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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1899)
' wu to au, in „Ira teteion MADE IN ONE NIGHT. b..^Ncp log it, slihouf. it i, • ,1m om . C m - 1 (rm, CM d« M •Mrmoui amount 0< I ,rVS 3 fat quilt, onf and git a frft T^n qu utisni ar» atM, at nt hrt rt'thie. ani th, tr,atn,„t b, calif. ¿ traatn,,^ I fri». >t fra" Hight Lastet, Lott tianhood. ancholf. (htif Spoil», Spot, Eie,. St^pl,»»n,»t. fu o^g, fc. spacial traatoent.% Ho faietL cino, but a earofoHg .»Z* t^oatmont. EroryBoat*? MWiS* TO PLATE THE DEAD, MOTHER OF FITZHUGH LEE. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. j of n .»nrv I arar thr.« lightly »core Mix toc«’brr jper. a »cant irterof a tea- re» a tahle- onful of aum- rapoonfulsof T rim Bob bit (reading)—“Pa. what does’« better hafj’ ciran?* “Just what »be •ay»."—Li'e. Enough to hill Him.—**l>o you think Fl&mmtr will get over his illA«rsa?" "I hardly ti nk »0. He has three doc tors.”-T. • n Talk. She Ccn'di/t Tell.—“Am I descended from ar • ma?" "1 dare say. but I’m not sure, for I never met any of jour father’s people.”—Truth. Two Orphans.—“Conversation it only the art of talking back." "Not much; conversation is the art of getting some- Ibdtcy to listen to you."—-Chicago Rec ord. "Pa. is a man’s wife called his better half?" "Yea, my son. “Tber. each of Mr. Robert’s three wives would be a bet sixth. wouldn’t she?"—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Brown—"Milman seems to know a good deal." Black—“Ye»; but of course it is impossible for a man to know as much as Milman appears to know."— Boston Transcript. A Brutal Bachelor.—Aunt June—"It's so pleasant to have a baby in the house.” Walker—“How can it be pleas ant when there is a continual squall?" — Boston Transcript. "Please excuse William from school to-day." wrote the bey’s mother to the teacher, “as he sat up late last night studying his lessons and is too sleepy to come to-day.”—North American. Contingent Circumstances. — "I rT “We Mr. Eilden a good memory?" replied the discreet friend: “I must soy it cbpends somewhat on whether he’» owing of collecting.’* — Washington Star. Up in Fractions.—Mamma—"Bessie, how many slaters has your ne w play- mate ?" Pesaie—“He has one mamma. He tried to fool me by saying that he had two half sisters, but he didn’t know that I’ve studied arithmetic.”—Tacoma Ledger. »•rk IB »W. «Mk. whan ib. condition. Scientists Propott to Cover Corpus are favorable. Tbera ar. oihara, but i with Metals. How the Harbor of Marshfield, Cape Cod Bay, Was Formed. ths principal .tumbling bloc-k ia the Hull i Blind and almost helpless aa a baby the mother of Gen Fitzhugh Lee iivet Army bill, *h>ch ia no. befors th. sen ■ with her son Daniel, near Fredericks ate If th* aupporb-r* and opponent« ef burg, Va. Though nearly WO years old that bill retain thair altitud., she is still iright and cheerful. Sur atrialtroatmentfn»t k * the bill ia bound te fail, and the preei rounded by descendants who fairly idol Hrs you •»ekt sand, han ize her, she is rapidly nearing the dark dent baa repeatedly .aid that be a.jId Uhtro? Hoalong_ I they ont, i river, fearle»» and with childlike con fl at one s call an extra eee.ion if it failed Years ago Marshfield, situated on Among the topics constantly agitat deoce. Her grandfather, George Ma and ohto uj b i you bar,paint» Conaer.alive senators are Irvin, tost* Cape Cod bay. about half way between ing social and sanitary experts are son, wa» a prominent statesman in the Wn»r»? Hua long Cohasset and Plymouth, was a bus range some remprem ae that < aa be ac the difficulties of urban sepulture. The early days of th< republic and took part Hight sooatt? Hoittenk tling little coast town, and was in fact cepted with vol lose of dignity by both largest cities no longer tolerate burial in framing the American constitution. Do your oytt blur tfh»n one of the shipbuilding towns of note I aides. They believe tbat 11 they can get cemeteries within their limits. The ex Hia third »on, John, inherited consider Doyout/tepatmgh Hoalong f in the country’s earliest history. The a compromite bill through Mr. M Kinley pense and trouble that this prohibition able property in Virginia, including An- Hr» you eonstipat: famous trading brig Columbia, after ■ ill, owing to his kno*u reputnaai e te involve» Lave given rise to the alterna alostan island, to which place he which the Columbia rivtr was named, au extra er .a ion, be willing te take lees tive idea« of incineration and other brought a lovely Maryland bride, whose Hntoor th»,» qution, and a *P»e,a' rim was built here, a* were also several tea- I trust troatmtnt •<>• prepared and tent coli thee be asked tor rather than to veto similar method» for the disposition of family name wax Munay. The young * n *Is used aa privateers in the war of the dead. So many details of the pres- I est child of this couple was Anna Maria, to you by mail troifou tab» no chanc»,. i«to S««ee. r««na«>w If ... it had allowed ln<^ an e,^ra *»«»ioa. i«i>. i. —. ; been ---------- "------- : to work 2. who wa» brought up on the outskirts of ent way of conducting funerals have auliflower until Uddrott Tba McKinley coart of inquiry to ia- Boil or stean « v out its own destiny, Marshfield might Washingum. in her youth she was been developed by the progre»»ivr prepare a even now be a thriving town like Es j vest 1 gate the baef scandie will begin the spirit of the times that it 1» no wonder known us "beautiful Nannie Ma*on of tender, ed stewed rauce w sex, which is known for ita honest and taking of l»«iimeny thi» weak. Th» Lit that in thia peculiar field also there tLe island." At Arlington «he first met thickened toma toe 7 STOGTON STREET, thorough ship-building wherever the ot witnesM« is « I ng out, and it will should be an application of scientific Lieut. Sydney Smith Lee, United States ur rubbed with a tat fishermen of New England guide their probably bt a month or »o before the it* element». navy, a brother of Robert E. This meet- bafrancisco . cal . »nd salted smooth in restless keels. But nature intervened, va«» gatiot is conclude«!. Evidence» found by delvera into the I ing resulted in courtship and marriage. to taste. Wh aeriaten- and walled the town up in a prison, the Gen. Joseph E. Johnston being one of Th» regular Naval (Appropriation bill, extant relics of the past of the pro- d«-r. dish, and j >ur < ver it the hot to like of which may be seen at many ................................................................................. fiency the ancients attained in the I the groornxmen. Portrait« taken in mato sauce. If preferred, a table- just passed by the houwe, carries |44,lfiH- places on sandy Cape Cod. process of embalming have encouraged those early days show thr brideto have ( opoonfu! of thick sweet cream may be 605, which is about 13,500,000 greater I had a lovely, piquant face, with rosy Originally the mouth of ihe river modern attempts at the preservation added to the sauce before using —Good than the largest »ingle appropriation 1 was ata point nearly opposite the town, of the dead. Some of these are mere cheeks, brown eyes and clustering Health. but gradually, as the soil washed down ever made for the navy, and yet it 1» temporary expedient« to keep the body brown curls. by the river and the sand worked up »early >4,000.000 lest than was asked for for a brief time before burial. Other» The young couple resided for some by the seat met, a bar formed extend it tbt tstiaiate» of the navy department. attempt to make the preservation per time in Washington, where Mrs. Ix*e’« beauty, wit and vivacity made her the ing from the north side of the river’s The bill lor the reurganizatioa of the* manent. A qualified success in this di admiration and center of a choice so mouth across it, thus stopping the navy, generally spoken of as the Navy rection ha» Ie«l to the assertion that cial circle. At their country home. swift, direct flow which hsd always the lost art of embalming has Ixen Clermont, near Alexandria, on the 19th kept the channel free and clear. Then Pereonnel bill, has fared much txt ter red ¡»covered. the river turned south, and the sandbar than the Army Reorganization bill. It This is the age of electrical wonder». of November, 1835, their eldest son was followed it, growing m aise as the has been patted by both house and sen- The ana of human affairs into which lx>rn, and named Fitzhugh, after a be flow of the river decreased, until it ate and is now before a conference com the mysterious current does not run loved friend. Mrs. Fitzhugh, of Raven worth. Five other sons were born to had become a good-sized promontory mittee, owing to several amendment» and revolutionize existing conditions is them, and 311 grew to manhood and inside of which the river flowed, with added by the senate, with the probabili- practically unknown. The domain of were gallant sailor» and soldiers during an outlet far to the southward of the ty of boceining a law before the close of the “great majority" ia it» lateat field she civil war. When that strueg!e com original one opposite the town. Being of operation. menced ( apt. Lev resigned from the turned out of its regular channel in this Che present week. A »dentist of most advanced elec Ruling out the appropriation tn pay navy. and. like bis famous brother, of way, the river also broadened and shal trical ideas, who recently returned from lowed. The current slack«-ned, and the Spain >20,000,000 as a ¡»art of the Sun Europe, is the advocate of an applica fered hi« sword to his native state. Mrs. fxe went with him to Richmond, leav deposit» carried down by It were dry Civil bill, on a point ef order, hod no tion of electrical methods forth«* pres UNLUCKY CHINESE EDITORS. ing all her property in the hands of the dropped inaid«, instead of outside, the special meaning, and will not prevent ervation of the dead. You mav have heard He hold» that mouth, while throughout the little that appropriation being made. Two his experiments prove It not only «*n- enemy. Never throughout these four Th« Tyritunlriil Empre»» II«« Mup- about SCOTT’S EMULSION years of horror and <?arnage did Mrs. , roadstead inside the old mouth isk-ts bill» for that purpose have already been 1 tlrely practical, but the genuine end of pr«r»se«i All Xewapnpers in Ix*e’s courage give way, though her hus and have a vague notion formed, so that there were few g >o<j the age system of permanent embalm the Hmpire. introduced, one by Chairman Cannon of band, sons and many relative« were at places tor a boat to lié, even if any that it is cod-liver oil with ing. He has been a laborious student Empress Tze H»i ha» FuppreMed all thing more than the »hoalest draught the appropriation committ«*e, which is of Egyptology, and is familiar with all the front. At the close of hostilities she its bad taste and smell and could have got in over the liars ut the the one that will pose, aa brief as it could the discoveries made in the disinte- i returned with her family to a country newspapers in China. There were 56. place in Stafford county, Va., where her though of these tlio»e in foreign hands I poMHibly be made, and another by Rep all its other repulsive fea mouth. grating of the mummies from theiran- husband died soon after. Mrs. Ix?e cannot be stepped. The imperia! de So Marshfield remained behind its resentative Gillett of Maaaacbusetts, cdent covering». tures. It is cod-liver oil, the spent many year» in the quirt dignity of cree of October 9 was as follow»: “As THE MAMOTH barrier of sand and peat until the night which after providing fer the appropria During a stay In Rome he visited the widowhood at old Richmond, on the newspapers only serve to excite the purest and the best in the of November 26. when the big storm set tion, add» aa a second lection the Mc- famous cemetery of the Capuchins, un- Potomac. When her son. Fitzhdgh, be masses to subvert the present order of world, but made so palata in. All night long the fierce north Enery resolution, which was adopted by • der the church of that order, iq the came govemorof Virginia she made her things, and the editors concerned come east gale piled the Water up against ble that almost everybody I Piazza dr Cappucdni. Here the vaults home with him in Richmond, and orce the senate last week. from the dregs of thr literary classes,! the outside of the promontory, and on can take it. Nearly ail She r.o good can be serve^l by thr continua The senate committee on education contain tomb» with earth from Jeru more b«rame a charm in society. the following day, in conjunction with salem. When new interments are to be was ever keenly interested In the polit tion of such dangerous instruments, the gale, came one of the highest tides and labor appear to be afraid that the children like it and ask for Established In 1 350 made the bones longest undisturbed ical issues of the day, but unfortunately and we hereby command the ent>r of the year. The water rose until at eight hour bill is loaded. It has report more. in these vaults are taken out. From a severe cold settled on her rye». After Muppresoion and sealing up of all new s length it broke clear over a low place ed the bill without recommendation, | these the most ghastly decorations for BUILT AM» CONDUCI! I» ON inter.»«* suffering, borne with her usual papers published within the empire, in tffe promontory, between what are something tbat no legislative committee I the wall» and roof» have been fash- STRICT BUSINESS PRINCIPLES fortitude, she submitted to a painful while thr editors connected with them known as third and fourth cliffs, and should be allowed to do, and »uggemed | ioned. While looking at the crumbling operation , which, however, failed to nre to be arrested and punished with swept up into the river with all the amendments exempting from ths provi remains of the 4,000 departed monks give relief, and she became totally blind the utmost *ev«?rity of thr law." power of the high tide and hurricane at sions of the bill, contracts for the pur lined up against the wall it occurred to —Chicago Chronicle. When you buy The Oregonian you do not ALU AYS UP Now. with four or five exceptions, its back. The river was filled until the SUITORS IN CARACAS. him that if bodies were only treated looks like cream; it nour ¡O DATE Invest in a lottery. You get your money’s these papers have been very well con water rose over the bridge and up chase of the ordinary »upplie« of the gov and contract» for the to the electrical process by which they Ifow b Yoang Woxos*« ’»’/.is Shocked by ducted. and certainly in some cases ishes the wasted body of worth, in both quantity and quality. into the street at Marshfield, and hun ernment could be incused in a metallic surface JJer Amcrlcuti Nweeihc irt. (.'hiñese editors may take rank among dreds of acres of the big marshes ly purchase of materials in the open the baby, child or adult they would thus be preserved inlucl A friend of lu'.r.■* from New Yo “quite thr best people in China." One. ing to the southeast of the town, and market. The bill was evidently report The Oregonian ie the only newspaper in Ore DAY AND and lifelike for all time. better than cream or any who v ax ti it in- i 1 the city lay t w who was merely thr editor of a local from which it takes its name, were ed only liecause the majority of the com NIGHT gon. Washington, Idaho and British Columbia Experiments followed, w hich the sci te . I m *< ame er;*: other food in existence, it d to a j □ uiq womuii pap« r till then had been tutor to the covered several feet with water. PRESS mittee feared to do otherwise, but it was entist regards as highly satisfactory. takii.g both the day and night reporta of the nging to u:;< <»f thi uhi f.Ui.ili« ft, children of Chang Chih Tung, throne When all thia immense body of water hold back until its ( ham s of being acted REPORT} bears about the same rela- £ To those unfamiliar with th«* process Associated Press. ¡i ;, sum riter in tu; 0* r..o u .i. Ex- incorruptible viceroy. Yet these men, started on its return to the sea with the tion to other emulsions that < * upon is not one in a poMible 100. The of viectrotyping it may be said that to pting a fen moni :*t*‘ c ».at x.ita hi» and for no other offense than that of falling tide, it was impossible for it to have a thin film of metal deposited on vet Evart at the 1 >n La¿ v.i udow on being newspaper editors, are tobe pun cream does to milk. If you b The Oregonian has a larger special service WIL SPECIAL get out quickly enough by the shallow oien who demanded this legislation haw the entire surface it is flrMt covered with th. e street the you: 7 ruui in ■ <• : </ • ished with the utmost severity of the ( I R. and devious way through the mouth of been buncoed. Tbat is just about the than any other paper in the Northwest. Staff have had any experience t > l.i.5 law. and this by the arbitrary will of !! «1 net er ijr.’.eii < ;.<• u ci. «.1c KESPONt But the reporting of the plumbago—more familiar to unscien the river, so it went out in the way exact truth correspondents maintained at Olympia and Sa with other so-called “just as tific ken in stove polish. Then with an erp c? ly « a woman, hated throughout China, who ucee. To : 1 A : > . L* I X . most of it had come in, by the break bill will enable such members of the lem, so that sUte and legislative news of Oregon tv t.f af- 0 acid bath and the electric current the •w Y'or’.c:, t . , > ?;*.l*.ii t'U» SERVICE good” preparations, you has summarilv depos. d her adopted son made by the sea over the promontory, committee as desire to claim that they and Washington is gathered and printed in • ; v>u/’ ¡1 t* j '.cable a: d tue xr; r cr and made herself ruler in his place. transfer is effected. 0 and the scouring of this strong tide did all they could to put it through. will find that this is a fact. !! detail. . :;fï( ion grew tliemore une Ordinary metallic platings of table Kang, the modern sage, who has only undid in a single night the work of H|teaksr Reed is credited with having ware and other articles of familiar use ! V. Cl fu. ¿e this »eric . t. 1 The hypophosphites that are csi-aptd beheading through the pro 0 many years. When the Marshfield folk . < Vi knocked oat the Nicaragua ( anal bill, are common enough, but experiments V vning wh. n the object of combined with the cod-liver oil THE ORE- tection of an English man-of-war. begs The Oregonian Bureau at Washington city visited the place the next day they v.. ir.aci- •n wim left alone hi the had to show that thr idea was also ap GOMAN’S thr English people to take steps for g've <}'ve additional value to it because found, where there had been solid when it was offered in the house as an furnishes the paper with everything in national inc H • t t ’ plicable to other substunces. Meats ira 1 rxciiHiiip’ ho; ’ *f icr ; WASHING thr protection of thr relatives of one ground 4K hours before, a clean-cut amendment to the Sundry Civil bill, and they tone up the nervous system legislation and gossip which may affect the tain a drink of v trier, not !>ir;2* t. me 1 of tlu sr editors. Liang, the editor of and vegetable filler« were so treated to TON channel, 250 feet wide and 13 feet deep shut out on a point of order, but the een- » and impart strength to the whole people of the Northwest states. This Is in addi !.’e hr. nd BUREAU ' hi» satisfaction, and then he advancesl uè natura» to him than t Chinese Progress. He has himself es for its full width, through which the stors who favor the canal have fixed up 0 body. tion to and supplements the daily house, senate ouldstil hers. I'efoiv the 1 or fel- caped into hiding somewhere or other ¡ i to his embalming theory. tide ran like a mill race, while in the a little game that Mr. Rend will not find A ». ’ had Lv.-ii able t-> give i Hu .t ;;culle and capitol reporta of the Associated Press. In this thr body is prrpnrcd for the but by Chinese usage all the relations older mouth of the river there was it easy to boat. They have had the bill »tire which, to lover» mea r.«s more ot a criminal are reckoned criminals, ordinary embalming. Thr viscera ar«* hardly and movement. For a mile or add»«! to the river and barber bill, by an a thoum.’id v.crds his s u «et heart, even to the ninth degree; and Mr. 1 removed and the preservative ii«|tiid is The Oregonian prints more editorial than any more outside of the cut the wuter was ockcd brvond <■ press or, rushed the senate committee oa commerce as an injected into the vein». A coating of Liang's foster mother, aunt, uncle, discolored by the dirt and refuse other paper In Its Held. It is pre-eminently th« ■.n" her- iy frinii lhe v irriow cr<- mrtal applied by the electro-plating brothe r and nephew have been seized which were being carried out by the amendment, which places it wav beyond journal for thoughtful. Intelligent renders. It r as .... «... 1 . ■ r, cv t » is 4 the of 1 ic If, process then hermetically incase» the by the official». Mr. Kang’s own whol« current, and even then it was evident the reach of pointe of order in the bout*« discards hollow sensational matter, with which -yt i ■ flicr.t'on of thi at tl;c fi family fled in the night from their the barn and islets which had filled the That the ameaded bill will ¡»ass the sen whole frame and it is prresrved intact many other papers are burdened. of Hi© dre ad earthquake or any other forever. home across the Pearl river, at Canton, harbor were being washeil away. ate is certain. Then the bouse can In this outer shell gold, silver, copper danger or evil. before officials arrived to seize them; The work that Ixgan then ha» been either vote to accept the senate amend 1 he rex t rvrnli - wTien the amazed though how a whole clan can succeed going steadily on ever since. Many of ments including the canal legislation, or or nickel could be used to suit th«* Time Spento Reading The mpt. d to explain that an An.eriean in remaining hidden it is difficult to the little islets which had formed in ask for a conference. In either event purse and fancy of those having the em — oí tiie — ,!e i:» his country were tregonian Is Time Gained cn** 3vd c balmment done. With it coffins and understand, unless under the protec ihe harbor have entirely disappeared, there seems to be no chance for Mr. casket» could be done away with. A permitted not only to claap hands but tion of the British flag at Hong-Kong. and others are growing smaller every f*vrn to ki«a tjch olher, the young FOR FARMI R! Fartreis and business men turn to The Ore- His brother, of course, was among the day. There is a straight, free entrance Reed to kill the canal legislation with man could perpetuate himself in endur a oiunn vowc I tl.-.t «he wfluid never ANU first six leaders beheaded at Peking.— gonian as the Indispensable recurd and dlrec- to the aca, which is in a more direct out killing the entire River and Harbor ing brass or more precious metals. Ex un s» Trains Leave Portland Dadv ks of the Andes for such Iravc th© pen BUXINES! The Charles Surfaces of the future St. James’ Gazette. line with the flow of the river than bill and ho ia too wise » man 10 »ttampt tory of couuuerclal affairs, Accurate and re- South. N i a wicked country. even the old mouth of yearn ago. and to do what be know» would bo more apt w ho have to raise money on their own liable. 6:00 r. » . I LV. PortTtn» Ar. I A VI ttnian Hlffkvvn» K«ibb«*r. “flesh and blood" could transmit to the through which a good-sised nwl can to bring failure than success. BATHROOMS A LA MODE. h 06 K. m tv. Granta Paes LV. _ The 7 Wr m According to a recent report from 8: I5 a . m . j zr. San Fran’co lv . A (to P M enter at any stage of the tide. Inside friends ef the canal are more hopeful Bir Olivers securities that had intrinsic Mr«. John .Id ob ♦ >r sn«t Mrs. <;eor<e Ruaeia. there is a professional highway “AD.” Grant largaln, are noted in the display and of it is a harbor large enough for quite uow than thov have Ixen at any time u» well us artistic values.—Chicago Al ve train« stop al all stations between <.u*'l-i Il.iwu I in* On«*«. CULLM>$ woman in that country, whose name is cla.Klfled coltiniua of The Oregonian. Journal. These Portland and >alem. Turner, Marion. a fleet to anchor, with good holding Milndy'» lutliroom ha qrrown to I* in given as Barbara Dainieria. duringjhe »ession that the noeesaary leg She K Jefferson. A. ans. Cottage <«r< re. Tangent, who wateb them save enough money to get ground and from 30 to 40 feet of water The l>r L um ? Inrldent. its luxurious ¡ erfv ’ ion u triumph of tehedds, Halsey. Harrisburg, Jonction » ity, >aid to bt dashing and beautifu . and their paper fre. in most places, while the ru«h of the islation will be socurod. although there ii'tistir clevrriH*.ttys th«* New Y’ork ride like a cvntaurz In «lescribing her Eugene, Dra n Oa< ■ .. .< ia etauon» A letter from Senor Dupuv <le Lome, tide appears to be deepening both chan are many quakiog knees ib the House dated December 25. 1 m *7, anti add reaped Journal. T'r <• rkill of the architect i« from Roseburg, to Ashland inclusive. marksmanship the statement i> mad for fear that the canal amendment may nel and roadstead. to Senor Uanalejaa, ha.« Ix*cii stolen in cnjplo*. ctl for special designs, and there that she can scallop the edge of a tiny Roseburg Mail Daily If matters continue a» favorably as result in killing the whole River and Havana by some on«* in the Cuban intrr- is no limit to the det oration«. HeaWes 12 Paqrs a Week Russian coin with rifle bullets at any 62 Columns ** they have Iwgun, the harbor thus Harbor bill I M. at . < JOr. a t At. and M*nt to the Cuban junta in New h«» rrgukir tub, v.hich is beautiful as range within sight. She is also di«- 12 25 F. m 624 Pages a Year strangely crested will be a very val LV. 12 jor. a The presidonUe appeal to cwngrees fur York, which gate it to the pre»» on ornnr.:< Hal pore :i’n and g’lvrr can tinguished for her courtly manners, 5 2Ú F. M. 4363 Columns ** 7 Su à . M uublr our, not only to Marshfield i tarif, a Pacific cable is met in a way bv Sena February V, 1HV8. This letter contained make it, then* is a ritz bathtub with and. like all famous highwaymen, she but to our coast shipping, and even All the Dew* well written. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. ray erd v.av at? u ’lmrnt an«l other rob» only the rich, giving liberally to tor Fry.. auioudmeut to the Sundry a coarse and vulgar attack upon Presi Articles describing Western scenes and Inci- more to our yachtsmen. Up to now dent McKinley, which led to the imme . ; i .irnti: ' to m ’ . t the tartr and conven Pullman Buffet Sleeper» the poor. She avoids all possibility of dents there has not been a single good harbor Civil bill for the payment of 1100,(XM),000 diate resignation and recall of the er of th«* owr*' In »in* instancrj the shedding of blood, and, although — ami — Bt 1 -. of I- vo and adventure by well-known ou the south shore, as the outer heritor a year for 20 years by tlie government writer, who hud served Spain well and h? room is 1 ’lit. I by v light or win- ♦he wears men’> clothes. h»*r voice am. S econd C' ass S leeping C ars authors. of Plymouth la not a safe anchorage forthonseof a Pacific cable to belaid unscrupuluu»ly. • s in rxqni-ite de- beauty declare h< r to be a woman. The Hut far more im i'r?! n.? l»y newspaper artists Attached to all thtough trains for small craft, and the inner heritor and controlled by a private cor|»oratioa. portant in it« wider bearing» than this r hs and goddrosr.*». |w*uple in the neighboring d in which TI'M !.tc • - !.g sketches and literature for boys can I m * gained only by a skilled pilot. but it would seem to be bott»r policy (<>r disclosure of the character of Dupuy iftil works of art *he carries on her trade are enthus and girl?. Between Plymouth and Hull there are the government to spend thoo» 'J.OOO.OOu,* dr Lorn«’ was thr fact that the letter re- • -o nrd o’I pa»:vt'*ng ami iastic in their praise of this« woman i a* . . articles ai.d illustrations for women only Scituate and Cohasset. Both of r. ari Ir and bronze, reprr- foot ¡ mu ! . N Y’. Tribune. 000 in laying the cable itself than to ¡»ay v«aled the utter boftownc«* of all the these are shoal, and the latter is with Weit Side Division I fortrn \ end a loan exhibi- it just (er the free use of the cable for Spanish profession», and showed that Those Wlic Once Take The out sufficient protection from a north <»*ttln« Hid of Friction. the negotiation» in regard to autonomy r tres*« irra would errate a government messages east gale z—-Boaton Transcript. Oregonian Won’t Do Without It I tic*' In ar’iitic ’ circles, A novel invention has b»en exhibited and commercial relations were only in 7 V m i tv. Portland 5 ¿x) p. m volti • •m s rurmnndlng« iieforv a large number of persona by J. 11 55 r. a tended to amuse and deceive thr United <r. Corvallis I :10p. m Ixird <««cf. ;no»nb. from the M Alves, a llu«*ian civil t ginerr in S’ State». Thr effect of thi» revelation R('vised This L» a delicious cold sauce to serve -c wLok* is was just beginning to make itself felt Petersburg. With this :nventi»»n he Sibscrlpbn with hot puddings, notably apple pud- I nt unI ir ret Ion propone« to rvvolutioniz** wheel loco when thr American people were Rtrics...., ding» an«l tartsand all boil«*«l »uet pud c than “S motion. By attaching it to the wheels I »tunned by an event which drove every • ding»: One white of egg. four ounce« V of any vehicle friction is reduced to | thing rl*e from their minds.—Hou. By Mail .er year f fresh butter, two ounces powdered're- Henry Cabot lxxlgv, in Harper'» Mag it» lowest |M>s«ible limit. To the amaze ear ...... Ecscina 1» mor«* than a skin dis«*as*>, sugar, one half tea spoon ful of vanilla th» ...... ment of th«- spectator,anordinan hors, azine. The or four tvawpoonfuls brandy. Beat the and no skin r**m«Hli**s can cure it easily drew a wagon loaded with 2lj "diys excepted IMIly. per » (èrttlnM >rit butter till it looks like whipped cream. ductors are unable to «*ff«*et a curt*, and tons of good». The mechanism c f this • ut day» Included...... their mineral mixtur«*s arc daningii’g It must I m * quite »oft. Mix in the »agar Mi» Hubleigh I have always <lr- device was kept secret-, the wheels br to the m.»«t pow«*rful constitution l‘ln • n<l beat again. Whisk thr white of egg whole trouble is in the blood, and sired to live in an atmosphere of art and ing covered with a wooden franv-work. To old subscriber, »bo Increnae our liata, fill it 1» a stiff frotb; add to the butter, Swift's Specific is the only reinedj now at last my hop«** ar«* to I h * rrali/ed. OR! OMAN ’ J. This precaution on the part of the in terms are a« foi|o, '•••' For each new yearly and l»rat again till light and frothy. which can reach such deep-seated blouu Mi.«a Windrig Oh. it deed! I remein- ventor. it wa< explained, was becaus? f REE subscripts n you sen.i n., accompanied by the Add the vanlla or brandt gently. Heap diseases b«*r, now. I htarti M»me - nr >a\ the CULL / 3. he had just applied for a patent and d 1. money (|1 yi you will be credited three months up in « gla»» dish, grate a du»t of nut Retam» brok» out <»n mr <tan<hler, and m)ii other day that you wrr« going to move t T.rr Land u t ths» not wish hi« invention made public un on your own paper-The Weekly meg over the ton and »»nt In avoid place Unu»<! to »prvad until next door to a ¡mint factory. Chicago r.v '« •• til it had been protected bj the patent. —.. When you I leases for s» le at bare .ent In three subacrlpUom to harden. k»r head was «nlirvljr Evening New « f*r —Chicago Chmrirte , ------ — •K'-ivrais you have credit (k>v»r»d. Shew Ml trvabmi To Cure a < wiu iu Oue Day Id m with r ' ' ear °° a "tU* tnixelonary work by B»T»r»l « »-•d doctor«, Spalu ■ Grwaiast Nrctl. w rr k Th« Deadly Grip »ontel “lbOr' ‘Dd 7our Week1' °”- Take l.siAtiv» RretuoQuinin«Tabl»t». All but <r«w wore», and th* 50 YEARS* Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, druggists refund money if it fails to cure, drvadfui di»»«»» spr»»<i ts again abroad in the land The air EXPERIENCE Ufa . Th» genuine Las LliQ on ea. h tablet to h»r fa»». She was spends hi» winter» al Aiken, S. C. vou breathe may b« full of its fatal germs' IkiaT neglect the “Grip" or iak«n »' two <x»l»brat»d W»ak nerves had caused »ever« pain» in Address...... i t OU vou will open the d<»or to Pneumonia k««Hh »prln»«, but r» the I »ack of hi» Lead. On using Kloctric These ars dangerau» liin«» for the 1 i.ot ill and Conaamption and invite deatn. It« •Mvad no bvnrflt. Many the OREGONIAN health. Croup celds and throat treables Fswnt UM-dlotnea w«*rw taken, but without r** Billare, Ameriva’» graatoat BI ocm I and sure • are chills with fever, head PORTLAND, OREGON Nerve Remedy, all p»m left him. leads to Consumption. A bottle of One Suit, until ««• decidvd to try - ms and bv th«* ache.dul heavy pa ns. ¡nu«*>u<. i <•< harg Um* the flnii buttla wa* flni-t..*d h*»r h«*ad »■< ra from the noee »or» threat an 1 nev«r- Hr says this grand medicine i» what bis Twaof MARM» t Minute Cough Cure used at th» right gan U» h«al 4 dna«*n <*ur«*d h«r <*”<’ •t go cough lS»n’t waste pre; tout ’ i e D í SIGN» and l*fi h»r «kin i»»rf»*< ciy «mo««rh j » i >< country ner<l« All America knows that dent time will preserve life,health and a large »1***1, (a now «titwn v«*ar» old. and ha« a maantfle»*». i C opyright » A c treating thia cough with trtx he». tablet», ‘ n:c it * ur»» liver aa<F kuiney trouble purifl«*» rvw’l» <»f hair Xot a «i«n . f t* . I Anvott« ««na'-a • «kr* aasuuat ol mouer ri»«»»at to take or near, cheap wrap« Cure it at once q-i .-k.'jr M<x»rt« laraiM ha« »nr returned n n- the bloed, tone» up the atomach, invMttv« r children like it W. F. Kremer. with Dr King’s New Discovery, the .r- H T Moll. I» 'fiavtneV I 1; 17'M Lucas Ave .St U<uls. Mo allil»:« retvtdv for bronchial tr* ub *« •treugthen» the nerve», put» vitn. vigvr •ent ' »• i thr I ■ **• V l"Ment« 1 It kills the disease germ», heal» the Don’t egpect local application« of and new lite inte every muscle, nerve 4\ Hick Headache«. i erari lang» and prevent» th« dreaded after «f- *Mq»« and salve» to cure Eczema They and organ of the body. If weak, tired Th» curat of avarwortad womankind, art reach only the surfaoa. while the di- * «I 20 f t. Fo («ts froru the malad». Priiw 50 cent« or ailing yon need it. Everv b«»ltlr and fl.cO Money 1« tc if not cured. I ^d r qaicaly and »urtly cured by Karl*» UIo »ca«e come« from within Swift'» A h«n<MMw«»;v nt««tr K trial beetle free at W. F Kremer'» of »ar ». . guaranteed, only 50 rente Sold hv W. yer Root Tea, the great blood purifier t Specific Drug Store. II F. Kr«i«er, Druggi«t. «nJ tiseue bailder Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price 25 cl»., tud 5fl m*TT-íirri tía ». cl«.—W, F. Kremer. 4 Trll Yttur Mister "■ te»tew - ; . 'tte^J.*-'**••« **d • ' F« A Beautiful CooBplexion 1« an nn|*o»? »«•O., ■••••«« »««• is the only cure and will reach the moat Page, i Weekly s IUustraud. olwtinate case It is far ahead ut all b iity without gsMui pure bloud the Lattar. Minilar remedies, tiecauae it cure» eaiM'i that »1» »vs «x in uanaithg Fran war regalar corraepaodanl I which are bey< »nd their reach S S i* digestion, » healthy liver and bos purely vegetable, and i» thr only bi< «1 WaaanMToa, February 20, 1KW. t:* .ti- Karl'» Clover Ri»ot Tea acts Jirei remedy guaranteed to contain no p - piso s To thoM acquainted with caa(rea.i'>u ooh mercury <»r other mineral the bowel», livwr and hidneva » PER YEAR. POSTPAID. Books mailed frwv by Swift Spec •I tuatbe a, the preeeol caudilion ol them in perfect health. Pr • xxd sawpl » copy buemeea in both boute and tel ate would Cvitynj. Auaata. Georgia o&ila,— W. F Krenter. I « DR. J. I* HUDSON b e t SCOTT'S EMULSION 0 I s : L: Shasta Route Southern Pacific Company. r Vi'cnly Orajoiiidn COMAINS Eczema ! The Only Cure. '-r: S and Courier one year ? Sdentine Hierkan S.S.SX Blood MUNN ¿Co « PATENTS r? MININGpÄ INDISPENSABLE To MINING MEN. cunt r £A.SROW4OO F«a mining ** Scientific PRESS 1*> «XSXIT ST.. Sas riiluvo CAI. I c* t F