Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1899)
luincf ♦ an ’OI.. XV. »> Fall Underwear local tjappeninoa Ex Sheiiff Jo« Hiatt was in Grants Pass on Thursday. R. L. Tulin, of Dryden, made the Perhaps you have noticed the chill in the air these crisp C ourier a pleasant call on Friday. mornings and cool evening«—that calls fur some warmer J. L. Mai ven, formerly of Grants Pass under ware. Come to our »tore and we can fit you out with but recently of Gold Hill, has gone to comfortable wear. Nevada (ieorge Sartwell. who has l>een mining at (ialice ior some years past, is now working near Eugene. Perry .McDaniels came over last week from Lakeview in response to a telegram saying that his mother was seriously ill Will soon be in demand. , We keep a full stock of them. at her home on Applegate. Better come and get a pair before the rains set in and you Geo. Bacher, who left here last spring may prevent a hard cold. for Skagway, writes back that he will soon start for Dawson in company with Fred Welch and James Chiles, J. C. Camp! e I went to Roseburg last Wednesday night in response to a tele Opera House Bio-k gram, stating that Mrs. Campbell was suffering from a stroke of apoplexy. If Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts , 50 uts. and |1.00, does not cure take the bottle back and we will refund EORGE H. BINNS, your money Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50cts. ASSAYER. — W. F Kremer. f—fruits, jellies, pickles or entaup are easily, more quickly, mora Deputy Si pre me Councilor S. Daniel » more healthfully H-nh-d with lletined Office opposite Hotel Josephine, Paraffine wax than by any other wicz called at our office list Thursday, method. Dozens of other uaea wilt be on his return to Portland. He report» <i«<'Sts P as », - • O kkuon . '“Refined a very successful trip through Southern Oregon and among the councils in C. HOUGH, stituted by him, are those of Medford In every household. It is clean, tasteieMi and odorleaa—air, water an>i Centra’ Point. Wi hin the last six ■ * ATTORNEY AT LAW, and acid proof. Get a pound cake of it with n IM of its many uaet» weeks twelve new councils were added from your druggist or grocer. Fradice« in all State and Federal Court» Bold everywhere. Made by to the order. Mr. D alter taking NTA>1»AKD OIL CO. I Office over First National Bank. a few days rest in Porlaiid will start on ■ bam - P as », - • O bkoon . an organizing tour through Extern Oregon. The local council will meet next Wednesday when a number of ap C. PERKINS, plications will l>e received. Graduate of Horology Passau Univer Messrs. I). E. Dotson, Hugh Stevens sity, Germany. and Clint Wilc>x came in from Prestons Peak last week and report things pro O kkgon . gressing favorably in that locality. Just now about twenty men are at work all told. A force of eight mm are R. J. JENNINGS, at work putting up comfortable winter ....PRACTICAL RESIDENT DENTIST. quarters. A pack train of twenty ani WATCHMAKER. mals are|constantly packing in winter 30 Years Expenence. I supplies. About twelve men will remain Office in Opera House block; see the sign Prices Moderate; full during the winter working altogether of The Big Tooth. Guarantee Given. under ground. Mr. Philips and family O regon . Gil ANTS l-ASS. OHE will brave the storm and remain during UB anis P ans , the winter. Twelve inches ol snow fell there last week but its duration was JÇ P. DODGE, I short. INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE and 5 Boots Welch’s Clothing Store, ► ► ► Preserves I Paraffine Wax Joseph Kessler, FIRST NATIONAL pife. Fire and Accid.nt Insurance. Office with Price A Voorhie«. . O kkuon - - E TX. ZSJ ZEC — of — SOUTHERN OREGON. »SHOW & SHERI DA N, Capital Stock, MINING ATTORNEYS. $50,0G0. Receive de)x<si s subject to eheck or on ■ '.ÿlpe'ial attention given to M ning and I and Law «, and Land ' tllii e practice. certificate p <? able on demand. Belle sight drafts on New York, San Fran ■ RoexBuaa. Otutooa. cisco. and Pof'lan«'. Telegraphic traiwfr-rs sold on all points in the United States. ■ OBER E G. SMITH, Special Attention given to Collections and H. D. NORTON, ge leral business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. A ttorneys and C ounselors J. D. FRY, President. at L aw . J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. O®o in First National Bank Building G. a th P ar », - R. A. B ooth , Cashier O bxook . - pii CE A VOORillES, Harness and Shee Shop REAL ESTATE, and IN->L'UANCE. ASS AYER, W. G. Wright, Gen’I Agt. for Oregon M ac \RTHi r -E urkent C yamidk P iocmd . • gently ON THE K idneys , L iver and B owels C l EAN5E5 THE ¿YSTEM If you are in need of Harness, c hea D/ a ; r , r V i P- either single or double, Halters, OVERCOMES1. ' I Sweat Pads or anything else in the Harness line, don't fail to go to the ^¡TUAUCO^X Front Street Harness Shop. Shoeniaklng and repairing neatly ^^FicmÎEf^5 and quickly done. Buy Txt «SVINI - MAS T O by Cyanide and Chlorination treatment Of Ore- Bu ion Refined and Shipped. - A cts „«^ effectually Rfi re-entitig the moat raliabl«* com piili«— m rxivtencr, (bolli tire and tile) Hoiàry Publie. O rkgon . U*AM'a Paaa, ■¿B bajitb F ans , to tux InixBxrra or S oitiikkn O bxoon . No, 51. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1899. A tìXAM. P as », iNnxrsNnxNT P.ti-xa, D xvotxh E si - kciai . lv GLiri’RNIA|ÏG,$VfAlï(S. f oa UU Sr ta O regon . F«u XX na ovtul Make Me a Country Jake, Letter from Cavite. country to raise clover and to diversify VlkiMiKuo” Al Home, their wheat raising with etoctegrowing. (By D rnnim H. S tovall .) K' avitk , P. 1., Sept. 3,18P6. Much has been said in Oregon in the Recollections bright of those olden times, We have procured a new home, one pant year or two about the net easily of Haunt today my memory’» wake, far better, and located lietter for comfort Of the old homestead in the tirs anti pines, keeping more stock on the farms, but than the one we now have. So my Where the meadow-larks sing and the ivy the farmers themselves are the best friend and 1 have been painting all fore judges, and will act with discretion.— twines, noon, for we can not trust a native to do Where 1 used to S)»ort near the columbine«», Yamhill County Reporter. it, fur he would sleep half of lhe time \\ hen 1 wan a country jake. County Court. and then steal half of ibe paint, so we < >h, carry me, carry me back today, An adjourned term of the September came to the conclusion it was cheaper to Just for my memory’s sake; term of county court waa held Monday do it ourkelves. and Tueetlay of last week with all the 1 am getting along quite nicely and Back to the meadow where 1 Used to play. necessary officers in attend|nce. now have my stm k in such a sba|>e that Back where the wheat ami cat-tails sway, The tax roll for 189v as assessed and 1 know how I stand. 1 am responsible Where sunbeams frisk in that merry old way, Where 1 was a country jake. equalized by the board of equalization for all shortage without some cause that was appro veil. is enough proof to call a board of survey, Golden are the mem’ries of that long ago, I The petition for trail from the Sterling then I am not responsible. 1 have every More gulden then riches make, thing caged oil' with high railings to keep Where the bull-frog sobbed so solemn and plat's to Briggs creek waa disallowed. In the matter of road petition of C slow, the natives out. for they would steal the St Louie et al for road m Sec. 2, Tp coppers oil their brother’s eyes, as And the wood-owl hooted so sad and low, *35, 7 W. L L Jennings, Geo Cronk the saying is. and I never allow one Crickets were merry, no cares did 1 know, and N B Meade were appointed as view For I was a country jake. to darken the door unless I am at bit | ers to go with the surveyor and view heels. Oh, I want to hie hither just fora day, survey and appraise damages in the Tiiere was a veiy serious riot last Ami myself to those old scenes take, evening at quitting time between To snit! the sweet scent of the new mown hay, proposed wagon road. In the matter of keeping the county the Chinese and native employes, and To lounge in the shade at the heat of day, beiore it could lie stopped, there were To dive in the swimming-hole over the way, |Mjor for Josephine county it was ordered that the contract with Mrs. J. B. Benson three Chiuamen and one native killed. ()h, make tue a country jaku ’ be renewed for the eusuing year. Daring the time the trouble began In the matter of road petitions of J O here all the natives left the navj yard To those good old scenes 1 long to be nigh, Welbobey el al for wagon road in dis Scenes that fond memories wake, to gj and tight, so the commandant im trict 12, J K Pignvy, J H Colby and J |K»rled about 1000 Chinese to work, In the sweet fragrant grass I want to lie 1* Galeenvr were appointed viewers to and gradually the natives cams back And gaze up lazily al the blue sky, and the Americans hired them again, And watch the buzzards as they circle ami Hv, meet with the county surveyor on Oct 27 at 8 a m to commence their work. While I am a country jake. and in this way 1 suppose there are In the matter cf the claim of F G about 1200 back and they have declared It is but a memory closed with a sigh Burns the court finds that the petition the vendetta on the Chinese, for when As 1 from a reverie wake, or claim for damages, does not set out all the natives leit Cavite the wise A fancy, as my thoughts to old scene« flv, Chinaman slip|>ed in, and now be com I hope twill lie more when age hovers nigh, definitely any particular county btidge <>r county trail sufficient to warrant mands nine tenths of the business of this 1 hope that to please my tired soul and I action by the court. place. Mv angelic robes in the sweet by-and-by, Payment of bills were: Well, at 5 o’clock last evening, the Will be “togs” of a countryjake. Jas Holman, justice, coroner’s trouble begau in front of the machine inquest E L Moon ............ | 9 45 The Sc-laaore. shop and one Chinamen was almost Jurors in same................................. « 00 The upward tendency of the price of Witnesses in same ............... killed. Lt was the most disgrauelul 10 50 that the S PDA L Co lumber road beef makes it easy to believe scene that could ever hive occurred, (list l lets......................................... 20 you may say In the uiidst of armed | cow actually d d jump over the moon.— Mrs K Barrows board paupers 59 00 11 guards. When the trouble began there Drain Watchman. O hskkvfr printing ....................... 14 Q0 Oh as IkM-ker mds for bridge were three marines within ten feet of! 1ft 14 There are said to be sixty friendly S W Forbes mdse for paupers 10 25 the two that were fighting and they de-1 tribes in the Philippines. Only the Ta Stephen Jewell work on bridge 10 IK) liberately stood there with their arms gals are hostile This is more than six W 1< Nipper lumber dist No 5 10 7ft on their shoulders until al least 50 ) per Tims «Smith HSNraaors salary........ K.5 00 teen to one.—Oregon Statesman. sons were fighting, cutting right and left. fas Holman justice,state vsLitten 10 85 Jas Colny constable.................... 10 II 1 ran np to one of the marines and pusbe l One point in favor of President Kruger Witnesses same ease . 11 00 him and did not u-e the best of languagw of the Fransvaal ia that he baa never Jurors same case .............. 5 00 to him demanding that he »hq^hl du his tried to pose as the tieurge Waahingtou J 11 Miller pauper act .. .... H 00 Holman A son burial supplies. . duty or I would take his gun from him. of South Africa.—Yaquina Bay News. 41 iO R P George work on road 0 oo Well by this time, people were coming R L Bartlett stamps ........... 5 00 in all directions with clubs, and it be All Americans rejoice in the work el Abe Axtell ........... ........... . 5 00 gan to look »erious. With my revolver the Columbia, although the Shamrock i> W Mitchell pauper act.. . 18 TO Ulus Leiih w<»rk on bridge 5 (Ml in my hand, I rushed in striking right is a splendid boat and managed by a 7 00 add left, and with the aid uf a warrant true sportsman.—Oregon City Enter It L Bartlett clerk hire.................. L Kmith bridge work 26 00 officer, we separated about 200 and drove prise. Jerome Benson pauper acct........ I nk 01 them out of the navy yard gale. Bo as J T Love pauper acct .......... 1ft 25 The British government has just con Jewell Il<lw Oo bridge supplies 7 10 soon as they reached Cavite, it began HI in earnest. Here knives were used traded for 1500 Texas mules to be sent to Glass A Prtidhomine stationery I 897 ■•I Are they to be turned Witness fees, circuit court more freely, and here I witnessed the South Africa Juror “ •• “ ............ ’ 711 so skill of a native in throwing the deadly loose among the Boers? That would Abe Axtell wi'necs fees 8 n ’ t be civilized warfare. — S, F. Bulletin S Abtrott witneMS fees ............... e 00 trolo. He threw it at least UK) fest and R P George com »alary ............... oo 14 stuck it almost through a Chinaman Why don’t the yachttnen put some Nick Th os 8 ................................... 8 40 As none of them were dressed above the boilers in their craft, rig up a donky en "The battla was wun in Hong kong waist it gave a good chance to hurt every gine, put a paddlewheel astern, or an) Harbor,” «aid Admiral Dewey to in« tune. Several in trine oih -ers and at <>ld way to make their peaky boats go? whan I tint «aw hitu in May, 1M)8, and least 300 marines stood on the navy Such waiting for a race is worse than heard him describe th« great tigtit. yard wall and witnessed this terrible waiting for the caprices of a balky horse Many liin»x|xiuee tlmn have I heard him scene and never offered to give assistant e —Albany Herald. rrqieat tba aame «entiinant, ami the more You see a great feeling exists between the army and navy, and as the army Oregon’s General Summers was, next the truth o( it in considered the more has the policing ol Cavite, they would to the president, the favorite and most light it nhede on hi« charaiter. While nut have the navy yard Several of the honored guest at Minneapolis lhursday. he wu breve, atrong, prompt, and de army guards soon appeared on the scene The Minnesota soldiers who served un cisive in action, he wax thouglful, and quieted them, but all last night and der him honor and love him equally ciutioua, deliberate, and lure tn prepar Day alter day he summoned hi« Vxlay, guards are stationed every few with the Oregon boys who composed ation captain« to discs«« all th. poeeibilltie* yards and more serious trouble is ex his own regiment.—Plaindealer. anil evenlualitie« of a conflict with tb. pected. We can now have another eteat inter enemy. Ile^tve them an opportunity During the riot last evening, I took one dozen pictures au<l was in the height national contest with our British friends to aay when, where and how th. battle of glee to think i was so fortunate us to by starting a rivalry to see whether ■Mould be fought. From junior to senior have my camera with me, so a while ago Otis can whip the Filipinos before Buller he called upon theta to expre«« their I went to unload it and discovered I had whips the Boers. A forward march of opinion« freely. If any man had a never moved the slide, therefore I gut both the contestants would I m -at the novel idea, it •*« given careful coeider- alios. If it wax au eld one with im no pictures, Bad luck. yacht race —H. F. Bulletin. provements, it wax viewed in all phases. C hariton B P erkins . The announcement that Major Gen After the Admiral hail patiently heard The Booth-Kellv I,umber Company eral Otis abolished tits office of censor in his captain« and duly interrogated them, has slacked on the railroad platform at the Philippines wan a surprise when lie quietly told them hi« nne exact plan Magma* over 1,000,00J feet of lumber made public in Washington. Accord ol battle and just what lie expected of ready for shipment to California and ing to the statement of tbs war depart each man. Whether thia waa made up eastern points. On account of a lack ment the order went into st!>ct on Sep originally out of hi« own idea«, or from of cars and other rolling stock the tember 9th, over a month ago, and since •uch in union with the best point« ad Southern Pacific seems unable to handle that time correspondents have only been varied by hi« captains, it wax reached the business. At ten thousand feet to required to file copies of their jispatches only «her thorough dehbera'ion, and was the car, those of the largest capacity, at headquarters for reference only in final.—It iKCki'x M aoaximr . the lumber on hand alii require 100 case of complaint concerning the matter. The railroad bridgs across Rogue river cars.—Eugene Guard. —Oregon S'.ateMinan. at Mold Hill and the Sardine creek Bicycle hospital tor all repairing at There is quite a move on the part of bridge have lately t>eeu undergoing Cramer Bros. of lamer« i ■ various seclioas of the repairs. BAKING POWDER Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. Made from pure, grape cream of tartar. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NT V YOW. Wethington Letter. inspect the New Orleans. As a result of that iinflection, peremptory orders were From Our Ke^ular Correspondent.) Iss-'ed for the New Orleans to start for \V ««HINUTON, Out. Itlth, 18W. Individually officials of tliia govern Manila, not later than the lfith. ¡net. Hist was a very unusual proceeding as ment are at liberty to entertain any view« they please concerning the war it is customary to accept rejiorte from from the commanders ol vessels upon between Great Britain aad theTranevaal their condition, and it is regarded as a Kepublic, but officially they mint tie hint to other officers that unnecessary •trictly neutral, that being the position delays will not be countenanced by the which the U. H. Government lias ax department. «limed and will maintain during the Whether the war between Great Brit war. Our couaula will look after the ain and the Transvaal Republic bad any interesta ol British citixena tn South thing to do with Canada’s acceptance of Africa, but that has no significance, the temporary Alaskan boundary, being only a return o', the courtesy ex agreed m on some weeks ago by the U. tended to ua by British consuls in Cuba, S. and Great Britain, is a question upon during our war with Spain. The move which there are differences of opinion, ments of the war have been followed hut inasmuch as the temporary bound with great interest in Washington. ary agreed upon is much more favorable There are open sympathisers for both to the contentions of the IL Ss than it sides, but there is only one opinion as is to those of Canada, it is probable that to the ultimate result. The Boers may Canada's acceptance was the result of win victories (or a time, while Great |K>sitive orders from the government ol Britain is massing its troops, but in the Great Britain, and mat those orders end their defeat and the wiping out of were issued because of the beginning of their government is regarded as a cer war in South Africa. The temporary tainty. boundary shuts Canada out from tide War Department offi dale express sat water and makes it necessary that Canad isfaction with the results of the military ian g<>ods from the Pacific, for the Y ukon movements in the Philippines curing section, shall pass through American the week just closed, and are very con territory, and does not oven leave Can fidently predicting an early collapse of ada caaoo navigation or any outlet upon tile rebellion, after the regular cam Lynn canal. While it io not certain that paign gets started. the temporary boundary will be the per Those who believe that the govern manent line, its acceptance has greatly ment aliou d carry telegrams just as it strengthened the American claim, and now carries letters would Ire delighted can reasonably lie claimed by the ad to here Mr. D. Tainaki, who is Engineer ministration as a diplomatic triumph. of the Imperial Department ol Commun Consul Me Cook, al Dawson City, has ication of Japan, and who is now visit sent the department of state an interact ing Washington, talk about the success ing report showing that Howers, vege ful management of the telegraph and tables and grain grow as well in the telephone lines of Japan, by the govern Yukon section and mature as quickly ment. lie said: “tioveroinent owner as they do in Vermont, Minnesota and ship and control of all the agencies of other northern slates. The rejiorl con <ouiiiiunicalion is preferable to private cludes by saying: "We see no reason ownership. In this modern age, corres why ths small hulls, such an raspberries pondence by wire Is as necessary as by black berries, currants and gooseberries letter, and there is no reason why the could not be cultivated profitably as telegraph should not be regarded as they are growing wild in the surround properly coming within the scope of ing country. Timothy, red top, and governmental operations. We have a several other grasses suitable lor hay, first-rate system in Japan, which being also grow wild and as luxuriant as in a small and compart Country is easily any part of the U. b. In the floral line, nerved by wire. Thera are 250 stations we nave as pretty wild flowers, especial and the cost in your money is a little ly roses, as can be sees in any north more than one cent a word.** ern climate. The duration of the sea That the administration means busi son suitable to vegetation is approxi ness in hurrying war shins to <h- Philip mately five months in the lowlands and pines was shown by the extraordinary islands on the river, and two to tour action of tlie Navy Department In the weeks longer on the hillsides with south i-aso ol the cruiser New Orleans, which ern exposure." This is directly contra was one ol the shi|>s ordered to Manila ry to the fiopular idea of the Yukon on Admiral Dewey’s recommendation section, but there is no doubt of its trust that the naval force over there th mid be worthiness. strengthened as much as possible. Propoeaie litvlleri. When the order lor the New Orleans to proceed te Manila was first issued,Capt. Healed proposals lor the furnishing of la.ngneeker, and other officers of that material and tlie construction of a bridge vessel reported that two months would on F street across Gilbert creek in the be required Io overhaul the machinery City ol Granta Pass, will be received by of the cruiser before qhe could start. , the city council until 8 o'clock p. m. Later, those officers reported that the November 2, 1AWII. The council reservee work ceuld be done in a month. That i lie right to reject any and all bide. did not satisfy the department, and Plana end specifications can lie seen at Bear Admiral Kodgers was appointed i the City Hall. Gxo. P. F lhmam , president of a board of naval offi-ere to Recorder. PILLOWS, FURNITURE, COTS, CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS, MATTING, BLANKETS, LINOLEUM, COMFORTS, MATTRESSES. BUY AXI) CROCKERY RICH STORE TTEWS. We have just gotten in a lot more new suits and at old prices Of Special Interest to Close Buyers are the Following: We have also the agency for the new matting, a grand substitute f»r high priced matting, and at th- price 350 is proving a most popular innovation. New parlor and sitting room Lamps this week p.85 up b.autiful goods in the new rich decorations. We're making some special prices on White Dinner Ware that will profit you to investigate. The Tumbler sale is still going on. In Carpets and Portiere we have jurt received some hinisotne new patterns md colorings. proved a winner. The Curtain sals at 25c each has Our line of new Dining Chairs are uneqtialed for style and workmanship. A nice Cane Seat Rocker for $1.50. I in lea or Coflee Pots Me each. Large S-inch Crystal Glass Fruit Bowls, 10c each. Tumblers, 4 for 10 cents. Sheet Iron Turkey Roasters, 18 1-2 in. by 12 1-2 in. by O in. deep, 95c We have a big line of them. Plenty more Iron Beds and .Mattresses, (A Double Pan with Ventilator, first class in every respect.) Blankets 5 1-2 pound .Mackinaw/immense value, $3.75. Solid Copper No. 9 Wash Boilers, $2.25. (>>ffee Mills 25c. up. Our Selections .Meet the Popular 'Paste and I ’ocketbook TÏE7STCE THE Q.CTICIT. SALES.