íHXfitf. A n I ndefindent P atir , l>K\<»rrn F. m I'K vully to V ol . XIV the I nterests of S oi thkkn O regon . GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1898. ÇJ.MITH & HOUGH r No. 48 Saniiag«» .After ilie Kurrr>i«l«*r. excitement. Besides the expectant feel- hundred years or more, I wondered if JUST COME TO LICHT The Aransas is a «hauler used in times ing« in which we indulged in regard to repairing uas ever done in Santiago, of peace for the mule trade between New the inhabitants, the city itself, the | for 1 saw no signs of it. On the way to Dan Magerlie and sister of Woodville, An Ashland Witness of Dr Darrin's P> actives in a1.! State and Fédéral Courts Orleans, Corpus Christi, ami Havana, house«, the streets eveivthing about us the cathedral we passed the market. were frilling in the Pass last Saturday. Cures Office over First National Bank. lu times of wur she is used ms atrans- »except to those who had previously A« it is on a street which lead-* up a Shoes repaired at Hackett’s. W rlderx ille Items II. L. Darnvilla was visiting with his G raxt ' h P am , - - O regon . [•ort. She draws four teet of water when t»eeii to Cuba or to Spain—were different steep hill, great walls of stone have hern Blank notes at the Coi'RiER^tilce. family last Saturday, they having moved M ildkrv ILI.K. Ore., Sept. 13, 1898. M k Eitrren:—For the benefit of the built, presenting an unbroken surface to sire is “light,” and in Hie trough of the from anything that over from Merlin to send the children Bicycle hospital for ad repairing at (Crowded out last week ) afflicted I wish to etate that I know of « before. sea the progress of iter masts from star the street, and on the top of this the A rthur p . harth , Cramer Bros. to school tins winter. King McCann has returned from Rose­ board to [>urt and back again ia more Two wharves away from us the Red market rests. The Mall« were almost Dr Barrio. One Minute Cough Cure surprises peo­ burg Five year» ago Mrs U. W. Appiegate, Take your blacksmithing to Trimble A rapid than her progress ahead. 1 board­ Croaa ship, the State of Texas, »»» un- empty, except for a little fruit, yet peo­ DOCTOR OF DENTAI. SI RGERY. ple by its quick cures and children may Bacher for first class work ed her first in tire bay of Guautanomo loading her tons of provisions, Already ple hovered about, drawn there, perhaps, of Yoncolla, Ore., was induced by my E. Erickson has also returned from Offic • over First N REC the waler. The boxe«, barrels and bags j in the Pass !a«t week un business con- least danger. It has won for itself the honey, where we drifted about three i There were a few early worshipers in Mrs. H. I). Jon**« ami Mr«. M. (’. l«est reputation of any preparation used her for several year». She »a» cured in 1 fleeted with the Singer Mfg. Co. Lewis were at the Pa*s one day thia days awaiting orders and taking paseen were being hastily tumbled to the ware* the cat hedral, and as we approached the today for colds, croup, tickling in the uers aboard woe begone war corres­ house on shore, and a vast crowd of hun­ old liell clanged forth, mellow, deep a few month» ami remain» permanent to Subscribers who do not receive their week. PERKINS ' throat or obstinate coughs. W. F. Kre­ pondent-. ragged and tired and ill, with gry people—who shall say how hungry ? toned, well seasoned ’I'he few women ibis day. -My wife visited Dr. Darrin I daily Bulletin regularly should leave William l lrieh of Jacksonville, passed mer. tnvir extra clothes, if they had auv, lied —were watching the process with ab­ who were telling their beaed in their devotions that they 1 lie ease im arable and would not take up in a poncho or a blanket; a few sorbing interest . hundred calves from the cuaM W. Sikes came over from his mine on MINER \I. st R\ EYUR, the romances of early days, took place straggling oflicers on sick leave, and tMH aine evident that no supplies were to • ha»l no time to regard visitors, On the the case. 1 reside al the Hotel Oregon, the Illinois river last week for ihe pur­ Mr and Mrs E Erickson and James sime of the foreign military attache«. lx» delivered to them that night, they contrary, all faces evening. A were turned in our \shland, and can lie referred to at any O regon . pose of laying in his winter supply of i in Pendleton Wednesday G rant * P ams , 1 couple who had ridden on horseback 80 Hocking went to («rants l’a*H to be There was j y aboard the Aransas, when departed one bv one to their homer. direction. A priest and a little acolvte time. Whil' in Portland, 1 raw an old provisions. My first stroll in Sautiago was on the 1 in bl auk cassot'k»« stood near by, and lastly ci rried to the doctor’s office, being ' milea. from Dale, on the north fork of guests of Mr and the iMptain was finally ordered to steam .laiiif- llolman Thomaa Hniith P. P. Pic kens, formerly of Jackson the John Day, appeared at the residence the day. into the harbor oi Santiago, the day wide street or plaxa which runs along finally came nearer in order to observe crippled with chronic rheumatism. In Residence Reside nut* We had another successful Sunday oí after ihe surrender, Julv 18, to discharge the waler front. In the middle is a long us more closely. 'I'he priests foim a a lew days sho was walking about, a North 7th street. c*uunty. but who. for the last three or I of Judge Peter West, ami werequieJv F st. A Gilbert creek near factory. four years has been in Montana and Ida married in the presence of a few friends, revival services and Hie meetings will the freight she had brought down in grass plot with a plastered wall on each picturesque element in Santiago. 1 had » ured woman. 11. J. M atoon . ho, is now engaged in mining in Jose­ i'hey were George Friendless and Miss continue during this week at 2:30 p in addition to the army mule« ami horses, side, i'he whole plaza is aliout 150 feet noticed them the night More walking Dearssea ((RED. ^MITH & HOLMAN, phine county. I There will be but one evening service and to take Ou cowl preparatory to her wide. A few benches are placed at in­ along the lower plaza in long black cos- Ma. E dito *:—For yearn I have heard Ella (’base. UNDERTAKERS. during this week and that will I m on voyage back to Tampa A slight shock of earthquake was felt tervals on the open side, their backs to socks and black beaver shovel bats. of “Dr. Darrin's ten minute cures,” but Truth wears well. People have learn­ Parlon «lh »treet, opp. Court Hoti-e. a» ( resrent City Friday of last week at ed that DeWitt’« Little Early K:«er«are! Thursday evening, so as to give the peo- It w»H about divner time when we left the harbor. It took me sometime to They are all typical Spaniards; and (or I confess I bail little faith in him or the pie a chance to real. The afternoon Si honey behind us ami followed the realize that people lived in them. They that reason I could not help wondering reported cures, until Oct. 14th when I 3:30 p. m.. At b'ureka the shock was G hants P ass . - - O regon reliable little pills for regulating the i quite sexEfC. shaking heavily most al! bowels, curing constipation ami sick services are from house to house. The coast to Morro. So narrow is the har­ looked like little stables with their doors if the young priest at the cathedral was mustered up faith enough to try him for ¡nterest is unabated so lar, there have bor’s mouth that not a sign of it is vis­ and windows so large as to be out of all tilled with ie*«eutni«nt or curiosity. We almost total deafne»». 1 had been both­ the buildings in town —Record. headache. They don’t gripe. W. F. Ireeu 12 conversions and 23 banctiiica- ible till the ship stands nearly opposite, proportion to the small size of Ihe dwel­ walked inside and pointed to our cam­ ered with gradual deafness for about six E. I . Cass of Sumner, Iowa, writes Kremer. ti ons. the C ockier : ‘ Don’t stop my subscrip­ and then it seems hardly wide enough to ling, but when 1 saw family gioups eras. He nodded his head, so we set year». The past few day» I wae unable Rev. L. I’ Desmarais, pastor of Jack­ The ‘‘chowder” dinner on the grounds allow a good siz d vessel to pass. We seated in front, who eyed us curiously them up and took some photographs of to heai any conversation and was al­ Opp.Court House tion; 1 am interested in hearing from sonville, Oregon, is a guest of Father there Grants Pass is good enough for Ruddy. Father Desmarais will hold of James Hocking last Friday was a de* stood on deck hi a row and leveled our a« we passed, 1 came tu I ha conclusion an opposite shrine. Presently the priest most run over by a team. Dr. Darrin anyone and 1 will be in misery until I communion servh es at 7 30 next Sun­ cided success, the chowder being pro­ cameras at th»* old castle, and well she thut they were seated in front of their beckoned to us to follow him, and we cured me wi'h electricity free in ten nounced by competent judges, the finest stood the.boinbardment of peace. The family mansions. At the end ot this did so, passing a tinseled elligy in the minutes so 1 can bear a whisper. I can get located there again.” All Work day morning for the special benefit of The community little trip through the winding channel, plaza is a house in the midst of a little corner of Alfonso Something or Other on never thank Dr. Darrin enough and More than twenty million free samples all Catholics. He will preach at the 10: made this season. Finished in from of De\\ ¡H’s U itch Hazel S dve have 30 o’clock mass, taking for his text the | was well represented. At 2:30 p. in. guarded by ba t-nes al every [*uint, with garden in which the flowers of all vari horseback waving a banner in tlie air most emphatically recommend him to Specialty 3 to 6 Days, been oisfributed by the niniiufactnres. words of St Paul: *‘Without faith it is the revival services which had been here and there a blockhouse, was a rev­ eties were running riot. A great royal Behind the altar we went, and into the all 1 have live ! in Tolo, Jackson coun­ of 1 sacristy, and from theme to a pair of ty, Ore., the past three year» and will What better proof of their « onfidenue in impossible to please G< k 1.” Heb. 11:6. trails ter red from the house to the grove elation of Cuban lile and Cuban land­ Ponciana ruse above the others. Regardless of Chidrena’ < iUk merits do jou want ? D cures ; iles, Father Drsmarais expects to leave next lor the day, convenned. It was a very scape. Half wav in on the left nestled a leaned over tne fence and plucked a yel­ stairs which led to a balcony overlook­ gladly answer any inquiries by letter or the Weather. J. 1». H am . burns, scalds, sor«,c, in i he : fiortest Tuesday morning to attend *o mission­ profitable service and about 5 p. m., the tiny village in the green of a hillside. low primrose, such as grow in the dear ing the church, where we took more in person. people left for their homes feeling not old gardens of New England pictures. In ihe rooms below which we At the right a while hacienda gleamed 1>U. »TKICI.C Cl HK1> BV DB. 11AKRIN . space of time. W. F. Kremti. ary work in Josephine county, Oregon.— only satisfied that they had < njoyed a from out a grove of cocuaiiut palms, >V e turned back, as we did so a group had passed I had c..tight a glimpse of F rom the M.maiiriKi.n N ews . , Del Norte Record John Young, living near Regie Point, tine dinner but had received a spiritual some fishermen’s huts were clustered of well dressed men and women who had Romo old portraits so when we went The advent in this city of Dr Darrin met w ith a fatal acc ident I t»i Friday ' uplift that would help them to be a below, and back, at the top of the hill, neen talking excitedly near by suddenly down again we lingered to look. There recalls the wonderful cuie he performed Ladies; no More Darning afternoon. 11« was at w« n pairing j OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. blessing to others stood a wooden blockhouse. In a few became silent and watched 11« intently were the pictures in oil of all the Arch­ eight yeais ag3 on one of our townsmen, the roof of his ban», ami ell aliout 14 I'he magic hand loom, made of ¡»ol- | UNITED STATES- The Ladies Aid Society at Hie home moments more we glided into the glanay as we passed, with an eye decidedly un­ bishops of Santiago De Cuba beginning Dr. Steele, after the failure of 15 other President.....................William Mc Kinley feet, striking on a mang» r, breaking four ished rolled steel, latest invention for of Mrs. H. 1). Jones passed oil’ very waler of the large inland harbor—and friendly. One of the men shrugged his with the first one in 15—. 1 cannot call physician». Dr. Steele was in a critical Vi?e President .............. (¡arret A Hobart or five of his ribs ai d c. u-i.ing them in- i mending clothing, underwear, table shoulders and cast upon me such a look them portraits liei'ause that would imply condition for a long time with neuralgia Work came in so that the citv of Santiago lay before us Secretary of State.................... Judge Day to his lungs. Although medical assist­ linens or heel or toe «n hosiery A c hild pleasant!;. Santiago lies on only one side of the of hatred that it made me shudder. I a certain degree of likeness, and 1 should of the heart, lie was cured in Portland, every one was busy and two incidents Secretary‘of Treasury .. . Lyman J < ¡age Secretary of Interior . C N Biiaa ance was sent for at hnce, he oolv lived can work it. Perfect weave; sent post­ occurred to relieve the otherwise quiet harbor It extends backward over the mention this because it was the only un­ be sorry if they bore a resemblance to by Dr. Darrin in ten minutes by electric­ Secretary of War............. Russell A Alger about tour hours. He was 65 years old paid, 25 cents, 11 55 ’2 Washington St., afternoon. The first was the swearing eminence of a hill and there ends; al friendly demonstration that came to my any of the godly ami venerable Archbis­ ity, ami has enjoyed the blessings of Secretary of Navy............ John !> Long and a prominent c itizen. Oakland, Cal. in of the new stage driver, young Mr. um-t every portion of it was visible to notice during the two days that 1 spent hops of Santiago. But they were so health since, with no recurrence of the Secretary of Agriculture JamesA Wilson quaint and flat and altogether facinating Anderson of Giants Pass, and for a few us as we stood ou the deck of the Aran­ in the city. Postmaster-General ........ James A Gary dieeaaa. Attorney-General . . Joseph McKenna We turned into a narrow street which always bringing into such prominence moments we were made to ¡eel the re­ sas. Yw iitui «-olorist could have blocked Dr. Darrin was among the first to in­ the architpiscupal ring, that 1 could ■ ETA IE oF OREGON. sponsibility of holding a position or down that first impression in light led up the hill to the cathedral plats, troduce electrical treatment in Ids prac. )Geo W «McBride has ing any charge in the offices of our grciiis. blues and mauves, with the upon which face also the military palace, have gazed at them much longer. Most tiee and has perfected himself in it» ap­ U. S. Senators ... • • \--------------- government, ¡'lie other incident was a daik greenish-red gleam of Ihe tiled the Venus (’ale, and the swell Cuban of them were hung in the council room, plication. Dr Darrin will visit Grants The High (trade Wheel jThos H Tongue Congressmen........ Several Spanish officers rode iu the center oi which stood a massive Pass September 25th to October 2nd proposition to make Rev J Sams an roofs, leaving glaring while patches here Club • (W R Ellis . .C M ldleman Attorney-General clattering past. The streets of Santiago old table, and chairs of the same pattern only, stopping al the Hotel Josephine. honorary member of the society. At and there, and at tire highest point the W P fx>rd Governor .................. once there was a testimony meeting. two .Moorish domes of the old cathedral, are all paved with largo stones, some of were groii|M*r grant ’ s pass . ...... W T Coburn i much interested in your paper and its face of every Spanish soldier that we Mayor . P< r<>mi-e, the larxeat attendance anil the Grant's Pass are held in the council ¿T. B. FADDOCK. but it always seems like home to re­ ing over tin* rail. It was amusing to as we passed The I1 'alate is a large growth of black beard and, in the white iiuiat eucceaaful work in the hiitory of ro«)ins in the city ha.I on th»* first ami ceive your paper and occasionally hear see how well bey understood each other, square building of stone, with spacious gowns provided by lire hospital, their the school. third Thursday evenings of ca* li month It is the first normal of some of the old boys through its col­ and one of our men good naturedly stone paved rooms, ami a small court racial cbarcteristics were accentuated— in the state to establish a four-year CIRCl IT COC KT SOUTHERN OREGON Meets on the third Moi lav in April umns Respectfully, handed out some bread Tire Spaniard yard, with a laige fountain ui ttw* center. ; they were unmistakably Latins. I was con. ~e of study and compete with Cali­ and the fourth Monday i•< '• | i. ur C harles L ovell . COUNTY co, KT tiirust one piece in it is blouse and ate Huge («ortraitN of some of the Spanish surprised at the general cleanliness ami fornia normuls in the amount of work Probate court meets fir-l Mundav Oi the other as he gunned hi« thank«. A sovereign« hang on the walls am! gaze gWd order, To be sure there were piles lone to obtain a state normal school di­ January, April, July unt the state university with 62 credits. cuuuty court. health, excellent water and large peaches. of which any of themcouhl ix^ast. They of one of the large returns, and stood up there were such things as that on every Other lines of study can be pursued by This school has a tegular normal course of four years. Other lines were after bread also. They looked in­ with elalxirate ceremony as we «mlered street of the city —the carcuses of dugs -tmleiita not wishing to become teachers. There seeies to lie no twilight in Cuba, and cats end other refuse too fill by to 4|s ■ tai advantage» in higher niathema- quiringly up at un ami then jabtiered of study are sub-normal, college preparatory, music and art courses, speculatively among themselves. Some or none worth mentioning. It w**« dark • e. The oders arising from them 1 ics, elocution, laiutuaicea and liturature. special studies teachers’ review classes. when we left the governor’s palace | acre not pleasant and seemed snfficient- offered them money, but they lefosed The normal senior class practices teaching throughout the jear un­ There are some «treel-lamps in >'*anlis | ly strong io germinal? any kind of with a «hake of the head and the fore, der the direct supervision of a thorough critic teacher. go, and a little boy who was lighting • disease on the < a»eneople a — OF — finger which tirey field oposite the nose The training school is graded. Grades accepted from good schools them on the plaza < nine to on for a i show a siipremo iudiffere.ic»* an nncon- K ar* they shook it Two Spanish <’olonelfr SOUTHERN OREGON. The regular normal school diploma is granted, good everywhere in the. a match, The streets were i.ot only scioiiti.c*• - hi regaril to such matters a a wandered down Io the end of th»* wharf, state without further examination dark but quiet, lhe houses are all which dumuiiMtraits that this < »ndiiion a a siiiukhig < :garelte» ami talking earnest­ $50,000 built clos” to the street. ami close m each i must I m habitu il aud any d * ».iriur? Capital Stock, Expenses. All expenses for school year. $i 25; not including books, ly ; finally Hrey entered the up;x)site : other, They are of piaster or ot Mont . I from il would 5115. Next hool year opens September 5. bsii»*d wirii a-t ■nish a »hip. tn old negro woman, coal bla« k Kereivr d.qxwiu »ubject p luifth i><*» q i »riers nnd entered is dtir for ordinary use rut into cades tutlir trem h •«. «lie baria-d ware,! the Umici Staiaa. But how about an old manufactured by scientific prot-enaeii «ion (bat if we left the ship nobud v tf.em at the side As the darkne»« falls : in I tin' i».*t »ri» '. (hi cut» r tide, in I bank ? One that haa done Hpeci- Attention riven < -»llecti. n. anc known to the < ai . ifoknia H o S tri p would ?hoot us, and w? were now at the the inside «butters 1 are thrown open, ‘ small phi er* i ur bi; a I h ib «-) which i a »1 for over a quarter general Itwine«- of our .-nat» »niera. a I Co. only, and we wi>»h to impreaa u[x»n point w here w e did not care if they did. if and the families sit in dm I been d ’ -a r.i- i uy their oatiers, ¡IMO I * try? One that has I a the windows, or Colle» ita nwle throuabout Hieithert all the importance of purchaMnff tin- we could »?e the city first S » wrofluply a I happen* to l>e or mure >p«.iHh ««rldiers must have ' ■ al way < kept its promisee? Oreron and <>n all a>eeoth way. daily between Granta Pa-» Oregon, and Crevcrnt ties. The high >»tariding of the < Af t gent order« had been revoked an J we oritas-those who h%d uot fl«*d to El •h*ppv«l to nstf I roRMIA Ho S trut C o with the medi­ were free to go wherever we would. We City Cal., passing thnxigh the following interior ¡minta Wilder- a Caney — regarded u« mm c-iirio.islv from •eiiU-n -s and cal profeMion. and the Mtiafaetion a atei’perj forth in tire city as w man ate[>a viile. Love's Ander»on, Kerby. Waldo, Shelly Creek, which the genuine Syrup of F igs has I bet)ind their heavy bars m we regarded a whole I h** did a upon i cursion |oc. and |i.«•; all druggist«. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. a rate* during «umtuer Mrason in the city, and tlie thought of mixing marks traced by the ehrmenls of wind ?■«»« MM, CM. Î SCOTT A BUWNB, Owmkts, New York. soon among them was not without and rain on building* that had stood a Marg t Strevt Ferry. 8 F . Cal »1» ,«KK. » V J J. C HARPER. Granta Paas. Or.. Vi®nager LBI laVILML Kf, t wisàtMw sakiMklltî ATTOK.XEY' AT I.AW, lecal tiappcnintw For a first-class meal, go to the City Hotel; B. A. William«, proprietor. Correspondence. J J C. Carbon lJlioto Stud IO $35 $60 Ï. A. HOOÜ - BICYCLE STORE Sundries Repairing a Specialty a . IK HTJSS, Staple and Fancy Groceries,Provisions Grants Pass Marbie and Granite Works ■I 5TATE N2KHA1L JOIOOL FIRST NATIONAL OB 7k JSJ ZEC For 25 Years ’, President. VAN Grants Pass & Crescent City --STACE LINE- t SMITHS CASH STORE S. Mails, and SCOTT’S EMULSION