Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1899)
York WOMtSS : OE Big Spring Stock Now on Sale will satisfy US, and when it New York, the Greatest Dry Goods Market of the World has been I n the L ead . Nothing short of the B est comes to giving values, no House on the Pacific coast has done visited by our representative this Spring in the interest of the people of bring the very best classes of Merchandise produced in this or foreign Southern Oregon, and if anyjone has any doubts as to the success of our trip, a visit to our store at the present time will remove them Our »tore countries within the reach of every one as has this house During the past 10 years it has been our aim to place befor is packed full,U p -S tairs , D own S tairs , every S helf , C ounter , T able , | R ack . S how C ase and, in fact, every available space in our Two B ig patrons a class of Goods that would always give the pure .laser R ooms , are occupied with Bright, New Spring Goods from the Great satisfaction . This has been no easy task. The tempta.i .11 The Best BTRY DAÏINTHLW New York Market. Southern Oregon people appreciate the fact that fice quality in the interest of low prices is very strong. During the past 10 years many large distributer» and manufacture the Great House ol R. L COE & CO. has always bei n and will always be have lost sight of V alue * entirely in the effort to meet competition. The Great Cry from all quarters is for "Cheap Goods." No matter about quality, give us something cheap. We have always met this de- mand with the B est Goons for the least mommy , and while we have no desire to obtain either the profit or reputation of selling a worthless you to call and look our stock over. You cannot afford to buy t Style. Governor Geer will likely be here and an effort will be made to thing in the line of D ry G oods , S hoes . R eady made S uits , S u J AKTK' i . k at any price, we do wish to emphasize the fact that no house I.ieiy in the United States is making a greater effort to supply their customers run cheap excursions here from all parts of the -t 1.- W a : - ts , Capes and Jackets and Underwear, until you see our Man«,; want to look his best and prepare for a J olly Goon T ime . I.iery o with a more modern and up-to-date class of Goods at Right Prices than will want a new pair of Shoes, a new Dress or Hat ior This Occasion. Stock now on Exhibition. R. L COE & CO. We are prepared to supply your needs and extend a cordial ini nation Grants Pass is going to Celebrate the 4th of July this year in Grand We are showing this seasoYi over 4odoz. Children's Hose, Black and Gray Seamless........ roc double the stock of Fine Dress Goods ever brought to Grants Pass 60 doz.Children's Hose,Seam liefore. less, Black and Tan, Double Knee,all sizes,extra values, I2'.c You will tie surprised at the val- 1 lies you will be able to buy for 60 doz. Boy's extra heavy wide Fast Colored Plaids, Woven Col 25c. 35«. 5oc. 65c. 75c and $1 Ribbed Hose, Goods that or, 7}ic. per yard. ordinarily sold at 25c, we Fancy Woven Plaids, Double If unable to come in and make sell 3 pr. for........................ Width, 15c. your selection, send for samples. Ladies' Seamless Hose- Twenty-five pieces Two Toned, We shall be glad to send you sam Ladies’ extra heavy Hose, Double Width Dress Coods, Black ples of anything in stock. Black and Gray and Colored, 32 inches wide, all of the latest combinations of colorings, the best values we have ever shown, ajc We placed on sale Saturday, April 29th, 10 Pieces All Wool Satin Burlier, 44 inches wide, in Blacks only, a Rich Satin Finish, Goods that have never been sold under The recent sharp advance on all per yard. ”We|sliall sell that entire line at one-half its real worth, 50c. Ten pieces Fine Imported French Organdies, Satin Stripe* and Checks. These are all done in handsome rich colorings and are to be made over colored linings. This is the latest style and prettiest cot ton fabric on the market, 25c. Dress Ginghams- We are show ing this season a large assortment of Fine Dress Ginghams at N'.c, 10c, t2'.c, 20c and 25c. classes of Cotton Goods makes it impossible for us to quote future prices. But as long as our present stock lasts, will sell at old prices. Those who have anything to buy in the line of Cotton Goods cannot supply their wants too soon, as Ladies' extra heavy,tine hoo-, prices in all the staple brands are Ribbed and Plain Tops, advancing every day. We how Seamless, Double Heel and ever have laid in a large stock and Toe ................................ ... 1 2 1 j c are selling all of the staple brands Egyptian Cotton, at prices much below their market Ladies' Linie finish Hose, Seatu- value. If you want to save some less, Double Heel and Toe, money, get our prices on Muslins, 3 pr. for................................. 50c Ginghams, Shirtings, Calicoes, Outing Flannels, Sheets, Pillow We would call special atten - Cases. Tickings, Dennims and Cot tion to our 4210 Ladies’ ton Pants Cloths. We are showing Hose at. .................... 25c the largest stock of these good* This is an extra fine gage shown by any house in Southern Full regular imported. Oregon. made Hose, Double Sole ami Ileels, with very Elastic Ribbed Tops, There is not a better value a sold in the I’ ited Stites for the money. All Ijnvn Table Cloth. 53 inches Sateen. Back Steels Broken at shoulder blade. Short Hips. Long Back and Front. We carry them Buys the best Kid Glove ever in the following sizes: brought to the city. While no 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. 27. house in the world can absolutely .......................... Ji 00 warrant a $1 Glove, we do say that our 5> Glove is superior to any you 34. 35. 3«at $1 25 have ever before been able to get for the price. .00 sold all over the United States every year and y ou may rest assured that you are getting all that anyone in the United States can get for the money, when you buy Pingree & Smith's Shoe at $3.00, 54.00 and $5.00, French Kid Shoes, We can show you styles that are equal to those shown by any City Stoie. Men’s Fine Dress Shoes. In buying a Dress Shoe, every man wants to get a Fit. If you are offered a $5.00 Shoe for $2.00 that is too narrow or two wide,too short or two long, you will never be sat isfied with the purchase. Better buy a regular $2.00 Shoe that fits the foot. You can’t always find I ' W/L TT 5()c Ladies’Silk Mitts at 25c. Five to8, 85c, 8^2 tO I2';,J| ; 3 to 2 at $1.25. With Lace Vs ing Top, Coin Toe. Stock Tip ■ 8 at $1.00; SjJ to I2>_., $1.25.: to 2, $1.50. We are showing n other line with Extension S« Patent Tip, Coin Toe, Lace | Kid or Vesting Top; 5 to 8 : 8,'j to I2j4, $150; 13 to 2, Extra Size and Extra Width Shoes. the value of any article we offer for sale, but we are confident that the exceptional value of this All-Silk Mitt warrants us in making the Ladies' Kid Shoes. statement that few houses are offer ing better valtu s under fifty cents. Ladies' Kid Shoes, Pat. Tip .$1 Ladies' Black Kid Shoes, Button or Lace, Stock or Kid Tip ................................ Ladies’ Tan Kid Shoes, Cloth Top, 'Lace............................ Snow Queen, No. 156 at 75c. Equal Ladies' Lace Kid Shoes, Kid to any $t Corset. Top, Lace............................ Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, Cloth Top ....................................... Ladies’ Vici Kid Shoes, Silk Vesting or Kid Top, Lace or Buttons, A, B, C. D. E and EE Widths. Better Value is not offered by any House in the United States This class of Dress Goods has been rather scarce during the past few seasons, but we secured some exceptional values Pingree & Smith "Composite'' Shoe. ..................................... R. L. COE 6- CO. Men’s Shoe. any style, width, shoe you desire. We want to say right here, .that no house on the Pacific coast is offering Handsomer Styles or better values than our If Variety, Style, Durability and Price are taken into consideration, it needs no argument to convince any man that R. L COE & CO.'S Stock of Shoes excell all others in Southern Oregon. We have con stantly on hand from 8000 to 10,000 pairs of Shoes and sell from 400 to 600 pairs every month. Hundreds of people compliment us upon the good wearing qualities of our Shoes and not one .11 500 have any com plaint. We make Footwear a study. While in the East we vis ited some of the largest Factories in the United States and are thorough ly familiar with all the good and bad features of shoe making and Waist. $1 A Shoe With 0 Record' Worsted Plaids tor Chil 1 wide Fine all Linen Table Cloth, ' Bleached and Half Bleached, 72 in. dren's Wear. Sole Agents for GRANTS PASS. Turkish Towels. can assure our customers that we will in every case protect their in terests. Mpll Q Í rVV£t/NGS While in New York our Dress Goods department received out very beat attention. We Kiiight our stock from the largest impor ter# m the United States and the exceptional values procured will interest any lady in the land. We bought 40 or 50 terns of the highest novelties shown in New York. It isn't every one who want* to. buy these high grade novelties but it will be interesting to all to see them The prices range from #1 to ' 40 do*. Cliildicus' Bia. Seamless........... . . >3-25 per yard. Notions Cheap Shoe Polish rots 4 Leather iu the best Shoes. Don't you use it when youcanf the very best, warranted not Injure the Leather at.... >•' I We have just received a 5: Shipment of all the latest Sw Polishes made. Light Tan Shoe Polish > Chocolate or Dark Brown Shoe Polish ................................. | Black Shoe Polish for Vici Kid •' Black Shoe Polish for Cordovan and Calf. Black Shoe Polish for Kanga roo and Box Calf . Black Waterproof ShoeDressinc ■ --------------------------- -- --------- --- s Ladies’ Belts. Ladies’ Bicycle Boot-'- md 12'*C. l ine Dress Goods. Our Future Great School Sa.? needs no comment, as to wear: those who have had the fortune, their trial, we have them from ; 8, $1.00; 8V2 to 12, $1.25; 13to: Si-50. Ladies' Canvas Belts with Sol j id Harness Buckles, Some thing new................. i All Colors, Ladies' Belts 22 to | 30 inch with Gold. Nickle« £ Leather Covered Buckles -j Fancy Silk Belts, all Silk R: 3'a inches wide, all of the Style Buckles, 35c, 50c, and 7« ] We are alsd showing a very t some line of the new "Twu| Buckles. Ask to see them. K. LCoe&Co. wide, worth from 75c to $1 per :iw e are showing an endless vari ! yard. Six different patterns at 59c ety of Bnght, New Colorings at and 69c. 1 he Trilby Kid Glove at $1.50111 15c, 20c, 2 5c, 35c and We arc showing some elegant Button and Lace. All the new styles in Satin Damask for Table Shades. Black. Tan. White.Cre.ini, Cloths Corn Color, Greens. Blues Browns. Tan Shoes. A nice Shoe for Summer in U- Kid Top and Tip, Coin Toe: ;: 8, {1.00; 8J4 to 12/4, $1 25; 1310: $1.50. We have a nice neat in a Kangaroo Calf Stock that is. Good Shoe for Dress or Durabil;: I ranging from 8J/-> to it at $150. I Shoe Polish. Fine Zephyr Gingham, iz'jc. We are showing an elegant line of Cotton Dress Fabrics in all the new Weave* and Colors, iz'jc. size or priced Don’t buy a Fine Shoe until you see the largest stock of shoes in Southern Oregon. Imported Scotch Gingham, 25c Figured Swiss Colored and Black Good*,that usually sell at 2»c,l2«.- Infant’s Shoes. From 25c to 75c. Includes alisei Styles and Colors, soft Soles, Lej and Button, Cloth and Kid Toal with or without Wedge Heel, sal o to 5. Fine Kid Shoes, Patent ?. Lace or Button, Spring Heel,Na Finished. At$i 00, $1.25, $1 50. 52.00, 82.50, S3.00, $3.25, $3 50. Would call special attention to our Ladies' Hand Turtles! Oxford I Ties at $1.50 This Shoes is 50c I under regular price. We keep constantly on hand all The best 50 cent in the market styles in extra Size Ladies’ Shoe, 0,'.', 7, 7'. and 8. I11 fact you can get anything you want in the shoe line for Ladies, Men and Children at I Shoes. Children’s Shoes. LaJics’ Oxford and Southern Ties. wish to overestimate Shoe Department, it is Childs, h own Braud. N ouic ebc (.III get it We ib'.i lutelv warrant the Glove to be pure Kid. The Fingers .ire Gu-setcd the Stitching is perfect, and the glove is in every respect to any Glove sold in the United States M{i Sold in every city of any site in solid leather.counter and soles,$1.50. the United States. You read of it in the Ladies' Home Journal and Youth's Companion. I'.xtra Heavy, Ruck Iu Eastern cities, New Voik, le Shoe, Tap Sole Chicago. St Louis Cleveland and Seam’.e-s Back. Nailed or Unnailed, Washington where this shoe is best $1.50. known it is considered equal if not superior to any shoe on the market Lace or Congo in point of Style. Workmanship 75- and Durability. We are showing «Fine Dongola Dress the Composite'' Shoe this season rShoe. Tan or Black in all the new wavs. Hand Turned Lac* or Cong-v I 5 Goodyear Welt.Cloth and Kid Top, 1 Extra Heavy, High Lace and Button. A. B. C. D and E 'TopShx-s, Made of Widths. Genuine Oal k Tan Sole Leather and Hundred* of thousand* of the Oil Grain 1 U pper. Warranted io cvciy Par tier j ‘ Pingree Composite ' Shoe* are (and 3,50. sul.r, 2 ju, yoo 3 J5 Men’s' V Men’s »1 Men’s I •* jj¿ ■if; f-f * J> ■ * 1 r-F . I • J»4• * "eight dies. Men’s Men’s Ladies, Tan Kid Bicycle Boot with Cloth Top Corrugated Flexible Soles, Cut it >n high ...................... 2 ' Ladies'Tan Kid Bicycle Boot’ Men’s Fine Shoes. with Kid Top, Corrugated We sell the Best Boy's School Soles, Cut 15 inches high- Shoe made in America for A Bicycle Boot that is sold 75 and 2 for 4.00 in the City • • • • 3 Lace Curtains. 36 inch 32 inch 27 inch 7 inch Lace Scrim at White Madras* Printed Madras* • j Embroidered Swiss to J Sash Curtains................. New Dotted Swiss for S*»> '■J tains, all of the latest design* values ever shown. 15c, 20c a*! -j W e would like to call tention to our new stock of Curtains at 100. t.25. t-75.3* 2 25 and 2.50. No House in the state «< «00*^ Children’s Shoes. • handsomer line of Lace CarUj ‘ face t9 one lhiB< we to and Drapuic thaa you w>l> ■ m above all others in our . I Second Floor.