all my fealty to Ik»»» returned, and 1 surrender, after it had been agree«! upon, ' es, he would have a more stately bear .miiiir" ............................................... °~r- ­ ' » knew how I had wroiigrd him. er« com man in military matter«, and ing. and would be tn booled in disci pl in«- J “We are quits, Mr Arden.” I answered No railroad« to apeak of. “commissioner" is the usual military as be :s not now. The echo 4 board of lightly, yet proudly. ”1 do not know They ne«d electric light* term given to persons charged with ¡every stale ought to add military what better assuia... c to you than 5o banknote* ia circulation. such duties tactics to the c?:irae of s* udv and enfurt e to inform you of my own engagement, BY HELEN BEEKM a N. Civil engineer, are wanted. General Carbin said that n*. Jar the its being taught If it were, the entire which i* only waiting mj lover’» return army regulation», General Shatter had population would he trained soldiers from »ea to be ratified. Therefore, w ith Tea. coll«*, etc , may be raised. hi manufacturers, r