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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
4 AN lNDKrKNKKNr I AH», D k VOTKH E s I'SCIALLV tu Tus VOL. XV. ur ! hh ruitiui O»» uon , GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY 5. «8<W Ministerial Discipk of Isaac Udton. Letter from Manila. Washington Letter iCivira N »v »1 S tation , Rev. RobL McLean, of tbe Third From our regular correspondent. (C avitk , P. L, Aug. 10, 1899. I Presbyteri.n church, returned from his W ashington , Sept. 25th, 18V!». The aealher has been very changeable j trip to bis former home at Granta Pa»», “Porto Rico will have a civil govern Bicycle hospital for all repairing at ou Rogue river. Mr. McLean is one of here of late, rain one day and nest a ment, ar d practically all of the U. S. the most ex^iert fishermen in the state, burning sun, bull have long ago co roe troops will be withdrawn from Cuba, Drainer Bros. and he lost none of hi* reputation on to I can stand almost before Congress meet«.” So said a Perhaps you have noticed the chill in the air these crisp H. B. Miller made a business trip to the <H*casiou of his visit to Rogue River. any climate. To tell you the honest fact. Senator, who bad just had a talk with mornings and cool evening; that calls for some warmer Medford last Tl ursday. It «as be who introduced fishing for big I aiu in lotewilh thi,country,in fact any the Pretiueut, to a friend He added under ware. Come toonr »tore and we can fit you out with R. A. Booth returned on Thursday I sahuon and saimun trout in that stream tropical climate Ae long as a person that the most of our troope would have comfortable wear. from the Willamette valley. 4 several years ago- He ii-*es what he takes care of hiluself here, there is no been out of Cuba by thia time if tbe Prof. H A. Shorey of Rock Point made ■ calls the imperial m | mx > u , tu great ad van* more danger than elsewhere. I will yellow fever had not got a foothold 4 Grants Pass a visit Thursday. ; »age, and during his trip met with his have to adunt tbal it rains harder here among them and down South. After 4 Take your bla. ksmilbing to Triiuble u»««l g'Kxl luck in catching the bi< than al home, but io Hve minutes after the yellow fever made its appearance, it fellows where others cought none at all ward, you can go forth with dry feet, was thought best to leave the trooi«» A Barber for first-class work. lor only little fish. He calls those which and the beauty of it here is «hen it already on the island there until cold For a first class meal, go to tbe City Will soon be in demand We keep a full stock of them. weigh 10, 12 anb 15 pound*, small thh rams, it rains. There is uo Oregon mist wealbvr, for fear that they might bring hotel; B. A. Williams, proprietor. He pulled out a royal chinook salmon about it. Better come and get a pair before the rains set in and you the disease with them if brought home \Ve seek profit when we buy more than when we sell ; the lhe recent M. F. Conference voted to j Another good feature of this place earlier. The authorities seem satisfied weighing 30 pounds, but says he has yours. may prevent a hard cold. expel Rev. E. Cline of Portland from taught even larger ones than this one is the cheapness of the clothing A Hne that there is no longer necessity for FURNITURE, MATTRESSES LAMPS. CROCKER*. the ministry. lurtuur occasions Plunging into the wardrobe costa only about seventy-tive keeping any considerable number of U. CARPETS. | i vju on former PILLOWS. WOODENWARE TINWARE. Calvin ’»Veils is building two houses water Up to i waist, Mr. McLean dollars m Mexican money, of course. S (roopN in Cuba, although the form of MATTINGS. TOOLS, COTS, GRANITEWARE, work un his let« on Sth Street. ' The f'u“---- u is hooks the big fish sa easily as most fish U hen I speak of transactions here, it is the military government over the island LINOLEUM. MIRRORS. LACE CURTAINS. GLASSWARE. being done bv Messis PiUer and Block* erman fish from the bank. Had Kipling I ,n Mexican currency is likely to be kept up as a sort of bridge. been with him on bis last trip he might Mjr friend and myself are getting nice- warning restraint, for some time. It is Opera House Bio- k. Two train loads of the N'oith Dakota have “lived * again, hut would have furnished in our home. We have slated unofficially that lien. Brooke han (wl'IIlltM l’liMM. < *rv|*<»l> b\vs returning from the ware, paeeed fished with a spoon, ami not a fly how- purchased a full cooking outfit and asked, on account of his health, to be re through Grants Pass Wednesday even* ever.—Portland Oregonixn« , ¡expect to u begin j living at ‘ home ‘ by the lived of his duties a« Military Governor Carpets, Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs, Wall Pa 16th. We have ail old China cook who of Cuba, and that his request will tie I ing of last week. per, Building and Lining Papers, Lounges, Excursion to Portland. atone time cooked in a lestaurant on complied with. He is coining home S. Danielewicz, deputy supreme coun- i Special FLxpusilion Excursion Train Montgomery street, San Francisco, bo Mattresses, Iron Beds, Rugs, O OBERT G. SMITH, QEORGE II. BINNS, i ¡¡or of the order ol Pendo, was in Jack will leave Grants Pass Monday, October we are almoit «me that he can cook food on a visit soon, and it. is considered sonville last week looking after the or doubtful whether he will return. Tlie Kitchen Tables. All at 9th, arriving in Purl I ami at 7:00 P.M., that will satisfy our taste, for the native H D. NORTON, ASSAYER, ganization of a lodge at that place. m time for that evening's entertainment cooking here is horrid, everything is man most likely to succeed him is Popular Prices. Gen. Leonard Wood, now in command if Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption at the Oregon Industrial Exposition, Office opposite Hotel Josephine, cooked in either cocoanui or olive oil, of the Santiago district. cure, which is sold for the small price of A ttorneys and C ovnsei . obs which tins year promises to be better and seasoned with garlic. G rants P ams , - - O regon . The Committee in charge announces GRANITEWARE, TINWARE, WOODENWARE 25 cts., 60uts. and >1.00, does not cure than ever before. at L aw . Fhe bouse we are in was on the aruiy, this as tbe last week in which contribu take the bottle back and we will refund Exposition management has again se Office in Kirnt National Bank Building. your money. Sold for over fifty years on ' cured from San Francisco Bennett’« full roll.and through tlie kindness of Capt tions to the Dewey home fund - now yY C. HOUGH, ain Geary, provost marshal, we were G rants P ass , - - O regon this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50eta. Military Band, and Miss Alice Raymond, placed in it as caretakers, but so far we about >¿10.000 can be made, also that ATTORNEY-AT LAW, — W. F. Kremer . the leading lady cornetist of the day. »•ave been unable to locate the owner, Admiral Dewey has said that be will Pt actives in all State and Federal Court« Dr. Rickenbach of Pennsylvania who ¿sensational attractions will be the six it im thought it tielongs to some native accept the home in the same spirit No advance although Goods Cost more. Coffee Mills 15 c. 3 Tin Office over First National Bank, has been here for some time, left on Elorenze Acrobats and the Nacarte Bis who is out with the faithful and perhaps exhibited by the donators of the fund. Pie plateg for toe. Coffee Pots toe. Hooks and eyes, 144 for toe. f-G rants P ass , - - O regon . Thursday for Pittsburg He has bonded ters, Aenai Artists from the Folios Ber- he is killed, or it may belong to the An attempt will be made to push the Curling Irons 8 c. Potato Masher 5 c. total up to >50 000, but unless there are J. S. Tucker’s quartz mine the ‘ Dixie gere, Paris. Excursionists will arrive Fathers, so we hsve wiitten to Rome for Queen” on Horse creek. | in time for Willamette Day, the We I- iu formation as there is where all the a number ol large individual contiibu Dont forget the Lace Curtain Sale 50c pair and up. A RTHUR P. HARTH, Representing the most reliable com tiuns, it will hardly succeed. Are you going East? li so call on l ding Night, Baby Day, Grett Coon Cake records ate kept on file. panies in existence, both tire and lite). Gov. Stone, of Pa., is hobnobbing [DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. Notary Public. S. F. Cass or E. E. Dunbar at the First Walk, etc , etc., etc. There are two goverment navy trans Specially low fare; tickets good fur one l»orl« here now, and we have about 50 aith numerous Washington friends he by laws ot Congress or Ntate legislatures told us he had gone home for his dinner, Ottici over First N itional Bank, G rant * P ams , O regon . National Bank, Grants Pass. They made during hie service in Congress, •trikes can be avoided and fair wageN As we were hungry, we thought we had will sell you tickets via the old reliable week. Ratesand leaving time of train I »agues working here in the storehouse O regon . j G rants L akh , and Mrs. Stone is dividing her lime can he obtained. The combination dues belter go ami buy our dinners,'so we can be had of nearest agent Southern Northern Pacific. You (an enjoy your 1 leaning and moving old stock. The I m *tween social pleasures anti the com ASSAYEK, trip via that line and get as low rates Pacific Co. Solace has ¡40 tons of vegetables on pany of her daughter and granddaugbt not eliminate conqtetition and cannot do went to a hotel. There we gut a Hne C. PERKINS, W. G. Wright, as any inferior line will give. Real Estate Transfers. board for my department liesides several er, who live in Washington. Gov. It.*' He also had some very positive dinner, every thing was good. Thin opinions on the question of immigration, alter dinner, was the speaking. We Gen’l Agt. for Oregon tons of canned meats and clothing. ( Recorded since »Sept. 25th.) County Assessments. Stone thinks we are going to keep right U. K. DEPUTY M ac A rthur -F orrest C yanide P rocess . Gustav Schwaderer to R. L. The greater part of the storehouse« on with tbe “good times”. He said: saying that the government should said, "We wont be in a hurry lor when Josephine County’s assessment sum learn from every immigrant whether be the time comes for the speaking, they MINERAL SURVEYOR, Durham ami A. B. Croasman, are built of adobe and not fixed the best Cyanide and Chlorination treatment “This country im entering upm a career intends to remain in the country, will sound the long roll.” So we waited mary fur the year 1899 is as follow'e: SW’4 uf SW’4 of Her. 13, ami of Gres. in the world for room, mu wv are tearing W»2 of NW*4 and \E*4 of of gteater proaperitv than it has ever require him to take the oath of alleg until we saw the people gathering for ( ) regon . Average value tillable land IG kantm P anm , Bullion Refined anil Shipped. out partition* and building platform« fur NW *4 of sec. 24, tp. 38 south, per acre.......................... ♦ 10 70 known. We are fast becoming the iance, and to possess an educational and the parade grounds, and then for tho Hie goods to get them away from range 5 west, cuiiHideratiun, . J 00 $ X50 the G rants P ahs , - - O regon . Average value non-ti liable work shop of the world, and the granary mony qualification, ami possibly ¿impose first time, we found there was net a R. J. JENNINGS, 96 Mary A., ami Walter Simmon« land per acre ............. damp stone Hour. of the nations. We produce more of the a head tax, which won d effectually drum nor a tile that had been engaged Average value city lots 30 Hi to Alien W. Ventch, Iota 5A6 Aug.12. I came to .Mandateday for the neceatutles of existence than any coun RESIDENT DENTIST. Average value raihuad bel shut out the lowest and least desirable to take any part in our encampment. in blot k .■»<>. m R.nlr u-l a l.I. purpose of negotiating for a lease on the per mile ..................... 3.11 0 00 try on the globe, aud we can sell to the class of immigrants, Mr. Shaffer alao When we arrived at the grounda we tu Grants Pass, consideration, SO OJ 30 Years Expei lence. property we live on. We have at last people abroad articles eoaential to their Average value rail mad roll expresses the opinion that in the Ion, found a.large crowd and Thomaa Tongue 436 10 W 1. Vawter, executor estate ing stock...................... succeeded in locating the owners, It ia KOffice in Opera House block; see the sign eomlort and well being chea|»er than run, the labor saving machinery intro Wil, to speak for us. Ila made a good of CltaH. Walker deceased, to Average value telegraph ami of 1 he Big Tooth. owned bv the pi tests of the order of John C. Elder, fractional qu they can produce them. Our ex|K>rts duced takes care of all I lie men who are speech and did justice to the cause, Hv If you are in need of Harness, telephone lines per mile 54 26 Recatectors who reside in the walled arter containing 41 aces south OllEGON. G rant « P ark , 18 O.I horses now run up to >1.000.000 a day and ar* displaced by it. either single or double, Halters, Average value is an able s|H>aker, and every body was and earn of !►. L. C. of Win. city. They are very anxious to sell as 60 *• cattle.... 11 increasing at a rapid rate. One of our Sutherland, sec 25, tp 4) glad to see him and shake hands with “ ebeep .... Sweat Pads or anything else in the 1 «0 they are heavily involved and wish to Toledo Weekly Blade. Kç P. DODGE, freight rars will carry three times •» south, range 8 west «ontider* •* swine .... I 95 him. V itkban . Hurt».»» line, don’t fail to go to the The Toledo Weekly Blade has a large ation........................................... 1611 25 raise money to support the fathers. My Miuch as an English car. We can load friend and myself may buy the pro|>«rty Front Street Harness Shop. Groes value ot all property 1,297 025 0.) Oregon Knight» Templar«. ? • ore on the great lakes at 5 cents a ton, circulation throughout the county and INSURANCE an I Mining Locations. or tlie purpose of having a home here 147,720 00 which cannot Im duplicated in cheap there are, no doubt, a large number of Shoemaklng and repairing neatly Exemptions ...................... REAL ESTATE Th* Grand Commandary of th« Ore and at the name time tor speculation. (Recorded since Sept. 25 th.) ness by any com|>etitor. Our workmen subacriberN in Josephine county who gon Knight« Templar« met in Ashland Total taxable property.... and quickly done. »1,149,305 00 E I,.!«-, I ire ami Accident My friend is a law student, and perhaps (ieo. S. Green, quartz claim, ‘ Rocky wish to continue their subacription. The Tutsi number of polls, 1010 get double the wages of foreign work laut Thursday, with prominent Masons Office with Price à Vuorlties. Point” in Altboiisv mining district. when ibe islands are placed under civil men, but they do more than twice the publishers.of the Cot'RiER and the Blade from various portion« of the state in at Wedding Bells. government, we may take up pursuits O regon . Ben Bull, copper claim in Waldo »JU AM - l’A'f am >unt of work, because of their great offer both for one year for only >1.25 to all tendance, representing the six com* that will pav more. One of the prettiest home weddings mining district. er skill ami ingenuity. With all thee«* new.subscribers or to those who pay up manders in Oregon. The following that has lately taken place in the county W. M. Swartzioger, water rightoffiOO Aug. 22. I have been very busy during o<ids in our favor, it is easy to »ee that all arrearages to the (’ oi kier and one officer« were elected for the ensuing rOSHU\V& SHERIDAN, was that at Medford last evening, when in. in Mea 111 boat mining district. the past week reciving goods in rny de in the century that is being ushered in, year in advance year: MINING ATTORNI YS. J. Williams ami E Spencer. 40 acres partment as the navy transport Solace John Gore und Miss Robin Warner were the U. H. will take it« predestined place Curt B. Winn of Albany, R. E. Grand placer ground, “ Bengal Tiger ” , in Alt A Veteram vritkiim made husband ami wife. The ceremony *Fpe.ial attenliou given Io Mining is now discharging her cargo. It still at the head of the procession of nations, Commander. T i . ac kk Oreg., Hept. 25, l fit *9 took place at the residence of the bride’» house mining district. Ki<l ¡.and i«ava, and Land (’.J. Allen, quartz claim, ' Savage” continues to rain ami the weather ia and I doubt not that it will keep timi E ditor Coi HI EH I* rank A. .Moore of Salem, E. Deputy father, L. B. Warner, which was beauti very disagreeable. 1 go out to Ine dock place for all time.” I KoHKHiau. • - Daxoos. Gr. Commander. in Galice mining dialrict fully decorated with roses, nqies of A m we of the old vein claim a little many times amloyeiMee all checking for Many army officer’s wives who bave W. T. Wright of Lt Grand, Grand sinilax, etc. The bride who was attired Woodville Items. I am responsible for all shortage caused twen tiguiing on h nice little lall jaunt space in vour paper to give our views of (ieneraliasiino. i in a handsome gown of white mulle and the < ¡rand Army encampment that wan (Crowded out last week ) without some plausible reason. to the Philippines, m a government (.ratinale of Horology I’a -un I’niver- Krank E. Allen of Albany, Gr, Cap- j si'k chiff >n, was attended by her Misters, The Oregon and the Monadnock put transport, and a pleasant winter over held in Granta Past last week, we must tain General. sity. Germany. Fred Witt bought a nice team Satur- the Misses Hattie ami Beulah Warner. to sea this forenoon for Nouthern ports there, with or near their husbands, eulogize the Grand Army aw the grand L. N. Roney of Eugene. Gr. Senior | The groom’s best min was his brother, day. ent organized body or fraternity that Rumor reports a wedding in onr burg I am thankful tliat I do not have to go have ha«i their dreams rudely shattered Warden. Mr. El Gore. Rev. A. Haberly of the ever ex in ted, and the encampment aw an to sea any more. by the war department, which Relives very shorJy. Geo. II. Hill ot Portland, Gr. Junior Presbyterian church uffi dated There Gen. Wheeler is now here and we are with Gen. Otis, that Manila is not a entire vuccenn, but at the name time, we Warden. Will Rufi-y is soon to return to his were about fifty guests present and after all exacting much from him as lie is a desirable resort for American officer** must offer a few criticisms. I). U. Agier of Ashland, Gr. Prelate. the marriage a sumptuous collation was home in the east. We came in on the cam in the morn* brave soldier »nd a com |»e tent general ....PRACTICAL B. G. Whitehouse of Portland, Gr. Mr. Jones our genial merchant wan in 1 received the letter of introduction wiv«*s an long a« the rebel lion is going ing. and were met al the depot by a good nerved.—Tidings on, and is consetpiently refusing all Treasurer, WATCHMAKER. the metropolis Sunday. many of lite old boys. We asked where from Joe Simon to Olin, am! am very applications for transportation for the Ja«. F. Robinson of Eugene, Gr. Re The hop pickers are mostly back from thankful for the same. wives of officers who are now in the the reunion wan to be field. The annwer corder. Pre es Moderate ; lull FK0SFEQT2KJ ATTENTION------ -.x wan, “ at the bicycle ground«. ” “ Well ” the yards with the tan of health on tne*r The weather still continues bad, rain Philippines. Ho numerous have these Finley C. Perrine of Salem, Gr. Stand Guarantee Given. the grater part ol the lime But I am applications become that Kecretary Root eaid we, “when the commander« of thin ard Bearer. One Assay Fret With Each Subrcription to the Courier. Send in 25 tor faces . They report a good time. reunion are ready for us old veterans, School l»egan Monday with a good adapted to rain ami get along the nicest lias had a circular letter |>olitely refii» E. V. Carter of Ashland, Gr. Sword one year's subscription to the C oi rier , mentioning this offer and ing them ami giving reaaons for the re they will sound or beat the long roll.” Bearer. you will receive, in addition to the paper, a ticket entitling you attendance with Maud Merritt as prin in the world C harlton B. P erkin *. cipal, and Lula Newton aw assistant. Frank J. Miller of Albany, Gr. fusal, prepared, which is mailed in We «ailed until we got tired of talking to one Gold or Copper assay. Old subscribers can secure a They are both experienced teachers, and Tbc Scissors. answer to every application received with our comrade« cd the old war time«, Warden. and the inner man wa« making a special ticket by paying all arrears and one year in advance. we expect good results. The Prenci» motto, “Liberty, equality, Gustaf Wil.on ol Portland, Gr. Senti* Mr. T. J. Shaffer, President of tlie demand on our attention. So tome ol n*l. If You want a Ticket Mention this Offer. Our section boss stepped off the rack of and fraternity,” ap|»earn ead’y out of Amalgamated Association of Iron and ROQUE RIVER COURIER single blessedne«* one «lay last week, itine in the light of Hie recent action of Steel Workers of the U. 8., was an th« Grant* Pa«s official« said; “If you Soin« Peaches. • i iteresting witness before the industrial old soldier« want a good dinner, go to taking Mrs. Van Order as his helpmate. high army otli er« —Albany Herald the parade ground*, there yon can get a John Patrick was exhibiting a peach — OP — They are nice p • >p!«« an I the Woodville Commission. He is about the only man The dispatcher announce that peace conneetod with organized lalxir who has fine dinner.” So we went. We found lirnb last week which was a wonder in people wish them a long life ami plenty SOUTHERN OREGON. of bappinee* The young people gave reigns in San Salvador. An era of seri had a good word to say for trusts. He little families in different group« eating its line. There were 40 peach•• on a Bartlett's old Stand, them a cbivaree, to which they heartily ous must have settled upon •«aid «ben asked his opinion ol the effect their dinner*. We asked where the half inch limb, and all but about half a $50,000, Capital Stock, the people of I lie little republic—Call. of trust* upon organized labor; “You quartermaster’« tent wa*. One lady said dozen or eo uf them were bunched to responded. “I have lot* of good coffee, but if you gether like grapes at th« forks of the e L'| hi « ìu * lo <h«k or *>t .Samar n one of the Philippine» which will excuse me if I aay that I have so want anything cine, you munt go Io limb, within a »pace of less than a cubic much rwpact for such combinations Wtm de payable on densand. <-en<ia frequent request« for American Peterson's tent, there you can get any foot. Th«y were all fine, large and FLOUR ANU FEED. I 8e“* - /ht <l.’.*fts <«n New ï .'k. >.tn 1 r.ui protêt lion ami m • ag»-r to ace the Unit* that I do not even call them trusts. In thing you want”. We went to Peter handsome |>eachee, and the bunch ciac-. and Puf lami. ecl Staten fl a g run up In du« tinte all my dealing« with combinations in the son’« tent We found the tent all right weighed about 20 pounds. They grew ^®elt‘C ■ r the islands * ill b« looked after and iron and steel business, everything h«- but Petemon mh nit there. We asked on one of »Mr. Patrick's trees, but he did beeii most satisfactory . D (tiwse syn Iflp ( '. • . >l.i' peac e and prosoerity an»ured .—Staten* where the quartermaster wa , and they not know the name of the variety. dicat«« are kept under proper control 8| man. <eu* r ■ - - of ¡r < . I '■ ride !!■'•_- . > ' ’ ' ( Eight indie« of riin in the Philippine« tn, and on ail acctwiible [oints. in twenty four hours make« the Wil lamette valley a dry country in com D. F R Y, Preddent. J B. PADDOCK, Propr parison There ate very few months in T.TUFFS, Vice President. Having p*irrha«»-*l the Maible S'ock ami BusineMs heretofore owned and con a) ear when w« have eight incites of R. A. B îxvth . Cashier ducted by Will JacKBon, I am no# in position to furnish anything in the line of ram. And jet occasionally we hear Cemetery work either it; MARBLE r GRANITE I have had over a quarter O1 -ome one growl at the amount of rain ►0-0-0 ^OXX^OOOOOOOOOOOO •'O a century of expenenct- in th * Marbie and Granite Borines« and can fill yonr or fall here.—Albany Democrat. ders promptly and give you the best o* workmanship. Will make a specialty of construction work from your own design*. The editor* who were taken up on Skinner’« butt»-, no doubt feel like Moten J. B. PADDOCK. did when I»« *ai shown the promised land which lie should never inhabit. l A cts gently on the We are a* sorry aw they that condition« One (,rt al Standard Authority, î ne<emiarily prevent their sharing with I» J lire wer. X •in the green pa«tun •« beaide running HI Milliard • aterw «here our cup runneth over. Eugene Register. r local ibappcntnoe Fall Underwear and : Boots Welch’s Clothing Store, New Goods this Week At Old Prices tj J ■ Joseph Kessler, j ■ FIRST NATIONAL B A j STK A. IT. RUSS, Staple and Fancy Groceries,Provisions Grants Pass Marble and Granite Works CAMERAS AVebster’s international g Dictionary Magazine and Folding Grants Pass à lucent City K -STAGE LINE- Carries S. Mails, Pas-cngers and Stage Express. Stages mn both ways daily Ir.tween Grants Pas«, Oregon, and Crescent City. Cal., passing through the following interior point»: Wi’der- ville. Love's, Anderson, Kerby. Waldo, Sheiiy Creek, Patrick's Creek. Gasquets. TIME TABLE. WESTBOUND Leave Grants P Arrive at W »Ido Leave Arrive EASTBOUND 6 a. m Leave Crescent City Arrive at Waldo........ 8p. m. Ixrave Waldo................ 30 a. m. ve at Grants Pass 4 jop- tn. is ¡»eantiful. A de- scent City. Excursion J C HARPER, Grants Pass, Or., Manager idneys , L iver and B owels C tAN5t5 the S ystem EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES h*BlTUAL ,TSBtNEFmE^CTS bvt T»t 4E xm ’» i - m »« r o ax QLihlMAfiGSMAP^- * A». *• re« mu S»u. <-** • e Kt narru. The Finest Line of Cameras EverShown in the City Mumpter, th« second largest town in Baker county, and already a rival of Ba ker City, has “an even dozen” of taloom*, one «burch edifice, with no rewdent pas RanuinK in Price from $5 to $15, tor, sr»d is other« lae known to fame. The Sumpter .Miner pointedly savs, there This Stock Constate of ‘'Premoa”. “Pocoa” "Alta Automatic”, "Virea”, "Veaa”, and "Cyclones” ia almost at rich and virgin a field there These Cameras are all up to date and first cla«s instruments. If yott tre thinking of buying a Camera do for the la bora of those who geek to lay <ip treasures in heaven alloy ttio.e who not delay, but call while the line is complete A good stock of Albums, Card Mounts, Glass Plates, Developing Outfits, Rex, Lithium, Aristo PU are huaUing to accumulate thia worlds goods.—Eaat Oregonian tino, Dekko and Velox Pap era. Etc., Etc. Aluminum C*M Heap* (^rdi Clean, 1u0 cards neatly printed with name and address, with your name engraved <m aluminum cover for >1 25. Leave order» at ilaCoc on offke A. I 4 V« Voorhies.