Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1899)
I'r. F:«u*g»n. l>enli»t. Whips, 10c to $2.o0 at Hackett’*. Blank note» at tbe VOI XIXM oMce. C. StLouie for watch repairing Will Mailer.'■ barber thopforateair H. A. Shorey, of Foot! creek, wu in cut. Bicycle Sundries at Cramer Bro*.' town for a few day« recently. Try Pike on bulk Ceffo**. Something Notary public at the Cot Bias office. G. IV. Ingalls, of Ashland, was look ing over the Paes last Saturday. Clemens, Druggist, opp. Opera House. good. Harden and Grata aeeda in bulk at Zera Peel expects to begin his school Neyer ruck better butter Horseshoeing at Trimble A Bacber's Wade a. on Louse creek m a week or two. than w sell. It is full Grass Seeds, Garden 'eeds. etc , at New »teck of typewriter paper at tb* Sergeant 1 B. Brown returned to ths weight d always fresh and Pike's. Coi aixa office. Pass after being away in the Altbeuse Welch—a splendid $4 shoe. Call and sweet. Pixo’a the place to buy your Hav. AU country for a week past. see it. clean Wheat. Mrs. J. A. Rekhopf returned from the Have yeur wheel overhauled at Cra- Taka your raxora to Will Mallory to east last week and we may soon expect mer Brea. ' to bear of those new.novelties. have them boned. Oiaugea and Lemons, nuts sad candies Miss Clara Skeel relumed this week For aeed rye and other grain* addreta at Wade's. from Salem where she held a clerkship R M. Robinaon. Wilderville. If you want a typewriter call on Price Trimble & Bacher are prepared to do during the session of the legislature. A Voorhiea. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smock, of Althouse, all kind* of blackauuitbing Dr. C. 8. Evans, oculiat-optician, Special price on good grain hay thia | were in the Tas® last »Mk, laying in Are strictly fancy. None better Blackburn building. wne supplies for their store. Mr. week at A. J. Pike'*. Cameras for sale or rent. Inquire of from frost too. j Smock i® doing a good busmetm and his Tbe new $4 shoe — Welch'* clothing A. E. Voorhiue. trade is increasing constantly. atore Opera houae block Harness ot all Kinds, Grads* and T. H. War ford, proprietor of the Hamlin à Fay — Fashionable Dreaa- Prices st Hackett'*. Granta Pas® and Crescent City telephone making—at J. D. Haye* & Co. Onion Seta, all you want for 5 cents i system, is now iu San Francisco where For Life, Fire, or Accident lnaurance > be went by steamer from Cres-ent City. per pound, at Pike’s. call upon N. P. Ilodge at the C olmikk Mr. Wqfford will work for an electric Go to Will Mallory’» barber shop il office. light company m the city, His tele you want a xuod shave. Are now in, and we handle nothing U the very choicest Always look at the window ef Welch’* phone line will lie managed by C. 8. Take voar shoes to Hackett for good quality; we are not afraid to recommendhetn. clothing atore and see the tplondid goods Prion. work and right prices. displayed A. O Wheeler oi J ump-otl-Joe wat tu DL4 CDV photographer Juat try a package of that Grape-nut town last Saturday and reported good r rl LD I Opp. Court House food at Pikes, the beat nerve and brain prospects in his quartz claim. The last Mouiething new—Grape nut food at food going. a®!*ay by Mr. Wright gave about |80. Pike’s. Only 20 cents a package. Whole wheat Hour, Buck wheat Hour, Mr. Wheeler says that many others Thirty-five cents a bail for beardless Corn .Meal, Rye Meal, Grahaui at Scott have located claims in that section in barley straw st Scott Griffin'e. consequence of his discovery. Griffin’*. Good goods cheap—Beat prices paid at Mr. Frank Houston returned from his Hood, the bicvele man, teas just re Front Street Secund Read Stere. ceived a new eupply oi Creacenta. all ol trip to Southern California Tuesday even- February record* 3.60 inches of rain- the '1)9 patent. lug of this week looking hale and hearty. iaii, about 2.50 inches the recent down The new ’99 model Stearns bicycle* Mr. Houston in very glad to return to pour are tbe Hnest wheels made. RedHeld old Oregon where it rams once in a while. He says that it is distressingly dry in Smoke the Stage Line Cigar. It iethe Sella them at $50 a piece. California and no prospects for a good best 5 cent Cigar iu the market—J.G. If you want rates to any point east, crop^this year. Schmidt. call on or write E. E. l'unbar, Grants G. L. Wheeler of Lake county. Califor Rtdfield has a dandy bicycle for $30. l’aae. Agent for the Northern 1’aciHc nia, in writing to hi® son in thia county, It is called the Tourist and is made Railway. *ays that unless there i» • «tret change by E. C. Stevens A Co. Don’t forget that White Star Flour is Call at the C oi hikk office and see sam the best and costa you no more than in the condition ef affairs in that state, which is not likely to occur, there will be ple* of tbe work of the $5 Vive Camera. other branda. Wade keeps it. The above is also true of Bicj’dcs. f you buy a wheel Kpeak to Voorhiea. the greatest emigration to Oregon ever T. A. Hood i* agent for the Red headed guaranteed in Chiettgo, what good doe^t do you 1 If you Call and see Hood’s aew Creecenta, Rambler, a fine wheel; lie will eoon known. It is distressingly dry in his section of the state and the further South buy awheel of us, we make good any rfeet of manufact they are beautiful, aud he will be de have an invoice on band, please remem tiie dryer. Rain now, though it should lighted to show them to you. ber io call. come in abundance, could not save all ure in Grants Pass, saving yon annoyaie, delay and the Embossed Photo Mount* for 4x4 and A report ef Mis* Ann* Wade’s school sections, because it is too late. >t laying aside of your wheel during the 1st part of the rid 4x5 prints for sale at the Cot kikk office, will appear iu next week’s issue. Miss Adaii A. Sparhawk, formerly of l'lain mounts any size cut to order. 1 ing aeason. We have now in stock :t ne litt ■ of Pheby, tbe artist, seems to bave this county, but now of the far north in You ean buy Snowy Butte flour from struck tbe right nail oa the head by in Alaska, wa® recently married to El your grocer if you insist on getting it. troducing the multiple and «tamp pho der Young, notice of which is taken Price the same as other first-class brands. tographa, for every ouu in town appears from the Northern Light, a missijn pa The Northern Pacific trains make the to have tome. |»er published at Fort Wrangle Miss fastest time east, and offer; the bestae- H. E. Allen and I. W. Davis have Sparhawk, now Mrs. Young, has writ eoaimiKlation*. For inioruiatioa inquire formed a co-partnership to engage in ten a number of articles for the C oubikk Which in quality and juice .-tie nnsui’jh’ped. of E. E. Dunbar, agent. contracting and building. Their office which received commendation from those Tbe recent rain* made Slate creek so will be on Sixth street, next door to whose pleasure it was to lead them. She has many friends in this county who high that neither of the mages on Tues Hale’s furniture store. w ill be pleased to hear of her good for day could cross. Tbe heavy rain did Hon. H. B. .Miller ha* recenti» put considerable damage to the stage road, «ut about 1600 apple trees on hi* Apple tune and they, with the Cor bier will wish her success in her new life which it will take some time to repair. gate ranch Mr. Miller has demonstrated Father Desmarais, of Jacksonville, , to his entire satisfaction that apple pro The l>eputy Prosecuting Attorney, L. will hold divine services and preach in duction in Southern Oregon is profitable V. Stewart, wish*» to call to the atten ODD FELLOWS’ BLOCl St. Anne's church in thia city next Bun and his faith ia evidenced by hie works. tion of 40 or 50 citiseni of Josephine day, March 5, at 10 a. in. Devotions of In last week's issue of the Cot'aixn we county, who ar* every day violating the you our Wheel ? the cross at 3 p in. The public invited. stated that Have Keenan had Ixiugbt fish law of Or.gon, that the dosed tea Joseph Kessler has received a splendid Dick Walker’s restaurant fixtures but ion for both catching and telling trout line of ladies' and gent’s gold and silver Mr. Keenan informs u* that this is a in thia state extendi from November In watches and invites the public to call mistake; but he was contemplating pur .March mclusive, and that the penalty ami examine them. A fine line of dia chasing tbe same but failed to secure it. for violating this law it “by tine not teat than $25 and not more than $200, or mond and epal jewelry also on hand. We gladly make this correction. imprisonment in the county jail for not A petition lias been sent to Washing Three deaths are reported since our Bought at a bargain and will be sd for ton from the people on upper Williams last issue bv the Grants Pass Coffin Co., less than three month*, or both such •w—— Pair creek, asking for a ;>ost office to be es and though we hope the undertaking tine and imprisonineat.” If thoae peo tablished in that section, to he called business may always be small in our ple will in the future take notice of the A full line of Carpenters and Builders’ Supply Dine Pine, with Larry Vinyard for post city, we are glad to see this enterprising law they will save the county the ex- master. Front street firm getting a fair share of panic of prosecutiug them. the business. One of their customer* J, D. Hayes A Ooinpsny have closed Among our Bargains ; |25 Vedette bicycle, guaranteed, Cra- out their line of dry'goods in the Pass being shown a coffin for $8 remarked and will open a store in Kerby this that it waa just as nice as one a neigh mer Bros. Governor at Kenneth Root has joined the ranks of week. They have secured the store bor paid $25 for. Plow Points to fit any Prow the camera “fiends” and w ill find pleas room in the Odd Fellows' building for Arrvalrd toy Marshal ure in his new Vive. thia purpose They will have a good Since our last issue two boy® in their field from which to draw a good trade, Tom Hood, the bicycle man, did a tender teens had a fight, because one of aud we wish them succeee. neat piece of werk for a man who ®eut them called the other a hobo. The Horrible agony is caused by Piles, I marshal arrested them and they were his wheel down from Aahlaad this week. Burns and Skin Diseases. These are im. fined |5, but the flne was remitted on a He made a ball cone out of a piece of steel, that is equal or better than the mediately relieved and quickly cured by promise of better liebavior. one made by the manufacturer. De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Beware LEAVE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR Tom’s reputation a® a workman is spread of worthless imitations.—W. F. Kremer ASSAYEK, ing far and wide. N'-xt Sunday evening the <’. E. meet XV. G. WrigHt, The Jewell Hardware Co. have taken ing at the Presbyterian church will lie Gen’l Agt. for Oregon the agency for a preparation called Car ’ of special interest, tbe subject for con M ac A kthur -F okkekt C yanide P rockhs . bolic Compound, that is endorsed by sideration being the Christian Endeavor 1 pledge The scripture reading is John Cyanide and Chlorination treatment some prominent orchardist® who have A Ores used it for the past three years is com 15:1-16. Visitors are always welcome Bullion Refined and Shipped. at bating the Moth and San Jose Scale, it at the C. E. meetiage, and everyone is w ill pay to call en them and got Circu G bajit ® P ams , • O iucgon . PBESRIPTION DRUtiUIST cordially invited to attend. lars and furthur information. Smith A Holman, our popular under taker® on fith street, opposite the court house, are negotiating with parties to put up a building suitable for a first- class furniture store in addition to their undertaking business. This is some thing we are glad to hear of a® these gentlemen are both first-clasfljmechanics ami furniture men, having been in the business for several years in tho East, they wll no doubt receive a large portion of the trade. We wish them success local t>appcninöd personal Promptness and Correctness We fill all Grocery Orders Promptly. Nothing, we know, so wears upon the Cook as a delayed order. We take Pleasure in courting the Good Nature of the Cook and we have the largest Stock of Goods from which to choose. One Package at a time and during the day Wagon Loads. We are always busy, for two reasons, we advertise, we keep goods worth advertising. B. &.M . Grocery H. C. Bobzia, Propr. Eagle and Columbia Bcycles, Cramer I i’ois. Have 300 Seen $25.00 Guaranteed Pairs Loose Pin Acorn Buts-Japanned Only 5 Cent a 1’2-inch Chilled Plow J $8.50. The Jewell Harlware Co. CLEMENS, THE BiG CASH HOUSE > I We have just completed ottr annual Inventory tvi| most satisfactory R L. COE in the Fast New Vork and other markets of manufactur esults. Not that our profits on the Dollar has exited any previou ing cities, buying one of the largest and best selected Stocks ever shown year, but we have sold more goods in the year 18<j than any one tn in Southern Oregon or a great many other Places, Would invite you to the History of our 10-year Business. But for the ydr 1899 before us, I see our Spring Lines before making any purchases, for we can save you we will try and make our Sales larger than any time fcratofore. To do money and turn out Goods that are up-to-date. New Goods have com. this, we expect to show you Honest Goods at J' pulaj’rices, and to ac menced to Roll in. Just received 25 Cases of Meu's, Women's and complish this effort wejmust buy goods Right wh'. l$it this time, MR Children's Shoes. DRESS GOODS. I Yoar attention is wanted at our counters to examine tie fine line of Black (roods that we are showing which are unmatchable value- Compare our prices and quality When looking for a new pattern. GREAT VALLES IN DRESS SKIRTS. » ► I We have on sale now arie of th» I be»t aeaortmeal of akirta ever shown to th* trade. Made up in our store £ ^•>1.1 can guarantee tbe goods and BBnorkniausbip. We have them in nil styles, relore and prxe*. What 1 we hevea't ia aleck. Can make any Myle wanted. Te those that cannot «¿nori,» to our store tend for ean idea Ol Dree* Goode, made yeur selecd .o. N den I your measere and have a skirt IBan*.ir to order at price* that <annot Wv duplicated by ofber houa> s. MEN S SHOES. E Miner® and prospectors. when IB ’tew-, call and -ee the strongeet line •rf heavy g»i® at light prices that yo® ave ever «*wn et wn in any , j P> ub ¿7- We have on aa.e aimed B»' ’ e "hoe®, d^ibie ael« with tap. M 11 25. EADIES’ SIDES. Just arrived I fine aisortment of Button. Coin to^ pat. leather tip, a nice dress stioe |r 11.50, alto a lace Coin toe sto<k tip axtenaion wale, 11.50. BOYS’. MISHAS’, kND CHILDRENS*. Tnewe lines M have given mere than ordinary afention and have a complete ®to< k i both heavv and light. We have tome oi the very best shoe® for ¡oya’ school wear that have ever Wen <pened out in town. Buy a paii wita our guaran tee. WOMENS’ IIOSIR V We snapped op a number of dozen of a dependab* mite of fast colors cotton hoeery.U a third lots than usual. We pas«;Lem along to yon at a like -aving |1 JO per dos. MENS’ HATS Wi$ea in a«»4 of alice, dressy bat we ran ®ell yeu a nie black fwL>ra, 3 is. brim, 5 ia. cro*n. *atin . B«-d with aeavy sweat I. w >rth |2 70, i we offer for only Site. FURNISHING GOODS. We have felt the »eed in this line and have bought heavily that our trade can bare choice of selections. Just arrived tnis week one of the strongest made •birla that ha® ever reached this market. They are made for hard wear and warranted not rip or tear. In Dress Shirts we cannot beex- celled by any in town, all style® and color® with or without collar®. White Shirt®, a me« clean line we are show ing at 98 cents , Hu®p*-nders, 25c.; Fine neck wear. Collars and Caffs, Men®’ fine hose, Bicycle hose, Sweat er®, Orttonade, Pant®, Handker chiei® Dock J unifier®, Overalls we have beught heavy and can supply all demands. l’n>lerwear do not fad to aee thia line we have some drivers that don't need driving. IIAN’DERCIIIEFS. We have al) sorts and kinds for men. women and children, r-boa 14 you want * bargain we have it. Piece on »a.« some odd lot» that bav* raid from 1* t* tte., bam, good* need holiday dieplay. V on may have these at 5c ea-. h PAPER PATTERNS Tbe new style* fer apring of the Butterick Pattern Company have joat arrived. Those of you wbe ate interested ia teoaie dree* tasking msy bsve s fashion sheet for tbe asking. THE MESE IN’ IN DER WARE SAEE And still the interests keep up Throng® women daily benefited by the offering® of this unnsual occa sion. It i® evideat that these de* pendable qnalitie®. competent work- mannhip and daintily beautifol trimmings ail preferred to the trashy thrown together sorts et nnder mus lins so generally offered. EADIES’ WRAPPERS. W* have them in any style desired at prices that oaa cannot afford l* good* and make tbsui at home an your time woald be lost. We can ease you tima and money and give you the quality, aa w* de not offer any Racket hiere guada that bare bees handed does from the days el V». How the Pioneers Lived without Gunned Fruit and Vegetables is a nivstery. Now they are a necessity to every Table. We keep the Best Brands, Fresh fiont the Factories. Tomatoes, Corn, Baked Beans, I’eas, Asparagus, all kinds of Fruit. We can't say too much in favor of our Ashlaud Solid-Pack Tomatoes. Try a can and see how- good they are. Cost no more than cheaper ones, ioc a Can. Calhoun Grocery Co Bicycle*, $22.50 to $75 at Cramer Bros. I Tbe heavy raiae of th* peat few day* washed out the Sugar l’ine Company's dam at Wolf Creek and tbe man at work there (rem Grant* Pass returned home lor a few day*. Sergeant Brown canuot speak at Dry den and Selma aa announced because *t bad weather. We have some iatersetiug communica tion* in reply to I-evv Rosenbaum bnt ou account ef the long delay of the train they did not reach u* ia time for publi cation. Th* articles will appear next week and during that time Levy will wait and wonder. Mrs. Henry Harth has a naw Viva camera and ia now making photograph* that will fie a source ef pleasure for years te eotne. The smallest things may exert the greatest influence. DeWitt’* Little Early Riser* ar* uneqaaled for overuoin- ing constipation and liver trouble*.—W, F. Kremer. UACHl I.E SHOEMAKE—At the M. E. church South partenag*. by Rev. L. C. Wilson, February 27, 18I8J. Fred H schule to Mita Clara Shoemake. HILL—BUNCH—February 27, 1899, at Palace hotel. W. ('. Hill, of Califor nia, to Bertha Bunch, ol thia county, by JuatictrJat. llolman. III Eli MATNEY At her home on Applegate, February IV, 1899, Mrs. George Mat ney of consumption. BEN Niti ER—At Wilderville, February 22, 1899. Emiaa Bcnniger. Age 15 yrs. GENTNER—At bin resideace on Mil souri Flat, F eb, 20. 1899, John Gent* ner, of debility, aged about 74 years. He was a native of Wurtenbsrg, Ger many and one of the old time miners of Missouri Flat. NEW FIRM THE GRANTS PASS COFFIN CO, beg to inform tbs public that we are opening W antku to buy for cash, 10 to 20 acre* up on Main street, opposite the freight of land within three or four miles of depot, with a nice line of Caskets, Burial Grants Pass, without buildings, on a Rube® ami Funeral supplies. goed road. Address Box 406, Grants Prices. Paas, Or* Our specialty will be flue good* at If you want te epend a delightful sum very low price», Broadcloth Caskets, for mer vacation apeak to Voorhiea. He inalane*, auch a» are usually told at $50 will furnish the Vive er Preaao. Get to $75 we quoit at $20 to $30, trimmed, your camera now and learn all it* pe complete, with box. We furnish our culiarities and puesibilitie* before you htarw to sur patroni at a aiiecial reduced start ou a trip. price, and de.eabalming, diiect funerali, BOHN. purchase lotatin any of the cemeteries, FENCER—On Missouri Flat, tu Mr and have the excuvationt made, and guaran Mrs. Frank Fencer, a daughter, Feb. tee our customer* against extortionat* IB, 18119. charge, in all caaes. VINEYARD—On Williams creek, Feb A. G. ruary IV, 1869, tn Mr. aud Mrs. Have Manager. Vineyard, a daughter. Eastern Martin, Don’t Turn Your Back The Sugar Pine Store On good advice. We have re- ceived part of ati elegant line of new Spring and Kummer Clothing. You'll need a new Suit, and we propose to sell you -if Price, Qual ity and Style are any inducement to you—Worsteds are quite the thing this year, and we are showing a very large assortment of these goods—in Round and Straight Cut —Blue Serge with Satin Facemg Single and Double B rested. Cyanide Plant for Grant* I'aa* If. A. Towuseti'l and <i. W. lngalla, owner* of tbe Ashland Plant have been spending thia past week in th* vicinity I of Gold Hill an I <>rants Pass examining the quartz proepectsef Jackson and Jose phine counties elite the view of building a Cyanjd* Plant should they meet with a proper reeponae fri at the businessmen of either of Iteeee place*. Mr Townsend estimates that $15.000 will put a Cyanide plant complete, in cluding milling machinery tanka Mr. Townsend makte th* pro;>ositiee that I if tb« business mea of Greste Pae* will i*ke< > « third 4 their capital *b,ck. he will put up a plant ef 25 tan capacity. Purchasing tb* ore* direct from tbe miner* or taking tli* same u|>oe a treat, merit charge. The benefit* to be derived from a plant of thia kind ( annot I m ever eetnnaied Il makes our city th* eenter of mining industry, bringing ore here to be treated, I setting the pr.iepscbir st work, thereby j g rins him tbe opportunity ol reslizing I soiartbing lor hi* labor. It it a stand lag advertisement lor Grant* I'aes ebroad > among the mining world. Our (itizena ' have >>««* agitating the stamp millque* tiou no* lor mor* than a year without any definite result. Here ar* men alio have made a <■««* in cyaniding oar ora* at their Ashland plaatand it be- i teoove* n* not to let an opport an ity fer advancing our own interests also that ot tb* I'aes. A* thee* genllemea will return in a I day or eo, we aoggrst 'teat oar h i* nm rnen tbiak tin* matter ever carafally (Slothing, , and look late tbe prop**.lion. ; ’ The general tendency is for a better class of goods and we find care ful buyers are looking, well toward Quality general make-up. VVel appreciate '.Ills If t ittrE feel sure you’ll agree with the times. that We arc in touch with > i Just from the factory. A large assortment oi Sty lish .Shoes in the latest Toes and Lasts, Vici Kid, Tit- ian Calf, Russian Calf, Box Cali, etc. Vesting tops, Tan, Chocolate, Black, etc. Prices will meet your ap- provsl. Yours truly, P. H. Harth & Son. Boot', and Shoes, Mens Furnishing*, Hats, Valises, lite. '1