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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER it Sander a Ou Friday last, at the noon aonr • um the grew! me^xitj -4 tbe peopie PRICE Ar VOORHIES, ui Gracu Baas we»» juet (omkctably seated f j T d oner tbe fire alarm wa« 1 ruunded, everybody rushed forth to tee. nares or at set nini-m : and hundreds went dinner ires that day. •i»! Tbe Fa lace Hotel Lad caogbt fire on One Tear, in edram-e. biz Month-. the very first windy »lay for a sBunth or Tfuwe Month». more, and blazed hke a torch. There J single Cep«», • • • ’ 1 • But that doc not prevent us i: m d. ¡ng '.QMUev- AdMTUauur rate, oe application. C-opy 1 • aa a driving wind (runs tbe south west, We will soou be comfortably bou>ed and ready to for c hange : »4 n.u.t 1« nan-led in before and tLe fire »pread with remarkable ra- 1 Tueadar noon, other»« «etung of the piJily. meet nil old easterners. and new ones too. in mailer wu. le <harge-i foe al tbe rale of Sc per r running inch, «ingi. «ingle raiuma- coiuieu., Aitera-1 Tbe Bremen reepontfed rendliy to tbe n. sml a>i-iiuo«i^ to «py_»ulj«^cbsr»e<i , ,,Uj bat ttie tire hud g.-ne-i to ma. L for'at W* rsU ¿¿Me per running in. h. ua- ,ie coiuxun. | besdwny, that tbe hotel bmiding wa. b tziog aky-bigh hefore tbe waler could Entered al the po.t otbve al i.ranu Fa» be turned on. Tbe flame fairly rea. b- i Oregon, a. aecvnd-ciam mail mailer. Where we will be glad to «how anything in th« ed ScruM tbe .treet and ignited tbe I Dry Goods line New stock is arriving, so we T hursday , S ijitbiihwr 5. 1S99 ■ 4 * : ■ bunding occopted by B’ake, and »«ef t will be fully supplied with everything tn our line on up the row ot wooden ba. lingtabeo. They My Ou, buy, guns from the Tags.. lately uncontrollable. Give ns a call, Galiev Ilf for Hfi apiece to weaken tbe UMBmc- It was tbe grandest and m et fearful I pangier is teck aga.u tmo. Here • policy. Bay a lew old gae acene < >ranta i'aa. ever witneMed. Tbe; ranch on tbs river. pipe, for mooey enough to enable the | flame, reached high over tbe «treet, the Eugene Merrill, Las cvmp eted recipient to purrhaM a machine-gnu. 1! j beat wa, fearful an J the «moke denae A aww ÙA Z ìbà icuri Rw Henry Hui they have tbe money they can gut th- _____________ and blinding. w. ____ Many z f people __ r.J c^ir^d eip of Frank Crew. guns. Blockade rooning 1. a trade I goods oat of the Ptorws and dumped tbem DevwfopmrDl work in the Street where thee imwiediateiv A returned labor delegate rays be saw look fire end burned. Those that «ere i ahead un Uto Yana ieo<e. also thr prop women in England goiag about in dogs tAken as far ae Sixth atieet were rated E. A. Wade, lust. S100; in*nred •aw him banging from tbe pole, and erty of M h ;sm-A Reeves has • brigt t dreesrd in men's clothing, in blacksmith •aw him fall. loaitook. wüt or rxoxr eTBxrr. Tbe heat was so intense that tbe green and other »bops, Wielding the sledge , grass tn tbe railroad park waa burned W*>jlr>dcw A Co.. biacksMiilh ; k*f. Apparently the rurrent wae on ir. Cba , ___________ Cru< ,nd __ tll»nl y _____ _ C0B< _ lave hammer with the men At the name 1 olack acroM its whole breadth. A pile $50; no insù rance. oxrtidwBlHe .hen be react»-! tbe rel'un-d Io 1^, , l>t. prepare! 'o <!o a ume we are told that there is a servant of while bean« from Cornell’s grocery Smith Cook, blacksmith, luwa. $100; top of tbe pole, ao.i be haj taken bold ha,d .loter . aork grtû'ag g.rl »trike ia Cbicagi and that men are • am rexluced loathe* acru«» Front «'.reel i no insurance. O' a live wire with Lis pliers and recriv- and running _______ .» the _________ arrastre. rapid./ occupying their poeitioos. This from tbe fire. It appeared lor a time | ( Joseph Woike, hardware warehouse; ed a severe ebock. His pliers still bsng Mi lon Kc)nold» will pack the saw sLouid be e&eouraging news to tb*se as though the 8. P. deput must burn, uû tbe w ire w tx*r» he h>d carted to mill of AlrxanA-r A Kent l«ad tu thr wbo advocate equality of the seios. Bet but it wa« saved by vigilance and son»e Hair - Kiddle Hardware Company, work. | original tile at the mine from where be after the giri-mao smashes a lew dishes, good work uo tbe part of tbe depot offi- »»^ebouM-, loei, $.. »si; insured. A coroner’s jury was empane lied to La» been sawing at the bead of the ditch. and the man-girl her toes. a glimmer of rials. The roof was kept constantly wet Calhoun Grocery Company ; km, |1«O. intesrigate tbe caer, and after txamma- Marion Veatcb an l wife grea .v a -hi doubt may sift through the mind of each by the use of garden Lr>se until the dan , insured. tioti of witnesses and a i» ng cuntu ta as to the propriety of their respective ger was past Fry lewril block, upp?r floor; »<*», lion. brought in a verdict cLargmg Mr. to the touts of G a . kc again, “d i v?- —— !Cg j ” They bu<u regard positions. __________________ 110.0; insured. Bx wn wr.h neg gene in r. ■». preventing - 11 i— a **— si**» The streets presented an evritisg as their b*- home :rrent in n. being turned on. ! , Ibis -- - — “ and appear dr ¿hied M A. Delamater, hotel rooms; loes, the carrent iront Manx xalaablr document, of bietorical scene. It seemed a« though tbe whole S10J. insured. Mr. M *on*e end Jet» ami trag e death wilh euvirunmeuts. intexeel to Oregon were de.troyed by tbe town was 1 here and working Mm ran I P. H. Hartb A oa. ckrfhing; loi i* a severe b’ow to the foaima«,?. i Mr. Juba-on. a Cvh-radu mining mat. barniog of Mr,. Euiaabetb Kenney', re- bat lews and shouted orders that wr«e | $350; .mured. He wa* a man wbe.m every one liked . with bis wife and boy came, in as far a? •idence in J ark »on count; last month. heeded by nobody. Other men kept J. G. Schmidt, cigar factory. and respec’rd |Coa»tu» oy team and went on up to Lost Tbefiral yenr’, iwoe of tbe ''ppectator' their wits and their sanity an 1 did *:1 E. E. Redfield, jeweler, loss, WJ; The funeral services were h**ld on I Flat w-heie Le wiii spend a few d ys pa bl i, bed in IMS, the 6r.t paper pob- In,, vorfc Tbe firemen made an at- insurance, Wedne-. fay af^rnoon at the Breshy-I footing over that p^< petty wita a view lit bed wewt of tbe Rock in,, the fir»t 8'e. ; tempt to pail down the building occopird ' Fire Jcteument, boar, etc , Iwes, Ilk). '•-* in < : :r h an I tlir reinais« »ot .4 Lmvmu^ ...;rrr-ul it p -p- - are of tlie “Tabie Rock Sentinel," the fir.t | McArthur, bat the fire na« too la,t Mater, Light A Power Company, ini- rred in th- Gratiite Hiil cemetery. ' pr^miMn< pnpor pub!i.bed in Southern Oregon, lor and ,av«d them tbe trouble wires, etc. ; loss, |20); no insurance. | Mr. Johnson say» we may expect a and man, other valuable paper, and co I nDe atory bock building, occupied Circuit JuJgv H. I_ Ben -<»□, of K a u- I steady d <w <4 Cripple creek mining men no, were lo*t Xow Gao. II. Hi me, of I Smith. I “can. Corned and Fetach, a’b Fail«, w bo has be« ?. vi*iting at R -e- Death ri L imk H Mooa I in to this co intry a? they all to tbe Oregon Hietorkal Socxetr haa beer, j ,(yerwl no obetroetton to the lire wk ch burg E ¡gene, Salem and Portland, Enoch L M ►«, a well-known aod Igether. He already have several in- bare for tba ver? |>urpoM of collecting a>, I .urned with unabated riote,.» ti. it •topped fur a days stay in Grants universally rr»pe. ’e*i resident ol < »ram? ten-Ete»l h*-re and l!«eir reports tu that sack U-.n,. and bo i, coming again. | rMa tbe nibetantial two «torr brick Bars Wednesday. He leaves cn PA m , was killed last Munday evening interior state of Colorado, of Oregon Tbe object of tbe coliectieo 1, the xaf. I building occupied by Diion an J M • Cn>- day morning for I-akev ewr to open il»e keeping of the article, for hutoncal pur- I ,e, «here >1 wa, checked aud finally while working with an electric light circuit court at that place, which con veebb have been ireq ient and rehab e wire. Mr. Moon had been for souse so Southern Oregon cau soon expect io poaee and they are placed in a fire proof brought under control. A bor ket bri- venes on M -aday. Oct. 9th time in tbe employ of the Water Light *ue tarred inside out. vault where they can be aafely kept | gade did effective work here jby extin- awd Bower Co, and at tbe time ot hi« *1 MK > Cm 1 » T u LEI mm There i, no need to relinqoieh owner- tbe Same* on tbe in*ide of the Geo. Sartwell. Frank Fox and Fred 1.1 Ci. COIUTY. j " •h.p w. ¡he articlea. They may be mere-1 .ecood door ot tbi, building. One young death «as engage*! in making repays Spangler, who left our lively camp a few made necew*ary by tbe recent fire Th* F bjukk J C h » « bt mike« oath tba- u» dayeagu for tbe SDceriainty ot auutber, ly loaned to tbe aociety, and a receipt man was overcome ty beat and smoke electric current wa« turned on while he iessr.h r partner cd the firm of 4 . J. met with a bad omen at tbe start, being taken for them It i, to he hoped that and bad to be carried out. waa working on the wires, and he CMKxev A Co doing businew in ?be id the tram wreck at Wuif Creek. It i? all poMeeaor. of ,ucb article, will take Tbs south «ide of this block was occu received a shock and fell to the ground City of T ledo, Cutmiy and state af re- reported that George Sartwetl »as the advantage of thi, opportunity to provide pied mainly by ware booses, which striking a wooden trough, as no fell. l>r. ♦ai-!. and that said firm will pay the for their preservation only uoe injured and be not severely. burned with tremendous beat. Care ’ Moore i&s immediately summoned and sum of $1'10 for each and every cas** of D ebt B ell . wa« taken to remove th« explosive« from . made an effort to resuscitate him. but C atakxh that cannot be cured by the I Several train loads of tbe soldier boy* tbs hardware stores of Woike and the it was of no avail as be was returning from tbe wart, t aaeed through evidently • use of H all ’ s C ayabxh C i bs . Hair Riddle Hardware Co- It appeared lifriess. It 1« a hard matter our city last week, and each Mction Io deter- FRANK J. CHENEY, for a time aa though the Fry-Jewel mine wLeiner be was killed bv are me an l subscribed in •topped a few minute«, long enough for a the Bbcck ■ 5» a or block was doomed, and some good# or the fall, but the statements of eye my pre his 6th day of December, | •bort visit. Two tram loada were Idaho were moved out. Anxiety reigned on witnesses tend Io show that be ma*t A D. 1 boy», and two were North bakota troop« tbe ea«t side ot Sixth street. A W GLE Pi. have been unconscious or para)« zed The boy« were fur tbe inoet part a Systematic and level bead rd work | \ BBAL ’• No ary Pub ic, when be fell. gentlemanly and intelligent lot of young | •as dune by both firemen and citizen» j G. I. Brown had been Hail'* Catarrh Cure ir a ken intern- lellowa, although there were one or two working with in the rear of the Jewell and Frv block. ! 1 inm some tune beforejat the tbe Pai.ce al!y, Atui act* directly on the blood and of tbe ldabe boy a who disgraced their All louse lumber aud boxes were re- < mn< >us •urfAY'C* of the *ystem. Send hotel corner, and while there. J. M alate and rntiment by being beastly moved, Smith Cook's blacksmith shop Haskiua, ___ who wa« working at the foot fur les’ imonial*, free. drunk, and gi* mg vent to a great man' «uUradoM, .nd the roof dr.< .,f j.tii c'.’me'up *r discordant yells, in that quality ol voice _-----r •■•rue mil • ged away. The water wa« used here 1 Mr. Bro an told him to go around by Sufi by I»ru?ji-t«. 75c. that properly befongs inside a mad Hall’s Family Bill« are the Best. with tbe beet possible effect until th** houte and is not pioasant to bear any the poser horwe aa ne went bars and Circuit Court l>o«ng$ fire was checked. Tbe wind also went where. But tbe boy a aa a «hole were tell Carl > Gentner not to turn on the Wil H a nt « Item* | C.reu ren t court convened convene ! Monday, Sept «iown considerably toward tbe last which 1 quiet and gentlemanly They tell the current until further instruction,. Al W. C. ? te* went in tv tiranta i‘ae> » 25 wiib all the court officers in attend materially lessened the danger. •nee, H K Hanna, judge; J M John •ame story aa most of the returning that tune Mom wa, working on the pole Tuetday. ' wa * appointed bai ft and George Shiver, West from the Baiace hotel, the firr volunteer», that tbe Filipinos fight in at the corner and closer to Bonn than Walter Dyk« ID io (» rants P am grand jury bail fl. " Following is the swept every thing clean to Wade’s their trenches but will not »land a wa, II,»kia» .Mr. Brown thought that Sa.u/day. grand jury dra*n: F I>essing»r. Jas grocery, a substantial brick buiidiug. licCailin, m, Wm, > im Axtell. charge. that aa soon aa they grt the Moon maat have beard what wa. said Mr. J. Bailey went to Jacksonville Frank Mee, E F Hathaway. E E i. keen. The building occupied by St. I axii * next Fili pine* on tbe run, the order come? to Havkin,. Mr. Brown then went uring tbe werk. Folluniog is the d - kv. and lbw • . to Wade’s was torn down, and tbe fire to cease firing , that there were not men a< roe. the railroad tract, and did some ne-y transacted '• «a* finally subdued not «itnout con* Frana Fryer made a bariBews trip to | enough there to hold the towns the* ‘Work in Uie neighborhood uf tbe Ojwra State of Oregon vs Alpha Kn gh’rn »iderable damage to Wade's stock and j rap- and assauk with dangerous «eapon captured, and they have to retake the , boons and on returning wa, aurpri«e-l to Medtord Wedueeday. building». I Guilty. Mi*» AIH* Spar’in went to tirants same ground tune as I again. They aa* 1 «ee the light, on ad <1 barninf dimly. S ate of O egon vs John O’Brjen, fur Tbe town presented a tiemoraliaed that probably three-fvurtha of the entire Mr Brown say» that b«> tboofbt at tbe Fa<» during tbe week. extortion. Flead guilty. appearance after the fire. Sixth street ermv, officer» and all, are opposed l< time that be Lad taken ail i necce* *ary T. Hall wa* the geeit of R-v. State v» Michael D«ly, held for a order. Not guifly Otis and his methods. They say that opposi'.e tbe depot and part 0« tbe rail ¡precaution« to prereit ac. i'icfU »I- of Wildere die, last week. road park were piled high with good* State of Oregon vs John D.»e. «riling tbe retern o' so many volsnleer« ba? though tbe subst'q<ient < occurrence I»i I—Fi ’a* ** , 2J. infant daugb'.er I liquor without license. been a great encouragement to the of every conceivable kind anl many ! »busel b>n* that be had not L- He sa»« of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kus*eIL Mate of Oregon vs. John Doe. • ere puuled to find their own again. | that the reason be did h < h telephone insurgents, «bo think we are gi*ing up hqu -r without license. M s- Stel’a W;hiams, of Ai»pi-gate. is , A few firemen also were Badly demoraliz tbe contest, but that when tbe other ■»entner. was that so many wires were MT1OM AT LAW. the ueet i ’ M im Eva >ürnner, of tbis ’ troops anve, and the native« see «hat ed, either by beat or exhaustion, or | no< iu working order, amj a« l»e did nd Davie Brower vs Joseph Oliver, et al, piai w. action f »r m nev. tbej have to deal «ith, that tbe «ar something else A detail of militia know exactly where to go to telephone C )ld weather seem« to have set tn f>*r ; J H Rolicrta vs F M Decker, action will soon «nd. Asv one has only to »rr • as called out to guard tbe goods and him, he thought the quickest and «urest i and all, a« we hare bad several | for money. lltese lruo|4S to be Matured of the fact prevent, until they could be way woold be to send a man there to H L Benson v« Joseph R Oliver, et al. >ard frosts. that tbe American private soldier i* tbe removed to a place of safety. action for money. tell bun. He Supposed that Hartu ? Tbe I um Las l*een wstiiuatexi at near i»r. Van Ih ke was caked cut Friday 1 B W Baldwin vs Manuel da be«l in the world. The reason is ths*, wouid have amp-e an l sufficient time to be ¡a more of a man is every »ay than 1100 00J fur both stock and buildings, deliver bi« mesaage before the time for 9 see Mrs. l»arid John and tbe !itt> Nunez, et al, i ciion for money. Hm Bybee v« C C Presley, action f »r tbe soldier of any other nation. The but it is probable that it is far below turning on tbe lights. Mr. Haekiae. daugi h’er of J. Russell. nonev. average European soldier is an ignorant tbat amount, as mo«t of the bunding» after leaving Mr. Brown, went to tbe Louise S Grosse vs Mathilda R Cords. C. Vlrich, of JacksonTiHe ma*ie a machine-drilled affair, theoretically per were old wooden structure* which had Hair-Riddle hardware store and par udnes« t- ; I the E mh M A >uinner ' action for money. served their time anj would eventually i Ed Dailey vs John Furter and Geo fect to tbe science of «ar. I tbased bie nails, and alter a afew min- saw mill first of the week. j Hunt, action for money, judgment bv which considers that one man is jiat 1 have to be moved away to make room for 1 ute» de<ay in procuring a sack to put Albert Lovelea«. Sam Tetherow and letault. This row oi j them io, went to the foot of Fifth street. like another man, and that all are | j substantial buildings. C E Harmon administrator H Gas W. R. Nipper took a fine lot of lumber I wuuden t»uildlugs ha« beeu a ruenace to qoet est *• CLas Decker, action for automatons. Tbe automaton is tbe per* Ithetown’s safety for years and it was the left the nails there, then went to the to Gran’» Base >atnrday. . money. feet theoretical soldier and is a man power bouse and delivered tbe message MrsC A Trefethen v* Feter Hansen Mr». J. Jackson an J Mi*» Annie after Otis’ heart. Tbe Ameiican army expected that happened, althuogb in 1 to Gentner, who bad alreadv turned on Benedi t, of Chicago, relatives ot R. M I administrator estate John Riiey, act i n magnitude the oc<uranve was somewhat la not a bunch of automatons wired f>r money. Decree for plaintiff for the current, (»miner turned it off im C* gie, of this piax'e. are visiting their |334 JO. together, but is a number oi individual I in advauce of the general expectation. 1 mediately, say in«. “Why didn’t he u unde. Mr R Benedict, of Applegate. State of O-rgoti ex rel. L N Browning ' While the immediate effect of the fire is aacb one ol them a wdhog, intelli phone me*’’ Mr. Haskiu« think« it i v* L A Lewis and W H Hamp;«»a for Rev. Wilton, gent fighting machine. If the American i disastrous, and involves heavy loss to • a* »I k ut 21) minute« from the time be j ix ntrmpt of court. Dismissed. |lb<*sewbo were unfortunate enough to Crw, of this pl J A Jenuings vs M R aad D A Corda, army ha t been turned looee on Caba’a left Mr Brown until be delivered tbe mountains action for money. shore without officers, they would have i iocaled within the burned district, yet message to (rmtnor. He *ay* it W J Hams vs Jamee Hughes. tinnì, ' theuIt»mated effect,on tbe city a? a who e itaon being io taken Kanliago by tbem»elves bexause between 5 and 5 30 o’clock when h Ddlatd. ueorge Carpv and Blue Gravel tjirrel and Mr •very man knew «by be «as there and I will be rather xieneficial than otherwise Mr Brown. Miring Co, acti?n for money. \ i. i . f . > »t : \ y . . . Mr. El Pen « m determiued to Severnpluh the pur- j as tbe wooden building* will be replaced Mr. Gentoev say« that be came by more substantial and creditable «tru- ■wo, If M Myrr, aad A J O’Brieo, action px**«. The American army cuuld have > the power bouse at ba!f ps*l r recotrwr, of real e« »ir atd damage,, cturee Following i done thia none other could rk. He did the u«ual i »missed. Shike Into T ut Sho * C h Harmon v* Alfred KeHey, aet.»»n mery and »ome little oil Ihxon A McCrt r Ui«.nry. Continue i tor term for slarte*! tbe marhinerv • ant of «ervice. j clothing, loss i li»e current on f< Joseph Hclken Chas A sad Frank Court lor Josephine County report a* I ance. rimes afterwards He Lad E Ke ivy, »* iun for money. Judgment A. O U W follows : oo special instrmti m* and ti Ly defau t We tbe Grand Jury, duly vui|*anell 11<X); no in»u H M Gorham vs R F Miller and J C tbe currmt at about tbe u*ual Pavia Brower, Djrsert. for injunct on. ed and «worn, beg to -abni.t thia, our had b^eu on about four Caseie I Martin vs H D Martin, for final report : no insurance. iching divorce. Continued. W E. IVwn. M e have t arefuUy exam.ued ail charge« Frank P Silva, et al. vs Antone K diua brought to our knowledge and have insurance iMri ’ for 25 rt al for part: I ion of re«i eatae. Cbs» Tabor vs Mary E Tabor, f r returned indictments in all cases where free ! divorce. Decree granted. in our ju Ig ueut, me ev»deuce «a* deem Roy. Henry York v» t’ T Davidson, et •l, ed sufficient. We bave careful!1 i < injunction. K*-frrred to Mi*« C , * ra I tbe hotel, med tbe d'fferent offi -en >keel io take te*:im:-ny and report n a burry. 1 next regumr term. cords, and find them w to ch n Hartman vs Ned Dxer. f record» iw neat ami ej of mortgage. Rr ter red to F I. We have naited the oc to take testimony arul rep >rt and bad that the tatua t next rvgtilar term »ertne Borrows vs D E Rarroi housed, well cared for lar di «orre Ws liavs eiamiurd the roue \ H Car-?* vs E H Haye», et al. f >r find the same ma<l *• »’«V .njune m » d and i qmet title. Retr r keeping of «ta n nat to k C Hough to take lewumo«*\ >i fel aaenxi that tbe omntv report a: n»xt >enn »< »■ourt. la^ery W 1 Vaster, »«iministrator Ch new fir» proof baildiag Ilari! trance \\ Iker es:. vs J C Ebler suit m eqai r, |del«-d uur labor« we re«j»e-. ijo’l u rance. ' dlMBÍS»S I. rant* !**•• U - ' large . S i*an L Howard vs Geo Floyd, et i Í*. re bwure of m r g*ge Ike reegran • Frank I tee»!age D F Ge »'gv vs J «mes Franirv »n4 m Fd F. Hath» lion an I -iau a*.-*. bau» Axtell. Sarah J Fut ra v* Ti»e Jump off J e Frank Mee. Mining Cu. Forecfowrs o? — - - '<afce. Jurarph l\di ck • «me. Ml >r & lAsrrt Wm Alfred. same, Drene r for plaintiff gran tel in all Juerpb Mila»»* three cai i—». E. Erickson E lm Fl < Lorna vt H C Booth or injnn* i a Adch lew *aM<d A H Morey vs J Mo-ry. for diro Mrs Ms ce D*» rt V gratHrd. Will pay cash for a good fresh mi W j bsolutely pure íkira Kelly v» C A Kelly. for di vor w. No blue skim'mi k wanted. Lsavi we. IVcree entrred. 'Likes the food more delicious and wholesome dew r.pu >u at this office or addrwes.F 1 C O B k * ow, et al v j F Bhary, e* for in unc'.’--a D>stBH*«d on oaottor. Norton. Placer, Oreg plaintiff rt'BUBHBD BVKBY INI BsDAl, < Yes, we were ] burned out < Solar bawae «• Ke^-c. J W •Í Twa ori • n*«»1 awa E Ke . ‘JT y T'O i «*»'i“’ . £• B. MaadaakeT- J ne down from .a .. L.n • Mi"»»« Co j’**’ cai F t to takerim*«» ; l j ' w ' ä ’T £ «’J E 0 J Allen ••‘1 J * Kcl on fer ’.njuacrioa. daini Strabi «•r« *nd us V» Joseph ngjil, fortvi ,urc u-' luiuer« M>jfw vi Matth ni.aer for Business « Pyle, iorw loa* ä 4 4 4 4 4 The Po-t Office Store H annuo» receiver. 4 WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF 1 < the »i earth inven Will« the i uae o •nani1 Mr and 1 the I pour clout the dark hlaud, Cspt- Capt E H* L>ran. Thorn- urite, lacking ■arb elxsrlioo. ... !.r 1 Satorlay. < < 4 < Schillings Packages B aking V 8»®^ P owder A graniteware ! Don't forget to ask for Cole’!' Airtight Heaters. and seule. al by tbe 6re , 1 am oh i<ed ow mg uns lo trills e rar best possi b J. WoLKI. thtir ar< HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE They are the best. nd of city, , fruit trees, Joseph Moa. >k1y Bulletin it reduced price of •4 PISO S CURE FOR *------- (Jl* J A Robber Tired < arriare for Church Alale* I» One of <ha Aewe*t Im enlloni v.rt<«'.aie .• i» ’tl.- casket carriage, upon «1. ch a burial casket ma\ il tie moved up the aisle of a church. Tbe latest form of casket cairiage, ujk ) u which a patent was issued in the ; -«sent year, is of lattice construction, ; i. .>s. It is supported upon six low r-jbuer-tired wheels, three on a side. Wutn not in use it can L»e closed up t- get her. occupying a small space; when opened fur use it is uf ample size to bear a casket, which can be moved upon it securely, smoothly and nuise- letfiv along the aisle, says the New York Sun. It is not expected that the casket car riage wiR take the place of bearers in state and military and other funerals in which bearers would naturally be employed, but it is found useful in other church funerals, and especially in churches having narrow aisles in w hit ich there might not lie room for bear rtrs to walk at the side of the cas- The removal basket is a- modern mea ns of conveyance, used by under- takers for the removal of bodies from ds or hotels or other places it might not be convenient or )le to carry a cuin!>vrsome ice It is coffin-shaped in its general hut with rounded outlines and :itided top. It has a steel frame- upon which the basket work, of n. is woven. Stout wicker handles proven into the sides. In such a it. occupying comparatively little • and which may be conveniently ltd, the body is removed to the GIVES EOUNTEOUSIY. mt- bUl. I rk ar V n t At A h >rk All s t en r Q al • oa a t ( In 3 I 4 i 1 ry or, For Sale. 1 -v Three hundred and twenty acres, o ur(.u»ine- .. ' ■ "■ which 200 acres is bottom land. On UE>T 1:1^1 P,.x ■ thi-ground are bars' which prospect 50 r- of gold to the pan ; 100 min* VuM It I .,U|thliu’. ,'fM er s inchs of waler with 50 foot fall goes value. A l.ur.a.n ranqr uj«. H* withit. Inquire of R Thoma«. T< II Your Sister A Beautiful Complexion is an inipoesi i iii* without good pure blood, the sort t hat always exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl’s Clover Root Tea ..eta directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 ctf.,an«i Viets.—W. F Kremer. B taiiee iron» W aldo; sj acre- ala-bed and I uraoj M dll. b, - and < r , Iun„ ,,, — property, good tenees and »71 c leel ;>er day i .. ha 1 barn», etc , ».««¡u d„w# balance on Ume.-Price and V, S25O wood-abed, barn ben bouw a.-; s«ry oul-buUdiii»,. u,t ltmM fenced' with divuioa fence, oum? WANTED stock or hen yard eparate in» closing house, ^¿-foot »ell uf Aironi) wanted on subscnpUon, atibe wily pump; welt walled up«» ’ ’ office. Tilts pru|wrty is ottered |or fe, It* cost, Oil account ol breakup » Ki: IL ESTATE. tly, who desire to go to Caltionua >ix a< re# of iruit- young tree? $15(X) in g» < d condition, t>room plas tered hou-e dry bou?e, barn, etc., etc., best ha? fur year? been pnxtBcnf w water in town*. Only 7 blocks from the dantly in iruit. uer ie» and There is a gou<i house and uui l’ostuffice. Ask Brice A Voorhies. also a good well, hive inicutei JxZxTZ A >tory and a half plastered school or c-huri-h. \\ uuld »eii Ur« hou.'c, ¡our rooms and woodshed lOUxlaO leet, (turner lot,» tor1 down Ntairs and lol' of room upstair?; S would ma«e a beauuiui i-.uiidmg lot I ---- a re of ground, good shade. 9 blocks from I'uatotlice. Halt ■ i'll secures the place. — I ’ ’ Price and Voorhies. 1‘w tor orchard >>r grain. $ l .- A THIN ISE. a V er n. nt w Th< 'ie clamor is merely > the tact lv offered question * a fftai ror the aj*ke of an unqualified woonn L< ju*t as »* Jannerous a, the •d' tee of an unqualified man F. < en wl geum free o ctan c iMtitute. of Pierer h.-L< years, womet marka1 cent. « to consult I> fear and vnt held ai st Sdential. scale« I in ing oi any ki - 'tory, “-ruum pla-tered house, lu.« k .ar. mliK house, barn. tool hot! '• .. «mdiiini, ____ _ t !■ . t¡ lots; al»uui ;«>v halt inile irum PoVtJffiói. —'• Ask Trice A Vuoriile». hundred u: * :‘l>'!1T,e this i* r rer bottom There winter apples trees 14 > 0,<1 •'. j riety of small fruit®. I’erries «•< nnn>b Fou*e of nine ruuiiisa»«»®®^? cellar, good barn an i u .u unuing*- uv* a .o-.»t house amt quarter well w ith gouti wiiidiunl and tans •X within four block* of the trade tor a small place m tuwi). * • »»- half the amount down Many a Ijwver | : pertx bAiame in monthly I rive A \ oorhies. Has turned will» di-g -• |r":u 1,1 !S2( M )< 1 1 *" '> *■r»- in wise lovabie girl wi’h *n Kari e Cl '♦ r R*>11 i , r‘I'at l. and (taring trun breath ’ . ‘ ' ftn’l building-. rm-L’iai- the breath by its act i”'» ’ . ret * ' • l<* ' »run bearing. Young etc . as no:hiug rise " *11« varieUe» ot apples. on abeo'ute gu rantee. I’'M IbO ACRE: and 50 rente. W.F Kremer. l’a*.«, 1, varivi* Rick Heads» he«. The curse of overworked won,sid ‘'^ •**«, l.r n quick I* and surely cured by bv ! ver Root Tea, tbe great btooJjT? even and one half a< res of and tissue builder. Money I«5 I, -and »uhm ~"4 »iibin , n, liniiu. I »-■ -b-ry, u-n r<KJ111 hl>U!te clr' nv»rl, new. no: satisfactory. Pr“* ..... 1 "ui ' ini.l.n - > ■’ 'n Iruit l^a, -«• .'»•■wrij all ()f the land eta.— W. F. Kremer. ' -Mmi ot choice .an- ehe. ol app!« Ta- lie», ne« lartne». prune» .| ’ 1 • *»'. I A|«, » ,moj »aneiv ■” ’'»ali inno etc. ' '>e.|. „I excellent -yi. r. 1|IW |, ■ me »next, it not the ' ■ mountain'.? "".'..I1'<‘rlookin’! l,rv*d ■ • -la and num»! <titered for •■r ou aoounl of )>ov >r t-titr.- health uf uwner. >'l I ‘ 1-4 a '•' <■• land a t ut Mrrnn. 1 hirt'•< re« in • *evertu hundrexi fruit tree* er, ea»v term-. ' 82(KK) MSCALLSfc I MAGAZIN® A LADIES' MAaUK ■x'Ttcr is redly con- * mailed out print* Dr. Pierce’s Favor ite Prescription makes Weak Women I- U- I r ■— *■ — : drt«smakttnf e ' • . UewfoM »>«»«. i** ‘ imUt^r.o- . atemu •MMX U« hí I* »» StV.xh. Refi ab*, b •late. Eco«i< ' *nd * * « mi : kw-AJ Death Lurks I handled by an expen- 1 pharmacist. You may id of good results il your prescriptions Strong and Sick 3» Women Well. tbea or «T THE McCALL CO - sixth matter intend** t<* tn» '«—• "ge) 10 *?.»*■',,n ■••■•» i*ài irT $1100 vith tbt of tb< writing to a writing to a j bUVR^ I 1 Ui' amount buy? one acre uf .<44HI ,n "eM le "1 • i lan-l within 1<J blocks of »F-rww A uew the Pu?torti< e. 'mail but cosy home, well, pleasant location und cheap M ?mall orchard. |5UUdown secures the place with monthly payments fur the balance.— $1000 Price & Voorhies. Good variety of fruit. Hater for I kAlKY RANCH.—We have fur 'ale purposes. Ahis p acc bt lorgamutfl 1 ' within > miles of this city, one of tbe want lo see il tienne liisMHd. l'est dairy ranches in Oregon, which we oi ler for sale at a bargain lo any one who has w i a<:» - two to put into a " oi tin- kmd. acres oi rich black bottom. Plenty«!« 1 L4- K°°d tanning land three land. Will make a nice lilUe and one hail miles from town. 50 fruii and grain. to 75 acres of this i> black loam. 4 acre*« in of ¿» neral \ariet\ of 'mall fruits, a large •) acre* in north part ui city; bouse ot 7 r- •in»; lalb and psfl -pnng with Niifficient water for irrigating uanten through the season, iwo wells, sev finish; good well »¡th pumpin Ldfl eral springs on the place. 6 room house ai>uut 2 acres in a general variety ol W with large barn and outbuildings. Twenty one-half oi which ¡> winter apples, t» head ot horses and catlie and farm imple sold on easy terms. ments will be sold with place if desired.— | .. <] OiW I : r J •- A — VrV_’ 1id.- story I. -- . • ) ACRES just north oi town. Good and planter finish. Nearly new. "* frame house, land in good cultivation is dark loam and has a general assonafl A! -litune-hali in triit. A bargain.—$40). of fruit, from apples and pears tail strawuernes, and »elected iruiu lbe»l X )(W ) ■'*‘1 ,,uy "O a< res five miles rieties. A good wen uiid Deceasing tro|n U)wn< About 20 a<rrs building». .Making a very pleasantwl ¡ear and balance in timl»er. 12 or 15 acres and wiiliin 10 nuuuifo walkoi diet | lenced with nru board fence. Three or :■ ur a re« in fruit bearing. General varie- ¡\ oi trail. Land lays taring the south. i'i the pia< e fur fruit culture. A 5-ruom built house. M rooms, tiou.'e Ninall barn and good well. Come in well and necessary outbuildings.i*«^ and let us tell you more about it. oi iand, at a good elevation aiwveuvif of the town. Owing to < hinge ol: *< $3000 Five acrv* of choice winter to another stale, o* uer will mhi «' «•=«' apple-* 7 and ? years old in good cost Enquire of us. ■caring; .»-room hard imi?h house, out t-uihluu'. L’ well. 4 mile from To?t- offire. $JU'ra>h, balame time — Trice A I I ¡»u.'Ure. • • uA'a'.. \ oorhies. iand > one mi.v :i •- l'a— ‘-,!l 'iBi xj'lOOO l'"«n ami fA*«0 on lime brings ground and alniu'i perfectly pruiecin ’ I p I 1 'J acres on < >.-< ar creek, 5-room ¡root, will make a lineurchanL p am h- U'C. barn and sheds. 75 large fruit Fvur-r -h an; 4|- ,_ ir-«io acre-' ot good placer mining ground ’P1 T « • on piaev that can be covered by ditch. lot.* for $b2 »ca.'h. i r. r A \uorhie« al • arm tn summer and mine in winter. Ask 1 rice A Vuorbies. EXi. HANGE $1300 acre-* ut fruit in good conxli- , « ka N' i . e GE 'V» j'-» « t ll'R» ^‘"UGliaif a mile from the .4 into n° fi'’'*'**- Herr i- an x>ppurtun- N-J < »!d tree> just 11 \ *or ihe making uf a splendid hume.— mtles from UriviUe. ta^, a city st**! alalion. Will exchange for 1 rice A \ uurbieN. of good*; or good farm in the valley If you want a guoxi oranr q X300 One acre of land near town, 4- ruuiD house, iw» barns, well*. era.ll or price A Voorbit'- orchard. Halt <i. ah '<•> tires it. Price A F«*K SAI»t£ < 1 ETCHO 1 F V<K>>. I not Enr hin th tn< 1 me An w’.l net •bo nu* that and is n but ' A no granile. , sju .run ' .».• CONSUMPTION llKDE3TAilLk'¿ rROGR-SS. $14 si meet I«* W,.t I«'» »’ .........III...... .