Ax IxDirutDBXT P am *, D ktotbd E amcially V ol . XV to tub I mmuti or Eom**> O bkuon . No, 27. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1899. r Cameras for sale or rent. Inquire of The Republican Tarty A. E. Voorhies. Money Power Contributed Take your blacksmithing to Trimble A j (Governor l'ingrw of Michigan in the Bacher for first-class work. LAMPS, Mirritm, Independent.) For a first-class meal, go to the City A Mlnsloiiary Sermon. LANTERNS, CARPETS, In the InJe|>endrnl’s letter,inviting me Hotel; B. A. Williams, proprietor. DINNER- to contribute to its columns, the follow­ FURNITURE, Bicycle hospital for all repairing at I went to meetin’ last Sunday WARE, ing sentence from my recent address at WINDOW­ Cramer Bros. And sat in a seat near the choir, Toledo, Ohio, is quoted : GRANITE ­ SHADES See the Quartz Improved Ixjcation And the grand swelling heavenly music, “I have no hesitation in Having that WARE. notices at the C oi bikb office. RUGS, Seemed pastor and flock to inspire. the .eadersnip of the republican party is Before you get your New TINWARE, The citv election will take place next I sat by the anthem enchanted, NOVELTY. now within the control of the l>ond- Suit, we want to show you TOOLS. Monday, the first day of May. The can- I saw not a face that was there, PAPER holders.” Tirs sentence should be read Something Nice iu Men’s d dates for recorder are rather thick. It seemed I was borne gently upward ETC.. ETC. with the context. Immediately follow­ NAPKINS Ou wings of the throbbing air. Suits at (5.00, $6.50, $9.75, J> bn Coleman and wife of Phoenix, ing the above were these sentences: I ’ d nigh reached that heavenly city, Ja< kson county were down last week to “This does not mean that the republi­ $12.00, $15.00, they will Fit Whose streets by God’s love are all lit, visit their daughter, Mrs. Lee Calvert. can party is the party of the monopolists, you and they Will Wear. City ward meetings this Wednesday) When I found the choir’d stopped singing, by any means It simply means that We want to Dress the Boys And 1 was right where 1 had sit, the «*our*e ot the party is dictated too evening at N o'clock. Voters'turn out and .»tore New Goods this Week. New Carpet. New Wall Paper, up in some of our New Suits, much by commercial greed select the men you wish to vote for at When I first came into the meeting, And settled rnjself for a star, |2 00, $2 50, $3 50, $4 00, “Men like your Ohio bos*, who rule* the regular city election. Some ot the Handsomest Patterns we have evei shown, Popular Prices too. You can’t miss it For they said We’re to have a fine sermon” from Cleveland, have w ielded a sceptre they will please the Boys and Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley of Chicago, buying here. Have you taken advantage of that DINNER SET OFFER at One-fifth off? Only $15 A bishop was there for the day. which does not belong to the republican you too, when you see how who have b«en looking at the mines in Well, he rose. He was tall, broad hih ! for 124 Pieces actually worth 819.27. party. It i* foreign to it* history and to this county for the past week, left Nice they are. Underwear, handsome its principles. 1 hope you will tear that An Odd Lot of Caps to Close out. Worth 25c. Your Choice for ijc . last Thursday morning for Nau Francisco. Shirts, Sox, Ties, Shoes, With hands soft and w hite as a girl, sceptre from his grasp and dash it to too Japanese Napkins for 22c. Beginning March 12th, the Northern And when he smoothed back his black pieces here in Toledo tomorrow. Gloves; the Price is Right. whiskers, Pacific Railway will inaugurate a double “ Trust*, corjHiration* and money must His teeth shone like rows of white |M-arl. not rule our party. It wus created as a daily train service to all points east. These trains will both be firBt-class and He spoke, and his voice, it sounded party of the entire people. It was such in line because they could do nothing U|>oii thia great question. I yield to As cooing and soft as a dove, fully equipped. This gives a service in Lincoln’s time. But it |is slipping else. Some leaders of the democratic none ol them in loyalty to the party. I that is unequalled by any transcontinen­ He opened the great pulpit Bible away from its original principles. Its party have made it almost impossible have auch a regard for the traditionaand And took for his text the word “Love.” leadership i* largely in the hand« of cor­ by their acts for prudent and thoughtful principlae of llie parly that I am unwill­ tal line. For rates or other information business men to join it. ing to ace it pledged, by lhe aiieuee of Opera House Block call on or write E FL Dunbar, Agent, Well, the sermon wa* fine. 1 don’t doubt it porate wealth. The C nexprctxd Anxwer. For the women there all were in tears Giants l’as*. Ore. “All the men who had schemes, and moat of ila preeent leaders, to the inter- “I do not condemn corporations and Somethiug itayxtl hi* feet. There wae And the first time that I’ve had wet eyes,air, rich men, but I would keep them within all ths corporations who wanted privi­ eata of the “judieioua eouihinatiena," re­ A Frightful Blunder a tire in the grate within—fur the night For these more than two score of years. ferred to in Senator Me.Millan'a letter. leges joined the republican party, ex ­ their proper sphere. The republican Will often cause a horrible burn, Scald, T? W W V-ÍF V W When he spoke of the poor heathen mother party is not their property, to use ao pecting that party to bear their burdens 1 make bold to eay that the leadere of wa. dull—and it lit the little parlor.and Cut or Bruise. Bucklvn’s Arnica Salve, brought out the Meriting effect! el the Who in ignorance as black as the night and to serve them. This has been going the party, upon thia queetion, do not pictures on the wall. But theae were at they *ee tit. the best in the world will kill the pain Threw her babies to the beastly sea sarpent “Money getting is not the soul aim in on for years, but it cannot last forever, correctly reflect the opiniona and cou- nothing to the picture on the hearth. and promptly heal it. Cures old Sore*, Because she had never the light victione of the rank and tile of lhe party. QMITH & HOUGH, life. It should not be ths principle ob­ gentlemen. Fever Sore*, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Of our dear, blessed, life-giving gospel, The republican party has ever been a There, by the adt glow of the firelight, ject. It is not safe to intrust the govern ­ “ I deem it a valuable service to th«* all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on ATTORNEYS*AT LAW, To free her from Heathendom's chain, party of honeely ef purpose. It will do knelt hia little child at its aaother'a feet, ment uf the country to the influence of party to speak a word ot warning at this ita aniall Lauda cl an ped in prayer, ita fair Practice in all State and Federal Court* earth. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guar­ And when he had finished his story Wall street, This is a common »tafe­ time. For it is time that corporations, no damage to the party to discuss thia head bowed, and ita roey lipa altering anteed. Hold by Dr. Kremer, druggist. My tears war a failin’ like rain. question openly and freely. 1 ’ he real Office over First National Bank. inent, 1 know, But lt ha» a eerioua combines, trusts and multi-millionairea each word with childiah diatinctneaa. Council Proceeding*. He told how they sold young ladies G rants P ans , • - O regon . meaning. were requested to leave the front seat«, traitor to lhe party ia the one who in­ The father liatened, apellbound to the As slaves to rich merchant or king, quires, behind closed doors, what is ex ­ The council met in regular pession “1 do not say these tinnii» to excite a at least, and let ths men wbo can speak •pot; April 20. A petition from Thos. R. When he spoke of the curse of such barter popular clamor against wealth. The for the great body of voters, the men who pedient for the party. When the lead­ A rthur p . harth , “Now 1 lay ntc down toikep, His voice had a powerful ring. Graves lor owning a street connecting owners of large amount* of property ar? believe in the republicanism of Abraham ers discuss party policy in secret they I pray lhe Lord my bou I to keep; Then lie told of our own lovely country, are not thinking of the party, They Bridge street with Fifth street was read DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, entitled to their possessions, most of Lincoln, have room and part in the con­ II I should die liefore I waka, Our beautiful hills and our flowers, have in mind only their own personal and referred to the street committee. them. The laws of the land protect duct of public atf'airs, I do not even sug­ 1 pray the Lord niy aoul to take." Office over First N itional Bank, Permission was granted J. T. Layton He mentioned how the good God had them and rightly, too. gest that men be ignored nnd humili­ interests. If ths altitude of ths party is Sweet innocent' The man himeelf blessed us, G rants P ass , - - O regon . to move his barn back of Huie's to face right it can trust the people to treat it “But 1 do *ay that they have no rigtit ated simply because they are rich, but whoatood there with bearded lipe tight* By sending us sunshine ami shower*. on H street. to rule politics. It is an illegal us? of the legislative and executive offices of fairly. He told how the nation was grow in ’ , The republican party can be depended ly abut together had aaid that prayer Bills ordered paid: S. 1’ D. & L. Co., J J C. PERKINS, their wealth. They ought not to be per ­ this nation cannot much longer be tilled And reachen’ from coast to coast, once at hia niether'a knee. Where wae lumber, $113 lit); Roy Bartlett, record­ mitted to guide the republican partv to with men whose claim* are based solely Bpon to deal honestly and effectively that mother now 7 The eunaet galea had Then he said : “Could we who had plenty with the problem of trusts if it is per ­ ing ordinance, 50c. make it a party of commercial greed. upoh their devotion to corporate inter Not give to the souls all but lost?” long ago unbarred to let her paae mitted to express its convictions. An ordinance was enacted giving “The majority of the party is not with este. . . . He said : “ We must share with our brothers through. But lhe child had not yet fla- merchants the privilege of carrying in them. It is llie duly of the party to s«nd Itra-ailon the Waters. “The chief point I wish to make at iahed; he heard her “liod bleaa mamma, That God claimed a part of each crop,” (1RANT* I* A NN, O regon . stock only 100 pounds of gun powder. And when they came round with ttye platter them to the rear. It will do *o unless this time is that the rank and file will Ono of the closest friends uf Baron papa and my own sell." Then there Heretofore they have kept large quanti­ they do something for American human­ not stay with the republican party mi­ Rothachild of Paris was Carolus lturan, You ort to have heard the chink drop. wax a pauee, and ahe lifted her troubled ties in their store* and warehouse*, J^R. J. JENNINGS, ity and quit using lhe governinet for sel­ le*« we choose our leaders, hereafter, the artist. During the entire course of Well, the meetin ’ was o ’ er and I drifted blueevesto mother a face. "God bleae A dog license was passed—11 on male fish commercial purposes, without consulting those who control a certain laig* dinner party the great Papa,” lisped the little uue; "and— With the rest of ’em out in th«* night, RESIDENT DENTIST. dog* and $3 on female dogs. “ talk like this will l>e met with cries the cor|>oration«, trusts and combines of financier noted that th. painter kept please etuid hint home eeher." Ha The judge* appointed for the city elec­ The cold wind struck right to the marrow, of 'treason to lhe party1 from the bond 30 Years Expel lence. the country, their attorney*, agents and 1‘ioking al biin with a uioat intent anil could not hear the mother as she said And the side-walks war mantled in white, tion, which takes place in May, area* L cj I dr I b W ho huW lead the party, and *srvants. Our Isatlers must be men who peculiar expression, Aller the coffee Office inOpera House block; see the sign 1 rammed my hands down in my Jacket, thia, but the child followed, in a clear,in- follows: First ward judges, E. Ryle, C. of The Big Tooth. And drew my scarf round good and tight; from their agents and their »ubaidized are proof against all .corrupting infiu and cigara, the baron drew bis Irtend apiriug tone: “God—bleae—papa—an<« L. Edgerton, J. B. Paddock ; clerks. Geo. press. eaces and the temptations which come aside, and said : “My dear fellow, pray plain send hlui—home—sober. Amen." G rants P ans , O regon . Bacher ami Robert Smith. I hadn't a cent in my pocket«, “1 care nothing for that. The great with political ambition. When the re­ toll uie why you have stared at me so They were drained for the mission that Mother and child epraug to their foot in Second ward — Judges, John Patrick, majority of republicans, the farmer«, ar­ publican party returns to the leadership peculiarly this evening?" ORICE A VOORHIES, night. alarm, when the door opened suddenly, J. K Pign?y,J. H. Colby; clerks, Joe. I’d gone along whistling an' happy, tisans,mechanics, clerks, business men of such men, I will have no fear for its “I'll toll you with pleasure," answered aud they saw wbo bad returned ao soon ; Moes and F. L. Coron. REAL ESTATE, and and men of brains ami common sense, future.’’ A block or two down the black street Ihiran ; “1 am painting a beggar for the but that night, when little Mamie wae Third ward—Judges, John Hartman, INSURANCE. When my foot struck against a hard bundle indorse such sentiment*. They are the I have thought that ¡»erhapfl the per- aalen, and have looked all over Paris for heme tucked in bed after ouch a rump voters. They are the ones who are suf­ Representing the most reliable com­ H. E. Smith. Harry Smith; clerks, C Ail crusted over with sleet. »intent ignoring, by most of the leaders a suitable head to draw from. I've with paua, she said, in the sleepieat and fering from the evil effects of these great panies in existence, both tire and life). N. Challen and Shorty Smith. I struck a match : stooped to discover most contented of voicea; "Mamma, of the republican party, of the very ser­ finally found it. Yours is the ideal.” Fourth ward—Judges, Mr. Johnson, Notary Public. combines and monopolies. Tiie tiling I had ¿found, and lo! Itolhachild laughed heartily, and pro­ God answers moat aa quick ae the tele­ ious problems create«! by ths organisa ­ J. R, Gunning, Dave Keenan; clerks, G rants P ass , ... O regon . In an addraas delivered by me at the 'Twas a child, worn thin by starvation, mised to sit for hie friend in suitable at­ phone, doesn’t he?"—Selected. Lon Jennings and Nat Fees?. banquet of the Michigan Club,of Detroit, tion of trusts- wbi« h have multiplied to tire on the following day. Laying dead at my feet in the snow. an almost fearful extent during tbs past First ward polling place in the ' old IV P. DODGE, on February 22d last, 1 spoke as follow* The Flat teas (ions Forth. There she lay in stone’s throw of the man During the progress of the sitting a J- V • school house, Terrell’s office, Second “The republican party was formed to 12 months—was due to ths fact that young artist, one of Duran s pupils, »ion Ata public school exhibition in Brook­ those leaders did not fully realise the im ­ INSURANCE and ward, Binn’s building, Sixth and E. make men free and equal, its votes I’d lietm in so coxy and warm, cam a into the room Naturally ho had lyn recently, one of the pupils recited REAL ESTATE streets. Third ward,City Hall, Fourth While she with the snow fer her pillow caine from the farmer and his sons ; from mense im;»ortan<*e of the*e problems to not besn in a position to meet people of the following selection : ward, near the corner of Fifth and II the villages and the country districts of the people. J believe that these leader* Life, Fire and Accident Insurance. Was dying alone in the storm. Baron Rothschild's importance, and *o “I’in liceiiM*d to sell! get out of uiy «hop !” streets, Shaw’s carpenter «hop. Office with Price «V Voorhies. the various states. They did not come do not appreciate bow deeply the people did not know him; but the beggar's Oh, the lands of our frosen Alaska the rumseller angrily cried, of the country feel upon the matter and Council set Wednesday, Apiil And the isles'neath file tropics’fieree glare from the overcrowded |>ortions of our G rants P ahs , O regon . With n frown on the face and a curse on miserable rag«, wan face, and wmtful ex- how much earnest thinking they are do ­ ward meeting« to be held at 8 great cities, where the voters were con­ May swarm with our ebony kinsman Ilia lips to the woman who stood by his preMion appealed deeply to the young p m. at the following places: trolled by bosses. Republican majori­ ing at the prSHont tune. But the money 1 have to share side. Ç^OSHOW & SH E RI DA N, It is not necessary to go far from my man'* «yniputbie*. Waiting until hi* Fust ward, school house; second ward, Witli the |MN»r tnsklen down of God’» chil­ ties came from the states that afterward master was busy mixing color*, the “My momenta are precious, I’ve no time court house; third ward, City Hall: dren furnished patriotic soldiers. >o long a* ow n home, however, in order to discover pupil toek a franc from hi* vest pocket MINING ATTORNEYS, to waste, Pre paid for my license,I say. fourih ward, old hose building. Shall succor my own country’s |>oor, the great questions growing out of th? the real attitude of one multi-millionaire and held it out behind Ills bark to the ’Tie my business to sell, I shall Nell when I Special attention given to Mining leader of the party u|xn this important The mass convention for the nomina ­ And nary a cent to the lie.«then, Civil war remained unsettled the re ­ and Land Law s, and Land Office practice. choose tv those w ho will give me my mode I, who Mixed it with feigned avidity. tion of may or, city attorney, recorder While a starving child stands at my door. publican party was controlled by men question. Henator McMillan*, whose When the sitting wa* ever Rothschild I ” R onerurg . - • O regon . long service in the United States senate and city treasurer, will l>e held at the — Maud Merritt. c hosen to represent the people. made inqairies of Duraa concerning the “ Your momenta are precious! ah ! precious opera house, Thursday evening, April 27, “But in lime these questions disap- entitles him to r«nk as one of the leaders philanthropist, and was informed that for what? To ruin some innocent one? Graduate of Horology Passau Univer­ at 8 p. m. ¡M*ar?d and other question* demanded of the republi« an party, in an open letter he wa* a student of great promise and Nick IlvailachcN, sity. Germany. You shall listen a moment; 'tie little I ask The reports of Col Johnson, city treas­ I he curse of overworked womankind, are attention, Problem* of trade and fl- to the senate of Michigan, writes as fol­ attainments, but among the |»oorsel of for wrongs that to me you have done. urer, an«l W E McGregor, city auditor, quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clo­ nance, and <]ne«tiona of admiuiatration lows, in referring to trusts.“By judicious Yon have ruined my bunliand, loth body the inhabitants of lhe Latin Quarter. w»-re read and referred to ths finance ver Root Tea, the great blood purifier came up. Meantime wealth increased 1 ronbinations among the industries, pro Home six months after this occuirsnce and soul, that you his scant money committee. and tissue builder. Money refunded it and capital and labor drifted into con* duction has txxn ct*. and 50 els then back to ten years ago, lines of legitimate mining. Capital Stock, $50,001), what assurance have we that the article Money refund?«! if results are not satis­ Ami how it is you and your cursed work The climate of Southern Oregon is an 10 wi!’ steadily improve in grade and ex- factory,— W. F. Kremer. that have brought them down so low : I'Jtal one. Flowers bloom in January Receive deposits subject to check or on IcelleDee? Dn ail accessible p"inta. soul* that you have helped drag down over ’200 families out of ernplojmeut. and bar« by all sorts of appliances, from and films together, and for J. D. FRY, President. t<> hell, It iiaa not even been demonslratsd that the primitive rocker of early days to the An experienced an i up to- only I • H little avail will it be to you then to say, J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. the organisation of trusts assure* better An Excellent Combination. more pretentious monitor or giant, sup­ date cutter ami filler, has R. A. B ooth , Uaahier “1 am licensed to sell.’ wages. We cannot know this until tbs locateti in Grants Pass und The pleasant m« thod and beneficial plied by water lei at gr«*at expense Among ihe guests on ths platform was effe.-ta of the well known remedy. thrr ugh ditches «core* of mil?» in length. Holders of the watered stocks and bunds opened Tailoring Rooms on NTBVP or Flos, manufacture«) by the • ’ Hwald Oxeshk, a saloon-kee|»er, and of the trust* begin to demand dividends Front St., cor. 4th, with a full IWERin nd 19 HINDINT BARVEST. ('ALiF«»HjriA F1G SrKvr Co , illustrate •*1 feel confident,” Mr. Virtue said | uis dslx ate sensibilities w re tsuebed by am! interest*. last evening, “ that ia a few y«?ars Jose ­ line uf Cioths. Long expert* the value of obtaining the liquid laxa ­ are insured only to those who *ow ora the strong denunciation of hie Infamous tested sEire. Send postal for our illu-trat- tive principle* of plant* known to he ph i a? county will produce mor? gold enee in the business warrants But this problem of “trusts’’ involves These are not toy cameras ?d catalogue and *ave money by purchasing medicinally laxative and presenting thsa any area of ita size in the «tate of busies«*, and he has sworn to stop such a question of vastly greater importance him in saying a but gcxxl leather covered ir.>m the them in the f««rm n»«jst refreshing to the declamations in the public s< bools. Ths than the success of business enterprise ta ’e a d a -eptab!«* to th»* system. It Oregon. Grint's ¡’ass th? business cen­ P acific S ceo C omnanv , instruments taking clear liquor dealers* association hays taken is th? n«* perfe«-t str« ngth«-ning iaxa ter of these productive fields, is a great or the *< < umulation of enormous wealth Wb«»ie*ale and Retail, Perfect Fit and and (distinct photographs <>p the fight, and the end is not yet. It «125 U j 73# J M.. Jwn-riini»*nt«». < al five, defusing the system effectually. headquarters for mining m«*n and min­ by flnariciers. It involves the national ; .¡ng - I- h»*ada- h> an«! fevers AH Feed* *oid at |.»w?«t price*. A gen:* • isiii -I u be now an open question, shall ing suppbrs. 1 l.e town is building up 4x4 inches. See the work Satisfaction Guaranteed. chara«*t?r. I have not time lo enter into I * anted. Literal di*< ount« but no»e?»l« «old gently yet promptly and enabling one the saloons go or ths declamations go? tn overcome habitual constipation per- rapidly and the stranger is usually sur­ a full discussion of this phrase of the on comathnion. done with these instru­ manentSv. Ita perfect freedom from prised at the business-like air which pre- problem, hot will only ask these ques­ All work well finishe«! and a* ments. every obje< tionable quality and sul>- Teacher a Institute. Cr» »« /*nt CH, and (»l ant* i*a»« hiax ■’•an ?. and it* acting on th? kidneys, vades The.bueinese men are hospitable, tions : Can the people of this country af­ cheap as good work c«n lx Line Paw*« fttfer Kale*. ford to build up enormous money mak- liv- r and bowels, without weakening enterprising and full of posh, and every­ Notice is hereby given that for the done for. Call and look oyer or irritating them, make it the ideal body is willing to assist the new-omsr Img rna< hi.)«* al the espouse of their own F rom Grente Pa** purpose of making an examination of all samples. la xi live. To WihJeni le in obtaining information in regard to lo- independence and manhood? Khali this persons who may offer themeelvee as Also agent fer a Chicago i th»* pro « ** of mantifaetur ng figs To I«ove’s .... < alions and at the *ame lime no wildcat I country of ;ielitical freedom become a candidates for teachers of the schools of tailoring Loune, A are used, a« they are pleasant V« the To And‘u*«7n to give k ■ uuntry of commercial slavery—the io-1 e. but lhe medi'-inal qualities of the trap* are «st for the unwary, a* in some this countv, the county superintendent Cleaning and Repairing 4) ta* G edy To Nelma E * evitable re»uit of com eulration and com-1 are obtained from senna and of ths more booming mining toralitie*. rem« To Kerb? ....... thereof will hold a public examination at «lone in lbs most approve«) -r aromatic plants, by a method othe To * a?:o......... The Southern Pacific railros») givesex ' bination of wealth? i toe court hone? in Grants Pass, begin* kr><" wn to the C aliforxia F io Hyatp manner. t>r .»• -".it. ha-.irig cameras. r Storile* or*k i -»M only. In order to get its beneficial celient daily eervu.-et l?Hh from Portland ningal 1 o’clock p. iu., Wednesday, May I bav? txen road many a letter by re- 00 «ia*q l»*l . . ■ ff* «'ts and to avoid imitations, please and Nan Francisco, making the mins* Developing Outfits and £ p iblh an n?w»pa;xrs and severely rriti- 10, l9v9. Applicable fur stalo papers • 00 Creai*» nt City -ember the full name <»f the Company easily aeceseitole. Mr. Virtue i* *-ngage llayee . . Tom Smith | k A**e**or .... . B U McCulloch b iryeyor .... Dr. J Myers « Coroner PRECINCT OFFICERS. Justice.............................. fames Holman Constable ............... Ill Colby CITY OF GRANT’S PASS. Mai or.................. . M 1 Coburn Auditor..................... W Elmer McGregor Treasurer........... .... ... t ol Johnson Street Comminsioner.. . 1 B Elliot Marshal........................ F W Huggerth f Dr. Wm Flanagan I L u Jennings .. ) F LI <»ron Counvilraen......... j w A | Frank Fetscli ( Fred Guyer Regular meetings of the city council of Grant's I’ass are hel-l in lhe council rooms in the city hall on the first and third Thursday evenings of each month. CIRCUIT COURT. Meets on the third Monday in April and the fourth Monday in Neptember. COUNTY COURT. Probate court meets first Monday of January, April. July and >entember. County c«>iiimis*ioners court meets tir*l Wednesday after lhe meeting of the county court. EAST and SOUTH ---- VIA THE ---- S hasta Route — of the — Southern Pacific Company. Ex urei» Trains l^eave Portland iHiitv | North. Bouth. AT. ' 9:30 a . M 6:UU r. M. 1 j lv . Porti tnd S;|J5 s . m 1 lv . Grant« Pass LV. 7 :M r. M B 15a m . at . San Fran co LV. N:00 P. >. M. Al»ove train* stop at all stations »»etaeen Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion. Jefferson, Albany, < ottage <»rove. Tangent, Shedd*. Halaey. Harrisburg, Junction • i’.y, Eugene, Drain Oakland, and all station* from Roseburg, to Ashland inclusive. Roteburg Mail Daily - 12 2:>r. a. tv. Albany 5:2 up . a. at . Homburg DININL VAR8 ON OGDEN ROUTE. Pullman S econd Buffet Sleepers — and — C' ass S leeping C ams Attache» lo aii thiough trains For further particular!» inquire of George Estes, Grants Pa**. Wett Side Division. 7:*) a .N. lv . Portland at . 5:50 f . ■ ¡1 55 r. ■. I at . Corvelli« er. l:Mr. fi Al All*ny Mid Corvalii» eonoBct »: Wa.n« of Or. entrai A he-tern Gy. Exraass trai * daily ( ex < ept smear.) 4 bUr. ■ ly . P< . uand ai. j * J ôa . n 7 ;30r. n . | ar. McMmnvil.s tv. . 5-50 a . « Rebate tk-ket* on «ale betw«^*-n Portland, -■ > ■ m . 1 -a'l F rari .• Nel rales $17 fir-t da-«* and |lt •n«l a --, :•> d- ing Meeper. »¡id Kates *nd ticket* to Ea«ie i. HON* Europe Al*o JAPAN <1 OLI LI* and AUfiTKALlA tained iron* our agent. Grant C. II MAR K. KAEHLER. P F. jBA«M«ger. JE Joseph Kessler, FIRST NATIONAL E AUK Magazine Camera. . > » I► ► » > > » F. Buettel, Merchant Tailor $5 i < A. E. Voorhies. 4 F. Buettel, « 1