, I ♦ - $ /fl A» IsDXrxMtKMT PiFU, V ol . XV D b VOTKU F m 'KCIALLY TV TUB IsTKBXST* US Sol TUBBS O b BOOB. No, 30. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1899. — local toappeninös » ► ► » < Booth-Kclky Company. l^»t Saturday a deal wa» done«! in which the Booth-KeUev Lumber Co. will on June lit come in poa»«F»:on of thaJ.C. Goodale naw mill at Coburg and 500,000 it at of logs which are now banke«! on the McKenzie. The mill was leaped tor one year with the option of a purchase at any time, at a stated figure, «luring the term of the lease. The company baa bought 40,000 acre» of timber laud in the Mohawk valley, an«! additional purchases are being made nearly every dav. A gentleman well in­ formed regarding the situation. say» the big mill recently nurchased will be es­ tablished in the neighborhood ol Isabel, about nine miles above the mouth of the Mohawk river. Thin mill has a capacity of 100,000 feet of lumber per day. Engineers of the Southern Pacific Co have recently ex am met! tbe country, and it is understood the company will in a short time, build a branch road from their Wood burn-8prlngfiel«l line to tne big mill. The branch will »tart from the main line at a point about half way between the McKenzie river and . Springfield, will cross the McKenzie | river near the mouth of the Mohawk river an«! extend up the Mohawk a dis­ tance of about nine miles. The supply of first-class timber ou the Mohawk is almost inexhaustible. This enterprise is one of the biggest undertakings of tbe kind ever attempted in the state, an«! will be a big thing for Lane county.—Eugene Register. ' evvv'rt^r^ewvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvs Camera» fur »ale or rent. Inquire ol A. E. Voorbie«. Take your blacksmithing to Trimble A BacMer for flnt-claw work. For a tirst-ciass meal, go to the City Hotel; B. A. William», proprietor. A man is never at bis best in the Bicycle hoepital for ail repairing at old fashioned kind of ready made Cramer Bros. clothes sold in Most Clothing Rev. Dr. Leslie and wife of the Baptist Stores If you want to do yourself Church Kpent moat of last week visiting Justice, try one of our Finely Tail­ on William» Creek. ored Suits. You can get one that Edwin Hubbard ia now working lor will Fit as though Made to Meas- the 8. P D. A L. Company in the Com­ pany’» »tore at Wolf Creek. ure^ar.d bring out your Good Points Mr». Dr. Jennings it in Portland visit­ better than anything the average ing relatives and friend». She expect» tailor can make to your Order. to be absent several weeks Welch’s Clothing Store Suits are C. D. Minton, representing the daily Elegant, Durable and Not Expensive. and weekly statesman, was in town last week iu the interest of his pa|»er. See our New Hats, Shirts Shoes and Ties Mrs. Carrie E. Brockman has gone to wolf Creek where she will have charge ol the Sugar Pine Company’s boarding house. Miss Amy Booth returned last week from Wagner's soda springs where she went for a rest of two or three weeks for Opera House Block the benefit of her health. Joseph Moss, T. Y. Dean and J. A. Omni»* l’aboi, Oregon Jennings were chosen delegates to rep- | resent Golden Rule Lodge—I. O. O. F of this citv at the meeting of the Grand Ixtdge which meets in Portland this - Preparation for Examinations. [ week. QEORGE H. BINNS, Special preparation for state and coun­ See the Quartz Improved Location ty examinations will be given at th< ASSAYER, notices at the C ourier office. summer term of the State Normal school ---- VIA THE ---- The Ladies Library Association has Office opjMwite Hotel Josephine. at Momrueuth, beginning Tuesday, June rented a room in the City hall where the 26th. Regular work by Normal faculty. Shasta Route I G rants P as «, - - O regon . library will hereafter be located. The Grades credited toward graduation. — of the — Association’s former quarters were in Expenses from *35 to *40 per ten weeks. the bank block. I A C. HOUGH, Full information «ent on application 1 X. Don’t fail to attend the commence­ to the Secretary of the Faculty, Normal ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Ex ores« Trains Leave Portland Daily ment exercises of the class of ’99 which School, Mominouth. Piacticesjn all State and Federal Courts boath. I North is to be held in tho opera house tomor­ 1 Office over First National Bank. He Fooled the Surgeons. 6:00 r. M. 1 lv . Portland at . 1 9:3«) a . m row evening (Thursday). A good pro­ >:05 a . m lv . Grants Pass LV. 1 7 30P.M [ G rants P ass , • - O regon . 8:15 All doctors told Renick Hamiltsn, of a . m , 1 at . ban Fran’co LV. I 8:00 p. M. gram is to be rendered. t'nele Dan Hunt of Walde was injAn West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 Above trains stop at all stations between Fortland and Nil em, Turner. Marion, M-.k,.., ( one day last week, . Mr. Hunt inf Wiieti months from Rectal Fistula, he would |ARTHUR p- harth Jefferson, Albany, Cottage Grove, Tangent, 'angent, .. , .. • Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction < ity, ; us that in his section there would be a die unless a costly operation was per­ F DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY Shedds, Eugene, Drain Oakland, and all stations g«x>d crop of apples and cherries but tbe formed; but he cured himself with five from Roseburg, to Ashland inclusive. Office over First National Bank, prunes and most of the peaches were boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the I killeil by the heavy frost some time ago. surest Pile cure on earth, ami the best Roseburg Mail Daily I G rants P ass , - - O regon . Prof. Irving Glen, professor of Oratory salve in the world. 25c a box. Sold by 8;30 a . m . 1 lv . Portland at . i :?-i . m . 12:25 p . m . | lv . Albany dv . 1 12:50 f . m . 'and musical director of th» State Uni­ W. F Kremer, druggist. JI C. PERKINS, 5:26 p . m . , Ar. Roseburg lv . 1 7:30 a . m . versity al Eugene will deliver a short ad­ Wanted. dress for the graduating class at their DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. Agents in every County for article» U. S. DEPUTY Pullman Buffet Sleepers commencement exercises which are to needed by everyone. Profits large MINERAL SURVEYOR, be held in th« opera lion««* Thursday Address quickly. Genera! Agent, Lock — and — S econd C' ass S leeping C ars evening, May 18th. Box 132, Medford Oregon. G ranes P ahs , < ) rkgon . Attache«! to all thiough trains Mrs. Harry Smith went down to A Pretty Wedding. Salem last week where she will attend R. J. JENNINGS, For further particulars inquire of George Cupid has again hovered over our lit­ the Rebekah Assembly which meets in Estes, Grants Pass. RESIDENT DENTIST. Salem this week, Miss Alice Smith tle neighl>orhood and made captives, T. was also chosen by the Rebekahs of this George Haven and Miss Ethel Ada Bald West Side Division. 3U Years Experience. city as a represeaative blit perhaps may win, who were married at the residence MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT MUNDAY. B. Office in Onera House block; see (he sign net lie able to go on account of her of the bride’s parents at 10 o’clock Sun- Of 1 he Big Tooth. 7:30 a . m . | lv . Portland at . 5:50 p . m day, May 14th, 1899, tbe groom’s father school duties. ! 1.55 p. Mr_[ at . Corvallis lv . ' 1:20 p. m G ram > P ass , O regon officiating. Beginning March 12lh, the Northern At Albany and Corvallis connect with The bride has been raised from child- trains alc between Portland, ! that is unequalled by any transcontinen­ E Representing (he most reliable com- Sacreinentu 8an Francisco. Net rates tal line. Fur rates or other information ful daughter and amiable young lady. pa lies in existence, both fire and lilefi *17 first class and and|ll second class, includ­ Ths fortunate young nun came here K Notary Public. call on or write E E. Dunbar, Agent, ing sleeper. frem \V illiams creek last bet ember and Kates «nd tickets to Eastern points and Grants Pass. Ore. G rants P ahs , O regon . Europe. f a u * v *• ti iv* * uz.v ■in- .*!•«• Also JALAN. CHINA. HoN- during the few months here he won the OL! I.l' and __________ Vives, Pieuios, friendship and esteem of all who know Al sTliAl.l A Can Iw ol,- tained from our agent, Grants Pas.s. BÇ P. DODGE, See Voorhiea. him. C. H. MARKHAM. M. A. Wertz and R. I). 1 Cole came in The wedding was one we shall never K. KOEHLER, INSURANCE au I P. F. A P. Agl., I part of last lerget, so beautiful ami complete every­ Manager. Portland, Ore. from Swede Basin Ihe later REAL ESTATE week, where they have been I working on thing seemed. The beautiful pale blue ■ Lite, Eire and AcciJ-nt Inaurane«, tbe S. P. D. A L. C>.’s mill getting it in costume, trimmed with white and pro­ Crescent Cit> and Granta Paae Stage readineFs far the season’s run. a OIlice with Price Jc V,. rbies. fusely decmated with flowers, blended Line Paneeriger Kates. Gaw re P ahb O regon artistically with the perfect blond com­ From Giants Pass Come and See Us. plexion of the bride. The Maid of Hon To Wilderville......................... .. .. * .75 There a number of small amounts from or. Miss Sarah Francis Osborn was at­ To l/Ove’s...................................... *1.0» W^OSHOW& SHERIDAN, To Anderson................................ »I 2.5 15c to *1.05 yet due us on the “Daily tired in a silk costume of black and lav­ MINING ATTORNEYS, T«i Selma.................................... . .. Xl,M) Bulletin,” published by 11s last year. ender. Hermann Baldwin, brother of To Kerby...................................... *2.00 BSpu'ial attention given to Mining To Waldo...................................... . . $3.00 We wish to have these accounts settled the bride was best man. After the cere­ an<¡ Land Laws, and Land Office practice. Shelley creek .............................. mony, friends extended their congrat­ *4 50 M quickly as possible. Gaf-quet ............ ........................ . .IN 00 ulations and at 12 o’clock a dainty repast I K oskkukg , • - O regon . To Cure a Cold in One Day Crescent City.............................. . *9.00 was serve«! and everything designed to Above fates ffubject to change without Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All notice. Round trip tickets ami excur druggists refund money if it fails to cure refresh the inner man was put before the Graduate of Horology Parsau Univer­ eion parlies at special rates. 25c. The genuine hax LBQonea« h tablet guests. After dinner, those assembler! sity. Germany. chatte«! awhile and departe«l for their home», leaving many presents as tokens of reganl and esteem. The many friends not present join me in extending our best wishes for the Bartlett’s old Stand, young people and may they live to enjoy many happy returns of this Blissful day. ....PRACTICAL Mins A lice WATCHMAKER. » Welch’s Clothing Store, ► I I ► » WWWv4 EAST and SOUTH Southern Pacific Comuauv. , CAMERAS Æ. Joseph Kessler, RUSS, Staple and Fancy Groceries,Provisions Prices Moderate; full Guarantee Given. Front Si . GB 4 NTS PASS, OHE FIRST NATIONAL B -A- JST ZEC FLOUR AND FEED. >» I ( V. brants Pass Marble and Granite Works J B. PADDOCK, Pro pr Having purchased the Marble Shock and Business heretofore owned.and con SOUTHERN OREGON. diicb'd by Will Jackson, I am now in position to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery u rk either in MARBLE or GRANITE I have had over a quarter of Capital Stock, $50,000. a century of experience in th** Marble and Granite Bu^inera an«! can fill your or­ ders promptly and give you the beat uf workmanship. f Receive n New York, San Fran- eif» '- and Puf’land. Telegraphic trans‘"rw sold on all points in the United States. E Pprcial .Attention given to <'ollecfi<»ns an4 * TWr *«•« U m m H km« Sbmd 'M Hk- az>4 Ux M-»- » UM* pr»rX>ee «■ «*• V A M Far TIR Carek. Stages mti both wave daily between Grants Pas«, Oregon, and Crescent City, Cal., passing through the following interior point«: Wilder­ ville, Love’s, Anderson, Kerby. Waldo, Shelly Cretk, Patrick s Creek. Gasquets. TIME T/tBLE. WESTBOUND EASTBOUND Leave Grants Fase ............. 9 a m. ! Ixave Crescent City... 6 a. m. | Arrive at X\ aldo ... ........ • p. m. | Arrive at Waldo............ 8 p. m. Leave Waldo............ 4 a . m. i Leave Waldo..................... 7 i. m. Arrive at Crescer»t Cit y... 6 p. m. i Arrive at Granta Pass.... 5 p. m. 1 The scenery thi ou^h which th ;« line passes is beautiful. A de-: lightfti 1 mountain rosid from Ga->qulet to Crescent City. Excursion rates di un dìi sujioier aícíison. J. C. H AKl’ER. Grant« Pas«,Or.. Manager. | The Hermit's Fireside Soliloquy. Not a sound to break the huah >ave the w ater's ceaseless rush Down the canyon wild and steep. Heedful of the night’s behest Ev ry bird has sought its rest, Nature «eems to be askvp in the silence of the night. By my tire’s fading light. Now I sit and |x»nder lone. From the eml«ers in the grate, Shivering still to learn the fate Of the years that’s still unflown. Gone for aye, life’s transient spring (As some longing bird a-wmg To its home beyond the sea,) Pleasures lasting but a day, And its hopes have passed away, Aliuost^rom my memory. Following in folly’s train, Wisdom’s counsel all in vain, Youth-time passes unawares, Mindfid not of duty yet, There is spare time for regret. When life’s field is sown with tares. Strange that thoughts of long ago. Moving ghost-like to and fro, Thro the chamber* of the mind, Hastens atilltbe tlagging heart That wild wow have st-i apart From the real of human kind. LAMPS, LANTERNS, DINNER- WARE. GRANITE­ WARE. TINWARE, TOOLS. ETC.. ETC. I ! < G rants P ass , Ore., May 9, 1899. D kak M adam : Probably you have never considered it, or if you did you have only given it a passing thought. Did you ever think that your surroundings, even the Wall Paper in your house, has an effect upon you. A Neat, Blight, Choice Pattern produces a Cheering effect every time you look at it, while a somber, cheap, paper has the very opposite effect. Then why not have the very Best; the kind ours is, Bright, Cheerful Colors and Figures, thoroughly Up-To-Date and at Popular Prices too. Thomas' Wall Papers are Unequaled for Style and Ilecoration. Remember the Name Thomas’ for Wall Paper. I’. S. We have just received some Handsome New Carpets, we want you to look at: one kind never seen in Grauts Pass before. Strange that scenes of other days Come tonight I a* fore my gaze, Widening through the la|we of time, Making all things real again, Bringing fresher wounds of pain That will last through life's decline. ths temptation to execute summary ven­ geance is great, but is it consistent for self respecting, law-abiding people so to act? The first and immediate re.piiie- mentofthe present condition of things First, a cottage by a stream, Two hearts lost ill love’, sweet dream, is to vindicate and maiutaiu the majesty o'the law. There does not seem tube Wander blissful, hand in hand, any difficulty in catching ths men ac­ Hours vanish full of light, cused of these brutal crimes. When Can it ever be that ought they are caught let them be regularly Settles on so fair a land? tried, and if the evidence i, clear let Months like sun-lit momenta glide, them sutler the eoneequeneeo of their Lovers now arc groom ami bride, atrocioue deeds. I^t the penalty be ex­ Living, waiting, tenderly. treme if need be, and lot it bo carried Must the specter of dispair out with due process of law. Wbsa the Ever come to haunt them there? criminally inclined know that the laws Must their hopes forever flee? action is calm, deliberate and certain Surely love is like a song, they will learn to dread its penally far Floating thro our lives along. more than they do these wild outbursts If our hearts but catch the strain, of popular passion that sweep reason Tho the singer’s voice be still and humanity otr their lost. The Amer­ E’en in death, forever will ican people love justice, they value law The spirit of the song.remain. and order very highly, but when mobs take the execution of criminals into Now, 1 see a winsome child their own hands they do it in defiance Playing/mong the flowers, wild, of law and the better feelings of our e»t blood purifier known. It’s the Never knocking on my door, Muprome remedy fur eczema, tetter, salt Since the light of life was hid rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, 'Neath the coffin's cruel lid rxpelH (>oÍNomi, help« digestion, builds up In the vanished «lays of yore. llie strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by So, ofttimes the die is cast, W. F. Kremer, druggist Guaranteed. That we find ourselves at last. Washington Letter. I From our regular corre»|Mindent.) W ashington , May 8th, 1KV9. President Ingalls, of tho Chesapeake A Ohio railroad was doubtlee« actuated And why weep, perchance thia night by the purest motives in placing his My freed soul will take its flight handsome cottage at the Virginia Hot T<> unknown but happy sphere, Springs at the disposal of President and Where these tears of mortal woe, Mrs. McKinley, who have gone there to Ever more shall cease to flow, remain a couple of weeks, but, being a And fa«-cs loved shall reappear. food business man, he probably did not —(W aif ok tux W ood overlook (he advertisement, both tu bis Southern Atrocities. railroad and to the Springs, of the slay Lvnch law in the Booth h »lefended of the president and hi* wife at tlie on the ground that th« crimes fur which pniig* There is nu truth in tho re­ it ia inflicted are of mo heinous a charac­ porta sent from Washington about the ter. No one, whether living in th« president’s health being in a dangerous North or South, Eaat <»r West, but will condition. He is tired, as the strung«*st ondemn with horror and indignation man would be after going through what' the atrocities that have been c< mmitted lie han br« n through «luring the last 15 by colore«! people. But ths question months, and the politicians give him no may be aake«J, Why are thewe lynchings tune tu rest in Washington, even if bin «i very fn quent ' It is (dated that their public duties did. Hi» doctor ordered nave been II such travesties of justice in him to the hut springs be« a use he < ae «ieorgia Mince the present year began. get rest there, and became he believes I tie v«*ry frequency wi,h which this bar- the baths will help tho rheumatism barous metho«! of dealing with criminals which ha* beeri giving the pre*ident <*on- »«•curH inuth All their sugge*- Heuer do ( astro, a native Cuban and to overcome habitual coostipat&on p* r- a prominent citizen of Havana, who is f ns re«j lire lim«* to hr «»< alenit an ur ­ mauently. Ita perfect freedom fr«»m every objectionable qnality an«! aub- gently pressing reform. These measures I now iu Washington, said uf the! unan stan1 and its acting on the kidneys, take a !• i»g time to corn** into operation, i situation **Annexati/n to tee I'nitad. liver and bowels, without weakening -tales i» unquestionably ¿the destiny of or irritating them, make it the ideal and the good they will accomplish cas (Juba I know tbe sentiment of the >nly< me gradually An instant rern laxative In the profess of manufacturing figs edy is demanded. What is the matter («opio, and I know that UO per « ent fa­ are used, as they are pleasant to the with the ordinary oj>eralion of law at 1 vor anoexahou. The fipauiards and taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtain»«! from senna and the South? Are these brutalised negroes , the wealthy Cabans, who form tho bulk other aromatic plant*, by a method so powerful that they ran intimidate of tbe pope let ion. understand that unless known to the C alifornia F ig firarr judges and juries? Are they p«iea*-»»ed tuba m an no zed, there w.ll be no peace, Co. only. In order to get its benefl* iai no stable government, no dsveiopco’-nt effects and to avoid imitation*, please of such an amount of wealth that they remember the Jul I name of the Cora pan j am in a position to < orrupt the di*j>en of resources, nothing but luraioil and printed on the front of every iMMfkag»* •ers of jo* I ire? On »«-»-«.Mint of the prr- strife. Tbs members oí the insurgent CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. valen«*e of the tperial c •firn fur which army alone start»! out against the union SAN FRANCXSCO CAL ' lynching is sappoeed to be the only a«l- <4 < aba with this great republic, an«! VOVISTTL’ F. K7 MIN TOBJL N ▼ Fw MU« bj a»i Dr koa^.Fraa Ra. imau < »equate pun.-bment, it is ad fitted that they are against it purely for selfish rea , Age« 1, feebit* and alone Hope, reluctant still, has fled, Friends have mingled with the dead, With their very names unknown. *1 J M ATIJbCF, CARPETS. FURNITURE, WINDOW­ SHADES RUGS, NOVELTY, PAPER NAPKINS ■on. Cub* will be of untold benetlt to the United State., for when properly developed. it ia acre lor acre, the richest country on the globe.” The talk in Washington among lead­ ing republicans and democrat* make* ii practically certain that the national ooavantiona of la>th parties will adopt plank* in their platform that will be as strongly worded against the trusts a. that which will be adopted by the pop­ ulists, »lie, according to present under- standing, will hold Ike -rat of next year'a national convention,. The politi­ cian. all realize that the trusts uniat bs talked against, in their platform; but many of them not nil in any one party, either—have no ide* that anything shall really ba doue, if they can prevent, to curtail the power of the trusts or to in any war injure them. Adniiial Dewey is said to have notified the Navy department that ho ex|M*cts the situation in the Philippine* will very shortly justify his starting for home with his flagship, th» Olympia. This is not official, but it is believed to be cor­ rect, Sr.j.tary Long says that Admiral Ihtwey is at liberty to start home when­ ever he feel" that preset ug need for hie services has ceased to exist. It indicates that the admiral takes the same hopefill view of tlie situation that Washington officials have taken since Aguinaldo opened negotiation* with his requests (or a cessation of the fighting requests which were denied, because General Otis believed that the speediest way to obtain peace was to continue lighting, a belief fully justified by present conditions. The representatives of Agilinalde have accepted our terms and recognized the authority ol the United Hutes over ihe Philippines, but that tricky individual may delay the final surrender a little longer, either to save his vanity or to carry out some scheme for his own per­ sonal profit, but everything points to tlie enrrectuee* of the statement made a week ego that the Philippine revolt is practically over. There is a difference of opinion, even among War department officials a» to what will fellow the report of the Mill tary Court ol Inquiry, which has just linen approved by the president and or­ dered niade.public. One of them said that he thought th* report was bound to result in a change in the bead of th* army or else in the head of the War de­ partment, as it would make it impoeel- Thai cough Hangs On You have used all sorts of cough reme­ dies but it does ‘not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri­ ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and build up the body. hie for Secretary Alger and Genera! Miles to continue te fill those positions ; another, who said ho knew what he was talking about, declare«! moot positively that General Miles would remata at tho head of the army and becretary Alger at the head of the War department, and express«! the opinion that President McKinley's indorsement on the report would put an end to the beef controversy, in official circles at least. - —--------- Curse of Naps Valley. l’erlisps the world has no mere beaIl­ li: u I or fertile region than Napa valley, Ualilornia Settled by intelligent, pre- givHaive people, it early became one of the garden «pole of the golden state. But, unfortunately it was discovered that the wine gra|>e would flourish there, and no valley in the state has liven more cursed by drunkenness than Napa. We do not wonder that earnest Uliristian citixenejhave become alarmed at the ravages ol the drink deuton. Re­ cently an Anti saloon league bee been formed in Napa, and a.campaign of edu- cation has begun, with the ultimate ob­ ject of ridding tlie city of saloons. Dr. C. if. Karman, a leading memheeof tbe Centenary Methodist Episcopal church, is president of the league, krona his open address to his fellow townsmen we quote a paragraph. “Imagine what might have been ill Napa. Scarcely an attraction in the town lor our youth* but its 40 saloons Not even a night school supported by the taxpayers to aid our buys and girls who are compelled to work for a living ; stagnation iu material prosperity. We pride ourselves ua starting a |2,000 to 83,000 glove er shoe factory anoa in five year* that pay* star­ vation a ages, and pay a driuk bill of *160,000 a year, for what? For a stimu­ lant ? No! Fur uu anaesthetic and a poison. (Journal of the Medical Aeeo- ciation, April 16, 1800. p. 810). Yeur l>hysician, 11 be le abreast ol hie profee- sion, will tell you that it would have bnen better to have thrown it into the gutter, I say it is a sadder sight by far to see one ol our brothers cursed by drink Ilian it would to see all the wine in Napa valley poured into its river. Science lias been slow in tluding it out— so very slow—but it also says so now, Fellow Citizens, wo can tight for our country right here in Napa just as truly as if wj had followed Kooeevalt up San Juan lii!l or fought with Dewey in Manila bay.”—Tbe Occident. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been mad«» and that too by a lady in this country “Disease fastened its clutches u| kj n her and for seven years she with­ stood its severest tests, but her vital or­ gans were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she oughed im rsfeutly, and could not sleep, bhe finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a buttle of Dr. King’s New Discovery fur Consump­ tion, an«! was so much^relieved on tak­ ing first «lose that she slept all Bigot, and with two bottles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs Luther Luts.'* 1 bus writes W (’. Hamnick A Co. of Shelby, N. C, Trial bottles free at Dr. Kremer's drug store. Regular size 50c and *1. Every buttle guaranteed. F. Buettel, Merchant Tailor An ei|*ri»nc«d and up to* «late cutter and titter, baa located in Grants P am and opened Tailoring Rooms on Front He., cor. 4th, with a full line of Cloths. l/vng experi* «nun in the business warrants hitu in saying a SCOTT’S EMULSION Perfect Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. will do this when everything eke fails. There is no doubt about it. it nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against further attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. « m aM *« m, *11 SCOTT A BOW Nt, ChamtM*. New Vert. All work well finished and as cheap aa good work can be »lone for. Call and look oyer mm m plea. Also agent for a Chicago tailoring house. Cleaning and Repairing «lone in the most approved manner. F. Buettel, I Cor. 4th and front Str.