ROGUE RlVtx PÜRIER rVBUSMXA SVSBY flMQHBSS» PRICE A VUORHIE5. U jb R9IAL » BICYCLE ECONOHY enarca auû The monev »■ u pav for a nt* wheel is sonie- naes onlr part of the price. The bicrcle- mender gets the rest. If you bur M nd:*'**** THE CRESCENT man to drop -»verytLiAng when ie re- ve**? th« ase. In »everaj fo tifo reports .«Ntueti tbrungn 1 Au**vvr««l. **Y the prwee and emdeta by -»•» Tm'ed v i need have only a bowing My -uuipuiAun rv ' weamer btirean. r » «tatod shat they don t ; with the wheel-tinker tao un .reuse nan*« eo»d wane in hewruarv young.’’ □ad -ions httie er no ianage. There re­ L .j*« toe «ufor—-T r many ressns« ports are no toabt compitai troua tao iitoe Buu partMEfoariy oecsa»* four «tatementa received from ocal ubservere ur lu .4 . the time to invest, gute the wore of the •nd corvea|K>e*tom£a throagnnt tae «taie, give* m* fuá young! W< utwa principal, and ¡1 tie s found veettoy, and cooimg from ♦wn a searce ami higto they should retain him and »apport authority as the Caitod -'Matee wvmttoer inai a person is tow -Jid tor *-iue p •na and ho»d him reepoosibú» for the »arena, are preeuxued to bo correct and •ji ey rhe fruit grower» Advices reteired m oien and wemen ji threescore, out rsuomaxeadax.ons with ihe reasons at this aift< * however, ’ all kinds. m □ractica. UUt 4» SO ACCUOAL >1 yoar a«iperenee, T itmoat , M ay h . tS9- ’berefor >.*mu*eniing all the rincipie s ont followed, tne doari ent nature, and the iamage done ¡a bw riisre was a girl who ¡named u can nut have failli com mg more and m*.re apparent every mung pragross. It j » now a »messest he Tras red vine as *xpres«4ed ny thus« eertainiy •nori range and tone w di matte it vu at • Bo are interested enough to express a i a the ability of the man woo cbaacee lay. eepecia. v in rue m «Ml* Wfoam t«va. AB»i her ti a. her gave her |L to be at the head of ’.heir «cheei. li to* •* TUe voung man wnu was her ausoni I ibe or a diada* oí »tertain touchers. * ■' an 1 .ar - ^i-iern long ran^ _______ fl1 V») more ¿ram à it lather In t > Fepeianty with pu pu s ls net byanv, board bae »mbtiwnce in it« principa, ! »-he Cmpq’ia and R*>gire river va.’ey» es- es -I-Mnl. CrtC pjí Eight hundred mi.lisn «foliare as a means positive dhm M ’.hat the teacher is and then wi.inoa follow tofo re«*omm«*n rh 'ap»*«i witboat injury. W-* bnow now »ears alt that nettey <1.4 g'Hl»* •tesi »tea. trawl a someth i eg g gan :ic. me persea for the pisce. A toucher may . dai Joe. ce a >x»amieraoie extent at .eaet. 'Oat tifogsanafa of young prune trees cuufoe was ton vsung The Astencan pw»p»o ttnow now to form be a fine, .capable hMtrwtor, an «seal ¡ •-hen the board ;* incompetent. You >foa t know the al Ür*«iU3. bare been a;. *fd jq an ts But aiapteit to eummnaiiun« to beat the world. lent di»eiplm»r'an j»nr pain, sbe .augoed A Fam Ll-rar» of une^iuilej mne-Fr^,. Pmnianc McKinley bas make ip bui I Cp-w^late. Caoctse au4 C.»mpr:li<:asive-Hi^' I chis reqforee ths employ ment of ract ap­ me everv endeaver to aid him m bu* •teen ssnouniy m;ared, and d aeg eetmi at the idea M :aa ag toid. ?Ue would Minici - Frutea Aid Bcaunfuily Liain-.Z^’ tn.o4 tu pay tae Flcilia rasai a «imi Une re tact by the tea*.-ner To the writer's ' work •huu.d bave their otficiai toemfo le- manv w ettbor tie ar become jermu- not wear Liiick »h«jes «be hateo dan net •ammar He euakc eng ega tw kaiee own knowledge, reme <»c the pocreet I -.«pirated at the eerlfoeb -We. it a aentiy crippmd. and «oca tree* nee«l oar Audefiotu^v, and the other day I saw fn 'h* By JACOB BIGQLE taken a luuk at Cha western part at thin teachers he ever »aw were sxeerd.ngiy ¡ •uhoui ever resene* chat «cage where ita uimost -are rghr now. her ¿«»mg tu a »tuetors ufice where *oe •»i Abren No. . BK jü LE HCRSE BOOK great cuuatry All about H >rw-a Commo«-»™. Tratte _ Notice with the pnptis. because per» aea«i fails to do hie «fatty for fear of in- The •n’unwi emd ram. which mas*» toid. ai» -ae was taxing crtatin«Mit. I •« matraco«« a «aun work. Pr-« manes «he may have worbeti to that «mng the diapfeusure of h’s as«is*ref» the fruit drop naturally tu i »- nave known vnung men istt as r-ca ese. wgued, No. 2-BKKIAE BfcfciRV BOOK ' Abram t Pigre? ns turned anew at ieh.and lent end, beueving that popularity with pup- ¡ ,uw their indawnce dirertiv or couragemenr. And m «iddi jo . a eg’»«cl «W Lt may be .ivraie lor a » c id er :. « U i.»ut <-:wn< -m. . Fruira—r^rf >_ . of. and an woe« xat4 the trip boms to *aaf rancisco costala u colorad litelikc rrpnWu^,u. t . „. e would bo •onstr’ied a » ui i — n » ¡a the udirertiy tgamst n.m to ociaia i s rw the orchard will mvte fongns 1;reares wet ground, marca with «lamp •— ah . the »aid 4« nnt» tod i.» otter úlatratioa ¿2^ in «even boere. They did sot wait for a work Others gain p«>pa!arity by tfat- novel, that «chool i» rotragraiiing. It an-i mret't preti», imi for these reasons •ar poor m* d Ln rnat case, when rhea- aet,e*»’*arv No. 3— BIGGLE POCLTBY LOOK ' celebrai.on a .»mg toe me,bai kepi »teert liter the dm b'i 7 All loout Ponitrv che oest Poultry aœk U tory and ieception. the falsity of which íes bren aprjarewflv me aim Hihe iu- a.»»ne the «pray pump must he kept go- maiisui eûmes, he «¿«serves sympathy teila everyth :ng with-3 celuned life-hke ren te the «aid adni ily oa till they reached their loft. hi 1 dren are rarely capable »if discera ng. * rent «moni baiarla in thia city to em­ -ug. regarais*« of «ny «’r»»p -jr no crop and a pen-.un, but ae young man who Abe Axfel of ill the principal crst-S with mj ,n it W aa eM aiax.m, “In honest aire •• resistant» movtlv home tales We W'.’uid therefore urge *n -st varare»- wastes nis physic-Al -»-so ur -es Waay ef th- mining men in Landvtlir No. 4— BIGGLE COW BOOK work bec «tightt hours per day re«i ro- s rhe aubiest work bl be gets : All Cow» turf -Jw Dairy Sutmaa ka_. ..... .-cotaia I iolor»ese and a -foe mve S3 per dav tor their work 1V Mil. oroed. witli :ja other tUuscruioa Pntt « men night to Bave time far seif culture > houeett ««far ;s ti.e «¿wiser j for the salary paid re eosUM be obtained .heir frees -«x ra 'fare, tjy pruning oif in­ W l Ao rain No. 5— BKJGLH SW INE BOOK eisewhere if aur hume teachers cannot jured .: a j *». «praying, a-.d moattlforoagk Tea fon t »now tifo vaLuw d ttey *rw ol tte kiad wku iwir» m •** d *i«L Tk« pru , m n it J aout A.1 .boat H .n—ar-ortm» F-^'m» tea. »r, Luma. «tc. C.intaia aw [ J au lary provsment. many men and wo your p.ner made for er,« .«,( , m„St — U Generai Gomes. taw Cuban hero. I Acquire tbs habit of beeoomng laaccu creeds, poo tics, palls and aocitetum are year old t u. the »reac wtlrt-iow. an themail-m ,s. are pientv of inure women m me wor quit alter too have-»,d .t. Farm ,n.l H maenoid been oat dy the traett before armv i-u I rets, thsv loos their pride, their red re- not 4 aal ideations for the frhool r< 4oa Rev-rwe are axe€ w ra a ah w a . a » of If you believe that true .ove ie pleat;! _ie wnrtu -the l-.iagtM ;,aDer , r it» ...e ,n the "mte tea 'tart this sprin die banded he w prave a iiee p. e i «pect. been «ne lol lera, in brief, they and the board should catte no cbeagfit de, ttie merchant r he baaJier, the arti» ul xmer-.ut—aavm, uVer 4 million aau »teli regate reate. and cheap, it is because you are r bs using character. Ü m{ »laLk* of our«. and promoting tho«e roun-i capai mother are so w 'eepec'.a.l, Cuerr in Many «f br. ?hetdun Jmctaow’ • roin- ‘ 400«i ones are as easily forgotten. \ lA V i I T U tea* .a-tei. ? laawiaia r I- XAttJ« JOIS.MAL 1 ’r»-gun :ru aie iindmg av<>r in many never t word »t sesadnl breathed igaia-»’. Paw Boao Pt buco . Two teachers may be at work m ad ? ^¿)4L?X a der which h« parchare*! is Northern old m.»r^< • and *; ; h the new marttei« juining rooms, both receiving the • bjiih i ’ hem ; your father's wor»i is his bond City 'Ittici.-. P^nrt Europe tor the government iasc year opening up i*. r ne demand it» certain y i amount jf wages yet iae of them mav v«mr mother » presence bushesali reugl died and he will latte a trip to - boria Bwiow wh print a report •>? th« inrraaemg, eat th « demand m only for i tn.« : iihv ar- as church every *un4 âret cla*e fruit« and meh irui*. uannut be Y )t * see* -relient water, es» y ternia. G ba STS P vmi , April 19, 1. n □ 0» tree* ac meh a time oe me prevent. and SNMDea rwenty-aeo murder« ne*e been -em- uabits ef thcr jugunese in «very detail. Young wuuan. ConnciL — ih «-ire to w;a n the end, nv anundant »— dignified ‘.ian your mo iier. ami ar« nitted n r*v»tgl'A« -ounty »in«e UKM «u»» enly to «re the other at the «Mue wdary , Sent; -anznai itatene;!: t - •r i •« tnd ’■"‘in’iiiHra.. 1 price« hence we you vutnet:mes 41. ■ / or ai ; i . u » or * . ■ i a eerreependent end bn .11« et «rutina «<• •*» *«ar w > a.e tame u. - «, tn It not handled by an experi­ 1 mon Council ehowing rwmpt» And * « . »uv uj i. jrenar lidi « ' Don t de- you»* at bar wutiid hsappreve * end th;« one the people ’-iott he aw in do ad her wort and dx the oppeaite in A' ELK red land, a four muai i bunmen-» from October 19, IMJb enced V :u may .am and piaster tutifo, Vj ;m; ■ mair. ion i, ¿»«i iiecuaargere jt first ciase teacher» can not era good weil, e erytiiiag iuæwu Fund. Oct. 19, I*W I harvest, and go< «I remi G are cenata to not know how preen? uh aru and ine p ia» e. J u.« t j at oi the âr J •x««rtr« baa »o meth in g to -io with dirato m as manv years. It would Ite Cash tn Treasury. Special you have your prescrptious .uiiijw ^tare B< ard ji H rticu tare. prompting the peooie to lynch. botu»» tor the ch dren toon v >ut three u*eQcw. my family huuar. Fund. Oet. 19, II mh » 1N £ ,e hm en- e •;• iu compounded here. ■ B M \ i : . months frvm a thoroughly comustsnt Li'-eni*. t'M.-ripca an. rmw. tation. 1 w xa tou young P iUce court ............... built huUne 4 ruom-. turni anüû..; I’ewey will aave g’vse him >ne >t a * toUkrifor at f bN) per month than to have B v H Ntt E. tH.'i ii Sac Ot’ course you will «ay r rute i » la wed and uet. ’ eMary out uiuLmp. t** Pound fees Film ¿ntl PUte Cameras for Sak or ^¿nt. fYundswc receptions ever tender*! any a me months from an acorn potent uno at is terribie pro«y and peaeby. le ta be- oc .aad. at a good elevation aow««»; TM M iaceilaneoue. 9 5 man. when be-earnee this country I uiv 135 per month •jt tne town. Owing Su iiaiut l « case« i love ysu . youngsters, Aa-i thune SIXTH SI EEET. to Allumer -taue, owner wui -H*n « j »3 A. E. VOORWES. tnan »hefod be boon red, and why not« it Total ................... •2 3! Normal «choel diplomas eiav be good, who have made miar i aies, how my heart cost. Lauuire of an. I •ureiy ougnt to be Admiral Dewey ea<> and teacher » cen ideates are aeeeeeary, I By warrante eanevUed Caurer Office. yearns t □ward yea! la there a j toope? . Ente rear oa sum»* 73 \ Acre?» or red .and iying *-ta •* Effective. March 21«t. and until farther Are shown hi nisei I the greateett man but neither is verified evidence »hat the ! Warr tute cancelled, yon asa Yea si ways nope. Y ou re- Ai punure. ave aurea ui ca-BnMUi. 'ill ..S.S.S.M □•it.i-e. the rrhern Paeidc. eeesod class .and i» une uni.« truiu Granfi* r'»w. whu ever trav*r»sd ths deep, [t ie rhe bolder » a , ta. *i n«tni< <»r < * ju . member hat won«¿erial at.racle, i where m 0 ■ r - ta Port and tram Sr. p*nl an j other ¿round and aliuoet pertectiy pnrte»^ 7S1 .0 country» duty to do him honor red n There ¡s u > q often no incont veto toorh < tasti on hand. general fund a great mult tad« eoa red witto a rew irosi, wiL tnaite a tuie unibeMk 33 Eastern terminals will he 125. wi. bo d«»ne is rayai »Cyls when he and» erv to »c-4 out faithfu* y, year tn ami Cheti .□ hand. Spec. fUn«i .«laves an« dt»n«e> and aiterward they E. E. D vn 3 ah . Agent. T 11 Acres. 3 miie» ;“ ghi - in New Yurt about next 'wpcembor or year out, because effo will «ee the new gAtnereu ip 12 basketfuls t ¿ragmenta Total over I.--«* MfATJM < Grant.» Pas* Dre. •*»o*r *nd s*xper en« ed use a pusit.ea aeng it seems to me »ouietimes that alter a Apple*. I aj acres ‘»f tma athi j > 1 •ottani rseriD. baking powJer At river outturn, and m tn« autiat «ide of her and command a «a.ary e«pia. certain period of life we have b •ubaiat Photognphii: Supoiio. Water and Light M) Smaror Hoar «peala e< the Eilipmoe to her own. Is it a«>t a fact, may I res appie ueic in me countrv 4Tuasg -JU fragments of pre«eediiig Hardware H are proving tne m-»c prodtaoe an be iag ly^hed by thia go wer on ent. I rJlat <,spFr, ’ M) ---------- *—lenee which ire i*u*oii»i rated I Lumber ................................. uie iruit ra M*r. Here -> i muitv«11 71 Fragments o< beauty, subecan«’*. .oie. The e«d grauem an muet bave a night | v----------- 50 a very proa tame in vestineut i’a« • Smarte» iM) j its worth >i mere vauie than and most ot ail, fragments of w SduOJ Opposite Court House. gou b:a intag*, ^uch being th«- running water m me yanL fbaffo 1 wet «chouis never thmM e< paying a . ii* to latte a urigater view than -rane ae itou d hardly be cuaaidtfrwd re- i lew toucuer re auch re they pay those us miervd tor >a.e acrotini M a. Tul * that. Jeeussakd' * Gamer u; fiar •peneibie tor hie liberane*« altaougu they .5 and growing mnrmiry oi toe jeutf M _ _ *ho have been tried and m no «ense men s, tnac aothiog be foot. * S kxis do great iamage. h 1« i A’. tLE.-’ oq Appaiai«, » **.WliM *>m< i fo*nd wanting Ptortlaad .s tuppiwe«i to .eee ragmen .» m i.-c aa ? been verv ¡5 arm. 2G»> acrtii ji ether* are «rgeiy reoponeibl«, morally .h-ia*.e tamier. W->rua Tí the H n Mayor an Bocee j «acá men i a very iou wi 1 V ibi red f ricada in »QHUid giv« ttoe eaviagp to others Si ixe tMHigiii iur uaa that xaivun^ | waers. vneoiiiMt cummenci 15 Council :— there had been an» dgn ag :ortiinate /ist as we a.wayv give . the graumi door, «u to tu« 10 I hereby submit to you my »eml- nigmeato of alvic* to wmetot« ip is vhe s an»* to snow 25 annual rsport ae Trwosurvr at said th« lucby man «anseives. At any rat«, IOr and 15 war« want »he is worm aity for the six m aths «»ading April you da.sQ «ach «pjsude at ot . whemer all kirtfo at the This principle «terns never « [*>, î W su«*» ess:ul or l.ssstr A E. V.., bhibs . tn*»ught <>f m Grants Fas« 1 Bui oa han»4 Ort. 14 140 ragmento. they will girts can enter the M-huoi r» at sufasoudy «tee. and Tax««* fratti wy in»«« 7tr.:Tï uà u ytxDivr ihte 'T Li<|uur license •»* Barat l> Moment that we and the dm v»»sr coaimana ruuew court« n te tifo«« who e?w or» those whs have proves 11 w irth. Biucti ab4jv« von : licensee ’ >; oc-rai r ri- . L,tr.At_ This is diecriminatnin W • tile 'M»le wma impf vwm a U I ■'r rrors w« naaw wusu jh " * u * ,ave nit,R«y »y purunac-mg S 1 IV WQ« young mu piaster 3n>h. Neu* P acific s « o Cc*>*i«y. T tai is lari .otun and mu a ¿«trier»* 4a** I Retail. Warranto •at mut. trum appiè» and ?»«•» • «e v-n • a« raiaent<» Cal '»tra* Manes, nid -eiei’teti *.'u sb*3rj [ntercet a nai j Agent» -leties. A go«Ml well and iHiiimg». jrtaaing a »*?r^ Attd w*.mm m;nuE*»> Waitt A -«** ‘ __ '""-ALT. A. MOOb BIGGLE BOOKS FARM JOURNAl Cleaa. Bright and Fresh PN2TO 5UP7L1E5 Death Lurks in Trugs.... I Best S iour Grocers 1 Smith & Holman I Uhiòcrtakcrs ON HIS ANKLE 5 «•>-•■» Ob»tinA*e so nrt’is* to hoal i 9 a beevc And AT* A SILT« . » tn a derrarud <- c- a V H IMGE X 1 . V ....... y«>u bave Lhs money, come»** w me matter jver. •nt a gurei U.K OK K V< k'res m north part <>• buu*e ot 7 Mina.' **a -u. guoti weii wua pom? * GUi ¿ u re» _n a ¿«neri. ». Jne-Bsii >i wluch ia * n:*r M’P“ seht ->n es» y ierm.-i. eoa i; «M AL O titi . >>•)»»}. s — DtMUt and out rmmux ' in pmccattle ’« ru«c» w.. k be repum i buca brand ime m vevere, ng aaBjuriiv .a »on ». e... taav - are oi a* u-wa r