DEBATER. Washington Letter. Further mure, it it noticed that tiie grant as a young number of Lit» for each type of gun i» in From our Regular ( *orre»p«»mieDt.) STRIVING TO PLEASE Foreign military criths at the seat of proportion to it» caliber, the 8 inch do* Washington, F»pl 12th, 1MH.— •» war Lave all spoken tn high terms of the «1 Ibr I’bilo- ing good execution, the I and A-invh Miles and Gen. hbafter are not only in Mor* Than Mu»* Vi uul«i Uu. taa kmausUip of American gunners, A Pl ill«-. Ky» rapid fire guna even better, and by far Waahington, but they have met, ahak* *1 always »trive to pieuse,” remark»«! mat h< rd ni«*’" and, in view of the special training which the large*1, number of hit*« being due lo •n handa and chatted together aa friend­ the dramatic editor, us Jihf he scratched tL forth« a promi- they received in the months preceding Theyp in wiit'ng and bubsliiuted Blorxi Pofeon— th di^ ,tion for sequent practice in the frequent bom­ completely buffi«-d the «hip». The reaulta are a strong indorse­ I to liiMe who believed, or pretended to “megather an agg.eMUt |,ed. That bardments of Spanish forts, it may safe­ “Thanks, 1 am si nid the ad- in* totally unable to cu I ment of the rapid fire gun, and they eu*- ,. infixing I believe, that when Ike two rnen met, vance ugent, as he read over the ten ly be said that the work of onr gunners thr naiu«“ 1 phaaize the necwiily of increasing, by there would be drawn swords an a coli- lines the dramatic critic waa giving their effort» toward bottlinx in the naval battle of Santiago represent­ th«-rr ap } all possible mean», the rapidity of file I test of ike regulation “Three Guards- him, and carefully put back into Lis up in th«» blood and coiiceclirq ed the best results that can 1« obtained rant, fl view. b. b. 8. cur-s the dive» of the largest gun» on our battleships. po<-kwt th»* half-eoii imn notice he had men“ order. If tiie men were really a^ with modern high powered rifles. He ■» lively and perman» .illy by for It is quest tunable if the 12-inch gun unfriendly fowarde each other as one first drawn on L ie d. c. e thirty With this fai t in view, it is startling, “I presume,” imiied the d. c., “that every trace of the CBu be handle«! much more rapidly than I p;. stion: ■ might infer from resiling r«c»-nt ne*a I wi* afflicted with and, to the enthusiastic admirer of the it is in some of the navies of the world, | ' pajier publication*, they are both past- you always str! •• to please, too, don't which wa4 in gpou 11 greater modern wea,-on. somewhat discouraging, I and if we wish to secure greatly increased I masters in the art of concealing their * male»." to observe what a very small percentage “Not always,’’ in a aem¡disappointed rapidity of tire, it can only be done I y feelings. There were certainly no signs tone, “but 1 uaed T thia ca»'* j have a friend wbu of the shots that were fired, even on our thirty-fifth reducing the weight of the larger guns. ' of enmity a hen they met in the office of did. Hr really was the most »elf-dem ■ side, bit the mark—not more, in fact, | affirm- ’ j* Germany has apparently already grasped Gen. Miles, in the uar departmen', that ing chap i nrr taw, and what he than about three per ot n . This, appar-1 tal one this truth, for her new battleships will could be detect««! Gen Miles will talk wouldn’t do tu pirase an audiem-“ dolian eutly, is the beet result that can I m ex­ : would carry no guns of a caliber greater than every time he g*-ta an opportunity abjut wasn’t worth doing.” thrown away, ate the pected in the heat, smoke and confusion tried vsrioi tic to “Where ia he now?” 19:45 inches. The Muall bore is com the necessity of enlarging the regular medicines, but tl Arai n h<* * aM Ol) of an artillery duel at sea. “Dead.” not reach the pen sated by the high velocity and erier , army and the recommendation be intends When 1 I a*i ffui it the thirtv-aixth Until a more thorough examination ol “Dead?” flrat bottle of i gy of the projectile, the penetration if making to «'ongress, that subjirct, but he *•(’. (¡rant” “Yea. it killed him. It was thia way . the Spanish ships has been made, and was «ready the resolution wa* (fens the full returns of ammunition expend­ j the wea|>on being nearly 2fi inches cl says the statement be gave out as feoon He was in the pyrotechnic branch of the result. Th* I arg*' and red splotch greater evil ed have been published, it will be impos­ 1 steel, or al>out the same *as our 12 inch 1 as he landed in New York, contained all the dramatic art. and uaed to give show s chest began to grow paler and nni before long disappeared entirely, at one of thoae imitation Coney islamls | gun. Yet IheGerman gun weighs only ! lie ba* to say at present concerning the sible to determine the exact proportion weight, l*-cauie stronger, an eting he was to b<* found on nearly every samlbar my lust greatly improved. 1 was soon of hits to misses , but suflicient has been 1 about 22 tons, against 45 ton« for the 12 ¡campaigns in Cuba ami Porto Rico. It, in nearly every' riv« r tributary to the pelite end, A. H* well, and mjr skin ae clear a# a piec» of inch rifle, and it is a rapid fire weapon H. L M yebs , luO Mulberry St . Newa is believed that the president will taae made known by official leporls and the is a mein- Mississippi. He had been the origin­ in addition. Don’t d«**troy all possible chance of a took part no notice officially of what Gen. Miles ator of the firework» feature al this observation of trustworthy observers on cure by taking the doctor ’ s treatment The 10 inch. 30 ton wire gun now be- th in mounting and breech but nothing waa >-aid by either about on the bill was a set piec«* a hundred record as follows: Ths “Oquendo,” silty-six; mechanism, it will be a vastly more effi- thoee newspaper publication«. feet high, with an enormous balioc •ut after ia yrmr veoetablx . anil ia the only The president hat* decided to have an loaded with firework» to go up iron blood remedy guaranteed to contain no appear, the "Teresa,” thirty-three; the "A'ixca- cient weapon and would form an ideal returned -a,” twenty-four; and trie ’’Christobal gun for oqr new 18 knot battleships, in ventilation of the entire conduct of th«* the top as a grand finale. T here wer« potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books on the disease arid it- treat ­ Colon,” eight. As the vessels were sub­ There are 8-inch rapid-fire gun»* afloat war made by a coimniMion of the most , ten times as many' people there th., j night as there had ever been, and my ment mailed free by Swift SpecificCom- merged somewhat below their normal that tire four shots a minute, to the one prominent men he can get to aMHume tiie friend was feeling so good you could pany, Atlanta, Georgia. \T C.GHTY. draught, it is possible that some hits in one shot a minute rate of the 8 im h tank—men whose names will cause any­ j see it in his walk. y Xr. . a it rms and Wore the teighborliood of the waterline could slow-firers of the “Brooklyn" or “Indi­ thing they say to be accept««! by every- ! 1I h *1 a l.ovc Every body was on edge, too, for thi i rollet . r G’»H 11» not be counted. Waterline hits, how­ ana." \Ve should retain theB-im h gun, b not I in one of tl ago teach us that we should make it a 1 when, promptly at the Pour of t< r and comter-cbargeH now being primed if we suppose that about a score of hits The commercial agent at Roubaix. Mr (only wore “ssew at HO, were made that could not be counted, rapid-firer Twa «neh guns on each in the newspapers. While the Alger- • i o’clock, my friend strutt«d forth lil - Atwell, writes, under date of June?, lovely neck d t i a peacock to set off the great displa. we get a total of say one hundred and broadride would deliver twice the num­ Miles wrangle is said to have had noth- I : with his own hand there was a room 18^8.—Aluminum is now being used in and arms w tlivy re qu .e. says th«1 fifty for all four vessels. The very low ber of shells that can be thrown from ing to do with the idea of having thia in- i of applause, followed by a dead silenc the manufacture of bicycles, and mili­ I Nw York I* dger She w as mort in­ 1.0 w on fer. for she freeboard and shorter length of the de tiie eight 8 inch guns on the “Indiana." Vdstigation, which was ostensibly asked as the audience sat breathless watch tary authorities have for some time past With four 10-incb, wire, semi-rapid* for by Secretary Alg«*r, it may have ing for the burst of blazing glory. But made an effort to vinploy this metal in cl y fl« teretl an« her tow us- stroyers would render them difficult li­ bit, and they were so speedily sunk as to flrers, our new 18-kuot battleships would much to do with it, as General Miles is somehow it didn’t burst. The profes place of iron, copper ami steel for all ar­ 1 people vah 1 her chai ms fur above re beautiful lie only a comparatively short lime un­ Ire the most powerfully armed vessels of not a witness that is likely to be over- j : sor fired the train and ¡rtrented to .» ticles of e«juipment carried by infantry, those of I. * ourq way of pre- hud a der lire We will assume, however, that their dav. But whatever may be the looked by the commission. That be Is 1 I safe place, but th«» powder wouldn’t in order to reduce the weight as much as 1 rivals. She a ball. whic 1 c ur mo«krn | burn, ft fizzled and went out. inst<-ud I |>ar:ng for armament, Santiago teaches us that rap ­ anxious for the investigation all the sixty hits were made upon the two boats. possible. With the same object, the fashional.fe w ome 1. wit . their multi- I Once, twice, fizzled, spiltt* This would bring the total number made idity of fire should be made the supreme world knows. The heads of the depart­ and went out. and then the crowd beg:; Russian minister of war lias ordered al- •ul«l find dif- (*nts ments of the army most directly con­ to growl and guy, as crowds alv. on one side up teone hundred and eighty. consideration.—Scientific American. 'I lie n ioruing 1 efore Uiuinum horseshoes for tiie cavalry, flcult to cm cerned in the investigation—the com-i will, and the professor began t get The first trial is now being made by the she propose d appe 11 " in full regalia As regards the number of shells fired, i missary general, the quartermaster- i wi|«l. l-'arnier’-. Attention! Finland dragoons, ami the horses are «he would take a brisk w ilk anil re- we are informed by an officer who took inner, after “Several other attempts to set the shod as follows: A shoe of the new al­ turn in tim • for a ini«hla part in the fight ttiat the total of all The Southern 1’acini- have decided io ‘ general and the surgeon geueral—all say with her piece off were no more successful, and wliieh she reniaitieer cent. Oregon can raise. One fare going and | wou]d please him, because he was cer* I in gibes and jeers, with now and then The cost is not greater at present, ami th« most < t * rat«1 * l',eP ara tions in th«* I tain it would result in adding to the 1 a threat as to what h<- might expect will be less as soon as tiie system of | hold ivgurd The disparity is largely explained by returning home. es, an 1 \ vouM never I credit of the men who took part in that 1 if he would only com«» down to th»* manufacturing the new shoes shall have light Of KO1.»ntn r:t the fact that the dense volumes of smoke, ng at them Or have dream •‘•1 of remarkable campaign, and in making ground. This was his time to show been perfected. both from our own and the Spanish lira I iichn ( annul I m * «'urcil Ihr interfering . t h t. guns, prevented accurate shooting by ob­ By local application« a« they cannot the people more clearly understand thu what he could do to please his audience, n pjx'.'ira neo was a ph »“«er fail­ DeWitt ’ s Witch Hazel Salve has the i ing to exci t? the great« t admiration scuring the mark during the greater part reach tlie «¡¡Heated portion of the ear nature of the difficulties that were suc­ and in a minute, and before anybody had any idea what he would do next, h«* largest sale of any salve in the world and adulat’ cessfully surmounted. of the action There is only one way to cure deafness, caught up an armful of the explosives This (act an its merit have led dishonor No president for a long time has been ' There Is an important lesson to be A Y ' MAG ATA BABY. about him. fastened them to his clod hen. eat people to attempt to counterfeit it. and that is by constitutional remedies. learned, however, from these figures; Deafness is caastd by an inflamed con­ on such good terras with congress as Mr. and hung wreaths and rings over hi Look out for the man who attempts to Horn in Call 'orniu 1) achter of a McKinley has been and is likely to con neck and shoulders, and setting the for if only three per cent of the shots Famous • ;..p .in .- ».• 1 t* •arsura!. dition of the mucous lining of the Eus­ deceive you when you call for DeWitt’s reach the mark, the heavy 12 and 13-incb tachian Tube. When this tube is in­ tinue. as long as he sticks to present whole thing afire, he swung out int > Born on v. No ;ì er 15. at methods He never does anything im- | the air in the balloon, which was ul- Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. Oakland, <\ •!.. to guns, which tire only once in three or ko Yimagata. flamed yon have a rumbling sound or im­ W F. Kremer ready tugging at its anchor. portant before conferring with members four minutes, are at a great disadvantage ■ • 1 t el • S>nn f° perfect hearing. and wlien it is entirely “As th«1 balloon shot up. it was a ter- of both branches of congress, not only of as compared with the smaller quick-fir­ Movable Bridge at Tunis closed, deafness is the result, and unless rifle sight, and th» poor «levil ’ s shriek Fun:;\'»sii’. his own party, but of all parties. Ho ing weapons. On the basis of three sue- the inflammation can be taken out and Consul Skinner, of Marseilles, under added to the intensity of the scene, al nine ! net her anil ai«kH them Io freely express their views, ready lurid with red and bln«» lights ■essful shots in a hundred, these big this tube restored to its normal condit­ I date of June 22, 1898, says:—A bridge child arc- do hg w«l ■ :) for any case of deaf freight and passenger, until when it ! al between the Mediterranean ar.d Biz la v m b a 1 t «lay Amer lean end of the peace commission, shells struck the Spanish ships, although news (caused by catarrh) cannot be had rrachetl u point about n thousand erte lake, and the authorities hesitated I *1.S <*i>.;.| which is of meet at Paris, Oct. 1, to ne­ feet above the o irth, it caught fir«» and the 'Iowa" only tired thirty-one 12 Im h 1 t.o permit the construction of a swinging cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. .Send 1;« ir 0 • uh Jqaa- shells with full charges, and the "Ore­ gotiate a treaty of peace between tlm tin» wholt» burning mass shot like a bridge, the manipulation of which, it e««1 fardlvr of 1 1 for circulars; free. : ivi Yam >• gon,” ' Indiana,'' and ''Texas" were us­ United States and Spain, that, shall de­ blazing bull straight to the ground. j was thought, would involve loss oi time. gata. Th«1 r Is F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. only cbilil termine the future government of the^ “\ou will be safein bet ting those peo­ ing their 12 and 13-inch guns through­ • The problem was solved by M. Arnodin, of the mnr«| 1 s, w 1: ower. An i Sold by Druggists. 75c. ple never saw su< h an exhibition as that out the fight. I'hilippiih'H Three out of the fiva com­ ¡dopte: son w 11 0 will per­ Hall's family Tills are the best. I who invented the structure, which was he 1 a missioners are senators—Davis, Frye, before, nor will ever again in all proba­ turned over to the public with some cer-'' h • bility, nnut and tiray—and all of them are members the agent, “the audience seemed to re­ j emony on June 19. Is ^erirt ”f 1 her hu l and 1« 2-, of the senate committee on foreign rela clise what the professor had «lone tc Two steel towers have been erected on lions, which will necessarily be an im­ picase them, and they chipped in anti opposite sides of the canal, each 213.22 f portant factor in determining whether built him a monument where he fell ! teet in height, and by means of an ar* the senate will ratify the treaty, after it having on it. besides his name and the rangement of cables and pulleys the car is made. The first two are republicans, proper dates, no other inscription ex­ I or bridge proper is quickly elevated to ami the last a democralN ¡'lie president cept ‘He Strived to Please.’ ” Tic di mati ■ t I ast hall 1 tlie top of these towers on the approach is doubtless correct in assuming Unit a minute i ( of a vessel, the latter easily passing un- rt'i any treaty approved by these tbree sen- the recital i der. A horsepower engine elevates the Hullelitb, />*t rttport. III. ators, is likely to ba approved by th«* before he ¡car in forty seconds, and the loss of While busy at work in her home Mm Wil- • most praninent physicians of Freeport. Two H h - i > B m I ..rti.r <•! Iit%l.»r nui |(an< k of them applied electric batten*-», but none neces >sary two thirds of the senate, advance ap time is reduced, apparently, to a mini- Avenue*, Frscp>it, III w Mlnrifed by hear- of the doctors’ treatment gu\r any lasting The < ■»trier two commissioners are Secre- circus ami ; mum. The bridge is of especial import nig a noha j not b* hi I uri benefit. It wasthen that iny liunhand’*oppor­ the next d Turning ‘urtiing quickly die Rhe auw i <*r«*»phig toward tune visit to h drug store brought us the tat y Dav and Whitelaw Reid. They ance, as the government is establishing u¡H>n.—Wn her, , hrr .... four .-.M. ^ear-ohl >lauglii«*r, ..w.aR.>(r-i Beatrice. II means which fed to the cure of <»ur child. will c tome to Washington this week for a naval station at tiie port ol Bizerte. The child movati orar ihr floor with an etlort, While there he learned of the woiidritul their instructions, and will sail from Noble Melf-Sacrifice of the Sinter» of the but toetnod filled with joy at tiudmg lui power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills toi Lafe ■author. A stubborn cough or tickling in the People, ami decided to buy souie fur our New York on the I7lh infit. Cioud Shepherd. daughter’s benefit. If what comes from the Isthmus of “The hermits of old’’ forswore all throat yield« to tine Minute Cough Cure. “We tried them and the hopes which wr the pleuxurvis of life that they might Harmless in effect, touches the right ha-t tiled regarding their merits were much Panama can la* believed, and this gov more than realised before one I mjx of the pills devote themselves entirely to medita­ spot, reliable and just what ¡«wanted ernment conatructs the Nicaragua « anal, had l*ern used. W. F Kremer. “Busy in my kitchen one afternoon I wtia then* are likely to I h * two canals be­ tion ami prayer the Sisters of th»* It acts at once. startled with the cryofMamtaa fr. m little tween Hie Atlantic ami the Pacific. A (itssl Sitcphvrtl, in this nineteenth cen­ Beatrice who w»» creeping toward me I tury. rvuoui: renounce all the materiid benefits had placet! heron an impmvnw- . and made up her mind tn go to me, »<> h«-r alsiut it in the ne w a pa per*, tiie con love all for the story * My Pink Fills inadv me aulk which Abraluitn Lincoln, our gniit war pr inption of worn | »he tells everyone who cotn«s to our h«*u*e, •(ruction w*»rk now in progress on the un pro­ dent-, wa« born in Larue county, ' was thru for the first tim» verified Panama <'snal is on n scale of magnitude CHE FOR A DOSE. i walked ever since. Hhe ha» now tNkrn about row it) LT tufiky, in a Hide little log ca ap’e<. Prevent which will brin 1 nine buses of the pills and her pale and cabin has re«fntly been retd ¡nfjth. B » d, Ardtrk*» f and Ujrtjp.. pinched face has been growing ro»^, atid her cessful issue ‘i to far ¡us |KMMible, mtule ex Th» rest of the happening i« brut t- ld in limbs gained »trength day T>v Jay Bhe *— >1'7 1» neceei- - ■ Th wast 88 ycana agv>, when n ■itherjTi nor. -k.n T c.,^ th»* mother's own word». Hhc smi »I slee|»a all night long now, wldiebefor«- taking thousand men l««l -*rB! -• fr. r fQp k.... . _ "On the 2Mh of Hr pt IHN, while tn the the pills she could re»t but • irw hours at a ami the work is boy waa born to Thoma* blo-'m of health Beatrice was auddeidy end time. Lincoln, or “ I.inkhorn, “ a and scientific •ererely affiictrd with spinal ineningitis. “ I shall be glml if anything that I can was then applied*—humbit • Muni him Strong and Vigorous before, in tivr weeks shr ■ay for Dr. William*’ Pina Pi Ila for Pale company proc«» who had moved to the ncighl be**arue feeble ami sufleied from a paralytic i present on«», th< stroke which twilled her head l a. k to the side There must t»e many children who suffer as from Washington county four year and ma iiig a I h ng the city, lie considered the case a vrrv crave People. The blotwi is vital W1MI a rut her improv ent. pregnant with the element» work ¡ng in km if nt any ot Where “The child’s body was bandaged to keep vnua system is reorganise»), a hurd w orker. orkei but wac her in position Hoon it was seen that other are «»orrected, strength return Prevai i means must Im ad- pted Little Beatrice, disappears. 8o remarkable have I ern mid the lit to* family w much acainst her will, was h«tMw*»l up in a cure* performed by thewe pill» that their famr more than the aimplea plaster paria jacket which en- wore fi»r srv- ha* spread to the far ends of civilisation life. ThooMM Lincoln sral months. Wherever v»u go you will And the most »m- acres around his calm “In the hope of receiving e»>me help tor portant article in every drug store to be l»r Copper Colored Splotches The t'ercenrage of Hite In Warfare A Beautiful Present In order to They are ijxi<) inches in sue,and are entitled aslollo», Lilacs and Pansies. c S.S.S.rTheBlood Pansies and Marguerites * t clastic Stare ; 1 purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the ma,’ I „ sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch - I beautiful picture. : ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTT? ?-------- ----------- ————------- titiil 4 4 4 The Flag of Freedom Floats Above Our War Shit American Navj 4 Cuba & Hawaii 4 4 4 4 The ill-fated Maine and all the great battleships are pictured. No clearer idea of these vessels can pos­ sibly be obtained than is given by these superb’pho- tographic reproductions accompanied as they are by introductory chapters and by concise descriptive text under each view. The combination affords the most complete information regarding Oiir Floating Armament of Stee The Fifteen Portfolios containing a wealth of infor­ mation can be obtained at this office for ioc each. 16 A STARTLED MOTHER KLÜNLWË the child we consulted in turn nine of the ‘l Southern Oregon districi 'gi icultur- 1 >•>»• iety for the fair to Is* he1l.l Sq’t 1 ' rth to (n't. 1st, inclusive. < rrtitied leek for $20 to rt<'comi*an\ ewclh bid »• guairwidee of g«Hsl (with. M W P» m » i » tox , Sec. ♦ Discovered by .1 Woman Am Uber great di»«t>v«rv L a » lieen iadr . and that too, bv a lady in this ! , hi nt her, and for wv«*n years sliie With _____ WAR » RAMCISCO. CAL. i The COURIER, Grants Pass, Ore. V r.v onio,-. Moller, In the matter of the eatate of Horace fl'en.thnt the uixleranne.! I>M t>een by I ‘--untv court of U,e atate of OregoJ o he ou,,,, of ,|...e|,|„„e, -I the 11 \ executor -the CM,..p ,,; it,„a,.H Woodcotkjde- '*«’<7l «>th 1,1, Will annexed A- 1-erMn. indebted to Mid eMate are Shasta Route — of the — Southern Pacific Comi* ■ i' i and Hottfe -lain,, wnhuut ag delav an 'd I all ' Exnrews Train« Leave I'iirtlM'1 •* ,7-- h-inx .inj ’ “ _________ - ■ said es- South. j will prwent the «me, duly i etitled 6:00 p. ■. I LT. Portland Ar tio.r'H1"^ bV l,w' months «:05\. m i lv . Grants Pass lì . troin ting date. * :16 a . m . at . San Fran co lì - H ■ obace » ci ( K n r. S. n. \V n ooi ooiH'i E xc l “ "r ’’» • ‘«¡«•tate Ahove traina >top al a. with «in annexed Portland and Salem, Turner. 3 D avis B rower Jefferson, Albanv, Cottage i»rorr> * _| Hated July 2dÄe,,Or,"e *hedd«, HaNey. Harri*l urg,Ju»'’1 F.ugene, Drain Oakland. an<1*‘ I troni Itoseburg, io Ashland inclB* ] 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Roseburg Mail Daily Ar. «. J*) A. It? • lv . Portland LV. 12 :25 p . m . ! lv . Albany 5:2 ii r. m . at .... ____ _ . __ Roseburr i J J,. *; • j OININL UAR8 ON OGDE> Bullet Si«*?* S econd C' ass S leeping ^“ * Ta*ot M srks D esigns C opyrights Ar Attached to all thijcial treatment. Ho patent modi no, but a carefully prspa treatment. Crery mancan h vac* 9 a trial treatment Irte Th rands hare been cured, Wnorof H um It and they write in biusb Do you have pams 9 and white saying so. Where 9 Hon long 9 Answer questions Hight sojats9 Hou often 9 and get a trial Do your eyes blur 9 When 9 Doyou sleep at night 9 Ho* long? Are you constipated? Superb Photographic reproductions of our great war lit ships for only io cents. * j J-0 Strang* Happening to Her Four-year Old Daughter-Did not Realize the Danger until too Late. FOR THE Iris. •wrifisa's.-:“-“ These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned p», R LeKo>. of New York, have been chosen from the very choice in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public ' Th- pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used,,.. inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothin..»» tn m in beauty, richness of < olor and artistic merit. < >ne of these pictures | ■ ■ ■ • ! ’ ’ [ ! Ï” PIUS ► «ou»»»coo«»** _' fte*«l that !*< Xlham I «wüta ; e «' Af. 7:30 a . m . ¡ lv . Portland Lf- I 55e. m . i at . Corvaili* Al Albany and Corrai - train« of Or. Central A ha-tern n ■Iran, raxia h . ilv ' r , rrr .< 6"e. m . I tv. Pcrtl«n<1 | 7 Ylr «. I xr. McMinnrilie tr. liebste tn ete on «»1<* ^■cremento and San Fran, i»« »17 tir.1 da«, and *lt «eennd < inr «leeper. liate. and ticket, tn »■’*'7 »unii». ai .,, JAPAS 1 11 "■ I I.C and AI k TKAI I* tnined fmni onr airent. Giant. < h KOEHLER. Manager ■ «ii. TK«m nxiLT < I »harre apit sad To qmt tumeac e**»Uy »«r<2Le u.l a A life arre» and R*.ts. *nnu«r wor.rr. that " **,^.f^* *u"”< All druxxlata. Wc « r* . * Honkle, ani aan>n » E«* * “‘"Hr Rm*.«. <* rti««" *