Europe. A ho JAPAN. • IH>A- {“L OLI LU ami AUSTRALIA < tained frutti our agent. Grants Pa* m -um in nt« a C. II MAKMfAlJ. -....... .. R. KOEHLER, Manager. 1 D Sf*s;so; men * L S T OR. JORDAN'S 0ftt*TÍ > a.».» —-------- w....... be cured instantly by for the Throat and guaranteed to cure an«! I’rlre 25c sad hOc. D octor MEYERS »'”• »*V rev»»» Tt A >' «Xar« , • rivi A ** ' »II « •! • r dr lonoâR % co.. • NS V W • . & co." SMCiillsU V *“ .q V * N. E. McGrew Mining L«»cail«»n* (R» corded since (X’t. 23rd Chat. Van Iksrn water right of to itirhee from Picket creek. M II. Pri«e. Fred W Shaeffer and Wn». Kn »>*d. water ri»ihl of b>0 im hra I» m mi Id e fork «f Little 8 il ver «reek, in > Iver creek mining district. TINWARE, gramtewari II I 1» A t \ It I *1 I 1» A « »Ml I* A A A 1 ’ tk ■ HI DA (A IHU TOIH I IU I . (. ?all OFTEN WHEN BABY DOES ITS FIRST STEP Hiah1 p M »rri« haa the felluwir.g ap pointments in Nnithrrn thegn, w hieb all are invitrd : St. Lnke'a Khurch, G.anl» •lay. Nm» mLe-r 3ch. mortiing at d ewn- Inf. l inity «hun h. Vhlaml.M tida* Nov ember ti h at 7 :30 p. in. St Mark'e churvh, MedforJ. Tue-dar, Novembct 8»h. a* 7..'M p m. HARDWARE STOVES 4. WEAKNESS IN THE HEART.-HI I»- Roseburg Mail Daily V w ill RtrviiLthen the heart nerve*.equalixe AF. I 4:>' v Cue circulation of blood, and cause the heart H 0 a . m . IV. Portland LV. : 12:»»A 1*2 : lo p. M. Lv. Albany beat* to become strong and regular. 7.3D-1 *.V. J “ “ “ I » r. M. \r. Roseburg —-— I 3 A A WEAKENED CONDITION OF THE - III 1» A A \ i 0ININC CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE will cau«e the lung tissue to become stroug Pullman Buffet Sleeper j and healthy. I — and — 7. LVMBAOO. OR WEAK BACK.-HI II- S econd C lass S leeping C*^ i YAAi will strengthen it almost immediately. Atta. Iie<> to all thiough train« II (’ HA A A will cure all of the above iymp- tom* and leave your whole system in a perfect For further particular* inquireof Uttw eondit on of health Go to your druggist at Eaten, Grant. Pana. II I 1» A A \ f- r .v- f ont*, or tlx pa« kage* for 12.80. If your West Side Division. • - 1 1 I”-« < t t<» the Mr. Enyart and fami'y came down from Merlin Sunday for a visit with the boys and also to du some work. MOTHER IS TOO WEAK TO WALK for Business are D r FAVORITE .P ierces PRESCRIPTION MAKES mothers HEALTHY l STRONO The Latest Tam A Pittsburg drummer tells varn . I always carry a bottle Balsam in my grip. I take e and a few d-*ses of the balsa make« me a well man. E tcì go I alnaya «peak a god ««rd I tvke hold of my astooaerv- men and yonng tn a. and tel fldeniia'dy what I At Dr aggi «ta, 25<- and 5« Pioneer liuck and Deliwj liRtNTw BAS* OREGON Grants Pass Marble and Granite Worts Havh 'dieted by " . rk . ■* PADDOCK. Propr ' *,hl* 'lock and heretofor* o»ne-i;*«J * in P"«'Hon to formah anythin« i« «** MA*8LE or GRANITE. I have hod or»r « q'*rWf _ . an.) mmhit *. Buain»»» 1 b»»« »"J c»“ «|î7 * cwntnry of eit»n. ne» ,n ---------- th- Mwrbf» Granit» • cf kr, promptly anj gtv» you the b»»t o’ workmanahip. iak» a «p». laity of ronatrnetion work from your own J. B. FADDCC^f