V» b it Tb"®*» Think* V% «•illusion Leiter. will rise up and call u» biassed. In tiw- An »Iwcttic railway proj«cl of great haateoiog of that day, every American j (From our r«*gu!ar correspondent J PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS proportion» aad «oiu« financial promt* bi» a common interest an«! pri«!e.” A Toy Fleet Hniit by n Main«- **••> WxriiiMGToJt, April, 17th, 1H99. > ■ „ .,a loot in Southern Oregon The tn- ln»pector General Beckearadge !»li* Hbu la b Genina In Their I "Doesn ’ t Mi>- De llaiig get up from 1 he ioatructiofl* tn the Aitn-ricaa coni* Americans in Cuba Rummage the teiitiou of the promote re is to fir»’ eon- Conatra.-tioa. some am living »toriea of what be i-aw the piano groerfully T' "Oh, yes; 1 am misBioners to the Uzsr a dresriDanient □eet tbe town. o( tbe K v>» been prepzrr-i by the and Porto Rico. One of Iheiu is in con „„...un,of A.hlsn.I, M-diord, Mw»- r OP™ I Philwd» Iphia Bulletin. adtninistratiun with the txpectaiion e.ll. sed Gr^nte l ’ see. »»d then extend « in Bangor, began to b»* nte te« "What time «lid the hotel catch fire?” oectijnwitb the wbolewale vanalion that the confer«-nee will prtMiuce pcacti-1 V** “ t:ie evetetn Iron, tbe lat.ee pises to t res 1 “Midnight.** ‘"Everybody get out safe­ ' thing» of tbe -««a. Hr i a ovvn ■ a o t>*~- cal result«—probably nut exactly along that i» now being done in Port«» Rico by cent Cite on the «oa.t. The dietanee |y ly?” "Ail except the night watchman. of wooden »hip* wuch ar >rol United State» aurgeon». Ina ’ ea! of run ­ 1 not rxi^t els« whrr« in th the iintee prop-?*«! by th j < zar, but »till . We couldn't wake him up iu time.”— I from the most remote interior point tn Th«*ae war vessel» «re b ullt r«*f>ult« that will i.e beneficial to ail the I ning away from vaccination, as many of lbw va le»-o «he ocean outlet t. abtet I Boston Traveler. proper principles of n our own citizens have been known to do, nation» which will be represented at the Misunderstood Again.—Mr. Banks— 140 Bailee. The line will follow tbe bed A tetter describing the gloomy dun­ I “Don’t you think my wife paints very They arc about five fret 1 d les 1 . eonferei.ee. The text of the instructions General Bockonridge says the Porto ! ,f the K^ftte river ftom Aeblan-1 to geons and blood-witained walls of the nicely?” Mise Miilburn*—“Charming! | average, the batt.«-«hip.» uc!n to our cointuiasioner» has not ix»en matte Ricans run after the vaccinators, believ Grante Ba-e. a diatane. of « ***"«• Away up in the garret of ancient Carite La Cbbanaa. near Ha 1 It makes her look so much younger, 1 public and is not likely to I* in advance! mg that being vaccinated makes them From the latter place tne Apples»*« > fashioned home the boy 1 «» » vana, and relating the incidents of a I think.”—K. Y. World. of th*» conference, which meets next | American citizens. Your nitnc Addrsss on a poitkl Ckrd will I relic-hunting trip among the Spani:J> . upon day« of confining la bor. ’ Ira river will be followed for a dietanco of 30 | I A Good Subject.—“Do you think «Iraw» the pi ar.» of the bi fortification» and to the wreck of th* month, but it is known that they strong i brind you absolute proof that Dr. VYilliamy pinx pU| lip. .Native» Sons of Oregon. There is anything in the-saying that the 1 I miles, thence acroea the coos« tange each frame and timber. Maine was lately received by Deputy fin ly emphasize the position of this govern-! There are al present organized in tbi» moiintains in the vicinity ef Smith river ' for Tale People wdl cure youjf you vre affhettd ! fUh is a brain food?” ”! don’t know, j drawing a working w*h f Com mis« oner of Public Work» A. J rd u ruent in favor of international arbitra­ »tat« five cabins, Native Son» of Oregon and down to Creo ent Citv possibly to with ¿ny dtscase of the blood or nervev Mentig. I But it won ’ t do you any harm to try the Toolen from hij brother. Fred A. Too- ' ¡»arts. Thia he print« ph«. tion ; also, that they favor an agreement the disorder with which you kre suffering knd w, E’trska. The territory trav-rsod.in addi­ ae follows : ten, of the Second lllinoisinfantry . now experiment.” — Philadelphia North in blur, a» the rrgutar r irch will send evidence that will convince and »»tidy 1 and hang» ft on the wn. of bi - he >p for tbe further amelicration of the hor­ encamped at ( amp Columbia, in the American. Abernethy’» Cabin No 1, at Portland. tion to being one of tbe finest fruit we- After the Correction.—Papa—“Now. Then comes the putting toifet you that Dr WilhamV Pink Pills for Pale People wni Cuban capital. The letter is as fol­ be T of rors of war, along the lines of those Vic Trevitt’s Cabin No. 2, al The tio.ie of the Northwest, is rich in miner­ Johnny, I have whipped you only for the craft. Timber« are <-iit fr which have been secured by the Geneva lows: Dalles. al and limber resources. The SOgBV pine cure you your own ! *>• .'.'eve I have only rticks of pine and aprur r. w iti C4 “The climate in the United States Red Cross society at various times. These pills contain, in a condensed form, all the Dan Waldo’» Cabin No. 3, at Salem. aJooe, which is abundant in this eeettoa, cannot at any time be compared with done i.ny duty. Tell me. truly, what do for the thinner part* ar d t Je hu The .Military Court of Inquiry in still elements necessary to jive new life and richness to tn McLougblin’sCabin No -.«,Oregon City. is worth about 450 per thousand feel *n the climate we are enjoying here. The you think yourself?” Johnny ‘"If I gradually molded into f onn o taking testimony, although it had hop*-«! blood and re»tore shattered nerves. Thtyare an un. Skinner’s Cabin No 5, at Eugene. ■San Francisco. Through the lotnplr- day» are warm, but not oppressive, and -hould tell you wlx.it I think, you'd give that would hatisfy the ta-te of th to finish last week. Although some failmd specific for such diseases as locomotor at4ik Cyrn» Alney's Cabin No. 6, at Astoria. ticn of ibi» system ol transportatiuD» the ocean breezes at night cool the at­ me another whipping.”—Boston Tran- mowt particular const rue tor of u ncli prominent officers Lave been on th«* mosphere. ao that a good, sound, com­ >cript. Sam’s corps. At firxt th« st Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism The First Annual Grand AMeuibiy of ; millions of ton» of low grade ore», w < istand, little that wa»» either new- or im- ! The Boy and the Spider.—Papiv not »»it trim in the water. fortable and peaceful sleep can lx? en­ partial paralysis and all forms of weakness either the Native Son» of Oregon will convene , which will m»l bear tbe present round­ w t txirtantwai brought out. Several acts “ See the spidt-r, my boy, spinning his would keel the in over ifr nom in OU isly. joyed. on the 13th day of June of the present about trsosporUlion clurges, can be in men or women. web. Is it not wonderful? Do you re ­ of the court have serve«! to deepen the “Havana and ita vicinity are very in-, Modification» were net- rasa O and vear at Portland from and alter which brought to this cit y for treatment at a To a reporter Mr. G. II. Snyder« well knowi teresiing. and I have had but few op- flect that, try as he may, no man could were made after careful study IÎ IK. with impression of the unprejudiced public, date the < trganization wid be entirely ir. rfuien ,3r L»wren«>, Kwn., rel»u-4 w womtertal etory. Hu euld : ' profit. Mr. A. 0. Tav><»r, who is repre- portunitie» to aatiWy my curiosity and »pin that web?*’ Johnny ‘What of it? model« towed astern of rowt-d boats in . that tiie court is prejudiced against Gen- ’ oo ' eeveoty years of »<•- V‘r**e year'4 Mo 1 expert- tbe hand» of the delegates from Cabins •rnting a Chicago syndicate in th» mat- a ooldneee or Dunxtmeee in Wie r»*-i, then creepiae up inylexv vtoit some of thexe interesting place». See me spin this top! Do you reflect the Penobscot river. eral Miles, especially its flat refusal to “mu r£ihe4my body. I grew Uiln.wi.ia-tlte poor anrt did noi reu'h * that, try as he may, no spider could represented upon that anti future recur ­ the survey for mod Lo«4 Saturday 1 wentto«*-e( astillodel I ter, has completed All of hi» ships are fitted with water summon six particular witnesses wiio-e mr r od I treewme unshlu to move »bout- Consulted several uZ/l.nad ihvelefans, one telliM me I had loe..motor auixla. a:..,ther, ring occasion» Principe, and from the hill upon which »pin this top?’’—Stray Stories. light compartments»- actually tight names were furnished by Miles. of the distance, an«l pronounces ’he ^nine iwrik-li 1 took their medicines but continued t , lrow’ She Had. Hearing a faint rubtJe in they are. too. and with deck» and in­ that wtrong fort is situated 1 had the It re tbe earnest desire of the oflicera route a p«rmctly fea<-iule one It is in- S£epe* *ATriend wdvlsed me to try Dr. U Ulteine' Pink Puis n.r p,le Representative Packer of Penn»ylvan* bell Before I Ined Unlehe d my first box I found that they Ix-wt view that can lx- obtained of the the dark hallway Ix-low, the elder sis­ terior fittings. The gum. ar. of hr. . tbe Grand Cabin that a pai ticularly ; tmiated that the pre»«-nl freight charges i.n'fnen.e. I nod twelve boxes and wweperteoUy cured. Aithr,i,,h j ¡a, who iias just returnr*i from a visit Io city of Havana and it» harbor. Morro ter, supposing the y oung mon hud gone, and can be fired, though of r«,ur-. tl over »lx*rnoetbs eInce 1 used rny laet pill there Lae been no reiornut strong representation may t>e bad on ! ol the territory to b-? traversed amount fhe d’eie™ MX appetite 1. gdod and general health better than for castle, La Oabana», Punta ca»tte, the leaned over the balustrade and called are muzzJe-louding. There ar«- and. r' . Cuba, sai I: “The impression I got was Santa Clara batteries, the wreck of the out: *‘Well, Bessie, have you landed fit to holtern <>f a ro\v- dinate CabiiiS at any regular meeting to sti!l retains his old time faith in South­ odor greeted our nostrils. The echo of procea» also has the merit-of being in­ Ijoal for one hour without a pause. i toon, or under what circumstances, they suspend all by laws in conflict with this ern Oregon. expensive. All that is done i» to lit tach our voices and footstep» reminded one The craft are M-aworthy t/j the lah»t dr- do not pretend to predict.” order by a majority vote of the members ’ Tbe disposition at the German Em of gho«t storie». The enormous locks a wire at the meter if the fre< ze is out­ grre. No wave cnn Uj:*«4 them, though Ladj Lawyers. present at such meeting.” on tbe iron doors clanged and rewound- side of it and another at the nearest it sweep from stem to stern anil smn.-h j bassy to consider tiie Bainoan questi«m A law i la-H of 48 women has just been hydrant. A circuit 1 mm cured by means, The Grand Cabin by thie order waives ed along the corridor» as we went from their fragile fitting?-. Th« Bangor wa- | disposed of, now that it has been ar cell to cell, investigating and warch- of the frozen pipe and the electricity ont in a heavy blow off Islr.sbc-to Lot I rang«4«! that commissioners represent mg all right to any portion of initiation fee. graduated from the New York university’ Pursuant to this act the Grand officer» It is now nine years since this course ing tor relic«*. Blo«xl »taiueon the vxaiis being turne«! on the pi jm - w ure thawed summer, and she carried away her of various cells* and cells who»»- dark­ out in less than ten minutes. By thU flying l/ridge an«l starboard and search­ tbe United btates, Great Britain and fraternally enjoin upon all native tx>rn wm introduced, yet the public i» jlift be G ouh of this state of and above tbe age of winning to imd'-rstand and appreciate its light. behiides filling her forward com­ penetrate, and from which a stench do when the plumber is called in. partment with water, but she cam«- on the 25th inst, with authority to make 21 years .the importance of epuntaneou» Ls aim is not to make lawyers The process is the invention of I ’ roffeu came that was beyond human endur­ ushon* safely.- Harper’s Round Tabic. temporary changes in the government of ami earnest action in order that the pro* out oi women, but to give them a practi- ance. suggested to o'tr minds terrible Dugald ( . Jackson Wood and lturgt-M», , Samoa, pending th» consideration of poaed joint celebration of ' Pioneer Day” i cal knowledgeof the laas which concern Stages rUn both ways daily lietween Grants Pass, Oregon, and Creswl City. Cal., passing through the following interior points Wilde- I and unholy deed« which a cruel race of the university, and was firwt tried LYDDITE SHELLS. their reports by their respective govern­ by the pioneers and Native Sons, our or- 1 them, especially in the direction of the alone could perpetrate. But then-were in Mudison, with the result that, water ville, Love’s, Anderson, Kerby, Waldo, Shelly Creek, ments, is not «hared by many Americans. ganizatiun may »how in the line of march j management of property. flowed in from 12 to 20 minutes after Ix-tter parts to thie large prison. The The Superiority of the Sheila I «e American officers and Patrick's Creek, Gasquets. men were kille«! the current wuh applied. Most of the women who have taken officers’ quarters, with b«*autiful flower the Kni a great Nou «I an. longest, strongest and most representa­ the course have had no idea of following i made Dial the ambush was the result oí contrast to the dark and dingy cells from 12 to 20 horse power used for WESTBOUND EASTBOUND tive process ion »¿th at this city lia» ever the law as a profession Helen Gould According to the accounts received I German treachery. li investigation viewed. not more than 200 fret away. There about a quarter of an hour, and in each 61 • I : wa« one of the graduates several years Leave Grants Pass............... 9 a. m. | Leave Crescent City... ease the pipe operated on was warmed from those who participated In th«* re­ »ball ehow that charge to be untrue, are very few guns in Calmnu», and ago. In this year's class »ere such Arrive at Waldo................. 7 p. m. | Arrive at Waldo............... 8p.:| Any assistance or information of » hat ­ sufficiently mo that it was comfortable cent Soudan campaign, the destructiv. Americans will rejoice; if not, they will those that are there are uid-fashioned 4 a. m. | Leave Waldo..................... "a: I women sb M is . Washington Roebling, Leave "aldo................. guns, which would not count for much to the hand. The prove*», when prop­ power of the lyddite »hells was enor I demand full reparation from Germany, ever kind or character that you desire to 6 p, m. | Arrive at Grants Pass . ..5p:j erly applied, cannot possibly cause in ­ mou« and far exceeded any dt uH-* and they will retuse to consider the mat- enable you to promote the object of thia vice president of Sarosi* and the wife of Arrive at Crescent City.. against the modern guns on our war The scenery through which this line passes is beautiful. Ai-I ships. Car loads of xlo-llv of ail «izea jury to the pipes or property h« the vi­ preriot /attaint In .an i nert action will be promptly and cheerfully the famous engineer; Mrs. Bonner, the ' ter eluded until the result of the inves­ are ly ing around in both Cabanas and cinity or to the parton* ofpnomtrsnear whort time earthworks were defttroy 1 liirnished upon application in person nr wife of the publisher; Miss Bessie Schle­ lightful mountain road from Gasquet to Crescent City. E xcukm tigation : h known. Americans do not Morro, getting rusty. 1 picked upqulte by. It in now in regular use. by th«* leaving bnacht» thiough which n letter to the Grand Secretary, Eugene I). singer, the daughter of a banker; Mrs. rates during summer season. consent of the inventor«, by the Madi ­ a number of rellcain Cabanas; two old shrapnel or num-killing shells could ; regard Hie appointment, ami departure White, 420 Commercial Block, Perlland, McKelway, wife of the editor of the J. C. HARPER, Grants Pass,Or.. Manage Spanish <-a|>s, a cartridge box, a hook son Electric Light company .who ¡»car­ be fired, and the work of destruction j of the commission as settling the mat- Ore. Very Cordially Yours, Brooklyn Eagle; a daughter of ex-Mayor rying out tin organized cruvade against off one of the door« and a »pike cut off t hub* completed. Th<- c xp< rirn«( of tl.. i ter, but as starting in the proper wav to J ohn C. L easuke , Grand Pr«»ie« in .Madison. The work is efficient «hell explosive known. wealth and of position. About one-fourth acroea the draw bridge and over to .Mor­ adaptable to the conditions in inn It is a very difficult problem to as­ cans, Germans or E 'glishman, it »Must Japan has 70 copper mines. 1 In the county court of the statsofO»! be not only shown up but punished. city, and requires a suitable generator TRICKS OF THE TYPES. of the number were married women who ro, which is far more famous than Ca­ certain the numerical superiority of I gon, for Josephine county. There are aluminum violins. Secretary Alger, who has returned banas. We explored the different room» of electricity, controlling device» and lyddite over other cxplowiv s. It ihcrr- have, or are likely to have, property to * wo Amusing IHnndern of British In the matter of the estate j Notioito I Vienna has a municipal »al ien. conducting wire*,, \fter th«- prorry* is. and dungeons of Morro, and here we t a inly six tin»« ■* more powerful than from a trip to Cuba and Porto Rico, ami of Abram Cole, deceased, f Creditor!. I manage. <«»inpoMltor». Canada exports hay to the »tates. also picked up quite a few good rrlica properly understood It can lx* expedi­ nitroglycerin, which in turn is at resumed Ins position at the head jf the A writer ir. Macmillan's Magazine of- Notice is hereby given by rheur - I The graduates from the university are Finland has women paper hangers. tiously operated by two intelligent least «-ight tin»« * mor«- powerful th in War department,dosen’t talk like a man I found a candleMtU-k (which 1 am now in an article on printers’ errors feigned, administrator of the MiaUtl by no means all the New York »omen workmen with a conveyance Rockefeller ’ s income is $40,(>H) a day. i to carry using) in one of .Morro*» dark room«. I the Mime weight of gunpowder. I'm e superb "mixes.”.as blendings of Abram Cole, deceased, to the credit I who has any idea of resigning; in fact, who have been studying the laws which Des M jins boasts a woman butcher. got a sight of one of her large*! gun«, around the appliance», and the in* ther, all ex|Miienee «hows that it.- if n paragi .ipbs are called. We borrow of, and all persons having claimsqiitf I he very distinctly says that he lias no ventor» estimate that from govern the transaction of business. ten to fecta nr«* »prrad over a much great« r and I also carried away a three-inch a ci uple. The first owes its character t i the said deceased, to exhibit themr’il England has 13,000 female »ch ol tea­ such idea. On the contrary, he talks of cher». 1 here are other classes composed in sev­ shell. Of course. I got a xinall ptew thirty sepárate service pi pew » may be area than in th«* case of nitroglyeci r nterpo attd line from a report of a necessary vouchers, witbin six m •! thawed out by such, un out fit after the first publication of thisn--:*| the work in Cuba an«! Porto Rico as In a day. or dynamite, which, are intensity lei of her walls. The lieutenant colonel In Glascow more than one-third of the eral instances of rich women, who meet P lie mceti— In tflawing service pipet t w o a re in their action. It 1 hih I><«- ii firqu* nl wm almost afraid to go around with though he expected to l>e connected with car f ire» are one-half penny “On the 3d nst. at Elkirgton the wife to the said administrator at theoffiai] in one another’s drawing room, quite as Abe Axtell, county ju«ige, at Grantsh*I us. for fear that we would gvt arrested cleared out at one “thaw,” w he re two erroneously stated that lyddite it for a long time. He says the greatest | Th« EngliMh tobacco trade employes if they constituted a sewing society, or of J. S. Tert I. »clioolm.aater. i f a sou. Josephine county, Oregon, or to meal for stealing Morro castle. Hut. of frozen pip«-> are on the kaiim * block melinite may lx* UM*d us a sub titi He spoke need of Cuba is education for the mattes, 121 women to every 100 men. r ilistinetly. but was tinder- person at my residence on Louse cred I anything else traditionally feminine course, we had to have something to Chicago Times-Herald. for cordite or gunpowder in pr<*| «dli Zurich provides comfortable sanitary They have an accredited lawyer as an in­ stood to sav that on the 3d Inst.at Ripon, Josephine county, Oregon. that there is comparatively little dis­ remember this place, so we helped our a projectile; Mich could not be theca the wife dwellings for 900 city employe«. M auhici : S aw /. I Joseph Landseer, taller, of a Shirt Mal«t I'orrrii■. tress now on the Island, among men. structor. and are said to he bright and daughter. of M-lvr» to everything in right. however, as- the explosion take* plat ” Administrator of the estate d Abml 1 he city of Jena, in Germany, owns a If the elixir of life was ever discov ­ sml that tne condition of the indigent "On th!» same day we all wen- wo rapidly that the chamber of the gu brewery that pays to the city a profit of interested pupils —Harper s Bazar. The secoi nd occurred in a descriptior. Cole, desrased. ered, certainly th«- summer shirt wuint widows sml children is being steadily | more than |30.0'm with a clean towel, ter Ocecn. it « then L « v. place I A _ for the Throat and Lungs, a remedvth*; rardt'd and tight one»the mode: “T hat ed. In this rcfcpect. combined with it more than satisfied. < M* course, I realize and tenqier will always have friends, but Angeles from Yun a. where he lias been m in dripping-pans and bake them ; i» guaianteed to cure and relieve* wu|x‘rlative destructive capncitie.* kills t lie shirt w ai^t \s soon ns \ on put | that t here is a great d rt al yet to ba done, in the employ it the Southern Pacific. Neeeww. Chinamen. one who would be attractive must keep iydditc approaches nn hteal explos \ they are tender. After «hieh ent ’ hronic and Acute Coughs. A?tli®> A recent traveler in China has some tight sleeves in it then it Ix-gins u> for shell«, and it is swife to predict thn ami that perfection is a plant of slow her health. If »he is weak, sickly and During his stay in Yuma tbire were 19* ijchitip and Consumption. Fricc5 c. and 50c. thing to say of John Chinaman that may break away nt th«* armholes and I h four deaths nmii.g tl e D olans on the it will play an extren«- \ inipietji. growth. I return, however, with un- all run down, »be will be nervous and ir­ well fill the hearts of all \meriram cornea useless.” Last year’s medium* part in th«* great military operation questioning faith in the future, I re- reservation, and follow irg their usual ritable. If »he has constipation or kid­ whbenvy. lie remarks that John never sized slcvvo proved Mitisfactory, and <»f the futurt were burtieiL not » V Util UtQte v ( apx. Boston (ilolx*. turn, too, a better American, if such a ney trouble, her impure blood will cause custom tl.e I < di » s nt D octor i Hilton snvs that these Indians are “nat- seems to gel tired or nervous lie can this year’s first display I«- k ns though ■ thing lie possible, than when I want pi01 pies, biotche«, »kin eruptions and a ural born" cr’ ch n sc. nee us to A COZ Every once in awhile 11 -t. ¡the United States has undertaken and is the best medicine in the world to reg­ discount all i XJ. er. Ae modern crema- ivory, do infinitely tedious jobs forevet proinixeN to be prime favorite in the It Io»«** it.« light or is »tr Specialists lor in how magnificentlv that work is being ulate etotuarb, liver and kidnt>ys and 1 > ! tories in p< A; t of effectiveness, says the an I accomplished, 1 feel that our country purify the blood. It gives strong nerve« Ariz<*r a I. | tra< ted ailments »inc« »■ They have the torfsM * Their plan. tiu- machine This quality appears in early in pal«- violets. lUu<‘s and pink-, that out one of these finr days < iptain says, is a very ut don't has taken another stride forward in the bright eye», smooth, velvety skin, rich 1 heat cunipped medial » simple one, L life. There an- no restless, naughtv haw returned from the laundry a mud­ worry; it won’t go out for st t tut ion. and the » it is thoroughly ef- ' noble ta«k of helping to civilize and up ­ complexion. It will make a good look ­ tenalve practice in U m G * fvctivr. Wbei boy a in ( kina. They an- all appalling dy while and utterly unfit for wear in There was a brilliant wtac i Indian die« the whole lift hunianity, '1 he time is not far dis- ing, charming woman of a run-down in­ tribe have a g No Pay Till C»>* The washable silk I y good, and will plod away in school street «br house rea u II iim which «ntin-ly vai;i?- J Unfortunate men who «*»' I tint, if indeed, it is not already al hand, valid. On 50 cents at Dr. Kremer’s drug are told off ; o k t pew-wow and details without recess or play of any kind. The waist, which g.ivt *uch b.iti>f,ict¡on la>t great while ago, and a g«»oc ieep up a regular and nee »nd private l*«k- Did you ever try to dod K e the i when the people of Cuba and Porto Rico store. systematic v. Chinaman can do without exercise year, pnmii » > to lx- greatly in d«- iiuiik I finer there was another of tl g up to the time the rSTA»LI»MCO 17 VKAR8. _ ALL FKEK Iiody is prrj a rain-drops? Did not succeed B|x»rt or play seems to him so much fur the coming*-« a.*-on X Y. IleraJd. red .,, , .. , Thousands enred st for cremation. When 1 i const« Hati«*n that most p. this time arr’ÌVt ?> a shallow hole is very well, did you? Its just A ^«•onfldentiai. No Charge for tonMiltsti*. waste of latx»r. He can »1« ep any w here p ¡»retty well. There n«e..’ t 731 M“awca<» | scooped out it —amid deafening uproar, on the ground :t sand, which is filled as useless to try toescape from I* l*!eia«!r«. but now th«*rv ar with finely tq or in any position. Cincinnati Com tered wood, on which tue germs of consumption. Y ou I I’ ’ lan« t« arc not given to «lis.ij the nude corp merelal Tribune. is laid. A c* rd or two tan t do it. They are about us his way. and when a p'.nn of mesquite « cric1 is then piled on fop ishtd it keeps a pretty firm lt.in«rl.Hhl* etr«w«rko. <■*1 every hand and we are con- and about the dy, the fire is applied irlf, and dorx not give up ita In Xiirn.uki, Japan, linn- i. n fli«- stantly taking them into our and the entire ind of Indiana gather ly. < incliitiati Ei quir r. work, ni.krr wlio ninnutiu'lun « pyro­ lungs. at»out the bur r pile. technic bini, of irrv.t *lr<- that, when Then why don't we all have i ar.,at*’aBd I r»dc-.Mark» obtained and Far n r - r«!« there D a sKrht msiReaa conducted for M oocratc Fit* exploded, .ail it a lifelike miinner » P baking du Ui*s dtsease? Simply because i»' This fearful disease often first appears SOua Orncc is o fro » it » u S R atcnt o **'«1 t hr mixt urv. tliri.ugh the nlr, mid perfora» .»»nei i ’r can terura patent in les« t.™« «•’*■ l*o*< The wood bur ns these R. rms cannot gain a foot- to ashes, and when it as a mere scratch, a pimple, or lump in Jrem ■- <■ Wiah >n. movraient. < tartly like D iom -of living 5 - a w . - rr rh *i., W;'1' ? the breast, too small to attract any goes out there is nothing rrvembling n hold in a strong throat and Xtkin. bird. The «ecret of making the., won­ We a. . if p«t«„ « Oar fea not dae tiii patent ia -><•<*r*\ . W aedi t he I «*e cut away, the .Many a Lotrr Mr. J. I. Lilly, a prominent citizen of New York ice rin k* is the r- • of glass ' not yield, and your throat and |x>i<.>n remains in the blood, and promptly breaks out afresh, with A woman evangelist II con verting Ila. turned »itli disgust from an Hannibal, Mo., lately ha.l a wonderful skat 4. If H fou renewed violence. wise lovable girl with an Olfi led raw and son-, you doliveranca (row a (rightful .«.»! I am g'»ing to throw the pin si,nans without a cure. Much to their delight 8. S. S. urovwl on absohite gu tan tee. Price 25 weak I couldn't even tit up in bed. thia hymn-book at him.” ‘he raised equal to the diseas«> and promptly effected a cure. The glad news • nd 5d cents W.F Kremer. Nothing helped me I el|—< led to whiu the Itook as if she was going to throw it. spread rapidly, and it was soon demonstrated die of Con.imiptfon. when I heard rd |»r and every man but one in the house A Meet Hida Baptist Min lai s, loud beyond doubt that a euro had at last been Kiog'a New hiaoovorr. One hottie gave ducked hit liea-l to avoid the book. claw onw true ntrn. Il aftrrward. C opyrights â* now am well and .Irony. I can’t any loo •mall but bright, and were deeply inter- the following is a specimen : • •>•***•» »nd d«Mrip QDt<*tiv Msertun nnp "*P’ni'in - fr»R e«ted in the subject --Jimmy,— said much in ite pniae.” Thia marvelloua ivarnaj that hw waadeaf and dumb. < «S "Canoer *• hereditary in our family, my father, a puteMlahie. í medicine it the aure.t and quickeet cure the teacher, turning to one of the star m,t.T and an aunt having died fmm this dreadful M m mh IN- -«S< o I n Pi •S?«£2 , ? 1**1 r 84< r ■ '.«¡•1. ’*•>- fureemritt» H »« in diMMS. My feeling, may be imagined when the hor ­ mc .T brarKS “ nd Kreatly t »i« in the world for all Throat and l ung pupils, *‘wbo was it ki Heil th« I'bilie- rible diMMtae made ita appt>aran>'e on my aide. It wag ir« Try Allan » Foot Ease. »J* ; • afc*n ’*’••’»<»> Mi. n A C«» r* trenirthen them as well. The i , Trouble. Regular aite. :>0 cerite and fl A powder io Im shaken into the slioea. : a malignant lamer, eating inwardly in such a way a« digestion hevomes stronger the Trial trottlee Ire« at W. F Kremer'. At this reason your fret feel «»ollen, out hesitation. appetite better and the wh^ Rut Walter Smith'» to caime great alarm. The itiaea.se aeem^l hey,»nd'the ■kill of the do,-tora. for their treatment did no jpvod Drug Store , every bottle guerantevd » ■ • f'. tin tn in tier/out and hot arid |{et tired easily. hand was raised in an indignant protest. whatever, the Cnncer growing worse all the while Increases. The whole body K-. f ■» ■ r tnmrMwt , *.*,| T^- n I way 9 If >on have »martini feet or tight shoos. *' ’Twa» not.” he declared without wait- N'amensi« remedies were uaed for it but the CSm-er ÌÌIIUU a n ' MBA. I M. ÎDOL. comes well fortified and the What Is Nhlloli? color» of WUnN 4 Naw Ï •* try Allen t Foot Esse L It <*onls the feet 1» lx« ask'd atx'nt it. "Sampson wasn’t gr> A ,t t.lv v rae. until it •.vnu d that I wa« .loomed terms of consumption cannot A grand old remedy lor Cough., Cold, •nil mate* walking • to f..!; >» t lie inhere of the family, for I know how dead I t Can.-er i«, espeeialle oh«», ar ». Wuhn« easy. Curs» wwol- there at all. It »a» S< hlev ” gain a foothold. when iii>u-rit<-1. I w ,« adviaed t > try Swift a Specific i.S 8 S 1. which, from the taches! « and vonaumption; Mr« through Ui* | l«n and »wealing feet. , ,l’’ tlJis nourish me. sustain- blitters and cal If Shiloh • Cough and Cot a in»pti< n flt«t lav. forv,sl. nt the )■ i«on I continued it. use until I had taken eighteen shoe w b world lor half a century, ha. cured Inna I wui »pot«. Rei eve« urns and bunions cure, which is sold for the »mall price d bolt l«M. vvll • nx and strengthening power uierable caaea of incipient cua.umption of all |>«iu and gives drm-lful al Of SCOirs F.MI LilJN^ i»*t and comfort 25 cis . Niels and |I.(V>, d< es not <*ure for Cancer. and relieved many in advanced atagea Try it Mi gold hy hts made it of such value in all druggists and take th>- bottle bacli and »e will refund If you are not aatiatied with r