The Plalu Truth About Camp Merrill. There will come* time later on nfi.o the fattier» and mother, of Oregon will We suspect that, if the people ol Ore­ demand to know »here the blame lie* gon understood all the facta of l^e situ­ lor thia atupendou* outrage. Who Kent ation in the military camps al Stu Fran- J ili.wi lad., ill-led and half-ckdbed, to c'sco, respecting the surroundings and outfer in the bleak wind»? Who i» re conditions of our supplemental cuntin Kponaible tor their exposure» to viacioua gent ol troupe—some 300 or mure lads temptation», too great fur the impru drawn directly from domestic life—there I dencn of jouth and unaophiatieation ? would fall npoA the authorities such a Whose y»; but they aro still bad, very bad? was picked np here and there all over) the state, mustered into service by Cap­ considering the pbyi'c .1 state in w hi. h tl e tonal acquisition, complete ami abso­ lute, possible and probable (*omm»Tcial HJNLMM) HORKOKS. competition. Could h>? have succerdi*«! in «'blaming Nova Scotia from Englaml, or year«* later, in winning Cuba from Torri bio Buffering Ooowionod the Drought. Sf»ain, he wouhl readily have evolve*I a a system fur their just government and ¡¿erpetual redemption Titolila. Jeffer- A son nevlr polled duwn a Jz State» man. Eczema ! The Only Cure. by th« Eesema it mor«- than a skin, anti no skin remedies can cure it. Ihe doelurt are unable to eff» ct a cure, and their mineral mixtures ar»- dnm , e I to the must powerful < oo-tttuli 'ii. * h- whole trouble is in the blood, and Swift» Specific 1» the only remedy which can reach tuch deep-seated blood di teaset. Kezema broke out on my daughter, and o Unued to spread uadi . her head was entirely covered. She was treated ; by several gessi ductor», | but grew wurae, and the 1 dreadful disease spread | to her face. Shewa» ' taken to two celebrated health spring«, but re ZJ •eivad no benefit. Many patent medicines were taken, but without re- • ult, until we decided to try s s * .and by th»1 lime the firwl bottle was finished, her h«-a.i I* gan to heal. A doaen bottles cured i r e Rleteiy and left her skin perfectly sm w sixteen years old. and has a mag i ' * "t 3r<.wth of hair. Not a sign of the dreadful isease has ever returned. H. T S hobr . i7U4 Lucas Ave . Mt. Louis. Mo. »m mm................................. ........ CHAPTER ON DENTISTRY. % A Beautiful Present Trawrllnx X»>tl«,«?*l Bel the * the Sar««M»n*s I The >] hand to humor, extracte somen ,j‘, ideil to GIVE AWAY a beauuful present with each starch sold. These presents are in the form oi Why i lie .ia*s proffered aid was ble if they are not advanced rapi«!iy . □ >ents, unaccompanied by officers. 1») and as they are, would bo to destroy the Canon Farrar says that young En­ i refused by the English for politi<*aJ rea- the middle of July the whole body of re­ ives of many and to confirm upon others >» net in this emergency ? Tiie women Don't expect local applications ot A wealthy mernlrer of parliment told are 2 was lamentable, wasn’t it?” “Yes, but of Oregon, a» a matter lying wilhin the | guages, whereas the English applhants of animals. whom our lads have had any relation. whicJfare beyond their reach. S. S. S. i- | awfully stylish— he died in his private •‘America has spent millions of dol- | realiy knew nothing but English. If. purely vegetable, and is th« only In other words, the boys have been competence and duty of his office, that lurs in sending ami maintaining mis- remedy guaranteed to contain no pot­ car.”—-Chicago Tribune. • lid, also, that when 6 o ’ c'oik <-»ui r , practically without officers, and, ol silher iri person or through hi» mililar) —Famous Author (who has been inr sionarivs in India and I. as a Christian, i ash. mercury or other mineral course, without the protection of organi­ aids, he protic this outrage to the bot­ every English clerk would jump from am thankful for it, but now is the time ! Books mailed free by Swift SpeciL I vited to dinner, to himself)—"What a , vx retched menu! 1 shall take good care sation and authority There has bro*, tom and do w hat may tie done to »ave his seat th«? minute the chick struck, w hen th«* Americans, and the churches Company. Atlanta, Georgia. don his book with a bang, hurry it into esjjecially, can show that the love and | not to make any witty remarks.”— nobody with power to enforce military further suffering ami injury. Oregonian I Fliegende Blatter. his desk, ami be off in a moment to bis charity they have preached so many | discipline, or discipline of any kind, at- Ji lYei-son and Kvpanslon SNAKE SUICIDE. —Poet—“Ix-t me tell you, sir, that gymnasium or hie bicycle, while the yearn to my countrymen are not merely , to tunes of duty, rest, sanitation and it is a gr-iss perversion of the doctrines < ierman subjects of
  • course but r«*al condi- ■ J poem cost me a week’s hard labor.” Ed­ clerk» would quietly A Rattler with Three Tanga Shuffle» Off has been in presence in camp. Food 1 tious. Aid from America would do mor«* . itor (who has read it)- "Is that all? if Jefferson to maintain that he, the whatever Illa Mortal Coil. they were doing, before they fairly liberal supply, but nobody hae for the conversion of these people than father of our wise policy of territorial left. A Cnitcd States cavalryman, »ta- If I’d have had the passing of the sen- known how to enlorce thorough ne* a in all the preaching that has been done in expansion, was absolutely opposed to tion«* since missions were first cooking or regularity in eating. The A Forest and Stream as follow« in regard Bits. story ol Washington the annexation of any noncontiguous estaolish«-d in India. It is a charity earliest arrivals were quartered in an —A Proud Achievement. — "Well,” fiossessioii, with the exception of Cuba. J he ‘ l ather of Ilia Country” was an the ignorant could understand ami I to the self-destruction of a t hree-fanget! said tine new legislator, “I performed abandoned stable, sleeping in horse A writer In the New York Hun finds that I eminently fair man. An ill istraiion of know and God knows how woefully they rattlesnake: stalls, with a light supply of blankets “.Vi to the suicide of the creature, 1 my first duty for my constituents to­ are in n<*ed of it now. long before lie discussed with {’resident this characteristic was told am forced to ask for an explanation. day.” * "W hat?” "I voted in favor of It was not until August 7—three weeks “A ear load of hu.*kx would l>e re­ Monroe the desirability and importance paper currespou'lent bv an The snake at first Hight, coiled up in adjournment.” — Philadelphia North after the arrival ol the last detachrnent- ceived with the joy of a people who >f adding Cuba to our .»• -o ,;, ol states, of Alexandria, Vu. j the usual manner for a prime strike, American. tbat suitable bedding was supplied. Af­ have Ijern living on roots that thn —Cabana -“Did you know Snortious leffeisoii urged John Adams, who was 1 made a vicious lunge at my k-gg'ng, They stood on the second floor of the drought ha* spared. Millions of people ter the first few days, or a full month be .1 Hie time prime minister to the Court market-house in Alexandria and looked have no other food and knowing the | then drew back and closely scrutinized had applied for a peri on?” Lovell fore the date above named, the whole Instantly a “No; on what grounus?” Cabana— -if Ht. James, the expediency of concilia down at the open court within it, w hich likely result* of such diet they still me from I at to shoe. force was camped in the Hand, and there "Says he has strained his lungs yelling ting the people of Nova Hi olia with a is now filled with hundreds of booths must cat. Leprosy is the outcome in change of expression came over his for war with Spain.” — Philadelphia they lay. night after night, in the cold featur«s, an«) ferocity gave way to a view to attaching that t. rritory to the col­ wbete the farmers bring their |>ro«lucts many eases, but what will not a starv­ look that might hav< been born of dis- North American. fogsand in the fierce winds which make ing man do? Think of your ow n arctic onies, In 1705, two years after signing (or sale on market days -Small Sister—“How do you s'pose guxt ami resignation. I watched him the more exposed parts of San Francis­ explorers who r«,sort«‘d to cannibalism. the treaty of peace with England, Jeffer 1 “It was on that spot,” said th«* narra* closely, not knowing what might be ¡»copies way up nori teep warm in de co all but uninhabitable in midsummer, But l« , pros>. though the most (Ireaded ton, then minister at the couitof Ver-I I tor,‘‘that VVaehingion wh Knocked d >wn winter. Bobby?” Small Brother dis«*a-«* ami a, common one in India, is his next move. He suddenly astonished even by persons ordinarily housed ami sail es, wrote to .'dr. Adams as follows | i by Lieut Payne (scornfully»—"Why. what docs you [ ine by plunging headlong into the Pavne was a candi not the most prevalent or fatal of the provided. To make matters worse, they s’pot«e de ftir-twees is for?”—Cincinnati “Is it possible to persuade our coun­ n U«,w Hnsh-m J' n lea” is not—excepting, possibly, in a few through what instrumentalities, whether Ihe two became such strong friends mastering the German language. is not a recent eonv« rt to Christianity, Death b-rr <* in tie* vicinity of Manhattan church th«* invalid husband »xp.p \ Tarsus and brought up at Jerusalem ; ><‘< uaii, either loo^e or braided, und all of «1 • ;.(t i ;«rht restore him to health ' - T . r. - n n ..... • no... ken. . But th«* ratified ntinosphem of th«- l.r>..«.|f, r lie continued a persecutor, null1 his one church collection« were taken up in sc«1 Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are «3« Pansies and Marguerites % When the Blood is Pure a Wound Heals Quickly The Fact Demonstrated in the Case of a Baptist Clergyman of Ashley, Ohio. AVom fAr Timm, Ehler A. 8. Shoemaker liaa been a life. l«»t»g reai«lant of Ashley, Ohio, mid is favor­ ably known by a wide circle of friends in thi» part of the »tale. For many year« he «4* a prominent BtiptiM mini*>i« i. lie has been Mayor of Aaldey for three au«-craaive term«, tilling the ¡»oMtioii with dignity and honor, aud ha» held other office» ot trait. He la aixty-eix yean of age, hale #neeially in «lanw. lowerv weather 1 would be very mieerable. | frequent I r rrmark«- «iirvetiona. "It wa« the wiNrat thing I ever f I went to bed and alrpt all night wilhoul it particle of pain 1 continued taking the pill« until I u*«>l five lx»ir» ami have nut felt any symptom« of my old trouble time tlmt time now two year» ion "Jn«t after I «topped the use of the pill» I met with an accident In chopping h <.. the l < i u kno v your orders, »entinel?' ’ wu«« asked according to a newspaper paragraph, cf a not over bright Irish soldier «m guard duty at Fort Logan, Col. “Yis, sor," was the reply. “18» you know the ¡»oints of the com­ pass?'* continued the officer “ \ is. »or.** “If you fact* the ii-ing mid , yom left hand w«>uld I m * on the north ol you ami y«»ur right haml to th«* south of you \S hat wouhl be lielimd you?” “M«» knapsa.k, sor," sentent i«»usly remarked th«* soldier •r rrai i of g tbeorí of liwanlfy. of the «am»* rle, of NN w For mirffiral •r member of the ívm * «lays it c-vst °c “to arnd poor Jo- to \rtsh nlntr.“ ie ttch«'p<-l of wheat n; of 1 roheprl of •«srewan; 1 sehet- 1 rii ef vxan; two biavi- an, and 2 achepela d special treatment »ill bo prepared tor It you sutler from Neroout Debility, ! tree. Night Lottos. Lott Manhood, [mittiont, NoI­ ! ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT NG SUBSTITUTE Li l li I I IIITIIIIITTTTTT------------------------------------ TTT1II I IIUU 4 4 4 Whom t Ho» long P Night tonati f Ho» ottoni Do your oyoi blur 1 Whan t Do you »loop at mghtt Ho»long1 Nro you comtipatodl I I I I I II I I American Navy? Cuba & Hawaii!! I » I i he Fifteen Portfolios containing a wealth of infor­ mation can be obtained at this office for ioc each. > I 16 •SuI’t r!' I’hotographic reproductions of our great war 16» ships for only io cents. 240 lnVlu,iinK ''»^resting matter and some mag- 0/1 H ? nmeent M, ibaandHa« »1.50 » I Send in your orders at once to ) > The COURIER, i Grants Pass, Orc. M II wf IIII) !■'«•«bll*hri| I'lft, la«» \ car« FROM PH0T0GP.APHS Viir llertie. The happiest and most health seekers of our latter are probably the summer gi Trauben Kuren, or grarpe-cui that were established Mini«* ago ca a Fra i taken ^ini iallv are making veritable bonar ply for ifrsrripi once to for thi* great w ork Agent*« to fl«») a week scliiiig it. A «a lor live canvi^ni. Ap- ion, terms and territory at N.D. THOMPSON PUB. CO.. New York Ci ARMS FOW THE Wfiere Prevail Ex« cutor's Notice. In UiTiimttrrof lhe »,tate ofHora.e M'-n. tlmt i I ih ha« bv be eonnty court oi the Mate of (In v.,,, L 7 '"'"."r,,f i,; I rebate i» duly »ppimud .ole exei utor ■’I I he eMate or lluiaee Woodm lt .|e- iea«H.I. anh hi« will annexed All |.-r»on» indehte.1 to said »Mate are I w vy HAST and SOUTH VIA THE ----- Shasta Route — of the — Southern Pacific ConwanV’ '» ••«11 on theundet- IX led and settle without delay . a„ | a|, hxi.n*»!« Traili» lx>ave i’ortkiinl l>»iiT »•t«..ns having claims axain«t »aid e«- - ----------------------------- - Nùrtk is r?,'1 r',rtTnt|lh’’ '••rifled South, j H '•> » M. | LvT 9:30 a .» U\Ti'.lth; months AT. Porti.nui ’ V N ! LT. Grants Pass LV. 7 .wr.a ' J-ÌA M. AT. « OBr.a >an Fran'co LV. Htmac« Almve traiti.. i stop at all station.« laureen •cutor I said •»tail with will annexed .M anon. rortland and I c._. w..., Turner, ______ _ __ ."aleni, D avi » B mower , Jerter.un. Alliany. Cottage Grove. tangeni. *«e|iurg' |o A*hland inclusive. KLONDtm 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Hust be chosen with ^>CA ki ' w *1 JUK m ENT T rade M arks D esigns C opyrights A c Roseburg Mail Daily . i t . Portland LT. Albany Ar. Kosebura - J- i- ■ ’ n AT. LV. „V. 4 Jur.» 12 . t OF.« 39 a .* DINING UAR s ON OGDEN ROUTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers _ — wild — second O' ass S leeping C ars Attache^ to all through train* l’or further particulars impure of J- Burdom, Orante Pass. West Side Divi»ion Scientific Umrican. ‘tari in Repeaters 1 ■»Il TAXIS mailt ixxcsrr »rs»*’ 5;.M»r. » ' 18*. ■. AT. v. Portland 11.5ft r. <■ i.jwr. « *r. l'or raids LT. At Albany and Corrai.connut »»d* rain« of Or. ( entrai A Eastern Ky. __ azraaaa T*Aix uailt (xxcxrr < ^’P. B. PATENTS O *O»rct I Of Ä g'1 d 3 I. T..^®N°Wm our agent, Hrant» !’•»• .. t H MARKHAM N"EHf.En, | . k A i Afh M sn-urs-r. Portia*»’*» ’• OP. M. DR. J. H. HUDSON RAM FRANCISCO. «*«•• » > » Our Floating Armament of Steel* and get a trial I » I » The ill-fated Maine and all the great battleships are pictured. No clearer idea of these vessels can pos­ sibly be obtained than is given by these superb pho­ tographic Reproductions accompanied as they are by introductory chapters and by concise descriptive text under each view. The combination affords the most complete information regarding bum give rostro dnt»or theie quoitioni and a tpoeial trial troatmont »ill bo propared and lent to rou by mail tree, fou tato no chancel Â/droit 7 STOC K fUN H 1 NI The Flag of Freedom ! Floats Above Our War Ships! h an;, dr«r- ictal treatment. • No patent medi­ ant, but a carefully prepared treatment. Every man can hare atrial treatment free. Thou- sandt hare been cured, and they »rite in black and »bite saying to. dnt»erquettiont W¡’tro f Hot/ long f Do you baro paini f Elastic _ Starch —--------- i whh eacn package of I--------------- — America's War for Humanity ncholy, Duty Spoilt, Spott Before the Eyet. Sleeplettnett, you ought to get a X/ f you we..! ? I-' The.e rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel an» ■ R New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subw.,® in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pi« tures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in theon IE in.ils and ^e pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpass F th m in beautv. richness of coloi and artistic merit. _ One of these pictures “ will be given away I ». I* 1 1 purchased of your grocer. It is tk.. the best Inun/lri' laundry starch on • k. the market, da- [ IS sold f‘T 10 cents .I package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get i a I beautiful picture. N. E. McGrew Pioneer Truck and Delivery Cuesta rat a ven |g hi brvikfast. 1 Wea thrr permit ting, they the•n scatter 1¡n q urat re • 10 anally invented in hi -¡ urntise. guettons and get a irvj/ treatment free. The quettiont are atked, at no t»o queitioni alike, and the treatment mutt be prepared tpo- Lilacs and Iris. J ?,L..f.CT.«»> t On-GUNN’S PILLS version ; after which h * became a follow­ er of Chi 1st, for whose sake he «lied ►ftOWWIIOCOOItete^ -J.C.HUaNGERBÄbrC» i ' ! i ' 1 l • I Pills mountains instead of !x*ncfitmg the iu- ««.. Mvld ur dtu,gi,i.. OR. BOSANKO CO. Phlla. P». i valid, who vns a consumptive, i at her i hastened the progress of thi liara nr and within a very few weeks he died. ! Last w'ei k tb Ite young widow returned. U hal I *• i .turai thon that the par- son si old « iTer his sympathies to the ber ca 1 one. I *‘Ya Inoe my sincerest sympathy,* he sa ! to ine young woman. “But. GRIN IS l’AG ORE ¡ON after II I. you hate this con« ciu?*--dation that th« «1 one is now now pnst past i all suffering and | lol ly much happiei “Yo >11 t< t‘*» kititi, i tr-i unanswered the x i . nlow. "Iiid<« «l, he laated Told in Picture and Story much I i than 1 thought I m * would, I rx|Mf t hf’ woultl go much i-ooncr. (’•»•i piled and Written l»v It was SENATOR JOHN J. INGALLS Such • io>.t| . < » i V >f t . ease rather • I the good man. It cam»' of Kansas. SO l|l,( ■ < dly ti nt it left him nolh- rhe iin)«l brilliantly written, mo*t pro- fu-ely mu «I artMu allv illustrated, an«i ru«>-t ing mo • » Miv und he befit . a hasty intensely ¡*«jmlar book «»n theMil»it*ct<»f the a retreat a I » he could. • ar with >pain. Nearly GRAPE CURE GARDENS 200 SUPERB ILLUSTRATIONS Wild American PoPPies. STARCH s wan. \Tin Cortlandt was frequently called < n to change acewan into silver money, which was at that time th<* stamhi«i<1. Payments of interest and principal of Haiied money wen* made in Dutch pieiM’s-of-cight. lit realties and loan dol­ lars, the value of all of which was re- duced to guilders seewan. A pi«*ce-of-eight was worth 12 guild­ ers in si'cwan, a realtji WHA worth I guilder and 20 stivers in eewan, a loan dollar was worth 11 guHderi in »eewan, end an English p lOupd was worth 40 guilders in arewan The American dol­ lar in its present r< ls tion to f he Ei»pF<* pound would have been worth H guild• ers in seewan. A Dutch guilder ha 1< h > cents or 20 sth rets», and ia equal to 40 cents in America an money. A stiver is equal to 2 cents A American money. 2 cents American i mopey. Contributions to th«' |- tr n lief fund mail * in seewnn, anl< cencrou nr instance, old Dutch . Robinaon, inches in size, and are entitled as follows: Lilacsand Pansies. S.S.S.™. Blood HOW A WOUND HEALS. ! n lv . at . ■»U .»4 Mæ*. 1».r IJtr Ta qiot u.iwcc easU, sud fore.»' 2* fuller lile, nerve and visor, raí» «•«*. ite- «..fader worker, inai make, wes« AH drwei.l«. suc or »I. Care BookWl »st swmp.e fr» * , ■»erUsg Remad» <« ctiicaao se !«»• ' **