I new which, it has been pr< red. attack» ! soldiers in the field in to v .lent a term I aa to result in death. There ha» been found only one rente« ¡ly for it to »erut Cheery Missives Have Done Much the sirk kotdier horn«. If thia 1» Im- A Penalty That Used to Be Imposed possible, then the man pises an-ay and Upon Soldiers. for Soldiers in Camp. dies. It i« not a common complaint, although there have been several well- authenticated cbm *«, of i: In connection How a < Mplhr Indian al Fart Lea» Great ('redit I« Due th« I"o«t Offlcr with the Cuiran campaign. Kfllcleat riMortb Made His Ksssps Department for Ita There is no doubt, however, that the U’.u’e •* II urn pi ng:’’ a Sen 1er—betters from Prom- thoughtfulness in providing a |MMft of­ I Log 4 bout. Inest l*erauaa. fice in the camp« W im » the mean« of lb* b saving numerous lives, , ” said an old I read thr other da During the civil war the magnitude from home proved a more «at i* factory oldier of thr regular army, “that one of the military operations often» pre­ ton-ie than any medical coi ni pound* f the district t’s lads in blue down in vented the delivery of mail for long could. The post offices have liven the period«, and “mail day” became a» a ounce of prevention that is worth a | Tampa was gi ven a bit of log-ahoulder- I ing to do as a punishinent. This is the consequence one of the great events in pound of cure.— Detroit Free Pre»«. I I firnt time I’ve braid of that oid-t the soldier’s career. Letters from home I army punishment being revived. It meant a celebration in which all par­ f'lHitburtiphy In thr < nurta. used to I m * a regular guardhouse pun­ ticipated. By the unwritten law of the Photography la often called into ishment w hen I was in thr regular out­ camp all painful or pathetic letters A man sentenced to ten d s in were read in silence arid afterwards {(oiirt a» a witne«« whose testimony fit. pocketed, while the contents of inter­ I cannot be Impeached. It Ha detective i thr guardhouse would either b« ent esting, witty, poetic or nonsensical I of forged or disguised handwriting: ! out to work in thr morning, po missives were, after perusal by the re­ for no matter how « ’ever an Imitation i around thr post, or hr would be given cipient, retailed to his comrades. Some or alteration, th«* eye tf the rami■ ra I Ids two-hours- on - and-t wo-houi s-otf letters became popular favorites and j will warub out, and the «er*:-itive plate I tours of log-humping. He’d have to were read and reread as a standing rec­ display, the fraud. A very important { carry his logs j ist as 1 hr men on guard I case, in which the ent rietrin a document curried thrir rifles, in so far as hours reation. In the present war the post office [were in (portion, led to the building of duty were concerned, except that he department deserves great credit for I of w hat i« probably the largest rain« ra ; w’as permitted to sleep in’ at night. the efficiency of its mail service at the in the world. Thr bellows may iu* ex- I The logs weight <1 from HO to 100 pounds * with tli*’ I >g on hl| But about t ten of campaigning in thr Cuban jungle, free. All Muden I m pay an incidental shoulder. will understand full well the joy of a fee of ten dollar« vearlv. Board, lodi; after Douglas had begi un his letter that links th»* soldier to those fl ing, beat and light in dormitory coat trol the sentry saw a dusky left behind. Nostalgia is the medical $2 50 per w eck , ing through thr mr from term for the ♦'»•»'»»'l»ilnt nf l»on’p«lnU above, and by th wits and saw thal Douglas thr Indir up nnd was off fnsi lrr»-»l strong and healthy probably my life, and 1 advise hiit one au “ I had prepared to teach school, but be- Ing with troubles aimilar to mine, tn take Mme so run down that 1 did imt feel like these pilla.“ M iss |I a / i i S nipi R teaching, and gave un my a»-hool before the Suh«» ribrd ami «worn to b< fore ; r«* no1 thu term opened. I disliked to do thia, but my third day of .lamian 1**!»* mother aii remain twtrfant article in rvrrv drug ««.»rr to U l>r on my stomach. ■ WUliMM1 l*inh I'ill, lor >*»!• I'ropl,. An»»or a Io» quntt.ont and get a trial treatment free, The quettiont are atked, a» no t»o question» roe. are alike, and the treatment mutt be prepared spe­ cially. A special treatment »ill ba prepared tor you free. If you suffer from Nervous Debility, Night Losses, Lott Nanhood. ¿missions, Nel- ancholy. Duty Spalls, Spots Before the ¿yes. Sleeplessness, you ought to get a snecial treatment • No patent medi­ cine, but a carefully prepared treatment, ¿very man can have Ara you »Oak f a trial treatment free. Thou­ sands have been cured, Where f Ho» long f and they »rite in black Do you ha ve pam» f and »hite saying so. Where f Ho» long 9 Ansner questions Night s»eat» 9 Ho» often 9 and get a trial Do your eyes blur 9 When 9 Do you sleep at mghtt Ho» long 9 Aro you constipated 9 after th got Do ii pl as just four in Oregon, a good 2,.*»' Fort Leavenworth.” \ POWER./ CLAY BANK Catarrh is Not Incurable But i! WBsht* reach in the throui r on» <1 y which cun I I-.. • h . it eorwa I■ ■ nentiy and forever ri» every trace A Beautiful Present In order to further «traduce ELASTIC STARCH iFu,. the tnanufa. turets, I. C. H tbinger Hr«». Cu, ,,f k J?’ ‘h decided to GIVE AW A Y a beautiful present %' starch »old. These presents are in the form of **K r teturned Affli 1 *nu*r who owns >iupa:»y n ruad-bed mi clay that is tio-i a» Hei pable of being id about tbs ' white p wder, eviuUa year upon ¡1« I an o the Klondike A new county judg« f».r wea 1 ’ i oe- ui equal« Bio® h4»l cum • 's will take al! and upoa application They are 13x10 inches in size, and are entitled u •• and pay him company for a reduct» «1 r t r a me and flank fused io recede ¡(rum yr ¡■e. Henry Pc wer«. f ( either upon the lanu» or lhe roau ur'1- M rho owns a small tuffei r it Megunti^ouk and Before taxes became delinquent! the better g her* in the Boston Bprsye railroad cumpany tent Jered the iounG r ar a bar : hink« piwer Lilacsand $3,500 per mile n in its roiiJ-bed tor* relieved me oe of these much- la an »ere »gun » 8 cell la meni, and 35 temporarily, i at the back end of Pansies. grant and lieu lands The county ac- boggy place, w hich y. though I u»ed < -A ’ I 4 ’ • X ;a\e the companv the disease had a nd eonitantly for ten y»ar«. ctpted the money grow n i cucumbers. desire for more cucum- firmer bold il than ever. I tried a number of credit fur the MiuuUiit paid, The cum-’ blood rem die«, but thetr mineral ingr«HiiertU in full < n all contract lands, th • I).» eov e ry. Bower* settle»! in my bone» and gave me rheum. 1 -.n. party pmd be® the !■' l ' ind to ■'. i w off I was !n a lamentable condition, and after <*i and al»u ui H a« r iBing »uck J ►itQW»t>HOCOO«IRC'T Pansies • day in June, and when haunting all treatment, wa»»declared incur 1. >. the company’a taxes claimed balance of he throu ugh some three feet Seeing 8. 8. 3. advertised as a cure for 1 . and iinque.it and the sheriff *at of -pade ran deep into diseasefi. I decided to try it A» *»*-n n my became dr I the properly lu satisfy Marguerites 0MC POUND or THIS 1TAI1CM WILL CO that was tough to system wm under the eff»-<-t of the medicine. preparing to sei 10 be due, the rm.- ch ook like jelly when I t>egan to improve, and after taking it for the balance claimct worked in a paper two month« 1 was cured completely. the road company pro -ured an injunction J.C.riUBINGERBR0jTC9 no for two winters and dreadful disra-ie wa- eradicated from my sys­ restraining the »her df hum levying upon tem. and I have had no return of it.’’ 1 the makers of white pa­ Many have been taking local treat­ ami selling its pr»’|a»rl . nt m per cent, of a Ger- A demurrer a i'm r»p »’.I to the com ment for years, and find themselves These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned n» t iheir stock, he took some worse now than ever. A trial of plaint au«i upon hearing w.is overruled, R. LeKov. of New York, have been chosen from the very ch«”. ,* i heme and dried it in the in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. ~‘ the county lima moved to dissolve the cook stove. When the The nil tures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used t.. inj jmtun lln- mu iuii a. -. upon con en di> •died he ground the inalt, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. ' 4 ■ute!» i n by n. ■ r . ».» overruled. ami!.) ■ lice mill and sent Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothins a s of the powder to a large will prove it to be the right remedy An »u>»er •»» Ibeii tiled by Uie couuty th ni in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. < r n Berlin Falls, N. 11. In for Catarrh. It will cure the most ob­ denying a l t e in» • ti »I »i rgaiioua oi One of these pictures |______ ut k he received word that stinate case. Uie euiiipUnil, »“d wltuig »1’ »» u«» he had forwarded was as • !<’ ni. ih-d fr< »• to any address by ihr piuiiiiHi hud adequate mailer in purchased of vour grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the m,-. best that could be had in .swift Specific Co., Atlanta, (ia wilt ul ieView. 1 hr is sold for to cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch a. reme»b al law ny I l.uic; <■, and that the company would beautiful picture. j ay him $12 a ton for all he could ui w mallei was demurred i»> by plaintiff I ro^uee. As the total cost of d’gging, structed to insist upon American cm trol and ibe demurrer w as stiHiained f’rvirg. grindii’ir and boxing the clay of the whole of the Philippine inlands 1 he issues thus being mfetie upon ■ 1 111VITTTTTT---------------- TTTH|||nlu Notwith«tandmg the declination of a doe t ot t .ecet! tw o dollars a ton. and mam question as to whether or not a { there ar»* !,< 0,000 ton« of it on the number of gentlemen to serve on the exhvrbitant and Bowers place, 1 hr finder has high hopes commission to investigate the conduct of assessment was of becoming a millionaire, and will at , tiie war, the president expects to get the action ui the board ol equalization juataii'l fraudulent, testimony was taken oiicp -tart in to build up his fortune. commission completed and at work in a I ntil four years ago agalite was the and the case argued and submitted. A AAA Az rn!y rlay material that could br em- ! lew days, lie impresses those with In support of ite contentions the county whom he talks on the subject with the ployed in makii.r whitepaper. Later, submilted evidence that the cjippany s •i i epofit of white clay was found in d ea that he is very much in earnest and South ( arolina which has been largely I I determined that the commission shall road-bed <» s about $50, K‘0 per mile and io 1 a: a substitute for thr import ?d | get at the whole truth regardless of con- that across the line and through the article. Thr South Carolina prod*: *t sequences. He has promised every pos- state of California it was assessed at -*<•!:< for right dollars a ton. while | sible assistance in getting oral evidence $17,5 »00 per mile and that the company agi’i-r rominr.i‘drel witnesses to testify. Until Celonel the usual rate levied upon other prop­ 4 of any kind. The clay found in Camden | llav arrives to assume the duties of sec- erty in the county. That the land« be­ is much thr whiter, making it very longing to the company were assessed valuable to paper makers.—N. Y. Sun. ! i retary of state, which will be w ithin the j present week, the department of state upon the same basis a« like lands be­ will be without a secretary and without longing to individual«, and that there STORY OF THE WEDDING-RING. i a first assistant, Mr. hay having resign- had been no dherimination against the I ed the secretaryship to become peace company. 1 round !t ( liiwter Man, ( urloua Cere­ These statements were met by the ! commissioner, and Mr. Moore the posi- monies and llrllefa \\ hich Date tion of first assistant to accompany the company with counter testimony show­ llnek Centurie« Aurone. peace commission in an advisory capsc* ing the earning capaci.y of the road in Idinrr ring is made of gold of i ity. Colonol Hay will be allowed to California to be much greater than in Oregon. That the increased business , signifying how no- choose his first assistant. J ourafTcction. Next, Englishmen who have recently visited rendered the assessment there an eqrip­ - roil lid, n symbol of Washington, are unanimous table on»* and that the company could in their that our regard shall better afford to pay the larger rate in Why is this golden opinions of what we ought to do with California than the smaller one in Ore­ ti*e Philippines. Mr. Samuel Illi! If. . worn on the th ¡rd finger of the bund ? Because among the an- prominent Londoner said: ‘‘England gon. That the lands of the company it wa thought that there was a has a deep interest in the settlement of were wdd and mostly mountainous, The ill-fated Maine and all the great battleships are in that fir :rc that came directly the ownership of the Philippines, If That they were not susceptible of cul- he beart, and the custom hassur- the United States does not hold on to ture. pictured. No clearer idea of these vessels can pos That a large parcentagc was the ages and I come down to us them, England will not readily assent to worthl°fi* except for timber, and that sibly be obtained than is given by these superb pho­ remote itntiqv lity. But there are their occupation by any other power. the timber was inaccessible and could tographic reproductions accompanied as they arebv eason why it should be worn on not be reached without an expense equal ger: P.eciiuse b< ing a finger We think it is all right for your govern­ introductory chapters and by concise descriptive rd it may be least aubjt* •ct to be ment to hold them ; in fact, from our if not exceeding its value. text under each view. The combination affords the Judge Hanna in announcing his de ­ point of view, it would be an act of weak ­ it. and because its dis’ i net 4 is that it is to be the visible. ness for the Americans to renounce any cision reviewed the political history in most complete information regarding token of a solemn covenant spot of ground that they have obtained volved in the assessment of the railroad ever be forgotten, ft has by conquest. A strong nation will al­ company in Jackson county the past few (1, also, that the form, he­ ways hold what it has won through the years, reciting the fads of the election ld without end, imports of G. A. Jackson as county assessor, and uve shall flow from one to expenditure of blood and money. The j»n>in- in a circle, and that con­ result of the war with Spain has elevated the American nation in the eyes of the ises, stated or implied, that he would The Fifteen Portfolios containing a wealth of infor­ fs were of countries across the sea, and it would be maintain the railroad assessment at mation can be obtained at this office for ioc each. $10,000 per mile which the political party anally be- a distinct loss to you to falter or give were broken in two. one- wav in the least degree in the policy he represented had demanded without h v * «inined b\ ♦ ach that your victory over Spaiu was ren­ connidering or sutli -iently investigating 7 1 A MiJK-rb Photographic reproductions of our great war 11 t on the marriage day the dered inevitable.” the real value of the company's proper­ J ships for only io cents. M . joined..................... \ccord- Wherever there is a chance to make ty. It was recited that \V. S. Crowell 'harles Wheatley, the com- was elected county judge largely by the money, American enterprise and capital lll''nbr interesting matter and some mag- n tiie Book of Common United States same voles that elected Jackson and »¡^icent views of Cuba and Hawaii for $1.50. *• y a ring was Re­ are likely to be found ference to any Minister Powell, writes from Port au was under obligations to maintain the iso among the Prince, Eaiti, to the department of state; high rate o’ valuation. Crowell was “an used as seals. “A rich vain of ore. almost pure metal, aspiring politician" and although bis * goods were has recently been disvuvered in the better judgement was against it, it was at documents northern section of this republic. A con­ intimated that political exigences urged delivery of a 4 your orders i’n of high» rr«tp ror ihr imi . Buffet SI** | — and — nt.) ONE FOR A DOSE S econd C' PILLS •M-r- 11 i anir.iu. ok . OSA-IUÒ CO. T üaüc M arks D isions C c » tr 15HT s A c C.A.SNOWà COJ .J S leep |N u ” For further particular* inquire 1 Purdom, Grants Pa«« ,.7 PATENTS * A* ‘III ass Attache,! to all tinongh If*-- SO YEARS Ans»er these questions and a spec.a! trial treatment »ill be prepared and »ont to you by mail froo. Tou tato no chancot Address Scientific Hm*, We.t Side DiTiek* ■ All TRAI» PAILT ;ILI!’T** i Af. \ 7:.O a .« IV. Porüan i I 55 f . m , J at . Corvelli* Al Alltanv and Corva- ’•* 0 . rains uf Or.’ entrai A KxeiMs T«Ain » ailv ’4 top m . , lv . Portland 7.3)p M. f ar. McMinnville lf- Rebate tickets on sale bet f Europe Also JAPAN. • J11- * "I.I l.r and av . i TKALIA * t ai ur.I (rt,ni (Hir axri’l. u ii . . ii MA**- “ KUKHI.EK M-aa • Apt !*■“. • T«*am »»• '••••*’ ’“** ,« To quit totArco ea»UT >-tle rull o< ht*, »erv« »»J ’ e»1 B»-. lb. wnntVer worV -r. !••• J1* «iron« All dru,«IM* 5* r-J* ‘T’.l aal »"■!►' ' X,. r **- »11»« R»me1r < * . c».«**11 * ‘ • ‘A* DR. J. H. HUDSON 7 i n i ii i iiTT................................ ..... exhorbitMt and lanje')- in that it was e taxation of the exrees ioni the thro the matte crut ion >1 »qua d rd to 01 re «TOC1KTOIX STHLSE F. gruwing that mir ideili to ai . «V rrag** V ai ut* n»prc-*ion is pur acre. 1 he .*• out liern loners are iu - i vd against the arawament on the ground I NSUMP I'atiiu i