Little Pimples Turn to Cancer. To Mr Orvvra. 4J1IIHÎ1“ NEW WOMAN IN MEXICO. ' wiae they would not dare Io disarm. Treat lurni of -Grade Copper Ore Tlieryera, oh ! Thervera ' The insurgents are right. They are jua- An Arizona aubacriber «ays, “Do you COLONIAL RUINS IN GEORGIA. Bhe Fights BuUs and Doe» Othei I tified in their utter dread of Spanish coneider it practical to leach a copper «unit* Mratttfe li«-nil ltd«* ra of an %n- You have got uth in a muth ; Things- rule and their distrust of Spanish faith. And the paper«, oh ! Thervera, mg 5 or 0 per cent c *pp*rt which rirnt MettlemrnL Thetie insurgents n « vw ougMl io he /«• iatoo silicious to melt?” Tu one un ac­ They are raithing thuch a (uth ! Near the town of Lexington, in the ' uianded to the authority C»1 a guv^jp- quainted with the exa< t circumataacea eastern part of Georgia, -are located All ine I'nion ie extbited. a.... sick m .4 H m M. uienl that taxed them into lhe eart!:, it ia difficult to give rioie than an ar> ■ one- of the i.'i'st ifitercNtiffg and his­ But, Thervera. you can calm uth, toric ruins that art* to I m * found in the >»w»i tiun •—**>»• robbed them by corrupt extortion, shot, proximately correct anawer. in gener- Wath it Thamothon, tbir, or Tliley ? the Me«. * Cancer often result from an im­ drowned and smothered them by ti e 1 al, it way Ire raid that a fi per cent cop­ outh. Th»- p**n <»f the historian ha« failed to record the adventures of those purity in the blo<-.. inherited fro: Thervera, uh! 1 hervera ' [ hundred after capture The Spanish per ore can I m * leached ancueaafully — to whose handiwork these remains of generation* Lack. I * jm *< » le ar? • a- Won’t you tbet ulh at our eath? Spain continue tO fUHb-^h oUr Pr*U* | religious orders have been as cruel and that ia from a chemical or laboratory 'iDcient fortifications are attributable, tiroiy free L«.m ««»metaint in the I !• <>i for at the theater» Tell nth «bo, thir, lhent you tiiooting eipal amusrmen [corrupt in their persecution of the na* phir, or Tliley? ! fainili' K dwelling in Wyoming valley, i only a • !--tchvs, lhi>l i • oujint \. .. principal." aceompat Died by a first-class authority. quantities of that ore and lie has com* : in the colony of Pennsylvania, gathered ■ •O. U I»-» »»•>•. I «»• troupe of performer 1. But even more Thervera, oh ! Thervera! treated ty «^! xbk We should deserve the execrations of rnand of cur siderable money, he may together their effect« and with their physician», but in spite sensational will be tk ue advent ot "the We have been go tliad and thore I enlightened humanity ii we ever remand make a commercial «nice>M of it. The : families started on a long jeurn*.*;.' of their effort'th»- < »n- no«' on their way cer spread until my con- lady bull fighters," n Ever ,Ince our warthi|x ttient yuu ' these insurgents to lhe cruel and cor- i process itself is not a difficult om*. The I toward the south. '1 hey were Scotch 1 di non became alarming. from Spain to this lai nJ of winter aun- After many months of Hard upon the Cuban ebore. rupi rule ol Spain. We never will do it, < copper must be ♦rar.»formvuy»icimi». 8. S. S. ia the only • ire. ami air tooxydize the copper sulphides, . Cherokees. The Indians had at On that well-remembered morning? , NEGLECTING THE HINDOO. can fancy how ronve •r.ient it would be forming copper sulphate, which water 1 time liecom«* involved in n »p.iarrel with j liecwuse it is the only remedy which Wath it Thamptbon. thir, or Tliley’ goes deep enough to reach Cancer. to marry one of th< 1 tn. and so have al* 1 I’k’r»l»lr of India*» *uf- will extract from the ores; but this is a ♦ hr w hite colonists nt Savannah, and a j — Baltimore New». ferlna ThoaHaad». ways a valiant enemy of burglars in the In India a famine rages und the re- I slow pre cess, involving a very long «ait d« «’.’,t...^ warfare was going on which house. At the fi •st alarm, at dead of Treat the ln.urg.-nl« l.lke Mei, deterred the travelers from proceeding l»ort of it creates not non)ucjuia a ripple I for lhe returns There is an elect roly tic r ight, one e couic <*n«ld awaken one’s lady The troth about the Philippine« and further southward. They selected the ‘ of excitement. Idct-r^is no doubt that I treatment to leacii auriferous copper ore bull-fighti ng consort with: : “Oye, tu. the ituiurgenti is gradually coining out. I it Js Adkre r^Tamity. There is no ques- highest hill in all that section as a coign i (Swift'* Specific) is the only blood Mariquita de mia alma, gel t up quick; When it was reported from Washington '"Tion that the southern stars gleam like that, if it gets beyond the laboratory of vantage, where they constructed at I remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable there’s some one in the dining-room 1 stage, may be of some practical use in first a rude blockhouse, surround« <1 by All other* contain potash and mer­ packing up the si Iver!” Anal the wife eome weeks ago that General Merrill wolve«’ eyes upon vast stretches of ter­ such cases In the process mentioned | a fall palisade, anti then cleared the cury, the most dangerous of nr ■ rul- would requirr 50,000 troops fur Lozon ritory where hunger has weakened the of your bosoi m, arrayed in a wrapper Books on Cancer and blood d ruses the ore carrying a liltle gold and copper 'dopes of the tret.« and underbrush so and carry ing her trusty pword. in her ajune, and not Iflgi than 160,000 men to inhabitants and the very iundscu|>e, ailed free by Swift Specific Company, can lie leached witii a hot solution of | the savage foe could not approach wilh- hand, won lid descend to t he lower floor belt!-the Philippine«, The Oregonian and made ail look haggard and worn. lanta. Georgia. cupric chloride in a rotating barrel in bowshot without Ixing discovered. Iri that faraway country there are many to give thf p burglar an “es itocada” in the pointed uut the otter alxordity of the The corner stones of the old fort still , who, at ibis time, ar»» dving for want of through which a slow alternating cur- j most class fir and approved form! remain in their place«, huge flint bowl- ' statement that it would require 50,0(ll> bread, mid whose gaunt finger« would the new woman of the 1 rent of electricity is passed. I hi« cupric 1 ds. The They probably know that tin* wholr ' iog copper oxides or hydrate«, wliirb drum, Martin and Gi!ham. Many are does much to make or mar not only the assail and rob male victims in the most the legends and traditions that cling story that the insurgents were evil-dis earth i« not smitten with drought removes all the iron and simihar impur I about the environs of the ancient set­ pleasure but the success of the game. approved style of highwaymanship. |H»ed toward the Americans w as evident* and Khortage, but they live to realize ities from the solution, leaving in it only ■ tlement, and the strange adventurer, The woman contemplating joining a Everywhere lovely woman is making ly a fabrication Admiral Deway, a f bat that which on earth is abundant is golf club has not only to master the 51 progress, and it is fitting that the Latin j pure copper. This solntion i» then« of the valiant pioneers have been rules of the game, but she has its eti­ races should produce, as their choicest cool, shrewd man of the world, was fa­ not neecMsnrily free, and that, iiltliougli handed down from sire to son. Were j passed into rectangular vats containing ! quette to learn ar.d to put into practice. exhibit, the lady bull fighter! vorably impressed with Aguinaldo's abil­ there may be sufbcieiit for all, -nme ♦ bey collected they would inak • 1 porous asbestos partitions with electr were !>ack to a reservoir for fuither use, this SHt MADE HIM HEAR. is in progress, good driving requiring male |w*rsuasion,” all bright, capable dered amenal at Cavite. butchered by the order of 1* living absolute concentration of mind. That and energetic young women. Women ; Bejng made to last indefinitely, a little 8<«nm Feelings. if the Trunk Ila.l Indeed, so far as I>ewey ie concerned, Turk, as in Armenia, then* would Is- a i woman who chat it rs i n<« ssantly* and are being employed in the national post­ li«• •’ witjhold 1 { from copper is then in condition for watching him handling her old trunk ievaniding. It should be added that, so with ungentle haste, says the Detroit upon your partner’s ball is not only im­ who nn him, while nature is n the warpath. an offending monarch that he may ■ or plates, will, theoretically, deposit here’s his hat!” Credulous chief of “Oh, no unitt- ruh -nt the trunk, llow miral. It has been clear lor a lung be ilrngged down from his throne am! , MkiiKiiH» Mow Hits Barely Five IltMirr bureau! your Carlitos ¡seven now down time that l'ewey must have had some made lowly an PECULIARITIES OF MILLIONAIRES that everybody gets up early in Skag­ anode« 36x40, or with common series can I I »e Hulfprnnv Mamp» «ml Have a Poor uay. In fact. 1 suppose that on the «aver­ ONE FOR A DOSE. I be conq>OHed of smaller pieces With Dinner. age |Koplc there slt-ep just .us many Remove Pimplo», Prevent such plate service the generator a bun id I have I'••’!» tusked whether I ever re« hours as they do anywhere else. - > ■ . K • 1, . - \ «_____ . ceivv sexrial invitations from million- have about 125 voltage. “I. is a hu>:ling little towrn. and every ojm ' s , with b‘ilf|>ev- man in it bilitvts it is gofng to be the f r health. T'i-v n* . .»'^vipeoor« k-a To cob - Before attempting anyihlng n> the hat I think of tho metropolis of \ki>ka.- They will tell Xx. be.d bf drugg »ta. or . B0SANAU Cb PMkFv. line suggested, there should be detailed of the millionaires. you that when they get a railroad bulb exhaustive examination ami ‘expert It is not often 1 ha* into the interiorof thecountry Skaguay Advise secured and economy . avrcised. I to receive invitations W II i»c in : he •< rritory what New Y -rk’ .> In this c'w*. hh in others, eoofiumy under any circum- to the east ar.d San Francisco is to the mums Iho judicious expcmiiture of •emarkable fact that Pacific coa^t. They have a da ly paper, in vitation add rrsae«I a st.’im-heated theater, a brewery, and /Yom tht /’Vrr /•rest, ZMroit, .Viril, money, and it would be good economy nny rate nearly all other conveniences of modern One of the »tan n chest supporters of the He luu I►ct'» 0U!x*rtnlen L ih of larg< min* to first spend |2(i00 or |7kHX) in the way life.’’* r had n deep-water way from the Great Lakes to the ing v|M*r»uon* Anti wtytn the State Reen located in Ih-troit «inre 1585, on th«* ¡•art of mil* seat of u delivery wagon or with his HOW 2,500 VOLTS FEEL. anti haa a large acqiiauifanev among the buM nena men anti cititenn of thin city. head protruding from the rear of tbc r piled ami Written l*v Two year» ago, tor the ftr«t time Mishit \chicle «nd barking lustily at some Bishop «»« tn the hospital Fort«<- month» supposed intruder. The sight has be­ SENATOR JOHN J. INGALLS he had the I »mt of medical attendance but when he wu dmcharged he was uut like the come so common as to attract but little M mi - r Bishop of old attention from the passers-by, but onh When miked regarding hi» V-alth he *ai< a few years ago it« rarity would havi “ When { had my last m | m II of aiekm on the sul ihinande«! instant attention. anti came out of lhe hospital I waa a worry V •ight 1 could not gain my strength, an«i he big wholesale could not walk over a block fur »evtr IW 11-tllW 11 and th? m; SUPERB ILLUSTRATIONS week«. irked i “I noticed arwne articles in the nrwapape FROM PHOTOGRAPHS refanimg I'r WiliianM Pink I ■ I • ant fo People, which ounvinceti me that th» * wrr» Kt of t w «rth trying ami bouuhl two I -\. | .1 not take them for tuy romplrib n but to strength. After using them | hit (tetter and know they did me w<»rld» wf good am pleaaed to recommend tiom to invalid» THOMPSON who need a tonic or to build up a aluittervd think constitution. ** A. (’ B imioi * ’’ L u . L" •. c.- New York Citv Hithop I im had untoual rt|trrirncc Buliter 1 t»ed and sworn to before ms in that line .»f work aad protably f. w ar»- m > eighth day of Januarv well qualiftcd to »prak intelligently uf it R o UF.RT E. Hill, J k , Siftiry l\l< EXPRF AN OPINION a* he For the greater jxrt <»f hta life lie The pure powerful vegetable ingrr» haa been engaged in waler wav» and in on» in I>r. Williams* Pink Pill» f<>r Pale I’ W hut It ( of the old«*t «nd l«e»t known rittl engineer» supply lhe antidote for |»'!»«hto river the blood and add th<«r « bnu i.ts nreslrd to (. omnie-nring in i860, hr wm for a number build up l>udy and braitis Many diss-aMO of year» an «MUNtani engineer for the Hud long sup|»<«ed by the medical profrwsmn to • m River Railr< Ad, and later held lik< ¡ mmi l»r incurable hate suecuinl>r»i to the|M>f»nl Prevjil must ie chosen with ■ tion* with the Gene»«-«* Valley ('anal New intlu<-n«'e of these pills They ran I m - taken York and alan ihr |»e. M> ne» River Im by young or uhi. hrh r harndrs» in ihetf CASt »d JUDGMENT 9»>*rmrnt »t I Railn<*i Co nature, but powerful iu r{ unman ng durasc S.S.S.rThe Bleed A Beautiful Present I Beautiful Lilacs and Pansies. 1I I I N. D. STARCH: ?(.WAT INVMf^^ r? e e-, f) r» Pansies and Marguerites » ; $ •> Elastic Starch BB: purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and IS sold for io cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a beautiful picture. ? ! ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE GJ&» —W SS»SS»»SS»»»»»»»»»»»»«»»»»S»»»»SS The Flag of Freedom Floats Above Our War Ships! ) > I ) I I i American Navy! Cuba & Hawaii! The ill-fated Maine and all the great battleships are pictured. No clearer idea of these vessels can pos­ sibly be obtained than is given by these superb pho­ tographic reproductions accompanied as they are by introductory chapters and by concise descriptive text under each view. The combination affords the most complete information regarding . HUDSON 7 STOCKTON éiTWEEïT. RAW FRAWCIIKO. CAL. I I Our Floating Armament of Steel ¡ i The Fifteen Portfolios containing a wealth of infor­ mation can be obtained at this office for ioc each. I > > Superb Photographie reproductions of our great war ships for ottly to cents. 0/1 Q including interesting matter and sonic mag- 0/1 fi ? . J, 5O äiv I I Scud in your orders at once to Tlie COURIER, Grants Pass, Orc. for Humanity PUB. CO.. • Clllot ’« Nolll-l- In tbe matter of the estate of Hora, e «."xJcock, devease.1; notice is lierebv given, that the un‘eotinty court of the »tale of OreKon. for the i-ountv of -lo-eplnne, sitting in I n bate is duly appointed sole executor ol lhe eelate of Horace Woodcock ; de- cee-ed. with his will annexed \llpereons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to call on the nnder- I and settle without delay ; and all un« having claim« against said es- will present the Mme. duly vvrified trqmnxl by law, within si, mon the n this date. H oback 8. W oodci < K. Executor (said estate with u ill annexed D avis B rower , . ... Attorney tor the estate. I’ated July 2d, 1898. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE HAST and SOUTE VIA fHE Shasta T rade M arhj D esigns . C opyrights A c . k'T i— « -- .... - - — _____ . . IT! ......................... W I ¡ft*, il 2* r '••"I ’ «»' tr~ »Gth L n !• rrnbably » stent..*' i», r--------- ’.• stnctlF ’»»no iential IKn I mw MI Route — of die — Southern Pacific ConiDanv- Ext ress Trains Leave Portland l^ily 5oru_ South. J_________ H ill F «7T Lv. Portland Ar » » a • ' t>5, « Lv. Grants Pass lv . 7 '15*.M. ivf- Roseburg Mail Daily xr. < :»o.» lv . Portland LV* 12 • <'» •• Lt. Albany Z-V. Ar. Roseburg DlNlNL VARS ON OGDEN ROUTE- Pullman Buffet Sleepers S econd C* ass S leeping C a RS Attavlwj to all thioagh trains Por further particulars inquire of J- Purdom. «iraní» Pas«. West Side Divition Scientific Hm^ican .-f añr «.- H ■ fl Atari in Repeaters MUNN 4 Co.--- PATENTS’ 'k.nHa,, Antoer thoto quotient and a tpecial t «/ treatmonf mu oe preparaci and tent to you by mail free. Tou taka no chance ■ Addrett DR. J. I ) I I > tl.ght meati? H-je anon? Do your eyes Hur? When ? Do you tljopatn.ght? Ho Aro you conthpatad ? Lilacs and Iris. -J.C.HuaNGERBR0yC9 ARMSFü“ ™-E Âiæ-k' KLONLWt and g >f a n il treatment tree. It nt ara ctkod, at no t»o quettiont tho troatmo it mutt bo prepared tpo- il treatment mil be preoared for H you tuffjr from Horrjut Debility, et. Lott Manhood, fmittiont. Mr/- Ditto Spellt, Spott Before tho , S/eepletsnttt, rou ought to get a mcial treatment. Bo patart medi­ le, but a cf'eluily prepared ireatmmt. Srorp man can hare a trial treatment fr jo . Thou- andt hare been cured, and they ante in black and ahite laying to. Antuer quettiont and get a trial ►ftouKtskocookmcr’ <■ *;'■ ! 'Alb1' ‘ÜÚ WISSTÍ ANO ACE. These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel art® J 1 eRov f New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subject, in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. e- The 01' tures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in theori?. f. in ds and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. j Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing e aiii (xxi zrT « 5>'r a. j i,». Portland ar. « ÿ* • * A‘r. a. i *r. .McMinnville tv. 5 «U • Rei