ROGUE RIVER COURIER, ri’BUBHKO xvaav i ' hvbsdày , niuel get rid ol the idea that one wrong can be righted by another, and that they must stand together for evd as well | ^OVAL& BICYCLE ECONOnY aagcod, and that if some ignorant or stupid member of their company resorts KIHTUBM ANP FMOFM1XTURH. to crime, that they must all become ac­ ’Jb’ bate « or Mi'BM. MirrioM: complices lor his protection, ami that 11 26 On« Year, in rd vane«, they muat allow ignorant foreigners to! bsolutely pure .66 Hix Month», • outline their principles for them. Why .36 Tbr«« Month». • Makes the food more delicious and wholesome when a band of wild Folack* strike and .06 bingle Copies, . • - riot through sheer force of habit, the 1 ciF1”- .. • u Copy application Advertising rates on Lr ‘i_ lithe people of Grant. 1 I m ? handed in iiefure labor organisation gravelv proceed to for change or* ad "must I* oaa acd operate tbeir o«u lipbt and Tuesday noon, otherwise setting of the champion their cause In these thing,- The Sun Dance matter will t* charged for at I »e rate of 5c water bovine.», they will have ali 0PP°r lie their great weakness. The longer per running inch, single column. Altera­ The San Dam e I jde ia «iluated about tunity to expre.» tbeuiveliee next tions and addition» locopy will be charged they proceed on this line, the further w for at the rate of 10c per running in« h. »in­ three miles from tM Faes on Jon«$s Coininunicatcî». Monday. If the election decide, in f.vor they will be from a final just settlement gle column. creek and in the immediate vicinity of ol the bond., the detail, can be arranged of their wrongs Entere«! at the post office at Grant« i’ass, the famous Dry Digging«. (later and the people can reM aseured A FVw Question». Oregon, as secoml-class mail matter. This min- is own«! and oi«erated by At the last council meeting, a resolu­ ■ that th«.r deeire. in the mausr wil* To THZ Eottoa or THZ R ihai a RivrK tion was passed that a special election Meade Bros. The ore is racked and j fully carried out by the council, every T hursday , A ugust io , ¡399. Col Kt XU I mj held on Monday, August 15th, to de­ hauled about 18 miles to a quartz nnll. i member of which i. working for the ■at: I beg the privilege of using a It i« «aid that Gomez will asset Jim­ cide the question of boadiog tbe city to Even by this «low and disadvantageous portion of your valuable hpace to aelt a beet interevt. ol the city. inez to overthrow the present I >omini- an extent not exceeding $5-1,000, for the process the mine gives goal returnsand few pertinent questions regarding the WV W W V -w -ST W- jkv Mow i This? can government. But who will as-i«t purpose of .constructing a water, light large profit. coining vote to bond the city for the pur­ baa owned and con- A tunnel been and sewer system to be driven on this We offer $100 reward for any case ol Jiminez to overthrow Gomez? pose ol constructing a water and light trolled by th« city. We think it unfurt- ledge about 150 feet in • length At Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’« system. The matter appears to be nut One of the excursion editors after unate that tbe time is so short, as the present they are sinking down on the Catarrh Cure. crossing the rii.kiyou. and following the question is so important and «u many vein on a point further up the hill at a very thoroughly understood by Ihe citi­ F. J. CiumiY A Co., Toledo, O. Bicy cle Sundries of all kinds. winding course of Rogue river sees *ided, that it ia well nigh impos*ible tor point where the course of the ledge is zens and undoubtedly many like myself We,the undereignettle. C. N H athaway . have charge of the cavalry, and Wheeler source do they derive tl.eir infotmation tion, if any, is to be made of the present and slightly taller when he wakes, li I hoys went on a hunting ex|»ediiion. 15 1’1 1« A will tie with him. As they are dashing as to the cost of construction of such a Sold by all Druggists. deer remain««! in the country to bid , August 1, 18IK). •ystem? What kind of a system would the major could stand erect, he would . 3 in i|t.« of ty plant? have they negotiated lor the sale Hall’s Family Pi'l« are the best tighter., and as the United States is en­ we get for $50,000 and who will handle be about three feet high, but his leg* tfieni welcome, oi which number four A Fire in Jacksonville. isling a large number ot horses into its of the bonds? ami particularly where cell.nt «at«. uru,. 1 the cash? What part of the subse­ are not strong enough to support the Leland Siftings. kindiy consented to accompany the bov» I About one o'c'oek Sunday morning service, the natural supposition is that will the tax payer come in? .1« a busi quent proceedings will be disposed oi by weight of his body. The major ia sym­ borne in the shape of venison. An obi | Marshal Murphy sounded an alarm of $14- '• A r<-«i . __ All quiet at Inland. they are making eatenive preparations tiers man 1 would like some information •’’“lies east of the council, and bow much will be left metrical in form, for the length and the *h«-bear and her little cub »Iso remained lire, and in a very few minutes nearly ou these matters n<< /ranitv, djutr.,1 !>.. to run Aguinaldo down and catch him, We are having warm weather, Tbe ! for the people to decide? Will the fa< t breadth and the height of him are equal, to do them honor, and after a friendly • all of our papulation was on the scene. AJ ¡in- t . thus ending the war. There is a cry we must have revenue; thermometer ranges from 80 to 03 in the of our having a sewer system and better lie i« modeled after nature's most per­ interview, thev departed, the boy» go. It proved to be T. J. Kenney ’ s barn on can any one name in the Umted States shade. 1 A,'KE red land, , I ing in one direction and the bear and It street, between 3d and 4 th, that was a- lalli an.i |ds.ter Igu ,' £SSi Root, the new war aecrelary, ia being water and light service increa»e the val­ fect figure, toe sphere. The head sits a city which derives a revenue from Some of our people have gon«» to the watched with annoua and critical eye. ue and earning power of city property so atop, al about latitude 80. Neck he has their w ater system, over and above in­ cub in another We presume the bear ablaze. The fianiee soon communicated mrostly apples, trims.go.,.I we||, erernh. monntains to prospect and recuperate. will kindly ienuin in the country until The iadications^re that he will creep nat the increased taxation will be felt none. His arm« ami legs are long and terest on investment, operating expenses with Mrs E Kenney’s residence and the around the place, Ju.twzij* | R. L. Coe and family have been here tbe boys return with guns of larger cal­ before he run«. That he ia going to little more or as much as al present? thin ami atari away from him in various and amount charged tor deterioration? building formerly used as a warehouse know bi. bu.inev. first before he indul­ Will the town keep on increasing with­ directions giving him a spidery air. He No. Cities do not run water plants for for awhile. They enjoy the bracing air iber. 1-; °f ,be '*•* re-' ” - •’♦‘I hy White 5c Jacobs and hay scales ad- O*. Y thecny.two >tory,Bn3 ge« In any raah move«. Ilia actiuna ao out this measure, and what »th*' t doe» has the fare peculiar to most hunch- I profit, it is in a great many instances and the coj I spring water. A full house greeted Presiding Elder j lining, as also the Boschey b.irn. which t.uilt house a rooius. bet-. The p-ople generally are enj tying Summerville at the Althou>e church far are aeeniingly thoee of a «olid, aenei- tbe death rale have on the real estate ba ks and deformed people, but wears a necessity, and often proves an ex|»*n- were consumed in due time The (ire well ami m, -ssary ouibiu,.'.?''* land, at a good elerau.,, H ble man, and one who will know hie market? Will the debt ever be paid and on it a most pleasant and jovial expres­ sive one .o the taxpayer, but this city good heal III. Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Baptism department did first class work and pre­ of of the town. Owing t. " “ 1 duty and do it. Let him Ire never eo who will pay it? Will the system pay sion. He seems to consider himself as a may prove a beautiful exception and The miit-rs are taking a rest until cool was there administered to Ihe infant eon vented any further damage. None of to another state, owner capable and honeat, it ia a foregone con­ for itself? Is there any other or I m *!ter joke. the manner in which our city fathers weather, when they will begin work pre­ of Mr. aid Mr». «Alexander While the owners of the property destroyed cost. Enquire of us. Tiie major is well educated and seem« clusion that he will be misunderstoorl, way of raising ready money than by have started in, it is almost sure io be. paring f >r ihe winter« run. Preaching followed. The text was taken were at home at the time. Mrs. Kennev I-x A< H-* of red land frS to be a man of intelligence. He claims and aubjected to much barah and unjust bonding? Does the proposed system To sum the matter up, their method cf from the 12lh chapter of Exodus, the lost all her houseliould effects, as it was posure, iivea<-rp,.L * Harvesting i« now in progress. There criticism, and thereby hampered in hie come as near meeting the wishes of the to lie the smallest member of bis family. bringing this before the people shows is a fair crop of grain in this vicinity. 7th, 22nd anosi men as brutes, made brutes of them. R 11 MeCroskey asMocdation there. McClure’, Magazine for August! Mr« M A Wood ient, in the Eugene City High School. lion in which Ihe city ia placed in case Salter Brooks, David John, J. M. John The slave ayBlem was a money making John Hackett Scott Griffin On Every Bottle For catalogue« and further informa­ tree» are in good w»nng, McClure's magazine for August is a of Are; There is always a proper way and other« spent several days in the bills atrair and for that reason was excused J Kutacbeli. John G Hchallhorn A J l*i ke Of .Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this number to allure one out I of any degree tion, address the President or Hon. J. J. cily. ami if the city fathers had been equal to last week. and sanctioned and allowed to grow to I-red W S< hallhorn E A Wade guarantee : “All we a»k of ; ou is to use .1 <) Booth Ilin occasion, they would certainly have Mrs. D. John and daughter, Miss tier- of midsummer in.lillerer.i ce. It has an WaltOL, Sec., Eugene, Oregon. enormous proportions, ft seemed prof­ J R Hale ami up a ill buy tine - ? two-thirds of the contents of this bottle W F Horn employe.! a competent man to investi­ irudti of this place, returned home Fri- illustrated article on '* The I ape to Cairo itable. But it was tremendously expen­ I. I. Jewell with o. the city. We :.a-. | F R Coron taithfully, then if you can pay you are II C Kinney you have ihe monty. tornea« gate the matter. Submit a plan with day after a week's visit in and about Railwav”, by W. T. Stead, and Miss sive at the last and the end ia not yet. F L Coron It Thomas talk the matter over. not benefited return the bottle to your st m M ons . Tarbell contributes a 1 new account of .cost, then we taxpayer» would lie in a Jacksonville. In thia is a lesson for men and nations E E Redfield IS1ENKIEW1TZ. C E Harmon Druggist and he may refund the price Lincoln's assassination and dealli. But IIC Bobzein position to vote intelligently on the mat­ In the Circuit Court of the »State of acres in north pan oi citj d C A Mtanard To Cleanse the System paid ” Price 2ft ct«,, <50 cts. and $L.— W J Pardee house of 7 rooiii*; iiU * the number is especially a "Midsummer Oregon for the County of Josephine. Htrikes have lately been quite the Harbstt Smith ter. Imagining an individual request- F. Kremer. y finish; good well with pump34 J E Day J S Leonard Effectually yet gently, when costive or Fiction Number;'' and its most particu­ IV ilhain F. Hathaway, order of the .day. Most of them are I ing a capitalist to iuvest with his plan in | about L' acres in a general vintf 1 Action II Thornton R I, Coe A Co bilious, to peiiuanently overcome habit­ lar excellence lies in its snort stories. i such a ciude form. wearing themselves out, and will soon I. 1, Jenningr one-half of winch is winter ipp® 1 Plaintiff, to John \ Willi me Crop I’roHpevi». sold on easy terms. ual constipation, to awaken the kidneys vs. There is a humorous story of Irish life; Thus N illiains dissolve bs in some way temporarily settled, and W E Dean llien again, tins cry of revenue, now The United States Crop Bulletin for Rebecca J. Hathaway, tnariiage A K Runs the order of business move on again ill W F Kremer the present water company lus a bonded and liver to a healthy activity, w ithont a thrilling true story of the United Defendant. Oregon says that this year's grain crop J no B Paddock contract. the old way for a little while, and then L Scoop indebtedness of »12 50J they run by irritating or weakening them, to dispel States Secret ceryiee; a pathetic and To Rebecca J. Hathaway, J A Jennings J K 1'ignsy is generally lirat-class, and that the ---..... Defendant: headache«, cold«, or fevers, use Syrup of tender love story; a kindly, human there will be more atrikee. T he ti nal W Alfred water and appear to manage things G W Colvig in the name of the State of Oregon: yield is fully up to the average. The James Holman nelllomeut of this striking business will W 11 Freed economically, much more eo than the Figs, made by the California Fig Syrnp story of the circus cloan of early days; i on are hereby required to appear and fail sown wheat is turning out as many Abv Axtell and a breezy, amusing racing story answer the complaint tiled against you be as lar away as ever. The tame con­ M T Utley cily can possible do, still we cannot ree M I'Galvin bushel« per acre as are usually obtained U H i They one and all have readv interest, in th- above entitled Court ami Cause dition*, the same causea, tlie same in­ W S Barrie any signs of extreme opulence in their Lints From Leland. T Y I »van J I. Fryer » -ix week" from Thursday, August lays well sheltered, and is wti and these vary from 23 to ¿0, dependent centives will remain, They will con- F A llallock and at the same tune ther have sub­ appeaiance. Moreover, in the nature of Aug FvtMch ' I' . l''t!t, the date of the first pub- .Mrs Jess Osborne is on the sick list. on locality and system of farming. Oats fruit raising. |< McCarthy tlnue as long as men fail I stance and significance. to rvalue that S A Greene things they will retain a portion of their ■ »lion of this summons, and if you fail are turning out fully as well as wheat. R. L. Coe made our burg a flying visit J A Hehkopf they have other than I busines» relation« John Taylor ■ I ■ aiqa-ar and a iewer PM1(j complaint, patrons, but granted that the city gets (leorge S Calhoun Ihe hay crop was heavier and of bet­ the middle of last week. Hien lor «ant thereof the plaintiff will wills one another; as long as they con­ V Colvig the lion's share the matter stands »60,(M)0 J P iialeener ter quality than usual The second and •’I i i t u.e < onrt for the relief preyed Good house and out buikiup- It is rumored that we are to have a i ---------------- --- sider "legal" and "right" as eynony to »12,500, exactly 4 to I ; the operating tintilTs complaint on tile in ready in protitable fruit third crops of ahalia and second crop of mona terms. The eliminating of human­ I rom Six Mik ex|M-iisee will undoubtedly lie 2 to 1 in wedding in our midst soon. ’ai'i (.onrt and Cause, towit: For a de- trees and choi< e varieties oi gf* clover are yet to be cut. ity from biismeM ie a serious affair, and ‘ rce to abs Itely dissolve the marriage favor of the present company, every- | The swimming hole up the creek A. W. Silaby came in Friday from the The hop crop is in first-« lass condition. Il HI p x a.s>, I,, m-resiinprv^ ■ u’ract heretofore existing between th. luv thing being equal, and if the city has to I M’em« to 1» *n great demand just now. the result is destructive. Strikes are ditch on Six-Mile creek wnere h« i» The Imps are now in full bloom Many plaintiff and defendant. general variety ui fruit, not common where men are treated as superintending the rock work., lie re­ use steam it will lie much more. Besides, Deer seem to be rather plentiful this Th:- summons is published by order barn, eorncrib, wiMMbtose»®’1111 hopgrowers estimate their crop at from men ami not as msebinea. it is easy to port« the work as progressing rapidly do we consider wiiat enormous propor­ j year. We hear of one being killed every­ J is nibbed of its terrors by • “1, *? Judge Ai'o • «pifug • arftoMk 1000 to 2000 pounds per acre. oak, fir and pine for fire-wwt ’ condemn strikes but it ie not eo easy to and Aatklaclorily. The ditch i« lo lie " llr, > nia.le in chambers at Fea« lies aie ripening radidly. 1 he plum tions our indebtedness will then have day or to. a the fací that th- — J J fact the best med­ . a, nsonul.e, Jackson county, On., on very cheap. name any oilier effective weapon with nboul four mile« long and is quite large, A deal was eonsumni ited Saturday by ami prune crops are making progress assumed'' Present city indebtedness, ical authorities state that it e Hu .today uf August, A. D., 1899. which the laboring class can defend being (our feet wide on the bottom ami »23,0)01 school, »16,000 plus this »50,000 which C. B. Burnett sold out Ins entire and the fruit promises to be of good qual­ Aug A xth . i ., iteell against capitalistic greed. For it three feet deep. It will carry a volatile 0 ami as one of ti.e council remarked, "If business to I-ew Browning. is a curable disease; and i Attorney lor 1'la ntiff Two story, ten-room b”«*- 81 ity. Reports indicate that the apple ie foolish to deny that capital is in bust- ol waler «ufficienl to «luice a gseible per- cubic yard» ei gravel every day while is in fruit bearing, consiitwC* ing in all very cluee to »lOO.oOO, exceed­ Protect for Damage«, I visit Friday, going up in the morning eties ot apple*, pears«, prtd»- about it is, that its victims rentage ol profit there is in it. Not all the mine It operated. Tbh mine ie ing the wh in county indebtedneM, ! and returning on the evening train. I’Ore , Aniriist 7th, 1R90. prunes, quinco. etc. Also a a* corporation* are soulless, not all rich l«x*aled on a high channel and ha« the under which we groan, by about »25,l»>. rarely ever lose hope. , vnn. Oi'tober 17th. ot smaiJ fruits. A deep wt‘‘ è 1Z, George B. Archer took Saturday '« waler. This is one ol IM BD<~ men dishonest, far from it. But it can advantage of an everlasting dump. Should we not consider this well; sup­ . ,,,, i" '/■ 51 1 I'*»’ ' bar.-i- t* i best locations in town. '-*ven lL You know there ?re all sorts ol not be denied that in a majority of cases Under |>ro|»er management it ought to pose it prove a losing investment, then train for Grants Paes to meet his family, the kit i ’ "! i '7" " ,K ’ n '* “ ■ in fields and ruggud secret nostrums advertised to cure • the capitalists will make the rights of develop into one of th«» l»ei*t paving proj • sale on account of poor w*1 again 1 would ask where would the tax­ who have been visiting in Californ ia ti e e consumption. Some make absurd ,., , " » two cent stamp on heir employee second to the considera­ oaitiona in the country. payer coms in. The answer would be, paet year. daims, he only sav that if taken 0 tions ot their own profit, The laborer is M 'I . , 1 ' er’ , JEM "*»( i Tom Hamilton, one of the Southern 0 4,1 1 •9 .1 \|r "a certain class rush in where angels Mr. Silaby han about 3 > men under ■ tn time and the laws of health are no better in intent but he lacks the (ear to tread." Now, the city baa as g.iod Pacific bridge men, had the misfortune hi« Rupervmion, and there are from 20 Paaa wood-shed, barn, ben ij<>u*,wB| properly observed, |s>wor. The encroachment. of capital sarjr out-budding A class of met. on the council as we can to let a rail fall on his foot injuring it to 30 men in another crew A »aw mill fenced* with divi.-ion ,eD^• are generally gradual, each successive expect, ami we anticipated better results seriously one day last week. I is living put in, Mr. W R. l>. Allen of stuck or ben yard step causing little comment. labor thia place having charge of the opera- from some of them, yet, has the chief clo.’ing iiou-- 1 ‘ A dance was given in tbe new build ng seeks to advance its position by a sudden I I tion. This property i« the one formerly wily pump; well °r t» executive proved a shining light in flnan- being erected by C. B. Burnett last Sat­ This property is stroke. Neither, it it has the power,will cial affaire? When Portland extended I urday, in which a numtier ofourd.i its cost, on ai’cuiinl ot ,,re * i owned by Booth, Burns ami Mangum, Will heal the inflammation of the stop short ot forcing Ihe other into a . lly, who desire go arge amount on the Bull Run water 1 mg population took part an I seemed lo ' ami purchawd by the Ol«i Channel Ir ( Iiir.1(-k Ixation sheet the throat and lungs and nourish and ruinous position, ruinous for both. This ' e, w tial class of men did they en enjoy the«n»elve«. t Hydraulic Mining Co, of which C. B .«il^OO 0,ir ' "‘.'¿I' ■ 4 'l n'\ r"PMn|’*IT“‘.rv, 21''' «PlOW condition of affairs is tlie direct result of | strengthen the body so that it can vear , , ,, ¡ruit trust with Ihe eapendilnre? They chose Beardaley i« manager. Mr and Mrs Ru.herford of Bolivia, F the day that a « in? man *’ throw off the disease. men above reproach, men of known in-! has for year* been l'ro*e stay «. me time in this vhiuity. Mrs There is a g«*»d house '/z grove injustice. The remedy for these I Several of the Oregon » I her Invyt • goutth hi* *nccr«« Whm a '■ ung montais where people c | Jim thg. applies to a t«u*tnc** man for a v-^’tion with u .. k, 1'“ ,l*»o*e in connection school or churtfi ,¿1 conditions is an instilment ol humanity * wcie |-at m *liger« on b riday evening’» ov vr pt-r«ottal apiKarance lia« a deal lo (ore deciding thi« importMl q*iH«iit>n. our genial pa -ker. • »ill I'lease pay 10U1160 feet, (corner lut.1 »J into business p.inciplea. But what land. They were the center of an ad­ the outcome. ” Prreonal ap|>CArane Is., I..Z r,'a,l‘ each for would maae a l»eauUiui biw • A T ax P ayer nevt niran »ire«* alone It does m The ¡.eland hotel \ Buggs’ old stat: eeeuiH aaddeet in this sad business, end miring ciowd, and had many interesting extertor ckanliiH-*» alutte. A von... ...— eata must sc presents a busy appearance these days Th« Important Topn. moot calculated to bring tears to the thing» lo tell. They have little love, but may hr clean, *u far a* *»»ap and walvr will ’ff-r- ■ h ,IIr. atem^p0®1-* °" or tnakr him, but be disfigure«! by unsightly I • > as it la uudergoing a tie.rough uoura at Granta Paas, Ore. eyes of those Who have at heait the in- a great «*<>ntempt for the Filipino. They pimple* eruption* and ulceration* on the I • t F i » it «> h Cot rikr At the la-i mating It will be newly fur- Faisx WnaoM. terest ot tlie workingmen, is their own aav the Filipino« will not tdand lire. shin. Th«-*-»' are due to impurities in the of the city council a rc'><>lutHin whm and peiwring bitt'd The * ' «! !>«"(■• •me* imj ’ -lieln-d throughout and will be rea f> tor thick-beaded stupidity in resorting to $1IMIO' I h It It they Would thvv would “pull I u i* improperly nouri*hv«i In*t< a ‘. of unanimously adapted aathorizing a violence and destructive measures. down a good many of ua”, bat the firal receiving the life gn tng element* of the *P« h ial c'tetion to be held on M< nday, buftltws* in aiKMit a week G cmm I variety of fruit. « --------------------------- W--------- J purposes. This p'a«v 15 • .. While the seutlinent ot the great major­ •hot or two 1« enough (or tht*m. They fixMl, it receives the f»>ul emanations uf August 14’ti, at which time a proposi­ indtgeation, bdousne«* and «'»»«tivene**. want to see it betöre it fliegen«)« Blatter trom Wildertillt by ity may tie strongly in favor ot law and «ratter like quail« I'hrv have a re­ The reason that Dr Pu ree’s (.'.olden tion to bond the city for not more than Nimihi. order, yet a tew deeds ot viidenre by markable vai iely ot g iu » and weapon«. Medical Discovery is the b< *t remedy for $d,0vk>r the «<>nstru«'tion of a water, disorder* of thi* description i* that it goes ignorant and miegmded members ol 'lanul,, O Il* what they »ay is true, their gun» nutiie of our beet citizens ami them to the diegust of law abiding peo- to film. Tbia i» floteworlhy in «bowing Aa*t«a Mant*rx Faq «4 «nltdk» Hna'ingU n taxpAM-rs are largely interea‘ed in G. I* M^. \5 . H. H. Taykir is rapidly im­ Rubber. Le " ACQUA PELLE.- Co, >'« ! tried three (tartor* b*rt t no re- compounded belt- pie? Let them purge their ranks of one of the most grievous effect« of war, lief I thought it wnsiht «ri me wild it tu hrd A I. A I C,.» and their interest can prot log bh» i» able to be ap aod of Hammjc ■»thing. K * and A full assortment hurwed ha«Uv rhe Might*««* th«*kA e,M,r I’oidea MtUu-kl IMacxwvtjr «ml am »VW well. ceml in what they undertake They 1 experience it J afford to du hie the bu«ir.eeaoi supply- U N'Wlh Front Street. Rr« I» L Summerville and Rev.J. PRICE .V VOORHIES, A FI ing szt«r »nil li»bt We inn.« h«’ * that to mor. tbas wflF.».'.'«1“« ¡or >1 »1.1 t- • di.sM«'»« isv***»'««»- 1 On tbe other hand, insuv of our iiuzeii. »re loud in llieir denunviztw«» *«'14«“' idemn.t.00 »f )h. f«"*“1 * the city council » tor bss I frained iiom expression either »*?• “* mg th»t tin. to purely »«- ■•“•« andean be disposed ot ou bu.inev. prin- 4 4 < [he muoev vou pay for a new wheel is some­ times only part of the price. The bicycle­ mender gets the rest. If you buy............ ì THE CRE5CENT Fili 4 4 4 4 4 4 Tn Io th rf O' nr u * I t I -1 a a r t t < to begin with you need have only a bowing acquaintance with the wheel-tinker «T TNtno jMr. fl. H00b University of Oregon. $800 S2(M)O .»r- : Consomption \ S2( X H I » : SCOTT'S EMULSION i : Willamette Tent & Awning Co. Tents 1