Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
Coffee that is Coffee School Notes I <**—-*** - I. N. Browning and Paul O. Howard Bring Your Squoth. I From our School Corte*^indent ' i of Placer were in town Mouday. I Bring in yuur largest squash grown The new desk a have not yet material | J. I*. Hayea came over from Kerby from the prise seed before Oct. 20. On lied. VinntuLC- on Monday lor a few daya »lav in our Saturday Oct. 21 the squashes will be Dr. Flanagan. Jud^r Hanna »pent Sundav at home city. weighed and prises awarded. Bring all A good many alditional pupils came Resident L^entist. F M South ca jse up from Placer on Dr Lowe, oculist and optician, arrived of your largest squashes. Perhaps you in the first of the week. Shoes re pair eti at Hackett's. in Granta Paaa on Monday for a few will get more than one prise. Carl Met'ruekey, Geo. Colby. lx>uie ^ «'**•*•*.' C. St Louis for watch repairing . : . started ... in school . . ' u G. J .1. H Hiller and family moved in from daya »lay. C almoi M G b « k KMV Co. Axtell and May Litter Whips. 10c to at Hackett's. W. J. Harris of Spokane, and Mr. the first oi the and are in tha professor's Draper Iasi Monday. MARRIED. Weekly Oregonian and Cui bulk |2. F. E. Norton, of Placer, waa in town | White ol London were out at tbs dredg room. i ing piant near Waldo laat week. Horseshoeing at Trimble A Bachsr's. Roy Kremer, member ol the 10th Monday on buaineaa. Hl'BBAHD—CLARK—In Grant« W. J. Roger« caiue to Granta Pa»e on ! WillQ. Brown of Riddle who baa been Ore., at the reai.ienee of Elmer J. l>ay Harness of all Kinds, Grades and trade, is spending a few days in Port on Wednesday, Sept. 27'h, 1800, E. J inspecting some mining property in the Monday for a week'a visit. land visiting bis mother and sisters. Prices at Hackett s. lli.bbard and Etta A Clark, both of Altkouse district returned home Satnr- Mrs Mattie S wilan has been visiting Miss Lillian Pierce, of Williams creek, Granta fa««. Robert la»«he. paator of Where do you <-t your hair cut? Try <Uy. the lat. Baptiat Chinch, officiating. here, the guest of Hotel Josephine. who has just completed her term of Will Mallory. F.D.Swacker has returned from the BRIGGS—OKGOMS-At Taylor, Calif., Misses Gertie and Hasel Dimmiek left Take your shoes to Hackett for good ’ «cbool at Oak Flat, expects to euter Aug. 24, IS'i i. 11 S. B-igga and Mu« • this school ahortly. tor Pori land Sunday evening to attend vicinity of Yr.ka, Calif., where lie has work and right prices. Mary Groom«, formerly of this city been in the employ of the Blue Gravel The teachers and pupils suffered a school. Street hats in the latest shape, style, BECK8TED— TIIF.IL ACKER—In Crea- good deal with the cold Monday morn- j Will Q Brown oi Riddle was out at Mining Co. aud color. At Miss Clevenger's eenlCify, Calil , on l ueadav, Sept. 20 Miss Maggie Bailee who has been ing but now the furnace is fitted up A It house last week looking after some Cheater Beckated and Mia» Anna Bring in your prise squashes before here (or some time visiting with Miss | sufficiently so that the entire building mining property. Tlieilacker. Oct 20, ’99.—Calhoun Grocery Co. can be comfortably healed. John IUrker ¡, ab), to to,n Carrie Umpblett, returned Friday to her CUNNINGHAM—ANDERS IN—In thia Answer this daily question photographer home tn Crescent City. city, Oct. 2, I8!/1>, G. H. Cunningham by consulting us by 'phone, The fire on Friday was a bad thing again after an experience that would 1 n L ID 1 Opp. Court House. aud Miaa Minnie Anderton, both of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Riggs wi.h their for the school. Rut a few scholars re- have finished moat men. letter or in person, and if we Joavpbine county. Trimble A Bacher are prepared to do* : turned to the afternoon eemioa at all Mr. and Mra. Chester Iteekatead vain, daughter are here from West Virginia can't help you every time all kinds of blacksmithing. JOHNSON — HOUCK — In Creaeent City, land Prof. Huhne, deemed it wrise to in on Tburadays stage from Cresent City visiting with their children, Mr. B. W Calif., on Wednesday, Sept, 27, 18W we certainly can help you Riggs, and Mrs. John Barker, of thia Jewell buys hold at the close school entirely for the day as those and took the John M. Johi'aon and Miaa Laura —----- ... j evening train for Portland. place. nearly every time. We've Houck, Superior Judge Cutler officia old stand i who were at their post would probably' Zl 1 I . L 1. (Men i ’oen of 01 Pleasant 1 leaaani v Creek reek was ting. ,1 . „ , be too excited to do much studying. a splendid line of appetix- A. B. Cousin, of Galice came up to ( all at the L ot Riga office and ask to , thrown from a horse one day last week, the Granta Para Mouday. The work on hia ROBERTSON—OVERTON —At ing things that you will be collar bona, . ...i receiving — *ee their new sample* of embossed eta ' Cameras (or sale or rent. Inquire of: breaking hi. bi« cullar and Western hotel in thia city, Oct. 3d. new ditch is coining along in good shape glad to get, these fall days. ; they are up to-date io every' A, E. Voorhies, other injuries. 18181, Mr. David Robertaon aim Miaa Another Fresh Shipment of this Celebrated Coffee arrived this week. tionery | and be will be ready for the water when Della Overton, both of Merlin, Rev. respect. It's worth your while to it comes. N. F. Jenkins officiating. - —------------ Mason's Fruit Jars and Fruit Cane at see what we have for you. Mrs. Dunbar left Thursday for a visit Hair—Riddle Hardware Co. Get our DIED. in Portland after which she will return I prices. We have another good one at 7 pounds for $t. to Saginaw to reside with her son Harry MOON—In Granta Pass, on Monday. Pure full ( ream Fort Two packages of Yosemite Roast Coffee (a spoon in every pack- For the most complete stock of stoves,1 who is book keeper (or the Booth-Kelly Oct. 2, 1899, by accident, Enoch L. Ranges, and Heaters go to Hare—Riddle Moon, aged 47 years. |ge) lor >5C- Lumber Co. Klamath Cheese. We cut it Hardware Co. C. O. Pearson, recently 8. P. night BYBEE- Near Jacksonville, Oct. 1. »«17W In Green Coffees we have Old Gov Java, a fine Salvador Pea Ber- The Presbytery ami Synod of South at 15 cents a pound, or if you 1899, Elizabeth Ann, wife of Win. operator at this place, passed through J* ry orjCarracol and a genuine Costa Rica. Bybee, aged (H year«. ern Oregon will meet at Oakland and want a whole one, weighing here Monday en route to Hornbrook, We can natuv you closest cash prices «and furnish the goods. Try us. at Salem this month. I w here be is located. He found time to HOWARD—At Placer, Ore., Oct. 2, about seven pounds, 14 cents 1899, George L. Howard, aged 69 Gentner ct Johnson—Bicycle repairing nrocure some plates for hie camera years. a pound. .4nd lathe work. All work guaranteed while the train slopped here. TURK—In Grant« Pass, Sept. 19, 1899, and prices reasonable. Just in. A lot of Yankee Circuit Judge H. L. Benson, of Kia- infant daughter of Mr. and Mr«. J. L. J. W. Howard and Geo. H. Kelly Turk, aged six month« and six days. math Falls, accompanied by Mrs. Ben 1 1 ill ’ s genuine Vermont Maple have been drawn as grand jurors of the son. were in Salem yesterday, visiting OGREN—In Central Point precinct, DIXON & McCROSKEY will dissolve partnership by mutual Syrup ami Sugar. The Sugar U. 8. court which convenes at Portland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Per Sept. 17th. 1899, of heart desease. Al in October. bert Ogren, aged 54 years. consent and will offer to the public their Entire Stock without Re kins on Chemeketa street. They went is 20 cents a pound, any The Camera club will meet on Satur to Porllan I by the afternoon Roseburg serve. Before we had concloded to dissolve partnership, we had \ - - ■ - _ -------------------------------------------------------------- quantity you want, small or day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the res: mail.—Oregon Stateman. bought our fall line of goods in all departments and they are I1OLMAN & SON, large cakes. The Syrup is dence of Henry llarth Those interest Mrs, II. E. Mendenhall and Mias most all in. Everything will go without reserve until the entire ed are requested to bring their loaded Hattie M. Cousin came up from Galice 25 cents and 40 cents per stock is closed out. cameras. Tuesday and led on the evening train bottle, or 70 cents for half UNDERTAKERS You are invited to see the Display cf (or Portland. Mrs. Mendenhall ia A. The stock consists of Dry Goods, Clothing. Shoes. Hats. » n » EMBALMERS gallon can and fl.25 for a Pattern Hals, next Friday and Saturday, B. Cousin's mother, and Miss Hattie Furnishing Goods. Ladies' Tailor Suits, Capes. Jackets. Trunks ( NOT PEACHES Oct. 6th and 7th at the New Variety is his niece. They have been visiting gallon can. Try some and Valises. Parasols, Etc., at our old stand. More. All Hie Latest* Novelties. Price him at hie mine lor some lime, and Office on Bth St. oppo. Court House see how good it is. all right. have now teturned to their home in Residence North 7th St. A fresh lot of buckwheat Portland. GRANTS PASS, OR A. J. Pike is still at the old stand. Cali on him before buying your fall "IU1N flour in this week. Fresh B. C, DIXON, supplies. Just received new invoice ol Saratoga Chips. Cranberries Coffees, Teas etc. Fresh car 8 Butte R. O. McCROSKEY. Flour just arrived. It is to your ad 12| cents a quart. Cream vantage to buy now as flour will surely W heat in bulk 5 cents a advance in a tew days. Sugar has de Little things show it, pound, New Currant! 10 clined. Pike sells 100 pounds dry granulated sugar for |6 and when buy Chautauqua lltadlng. An IincreNiIng Talk on Health. cents a pound. ing a bill of groceries you should see A number of persons in this city de The first of a series of lecture« of great j him. He will make prices a little better sire to organize a Chautauqua reading interest and importance to ladiea was 1 as it is all cash. 1 circle for the coming year. All who are delivered al Odd Fellows Hall on Thur« Will. Get the right kind Mr. Joseph L. Stickney,, who stood J interested in such a reading course and • lay afternoon ot last week, by Mrs. J. V.1 the world will set a higher esti beside Dewey on the bridge of the who would like to bear it explained are Layne, of Portland, under the auspice« mate on your abilities. ‘‘Olympia” throughout the bittie of invited to be present at the New man <»f the Hygienic Department of the Viavi .Manila Bay, will relate in the October M. E. parsonage on Tuesday evening of ¡Company. A small but highly intelli nuinlier of .M c C l < he ’ s M agazink his ex next week at eight o,clock. The course gent and enthusiastic body of ladiea. perience with Dewev on the recent home- has been greatly modified and is how greeted the «peaker, who treated the sub Rightly cut, well tailored, are waid voyage through the Mediterranean. I made so that the very busiest men and ject “Health and Beauty” in an instruc the first credentials—no matter He met the Admiral at Port Said, visited women can master it. There ought to tive and entertaining manner. The lec what your vocation, lie you hank with him wherever he stopped, and had ( lie fifty or more in this city taking it lor turer spoke ot the value of beauty, poin ' er or merchant, doctor, clerk or many interesting conversations with him, 1 the next year. N. F. J bnkixs . ted out it« (liief essentials, showed how ; ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. which form the basis of his article. It mechanic, lawyer or laborer, they may be acquired, and made an Thai Joy tut Feeling earnest appeal for a higher physical lite | will be illustrated with views of life clothes are the outward expres aboard the ‘ Olympia” while she was With the eihilarating sense of renewed for woman as the only mu re foundation sion of your taste and judgment, health and strength and internal clean for ttie highest mental ami spiritual de in the Mediterranean. ami form the first, and therefore liness, which follows the ti»e of Syrup of velopment. A large pin on which are the photo the lasting impression. For Hale. 1 of Figs, is unknown to the few who have At the close of the lecture the ladies in graph» of two boya. Finder will be We are showing Clothing which Twenty acre farm. 800 apple tree« live ' not progressed beyond the old time attendance gathered arbuml the «peaker ■tlifably rewarded on delivery at thia year« old, new hard-tini.h liouee, good medicines and the cheap substitutes congratulated her and expressed adwaire bears the stamp of Master Me office. barn, about one mile from loan, bee i sometimes offered but never accepted by to hear more, and a determination to chanics upon them. We are not the well-informed. Buy the genuine. attend the «ucceeding lectures of the Lost. J osepu M ohs . paying for this space in order to Real Batate Agent. Manufactured by the California Fig aeries. On Tuesday, a coral stickpin, Fin der convey false impressions in order Syrup Co. please return to N. P. Podge. Ladies! I>on*t mi»i the lecture at Odd to beguile you into our store, but Card of Thanks. Fellows Hall on Thursday afternoon at Homtitud paper» loit. E E. Dunbar and family left Thur« when we carry such goods as are We desire to express our graiitude io 3 o’clock, to be given by Mrs J.V.Layne, In Giant« I'aaa on Thursday Home- , day morning for Phoenix, Ariz., where our friends, and the citizen« of Grant« made by Schloss Bros, of Balti of Portland, under the auspices of the ■lead Entry paper«, No. 7741, Melvin It. they go for the benefit of Mrs. Dunbar’« i as«, who «0 noblv assisted us in our more, you may rest assured there Murphy. Finder will receive a reward of health. .Mr Dunbar ba« a government ViavaCo SubjecVLMaternal Influence«.” effort« to save our belongings during the $2.00 on delivery at th ia office. Special llale* ate none better. They are Mak position there with the forest reserve recent fire. J . L. Yoxt m . ’ force. Mr. Dunbar has been assistant viiij ers, Creators, Designers. Tne 8. I’. K. R. Co. offer« «pedal rate« Notice. : cashier of the bank here for a number of to Portland during the exponition. On I will not caah hop cheeks except as We cordially invite you to in I years, and both lie and Mrs. Dunbar M edneaday of eat h week between Sept. ypSS DOBSOX'. received from the pickers. Merchants spect these goods. have many friends here who will be giad 27 and Oct. 25 round trip ticket«, includ rauat not purchase ths tickets. to welcome them on their return after ing two admissions to the exposition, J ohn R anxav , J«., Yours truly, INSTRUCTION IN Mrs. Dunbar regains her health. will be Multi at the rate of one and one* W 8 Lost. VOCAL ANO PIANO MISIC. third fare. Tickets good four day« after Piano lor Hale A 38-cal. Smith A Wewioii revolver date of sale. A set-ond-hand Kimball piano. ISo. 480,<21, between the encampment Studio al Mr». PigneyN Tuesdays ami A. .1. Weeks, of Medford was in Crania ground« and the bridge. Leave at thia I'aee Monday. Friday». office. « local ttappcninos 1 personal nil rnv GROWty CHASE & SANBORN, Importers, Boston. Our Climax Roast Coffee at 25c can’t be beat. Dissolution of Partnership I White House Grocery. Largest stock of Groceries, Crockery, ti and Queens ware in the City. $20,000 STOCK I ¿Late Crawfords But l>i\on & ,Mc(j'oskey. Bicvclets Character Clothes Prices Reduced as Follows : $30.(M) Bicycles for 42.00 Bicycle for 50.00 Bicycles foi $25.00 35.00 42.50 ....G(X)D CLOTHES... Calhoun Cramer Bros BICYCLE EQONOHY The money you pay for a new wheel is some times only part of the price. Flic bicycle mender gets the rest. If you buy............ THE QKE5CENT tu UUgiii nun fvu irvvn na»i acquaintance with the wheel-tinker i *EÍ¿¡“12L T. ñ. HOOD > J Toledo Blade and Courier Si.2; * UE DING SALE BARGAINS % 10 CASES LADIES’ RUBBERS AT c ( 10 CHILDREN’S DON’T r MISS THE BIG BUILDING BARGAINS IN SHOES AT == R. L. COE <&. C2