I öfter Ax IxDKi'KXOKsr I aexb , D bvotsd E sexcially to the IxiKKKsr» or S oithkkn O kkqox . GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1898. ROBERT G. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, | P. actives in all State and Federal Courts Office over First National Bank. ■ G kast s P ass , ■ - O bugon . J.JENRY L. BENSON, ATTORNEY at - law , ' * Practices in ali Courts of the State. Office over First National Bank, G bant ’ h P as «, - - G bbuux . ARTHUR P. HARTH, I DOCTOR OF DENTAL 81 RGEKY. Office over First N ttional Bank, O kkoo X. G bant ’ z F am , TJ C. PERKINS. G rant « P ash , < >KKOON. t---------- James Holman Residence North 7th street. Thomas Smit h Residence F Mt. Gilbert creek near faeton’. QMITH & HOEMAN, UNDERTAKERS Parlors 6th street, opp. Court House. G hants P ass , - O regon . - I..C. VAN EXXE <¡. FU EBY. Carbon Hlioto VIcilO <>pp.Con Finished in from a I Specialty > 3 to 6 Days, Regardless of the Weather. or • Chidrens’ , I Photos. < GRANT'S PASS, <>!{!• OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UNITKD »TATES. William McKinley President................ Vice President .... ..Garret A Hobart .............. Judge Dav Secretary of State Secretary of Treasury . .. .I.ymaii .1 < iage Secretary of Interior . . .............. UN Riigs Secretary of War ........ . . Rusw 11 A Alxer _____________.................... John 1» Long Secretary of Navy . .. Secretary of Agriculture Janie« A Wilaon Poalinaeter-General ........ James A Gary Joseph .McKenna Attorney-General STATE OF OKEGON. (Geo W MeBriile U. 8. Senators .. '' t--------------------- (Thos II Tongue Congressmen.... (W R Ellis ... CM ldleman Attorney -< ¡citerai W I' lxird ............ Governor............ .HE Kincaid Keeretary of State. State Treasurer.......... . . I’hil -Metschan Hupt Pub Instruction . . ... ,G M Irwin W II Leeds Slate Printer.................... fC E Wolverton Supreme Judges .. - K S Bean / F A M< ore . F A Marcum ■ J B Eddy K R Coniiiii««ioners. ( ii 1t Compson Clerk of K R Commission Lydell Baker Clerk BoardSchool LandCom Wllodell EIKST JUDICIAL D1KTB1CT. Western Division........fudge II K Hanna Eastern Division Jtulge II I. Benson ProeecutingAltorney .... C B M atson Member Board of Equalizat KA Einmitt u. s. i.Axn orvicK aoeEBi'Bo. Ke.eiver.................................... Henry Booth Itegister........................................ IT Briggs JOSKPMHE col NT Y .......... C E Harmon ............ A lie Axtell (Nick Thon Commissioners ■■ (Dick George ........ Roy Bartlett Countv Clerk . . Ed Lifter Sheriff ..........I W Virtue Representative .............. J T Taylor ^Treasurer . * J D Haye« School Superintendent ........ Ei-liifl Pollock Assessor BO McCulloch Surveyor ........ Dr. J Myer« Coroner I'RKCINCT OFFICKKM. Jaatiee.................................... James Holman IDonetable.................................... I H Colby Joint Senator. County Judge.. . CITY OF GRANT’« FAB«. ................ \V T Coburn Ala tor . . W Elmer McGregor Auditor. . .............. Col Johnson Treasurer . T B Elliot hit reel Commissioner F W Hnggerlh Alai'slial Dr. Win Flanagan I L u Jenning« I F L ( oron Cotinvilmen W A 1119*410* I Frank FetKch ( Fred Guyer 1 Regular meetings of the city council of Grant's I’aee are held in the conmil K mmus in the city ball on th« first and third Thursday evenings of ea<-w York. Snn Fran •fa.. . usi IMC-lnnd. »Telnrrathic transf-r* «4.1 - hi .11 poinG in III. Unttou Mates. ■ ft,»-, ial Attention giv.n to < <>1!« u. n- fro. r • txkHD««* of oar cast. •>:>«». ■ O.llco«!* m»lc |bn«e in operation shortly There have only road leading out of the city, and livingroom« when I became unal'lo Io other. The organist struck the chords Portland. Or. been recent harbor improvements ill the other Catano,scions the bay, reached care for tuyeelt. of'Old Hundred,' and almost as one by ferry. The Marina and the two sub "Father stayed at hia job preparing voice, the congiegation burst into the Mr«. M. F. Herrin was on Friday San Juan. urbs are situated on sandy points or Saturday the next week'a work until juncts that serve to bring the village in morning*« train for Ashland, returning The University ot Oregon graduated In 1895, the value of the total imports Doxology, ‘Praise God from whom all iron - a’ten dunce at the meeting« of the doser touch with modern improvement last June the largest class in its history. was $16 153.0'iu. against $18,316,971 for spits, and the latter are surrounded by afternoon, when he went to Evelteburg blessings flow,' and I think they sang it grand lodge of the Degree of Honor. and development, are treated in practi­ The class numbered thirty. The fall the preceding year. The exports were I mangrove swamps. The entire popula to be prevent at hia choir meeting al about 10times while they were shaking That lodge honored her by electing her cal detail, and the articles will doubtless term will begin September 19lh. Stu­ valued at $14,629,494. against 810,015,- tion of the city and suburbs, according «even in the evening. His train was de­ hands with me, grand recorder, an honor which had nut be most useful to people living in the dent« who have completed the tenth 065inl894. The principal increases in to the census of 1887. was 27,003. it is layed, and he went directly from the "All that was more than two years One- depot to the church. By a strange des­ smaller towns and villages. been th jugnt of by her. grade branches can enter the sub-fresh­ imports, as compared with the preced­ n >w 1896) estimated at 30,01)6 ago. I date a ditFere-.t life from that half of the population consists of ne ­ tiny, it seemed, mother wag selected Io man class. No examinations are requir­ ing year, were in meat, fish, olive oil, night " ed for graduates of accredited school« and tobacco. Decreases weie noted in groes and mixed races. There is but sing, ‘Where is my Boy Tonight?’ for Reasonable equivalents aie accepted for Hour, vegetables, and wine. The expor­ little manufacturing, and it is of small evening service. "I ast summer 1 wu making a horse­ The Standard Oil Com­ "On iue way home father asked for back survey in Southeastern Kentucky. most of the required entrance studies. tation of c flee diminished, and that of importance Catalogues will be sent true to all appli sugar and honey increased. Owing to pany ha« a small refinery across the me, and mother replied that she had A local preacher, by the name of l-ogan They both became was guiding me and I was to stay at hia cants. Persons ue«iriiig iiiiu«mauuu die troubled state of »flairs in Cuba, bay, in which crude (»etroleum, brought not seen me rail»* Wheel may address the president, Secretary J. prices (or tobacco have increased enor­ from the United States, is refine I. very uneasy, father with an inkling of house one night. ,J. Walton, or Mr. Max A. Plumb, all of mously in Porto Rico "Several days previous Im had come A large aifiount Matches are made, some broom«, a little the truth, mother with all sorts of name­ Eugene, Oregon. The course« ottered lias been planted, and the crop promisee soap, and a cheap da«« of trunk. There less dreads. As 1 did not turn up that upon a party of gamblers in the woode. are also ice, gas. and electric light works. night father started a private policeman His son Thomas was one ot the number, are those of a good university. There well The climate Is warm, but for three on a search for me before breakfast, He but Its had impartially reported all of CITIKK. , are department« of modern and ancient ! language«, physics, chemistry, biology, San Ju u.— San Juan i« situated on a months of the year agreeable, although unearthed me and got me to a hotel, them to the Grand Jury ; they had heard geology, English, psychology, math­ long and narrow island, separated from (•lie is subject, from the sudden changes, where a servant was feed to sober me up. ol it, and had been in hiding ever since. ematics, elocution, advanced engineer­ the main inland at one end by a shallow to cold ami catarrhs. Thu natives are The policvuian then went Io report, but With Spurtan like determination he had ing, astronomy, logic, philosophy, and arm of the aea, over which is a bridge particularly «uscuptible to this da«« of as my father was not at home, the whole resolved that his son should suffer with physical education AJusic and draw connecting it with the mainland, which «ilments, and to consumption and bron­ miserable truth come out to my mother. the rest, but his wife was deeply grieved He said as ho was leaving: ing are also taught. Tlie tuition is which run« out at this |>oint in a long chitis. at the circumstance, and felt indignant /’«»are.—The city is situated on the " 'Mrs. Gendrin, I would advise you that a father should immolate a son in i free. All students pay an incidental sand «pit, Home nine miles in length, ap­ south coast of the island of Porto Rico, not lu see Harry today. He will be all such a way. | fee of ten dollar« yearly. Boa d, lodg parently to meet the smaller island; at on a plain, about two miles from the right tomorrow morning, and you can ' ing, heat and light in t he dormitory cost the other end, the inland ends in a rug­ ‘•I knew nothing of these facts when seaboard. It is regularly built—the see him before he starts back to camp. ♦2.56 per week. ged blutl or promontory, «ome hundred Mr. Logan and I reached the house 1 central part almost exclusively of brick You would only bo needlessly distressed could see that all relations were nut feet high and three fourths of a mile The Oregon IntluNtrial Exposition houses and the suburbs of wood. It is A large and complete assortment at what you would see today, and you llioioughly cordial, but cculd not surmise distant from the main island. This Ixivers of good music—and they are the residence of the military commander can do him no good now. If possible I of Bicycle Sundries in stock. the disturbing cause. promontory is crowned by Morro castle, and the seat of an official chandler of will get him home tonight alter supper.’ plentiful every where— will be glad to "After supper we sst in the suit June the principal fortification of the town. ' know that the coining Oregon Industrial commerce There is an appellate crim ­ Repairing a Specialty "Mother promised that she would not moonlight and .Mr. Logan asked uie to At this end of the island is the entrance Exposition is going to treat the people to inal court, besides other courts; two trv to see me until I should lw sober, to the harbor, with a narrow channel sing. .Mrs. Logan was sitting farthest Have a regularly equipped Bicv the best music that can be procured. churches—one prolestant, «aid to l>e the and went to the morning service. lath­ out ill the yard near tlie ‘office,' aa the and rock}’ bottom, so close under the cle repair Shop. Parts supplied. The committee ha« engaged Bennet’« only one in the Spanish West Indies— er came to me early after noon, but 1 waa headland that one can almost leap boy's building in some southern yards is Military Band for the full term of tlie two hospitals besides the military hos­ sleeping heavily and ho thought it best called. ashore from a passing vrssel. The wa­ exposition, and that is an assurance that pitals, a home of refuge for the old and not to disturb me When 1 awoke, ter here is some 30 feet deep. To a mar­ "Aitor several pieces I thought ot the music will be of the best,—not only poor, a perfectly equipped fire depart­ about •'> o'clock in tlie afternoon, 1 was iner unacquainted with the locality, or 'Where is my boy tonight?* My mind classical but also abounding in old time ment, a bank, a theater, three firnt-class pt*«l training department of nine Industrial Exposition has made a trip a good depth of water, which is being itants, who We were in a 'cove,' where roeky preci­ grade., with 239 children. | to Omaha and inspected the Trans-Mis- are principally occupied in mercantile liceman that mother knew every thing. I pices hung near, and my words seemed increased by dredging it is by far the Kegular Normal Course of three years. ( «issippi Exposition and saw how things pursuits; but carpenters, bricklayers, "I waa terribly cut up about it, and to climb the cliffs and enter all the Senior year w holly professional. lH‘st harbor in Poito Rico, ami probably Graduates of accredited high schools and were* done there, and acquired ideas on joiners, tailors, Mhoemakers, ami bar* u:y mother's sorrow-laden face arose ba- gloomy crevices and caverns with the colleges a>lmftteit direi tly to professional modern fairs, which he will introduce as good a one as can be found in the hers find good employment. The de­ fore me with great distinctness as 1 sat work. wild despairing query ol the wierd refrain. West Indies. However, it has its draw­ partment of Ponce counts about 40,000 on th« edge of that hotel bed. What The diploma of the school Is recognised by and improve on here. Every new at­ I don't think 1 was struck on my own backs Sailing vessels are frequently law us a life certificate to teach. tractive and useful feature ot fairs will be inhabitants. The chief occupation« of with I Hat faej and my conscience, you The graduates of the school are in demand voice, but I could not help knowing 1 detained by the northerly wimls during introduced at the coming Oregon Expo­ as teachers. I the winter months, ami even steamer« the |>eople are the cultivation of sugar, can easily believe that the next few that I was singing well, and I felt a Une Light ex|H*nses - The year for from $120 to sition, and the surrounding« will be so cocoa, tobacco, and oranges, ami the hours were simply awful. Then the exhileration in the surroundings. with a draft of over 20 feet are some- $1«> Beautifnl and healthful location. No pleasant ami agreeable that all will l>e | times delayed ; but these occasions aie breeding of cattle. Commercially, Ponce church bell rung, and al the sound I "Mr. and Mrs. Logan wore facing me glad they came,—and people will come is lite second city of importance on the roused myself and said: saloons and did not see what 1 aaw aa 1 started The first term will open Tuesday, Sept. 2". from all part« of the northwest, and full rare. When they douceur, the “boca,” island A fine road leads to tlie port " 'Mason, I'm going to ohureh.’ < atalogues. giving full details of work on the last stanza. A yountf man walked ' <>r entrance to the harbor, is a mass of (Playa . where all the im|»ort and ex­ cheerfully sent on application. Address descriptions of the things they exhibit ' Where ar, Harry ?' from the shadow of a tir tree to the seething, foaming water and presents an will go to all parts of the country and President., or W. A WAN N. Secretary of Faculty. port trade is transacted. Playa I iaf " 'At the First Cumlierland. ’ office He lifted his tìnger in warniag I imposing spectacle. To eee steamers of many parts ot the world, and the result about 50 M) inhabitants, and here are sit "'You are in pretty rough sin ape (or to me, ami I proceeded with the singing 1 16 to 18 feet draft enter in a severe will be a large intlux of new people to listed the custom house, the office of the church.’ as though nothing hail happened, but tlie northwest and a corresponding in­ | norther, is a sight to be remembered, as captain of the port, and all the consular " 'Yea, but 1 haven’t time to go home watched him narrowly, although I could the great waves lift them up and seem crease of wealth, and everybody will be offices. The port is spacious,and will liole said that the city of "Mas' jfi «lulled, Dili HUHWered that he force,'Oh, where is tny boy tonight*' | ers, fine art« ami amusement«, combined | it is alsnit 2*4 mile« long and averages Ponce is perhaps the healthiest place III would go with me. "Die figure in Hie shadow cried aloud | with inetrnction, all in daily install- I less than one-fourth of a mile in width. the whole island. “1 had on mv corduroy «urveying t<»g« the words, 'Here I am, mother!' I The greatest width is a little over half a (CON< Ll hKn NEXT WEEK.) merits. and a wool shirt. The servant brushed "She turned as Logan and ( sprang to it is an opportunity for useful am use- | mile hi the portion representing the | me lip, but I iiiun I have looked pretty our feet. Tommy! Toaiiuyf she mur­ hand, which also contains the major ! placed ment and sight seeing which is rough when Matron and I «lipp$»l quitdiv mured as the strong young fellow folded I within tlie reach of all. Few 1 can afford part of the city. SanJuan is a perfect The regular rnenting** of th« W.(’. T. into a aide entrance and took neat« in a her in a filial embrace. |o misg it. and excursion i rates will be specimen ol a walhd town, with portcul­ ; (J. of (irantn I’ amm ar« held the first aecluded corner, but near the pulpit "L'>gan said, as severely as possible: Friday in each month, at 3 p. in. at the lis, moat, gat«*« and battlements. Built very reasonable. and choir. I wm greatly agitated by Baptist church. The mother« ineeling« 'Young man do you know you are want* 3 he producers of the northwest are in­ over 256 years ago, it is still in good con- ■ are held on the aecond Thursday in each entirely new eenoaiione, and felt that a i ••d by the Grand Jury?” vited to send sample*« of their fruits. diLion ami repair. The walls aie pie i month in the parlors of the Presbyterian critical point in my career wa« at hand. , " 'Yes, father, but the song I just ture«een rehearsed, so ah« mml tographic reproductions accompanied as they are by al 26,000, and moat of it lives on the mate, Jervis, nang a rick tenor; «ml I fwriorce, ring what must surely have! < iood looks are really more than skin introductory chapters and by concise descriptive deep, depending entirely on the healthy ground In one small room, with ' tried to carry the air. Is4.*e.a’ated her «» ill at ♦ very word As 1 condition of all the vital organs. It the text under each view. The combination affords the a flimsy partition, a whole family will | On one occasion we sang, “Where is have already told you, it wa« the fir«t liver 1« inactive,you have a bilious look, it your stomach be disordered, you have most complete information regarding The ground door of the town j my Boy Tonight?" and al its «onrlusi >n time 1 had heard it THE EXCELLENCE 01 Si Dl l’ OF FIGS retida. .« dyspeptic look j if your kidneys be af­ reeks with filth, and conditions are most . Harry raid : “ At the fir«t line, ‘ Where iw my Wan- I is due not only to the originality and fected, you have a pin -bed look Secure unsanitary. In a tropical country, "it you cam to hear the story, I will tiering boy tonight?’ the audience, who good health, ami you will surely have simplicity of the combination, hut also where disease readily prevail«, the con ­ tell you where I first hear.l that song ’ ’ all knew the na«l truth, were aunderful- g esl looks. "Electric Bitters" is a good V j the care and skill with which it is “Tell it bv all means," «aid the rest ol ly affected. Me other did not dream that literati»« and Tonic. Acte directly on manufactured by m -U-ntifie processes sequences of Much herding may Ije easily the stomach, liver aud kidneys. Purities There in no running waler .r> us. known to the C alifornia F’ iq H trup interred. I was present, I but »opposed I was yet the blood, cures pimples, biochew and Co. only, and we wish U j impress upon the town The entire population de “i will have to begin by aayiiig that in the hotel, All her gentle, patient, bmls. sml gives a good eomplexion. The Fifteen Portfolios containing a wealth of infor­ nil the important of pun basing the l»ends upon rain water, caught u|»on the until recently I was a pretty rnkleie gusraaleed. Sold by W. F. loving nature ato od revealed in the Every !■■> mation can be obtained at this office for 10c eavh. true and original remedy. As the 5 fiat ruo(« of the buildings arid condu< ted chap. My father lias always been a painful moan of those first words Kremer. .’lOcents per bottle. genuine Syrup of Fig« is manufactured by the C alifoknia Fn* B trup (o. to the cistern, whn h occupies the great railroad prospector and surveyor, and I Oh, how I haled myself for making it Ot) y, a know ledge of that fact will er part of the inner courtyard that is have Im *n with him in camp ever since I possible fur her to » sing those words assist one in avoiding the worthless an pi-tH-iitial part of Bpamslj bouses the < was a mem kid lie is u g*tod mnn, the from the heart I dropped mv head in imitations manufactured by other par­ world over, but tha* her«*, on account of leafier o’ a choir in Evetl«bfirg, w h$ re my hands, ami rocked ike a tree shaken ties. The high stanfling of the < ALI- the < row millions of fam)ii**s, makes ery bouse, and occupy whatever remain , well as my mother’s voice in the First God to forgive uie for briii.lng I list ten- th«* name of the Company a guaranty ing space there may lie in the vatio* not < hamljerlami church al Evettahurg. der, loving mother’s li srt I called of the excellence of it• reme«|y. It is taken up by the ciwterns. The riwk “Father was not caret il enough al»oul myself an ingrate, a :natr>cbl., lor brr far in advance of all other laxatIves. ontaninnai.i ng tlie water is very n»y companions in ramp, and woun 1 had tones iiD|ues* i iie.1, not only against mother, but Take advantage of this offer be • A« rMAACIACa. faL W W V >1 tat MTILLX. X,. »1« 1.8k. a. t. al Floats Above Our War Ships > > I > 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 W. C. T. U. COLUMN. American Navy Cuba & Hawaii > > > Our Float¡112: Armament ol Steel > ► > > < 4 1 í * 4 X O 4 4 240 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Cabinet Photos Given Away The COURIER I «