Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 18, 1898, Image 1

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V ol . XIV
(iood lead pencils 10c a dozen at the
Coi RiER office.
Prof. G W. Shaw, state chemist and
P.aetiees in all Siate ami Ivlt-ral t urts
director of the Oregon experiment «’a
Office over First Nati >nal Bank
I Shoe» repaired at lla«*k«*tu ,
tion at Corvallis, was in Jackson county
G bakt ' b P a . h ,
last week on business connected with
I Gold-dust cabbed at Cramer Bros
4 Bicycle hospital for ail repairing ft his office.
Hon. William M. Colvig ofJackt»on-
i Cramer Bros.
attorney at law .
Take your blacksmithing to Trimble A ville was in the- Pass last week on busi­
ness. Mr. Colvig will deliver the ora­
Practice« in *H Courts of the State.
Baeher for first-class work.
Office over I irst National Bank.
Hon T. G Kearnes of Jacksonville tion at the Pioneer meeting in Jackson
G bamt ’ b Pane,
O bkuun . was returning home from Portland on county in September.
last Friday morning's train.
Prof. G. A Gregory, the new county
J. W. Abbott ba» complete«! his sur­ n-hool raperinten.lent o(J«ck«on county,
vey of the Mount Reuben group of mines is doing all in hi« power to interest peo
DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. and returned to Grant* Pass last Friday. t»le in general and teacher'« in particular .
Office over First N itional Bank,
Golden Eagle Bicycles are honest in the schools of his county
local ■foavycninoo
w heels at reasonable prices.
Write for
More than twenty million free eamples ,
catalogue. Mitchell Lewis ck Staver Co. of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve have]
Portland. ()r.
been distributed by the manufactures.
While Grants Pass people are swelter­ W’bat better proof of their confidence in
ing in tlie burning heat of old Sol, Cn s. it’s merits do yon want? It cures l iles,
cent Citv people ate shivering because burns, scalds, sore», in the shortest 1
MINER \L -I RVI Yo’d, of the cohl.
»pace of time. W’. F. Kremer.
G rant ' s P a mm ,
O re «
Walter Dyke returned from Mt. Reu­
The Ashland (’amp No. 243 Woodmen
ben last Friday, where he has been en­ of the World will have an excursion to
gaged with the Abbott surveying party s«n Francisco and return, on the occa­
Thomas Smith
«lames llulman
for some time past.
sion of the meeting of the delegates of
F st. Gilbert creek
North 7th street.
M: H(*st< 11 has returned from Ga- the Pacific Jurisdiction of this order.
near factory.
lice creek, where he had been working The excursion party is to leave Ashland
on the Galiee road. He will leave lor August 18. Tickets, round trip $11.50,
San Jose, where he intends entering the goo«! for ten days There are a number
state normal buhool for a f>ur years’ in this city who will take advantage of
Parlors (>tb street, opp. Court House.
ttie low rate to go to the city.
P abi -
O kkhon .
O regon .
G H ants P ass ,
■ et
Carbf JI 1 1’1 loto
Stud io Opp. Court House
The brick work on the new court
house for Lane county 1» now complete.
New line of 2-ply pasted wedding card
stock for calling cards, for sale at the
C ouhikk oilice
It is reported that T. J Clark is about
to sell his placer mine on Grave creek to
Ashland parties.
1‘ou’t go without lead pencil» when
you can gee them for 10c per dozen at
the ('orin kk office.
The liop crop in the Willamette
ley will not l»e as good as anticipated, if
»‘>*,r ">uch damp weather,
$83,003,090 is the amount the govern­
ment realize«! from the »«lie of postage
stamps for the fiscal year just ended.
Acquisition of timber land seems to be
th»» rage in Tillamook county. The Til-
lamook Wt ekiy Headlight is publishing
a great many notices.
If you v ant the finest thing that ever
happened in wheels get the newSteaina
at Redfield*. They are beauties finishe«!
in Black or Orange enamel.
R. G Smith of this city and A. C.
Hough of Salem have formed a co-part­
nership for the practice of law. These
gentlemen will make a strong team and
the attorneys who beat them in a case
kill have to ns«* early ami go to I h *«
We are very sorry to announce that
Mrs. Jackson, one of our best tea« hers,
has resigned her position in the Grants
Pass school to take a position in the
Willamette valley. It is true as gospel
that the best teachers go where their
services are appreciated, and in this we
cannot blame them
One Minute ('ougli Cure surprises peo­
ple by its quick cures and children may
take it in large quantities without the
least danger. It has won for itself the
best reputation of any preparation used
All Work
today for colds, croup, tickling in the
throat or obstinate coughs. W. F. Kre­
Finished in from
The Doctors who < nf- C atarrh , C onsumption , and all Chronic
3 to 6 Days,
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve has the
sense. and
largest sale of znv salve in the world.
Regardless of
This fact and its merit haye led dishon-
the Weather.
the famous specialist for Diseases and Weakness of Men, will again be eat people to attempt to counterfeit it.
in this c.ty <>n their regular monthly visit, and can he CONSULTED Look out for the man w ho attempts to
deceive you when you call for DeWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salye, the great pile cure.
I W. F Kremer.
English and German Expert Scientists,
Hotel Josephine,Saturday, Aug.20
. William McKinley
........ Garret A Hobart
Vi:-e President
Secretary of State
. . . Judge Day
.Lyman .J Gage
Secretary ofTrvasur*.
Secretary of Interim
........ UN Blits
Russell A Alger
Secretary of War
. ..lolin D Long
Secretary of Nav v
Secretary of Agriculture James A Wilson
Postmaster-General I ........ James A Gary
. Joseph McKenna
Bieo W McBride
U. S. Senators
’ ’ .---------- ----------
iThos H Tongue
’(W R El lift
. . . . C M Idlenian
............ W P lx»rd
.HE Kincaid
Secretary of State.
. . Phil Metachan
State Treasurer
Supt Pub Instruction . ............ G M Irwin
.......... W II l^e is
Stale Printer
i (J E Wolverton
- R S Bean
( F A Mi ore
1 F A Marcum
-’ J B Eddy
K R Uomini-- •ii«r>
(il B Compson
Clerk of R R Commission. Lydell Baker
Clerk Board School LandCom WHOdeli
.. .C E Harmon
. . A lie Axtell
(Nick Those
(Dick George
Roy Bartlett
County ( I» f •
Ed Lister
....... I W Virtue
Represen ta*
.J T Taylor
Hcbool S iipii 111 : r it ■ h‘ii I_____ J D Haves
Aaseaaor ............................ Eclue Pollock
...................... BO McCulloch
Coroner ................................ Dr. J .Myers
Joint Senaivr
County Ju*lg*
Com m is-1
Staff of the English and German Expert Specialists
Incorporated Under the Laws of California for $250,000.
Twenty-Five Years.
The stafF of the English and < («*rrnan Expert Specialists i» composed of live reg­
ularly graduated doi’tori», each a physician who has had m iny year» experience in
curing all manner of chronic »lisvase».
During the pa»t quarter of a century he »■?<•<•<•»« <>f tin* moat worthy and popu­
lar institution has l»een pheiioimoiaL L'isvas
which have battled Hie skill of
other phvsician“ ami Htubhornlv refused to yield to ordinary medicin ‘ft. methode
and appliance», are qim klv Mibdued ami mastered by the English and German
Expert |»e«-ia:ists. Kiev have the largest ami best equipped medical institution
in America. The English and Germ an Expert Specialists are not oidv competent
and reli *hle, hui are responsible, twin2 Iwked by ample capital and ably managed.
HOME CURES— -While it is prefers »le in many instances to site a patient,
Justice. .
........................ James Holman
Cone tabu
..........I 11 Colby the English and German Expert Specialists have cured thousands of |M?r-
sons w hom they have nev« r seen. If you cannot pee the «lnutors write the home
office for question list and free a<|vue in regard to vour ailment
................ W T (Joburn
Call on the Doctors when they Come til ailing people should see the Englisfa
. .W Elmer McGregor and German Exjiert Specialist* A friendly talk, which costs absolutely notiiing.
................ Col Johnson is bound to result in a great deal of good, whether treatment is taken or not.
Tree» urei
T B Elliot
Street Comm i»»toner. . .
F W lluggertli
( Dr. Win Flanagan
I L u Jennings
.’ F L < ‘oron
Connell ni«* 11
( Siatl of the Most Eminent Physicians anti Surgeons in the World.
I W A Has'Hns
7.31 Market Rl .Sun Era‘JIM S Broadway, L mm Angele».
I Frank Fetech
I Fre«l Guyer
Regular meetings ol the cit_\ council of
(Irani’s Pass are held in iln coum il
rooms in the city hall on the first ami
third Thursday evenings of each month
The High Grode Wheel
Meet- n the third Monday in April
and the fourth Monday in September.
Nos 11 MJ.
court meets
January April. July
County commissioners
Wedaes . ‘ after the
county couit.
first Monday of
and Henteinlier.
court meet* first
meeting of the
— OF —
Kereiv- drpusiu subject
t«» rhe<-k
Rpe<'u. IttaMMMt gir«« I» O>ll*> ,i
taeeaae uf our cw«o««r».
- ma.It
*r h
certiffc*’» payable on demand.
Mis-ighi dreff* *»• *ew York.
cisox And Pot land.
*4*1 '«1 «II point* in
th. Vaitnl .State«.
uth 'Ol
I. D FRY. Prwùlwt
J, TTUKKH. Vice I’r«.!
R. A. B o ' th
N. E. McGrew
Ä r r uïwck «d ßelwsiy
.. i* f.'R-VKT> ¡Asia. uiUU.GN
Washington, presente«! a case of msub-
<»r«!ination that in any well regulated
European army would have resulted in
the court-martial of every signer of the
round robin”.
But to the relative»
ami friends of the men who were dying
by meh«*» from the effects of the climatic
conditions around Santiago, whose re­
moval woe unquestionably hurried by
the publication—charged to Col. Theo-
dore Roosevelt,— of the "round robin”
although war department officials j»er-
¡•ist in denying it, the protest was a g<Mxl
thing. The people ol this country «are
more for the welfare of the men who
compose its army than they du for strict
military rule
War department offi­
cials know this; and that is why they
started to bring Shafter’s men home so
quickly. It is perhaps, fortunate lor the
men wnose name» were attache«! to the
Santiago "louml robin” that the war is
about over. The public reprimand given
10 (’ol. Roosevelt by Secretary Alger,
for sentiments txpreMed in a private
letter, is an indication of what they may
expect while they remain in the service.
and Pr'ffMMonal « <»nr«u»a
The regular meetings of the W.C. T.
U. of Grant» Pass are held the first
Friday in each month, at 3 p. m. at the
Baptist church. The mothers meetings
are hehl on the second Thursday in each
monthin the parlors of the Prvsbvterian
church. A cordial invitation is extend­
ed to all to be present. Mothers espec­
ially invite<l.
“What did you do on Christmas?”
“Oh, 1 had h glorious time
I was
he'ped tliiee times to turkey.”
“So was I.”
"And twice to ice cream, ami 1 had a
quarter of a mince pie and a lot of cus­
"1 had a pumpkin pic, an I custard pie
and mince and app c turnovers. Then
I had nuts ami raisins—”
"So did 1!”
"Ami (he next day I had the doctor.”
‘ So did I!”
—Union Signal.
•Tw i \ i Them Both.
(By Mary L. Wyatt.)
Joseph Greer gave up hi» beer,
Hia wife gave up her wine,
So 'twist them both they saved enough
To educate their nine.
For Joseph was a working man,
And Jane a busy wlie,
But pkdged to temp’ranev principle-«
They le«! a useful life.
They trzine«l their children in the right,
An«! moral lessons taught,
And with a faithful varnestue *
Their education sought.
Am! s«> within a humlde home,
Their children grew apace,
Am! then w«»nt forth to serve Hi it) World
In many an honored place.
If Joseph Greer had bought his beer,
An«i Jane had purchased wine,
They never could have save«! enough
To educate their nine.
— Union Signal.
The chief city of the Hawaiian Islands
is about to become an American city.
While the rights of the natives will be
thoroughly respected and guarded at
every point, the city in its external as
pool will find it much to its advantage to
put itself on the plane with American
cities. It lies in the lines of new routes
of travel and may easily be made as at­
tractive a place of resort as can be found
along the shores of the Mediterranean.
Whatever nature can do has been done
for Honolulu, Its climate in a« nearly
perfect as can Im found on the globe,
The sea bie.*ze impart» to the afternoon
and evening a sense of comfort rarely
found in the tropics, A« it stands now
in its somewhat primitive condition, it
is h place that visitors speak of |an the
scene of the liappieMt days in their lives.
Being now on the route from San I* rancis-
co to w ill he expected to present
all the elements of civilization that are
round in European and American cities.
Broad, well lighted Streets for business,
boulevards for pleasure driving, plazas
for children Io romp in, public gardens
for general resort, will prove profitable
investments. It is not every city that
nature has endowed hm it has this island
in the Pacific, and it now only remains
for human enterprise to complete what
nature has designed.
it is a iiuittvd by all parties that the
construed« n of the Nicaragua canal will
lie an inevitable result of the acquisi­
tion of (he Philippine island«. Ibis
American canal will so shorten the route
from the Eastern Atlantic that the trade
ami travel that now goes east through
the Suez <*annI will come west through
the Nicaragua canal. It is safe to say
that no steamer pastiing the Nicaragua
canal w dl fail to take 111 the Hawaiian
islands. \ cablegram from Pekin under
the date of A ugust 8, says that the con­
struction of the Nicaragua canal is con-
■Idered a necessity by all the Anglo-Sax­
ons in China. This means that the
shortened highway of commerce will
concentrate the trade of the far E tat in-
to American hands
I'he C oin mission that !» now in this
city, invested with authority to form a
plan oi government for the ndandft, will
aim to bring the local government into
harmony with the \merman institutions
with as little friction as ¡»ossible with
the habits and customs of the people.
The commission will insist, however, up­
on a plan that will place the islands in
line witli other American commuiiitie».
It will l»e for the interest* of property
holders in Honolulu to fall in with the
new order of tilings. — Examiner
The president of the Cuban pioviftion-
al government hus written President
McKinley a long letter, expressing
thanks to ami confidence in the United
States, but the most important para­
graph in the letter is that which out­
line» the intention« of the insurgent». It
savs: * Our first step, with the approval
of th«* United States government will be
The l’ni vet wily of Oregon graduated to call a new assembly, which will i<*p*
lawt June the largest daws in its history resent, as far a* possible, every section
I'he class numbered thirty. The fall of territory ami condition of people.
term will begin S»*ptemb«*r 19th. Htu- I’his assembly will elect a new provis
dents who have completed the tenth lonal government that w ill possesii more
grade branches can enter the sub-irewh- powers than the present one. which is.
inan class. No examination» are requir­ of necessity, a government of the revo
ed for gi adnate» of accredited schools liition. But the result of the new assem­
I Reasonable equivalents an* accepted for bly will be to form a government which
most of the required entrance studies. will still be limited in ¡rower an«] whose
Catalogues will be sent free to all appli important work will be the establish­
cants. Persons desiring information ment of a |H*rmanent and complete gov­
may address the president, Secretary J. ernment, founde«! on the lines of that of
.J. Walton, or Mr. Max A. Plumb, all of I the United States, and one which, we
Eugene, Oregon, lire courses offered I h«q»e, ami have every reason to believe,
are those of a g*Kx! university. There I will be satisfactory, both to the United
are depart ment » of modern ami ancient Slatesand to Cubs.” The prevailing
languages, physics, chemistry, biology, impression in Washington is that Cuba
j geology, English, psychology, math* will remain under United States mill*
ematics, elocution, a<lvanced engineer- 1 tary government for some time before
mg, astronomy, l<»gic, philosophy, and I the CubanH are allowed to make any ex*
physical education
Music ami draw­ periraent in the governing lim
ing are als ) taught. The tuition is
I hat there are good things in a pater­
free. All students pay an incidental nal »)stem of government must lie ad
ee of ten dollars yearly. Boa d, lodg­ rnitled by every man who will take the
ing. heat and light in the dormitory cost trouble to investigate. The U. S, consul
|2 60 per u eek .
at Chemnitz, Germany, « loses a report
to the depaitment of state on the value
of the German working men's insurame
system, which provide« not only for the
payment of death indemnity, but for the
care of the sick and their families for
Occident«, old age, and incapacity to
w>rk from any cause, by saying W het ti­
bakins powder
er a system which makes so much for
«•voriiig cxtraHS
paternalism is one to commend, I can­
not say. Ils eff, <-ts have been anything
but bad. Poverty,in spite of poor wages
tn practically unknown.”
The fund
from which this insurance is paid coinss
from both employers am! employes, the baking
firmer paying one-third am! the latter
so bad as
1 lie insurance is cunpulso-
is due not only to the originality and
Under no circumstances are saloons fit
extracts are almost
simplicity of the <-ornbination. but also ; plat es for women to visit, ami least of
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific proecMM*« al' should they be fre«pientc<! by the im­
. of a«,e
known to the (’ aliforma F ig K yri i * mature of that sex, under whatever pre* I
StMIar I’iii«* f)<M»r Xr Lum C«»
C o . only, and we wish to impress apon ‘ text. The religious organizations which |
all the importance of purchasing the «io moat of their worshiping under the
true ami original remedy. As the curelean canopy of heaven «end voting
genuine Syrup of f iff» ia manufactured women into sucli places to sell their pub­
by the C alifornia F ig S yrup C o .
Tin« is wrong, and stiould
only, a kn •••• • ip»- of t .»t fa *. v.
by thoM* claimirig '
aawast one in avoiding the worthies*
imitations manufacture«! by other par­ I their mheina to I m * to keep their fellow i
ties. Th«* high standing of the < ai 1- ’ man in the rigbteoue path and out of
I FORJHA t in S yrup < •> with the med temptation. What greater temptation
cal prof'-K- j.,n. and th«* t4itisfa<*ti«>n cam kienet a guileless young woman, bow- >
which the genuine Syrup of Figa has ever pure her heart, than a b«rr**om full I
given to millions of families, makes
the name «»f the < «»mpany a guaranty I of bandiehing. constiencelee« male out-
; casts, who perhaps, have even («»rgotCen
of the excellence «>f it* rrrne<ly, D
far in a«lvan< «• «*f a!l oHw r laxatives, to res'-ect iheir mothers or «liters? ( an
aa it acta «*n the kwineys, liver an«I this cl««« be expected to reipecl a
b«>wrl« «vith«mt irritating or weaken­ strange w^rnau. though «be may l»e clad
ing them, an t it vioea not gripe nor im tli*-gar b of anihistaasble < hriatiai»-
naunmte. In order to get its l»enrfl<dai
eJfecU», ph*»MM- re*member th«* name of
»««••■»•< LaiJ die
U m & Gutnpany —
. Salvation Army ami nliter similar moral
and religion« ofgaiination* may latsf to Take ad vantage oí tliu» ofdtr lie*
•AW FM<Z< IM.«. < m L
' ha* <e iheir per varied nature*, fhie is I fore it i< ton
s. r
and no. < )thcr coffee,
powder, and soda,
not usually
tea. < )ther spices
Capital Stock,
No. 43
Washington Letter.
a prelude to a case published in the news
So far a» fiuhtir.g is concerned, the i-olumna of this paper last evening. A
war 1* regarded in Washington as over. young woman selling pa|>ers for the Vol-
True, the Spanish government i» still ueleers of America in one of the most
dillv dallying about forwarding its offi­ notorious drinking place» in the north
cial ac.-eptance of our terms of peace, End, was led astray by one of the at­
but it has caumh I President McKinley to taches of the resort, under promise of
be informed that il is acting for self- marriage. She was rescued I efore run
pieservAtion, and not frem any desire ning the entire gamut of wretchedness
to «lelav the matter; that il must secure such step entails, and her repentance is
¡»opular support at home. in order to genuine. But how rare are such repent­
avoid a civil war
That the aduiinis- ances? Therefore, The Telegram sug­
tralion has accepted this information in gest» that, to obviate the neceeaity of
g*HKt faith m.iy I h * ju lg«*d from th«* fact such repentance«, the relig ou« organiza­
that the transpurl» which carried the tion« referted to lead not their young
armv of Gen. Miles to Porto Rico, an«! women into temptation. I>o not, for the
which were to have lH»en use«! to carry sake of earning a few paltry nickles, en
reinforcements to Miles, have been or- «x>urage them to visit places where their
der«*d tn Santiago to assist in bringing finer sensibilities are likely to lx*sh«M‘ked.
lhe men in Shafter’» army home. Gen Keep their miuds as pure as you would
Miles is still daily occupying new terri­ ! make others in your reformatory zeal.
tory m I'orto Rico, but he is doing no But tbiw cannot l>e done by pending
fighting, an«! it is not expected that lie them into questionable North F nd re­
will do any, unless the dilly-dallying of sorts to sell pA|»ers.—Telegram.
Spain shall b<» prolonged
«ed to such an ex­
lilv president into lheopporluuititw for iwrsonal heroiam
tent as to provoke tnW*
withdrawing the terms of peace that iu war ar<* becoming le.« and lea«, now
have been offered
There is also rea. that the inachinwt and electrician have
on for stating that Gen. Merritt and l!0,ue forward to tight the battle. Yet
Edmlinl !T«"v ¡.as....... (dm not «• d»
?***!* "'l-orted from l!...
which allow« the «pirit in
ny fighting at Manila, unle»« il ia forced
upon them.
Although Preri lent Mc­ which a brave man can «till devote him-
Kinley is naturuiiy anxious that Spain *e!f to bi« country. A little company of
should accept the terms of jK*ace at once, 13 men wax cut ofl’and aurrounded. and
he would l>e willing to stretch the “itn- fell titfhting. When their comrtde« |{<>t«* ' evacuation of Cuba, provided back to the place the next morning,
for in the terms, considerably, as he there were the dead bodiea. And the
would preler not ha\ mg to send an army Afridi« had stolen their gun«. But in
of occupation to Cuba until well into the field around, mattered here and
September, after the sickly season is theie were found the breeih lioltaof the
man, after hi«
rifle«. 13 of them. Every
To the strictly military mind, the last «hot, bad taken 1 out his breech bolt
protest sigiml by all of the generals of and throw n it as lar as far an he could*
Gen. Shafters’s army, agaimd keeping that the unii« misht not be uued against
our men at Santiago, to die or to reach a hi» fellow soldier«, The labt thought,
state of debilitated helplessness from a« the men (ell, waa not of themselveft,
lever, which the latter forwarded to hut of the cause for which they fought.
A large and complete assortment
ot Bicycle Sundries in stock.
Buckleu » Arnica Salve
The Bent Salve in the world for
Bruise«,Sore Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil
biMins,Corns.and all Skin Eruptions,and
iiositivly cures Piles or no pay r«<piir«*d
It is guaranteed to give perfect t-atisfac-’
tion or monev refused. Price 25e ner
jx .
For Sale By W. F. Kremer.
opes. Myrtle Point Lutines» men are
not built that a ay. The Enterprise's
columns are evidence that our business
men are wide awake and liberal and
that the town does really possess some
trade advantages. The larmers, h t ock
men and miners make no mistake in
making Myrtle Point their trading cen­
ter.—Myrtle Point I ntirpri»«*.
Wester* Division ...Judge II K Hann.i
Eastern Division
Judge II L Beiis<m
Prosecuting Attorney
. .(' B Watson
.Member Board of Equalizat . K A Emmitt
Henry Booth
Register ..............
J T Briggs
Orww*11 «n<i <m all
H. C.
Cabinet Photos
Given Away
See “Ad’ cl-cwlx-
ill this
W hat <■«><! (iivcN a Boy.
\ body to live in and keep clean and
healthy, and as a dwelling for his mind
Mini a temple (or hia bou I.
A pair of hands to use for himself and
otharti, hut never against others for him
A pair of feet to do errands of love and
kindness, charity and business, but not
to loiter in place« ol mischief, or tempt­
ation, or sin.
A pair of lips to keep pure ami unpol­
luted by tobacco or whisky, am! to apeak
true, brave words, but not to make a
•inokaetack of or a «will trough.
A pair of ears to hear the music o* I
bird, and tree, and rill, and human
voice, but not to give hee<t Io what the
tempter «ays, or to what, dishonors <•<>«!
or his mother.
A pair of eyes to see the beautiful, the
good and the true -God'» finger prints in
the Hower, the Held, and »now Hakes, but
not to feaftl on unclean pictures or the
blotches that Satan duuhs ami calls
A mind to remember, and reason, ami
decide, and store up wibdoni, and ini-
part it to others, but not to be turned
into a chip basket or rubbish heap for
the chat!, and the rubbish, and the
sweepings of the world's stale wit.
A Hout pure and »putless as a new-fall­
en »now Hake, to receive impi*i*Hftiuiis ol
good, and to develop lacullies «if powers
kiii I virtues which «hall tdiape il day by
day, as the artist's cintivi shapes the
m U jiio into the imago and likeness of
Jesus Christ.- Youth’s
President's Proclamation Suspend­
ing Hostilities.
Washington, August 12.—The Ptesi-
dei.i has i - led the following prtxdama-
tion :
Whereas, A protocal, concluded and
signed August 12, 1898, by William R.
Day, secretary of state of the United
States, and his excellency, Jules Cam-
bon, emba-- « ¡or extraordinary and ple­
nipotentiary of the republic of Frince at
Washington, respectively representing
for this purpose the government of
Spain« the I oiled States and Spain have
lormally agreed upon the terms on which
negotiations for the establishment of
peace between the two countries shall be
undertaken ; and*
\\ lierez», It is in said protocal agreed
that upon iu conclusion and signature
hostilities between the two countries
shall be suspended and notice to that ef­
fect shall be givro a» »von as possible by
etch government to the commanders of
its military and naval forces.
Now, therefore, I, William McKinley,
president of the United States, do, in ac
cordame with the stipulations of the
protocol, declare and proclaim on the
part, of the Lmted Stales a suspension
of hostilities, and do hereby command
(haturdvrs be immediately given throng 1
Lue proper channels to the commanders
otlhe military and naval forces of the
United States to abstain from all acts
inconsistent with this proclamation.
In wi iiess whereof, 1 have hereunto
set my hand and caused the seal of the
United Stales to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this
twelfth day of August, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
ninety eight, and of the independence of
the I ni ted States the one hundred and
W illi am M c K inley .
W illiam R. D av , Secretary of State.
American Types.
W ar is not only the great corrector of
enormous times and decider of duaty
and old titles, but the gieat revealer of
character. Habits and views of life,
built up by the alow growth of years,
war discovers iu a day. Long iraiuiug
ami tradition of the American navy
brought forth in a night Manila and in
an hour Santiago. The heights of San
Juan un«i this fresh Mtoiyeof but yester*
day from Malate are only the harvest
for winch American valor lias set exam­
ples and American statesmanship has
laid down precept« and impoeed counsel
tor a hundred years.
So it is with our mechanical excellence.
The victories of our ships are triumphs
ot the armor plant, the ordnance fact­
ory, the iron works, as much as oi the
men who used the product 111 the day of
supreme tiial. Dewey and Hobson are
no more heroes than Scott, who built
the Oregon, or Sampson, whose patience
and industry made our oiduance uncon­
Processes of manufacture,
details of electric manipulation, studied
pre« ision ol aim and coolness under tire,
even inddlerence 10 death and decision
in action at tlie critical moment, are all
accurate reflections of the American
cliaiacter. ln»iantaneoiiH though their
manifestation, long and painstaking
their evolution.
The Amer.can character is not perfect.
I'he American view of life lias its flaws.
And war to light, with the good,
the evil. In on«* important clement of
the war we hive broken down. DH-
gracefully we quarrel over responsibility
lor the war department’« failure, humil­
iated we r«ad our »haine tn the discern­
ing rye of all civilization. There are
few Ou 1 caus of tlie department, appaient-
ly, that have not broken down in some­
thing. The adjutant general enlisted
I companies of insufficient strength and
I had to supplement them with dHIicuhy
III Be m Man.”
* 1 remember," said John B. Guugh,
"riding once in Bcotland to a place—1
cannot pronuunce it; 1 pronoun« -d it
once an<l they laughed at me
1 can
spell il—A-u-c-b-l-c-r-m u-c-h-l-y. A-----
and under protest. He failed to muster
came to mu at Ladybunk Junction and
in recruits hh offered, and unjust nsper-
took me hix miles in a 11) a ont-hursc
Hiuns on the states met spirited resent-
cab. As we »at together I noti ed the
1 men!. The paymaster forgot to send
man waft leaning forward very strangely ;
! payrolls to Cuba. The inspector genet-
I Haw him lake a handkerchief -that
al has hardly been heard from, and his
was the lM*ginnmg of it — and tie il round
story must be a painful one when it
his face. then Im would situ little, a»*d
comes to be told. Of inadequate ord-
shako it out, mid ! tlit-n He it another
nance distribution, helpless engineers,
way, still h*Hiiing his beau lorwuid.
: unprepared surgeons, rascally and ignor­
"Said I: ’Have you the toothache?’
ant commissary and quartermasters wu
" -N.. 1
, have grown tired of bearing.
” ‘Then will you be g'xxj t-noug.i to
All tli(*»e are streams from a common
tell me why you lean fur want with the
They can I m * traced back to the
handkerchief ?”
incom|M*i»*nt head of the war department
" * Wei!,’ ba said,
and he i» to b j traced back to a political
cab is broken, and the wind is pretty
I theory. As Dewey and Hcbmui are na-
cold this morning, and 1 am trying to
j val types, Kent an«! Wheeler military
keep it from you,’
j types, *u Alger 1« a typ> of the Arner-
" ‘Why,’ Haul I,‘von do.’i l mean to tell
' lean politician of too common a class.
me you are sticking your head m that
Public olli< »*, in his view, and in the
hole Io keep the wind off me?’
view of very many of u», is nut only a
. •* ‘ Yes, I am.’
privat«* snap, but the legitimate spot I of
"1 said ; * Well, I thank
I uns< riipulous politic». The presidency
fellow . I never raw you bi
¡4 subject of bargain and sale, as much
" 'No, but I haw you ; 1
<»* |
I’n •• » and « numis-ary. The can­
| singer, and used to go s
didate's “irien is ’ elevate him to office
hall-eturved wife ami a
tor a consideration, mor© or less pecun­
arms, my wife uftentim«*»
iary, and when he gets the place and
eye. Hmm how or other
power, the friends claim their rewards.
I you in Edinburgh in IS53,
>ome of them get col let tors* bi pa, some
' me 1 w a» a man ; and I w<
i ummifesiims on the staff, some fat army
pheu and said : ‘ By the help of God,
contracts, some a camp near their town
I whatever it ousts, i’ll l»e a man!" And
i oron their railroads.
' now I have a hftppy home,
This is what ails us l«jdiy, if we had
children gathered round.
Gm! bless
«•yrs to see it, more than technical de­
, you, sir! I would »lick my he id in anv
lect» pointed out by the critics
j ti«de under heaven if I couhi do you any
than emokel**«* lewder or fire-pro* f
I good. God bless you, sir I’’’—Epworth
wood or
batile-.ships or army reor-
| H«r«i<l
w» m-r«i a higher i leal of
■ cHizmi
I'tcau-M* if we have that
u >«* things shall l«e added,
which Mr. John fir*t, a
! A«* thesubjrct. ! A’g«*r 1 at 1 Ux«*risut are merely the per-
Atkm and the resultant of dishon-
low-s '* 1 W Af
Bon. *V|y skin ; e»t poll litic,». The reformation needed is
r ’ne **f system and of official
Munkrii, tougu«*
. t it li«e supreme need of the
y in lark and
hotir l th«- sine «pit non ot national a«-
kdually growing
CSlKbli •< y. Without an honest heart in
lire« pliysHÌAii»
dy politic, mints and macliinery,
< sn«l navi«*«, will m vsin fWief
Ihttyrs». A«*d I mi
fAfirn < ffhrlh«' «thWii and decline that are
r, U hi lira bolli«
’It »Mft.-Wfckfiian. *
ihrjU. | «xmlin
<iMn> ««II.
'hive learn-
*•.< I «»wut
1 •
I »Wh* >•* rio
r«h allie ». hi üe- ¡Ills- Ur tegfctkflng the
tmwHin «fusing >WvtlS'*i»pMfbflr' Àftd si« k
méfiât 1 W»H« ifoWN- tri0T, »r W. F.