Dewey aa Peace Commissioner The Royal lottery of f’uba irconducted j The enemy had two lines of intrench- AMOUNT OF MOISTURE IN SOIL. “* the tame ““ princ iples as the na- menus in front of < >**1.eral < ireene. Bark Back I «on don. August 17.—The Manila cor­ on * much ■eleBtiar .......... . • respondent of the “Daily Telegraph,” lienal lotteries of Italy and (iermanv. of thoae linea w». the Rio Uinalon, a W«! «I D»I Keokuk, low»,^ was to »pare every obje< t but the armed 1 buy lottery tickets although they know tbe fort re»» on the s ulli and waaard son can not know what a desperate con deciXi to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each packa».! This trrribh «xr/ht'ld These pre»ent» are tn the form oi de leu sea and the trenches Apparently that the edds are heavily against them aide«. General Anderson xa» in com­ dition it can produce All through the war the Boyaftottery mand of the division, which was com­ di»--as? which the doctors are totadj ibe American loaaea were extremely unable to cure, is communicated from The Spanish intrench merits va­ has continued te hold its drawings un­ posed oi two brigade» briuK to the council information that »mall. Suddenly at 9:30 a in., the Olympia one generation to another, inflicting it- can be veined from no other eource. ried in point of distance from two to four disturbed and at last accounts was still 1 The tickets are sold every where • opened fire wttb her starboard five-inch ■ taint upon countlevs innocent ones. He has lot eome month« been boldine miles from the center of Old Manila at it. r >»me year* ago 1 wu 1 u<»<-ula’»-J with poison ___o get - a gun a fange of 4(KM) yards ■* ,nt The Chief Aguinaldo at arm’« length, study­ Ifefending this long line ol at least ten and by every ragamuffin w ‘ ho can ! by a ijutm «no u my L.i — with >i'»od with a tick-* troops cheered and wave*I their Pals i taint 'I he little on*- wm lottery broker to trust him I ing not only hi« character, but that ol miles were not over, and p obably under 13« ig inches in siie.and are entitled as follows unequal u> th«* «truggir. They are While you * Tnc first sbois fell short, but t again and and IP* Ilf*- waa yielded the people he represent«. If any man 5000 Sfmniah troops, volunteera and na­ et to irell on com mission up Io the fearful poison. 20 tickets by I again the guns roared and the project- About half that number were in sit in a cafe you are offered knows whether or not the island« can he tives For ala Iona year-» 1 auf man? min- Í4 j II doser and doser to the enemy’s fered untoia misery I made a profitable possession of the tbs hospital. The attacxing force num- 20 different peddlers in as wae covered with sore« ute». The ticket*) used to well at |10 t stronghold, Tbe Raleigh and I ’ etrel, and ulrera from head to United States that man ia George Dew­ bered from ten to twenty thousand na­ binca the! with the national colors, tried foot, and no languax»' t can exprea«* my feeling« ey. The people will bail hi« api>oint- tive» and 10,000 American» on »hore and each in Spanish silver coin - piper. --------- , ’ their five inch and six inch guns at 3500 of woe during t.ioee long war they have sold for $10 in ■uent with the more confidence for the the fleet. In every re»pe< t the advan­ years. I had the beat Shell after shell burst in the inedieal treatment. Hev The I'he numbers are divided into tenths, yards. reason that hi« views on the policy ol tage wan on the side of the attack. fort, and drove the Spaniards panic* eral physician» ¿utses You can L uy one tenth, several tenths American field gun» threw heavier met retention are not known He has no slvely treated me, but all Every shot to no purpose. The mer­ j strirken toward Manila. plan mapped out to which circumstances al and had longer range than the .Span or the whole number. Hence when the cury and potash seemed to add fuel to the was marked by debris hurled hign in me . 1 wm . awful flame which wat devouring .......... „ .... must be made to til whether they will or ish; the marke»man»hip of the United big premium lw |50,000 and you hold a the air. Soon the enemy deserted the advirted by friends who had seen wonderful no. In the event of the acquisition ol State» gunner» was much »uperior to one tenth ticket, you win $5.000 p*r cures mad*- by it. to try Swift's Swift*« Specific Specific. We trencher in front of General Greene, but got two bottles, and I felt hope again revive in the islands under tbe treaty the knowl that of the Spaniards, ami the men were haps. rny br*-ast—hope for health and happiness ran off to the right into the bamboo wain I improved from th»* start, and a com­ edge that llewey supported the proposi­ stronger and in better condition. The A I'eril in the Philippine«. plete and perfect cure was the result H. S. S. swamps. ■Spaniards are a »mall race compared tion would go far to reconcile men to it Is the only blood remedy which reaches des­ The report which come» from Pari» 1 wo shots from p battery in the mag­ perate cases M rs . T. \V L kk . who are now inclined to oppose it. with their »talwart op|>onent», and,w<»rn that Spain dewire» to »ell all the Philip Montgomery, Ala. azine was the only reply given to the Dewey is about the only man of whom out by a hundred days* 1 iege ami di»»a- pine» outhideot that part of tbe island of Of th»* many blood remedies, 8 8. 8. lieet*s Are Both fell 30) yards short. is the only one which ran reach deep* the natives of Manila have any knowl­ pointed in the arrival of the promised Luzon, which the United States, acc»>rd* The gunboat Calloa and the launc h Bar- seated, violent eases. It never fails to edge He has held their lives and their Spanish relief squadron, they had lost ing to tbe peace term», i» to iiol 1 pend­ celo advanced within 1000 yards, and cure perfectly and permanently the property in his bands for several months, heart, it was a liopeles» struggle ing the decinion of the commiHsion, call» b^au rending a deadly hail from the moat (iospernte cases which are beyond The teak wool f Hindoo»tan in almost “ looking over the bay, it was curious and they know how considerately lie has > These rare pictures, four in number, bv the renowned pastel artist the reach of other remedies attention to a peril to which this coun­ rapid-fire and machine guns. indestructible. The tree reaches a girth ' k I eKov Ot New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects treated them, Dewey is, in fact, to a to notice the foreign fleet» arrange- them­ try will be exceed if we fail to take ad­ By this time the fortress was deserted, 1 in hi» »tudio and are now offered for the hrst time to the public. of from JO to 15 feet, and ha« a clear vast majority of the natives oi the Phil­ selves according to their sympathies. vantage of our opportunity to »ecure llie 1 The pi< tures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orir. ami the fleet was signaled to cease firing. trunk of 70 to 80 feet to the first limb. ippines the American government. The Engl sh and Japanese were near the w hole of the Phi'ipptne group, 'i he sto­ 1 inals and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Then orders to advance were given. The I'he timber retains its fragrance to a They know something about l>ewey, but Americans, and the Germans and French ry ih that Premier Saganla nee» the folly [ I ntel j.i. tures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing Colorado troops formed in column with is puaiti.T vRorrABLE. and is the only great age. It is a wonderfully hard 1 th m in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. very little of the government at Wash­ on the opposite side of the bay, north of of »ending to the Philippine» the largt blood remedy guaranteed to contain no their flag flung to the breeze and dashed woo), durable and strong, and once seas­ ihe l’a*ig river. The British cruiser Im army which would be needed hereafter ington.—Bulleton, into the Rio Cingalon, wading wai«t mercury, notarh. or other mineral. oned does not split, crack, warp, shrink mortalite ami her concerts kept fairly to keep the insurgent» in subjection ow-1 «Valuable books mailed tree by Swift The Hlgiiih.-aiier of Manila. deep. Ihe Californians followed. The Specific Company, Atlanta. Georgia. or alter in shape In certain portions of near the American line. The attacking ing to the presence of United States I purchased oi your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and With Manila in our hands by right of enemy s Maus irs began to crack in the Burmah there is teak 2000 years old. is sold for 10 rents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a squadron formed in line between Malate troops in and around Manila, which bush in front on the ’elf, but the shoot­ conquest, it becomes more than ever It weighs 4') pounds per cubic foot. beautiful pirture. and Old Manila, with Ihe Concord point is to be retained permanently by ing was wild, and the Colorado men ran Vie.Arthur entered the city and estab­ impossible to withdraw the American watching the fort at the mouth of the the Americans in any case. lished headquarters at Malate, The In­ I Teak is used in India for construction, He wants forces from the Philippine«. We have up t«‘ the fort and took possession. bridge making, sleepers and furniture. I’asig. fhe American fleet lav outside to save hi» country the vast expenditure surgents followed up the advance of our now destroyed completely the Spanish Private Phoenix climbed to tt»e ram It is ex ported to Europe chiefly for build­ the break water. troops An attempt was made to keep and Ihe |>olitical complications which parts ami pulled down the Spanish flag, power in the islann«ible for the present order in the threw away guns and ammunition come in. Rapido, which lay close to the shore, if the United Slates does not interfere * islands, and mure than that, for the fu­ in the flight. Their trenches were were far more terrible in their effects to prevent it must soon present itseh. ture government of its people. We tilled with Mauser cartridge* The ST. MARK’S. than was the raking fire of the ships With tiie United States holding part or troops foil *wed them, capturing the Lu- must decide how they are to be gov­ sentiments Inspired by mu <>l«l C harch Resistance to the American attack was all of the island of Luzon, the hostility erned and who is to govern tliem. netta battery ami chasing the enemy in­ i.ffe«'t uf Varue Munir. impossible. A part of Malate »uflered to Spain among the people of the rest of Any old und beautiful church give uh With this problem before ur, what is to the walled city. Greene passed severely from the bombardment, Cure all liver The the Philippines would become so wide­ it our duty to do? around the walled city and took Binon- all that is most moving and noblest— nesN, headacti vaunted intramures defenses were not spread audforini iable that their control organism, beauty, absence of all things To return the island to Spain, and ach, indigesti do, on the north side ol the Pasig river, momentary r t arugpliit«. 25 rents of grossness, of brute utility and mean A Claim A mm I iini Turkey would lw forced to sell them to some Ti*« only Pilis to take with Hood * Sarsaparilii* rule from which we have rescued them? Meanwhile General McArthur’s bri­ compromise, (‘quality of all men be­ other country o: give them away. Spain Now that the war with Spain is over, gade over on the right wing, was having fore God; moreover, time, eternity the That is Impossible. What an insult Two guns past find the great deao for Home Virile Grocery list, such a course would lie to every liu it has been suggested ill the East that remembers what American proximity the severest kind of fighting All noble for 40-page Hardware catalogue. mane and tatriotic feeling ol the Amer­ we employ our army and navy while and example did among her colonies in of the Utah battery opened on block­ churches give us this; how much more, icked it into therefore, says the Contemporary Re­ they are in fighting trim to collect a lit­ the Western hemisphere. ican people! lor sample 189h Wall Paper. view, St. Mark ’ s, which is noblest and for sample Ladies a Gents Suits, I'an we leave them to IheuiHelves? tle claim that we have against the Sul­ third of a century after the establish* splinters. Then the troops advanced for Bargain Lists, pub. weekly. most venerable! The Astor battery was Could we carry out oui oblignlioriH to tan of Turkey ami which he has em­ ment of the American republic a blaze of :owaid the city. It lais, like no other building, been All free. Money saved on every re volution swept from tbe Salnne and in the lead, and had the hottest fighting handed over by man to nature; time < ivilixation and huiumiily by «urli h phatically refused to pay. It is believed order. course? It is folljf to think so There that if Dewey’s fleet were brought up Rio Grande to (’ape Horn, around the of the day at the junction of <’ingalon molding and tinting into life this > truc- Atlantic and Pacific, ami gave independ ­ through the Suez canal ami Watson ’ s may be elements among the Filipinos road. The Spanish soon Retreated, and ture already so absolutely orgunic. so lit to live. For its curves and vaultings, that will form the material for a self- squwdron were sent from the West In­ ence to all her colonit s except the islands its cupolas mutually supported, th” governing state. But there has tieen dies to oom bine with it, ami a joint |B ’ r ne*it , Th.-y nefthrrgrip« norai.-ken, T » ct.n* lil.e nutiii'iD lem km . probably bring the misfortune of war on and erected and maintained under trea uoubtless would be |M>Hsible for her to mll . Boid by drM«»«u. OR. B onanno CO. Phiia. pa. One Sui’dav ii’orn’ng they were s*ng ty agreements with the Sultan’s govern nell oi trade her Philippine properly to our one frlen.l ng some fugue composition, by I I n iw some of them. There is a danger here Whatever any one may think ol the ment, were looted and burned by a l urk not whom. How well t,«*.t music sift A claim for damages was that the United States should avert by propriety of taking the Philippines, what ish mob. • I St. Mark’s! The constant inter- other course is before us to be followed made by our minister at Constantinople insisting on the cession of the entire •hungo of vnult nrd vault, cirpn’ji and The Fifteen Portfolios containing a wealth of infor­ Philippine group Io us by Spain That with honor? To train the Filipino« to at once, and the matter dragg«u| along un­ •upoln. coluirn and column, h *dmr ron thi Lin or mation can be obtained at this office for 10c each. the work of governing themselves is til recently, when, according Io report», was a peril to which we were constantly • n their energies to one rr.other: the doubtless a proper |>olicy. But it can formal notice was given by Ihe Turks exposed in tin* West Indies, and once it springing un of rnsibiliy find Its nn turn I vo'-p in tlrnt fr • t . to The ino.t < el«.| «rated orator and statesman ships for only to cents. or ths wall-beiog of these millions is the moral of the situation dear by point­ mother of Isabella 11., when the Regent Hi, brilliant geniua and •xpress, in that eor t’iiuous re\ 'ut’ron of modern tun remarkable i-liaraeter; In, grand achieve­ now upon us. It cannot be shirked ing out that last year \ustna, by a nav­ attempted to sell (’nba and the Philip­ lnclu -uperb photoivp.. engraving. Over It was the Reporter’s business to bv curi- render redress for indignities heaped short-sightedness in not closing the bar­ on-, Examiner. ilAO page- only .«J IMI splendid ■ an moreover, she was a woman; and re* RESTORATION OF OIL WELLS vexing outlit with valuable premium, gain immediately held Cuba out ot the Austsian consul at that port reiving gracious permission to call on the Klont Without the remotest knowledge or in terms and lull instriK-tions sent free for to tn l.:«Ttr,* Hewter l)p!«ltrnredi aimed with a bundled such questions as Kenewed Flow. lilieral terms guarantee.!. Twenty days that a similiar demonstration by an and possible enemy out of a point ol only a woman can ask. ent and wise measure to President Mr The gem rul theory e*-nr. rnir.g the credit h reiglit paid Agents making t ‘Yrs, I have five children" said the vantage almost within sight of ( ur Kinley to apiaiiiit General Fiixhugh Lee American fleet at any Turkish port exhaustion of so 11 any oil \v. Ils is thai to »»'a day. Be first in the field. Order ho-t with a ton» of v.irnvst happy pl^lr; would be aqualh effective, and that our shores, and saved the United Stales “hope I'll have five more 1 low every Ihe oil. in passing through the stone. outlit today. Experience not ne«-essary a. as governor of Cuba, The Telegram nom­ everybody want» it Mention tin. paper from serious complications, for if France otic of them They are good children too, Las clog* cdoggtd the jmroiis atones par- Moxaox B ook C o . D kh ' t . J., <' hi «-« go I inated him fur that |srst Tuesday even­ claim would be settled without w ar and a comfort to me all the time.’’ had been in posseHsion of t uba at the The Naw York Mail and Express, re­ affine in such quant.t es that th * fur- You can’t understand it of course, and ing on the grounds of broad American thcr flow is atop|Hd and the w» II r asts time of her Mexican raid in th*60s, our my frivn»!-* w«mt pro­ gt'en.that the undersigned lias been bv VIA THE ----- pvdoes ha»e Iren med to s Imt er t ie fusely »nd arlntiuall v illustrated, and nioM tlie i-ounly court of the state of Oregon ling meshes of the diplomacv of the con* we should embrace this opportunity res­ to lx- at her very best. But that is exactly the colors for which he now would sacri- the time when most women feel weak and stone at ibe bottom of the well, thus intensely p».pular book on the Mibieci of the or the county of Josephine, sittmg i„‘ cert of Europe, and in the end that olutely. Hick and miserable They grow melan lice hi« life. He was actuated than by I r.,bate IS duly appointed wle executor breaking up the cl urged ma I ter. but thi* * ar with >pain. Nearly cholv and anxious as the time approaches of the estate of Hoiace Woodcock ; de­ Kattlrat Manila what lie deemed hi« sacred duly How­ would Is* probably worse than a war. ni 'thod is « \p ns (•*. A mw method and when it comes th< v have no *>trength — of the — The Washington Post, after a general ceased, with his will annexed consists in lower'ng a pecul arlv-e >n- 200 SUPERB ILLUSTRATIONS ever, all sure-enough Americans desire New York. Aug 19 \ detailed ac or stamina of body or mind to go through All isrsor.s indebted to said estate are rex tew of Turkish method» of late, main­ structed eiretrio heater into th” well. FROM PHOTOORAPHS her.d, • requested to call on the under­ to bury the memory of that historic oc­ count of the attack on and capture ol “ No wonder they «uffvr and nearly die Ihe machine, which Is eight f »t taken «i>e. iallv tor thi» great work. Agent» casion. During General l-ve s incum­ tains that the claim will never bv paid Manila, is furnished in a dispatch from some time*», ami are all broken down for are making » ‘ o to »!'>' a «eek »elling it. A signed and settle without delay an I all H- mi renn Train« la-ave Portland I*»H’ end resemble» tin Iron rat fridge, is bency of the consul generalship al Ila until the government at Constantinople the \\ orld’s corre^pondcu there a* fol­ month« or year** If they would take the t,nuinzii for live <-anva»-vr- Ap. J»-r-.-ns havmg claim, again,, ,s|1| right care • ; thvniM-hi * and .strengthen placed in ! he I ottom of the w e l and th • veritable North- J~ becomes vvinrvd that further delay will ply for de»cription, term» and territory at tale will present the same, dulv u-rified South. vana, and «nice tbe outbreak of the war th<-ntM-h• ••* tn a natural wav , they would io A H current regulated no that the hiatrr once to 9:30 a . • at . "oJXXtZ ■ ................ m0Mth' G "Or. *7|tv. Port Lind be dangerous. The fact that the men never suffer a* thrv do. and inntrad of he has given ample evident« of lux exe The soldiers knew on Fnday night dreading to iiavc children they would wel­ 7:30r« receives just enough to pr. ’uro nn enor *:06 a . a Lv. Hrants Pass LV. _. M :W r. »■ * 15 a . w . at . San Fran’co lv . culive ability In his diplomatic and mil­ ace of Austria brought an immediate that an attack was to I m * made Reveille come them a*» a real blessing " ent without melting the met-il ,. IfoR.i s. WoOIM'OCK settlement, while other |»ow?rs that “ It >ly a case of a ‘ stitch in time th • peculiar ronstrurli n of the St. x, u;s II., itary life But since the editorial in A «ve train» »top at all station.*» i*t**en was sounded at 4 o’clock The troops or o: Nev New York City Executor f said estate with will annexed \ ' * ! °Hl*nd and Salem, Turner. Manon. packed chambers the int dorsmg li 1 tn for the C u I mu governor have relied on diplomacy are still wait­ arose singing am) cheering, For weeks tie na< rment at the time when D avis B rowkr , •lefferFon, Albany. Cottage Grove, Tangent- ing, justifies this conclusion. t radiate«) about Into the r. < 11 «ave months, perhaps Attorn« y tor the estate gei.eralsliip appeared in these < ohiinns they had been encamped in »wampw or babv i >nempulsion.” SHINGLES LAST A CENTURY OlNlNL CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. the recuper- it, comes from cabinet otlicers am I poli­ men inarch?«!1 two miles in mm) oxer •»nnot get in —Call Roof« of MWhlCAtt White 1 Pullman Buffet Sleeper» tician» ol lt*»»er promiuen<*e. Should Fach through the ■lioaCopt*. to iIhe intrvnchinente. < Ilm*?I« list «•«. it helps you to _ — and — < u ha's big hot i< i ) MvKitiley I m * guided by men having catrled two e lay»’ rations and |50 car him hearty and second O ass S leeping C**8 liotiiinx more al stake than the aharprn When the United Siales troops finally U idges. ruunrrr children are T rade M arks Attached to ali tlnough trains mw Thi D esigns ing o( their own axes, General lx«e w II get into Havana and President Mt Kin­ ihe Amern ■an intrenchunents extend CORVRtCMTs AC I m * “turned down.’’ But for the »ake lay appoints a military governor to dean ed from the I»« ach on 'lie 1 vtl 150 yard« ! M a Rftc'rli and d-twnnikm »of further particulars inquire oi J- — oi factional unity, the complete obi Her ■ things up and straighten out the tangled in northeast line, terminal ing in a riw 1 I'urdom. Grants Parai. ation of the paat, and the reward < >( a I affairs of the long l*e'iegetl citv, one oi swamp Die1 groim«) w a« covered with great American, the blood of whom* an* ' the first Spanish institution» to I m * aiped water, l»ambooa and ran k vegetation. West Side Division eentry wan given in the cauoe oi thin na­ ■ out will probably l»e the R ival loltvrv »»I I he memv ’» trem bea van rd fr«*tu 300 to "All TkAIII I'AILY (SX< «FT ‘ s 1 0 lion'» formation, we ardeir ly trust tile ('iiba. If it isn’t, it ungtil to be The 500 yard-, M lv Portland ar. » «-r.» I’he on? in tlrt»nt wa« sHi ar. 1 1 1 M *r. Corvallh lv . president may a»»erl bi» offh ial preroga 1 Cultaii» have enough ills ailhout having vard». live «nd jM»r#onal manhood by »landing 1 this insiduous evil perpetuate»! Al A!L»nv and t’orval.:* oi'*'1 To 1 lie east of the 1l»ra4-h ia the) 1 1 »r entrai A Ea*t»m H • a?» a strong bulwark tietween a nvble, un Should Ihe gov« rnment of Ihe «•Ian» Manila road , and ISO» iarda away tirata» tasta i'\ii y ( kx < rrr •« »» ail > eelfisii American and a pack of barking be handed over to Ihe < ubans them I» the Pasa) road Hotdi roads pans « 25 A.* ! ‘ 1 M lv . Portland ay mercenary politician» —Telegram «eh«*» it is entirely hkelv that the itan Francisco r* Dear Madam: 11* tir-t claaa and fit second da*'. ,n‘‘ it soul mg **lee|*er. Your grocer is authorized tbe re» »nd ticket« to Eastern P”'n,ù,* der good. *l«o JAPAN. < HI" to pay you back your money Unde Sai and Al -TH A 1.1 A p*f Maavf Fits r«»n> our agent. Grant** I’»** .. < H MARKHAJ*. »**Ore cci il )ou dont like StJLlimft ence with KHI.RK, f. » •* >’ AíL know» the Manager. Portlandff* But baking powder. benefit the t> not »0 mse. for, aithou ■ ••••’•Utt No questions asked. TnUaetw a»4 Sanali* loar 1 every other profitable 1 ’U lo bocce easily and forro* m I rMcaae A Schdhug & Company run by Spaniards, t ----- - nerre aou » mw*. — - B*e. th«* wntHifr W9Hre*, »**•» «nata«-* <<*• psUoaiM and support it ,tr•« Ail druggist*, aut or tt. J-*s ^»■»1 H*M>k)ei ant sample free A levitar R< meste «< ( nor Mm or Attack by Aiuericana Waa Humane. Sacrificed to Blood Poison Among the many distinguished aten whooe names Lave been mentioned as members of the peace eommi»»ion to dfeft a treaty L«tween Spain and the United State«, none will inipire the American people with more confidence than that oi Admiral Dewey. Dewey ha« not only «hown himaelf to be mas­ ter o( the art o< diplomacy, but be will a Beautiful Present Beautiful Pastel Pictures Lilacs and Pansies. American Poppies. Pansies and Marguerites Lilacs and S.S.S.'Z Blood Elastic Starch ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIO STARCH. ACCEPT HO SUBSTITUTE 4 4 Pills A SOCIAL QUEEN 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 AGENTS WANTED WM. E. GLADSTONE, I I 1 I 1 I I American Navyi Cuba & Hawaii! I > > CASH STORE ¡MUNN'S-... PILLS The Flag of Freedom > Floats Above Our War Ships! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I I I I Our Floating Armament of Steel* 16 4 4 €>4-0 4 4 4 I > 4 4 Send in your orders at once to > The COURIER, > (¡rants Pass, Ore. America’s War for Humanity j EAST and SOUTE Shasta Kotite Southern Pacific Compal N.D. THOMPSON PUB. CO.. ARMSFOk THE Äss. KLONDIKE Scientific Hmcrkan Marlin PATENTS •