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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1899)
ROulR RIVER COURIER bl'MMuX«. la tba Cirrait Coart of Oragoa, for tba Caoaty <4 J ES>. B. Preatoa, Plain Li, »a Willtaat F. Preetoa. Defendant ■ tema Frwaw Kidule axBuawsD ataar nuaa&AT, PRICE A VOORHIES, eufTumi asi» rmAOurrumi. CrcreUad Oat Last Wees Tbe infaat ebild oi L. Aekiay has been verv : , w*th la grippe M m Aana E<<oe tt vfaiUug bee Broth er. D». .-agte ia Mvrtte Caret. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome r Corrceponícncc • . tern .bamlersaa baa teres to forse- wrrg foe a day or two tarn weak Mr«. F.._Moeto Qaiaa is recare ring :/•<■ a «avere altark <4 eryei^ia*. Mr. aad Mrs. Lluyd Mynau ot Tuas*, bare guama of Mr. aad Mrs. Loo Mar nare. Mr. Humprsy, tbe suitor at Canyon- ri. a '«a.« osar to attend tho bandar revive, aeryxwa. Schillings Merlin X<»«ee M s* Xotttetteto.Tategranu ayeral.r a; Wil Hef.iag vpa' i Mteiay ia Grtai* Annas e Manon Coanty saa tboguo« P m ». mon«y-back tea and af ber brotoev ever saadey. Neo • Mtai te be • arce bere, »■ e.«e* Mr Adrad aad C arance Corsoti have baking powder al I onero. ,aak retornad from a tea day«' trip after X heavy aboear «*">« •• ■’’•*** b*Wy sto*.« including fteiaml. Marito aad vi | tba bas’ta of tba as ama. Mutufar- stoffe. Tba Meri-n bote', ia doing » proapar o« Tbe family <rf Mre. Hatt*« Witoon bu, team under to« a*aun»«»«»< »f l*T* Lave treen :.«v*ng th« uno«; .ag rough, wasted bava Men quite daagereua.y ill but are Brixgs. W'»r> «a»“^ «■ «““*1 Mr. Lamsa, a minar .-v* • ’ . » ;,h • aoa convalanciag. ’ ’ i - ____ M. F. -paarer, ina genie, represvnte- ■ .fa and too rbi ireu. are iu>fr>r-t »• Tour Grocers To Wilita« P. Preanm, toe aattte of tbe «tete q are hereby required to epu—. seer the comp.a at a. os shore e«-Lt.ed court s7t_ from tbe date ol the sen ,1^ a.ons npoa you, if served caoaty er if Barred siuiia ». canty of thia «late, tbea sith? days from toe date of tbe tet^Z ■ sbbou apoa yea; or if out of the «late of Oregon. 0 catton, then, oo or before to« tbe time prescribed ib the <,rilwb, .¡canoe at.ich ia At tetet far s x waeka. bettianmg oa the af February, A. D. lsy>. q ,, first publication. You are hereby natifi^j fall to appear aad abseer .aid a. hereby required, the pa.nug ply to tbe court for the relief ibaratB, ah ten is to disw.s rtaga contract existing a» pl.mtiffi and defendant, <ad fa aad canuxiy of the child ■* _ This summ>n« i« j ub C af H K. Hanna, judge of titled coart, made tn cbarnb«« «onvilte. Jacaaon county, 'drag« Id, day of February, A D. A bi j Attorney for part ef tba utua. Tas rwarioirs La*t tail T hcbaday . M arch 2, 1*99 eavuon mada asarr > HANGl «•ceaaMu! roa aad a ' Let reverence of the law be Uva sf to« J. Q. Kc Tbreaebiag machine ih» Bnggfl ho afre ■auld base sued« Lot , S -ANGE GE- -VE-1' of .*7“" ¡ H E Booth was ta from bi» river breathed by every mother to tbe ■ ate'. Tua old t>io , _____ _ company of Portland, ia ia tosa altanF 1 ' ■’ «-- fr< L ’n vi .e tai a ert v ot i y l I farm Monday and reporta-i hA «>••• !n lisping babe toat prattle* os ber V-**1**-* ; j< ’- l * firm. j «*«- Lard siater, .-»te «< «naw and pteaty a: Q *n 1 w 1 ei' f°r ¿U_" * La*d. rain, bat a .'b tea rzeeptx>a «4 about Up. let it be taught tn tbe acbooU Jobh Ba :,ttgar. sus haa baen .'ter* for a 6ouri»b:ng eonditioa. Notice to Crsdiisrs ..;«or c-i fsrn. in th« Mrs William Cm« »tue: 'afa wsak •» .a ev If v u want « rvol orange grvr« te «Oe 20 day« ia J an car. wa tauat call tbe *«*«ra. aoatba taking care a! bte kac.«. «eminaries and college*, let it be In tbe county coart ot th» «*1tt 'At a ra.Br aeaaoa a fatiera. Wa cat* truth- '-^n Hardman, ia eonfiaad to hte uaa toair river farm, at* • Mim Laars o (-• ._*£ on Pnci 4 Voorbtea.________________ gen, for J ore pain« county. written in primer«, spelling books pied tha pm.Lte of 'Baparoc» orse tba Uaia, aad taarafore it « tba pareate du- . r ny teat f r lha a.mwad u« by wtUt a genome .aee of .a gr.ppe REAL ESTATE. In tbe matter of the estate i J and almanacs, let it be preached of Abram Cole, deceased, i (. ty to »»• to it that tbeir wabee are com- Frovxiance to run twat tbe yield of gold M. J.JWi.ajna of Port.and, organ.zer ebildren ping to acboul bare in Merlin. , ■ .:.f ■■ .ss ■ ■ regBMülg in pulpits and proclaimed from leg- pi ted with If a suataae i* stale by baa far ezeae-led that af any other tn of the A- O. U - W’. wbo Laa been »top Notice is hereby given by tfx Wa bave b*rec «a ting for • *»• «»• 10 - -... *-ta:e b-»4 belo», teil on or address parrot« ia tbe manafeman; ef tbeir the b atory of a-odent mining io Boatb ping bore for a few day» left fer <■ enda.» write «ome note« from our t a.r r X; p I-. :.-r <_V< «:«* ort ». Grant» lavs. signed, administrator of tn« UUtive halls and enforced in courts Abram Cole, deceased, to n« _____ _________ __ ehfldrae, it wan 4 batter eosta ’row* ua- Jueapr,.««. Toe nt i*«re afuog tbe J *ae- te organize a o-Jgn in that plate. soa*a time but a* no an* teem« diepowi Orneoa. of justice, in «bort let it Income 1 |k acres ou nrer ban* south of «°’™: : >'d al! persona having ciaiua ing too alr.ct than ten act. It se pi. ae bar« doaa »».ept*oaally weil. an i to da « •» »tH ’ ***• •* atx,B o»**** ” * tn« »aid debated, to exh.tin th«i Mr». Clara Cerum ol Granta F m » m tbe political religion of tbe nation " 1"' i ves r— .nfru.i s- boa1» and cure te us that there .« a city urd.nau<w r.porte fro« all ocuar eecttoo* ana alike oot-tuil-lings. aith good «ail.______ ____ ne<e»»ary vouchers s.tbin «, toe gaeat uf her brother Roy rackett to Jo the beat wa can A bikhk * L ixcolx . pertaining lo tbw jumping on aad off far.rabfe. Au tba nnaere, Los es er. after tbe first pubticati- n of tin,,, Ml«« Jean Bnrsett ani n-eca. Mre. D. 1Q a r*- one mile -outh of town. Hlitable | over benday. Tbey both left Monday to tba «a.4 adminntrat r at tt*r .¡2 maring traiaa by boys, bet ordiaancaa aeem firm in tba be.tei that "there «ill ever. .ng by tra.n to vtait their eieter Mr». A. Hatfie d. at'.ppo*) off on tbeir ••* ■ -* : r or hard or grain. Abe Axtell, county judge, at GraaT* Th* bpaaiaS Carlea la nov «rang .r,g are unleae t.'te people mean tc came a time" and a I base tbair rig:,a ioee: :*.t.e county. <>r»g • • ■ H. A. Crowe of Eoteburg. l*om* from Grants Pa«' nstuofav «ver.- < / u k ovar ina treaty. W hat if it doe« •'< Lava them enforced. sr*l ILOurie« Frank Stith »as a rain- (HI person at my rea.deuce on Vfe o' rat.fy it? I.iUla a lb* d.faretre to Roy Sackett baa had quite a ealmon inc and «pent our. lie at * M . Bu-r.-tt • <)()( ) *. '¿2tni. Guy »^ar s■ a.a' ' iL 12 ur 15 acres Jteapbine county, Oregon Gu, Ha*";».. Hur. retaraing to La!«n<l ®onday even ng. torn* preps >r. -i r.-w board fence. Three ur Maimct Sir, , „ Murrizon, a “cireoMtiance ' around the experience. Ha jumped into the creek •ra- re* in fru.t Pewring «general vane- Administrator of the estate <3 * IeMt rn-tay ’jyy Hurzctl w&t •, ..u and caogbt bin »almon ail right but A onshore* eh-« »'»“ '»«I* . . OBOOMg tL • MV lri/9Ke- A certa:« ni) ufficia baa age r, ob : of fn.t Land lays taking the south Co a 'laeeaaod. t»»dJy hart whlta 4ui»< w>m» coring od _ caught rorn«thing «.»•. a gen a me cane oi building formerly « npied by th* *. P- „»t tbe place ior fruit cu.lure A - ruem . , , , Now a.i tL-w»/« good »i<L)i aad «• Lope la. aad bia oqu brium altar a apa’l uf • ki..»«!« lmi Le.axta prepaiBtory ta la grippe* >c<i he it new bare r recover*-! D. A I- Co.’« «tore in tbw p’m*. but nev how-*- «mail r-«ara and good well. Come in Dated at Grante Paes Oregon J mat we s*ay nat have to go back os 31,1899._____________ a soldar arid if • « r.M «api «a • » •-» piping is tne miM. J A lug ru .ed over 1 1 bo m. AU thia month nas bees a pour from a three week» experience of hew owned bv A Every, fast Saturdav even and let u.» tell you more aix>ut Legislative Apprapr lartous aompoifed ta cali attont >a la Lia Laanng NOTICE FOR PCBUCITIO:* ing, with a «mall ntteednace, se «re < W t» : rth uf fba 1« low ng arc earns 'A IM appro- u «, br..ting L4 left eiie very mneb cue for the minara and we t.ope tua4 card it caa grip •« aa «Acal. •7«?' " u *n. “fnA.1 h use. -ever». Land office at Roseburg. On«nt Oat breaking no booe». Toe young mau What 1» our loon localIv in »ume one » told. pvtet aa mad« by lb« .eg alatar* at it» March may make good its rapotatiua - . ». ■ • : ’ * - -1- February 24, ¡fa • u brought u> town wnere Lfr. Van •u»e gain. Grandma Catching’« beaati- The Grant« I’ m « and Tannel 0 «ecti '« a.*;d Will make a nice little ranch fur Traete, like IL« respira bat, ara ab- rarent sees.oa ,0*4 «.read Notice i« hereby given that tbeir, .Lot all yet may go wall oa Dyke atteCMtad birn. fruii and grain. Ho is report*: fal reeidence will he occupied by John era«« ware bere working liter-:*v ' n *c- ing named settler bar filed notice aerbing tha bioad of IL* natine. Tbay ■alary of g-.vemar (»OLD S k KKJULR. intention to make final p '< k X ihh ^M getting atang m well I as coaid be ex- JJackfOQ and family. Jaxne» Hall and oount of tba Lick water. Old re« on:« are incraaamg in rraag-b aulonio ba ary, pr.vai« se- relary i 11 ’I a re* near town. Both of hi» claim, and tnat »ai I pruUsW « • peeled Catarrh C« bm » c br Cared family «... aote into tbn borne n< w oc- of tbia placa any they never have tn ?« n «n«, thay largai? centrai tbe baa.aaaa . secretary of atate............. lays we;: -heiiered, and is well adapte«! to ma le before R. L. Bartlett, eounti.^^9 A Letiitwr t rum Mexico with local applicatione, aa they eoanot copied by Mr. Jackson and Mr. Oliver the water to be a. high «« it now i«. here fruit «I tba country ani bare a S'ua graap en of Jocepbine county. Oregon, at'rSUi tert raising. Pare. Oregon, on April 8, 18M Mr. (iworge 8p ree. who recently left reach tbe teat of the disease. Catarrb will move bi» family into town to occupy before. It ha« already dona con» dar- thè politicai partire Clerzal eervtoe......................... Twentv acres, inostlv in | < •)/ M ,| > Jefferson D Hayes on If E-.X*,«®?:- 'alary,«lata trereurer able damage to fence* ar* ) early gar fer*. GfMie Fan» a pr«>»f>ecting tour for it a biOG"! oreG&tlilubunai dit»a***. and * the preaent revidence of Mr. Hau. for the NE1» e\V>4, eei 18, lyf*'. It ia an d that its niton at Maa la C ark in or lar to cure ,t you muM take inter Rev Leroy is an active represantati»e Sooura, Mesic«« re$xxi» m I c L uw » At tbi« writing the residence of D. W. , • *oul bou-e an t out building«. Tbi* is el- j West. reedy in paofitef*!« fruit l*earuur. Young | eine« tba Aserean forrea earup. »4 tba »dvartia eg state warraau We irrived bere in G mm B m , in tbe | ramndma Hall’« Catarrh Cura u ttf lb, -Tbrae Link" order He came Mitcb-ll ia entirely «urr-ztnded by wa 1 tree» He names tbe following sitnowl 1 aa ary el aaporiateadnai ol pabite and . boire varieties oi apples. city, baa averaged abuat WXl.OOO par r.tern« ... and a* • dire. tlyor. dawn lr,~ RoeebaTf oa th« stern r.( ter. and looks «• if ’. n. ght be a ree:- laatrurtien....................................... 3.</J0 •tale of nonor», oe Febraary l»t. IVe prove bis continuous residence U|»xi,' '* mantb At that rale the islaads aught I. ter. al aid 4.0») met Ceok, of the Pbelpe p<rty at Ptacer- > tba aloud ar*d mucous acrlacaa < •) ( U U I cultivation of «aid land vii: Hall’« Ual,, •.„> aut to CaaynaviHe and ad- denes of Venire. J>w. 1,3/1 P'B M Burrow, nf Grants T ubb I to pay al! axpaasM an* 11 tba Irvol* 1 rat« ag alp«: •*• of • lpt te» en b.« w»y to JawcUoo < ity, <)re-• Catarrh Cure in nut a quack mouietae. dreaaadtfoel O.O. f t and came hack Twortory. ten-room house, nearlv new. gon. T. J. Haven, ef Hugo. OrefuJ0 tin form rerire a! *> Luu. rarord To-Night and To-Morrow Night, with the Filipina« 1« at aa and. Good out t-uilding». Nearly all uf the land Prvseribau by -.oa : the beet pby- )D it, e*enli*x ia •(«.• for revival ear- hex/«« 3,000 gon, with «»Hip e» ef ure. » soar« bat lit- ’• 1’ Custar, of Murphy, Oregon,, i - v ■alary nf altoiaey (ausra 6.01») tie confidence in tiie “ctav" m to paying sh inns in this eowatry for years. t».g is rue» in which he look an active pert,; And each day and night during this ; a: : pear«, jeache'. nr Custar, of Murphv, Oregon. Tu compare Aguina.da with Waaaing- 1.200 vniae». bat tbe quantity ;• jmrnen»^ a regular prencription. It is cutepunod and left on tbe 4 a. m. train for Grante , week you can getat any druggist» Kemp • prune*, juinces. etc. Also a good variety Clorirel aid .. J. T. Bunsn Si ton ¡« lo crin laaily d.bare WMhisgton -alary of «tat« 2.0 X, P.egi«:*- ■ How 1» that, yoang men. for • ! Balaam for the Throat and Lungs, ac- • -frniaU fruit.-. A deep weil of excellent We have been to »e» the qaartz m >an-1 * of the best tonics idgwd , «.Bbinsd R„, water. TbL* is one of the finest, if not the Pretags, espreasag*- and 'XMlin- and to shamefully «aalt kooaledge-i to be the most »uccresful beet locations in town. Overlooking broad blood purifiers, ta«n. Tbe rock loo»» ail right, and with tbe dav’» work. Coughing injur»« and inflaiM«4i geal expsesre af «late library »/« TboM ab« know anything •< Aguinal remedy ever «old for Coughs, Croup, held» and rugged mountains. Offered for float« bookcases binding«. atc 3^n there are absolutely imllioQi ol toei of rectly on the mucous surf aeon, lang«. One Minute Cough CtirelmeJj The fouith week of revival eervicee 1»; do'« history lor lb« post year shoo id salary, pitot oomr. re. oner poor health of owner. 1.ÏX» *1 in flifhl. but the next thing ¡*, doee it feci com T> i” | Brvnciiilis, Asthma and Consumption. on of the two ingredients the cold, allay* coughing and haabyte in pr*/gre»» with zeal unabated never be gailty of any compárteos «hal- Ctork 1.3*1 ........................................... ** !• ; ei a bottle to day sud keep it a*«»«« is what produ- *s su h wonderful lesuite "L/ I a l * at 4-r be carry «ufhcient value» to jovtiiy patting we*x three oervh te a day are being held ■alary health affiesre— — ' * - - .. *tor«6’r ri.w.’L.. ly. Tbe beet cough curejfor ctiklni in curing catarrh. to tbe boo»», so you can cheek your cold , ™ — !■- 1 aa machinery ' If it d^jee, there are ■2,Û00 Aatoffe e W.F.Kreiuer. an inform! ane by invitation ia the F. J. Cuxxri A Co., Props . Toiedw, O. 1 at once. Price 3Se. arid 5<)e. ll«rr Krupp, tba pan king of I. «sen. million» m it. •ary oct-iui.*. 1x4 l'JVilUC. well '«ordinar ..................... »4 borne» of the people, a flervice at 3 p. tn ; fenced* with dir>ion fence, making good Yaquina.................. MX) *?■ id t>y ail druggist*, price 75c. iiOTICE FOR PUBLICAT105 t employa ia bis work» «beat 32,000 men. Tbi» ia a well mineralized <- i.itry,anfi Murpbj Item. and 7 30 p. ro in the church. Nexl ' k or ben yard u-jaratr from yard en- . VM- 4,400 w» hav» hupea of atriking »xm»-:.* »g Marabbaid Hal»'« lai*.■ • pills are ins heat. H« donnina liberally to tua land Land office at Roseburg, Oregon l! -ins? h.-uu-. 25-foot well of tine water. *undey »ervice» will b»- held in tbe The wind has changed to the South- i Fay fiMtnian et Astoria ........ 1.000 her,. 7. late | I wily pump: well walled up and covered. terbi* werkaien. No auch thing aa a Par uf jaaitors al capitol goo*! tjeforo we leave it. church at 11 a. m., 3 p. ■). and 7 p. m. west and a gentle rain is fa .a¿ at this ■ r than half Notice is hereby given that th«L< •Ink« ba« *v«r talar farad «ab bi« werk« Janitor ................... illiania lieui». T dm 1» a country nf atrange »ifhl» »1.*» -t. on t jnt of * reaking up of fam- ing named aetiier iite tile«! notice aA EveryoM *• co rd telly invite*! tu attend writing. Aaalstaat . 3,000 For inatance, c itio» of two or thr*e ttous I < vnm D.xon is visiting relatives i.y, who de-ire tu go to California. iii« accu an u ¡atao wealth >• ovar 13Í.000. intention to make tinal proof in of the Sunday oerviveo. 1.000 It it aot a sign of card times in the Fay nigblwaUbmari at 000. __________________ of bis ciaim. and that «aid proof« and inhabitant* with « it a • den build this ptace. •Vote for capital, aad pay ol fira- The gueet» at Hute! Kiddle ar« L. C. Paas wnon the editor in chief of our pop ,S 1 O( )( ) U.r a-res near town. made before R. L Bartlett, countyajj 4 «00 ing in them, afi ?be Luu»»» 20) year» uid ■ . Mr J. I*. Audereoa returned to his Jarneaon, O B Prael, P. O. Gilbert, J. ular paper and Mr. Dodge ride home to | an*, j .a-ter fln>h. Nearly new. This soil cf Joaeph’ne county. Oregon« at onl Ktniie Luubot, thè naw prati fent ol lea* bera far deal mule« 24.1»*) in a goo*! »tale of preservation. Chil heme Sunday. Frasca, ha» a hard fatare balera b.a bat I>e B!anc of Portland, Oscar Johnsen of their dinner in tbe same bug(y, but it > dark iuam and has a genera, assortment J' bjss . Oregon, on March 18 ¡899 0.3)0 dren running aroand tha »treeta in a Fltec uic light *t capital I of fruit, from apples and pear* down tu William M Cox on H. E No. ha ,« determinali and u.ay succead in School for the blind IS/*« Turn Mohan has rented the Stackpole Salem, J. L. Galvin of Grant» Pae«. J. »howl tbey love one another. -»raw‘»errie*. ana selected from tbe be*t va- ’ ‘ and ‘if node condition. Little beye bh sheep Doi - animal comm m n, in- briaging Franca te bar sansa« Tba B. Eiddte of Cracker Jack mine. Dr. C. farm for this st aeon. Some compUmt has been made about neties. A p « mm 1 well and necessary out- NE 4 aee. 14, Tp . ■ " R • • and billy goate for »addle animal». We e . 1 rig «late »etar try*. Making a rery plea-ant home fieerrilous Fariaian presa 1« attackmg He name!« the iollojring witneaa Mrs. D. Kyan ma>le a business trip to E. Bogue of Msrtle Creek, jAmee Poole boys diaturbiag the meet ngs md ta.k an<l within 10 minute.-' walk of the P. U. Fisk c-. rnn .ss.ouer aud depot ss ••weerMOi women »verv day carrying bino «erernly lur bla «iiaple damanti« Ke sards for arrests of Day» creek, R. G. Gilberteon of Glen prove his continuous residence upwr of prosecuting them. Of course boyt water </Q their bea*ja tn the proverbial Grants Paas last weex. cultivation of »aid land, via: wey ol living bui ibi* la lo bis credit. dale, Joeeph llcott of Gold Blutf mine, you do wrong, act gentiernanly at ehurcb H ) Maintenance of «u, di«re Heias earthen peta. u-e and outbui.ding- Tbe^e Joaepb McAalin of Meriln. Or»..F -late Agricultural eo.iage I I W. K, Nipper made a bosir.eaa trip to Ben Ryan of Marion county, Ambrose and every t!icr ga' ering and du not irw-’* are in U* g*x>l bearing, and adjoining Bryant of Merlin, Ore , Janie« Nee? Tee Mexican» are a lazv, indoient, | your city Tueeday week. Th« amauai u( raía which baa fallen lorernor |1'JS Secretary of elate Harget.l*mon creek ; F. E.Swig ot Union imitate tbe bad manners of those of dif Merlin, Ore., Cbarlea Sexton vi and alate traaasrar aac I. I'.r) a prtaat ridden lot of people, with but lit- | tba peal two or three day« te anoegb Mra. H. bparlin and sun John were in Creek, W. H. Porter of Glendale, b L. J T E bidgb . • year for euperrinng pebn. ferent tenets of faith when they qwarrel aTi '• up ”J-V Lne bi’il'ling :<)H Ore. lie bop**« or aepiratAone above that of i Grants P am Wednesday. te astonish the natives Tba miners * w ihn the ity. Wt have tbe land 1? in ley of acre men to. M G. Wilkinoet . . > 4.000 over collections. the native Indian. In fact, not half to. ■ bo have been wearing long fa. •• far y--u have the money. Come in and let u« • ,'i b an«s Miss El a Perdue of Medford is the Portland and M. F. Spencer of Portland. 13« Ths miners had a lon^ rest from their talk the matter over. two or three weak« are no» iarryi«g state reform s bool 36 000 much a» the Zaqua Indiana «bo inhabit gwewt of Mrs. frank Tryer. We are tarry to say time is making labor», and prospBCts are not flattering •)1 ¡u re» ;u north part of i;tv: two-atorv 3477 th» mountain»’!« regic.r - ‘ thiec intry broad amila* indicative of unbound«! de Del isacT, relorra *■ boat Born—February 19, 1K‘J9, te Xr and changeo with us locally. “Grandma", " bath and pfaster <or much iwore work thiw winter, yet ' ' Tbey bay» held the Spaniab and Mex light. California tuny «alfar «avaraly aaprains end circuit judge« pros« i ■ iting attan ay«, dark« at d Mrs. Dave Viney ar J, a daughter. «ell With pump in kiichwi Mrs Margaret Catching, is about to they worked at other indostrie* in their»h. ican aolLoritie» tn a ba iance for bun« draagth bat eld Oragoo ran aerially ba «l«*ut - a* re. in a general variety of fruit ■ leave us for the new Lome of her son, John Binghaman was a passenger on vacation*. Some cut wox!, one with one-half of wbi< h i, winter apple». Will i< dredfl ef year» aad only two yearn ago dapaadad upon a« a lacerad «pel Member* and officer« and aipansea FJm»r Catching uf Port Angel»», Waih his family, mad? a long visit to his sold on easy terms. — OF — ■■ ■ S' a treaty of peace waa conclude«! between Thursday • stags on his way north. 20 1» them and tbe Mexican government. Preaidanl McKinley Laa watched care Gas, foal, ate , for «late uffi. en Mi»» Alice Bpamn is visiting her Grandma, ro long a resident with u>. mother in-law. wni e F rank Haye« went SOUTHERN OREGON’ ... era • will be sadly iniseed not only as a friend 1 ■ ■ fully lb* trend ol public opinion in every Rubik printing and binding grandiaulber, Mrs. Hayes of Murptiy. fin ■>> and naubbor bat from tba Baptist < , h into 'j” the st <-k , kusine»» that is I saw or Laune«» I« alion. ‘ lie lx*)lion • and •• Treason". thing «leapt that pertaining to 1100,ODO rraas|«rtatl<>n el eon« cts cow, but the cow was H im Daisy Stiles returned to her cbernb uf which she was an active mem fastened to the hind end of a wagoa and 1 > E ditob C oi tura Ths lavi»h use of Alger Tua public «enlimaut «1 the drra.1 of (ugitivaa home after a lengthy visit in your city. ber Wo oniv hope that she ru »» from ' he mere y bronght up the rear with a ... ' th“ oneoftba 0» the above ternBR by some of our p<»pu'ar country would adriae the preaident tu fiuppart of nanra.i'leat pour . r ■ . ' r*r- he* ‘"Dreimn. »hi h »e of- Receive deposita subject to check «fl «Mrs. Charles King returned to her of to another field of Chnatian work L»' Ruparintendaat ol ;*anit«ntiary ()O0 dailtae, impels me to offer a few its ■ .ghls ."C re.e ai a bargain lo anv on« wbo b¿ let tba old man go bat ha will not. and club. Thereat of the miners are sure certificate livable on demand. . M home after visiting relatives of this be of uno in nt'iping to bull«! up and I WnSVErT 1 ! ‘ v 1 ® 1 1 u ’ ,ne ” 1,1 ‘ his kind. «uarerning their proper application tba paop • may com lode to tel M Kin lay they will make ei in »nev in the tad farmer Seli» sight drafts on .Sew York. Sas fa. ¡ p«ruui^;it strengthen others an »be Lao dene ! r uo sweet bve and bye. Not for the benefit of political fu.»i«s,bai ptace. i ■—• **Uie to inquire. go when be aak« lor the aacoad terra If cisco, and Portland. Dr. Ellsworth will visit friends fora m Kiddle. Mr». Elmer Catching*» ... 4.330 lor the beaefit el oar young people, who ba will give Mitee e lair rbaoce ur will Bbopguards A merchant from Medford is rea -hing $ / 00 Telegraphic transfer» sold on »11 poi»'" Uaarda ... ... ................. 10,701) are to be* erne the future h.storians of short aad then jo.a his family ia smiling ia*e and peasant manner will 1 eae to II that lha old gentleman gvta II, F.ntinaar and plumber for the trade of Apj egat»? and Williams fui «Hfafe’whkh^UrT^n^- the United States. . I .•*> M isouuri. be »ally nnseed from among us as th» oar country. Treason, rebellion and ee- he will do Alger up in a rag and tbe Four uightwaichmau 6 4-> creek. He buys cl? ken«, etc. and te • I tbv’t.lre »nTh u“ P»"1.*»1erand Júneci* Special Attention given to Collectk"»’ oosioD ar» distinct term*, ao I sh< Id Died—At her home on Applegala, goes out to her new home. If all their • • preaidenl ■ill receive the revard the pwup'.e how much money they can . . ! _ 1 borne- of <■ nvAVoorhÄ ram» Pas» Thi» general business of our custoiuers. Visiting t>bysi«iaii never be used to express tbe saa e idea. February 19,1999, Mra. <»«urge Matsey, bu- new is »auoisctorily arranged, tbey Collection« made through-ait S*7, save by patronizing him. His express h<8 .. 3>*.5<s> Treaeon is a violation of expressed ur im of consumption. expe< t to leave bore on Saturdav even 1 ba Enotere ■ nagua pea* a crop ta re General ««|ten^s Oregon, and on all accessible [«.inU. been here several limes lately and he bas I • '.r. lighting 4 ing*» train plied obligaiiuk and tbe guilty partv • H N ported a -w mi , tba aarare cold a «alber For rogues gallery Several new ca»o» of rusasles in our MX) J. D. FRY’, President. done well Our merchants d<> not need ° "ül. jourxlf «bsa baring kilted every bad. ¡I i« eery For fir« ■o*i BJN a traitor, Rebellion ia a refusal to obey village, ami A On Every Bodie to de this for a:, tb that advertise in V..U» k .. J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. ’ ior bait il ’ real •w* • RmraaM *»» probable that malhara Oregon la tba For pay of affi are and atber gen of Rev. C. N. Crete. Of Shiloh's Consumption Cere is this tbe Covam nave all they caa do at ! R. A. B ooth , tad»« ersl al pea ns ef th. Dragon are citizens , and the guilty party is a only part et lha «tate wh hba«tbu«far _ ____ Miss Mattie McG«o ass returned to gaaranteo : “All we ask of ;ou is to use heme. Except one of the Grants Pass _ etale ineaaa naylam, including rebel. b»<eseiun is a tump ete separa ! eeraped damage to tbe trull from the Applegate, a fin. . pay ot lha iruateaa taeraaf, tbe Mediord after a four weeks' visit with two-thirds of the contents of this bottle ' merchants who. by tbe wsy,<leee not ad- 100 v PROSPERITY ud io ABDDANT tioo from an organize«! governflaeot and I cold oealber II the crop ba« heel g eernor |bd) a year, sad «’ re- faiih.'ully, then if you «an »ay you are vertiee. an I who to. I a farmer “I am •v.c Er.iïre •„‘‘■"In1'’ Q','v‘» 'f> «• h I her parents of this place. tar» o' state an i usually fur the purree of organizing a killed in Eaaiern Gragea, it certainly are insured only to those who yovj^ He wiil Mr». Frank Tryer returned to bar not beuetited return the bottle to your not here fur .ny health". aa* a HIM) a year, parable quar- toted heei *. Send postal for our now government. Our forefathers were ha« ia I.«itera Wathinglea. ami thera- Druggist and ho may refund the price find bis customers wh be few and far terl» 2«4,OiO ed «‘atalogue and *ave money by in rebellion againot Great Britin from , hutae after a pleasant visit with Mias lera tba paepre in lbw ee< lion ol th« For gaa aad alecUic lighting at - -^bl .orbali that an" ‘t a re c*n from the paid." Price 25 ct»,, 50 cts. and $1.—W 1 between. It will pay merchants Nora abeeban of Missouri Flat. •late ehould leek «eli to tba tare ul asylum .. 13.610 the tiBia they threw that toe into P»os P acific S eed C ompaq F. Kremer. y civil to would be purchasers. 40 A ‘ -J- 1 f,r ,r'"' «»fbyTwÎ^ .Mr and Mrs. M. Chapman were kum- ».000 ton harbor uotil the fourth day ut Joly Whole-ale and Retail. ¿. A their orchard«, lor it may profit them < ooTeying insane patients • to 729 J St., Hacramento - Another aid pioneer miner, John ings F astern ' 'recon district fair 6,000 1776. After that, tbey were citizens of a muned to t»ee the suu in law, J. K. .1 bs us» oui t.uiid Ireland Item«. much la <aee tbey have a goo-1 crop. -autbern IIraguri district lair . 3,01k) All Seeds -old at lowest prices. (ientner, has passed over to the •¡leni R«a\ea of Jacksunvthe who ia very ill. now and bettor government. They bad , ■ . : D kab E ditob : I »ill try rnr band slate board ol liortii ullura wanted. Lilteral diiMounK but . 9.OJ0 • majority. Of all the early dav miner« Admiral Iteway lal«grai *«d tlia ad Dairy and ford carauneaxinar ••red a I from their former government ^n conmnsjuon. Mra. John Howell who has been in a<a.a and aa 1 atu a tieriuan, and cannot • on Missouri Flat, only two are living lkvvi-tno ............................... unniatralian that lite Oregon i« needed '•any . |^,er 3.000 They wore no lunger rebels. They nev Grants Pace for nom» time under medi • rite vary go<4 English, you ntual par Crescent City and Granta Paeo I one by one have they laid down pick, al Manila let political iaaa. ii« WtiBl ■alary and ex|i«a»«a ol gams ••<1 er had lieea traitors In 1794, the peo- cal treatment is improving very slowly. don me if I make mistakes with diHu.t fron, ,n ot!1.r Line Passenger Hate- ■ a • • 4.4m) shovel and pan, having made their last lb««a polit.i al reaa> i.a ar* doaa net ap pie in ths western part i of Pennsylvania w.lh 0[r,„„„ state land agent ««.ary Miitou Uadevn in losn last ««ek (>. M. Knux had <|Uile an exciting run* From Grants Pass 3.400 : clean up Thus are passing those hardy pear, uale»« Judging from bar former Map«, atr 0,00il refuse«! to pay the whiskec tax which away last Tueeiav but furtunaloiy no laving in supp ea lor bis quart/ mini on . .. To Wilderville.... . pioneers that faced the dangers and t 1 °" coodact, that Germany ■anu to inter had b»-en levied by congress that was uno was hurl and bul little damage wm Mt. Beuben. ~~ To Love’a................. He has a very promising U14|io( front er lite. Ths pack, ths VewAulMWfl ior«. The German government may reboilion. In !H6t, eleven southern dune to tbe stage. k,n«*1*- • Iforyofe, To Anderson........... The following resolutions •>í proapact wkich bids fair ta develop into trail, ins foci-log are g ns and in tbsir To Selma............... deny being cofBiaanl «1 the facta, yal «b«., ufe guiratitee. Fn„ stalo« left the United late« government •Dev on the death of Geo. !.. To Kerby. .......... ................. Dr. Ellsworth, who resided lor a a paying propoaitian if properly devel stead the modsrn ideas prevail. Yet ............... ll.ey doubl e«« vi -I, that it« coeeula ia au I organized a now government that warn adopted by Ream» Chapter No. zM, Te Waldo............... w e on Williams but afterwards moved oped. He report« that tbe taoid Bug ia tbey. while living, live«! in ths past, for Manila are w. rally aiding lha Fillpin«« • •« «e<rM;on It was neither treason Shelley creek......... R. A. M Feb. Ji, IH99 io <■rants Pass, has h»— n quite aucueoe- daealuping iato a phenom inally rich no other charm to them was like re Tbi« work will • online* until 11 ba- a»< The people of Cwba, a Gasquet................... That whereas the silent metsenger ut a<»v rebellion ful in his btisina*», enabling him to send miua. The mill is running night aud counting tbeir adventures of !ong ljr,, Crescent City____ ■in bear able «nd lh*n a halt m-ial M day sitb a full force of taen. death has writad our chapter and taken few year« ago, seceded from "aa n and his family bath tu their Eastern homo. Peace to their asiire Hail and farewe Above rate« subject to choi ce v*15* call*! In which eceul 1’r.eey will need forme«! their pre»eat republic. The f*eo- from us uur I<loved companion Geo. U Wa ba.« had a poor winter for tbe A pieasant dinner party was given at notice. Round trip tickets and O’* It.« < itegoe, that baa a w r id wide rapu Barden who died al the home of hia pie l.ving in the Philippine islands did the hou.» of Julias Goodman, February miner Tba average precipitation being i« | - «path •• ’wn parties at special rate». the same thing These pevf* e are not in daughter at Cleveland, Ohio, on the i«t Beat wf All far below tba normal. But th« atiuoe- ‘ lb, in honor of the 7lh birthday of Miss amparor. __________________ x\ q i ’ day of January, 1899 nt the age of 65 re el lion against the law- . 'their own phara n loaer today »itb a falling ba To cleanse the system in a gentle and RRAXTb P ais OREGON’ ’ fruit, tmrge 2-story twaw country they are sot relwla. lrea»- a is MAu be. About 15 gorwis wsre present, y rars. truly beniflrial moaner. <to(n«c ia no* in Havana, ■ brr« Ls rometer »Llch are gooti indications of prod repair. A bargain. when too ged ia until a lata hour Retiei.ion is seldom «■slurs w> i« . Resolve*!, That tn the death of our always wrong rain. 5 .thing like ra n to drier assy Springtime come», us- the true an ! p-r- went to center with General Brook re right. vssion is right only w hen the wh»n th» guests departed with light brother and couipaoion this chapter has gariibf tbe affair« of < uba tiie blues and cheer tha average m iter s feet remedy, >yrup of Figs Bay tbe Tb« old hearts. seto<ling parties can better their own heart. general Lad quite an ovation alaag bi« logt an examplary Manon. His work genuine. Manufacture«! by the Califor v nditios with iwl infringing upon the It was with ma b not row wa learned road to Havana, and alao afl»r ha r.a. h was good, true an«l square, and we be Moat nil th* am«« on Grave creek nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for ea • by rights of their former aoooeiateo. Mar of the death of Mrs. I.n y Hall. The all drugg «ta. at SO cents per bottle. ed tbe city. The i ubana rightly run«.d lieve accepted by the Grand Matter of tin 1.other seceded frum the Human dear old I adv was well known ber« and ■ beer soiree of water «tipple ara Irani the Eniverse. • the larger atraam. are runnuig on full Retolve«!, That this chapter tender to < alhoiie rhsrch in ISdh. The Metho wae 'Aunt l.ucy * to every one. fiar tin a «uh a fair bend of water. not been for tbe Americana, Una old v»t- Train Wre* k diste seceded fr«»m the Epiecotml church | husband, Mr. Hail, died about two years erau would have «pent tbe remainder of hia bereaved tuna and daughters their McOackan A Huaeey have opened up Toasd«» morning the south boaa.j (,ae- in 17M. I m 1M4 there was a mutual ago, when Mrs. Had decided to leave hieyrara figbling the hpamth witboet heart fel. «vmpatbv in this their luaa of dtvteioa of the Methodist churrh into her borne and pro|«erty here in the a placer ta a oa Bruns: a bill «hu b een*ar «sper-.eB.-ad a «rerk ia the Cow a true, kind an<! loving father. driving tb»ui eetireiy from tbe island. ai o Be it also Reeolvetl, That three re* lu- two branches neither party seceding. hards of stiangers and return to her proefwet« •ell and would pay well with creek <aayoa. Fro« th« beet inferma- It tbe bpaaiarde on the island would üoo obteinab.a it «reas, that th« roadbed A little truth along itie*e lines would be native homo al Tarad Mo., making plenty of sater. C’.tv. Cal h...... tl.‘ h**We*i> Grants Pass, Oregon, and Cre«* free tbamaei vet from \ merit an rule, they tion» tie spread on tbe minutes of tbe a great blessing to humanity her hums with relatives. Bul she Ti.e health of this rvattaonity ia good, bate be- >me ser» «oft (ron, «.-,„>« on« « «■•lie Love */A ihe following interior points : Wi.d® must unite with the Cubans to establish I chapter am! a copy under its seal be sent HvtrHiw J« will proved unable to bear the severe vhmato ntaaaiea ha*a disappeared, la grippe «ub- nnnin« sb»*« tbe track, and thia eaaae.1 pa,d<u<>n\Kerb>’'.Waldo, Shelly Creek. I to each of his sons an«! daughters, and a stable government, thus pre? ludmg tad died abool a mouth Ago. aiding an l there :s reaavn why wa it to fir» way, throwing tbe eng a« ,,j — -> v*cck. Gasquets. Mill K«« hangp the ne<eosily of a proto« turate by the ' tbe chapter be draped in m«>wrniog for Pnviaia F low a a. •h- uid not raach the marage longevity a Mr< •< «oc •■a««*4* ar bio tbe rrwk seed Wheat, See-1 Barter. Seed Oats. Eniled "tales Bitter batrod which es- 30 consecutive day» to his memory. Th« fireman. Mike Dvvaaey, wae caagbt *1 oiled ta man C omm 1 rrsg. Mar and feed fur I, 3. or 6-month note«, ista between tbe Spanish and the Ca Huw !• A owr M lir EASTBOUND with two gtrtta en ii s»re. no chattta or «n ier the engine, but it ia helteaad not Leave Grants pMS La Grtpp» is again eptdeaic. Every M •• the» Oaborn :• eiailing friends bans < annul bo obliterated in a day, in a • 9 a m. Leave Crescent City IIas she loot her twwuty? If so. Coo- Arrive »t W aldo aenaualy hurt. 4 tramp was brr- , v < p'ecautian shuul«! be taken to avoid it real estate inurtgage taken, «ash never tnoulb, nor io a year, and this together I’e Ape refuse*! Call on er addreva Scott Gridin. lipau un, Indigestion, Sick Headache at Wolf L'reek. S p.» Leave Weld«. • 7 P ®. Arrive at Waldo........ - M eomewbal The Ira n bm uaiayad with their different Bbtieri ail lies uay < ere Archie McGinnis baa «mured a job of 4 1 ra. , [ _ Leave _____ Waldo............. are the primi pie cau*ev. Kai Ta Clover "A J fcbeperd, I .• eh**r Aeri- Grants Paso or Tolo ’ >reg’»n. iti *4 b ure tn rs.nerqaence »t Crescent City long prevent harmony. Like the white culture Jeuruai and Advertiser, E:den Root Tra has cured three ills for over work m a quarts «me near Tannel S, r*. ___ 7" • op. 6 P. m. m- | i Arrit Arrive at Grants Pass.... 1.sru—The wreck a. reported pen pie and the neeroes of the South. Mo , save “No one will b» diaappoigtgd halt a «-entorv. I’nee 25 eta. and etc. It is reported that 'ba cwbtractor oa paaseiiger aa* , auasai be a ‘S, Gbtfnl monnuto *h-h thU ,ine ia uaiaf on» Minute < ewgk Care fwr la ___ , — —-‘ passes is beautiful. their blood is ee different that it will Money refunded It results are not saue- •be Lela-ud—Ml. Keubea wagon road cerf, ____ ___ __ pa'tly ___ _________ » I rassfil l4. lake q* - k t a* I having aasbe-i ««t. rates dunng sum met (jas<luet to Crescent City. E* nut readily mis in guvoraiuoniai t Kremer laclury.—W. F. Kromer •. .. g n ears at Th.« road *e a Ar.otaa •«■ f ratty ba > y hart. FIRST NATIONA E -A. IST K Capital Stock, $50,00 N. E. McGrew * Tat and Delivery Grants Pass & Crescent Git ( ■■ STAGE LINE- lorries I s M-»ii- ’ "I-. 1.1-uucr. and Stu w I » raTBouSDTIME TABLE WARPER, Grants Pass,Or.. ’ -