SEEDS FROM JAPAN BRIGADIER’S ISLAND CLAMS. Wa«hmgl<>n Letter. HOUSES FOR MEXICO. From-our regular correspondent J Bird» are »old to ««o*k wbetbwr they are to «upport >b«r- not without interest, the unfertile a»:O emus « »nd shows; ' mau or Payne, «n't a» i’ayn« bM gu’ie I euriocitieo ••'« *• in a p!ea»*'ire trip to Alaska, be proba­ bring $1 f^stbrr« ar« made into t> I kj *. »inch rjOfe bly cunoipain will be better off without the lit­ mend in po>> in*, of value •re.l in th, f»rm »0 lb» But th« inis tle islanda. We didn't want tboee hr ■mi.i,t» m thr bird» and land«, or we eboul-1 Lave gotten them aveiagH visitor ; whether battling in along with the Philippine« ii»iv gov­ their strange ii ? j iuntilv around the ernment has no interrat whatever in the < «»Id W eather ab*<*Dt (lie great P* • rt of tliia mouth, Country. «.f 4** I. ruar,. the United States. j'Mt alU-r lhe cabinet decided i»«»C to call f.»r yuiuuieer» k-r the Fbllippinea. The famous breed of fat clams which There wer« two rrai isona for thia de- ••«*- ’ dwell in the samly flats on the eu-t and There line Heee Quite a < han«»- : ( i-ion. The first, anil most important, tb« Thl» Item of Tirade Ikttwten the ■ south shore*, of Brigadier's island, was xvas that it xvould btr exceedingly dan- Twa CeuetrlrawOther E»- nearly exterminated by anchor i.*r dur- ¿eruufi to lhe health ol the men to »end | Ing the cold snap In February. When , portatluna. f raw volunteers to the • elands until the J. Montgomery Star*, of Boston, the ( p*of. 8. A. Knapp, the special com- owner of the island, wua informed < f Tt used to I m * said that larg^e number* rainy K*a«on is over, which will net be Tinssionrr of Secretary Wilson to the the fact he engaged an expert in ••lam of rattle were reared in Mexico for thr until Keptember 1«', and General Otis orient to investigate the availability of I culture an«l sent him to the ¡Hand with ! United States, and 15 years ago in ’voulJmake no g’Mxl use of tb«*m during eastern plants and seeds for common I orderw to restock th** Hats at any price. northern Mexico alone, on an are; I that «eason, if they were there. The use in thia country and secure apt ri­ Brigadier island has been owned by .0,000 square miles, there were 1.1 me na of those that are valuable, has I the Sears family since 1742. when Da- I Di > cattle, 2.500,000 goats, 1.000.000 Olhei reason was a report received from ' President beburman, of the Fuilippine submitted his preliminary report sum­ vid Sears received it as a reward fur horses and LOOO.OiXt sheep. In the year ming up the work. services rendered to the British col­ 1MM) there were imported into the commission, expressing the opinion (hat Tlicre are a number of ws-da anti onies prior to the great war which I United States, many of them from Mex­ ¡' the Filipinos would surrender bclure lhe plants selected for experiment with a I drove France from th«* new world, ico. .'M.24K horses, on which there was a i Io«« of the rainy season, making an view to common usage here, and they Sears asked for the islaix'. because he I duty of $30 each mid thr aggregate I other military .-ampaign unnecessary. include peralminoUb, the eastern prod­ knew it produced the biggest a rd I value of which was nearly $2,000.000. Military men are a.must unanimous in uct* of which is a far more edible fruit * sweetest clams that couJd be found on J In the same year tin* iiurnlwr of honses ; the ¡relief that moi« volunteers will have thau ours; bamboo, Japan plums.pears, the Atlantic coast.. Every year since | exported from the United Htates, chief­ lubecAlled for belure lhe revolt is put camphor trees- and hagi. All the per­ the grant was made 50 barrels of the ly to Europe, wa» 3,501. valued at $700.- simmon and pear seedlings have I* fattest clams ihat giiA on th«- island flown. Meanwhile, regulars are lobe 000, a difference in the balance of trade ' people. «.rowtli is slower. reached here and have been distributed have lieen scut to Boston as tribute. >f $1,390,000. Since then, especially I sent to take the plat e of the returning A visit io ll»e far rui corrects man) The reason for taking the young from | to experiment stations. Almost every distinguished man who with Mexico, the balance of trade in ,' 1 volunteers, and Gen. Otis bas been giv­ the mot tier it a purely business one, as I errors that may have fiiund plme in >bt* As to the ¡M-rsinimons. Prof. Knapp I baa lived in America for the past 150 horses ha» changed radically, and now ' en authority to enlist as many natives found very few varieties sufficiently years has had a barrel of clams from the bird« immediately build another mind of ti>e ob»er\er. The uMrich doe» lhe average annual sales of American as he may see fit. nest, which they would not do if the j not thrust its head in » the sand to avoid tested to be worthy of introduction. Brigadier’s island. The records show torses in Mexico reach $100,000. In the I I Gen. Wood, lhe commander of (he A few, however, wer« secured. The that George Washington had ten bar­ fiscal year ending January 1, 1H9S, the ! Santiago district, seems to have found young were left with them to rear; »o its enemy, but bo'dly • chaiges horse or persimmon, tlx* report »hows, I k th<- rels while he was president and two instead of one brood a vesr ti e owner man, though, rsd to h * tie, a r ice, The fi at tiers ate of many kinds and ii Hie male, black and white in of our gulf Mate« and th«- tree is larg< barrels of dead clams were lying up«n tirally no ♦ xjjortation of American the f« «Male. The tine plumes are found and oriMimentJil. The bark of the pa the flats, which were haunted I v crows i be has been so successful in hi» district. horses to Franc« ). 9.5(H) to i'annda on th«* »du t male and to bring (tie beet »er mulbrrry, it is urged, will go well and m * ii bird« for days. The poultry 1 he official w ho can please every body ,ith th«- bamboo for a variety of pur­ kec|M*rs of Searsport and Stockton British North America and the Klon­ i price »1.on d be taken from the living j having business with ms ufiice baen l poses. The cry pomeria japonica in the hauled away more than l.OiX) barrels of dike. 1,900 to tin* West India islands ■ bird, those from the wing being most es- I'vcu burn yet, but United Mates C* m- and Bermuda, and 1.000 to Mexico and irincipal tree used in reforesting the clam shells and grcuml them for feed. 11.. *ury- j teemed, esprcially the valle «ountainw of Japan and it will be a The nverage output of clams from Central America. The value of the j ioissioner of Patems Duell, conics uq j colored plumes. horses sent to England was $3.000.000, near doing it, lo judge by lite lai» ol 'unble addition to the woodi* of the Brigadier'« island flats has been from The picking of tiie feather crop occur« to Germany, $1.24X).000, toother Euro- ihose who practice before tiie ¡»airm ol* them states. 1,000 to 1.200 barrels a year. Five or every few months, the occasion b* ing ¡iran countries. $770,00(k to British *ngi, or lespidigu bicular, is a new lif e. C. A. Snow Co., aMdiigiun u ix years must daps«- before th« I m * North America $««3.000, to the West not only interesting but exciting, as the gi- plant, apparently of gnat value, can ix- restockrf& in characteristic« and nutritive PLENTY OF AMMUNITION. chums in all parts oi the country — mote The trade in American horses with e. but more hardy, thrives <»n poor- nese; nece-arily so, as poor picking soil and has a more*vigorous grow I h. There «• IC iioiim I i Left A fter J>rwey’■ South America ran be said only to have than 20,000 patents hate been secured ruins feathers and Lirds. When picked, begun, amounting last year to only 21 by tills film—,say that UommisBiuner A variety of rice was brought from VI« tor y «t Manila t«> Fl a lit horses, while five times as many were Duell has so improved the wuiking lua the feathers are what are termed ripe; \iv island of Keushi, which, it is said, •Is Other Hattie«. 0 its bad taste and smell and m nt to Africa and more than ten times (iiinery ol the otiice that applications that is, they will soon be I hrow n off t»y will not In-vftk up in th«« mill, which tne moulting process, consequently there d all its ether repulsive fea­ as many to Asiatic countries. For rauAty» a loss of from 40 to 75 percent, The ordnance bureau of thr navy de lor patents receive mure intelligent con­ Xmerican horses there would appear to is little or no ¡»an» in the operation. 1 he h ' I I. ». • L states. ¡»artment has settled by recourse to tures. It is cod-liver oil, the sideration and are more promptly acted rieavy plumes are cut off, the stumps be­ T i. \’i partrn»-nt of agriculture also figures a very int< resting question con­ be an assured market in thr West In­ •up* u loan al any uuic iu their know ­ purest ard the best in the di» . sine« the resturgHrnTof ¡»«are in has received the consignment of vari­ cerning the flgbtiog U*»4.irBcy of Drw ing removed three months later. i ul.a. for di,r{,.;ff'the fiscal year ending ledge, patents being granted in irom vo'd, but made so paiata- eties <>f Rusirian grains and other ¡»rod- «■y’s ships in thr lx tile of Manila bav At this picking lime the birds are sep­ ucttA the grains being selected with the .liiM l>. foruppl\ of powder, projectiles and agricultural pursuits for the require­ ifisary depot al Manila, which will con­ tained in about two years, each bird be­ $ was discovered in 1H57, in a rave in the ments of 1hc Cuban cavalry, and some, tain a big refrigerating plant, a New fixed ammunition. looks like cream j it nour­ valley of a small strinm near Dussel­ too, were purchased forth«* nerds of tin* York company has just been awarded ing estimated to produce |30 a year in After t he engagement with thi* S|»fin­ leathers; and as each bird attains an age ishes the wasted body of dorf, on the same level with bones of Spanish cavalry, anti since thr rrstorn- ish fleet had lasted about two boiirh the contract lor ¡»tilting in the reiriger of from 50 to even 70 years, the profit ol the extinct cave bear. The workmen i ion of ¡»rare in Cuba this demand w ill ♦he baby, child or adult tin* American riii|M were xxithdrawn ating plant, its bid ui 11'37,0JO being tiie feathers aione is enormous, not to count who excavated it. not knowing its v*il have to l»c made up by iin|»ortations to a sheltered part of Manila ba,\ f r better than cream or any iie, only saved th«* larger bom s and from tht* Unitrtl States. But to Mt xico lowest submitted. the young. As the feathers are coilected th«* purpoNt* of taking account « f am According to a report made bv a com they are classified and placed in bags; other food in existence. It the cap of the skull. The frontal a« a permanent ami enlarging market i munitif>n. Dewey sent up a r (| for American horses dealer» in this j milieu appointed by the secretary of tiie-1 prominences are enormous, producing bears about the same rela­ those ot the males in one, those ol the from th«* Olympia .oking h »vx i. a great overhanging supraorbital ridge, country look chiefly, a nd by the agricul- I treasury, to examine new devices sub-I nmmunition each ship had left. Irmalvs in another, as ail. have some tion to other emulsions that entirely unlike anything ordinarily tural census of last year it wns show n milted for the use of theUnilrd State»! ► IgiMil was misumlerst uid. Tl • < i peculiar market value, and the grades cream docs to milk. If you aeen hi the skulls of toxlav, ami re­ that there are now more horses in Tex­ tains of the American rhi|»s fool Iiie saving service, the hair of tl>e rein­ are w “ 11 recognized by the trade. When minding one strikingly of the skulls as than in any other American state, have had any experience for a question as 1 o th«* nimmiil deer is as buoyant as cork, and more the total number being 1.2(10.000. Illi- ' graded and w«igbed. they go to the ex of the higher ape«. It wasdrdared by ¡»owdrr and shell they had < xpen with other so-called “just as Huxley to b«* by far the most ape like nois and Iowa follow Texas in the or- durable. The committee was so favor I pert leather dressers of Los Angeles, ban In the fighting, and each ve.-s-rl rej^ skull that had hitherto been dlacov- drr named. \. Y. Sun. ably impressed with the life-saving 'Francisco, and New York. Here they good” preparations, you ed “about 15 per cent.” Ikxxry ervd. The remaining bones of the buoy, made with reindeer hair, that it .ire tied oil strings four fert in length or will find that this is a fact. alarmed until further signaling skeleton indicated a man of unusually lit* t rn » r«l. Ini“ ordered that it be practically tested m bunches, classified thoroughly, and vrloped that “about 15 j»rr cent.” The hypophosphites that are ^»wcrful frame. \ clergyman one day x¡«iting an old on l.aks Huron. I m * cii rx|H*ns d)«J black. Alter tins they ate by Virchow, w ho pointeil out that there lady replied in the »iflirmative Soon they tone up the nervous system hours more. cus necessary to nominate thr next W AfheJ in water and s;arch , the later 1» are in it unmistakable signs of the and impart strength to the whole The ordnance officers have b««*n ex- after hn the minister was about to <]«•- rheumatic nlTection known ns thritis speaker. Thr friends of Kepreseiitative ' then removed when they are ready for • mining the d«*tnile\ to a deformity <»f the skull sim wn* preurntrd to J* ter, who bers, and that be is «ure to l>e the next live pieces to make one plume; they aie each «luring the entire period of thr liar to that shown In these re.main». with aftton- •¡»raker, and disinterested observers re­ engagement, and tiax«* mndc n « i’ll n - looked nt itn duftty I (hen steamed to allow tiie fibers tu take This statement, made by the great au­ khmriit; but the o m urniuring fill computation, which has given I the gard the claim as valid ll has been | Hieir natural position. Iiie curler now thority of one of th<* foremost ¡»atho- something about morning," stated that the administration had no h • surprising result that during thr w Jogicul anatomists of tl.» tim.. h i takes them and gives the plume the D octor wiped the book w end of her ¡»rrlfMl of lhe battle the average been sufficient to discredit the skull choice between Col. Henderson and Mr. [ graceful shape «o desired, npron. The miniM From the pt nditurr of ammunition for lk*xx M EYERS in the ryes of many anthropokvgUts. bherman, of New York, and that cither hands of the curler they pasa to th« man up. it fell op«* 11 wl squadron wna only 11.3 |w r rent, a co. ■ — Frank linker, in American Anthrop­ would be perlw tly m ' ik I*. tory to it »» I called the‘•buncher,” who combs them taele*, had been left in it. The old lady stead of 1ft per rent, fr r the first ologist» Specialists for Men suddenly ¡»«Tcriving the upecx, started ’»pt-aker. Fhls was regarded as a prac­ out and gives them the peculiar shape hours. This left Ml per rent, in up and cried: MBle«a me, there i»my tical elimination ol the other candidates, niugn en, an amount sufficient The M ¡>etu»recently given fight six other engagements of rtiual '¡•« ms which I lost it year ago.”—Golden ll was to laksn by Mi Hopkins of Illi or feather is ready lor the market and Days. to gr«»giaphieul study, it I« I n pm I »a bit* d urat ion. num, who withdrew in lavor ol Col. is placed on sale. The history of thr I he records of th«* ordnance bureau that trn out of will rend per- if twelve vvrll Henderson, ilow Mr. Payne of New Iratbrr from the hatching of the young I’-» Till ( urrd. show that at the tim«* of entering sons will rxtimate thediatanc i‘ lift w ecn York inten is taking it, cminot be pos­ ostrich to the bratiiul plume on the bat Manila Imy Drxx—x'a ships had 4(1,377 Liverpool an d San Francikcn via Cape itively said, although tie passed through of some lady is a lung and complicated Horn, to be at lea«t tjMMi mile« lor ger shells <>f nil cnl||M*r out <»f a total al­ Washington within the last 4S hours, one. lowance of 4«' m I and « \¡tended in th« than from Xew York to the qiim - j »ort ’’ I.............. the Xew Yorkers are to decide tins The commercial side of the inJtiftry is of the Golden Gate; but it •» actir Bly bat lit* shells, leaxing 34 517, or 7QI SARKFT *»T.a » , , ful MAM HGVllMO p levator Entrance. p. r cent., remaining in the mag- 190 mile« ahorter!- the two route» be* s5 N Y Sun. ing respectively lljifei and I4,H4<> niilra az rV» Y Mr long. Th«* greatest nurprite, how»1 ■ver. I» 1» ■ • ’i I .1 11 .: X. < »■ , further ^ú»v«i »<•*!» in i » io. i itti 11« tin », ili « •way from either of the two grent clt- ! A IRLE PATTERN lea, lieing 15JI miles from Ran Fran- -S X our < n < cti. 1 cisco. H hi n the Nicaragua canal U 3 scriber. Only 5u c I < opened thin southern city will be only 4.047 miles from her western sister; m New Xork will lx» «listant 4.VU» miles; •nd Liverpool, 7.694 miles,» The rron- rm omy to th«* shipping interests of Engl­ land and Vnirriva alonr would p.-vv for the cftnal twice over in n short time, K LADIES’ MAGAZINE f t to say nothing of th advantage to com- In < <> n « ( n n t ( n«»pIr . tn ere«' r of reaching markets hitkrric in- J a hri hour <»lTrn.«r to •ere si siblr E A. Fletcher, in Frank ... vwher«* near the cHy 1*e«!h r’s Pot.nlnr M »nthlt w ll gm« «tant ■ ‘pit X Y Sun •*r .. iggl — - «» . Try Allen • Foot Lssr blood remedies It matters not how ob­ Shake Into Youi Shoe« • stinate the «MB. nor what otht r tr Bl A powder to I m shaken Into the slmei* Vilen’s Foot-F.nee a powder for the fret inent or retnedi’M have failed. 8. S. 8. Al lb is season your fert feel swollen, always Hi way ip- promptly :• pt':v Prarh«*s ?**.*x • • *s and .* -id cures cure-* any in- it euren painful, 1 »woolen, ftmarting, ner ner/ouM and hot and If you have smarting feet or light s I h ^ n I <•( cor nt und bunions It's T blo«xl ui,.'**.*, know, that ther»» »ro no nil- try Allen's Fool-Es#r. It cools the fret ■ or trouble« »o obetinate nnd ditlicult to core Very few romeeiim ■atrNt nvinf rt disc »very of the age irtV and makeft walking May. Cures swol to »•uro ruch r> nl. drop «.-af»M blood diMaae« 8. 8. 8, euro«, and none can leu’« Foot-F aw* in a kt*»’ light or nm len •nd ««rating fert, blisters and r«l r r ch ll I tr,ocrtibl.'cvidenovof merit. 8 8 8 i» not merolr a tonic— it L»ew feel rnwv It is a teitaiu cure for I, «cure! lit «down to th« very «.-at ot all blood diwate«. and K»*t. at th« lour spot», Krlirven corns and bunions cal loi us an«| ho», tired aching four datiot f the very wor.t cue*, and rout» the poison from the .y.tem ltd *>, of all ¡»«in and gives real and comfort. not . like other retiutl.e«, dry up the p»‘i»on and hide it from view temporarily, it f THE M v -CALL co . Rohl by all drug Try II t<*/»i« Rold by all druggist» and ' ’ t '' ' rt 1 i.. . i n. -r»» viol, itly than ever; 8 8 8 force, ut every shoe siom By mail for 25 a hoe store« for 25 cents. Trial package trace of taint, and rida the »yatem ot it forever. stamp«. Fritti ¡»at kage free Mr» T IV I.»*»«. Montgomery, Ala., write»: 'Someyeara free. Address, Allen H. Olmsted, 1.« Allen S, ago I wa» in ~'iil»ted with pn»m by a nurro who infected Olmsied, I* Hoy, Hoy, N. Y. There was « time 1 .J' I Olli? EMiULS/ON £ « 5 J f $. S. S. GOES TO THE BOTTOM Promptly Reaches the Seat of all Blood Diseases and Cures the Worst Cases. Creas-ent Oil) and Grant« I'««« hinge Line I’anneiigt-r ICaien From (»rants Pass To Wlldrrville . To Ixrve’a. ...... .. To Amleraou............ II l‘á To Helms...................... .. 11.60 To Kerby...................... 12.00 T® Waldo .................... Hbelley creek ............ |4 50 Gasquet........................ 4M ’Ml Oreureai City ............ F* 00 Above rales subject to change without notice Round trip ticket* and excur- •ion parties at apwial rate». Hoy, N. Y. Professor meant some nothing tndav. If « W h«( 1» Nhlkih? tea« Kers' err itb a’s I it A «rami old remedy for Cough«, ( rids he tram» a hum« he h •nd mnaumplion; u»r«l through the ha« a dog «how lie is world lor half a <«*ntury, han corr«l nn Ft Sin ber «4 mir proies» • l merable caisvi* ol incipient consumati creasing,--Myrtle Poi • rxi rrhev^l BMt]r ,|a([l A couple named ,\e a II you an* nut m I m A ih I with rmilt,. Jennie Hel|w*r were n au will rvlun I your mouuv l*ric«33 ct. ern Kentucky town w •nd via and 91—W 1 Kremer. (he editor of the Ural paper wa« ai clublied to death bv ths btns Camera« for «ai« or rent. Inquire ol bextt'i«e he maJs u«e iu I I he A. E. Voorbie«. I **la>rtl Helper." my tmlie with blood taint. I wa» covered with aorta anil ulcer, fr. •« head to f.a»t. and in mt grvat eitrrmity I praye.1 to die .S»vrral prominent phyatciana treated me. but all to no purpoae Th»« mercury and notaah which they Bare me »»•em»'d to add fuel to the awful flame which wa. devouring me. 1 wa* advirod by friend» who had »een wonderful cure» mad»» by it, to try Nwift'a Specific I im- proved from the »tart. a. the medicine W'em»’d to go direct io the cause of the trouble and fore»» the poison out. — Twenty bottle» cured me completely.** Swift'« specific— The Girl oi To day wl|| be the «onan of to-morrow. She does not know it, perhaps W □ re uvt j 11v• ------- c her mother does not fully understand -t, but between Vj the *to-day'’ when she is a d,rl and the -tomorrow „hen she "'ll be a woman, her life’s happiness and health are in the balance. If she is to be a full-breasted strond, healthy woman she must develop ridhtly now. She !«, it a crisis. She needs more strength, more blood to tide it over. Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People are the one medicine that will d've her the strength and make the new blooa. Our new book, PLAIN TALKS TO WOFIE.N, explains why these pills are of special benefit to dro* A ¡nd dirts. A copy voli be sent to any address. free on request. M ..Kranklf Halh.w.y. ofHlitwnth Htrwit. Holland, Mich, .aid; -t an, 1 *< ar. old. al Ki 1 » al pal. and weak and <1I<1 not gain und<-r th. ......r\ car*, other tri-atmant brought no twttcr re.ult and bv th. t , 1 wa. vear. old I wa. ,o weak 1 could not walk a. r..«. o.'.’rtoor. I wa* tarrlbly .maclsud and my .kin had loat all color. he i... tor pronounce» thr dl-ce anmnla. true of tny friend, ad- . ,.d I... io try Hr William« Pink Pill, for l*al. Peopla. I a I io,.! . tore 1 had taken all of th. p* 11« 1 four.d that they were ■ ....el appetite i ncr«i«**d and tne healthy color baran to ahow in v . hck. arid lip- ' continual to u«e the pill, until t had Utkin nf- .. eu bo«.* and found nry.elf j-ermanently cured. Hine, then 1 no relurn of niv old trouble and cannot when I wa. «o . -on. and healthy a. now. I know that L>r. William»' l-lnk Pill, f„r r., ■ Pe..pie lared nryllfe, and I believe that no other medicine cmilj have done It. ’-» HiSklk HaTHaWAT.— Ottawa Timet, HoUami, UtcK. Look for th« full name on the package. At druggists or direct from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady, N. Y. 50c. per box. 6 boxes )2.50. ----- ’.LJ-LfaLLS :~>&T ■„■ ::s; 2 j . continue tn give week bv week during 1899, by means of illustration» text, all the important news of the world in a clear and con« ¡se manner. POLITICS The leading artists of the country will contribute to the pages of the WEEKLY, as heretofore, making it the foremost illustrated weekly. Cuba and the Philippines Hawaii and Porto Rico Special articles will appear on these countries by Messrs Phil. Robinson and F. ()■ Millet, both of whom made special journeys to the islands- These places will be similarly treated ’ v Caspar Whitneys; VV. binwiddie, who likewise nude a study oi the places. .. .THE BEST PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE YEAR Is what HARPER’S WEEKLY has been in the past and will be in the future. The great work accomplished tn the late Spanish-American war characteristic of ths WEEKLY’S live and energetic policy. W Chamber» SERIAL STORIES By H. 0. Well« By E. S. Van Zila By R. W. Chamber* WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKES. W ITH SWORD AND CRUCIFIX. THE CONSPIRATORS Some Short-Story Contributors Caspar \s mtn«» > Jÿ. E. Norris E F. Benson Owen Hall H. S. Williams THE WEST and it» industries w'.’J bt treated in a of article» by Franklin Matthews. F. J. McCarthy John Corbin H. S. Merriman M c. Briscoe a LASKA and its resources will be the subject of a serie» ui papers by Edward J. Spurr. This Busy World The London Letter wll be written bv "mold White, and will be full of timely matter. by E. S. Martin, will continue to amuse and instruct its readers AMATEUR ATHLETICS will be continued weekly by its well kpown editor, Mr. Caspar Whitney 10 Cent» a Copy Subtcription, 14 00 a Yea? Address HARPI-R A BWUTHFR5. Publishers, New York. N. Y. Franklin Matthew» I EPIGRAMS OF COL. CAR1 ER. Northerners Don’t Know How to Treat a CanvtMback. '1 lie following are some of the epi­ grammatic remarks of Col. Carter which arc preserved in the recent version, says t-he Chicago News: ‘‘.My fire is my friend and sometimes it seems my only friend, it talks to me for hours until we lioth get sleepy to­ gether and 1 cover it up with its gray blanket of ashes and then go to ¡Mil my­ self." ‘‘Salt yo* food, sub, with humor, sea­ son it with wit and sprinkle it all ever with the charm of good fellowship, but n»'ver ¡xiison it with the cares of yo* life. It is an insult to yo* dig st ion, I m s des bein’, sur, a mark of bad breed- in*.” “When you are gettin* old and have no wife to love you and no children to make yo' heart glad, a wood fire, full of honest old logs, every one of which is (loin its lx >t to please yo’, is a great coin fort," -ill yo’ glosses, gentlemen, i and k t » the health of T that greatest of nt hern lady." xick? Nofauh. oooooooooooooocxxxj ^ Webster’s ! International Dictionary Succengor of the“ Uiiabrid(/ »•prone Golii t, it 11 th»* >l:"*’ **" pr«*in»*('onrt«.HiHl"l 1y all the Scliwll»'»»*« Warmly C<*n*ii>lfl. < I n* detita.miib'll" r I 1 ■ al in oat without »;♦♦»»»• Invaluable In lite household, nu th»* tea«Tier. «' I • tctwiotial man, e«tiie>iti>r. <•.& "o* bc dr>' -- -------------------- buying small k" l!l,ea "Webster’s Dictionaries.’* 'll abridgments of Webster's Internati i ary In the va rimi s sizes bear our trai th».- front cover asahou nini lie cui«. \ pinch of .‘■all a shut yr pen then red wine. 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