Wonderful Cures By Dr. Darrin. MARK a child reaches full manhood Very it h i» been in part reacue«! i>y a volun­ MA wumf «! «>•«!- few kiiuiili reach the average age of tary organization called the Civic Feder­ tr. Itl-pirvd by «U OH thank - A nova for i «,.-« Ik man, though some outlive him by many ation, which publisher the record of I fl»-« t it A dmire for 1.1. rch give us yea/«. The horse «lies at the age of 25 to every candidate for municipal office; g:v A dvekmm . Thi« will enable uh to con* | noblest— JO, ttie lioa at 35 to 40, and the camel al ‘ ing ita •niJorcemeDt to the clean and ex- vict of error «Oub es pression» a« ' look* fall thing* 4<). Some notable exception« have been ( poeing the dirty. For the present thia ing sadly,”, exclusion “«inelling «aeetly,” ’’feel Then* who hare Rheumatism find disc ,vert«l U j theoe rule«, ihua, a lion it the beat known protection. A civic ’red mean ing queerly ” For in all tbe»e we do them «-Ives growing *t<-. ilr wrurM* at1 in the LondouZo-oiogical Garden reached | Federation cannot i>e «corrupt, becBL I u en be- not mean to «pialify »he m«>«Ie of acting or the while. On»* n .*> oine *weet t ing the joints to swell and -titfrn iMHary Re- lived hundreds of years, but modern oughly impfessed with, and convinced w»y of t lerforrnin th’- act of amelling, Sreducing a severe aching« f the U>ne* oblt-st and Mientisi« have limited him to 40 years. of the fact that the existence of hi* gov­ . 8. 8. has beer, curing Rheumatism but that the smell iliu-if ia ma ret. The The elephant is probably the ^longeat ernment and free ins itutioiM, and the verb ia here of that eta-.* called neiiter- for t ' • nty yearn—* ze-. t • u. r»t chm - i ling. been POBTLAXD, O k M íox . Oved animal that we know of. History I security of his life ami property depend They are 13« to inches in size, and are entitled as iolkn». substantive; i. e. neuter, and akin in which reemed almost incurable. relates the story of the elephant which * upon the moral honor, strict integr.ty Ma. E ditob : Cap . O. £ Hushes, the popular const roetiun to the verb To Be ’ <> Jumbi*. A. O.« had an eon’ll, -t« Hear Sir1 hold I*, to I* a duty ai Alexander consecrated to the sun alter : and honesty of his civil rulers. D-t no ••«i - limi whlc.i cun vi need hin en«-«- ' A fter for fnnnt a» py after. ” well an a pleasure to make known bis victory over Porue. lie named it J party ties or tradition, above all let no that A CHIU IVATX for pre irritate, anger. eurefor that through the pre«« that which of all Ajax, attached an inscription to ¡land ; personal greed for gam, restrict the citi­ eas-. He .-«ayfi: **! wtus a Afx*r cannot ii ’** defended. greit »ufft-rcr from muo- other thing« 1« uioet important, vis: the gave the animal its liberty. It is BN- zen from attacking, exposing nod beat- A lli ox U». vulgarifitn for rtfer to, or cuiar Kiicumalifni for two year». 1 could 1 way to cure pain ami lickneaa I *■> «erted, on good Muthunty, that thia ela- ! ing down di-honorable and corrupt men Lilacs and ubthtu/n g.‘ the letter y ou aihide to,” no per manen t rel condned to my home with siatic rheu­ I pUant wa« ton nd 330 year« later. who »“pire to civil office.—interior. from any medicine » though you have al udtd to nothing, but •cri Pansies. tzed by my phyfitch matism, kidney trouble, Inflamation ol The bird« are probably allotted by 1 too« aixjut*dozen bot­ A stubborn cough or tickling in the have told your »lory rtraigirfuwardly, tle« of your 8. 8. 8.. and the neck ol the bladder, and general in nature to a longer life relatively then the Poppi. throat yields to One Minute t ough ( ure. without hint or innuendo oi any kind. now I am &• well a« I r disposition. Could not Bleep more than am ma I m . Willoughby, the naturalist, f ' y A lone for on/y a«: ‘I ara not alone tty*-r wm lnmy life. Iam Harmless in effect, touche* the tight an hour at a time. All mean» I trie«l ikdieved that the gc jee live« a century, cured me, and I would A x. spot, reliable and jtjfil what ia wanted. bound by honor.” re • mm end it to any «me proved unavailing. I was prompted to and Button a»»*eitB that the n»an live# fiuflenng from any blood disease. Pansies A l ’ oi tram e * abould be a outrange. It ai tauit once. W. F. Kremer. visit Dr. Darrin through the advice ol over a centurv. According to the »ame A lwavh , for »r/«€/*erer. Everybody knows that Jiheumati»n and Lilacs ai* friends who bad been cured by him, author, the crow live« 104 year«. An A mu amkaoom Americana ab:<»ad con- is a diseased state of the blood, and though, I must »ay, I had little faith eagle died at Vienna at 103 year», and a Marguerites tin-ially talk of calling on their ‘ ’ amhats- | only a tdoud remedy is the only propel irh. BULLFIGHT BOMBAST. that electricity would cure me. I came paroqu-1 died at Florence, in 1703, about R’lor” at the *‘ernba>My . " Now there is treatment, but a remedy « .tainirq, potash and mercury only aggravate! 120 } «Ufa old. to the doctor on crutches. Two week»’ Spaniah Toreadors Are Nut tnllke not, nor waa there ever an American the trouble. treatment has cured me, «o I have Many of our lh»he« live over a century. liar Mtaleimin In Claiming ainba«Kador or arnbaasy. An ambasRa- hrown awav my crutches, and my other Dolphin«, Hurgeona, and »hark« are V ieturlrs. dor iw a diplomatic agent acc redi ted to complaint» have K. DAKMIN. for rhe New York Sun, “ rertiiml me of ¡ore 1*71, there wen- but five aueh pow­ inaN .nd are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Ditcovered by a Woman. manent cure always results. It is the the Herculean lalmrs performed for r.'.t. l pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing «m ( haw. < arney, of Jacksonville, was in er«, viz Austria, France, Great Britain, only blotxl remedy guaranteed to con­ Another great discovery ha« been th m in beauty, richness of < <>lot and artistic merit, ■* Medford last Haturday He was cured tnade, anure, pufTs up hi» American ia peculiarly ba«I. beautiful picture. ‘ A. Pool of Eagle Point, was in Medford incentjantly, and could not Bleep. She che.-X and [Mziirids upon hi« manly bosom A mong , um : ”He was there among the [•ng: Dei- g, bee 'r; bt'c«»mJng, be- last week for treatment for hit wife by finally discovered a way to recovery, by I with clenched fist. rt-t-.t,” fur “waa in the company,” or! ULT. purchaNiMg of uh a bottle of Dr. King’« “ ‘Oh! mighty and magnificent poten- “wraa with the rest.’' Dr Darrin. Mr. Pool was him self cured New Discovery for Consumption, and ------------------ --------------------------------------- ------------ llllll.^ ’ late,’ he call*, ‘do but ca«t down the key, RESTORA TION C F OIL WELLS. of heart trouble by Dr. Darrin eight waw bo much relieved on taking fl rat do«e A nimal for bruit that I may go and drag from his lair the Crank" Lettor Writors and Their that she wh’pt all night; anti with two An E « tr «• Heater »> -«Izne«! » r» ( nu-5 • t :• years ago. A ntecedkmth , r. ton<*. the oil, in Are Mude the Recipient« of AH Ev­ hull calf, that ha« been kept half starved I he rule in that the double az should be buck, It will l>e remembered that he «♦tore. Regular Size 50c ami |1.00 has cl.jyn.i ery bottle guaranteed. 4 Kindi of Communi- In a darkened pt n to prepare it for the employed only when there is direct coni waa cured by Dr. Durrin seven yeaisugc i ci th it Hi fur- affine m prowess of the lighter. entiona. A’tendanta parison. The moat prevalent misuse m of Consumption, heart trouble and tber flow The L<* mhoiib of tfi«* Lntlne. goad the poor, frightened creature « (IS tO I’Hfl’i In mi: tumor, lie is now as healthy a man as in connection witn noon, (fl,) fortnat, Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Ro through the nziial sf ctacular perfortn- iy In th ‘earth has one often sees. an: “1 don’t know as they «Io.” The recent threatening letters a nee. When th« 1 furious beast*ought to man Empire rmiiHiiiN unfinished and n.y ocasx s t o flow A. F. McCrary, of Jacksonville, wan A vocation h ? another monster patron­ to Speaker Reed call attention to the h not glvf n «lie, the toreador «laughters it, and opped. The stow the first case treated by Dr. Darrin for Nome new Gibbon muet reMume the tank ¡quickly its emaciated body is dragged ized bv thebe writers. Arocation im ann thousands of such missives sent to pub­ when th - i i \ .-i \ thro»1*’ w! i:ch thco I j.asst s almost total deafness. He I was treated oi the lather of modern history. Spain I away. the being called away from some.h.ng. lic men during the course of a year. ure, air!. us the I «I1« 1 “ ‘Behold, oh, majestic monarch,’ But, in the newspaper«, it meins a man’« Ordinarily little attention is paid to two years ago and still he is hearing, has gone, France ia going, and Daly im the thi rk m&tt<•r become •« them, as they are usually the work of a crude sta which goes to show the i permanency of only saved by the virtue of the people in shout» the fighter. ‘1 have triumphed calling in life. If a shoemaker at bis cranks who are harmless in other ways. us dreg*, s •tfling in the roc < nr ar th«* 'over the »avage foe of man; I have her northern principalities. All France Dr. Darrin’s cure* edges of th • bottom of the vdl. ’Tor brought to dust the raging beasst, ax I work is «truck by lightning, we read A large number of these letters are writ­ Dr. Darrin will remain at Hotel J oh «' ia profoundly agitated over the Dreyfua will bring all of it kind forever.’ that, “while pursuing bin avocation, the ten as jokes and with the expectation oí pedors ha\ • Ieen r . d to » hat’er t ic stone at t> of the well, thus phinr, 1 ¡rants Pass from Sept. 25th to scandal. French government, bearing “Then he parade« him.-elf around, electric fluid,” etc —From a Manual causing a brief sensation. Those sent to Mr. Reed were evidently the work breaking uf if ,«- <•' gi «rd ma't r. but this Oct. 2nd, ami will in future treat all ruses whatever name, ia military. Her re­ while the crowd gov- wild with delight. of Misused Words, By 1’. Index. of some would-be practical joker, ami method is « xpensA« . A nr w method with office or home treatment at the re liance therefore ia upon the honor of her I tell you, it’s a grandiloquent vocabu­ their contents made no impression on 1 consists in lower» n peen arly-cen- army. The Dreyfus case reveals Ihr lary that keeps thing- a-going in S|/ain. diiced rate of |5 a week, or in that pro­ DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve has the the big man. It is asserted that they I struc’tcd c ¡'ctric lur ter inte ihn well. fact, appalling to every Frenchman, At word-painting the Dons are artht^.” portion of time as cases may require taigH»r « White r •• Lit- r < the age of 10 or 12 and then die of old desert. tograpliic reproductions accompanied as they are by | administered to ents, either act mil vom­ ami the littb- western turret with oriel I Waite. lie prepared an ngly-lookini age. Proceeding up the stale in the The two cleanest governments are the iting or retching was caused within window- bespoke ample room and light and introductory chapters and by concise descriptive package, including a cigar box filie« order of their life duration, we come German and the British — tlu rddre they from half nn hour to an hour, and in air .oid gorgeous sunsets. with black sand, lead slugs, pieces «> text under each view. The combination affords the O, how they Lived that little home ! He next to tne foies which are allotted by are the most powerful. The impressive two cases slight ataxia was produced. was iudtistt iotis. fi iig.il, ambitious . she a i bra- s, springs, a fuse, etc., and had i most complete information regarding nature to an exiMtance of 14 to 10 years. lesson is given by the fate of the Latins Seven experiments were conducted tender wife with a heart lull of devotion ; I sent to the chief justice’s house. and both of them d< tentiit <1 ;*t any coat Our common farm cattle reach their age that a dishonest poop'e cannot stistuin with the residues of all-malt beers, the He then visited several newspaperof- of struggle or *a< tifi to tain ..nd pay for ¡ flees, offering for sale a sensational limit between 15 and 16. The wolves national existence. It is a lesson which cats having been from 1*4 to 21) hours 1 story of how an attempt had been made rarely live beyond their 20lh birthday, we in America should act upon. Tin* 1 without food. The hiib-tanecs were in­ on the life of Chief Justice Waite, dr and the rhinoceros dies of old age in his dirty spots «» ii our escutcheon are the troduced into the stomach in the after­ noon of one day, and the next morning scribing the “infernal machine,” its 251 h year. large cities. New York has long been nil the cats were found to he quite nor­ deadly character, and all the other de­ All these animals, says a writer in tlu* the vilest. Chicago was even more Ila mal, no symptoms of any kind having 1 he Fifteen Portfolios containing a wealth of infor­ tails required to make a big sensation­ ( ongreuationalist,” live »nd die before grantly foul than New Y< rk for a time been observed. al “scoop.” mation can be obtained at this office for ioc each. The cat was chosen f< r these experi­ I’nfortunately for the young man. ments for two reasons, .«ays the St. he tried to dispose of the story be- Louis Republic. Find, because it is | fore the package reached the chief jus- Superb Photographic reproductions of our great war a carnivorous animal, and. secondly, be­ | tire, and the inquiries made by the ships for only io cents. cause it is extremely resistant, the lat­ newspaper corresiiondents to whom the ter charncteristI ch rendering It prob­ I story had been olTere«! revcahsl that *,lc^U(^nK interesting matter and some mag­ able that the elTei’ts following the ad­ fact, so when the package «lid arrive nificent views of Cuba and Hawaii for $1.50. ministration of the residues were nom­ the young man was immediately ar- inal and not maxima). He thought that I rested for having had something to d< further investigation in this direction ^3 with it. II«* broke down and confessed was nee« ssary. * that it was a hoax, but his practica ' joke cost him a flue of $5 anti letl to hi > is cht rished dwelling place, and po«*« ss EARLY POSTAL SYSTEMS. it as tin it very own ; a cosey nest in days letirement from journalism of anj yoiir once to of sunshine, a refuge in time of trouble, a kind. Home Had the liest OrMnulsed Sys­ fireside, a home. The lesson was appreciated and that tem of Drlherj of VII the Au- HOW TROl’HLIi CAME. voting man is today a respected mem­ elent States. At first it si « in« th sailing Hr ber of th«' bar in this city. was glad to w«>ik over time, and she being I he p« rsoii most frequently made the deft with needle and sciss«»rs helped the obje«'t of threatening letter« is the /Yom fht Mountaineer, U'athaUa, *V. Dakota. * s a few ilol’ its wen i I’b «1 to the president of the t’nilrd States. Everv The remnrsa of s guilty Momavh ia what I “Th«* distress afl«*r rating made me dread Grants Pass, Ore. II, home making fund Day alter day, mink that imaglm's the <-ountry to In* a very large maionty «»f (hr p««.ple of (hi« meal time. At Urn«*« til__ 1 I l«« < Mint* so dizzy as ii late, they earnestly planned and nation are aiilb ring w itli to-.luv It i» a I to be unable to stund. I „„„ liul sour ■toinarli, rr realizing that they were going going to tin* dogs blames 1 he conditions well known fact that dyap« p»iH in ti char o* heartburn, r palpitation heart, , and weak —,___ - of ......... on the president, and straightw a\ ir strength, until the little break teriatic American diNra»«* an«i it ia frequently nerves. The d«M*lor» dis-tor» dinagreed «iisagrt*«*ti hm hn to * tlir naiui an to come. Stated that *’ we ar«’ a imtion of dy*«|»fptica.” writes to the latter, threatening of niy diseBMS but nil agri'i'd agreed tliftl i thr atuniH<'h morning be would rise with his It ia h diatreMiiiig ailment and brcausO of was alltxUrd. 1 s u third intensely and lite ug as he expressed it, “like a kinds of horrible deaths if he does its many forma ia didicidt t«» tr-at. Soitia- | a as a misery. «-«< cutor'« Notler. rad," and no stomach for the reform these conditions or resign tim«a it ia the rcault «if impro|>rr mod«*« •‘1 tried several well know n trmedles but I'Jli” .natter Of i|,e ,,tate o( Horace akfast she had prepared. “(), high office. There are demands of rating. Improper («»« m I or mental worry ! WHS not b( tu’tiled. at she would exclaim anxi and riliauation; thru again it may be sort of I “ 1 read in the newapapm artirb-a regard­ immey and dire threats as to what fal 2i«,n n .t’ri T ' no,i'',‘ ’’ ■••'•‘■by >u can never work without it.” will befall the president if he does no I a deprewed condition «if the Ixxly and treat ing tbs won«brtul curative p«>w«r» of l»r. ---- VIA TIIK — ’■«’■«n-l h.< Len.. |,y * time trving to smile, she would ment aliould hr directed to the restoration of Williams’ Pink Pills tor Pale People, Mint 'J""'ty court of tl,, state of Or^oi across her own fore- res|MHi(1. the health, without apectal nlirntmn to the tinally after some urging on the part of n 7 r" -¡"mi T; nway th«* pain that atomach. In other iiiNtan<'re, the m that overhangs him in th« Anyone of these conditions prialurr a la<*k fore 1 felt much relief. I continued ’«king \ '■ *11. in» a .11 annexe,! ONE TOR A DOSE. of vitality in the aystem, by causing the the nills, and after using four I nixc « I wns imagination of aome fligli ' «■ 'i'e-tl'.'l1*/ ' 1 H0”' * <'8'*,e*re blood to lose its life sustaining rlrmrnts. The cured. I have nun«* of th«Mtr di<*trrshing av mp- • Î' :»■-«, Pr-Tenl thi« ('«»tintry. Thia eorre -S B-irrQ th. Bi blixnl is (he vital element in our hv«s ami toms now, and am completely reatored t«v ed an t hi ' 0,1 «be nnder- usually turned over to th« •dschs aa I l»r»p n. h„7nJ''J,"'0U‘ 'l”lav;»n.|all should be «’arctully iiurtur«*d. It«si«ire the health, and van do vin much work as anv of Exuresa Trains Leave Portland I a 1 vive bureau and an efTort i blood to its pr«»per c«uidilioii, dyspepsia will the lalxirrrs on my farm. I owe mv rr Dasing claims againnt sai«! e.«- h T1 South. nil presen ba name, duly vanish and p» rfr« t hralih f«dl<«w •• cover the writers, but usuo tion to health to Dr Williams* 1‘lnk '«‘rilled OR'.ÍOWSMÓCa^pí F«»r example, in the r«>untv of Pembina, for Pals People and gladly that I »neceas. The letters are *> Ui'isdAte* l,W’ *',hin’ix months 6:00 p. s7 l.v. fortlanil North I>akota, a few miles fnun Walhalla, m«*nial, hoping it may pro m :05 v . a nil ta LV. Grant» I’»“* lT disguised hands and on e resides Mr. Ernest Snider; a man of sterling some ¡wrsoiiN »imilntlv nflect« ":15 a . m . Ar. San Franco iv integrity, wh«Htr veracity cannot be douhted. pa|>er, which an not lw tro Ry restoring to the ldoo«| t Above (i.t.n- stop at a statto^ìffS lie waa formerly a resident if Ijtiiftdounr, sfituentaof life, Dr Williami "’■'r ovv nrr. When, however, a sc Ont., but removed to the wt-i and i w a Pals People renew thi it er Portland and Salem, Turner. s are received the detectiv I’"l' l’.H,,WKR, prosperous farmer. •iertereon, Albany, Cottage Grove, bls the stomach t« prono find the writer and proper | For three years he hn* >hedb 2.1 lstM*"' l<>r‘'e OMimdatr the his work l«eeau»r Ire WM nently curing nt is given. Many of the i Eugene, Drain Oakland, andall “ I became seriously ill trum Roseburg, to Ashland lnclu-’t^_ _ are a s|»erifir course, arc harmless litnati« ago,** he says, ami < origin in imp< when discovered they are put GEEMANS GO TO OPERA. gave me some medicine tor imii-.< n I nerves. They Rosftbiirg Mail Daily eontinmnl to grow worse am! »• veral physi site to general nui •urveiUanw «nd restraint 50 YEARS’ S 50 a . m . Lv. lv . Portland I’ortiainl riana were cnllr-l at intervals who ftave me to the weak. goo«| loulth ♦«» tl Irr Mur«- l> I « r rl 0« I n n 11 um li*«nsr returned sicians pre«»»rlbe them, dru l«-s Thnn Ihr I rrnch und many « tank» with the noth ■j 2i) r. m . at . Roaeburs with all its accustomed »r«« my them and svervwhere the p UrMiiiH* < Iritiirr ii by letter. I'ev dining gars ON OGDEN ROUTT >een received nt the Pullman Buffet Slee;“'^. th |uist few months tha Antvjr a ton guoatio “s before. tree. TAe que rfi S econd C ass S leeping C*««* ‘anient is not h era al he, and the troatmoit must be T«*0t M. rrs spe- Attached to ail tlnough train* ked out by D esigns al treatment will bo * * s. t'abinei C oi > vri OHTS 4 c « » wket i Irne. H you tuffar fn Marr ua Debility me in tie rs of th •m ent Op ,nHjn fr.. For further particular» inqmrs Bijht Loaaet. loat Manhoo d. £m tuona, Mel ¿¿iaSSsS ., Purdom, Grants Pass. m> ’ Crippled by I Beautiful Present Rheumatism Beautiful Pastel Pi S.S.SMlood ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIO STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTlTr ANNOY PUBLIC MEN ■The Flag of Freedom Floats Above Our War Ship; t American Navy Cuba & Hawaii ROW THEY SÍVED THEiR «. Our Floating Armament of Steel is 16 240 What a Large Number of People are Enduring. A Distressing Condition in Which Many American People are Involved The Only Way to Alleviate it. Scutl iif orders at The COURIER. EAST and SOUTH Route Southern Pacific ConM- ARMS?M£^ ’frí ^KLONW nn- - 'oly, O.rty Spella, Spota Before thi yea. Sleepleaaneae, you ought to get a itcial treatment. u Bo patent modi- eno, but a carefully propared treatment. Every man can have a trial treatment Ire Thou- rande hav» bren cured, and they ente in black and ehite eaymg to. dnteerguettiont Whore ? H ost long f Do jrou bars pains F Wiioro ? Ho* long f Hight svoats ? Hc*ottonf Do /our o/os blur 9 Whan f Do/ou sloop atmghtf Ho* long 9 Aro /ou constipatodf ng rr«ntrn i number West Side Di»<»i-n Scientific American. « AIL TRAIX DAILY , « «< ¿T I 'lari in and get a trial Ans*or theso guostions and a special trial treatment *ill bo prepared and sent to you by mail free. T&u take no chances. Address DR. J J : HUDSON z STQI K TC JN I M t t I beine» every lorei€n c°anUie«. •r”*' • V) “'M lv . Portland *:,. i »" * 1 - m V r. < '.irvAl.i' „ r^nlwN Al Albany and Corrai« l ram« of or’ ;>ntral A Ka-lern «*• _ KXMUB b 4 .’op, w. ’ .lir. M. Rebate ticket« on .«ale 8 remento an«! San Fran Mi tint c I m and III mv « i*r- „nd ticket, to n Alw JAFA5 1 and Al * tkaha et>t. ’ » ’[»nk’O* j, rom our agent. i H MVV!’ K KOKHLKR, M anager. foru*’"- 0y«< «Nowk* I o( life, nerve »nd ■ winder worker, tb-*- « »-t an j «ano - Hag AtaMdj < a . Cktcaf® • __ • A