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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1899)
It n HIV AK iNDKrtKDKiir Paru, DSVOTU I.FXC1AU.Y TO tub I ktbbbbtb or H oithbkk O bboon . GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1899. ’OL. XV. -> Cumin* Back tu ’Pth<r. Dewey’s cornin’! Load the anvils! Fill the welcome cup I Cornin’ back to ’Pelier whar he bed hk bringin up; Cornin’ from the torrid xone, and the battle’s brunt, Fetchin’ ub a history—his pictur’ way iu front! Wabblin' under praises more than he can count An* guin* to bring the whole thing back to old Vanuount. local Happenings .................... Fall Underwear In the Matter of Brigham Roberta. Bicycle ho« pi la I for all repairing al Cramer Bros. Ex-Marshal Win. Johnson arrived Perhaps you have noticed tht chill in the air these crisp Yen, they'll try to spile him w hen he gel as fur as York ; here last week for a short stay. mornings and cool evenings—that calls for some warmer Give him linen napkins an* a silver knife an' fork ; N. De Lamater of the Layton Hotel underware. Come to our »tore and we can fit you out with Hpeechin* him an’ preachin' him an try in’ to explain went to Jacksonville Thursday. Somethin' that he knows already—how he wallo|*ed Spain; comfortable wear. K. L Demaree and Sid Andrews went Showin’ him the Brooklyu bridge in rrg’lar welcome trim, to Evans creek Monday on a prospect Try in* to make out p'rhapt», they built it all for him. ing Cour. Feedin' him on china for hk breakfast, dine and »up. Gea B. Ward, who operates a mine But you wail till he's in 'Pelier, whar he hed hk bringin' up! at the mouth of Briggs creek on the Yes, it’s somethin’, these here honors thankful ¡»eople give. Illinois river was in town last week. Will soon be in demand. We keep a full stock of them. In the towns and counties whar he didn’t use to live; Joseph Fetzner and family left on Nothin’, you will see, though, the heart« of townsmen melts Better come and get a pair before the rains set in and you Thursday for Phoenix, Aria, to remaiu Like a townsman'« honor» he hex picked up somewhar else! may prevent a hard cold. during the winter. Ain t no jgmua fuv jualouay, when they thus advance— Martin Riggs and family, who have “All of us cud done the same ef we’d hed a chance!” been here for eotne time visiting rela Let ’em give him gilded houses for a splendid prk’n’ tives, returned last week to their home When he lands in ’Pelier all the village will be his’n. iu West Virginia. Folks come frum all pints, a hundred miles, maybe, Mrs. H. L. Benson left for her home Opera House Block. To view the hill-bred sailor that is hero of the sea ; at Klamath halls on Thur »day after a Island born and prairie born the contract often tills, weeks visit with her »0:1 Rea W. Ben- But for something more unusual, try the everlastin’ hills. eon, and his family. Men’ll turn their lucks to the mountains fur tc see him ; The members of the 8eooad Oregon Boys’ll spout ambition an’ll wish that they could I m * him; are each to receive a bronze medal cast Ol’ maids they will wonder how they ever come to miss him, EORGE H. HINNS, Notice. from the metal of a Spanish gun which Gals'll sort o' Hutter an’ll wish that they could kiss him. To whom it may concern: We, the uill be purchased for that purpose. Ol’ Seth Warner’s honored ghost’ll haste to see the show ; ASSAYER, unden-igned have dissolved the partner- If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Brave “Remember” Baker’ll be among the first to go: »hip heretofore existing by and betwaen cure, which is sold for tfie small price of An' its tol’ble certain that before the spree is done i Office opposite Hotel Josephine, us thi» 241 h day of October, 1899, by 25 ct«., 50 cfs. and $1.00, does not cure Colonel Ethan Alien’ll I m ? up from Burlington. ' mutual consent. F. L. W kiuht . take the bottle back and we will refund But George won’t turkey roun’ no more, I’ll last ye ten to one, GÀ ants P a ««, - - O regon . S. HlKKlS. your money. Hold for over fifty years on Than in days when he wan't nothin’ cep’n Ol’ Doc Dewey's Son. this guarantee. Price 25 cte. and 50ct« Dewey’s coinin’! Fire the anvils! Drain the welcome cup! Albany Post-Office fobbed. — W. F Kremer . A c. HOUGH, Coinin’ down to 'Pelier, where he had hk bringin’ up. Robbers entered the Albany post office J * ATTORNEY-ATLAW, Tfie copper recently shipped from Dewey's coinin’! Wave the banners! String’em all about ’ one night last week, by digging through Rogue river has been sent fo the smelter Coinin’ back tu ’Pelier, w har he form’ly started out, Pimi ices in all State and Federal Courts the brick foundation and cutting a hole at Tacoma, for a practical test of its val Bringin' new geographies a year or less in age, “ Office over First National Bank. ! two feet in diameter in the steel floor of ue. If the result is as satisfactory as That’s got his pictur true as life, right on the openin' page! nt « P ass , - - O regon . the vault, They secured about $300 be there is reason to expect, tfie business of — Will Carleton in Everywhere for June. sides some jewelry and other article« of shipping copper from Rogue river, will value. No clue to their identity ha« thus ^R. j. JENNINGS, he engaged in extensively, and the re far been obtained. suit will ba the development of several The Scissor«. line in Alaska w ithout trouble. Canada RESIDENT DENTIST. uew mints — Port Grford Tribune. (ven. Funston set a good example to does not get a port on tide water, but 10 Year« Experience. Ex-Governor William P. Lord it is those who find bpace in the yellow pa has to 1« content with tbe line about as understood, has been offered by the pers to criticise General Otis when he it is. This provisional line does not af Office in Opera House block ; see the sign <rf The Big Tooth. president the appoiutmeut of minister said, in his Stanford speech, that while feet either party in the permanent settle of the United State« to tie Argentine lie did not always agree with Olis be ment.—Oregon Citv Enterprise. O beuom . ■I antb P ass , Republic. Notice was received here of felt that a man who was a Major-Gen the offer some da vs ago. Judge Lord eral before he (Funston) was born prob While in Washington Governor Geer P. DODGE, has h«»d it under consideration, aud ably knows better than the Kansas offi secured for Oregon a good share of the yesterday, as the Oregonian learns, he cer could tell him. Modesty of that sort goverume it business in shipping sup INSURANCE ami signified his acceptance of the offer. is rare in the army, but it is naturally p'ies to the Philippines. The governor REAL ESTATE This is one of the best of the foreign associated with courage and worth.— was received with great courtesy and • , Fin» wml Accident InHurance. mi.cgiuns. It carries the title and dig Albany Herald. Oregon's interests were correspondingly ce with Price A Voorhie«. nity of “envoy extraordinary and advanced. A few of the croaking jour Gen. Wheeler write« from Manila that O regon . minister plenipotentiary of the United nth P ahs , that deprecated his absence from “to withdraw our army now would Lx nais . . . States.” The appointment is the high the state intimating that he should have criminal/* and that “if we took such est honor yet conferred on a citizen of R obert g . smith , action we should be arraigned and de 80'1» at hi» own expen»», will certainly Oregon by the present administration, (eel vary »mall wheu they consider what nounced by the civilised nations of the H D. NORTON, and the recepient|is well worthy of it. earth.” The general is a man oi < alm he accomplished for the »tat«. — Eugene As justice of the supreme court of Ore Register. judgment and the widest experience and gon and as governor of ths stale, he has | A ttorneys and C ounselors speaks in this matter as an observer on City Treasurer's Report, made a reputation for ability in public the spot.—Oregon Statesman. G kanth P a »«, O hk , O ct . 18, 1899. at L aw . station and for conscientious devotion A cts gently on the to duty. The Oiegonian congratulate« The talk of dividing Samoa between To the Hon. Mayor and Comme n Council OBc« in First National Bank Building. of the City of Grants Pa«s . the «tale upon this appointment, and England, Germany and ourselves is be H am > P ass , - • O mlgok . 1 hereby submit to you my semi.annual Judge Lord upon bi-t signification of in ing revived. Let us hope, with no ma tention to accept it.—Oregonian. liciousness at all, that Germany may report a, treasurer ol said city for lhe SIX month» ending < h tober 18, 1899 ; II B Miller, president of the state get the piece containing the residence KKOK1VKD. (, ¿YSTEM board of horticulture, told a story lately of her obstreperous friend, Mataafa, and Bal. on hand CASH April 19, 1899 W. G- » 781 N if we can arrange to throw in Tamases«, thit demonstrates the profit there is in ___T- rrrrrriiAi i 'Filing , . ............ 4 40 Gen’l Airi, for Oregon a favorably located and properly managed too, so much the better.—San Francisco Rent..................................... 11 50 MkAHTHta-FuBBasT C vamiok 1* b < xk »». Bulletin. Show or« hard Allison Every ha« 15 acres in 21 50 City taxes from co. trva. 189U 45 ■ peaches on Rogue river, four miles from /¿Cyanide and Chlorination treatment It i, reported that a good many Kan- Police court ............................. 05 1111 Merlin The trees are planted only If» »ItOrv- 35 00 »a* farmers are iu the habit of wearing Dray ......................... OVERCOME5 _ Bulhon Refilled and Slm ped feet apart. The soil is loose loam, fully ft 00 jackrabbit»’ feet in tbair pocket», and Peddlers Kais.» P a »». - ■ Oaaoo«. Liquor ......................... 30 feet deep, Mr. Miller «ays, and lies un») IMI they ate therefore »low to acknowledge Billiards ft 00 1U PERMANENTLY on a gravelly subsoil. The trees, which that the sol» credit for their immense bhootinK' gallery ........ 2 50 are now about seven year« old began ft «»«> corn crop belong» to Mark Iianna.— Doll rack bearing at three year«. Mr. Every has »Hidewalk repair«................... 2 2ft Telegram. Auction ......................................... never missed a crop. His trees being 3 Phonograph . ft 09 protected by fog, are never damaged by Speaking of economical women, a Buy thé seNuiNt - M r o ey Transferred irom special fund . fi 50 frost. When Mr. Miller visited this popular Jefferson woman saved $7.00 o-chard on a tour of inspection recently, easy. Instead of buying a new hat she Tatal $3895 20 — OF — Mr. Avery haa just received hia returns took an old crown out and let the Jersey By warrant« rancellsd 42431 41 SOUTHERN OREGON. fOR ^AU BY All PWU *0t ÖCffTlL on three and a half acres of Early Craw- cow step on it a few times, ¡ hen she Interest on same . . 84fi 64 f ,rdp, which he had sold in Bortland at pulled one feather out of the rooeler's Cash sn baud to balance........ 017 15 3S cents a box Mr Every was paid tail, and there she was right in style. Capital Stock, - - $50,000, Total,... .............................. 43896 20 $2110, an average of over $000 an acre, Just take a look at tier hat arid JFOG w 111 ~ — lightens SPECIAL INCIDKNTAL FLJILk-Mr« KI FT«. «vive deposits subject to check or on and the proepecla were tha the remain see it is as good as any of them.—Jef- the MKiti , .i p ivable on demand. To bal. on hand April 19, 1MVD » 33 3ft ing 12;s acrea of late peaches would net! ferswa Review. Pound fee« 10 10 load— «el!- -ight d.-aft» on >ew York, San Fran- him pro|>ortionately as much as the 3}^ Sale of homes ........... 50 40 cisco. Ind l’urdam'. The raiload train as an instrument of acres of the early variety. Probably Mr. (hortens Dug license ... ........ .......... . 63 00 telegraphic tranafer» sold on all point, in Every received fully $10 030 for his crop warfare—not a mere transporter of the kht United Stales. bi. •«.. »ml .»., lia', I lro°p* *nd h'lt a. a mean« of at- Total....................................... 1150 85 of peache« this year. A» «... road. ■Jlf“-' Attention given to Collections an<) and defense —was never employed ‘ natural drainage and needs but little cul j tack 1 DIHHI HMEMENTN. B»Oer ii buaine»» of our customer». so much as in South Africa at presen*. By warrant« paid $ w 35 tivAtion, and as his principal expenses ' ''Collection» Uimle throughout Southern . fi M Firstand last, this war is going to de Irannferred t<> /eneral fund helps the team. Saves wear and are for picking an i packing the fruit <Meg. ! end on all accemible point». Balau <■ on hand . IM 00 i expHMte Sold every w lit re. and trimming the tree«, it is not difficult velop many surprises.— Uhlan I ridings. L a madk I. D. FRY, Pre»ident. r< 8TAMDAR0 oil co. To. al ....................................... 4150 8ft to figure that his net profits are enor* ' The administration is to becoi grUu J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. mous.—Telegram. la ted on fixing the provisional boundary Col. W John on, City Treasurer I R. A. B ooth , Caahier Rubbers and Rubber Boots ► > > Welch's Clothing Store, ASSAYER, Wright, No, 52, K idneys , L iver and B owels EANSES THE S ituai C onsti PATION FIRST NATIONAL ,TSBtNtFlCIAUffECTS (jLir9i?NiApG,Svfnf‘(§. M ica A xle O rease A in ass meeting of the citizens of Granta Paas will beheld on Friday, Nov. 10, with lhe object of assisting in a concerted effort to procure the expul sion of Brigham R. Roberts of Utah from congresa, and for the enactment of an amendment to the constitution, making polygamy a crime agaiust the . United States. The following petitions will be circulated , one to the president, uue to our representative in cougreea, and one to each of the two senator«. . :----------- To Wm. McKinley, President of the United States of America. We the un dersigned, legally qualified voters of the state of Oregon, do hereby moat res peel- 1 fully and moat earnestly petition you to recommend that congress take action , proposing an amendment to the ualion- ! al conslituti on, and submitting the same to the legislators of the several states, defining legal marriages to be monogamic and making polygamy and polygamous cohabitation, under whatso ever guise or pretense, a crime against the United States, punishable by severe penalties including disfranchisement, and disqualification to vote or hold any office of honor or emolument under the United Slates or any state or territory thereof. To the honorable Joseph Simon, United States senator for the state of Oregon, in the Fifty-sixth congress •? the UnPed States of America We, the undvrHigned, legally qualified voters of the said State of Oregon, do hereby most respectfully and most earn estly call upon you to uae your utmost endeavor and to exhaust gll honorable means to secure action by the Fifty-sixth congress, proposing an amendment to the national constitution and submitting the same to the legislatures of the sever al states, defining legal marriage to be monogamic and making polgyaiuy ami polygamous cohabitation under whatso ever guise or pretense, a crime against the United States, punishable by seven* penalties, including disfranchisement and disqualification to vote or hold any office of honor or emloument under the Un ited Stales or ¿any state or territory thereof 7/ie Saving of Money by the use of Royal Baking Powder is considerable. Royal is economical, because it possesses more leavening power and goes further. Royal saves also because it always makes fine, light, sweet food; never wastes good Hour; butter and eggs. More im There /» fl® portant still is halting the saving in powder so economical health. Royal in practical Baking Pow use, no der adds anti- matter how little others dyspept i c may cost, qualities to the as the Royal food. Imitation baking powder» almost invariably coo- tain alum. Alum makes the fixai un wholesome. KOVAL BAKINS SOWOtR CO., NCW YORK. Washington Letter. (From Our Regular Correvpondent.) % W ashington , Oct. 23rd, 1899. The announvemant that Admiral To the Honorable Tboa. 11. Tongue Representative ef the First Congres« Dewey had, on the advice of hia physi tonal district of the State of Oregon, in cian, cancelled hie en;«gein< ntv to visit the House of ReprcaenlativiBof the Fifty- Atlant« and Philadelphia, and would Sixth Congress of lhe U. H. of America. accept no more invitation« for «ome We the undersigned legally qualified time, resulted in a batch oi «rnaational voter» of thi «aid lei. CongrevNiunal dis and misleading rumors as to his physi trict of the «aid «tale of Oregan, do here cal condition. It can be stated upon by moil r»*iq>ecLiully and most earnestly the authority of his physician, that Ad call ajMiu you Io u«a yoar ulniuat endeav miral Dewey is not sick, but it was the or and to exhauMt all honorable mean« (ear that he might become sick if he did to secure the prompt ax|Mll«ion of Mr. ! not Laks the rest his system required, Brigham H. Robert«, of Utah, the which prompted the advice for him to avowed polygamist and covenant break cancel ail engagementa. lie is out every er, from lhe house oi Representatives in day and ha« taken an active part in the acordance with the provision« of lhe Nvlection of hi« future heme, on Rhode National Constitution in Article I, Sec Inland Avenue, near Connecticut Ave 5, I'aragraph 2, which reads aj follow«: nue, which will be purchased this week, ‘Each house (of Congres«,) may determ and into which ho will move a« «oon as ine the rule« of it« proceeding", punish the title changes handf, as (he house is its members tor di«oid«rly Iwhavior, all furnished, ready for occupancy. 11« and wdh the coneurrmct 0/ two third» , rrpe/ a will also partic ipate in ths meeting« of the Philippine commission which will member. We also do most respectfuBy and rno«t Ixgin tbls week. The civilian nicuiliera earnestly call upon you to use your ut of the couiniisaion-Scliuriiian, henby, most endeavor and to exhaust all honor and Worcester arrived in WeahiiiKlon able means to «ecure action by the F ifty- today. Sixtb Congress proposing an amend Ari li Bubup ( liappelle, who was recent ment to the National Constitution, and ly named hr the I'uw a» apostolic dele gate to the I’lnlippine», and who is now submitting the Maine to the legislaturew enroute to Manila, whither be has pub ol the several states, defining legal mar licly »aid he »»» going to bring about riage tu be tnonogamir* and making poly peace, had a long conference with the gamy and polygamous cohabitation, President and arranged lor anolbar b* under whatsoever guise or pretence, a fore he leaves Washington Tb'» has crime against the United Htatrs, punish attracted much attention and i-auaed able by severe peMaltie«, including dis much gossip, but 11 there is any under- franchisemeat ami disqualification to elanding between the Arch Bishop and vote or hold any office ol honor or emol tbo President, an eorno think, it is very ument under the United Siates, or any carelully coneeal.d on both aides. Fath state or territory thereof. er W. I>, McKimmen, wbu was Chaplain Tolevlu Weekly Blade. of the First California Volunteers, re- The Toledo Weekly Blade has a large cantly returned front the I’b > 11 ppi nee. circulation throughout the county and was also a caller on lhe President, He there are, no doubt, a large number of aaya the charge that our auldiere looted subscribers in Josephine county who and desecrated church»» in the Philip wish U j continue their subm-ri ptmn. The pines ia untrue, and that what church publishers of tfie Coi kikk and the Blade I mting haa beau done baa been the work offer both for one year for only $1.25 to all to Chineinon. Director Merriam, of the census bureau new subscribers or to those who pay up on ail arrearages to lhe Cut kikb and ie trying to rueet aud overcome wiu« of the obstacle» wbi* U bare heretofore pre year in advance. vented the gathering atatiatica relating to »ereral industria», accurate enough to be of any real value. For instance, the annual change 111 ownership, manage ment etc., of factories turning out dairy products have operated to prevent the securing of data from them for an entire calendar year. To meet thia trouble, circulars are now being »ent to thoee engaged in thia industry asking that they prepare a detailed statement before closing up for the year's bnaineaa, allow ing exactly what they have done and preserve the same until neat June, wheu the (.'ensue enumerators will be around alter them. ( oniinercial statistic» sometime» allow »0111» thing» that weui difficult to explain •atisfactorlly. For instance, a report received by the l<epartment of State from th» U. 8. consul at Hamburg, which la regarded as the center of the world’» cohse trade, says: “In 1895, the consumption of coffee in Europe ex ceeded the conaumplion of coffee in America by nearly 15,000 too». The consumption of coffee in America in- creased steadily antil 1809, when the tab les were turned and the consumption of coffee in America exceeded lhe consump tion of coffee ia Europe by almost 20,000 tons. The increase in consumption ia 1899, as compared with 1895, was: in Europe 25.5M tons; in America, 59,179 lone.’’ Ihosewhuare good at explain ing may 'ry to figure out lhe why and wboreiureof this enormous increase in the consumption ol coffee by American» during the last four years. It is cer tainly out of all proportion to our in crease of population in that |>eriod. It can be explained on the theory that we have drunk more coffee, but if so, why? Mining Traiul«». (Recorded »inc» < >ct. 23.) J. 1*. Anderton »tai. to J. B. Scott, "Eccentric” quart. mine in William»' mining district; bonded for $2,500. S. Messenger to J. B. Scott, "Kisiug 8 tar” quart» mine is William»’ mining district; bonded for 15,000. quarti location uoticea printed on cloth at the Cue max office. =- PILLOWS, Fl RMTl RE, COTS, CARPETS, LACE CERTAINS, MATTING, BLANKETS, LINOLEUM. COMI ORTS, MATTRESSES. BUY CROCINE RY WALL PAPER TINWARE, GRAN’ITEWARE, WOODEN WARE, MIRRORS, HARDWARE. LAMPS, CHINA WAR E, GLASSWARE, HOLS! AND RIGHT I "UR NI We do not think that any buyer who comes to Grants Pass and fails to look us over has done anything but make a mistake. Our prices and selections have made this store the best and most economical trading place in Southern Oregon EHE PEOPLI STORE GET OUK PRICES OUST PICTURE E1 JR7^ IMI ZES Blanket Sale. A HOT TALK ON A WARM SCBJECT. High grad* goods, direct from the mills at prices that cannot be duplicated we re selling Blankets «t from 15 to 25 per cent less than Portland. 5* 7* 4 pound Grey Blanket warranted, 00 per pair. 5 pound 6o-Ao Blanket», warranted D 65 pet P*ir 5Ji lb. Mackinaw Blankets warranted D 75 Comforts 64-73 $«.J5 P« P*,r- Handsome line White Blankets, equally low in price. Cover Knobs. 2 for 5c Tin Pail« with Cover« 3qt. 4pt fir|t. and »It. fr. Kitchen Hardware S/.idC Pi-r. No 9 Wash Boiler, fa.25 Roast Pans, with ventilator. Russian • • Coffee Mill, fall sized, 10c. Clothes Wringers, iron frame, 10 inch Rollers, a good Strong article. $. 50. Foot Scraper», for the Door Step. 10c. A. 10c. IZ *1*. 15t Glassware Department, Tumbler», a handsome new owe, juM in and a €ae isiutioa at cut GU m . plenty of people would take it ior cut, 901 per dor. Tutnbler» full «ixe, flat ainooth bottom», nicely finished 4 for 10c. Imitation Cut Jelly Stand», full six», lor 15c. Imitation Cut Bon Dish, 15c. 8 in.Bewh, toe. Bon, or Pickle Chinaware Department, Thev- dishes are warranted not to craze or cra«'k in the Glazing. New Choice patterns in English White ’.V..r< Plxiee gin. 5J- a eel Plates, Ain. 45c. a set. Tea Caps and Saucers, 65c. set. Royal Wmi Porcelain Dinner Set«. Handsome Green Scroti Decoration. 100 pieces. Regular price $n. 00. Spe< 'al for this Sale, f 10.00 Carpet Department Notion Department Some Ire» ti ti fui ttcw Brussells and In- fraina in, from 380. to 11 00 and fi js A few reninatiU in China and Jap Mattings to dure-out at about two tbirdsof regalar vaine». Only «sai! picce» Curling Irons toe Comb and Brushcase, toe. 144 Hooks and Eyes, toe. Klcinert's Dress Shields, toe. 6 spool» Red Etnlxl. Cotton, toe. Men's Handkerchiefs, toe. Ladies Etnbd. handkerchiefs, toe. Rugs. Some handsome new designs and col orings very thick and soil. $ j 50 to $4 50 each. I Fleishers Zephyr, toe. j pk. 75 Envelopes, toe. Monthly Time Books, toe. Knitting Needles, per set. JC.