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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1898)
Before the war ail l’i Spam, political it«. a. —— I auuaw KMil peaaimiela had becoim mmo , mu comaerxialiaa to active that aaa, Ibougbtful Americans were almoat per- »naded that true courage and patriotiaui had departed But by the very flrat an- gagementa in actual war, «aa tbia fear di.pelled. Brave hearts heat beneath •or flag There are Deweya and Hob son* beneath ita fold« In line »nd rank are men «erthy of the honor of follow ing Old Glory around the world in the > an«o ol lattice, liberty and humanity. I The great I practical value of the ••tauda 'Riai.'iH to tO the tilt* I’m Cad Mates lie« in tbeir position lor use a* a naval and commer cial station They are the key to trans pacific movement, both for commeres I p»«ee with which we entered into Üu» MATRIMONIAL GUESSES. war. and are today waging it fur the purpu»«* of wquenng other countries and laking po?Se»Miun of inlands of the raa, and yat w hsn he oaeuea to the pre p- Hol aon’a Experience U till« In ositaon ti*at Grew*" Britiaa or Ger mar y and war Having bren compelled al Saniiago June, the m< or pome other great < ommerciai pow« r ready to use them a* a relay and supply While Hcbsr>n was confined in priaou will possibly in the future lav violent great matrimu station in war, we could not in justice The boar* nor in decency refuse to ack nos ledge be ’ in Santiago, he wavs that he and hie men bancs on Hawaii, ht r »ays *uch a thing pa*t year were treated a» weH aa could be ex pew i- is not t«> l»e thought i of, that it 1« incred* ¡ore the world that they are oars by ed for prisoner* o/ war. He said in ibis and not to be I adoption, to b? protected and defended luleraied for » uno brief: —During the first four days we ment. What frame < of mind baa a man aS our own. The war with npain, and the ne»-cavity ’ were prisoners of war we wrrs confine«! grown into when be distrust* everything of supporting our forces in ths Philippine | in aforrn castle, and 1 assure you these his own country due«, and behevea that Women Survrt in I lie lied (><»*• islands, have made it impossible to re I were extremelv uncomfortable and disa- the same motives do not actuate ths Hospital “ islands greeable day* The Spaniard» did not other great tom 1*1 and enterprising sist the logic ui annexation Tbs the . •«•ctly ill-treat us, but it took t be m nations of the world? 1 fur my part who enlist for nurse* in the will be place*!Jby cowgrest under i------- — R<-d Cross Hospital do eu under the fol* usual tern ton* I government, and so some time to recover from the »bock have hiurs confidence in our own cuun- lowing condition»: shoald remain No doubt political ad-1 caused by what most of them com idered try than 1 have ia any < 4ber country in trying to the world They are to receive no remuneration venturer* will advocate the erection of a our Yankee imtudetice As a rule, the 1; but tbit, for ; bloknJe tbeir harbor •*My friend »tart«*] I out with the arap for their services, and, except they are into con osition that Hawaii was not necessary be — re«..Ud and officer« and i»«n who came c u... — ------ ------ absolutely without money, they are obvious reasons, will expected to meet tbeir own expenaea. opposed hr the great body of the people tact with us, were gruff in speech and for us in ibis war Tun it not the j j sullen in manner. For Admiral Cer- question. The war ia an incidewt— a they mutt wear the uniform of the aoci Ol the United States —Oregonian. vdka, I have nothing but the highest noble and splendid incident, i but only a •Ay; they must agree to 6 month«’ study Dewey a Fighter. even aa a Bo, admiration. His act in informing Ad small incident’ in the life of a great a« a preparation for tbeir work, except Before entering Annapolis, I*ewe, miral Sampson of our satety I regard as community like ours, We are dealing they are called out lor emergency nura- went to the public school in the village, that of a kind-hearted, generous man today not with the war with j»ain ; we I ing; and, finally, and moat important of and ala<j attended a military achool *1 1 and chivalrous officer. He repoatadly are dealing for the millennium* yet to all, and n.oat difficult of all lor th« gen Norwich, where he toru.ed a determina j s|(Oketo me of bis admiration for what corue, when the flag of the United States uinely patriotic woman, there ia the lion to eater the navy Dewey's father , Be called one of the most daring acts in »hallbe in the sky as it is uxiay While ’ agreement to nurse and care tor the did not thiak much of «ai tors and told i naval history, though I am sure we were war is an unhappy condition. what is wounded of every nation, to give her sis son so, but this made no difference not entitled to the commendation we re- done with the Hawaiian islands will be •kill, Ler care, her womanly sympathy toiieorge He kept at his father until rived fur there were hundreds <>f other dune in the next 10 years, and the na- ! to the enemy as readily aa to th« boy« ►¿ne th< be procured biui his appointment to ■ men io our ships who would have been tion tnat gets ^»oMeasion cf them, if that trift he i to in blue.--From ‘’Women Nurses for the Annapobe. While a pupil in ths dis- glad to undertake to du the same thing, Uftlioii survives, will bold them for cen if *be were »till only hi Battle Fi«lJ,‘‘ in Itcmoreat’s Maganne “While we were in Morro castle we turies to coins. tnct school at Montpelier young Lwwey for July. WANTED TOO MUCH. rsi-eived a severe thrashing, which he were naval prisoners, but at the end of ‘ In view of what is now, in view of | T< h > Many of Them probably remetnl»er» to this day. lhe | four day» we were transferred to the jur- what is to œme, 1 favor immediate an- A »er» ant Girl Uho I)i«l >oi < ar« There i> an old anecdete which a«-la floggir.g was administered by Major isdiction of tbe army ar»«i were removed nexatiun of these islands. My friend Fili the I’laer ut a U If«. forth the «hole Fpaai.k situation quite Pangborn, the school master, now editor to the Rein* Mercedes hospital, on tbe says we are about to annex all the is of the Jersey City Journal Fiior to ths i outskirts of Santiago, where we remain- lands ef the Orient. We have an inter graphically: It is not our A certain Spanish knight. eery poor wming of Major I'augborn as master of ! ed until today. We knew' but little of est in the Orient today but proud, aa hi. birth was aa high aa a the whosl, the t*eys had whipped sever what was going on in tbs city, though, tault that when we entered on the war king'«, arrived one dark night at an inu al masters. So n after Fangborn had of coBise, we coaid always tell when with >pain we entered upon a duty to in Franca. Riding up to the entrance been installed, it was decided »hat his our fleet w*s bombarding tbe shore bat strike Spain wherever she lived, and in on hi« forlorn nag, he fell to battering mettle should be tried. George Dewey teries and we could easily distinguish tbe the disc harge of that duty we are in a We the gate Ht finally awakened the land was selected by the other boys to make : terrific explosions caused by the Venu* «ituation in the Philippine islands I vius throwing dynamite shell 8. Seve ■ hare a little squadron of our navy there leaded lord. who peering out into the night, I ths test. Msjor Pang born heard of the plot. al timet at night we were also fully we have the greatest and most famous cal led: Dewey culled from bis seat in the aware that the land batteries were figl.t- living sailors iu the world on our flag "Who la there?" "l>on Joan Petit« Hwrnandei Rodrig midst of a ft seion of the school He re- ing outside the city, The little informa* ship in the liarbur of Manila. Xothing uei de Vellanova. ('wont of Malafra ¡used to respond. The other boys tion the Spaniard» would give o« could has hap|*ene«l at Manila for which I Muster I*angl>orn walked ■ not be relied upon. i shall ever be ;*ersuaded by friend or foe Knight Santiago and Alcantara," re chuckled down to where young !>ewey wa* seated, “One thing that t , to make an apology. We are there in pl io I th« S|«niard, the province of God. and not by any *'I am very *orry," shouted th« land and, with tne gran of Hercule«, look hospital was that a i * the l*d by the collar and yanked him | Spanish officers ware human design, and the same providence lord. "bo'. 1 haven’t room enough to' all that ba* guided us until this hour will Ihoae gentlemen you mention." And bom his «eat ami walked him up to the day's fight, for man v master's desk. He was accused of the the i > of* pi tai to l»e treated. Nuinlters o g'u le u* in a wise solution of every great he «lainmed th« window, and retired. Yea, America «ay«, there are toe plot, but refused to acinowivdge it. badly aimed bullet* came into the L j » question that is created by our situation. ■nanv of theae gentlemen ; they mutt go When Master Par.ghoni had finished pital windows Friday, but I do not be The American people will take care of with yeung Dewey he was escorted lieve anyone was injured by them, Our the Philippine islands when our cam iidren; Carrier rigesns are (he ftvvifu-at home, where be had to lie al>ed several quarters there were very clean and < paign in the Orient is at an end. The Me»»rnfer» i**i» *• the result of Lis thrashing. fortable, and the food war fairly (< nx American people will take care of Porto The government officials regard Uns (Newey was too big-hearted to harbor up "In fact, 1 have no reason to oonip Rico; they will take care oi Cuba, and homing pigeoa service aa of much inter a feeling against the sc hool-master and of our treat merit *? prisoner* of these people will find tn ths hearts of est and meta ant in naval affairs at pres afterward there grew up between pupil The prejudice whicb the Spanii the American people the same sympathy, ent. \o dispatch boat, even tbs fastest and pe<l*gegue the moat friendly feeling showed Mgxinat ua the first the same anxiety for their welfare that invented, can appro*« h anywhere near —Fioin “ The Hero of Manila, ” in I De dav, »»on «ore »«»y. We conducted persuaded this great republic to raise an the fleet news of these birds To patrol- morest's Magazins for July. ourteive* properly and tiiupiy forced army and send its navy on ite mission tM»at*on duty off the coast .cornmissioned thru, to treat ua welL” of mercy and peace in tbs A’est Indies. Th« Frwstdent's War >•< li< > to watch and notify the government of It is now admitted, even by the fl,- STORES UP LIGHT. The ftituaiion at Sawtiago the appearance of any hostile fleet off Deafnenk ('annul be Cured our shores, the earner pigeon is a valu tremr opposition, that tbe plans of the 1 would rather io»e mv ump« at sea ‘•y local apt lications as they cannot ( ertala Murer *ub»(antra able ally The swiftest dispatch boat administration fsr tbe in va*ion of Cuba j like a sailor than in a harbor. It was Art «»a Neuhltibr Plate« reach the diseased portion of the ear. i*n travel but httle over 20 an lei aw have stood the severe test of war. It the only thing left for me to du ’’ >u. b la the Dark There is only one way co cure deafness, w*» an upeu secret at the beginning of Luuf,while the musi muscular thorough I is Admiral Cereara's explanation oí i¡ and that it by constitutional remedies. bred inmates of ths navy loft can fly dO tbe war lhat the president was opposed course in steaming < i»ut ol Santiago Deafness is cans d by an inflamed con* mi les in the same time. The average to sending unseasoned troops to the | destruction at I be guns ui Admir dilion of the mucous lining ol the Eus districts a ton I Havana in the rainy sea- homing pigeon can and does go 4. m.le» Sampson's fleet. tachian Tube. When thia tulie is in He could not 1»ear the thought uf an hour. It is estimated that if a ho»tne . sou This may not look like a flamed you have a rumbling sound or im* sacrificing either regular» or voluuterr» fleet were «ighted 20J miles off our coast explanation of the perfect bearing and when it is entirely by one of the dispatch boats and a hom to disease Grim veterans may have brought his ships u ut >ed. deafness is the result, ami unless ing pigeon were instantly released, the 1 smiled at this humane impulse but then one doe» wot esperi the inflammation can tie taken out and they were ia sympathy with it A officer* on shore would have from eight | say of * ¡ear reasoning from a man who ibis tul»e restored to its normal condit Ui nine hours in which to prepare to re- i ' plan wa» evolved ts meet Hie wishes of | has just gone through tbe experience of ion, hearing will I»« destroyed fereier; B . i J the president and at the same time | «•eive it While the fleet, steaming l having his »hips battered to piece# and nine cases out of ten is caused by ca avoid unveceswarv delay. Tbe regulars the very exaggerated »|»eed of 18 miles j w rei ked on »bore, and himaolf and his tarrh. which is nothing but an inflame»! an hour, could not possibly reach ths ***• moved at once from ’be forts, tier men captured by the enemy. There is, IH e coast in Iras than 12 hours, the carrier racks and vamps in tbe West and North- , however, in this state meet a very clear west to Chicamauga in tbe middle | pigeon would reach its loft in the navy j implication of Admiral Cervera’s opin yard m !«*« than four hours from the s*outh. After two or three weeks there j ion of tbe stale of affairs i:i Santiago, If ,he *’ T*m- the unlv thing that could pretent the Ume released, In ■ «.tuauon of that U*Y »um i« m good «• unequal >*• Honda, and givtn «iparicnca in » Io-s of his ships in the heritor was to pul nature eight not n uni I mw «4 days, where all is in readmes» 'climate as hot and trying as that of to sea. under tbe conditions which « anyhow —From “Carrier Pigeons in Culta. After several weeks of seasoning I fronted him on >unday morning, 19 War Time,’’ by Tbecxlore Dreiser, in i there they were ordered, not to tbs low evident that he does not expect the ty lands of tbe Havana district, but to the Test'» Magszms for Jslv. , to bold out for many days nigh lands ath’it Santiago. The vouln- The entrance of General I‘an do int«. Our \v*w Poaaesstows leers were treated in the same wav. The latest ivniui of the Hawaiian is They were ordered *• soon as («oesihle the city with 6,000 iruojw may proi lands was that of 1MM. The total popu from the camps in the north to Chiva- ihe struggle a little, and even wit! lation was 10M,020 Of those that com inauga and Jacksonville The plan was I'ando's troop* the result* ui Fridav » pos« it, 3^,504 were natives, 21,616 Chi to semi th«tee at Chicamanga to poinu battle insdt* it improbable that livnera« REASONING. Shafter would attempt to <arn tbe nese 24.4OT J a |<n ewe, 15,191 Fortugueae, further south before embarkation for work» by iu«rm. The marksmanship »1 Slav**•< lever II «- t<> F'.m< all other foreigners S.O32 Tbs white Cuba There was * method in all this jf I he l*an*ent at ih« Ila* nd » <»f tbe Spani*b soldiers i* Letter than that imputation, from the l'ni>d Mates and which the entire i til* Mh»(er ‘ of the gunners on tbe ships, and when from > uropr. numbeit«d about lO.tKM' j There were local and a >n»iderable proportion t»i those 1 and other southern »an Crimsonbeak in wet down as natives uf the inlands are to concentratiun at whites. in admit now that no The area of the islands, eight in num- general caoip <*oul r. is 6640 square miles, nearly that of Tbe discomlort■ ■ »nnecDcut and DuUwarft combinsd camp tber«* unpop Annexation will make little difference gy*cxl reason for All in the course of trade, s.nce, miller rec there Tbe itupui* iprocity, there has been almost free ti»* ing little of w ar • a« irnbancs ol cuminodities between the ¡ate movement on are I nited States and the islandn during w a» « *“■----------- *—1 m.»r© than twenty years. i in I paign Her Boy was Dying. H cki ■ of the administration writes from re\.. a that all at the fruui aJmit that the president’« plea» were wiser than they thought.—Portland Chronicle a el It >. sb- -I surgical opera any other hl««i of such tree" aUrrt. »g n I suit tmn it bf<x<i. «nd Nine» Beautiful Present rd. r to further introduie ELASTIC STARCH <FU, r - ■ ■ •'r- Ls. vHu^,grr.Br*-t,v "* y f?M 1 led t GIVE AWAY a beautiful present wllh nar hs- W. These preientx are in the form of * ,^oî Beautiful Pastel Pi sat Canear, lot the They ire ijxio inchel in "“‘•and are entitled a« folio,,. Lilacs and Pansies. entirely . & rw-rmaneni Pansies and Marguerites pe for Cancel S.S.S.'XBiood as it is the only remedy which go»'» to the verv G-ltom of th ie blood and f- It' ■ rv TFACe O* the disease rar.i^Ld pure ly vegetable, contain? no potash. mercury, or other mineral Ruuks on Ú’ ani-«r will 1* e mailed free by the wift Specific to anv addn Co.. Atlanta 1 P A a - A V— ÎSC3INA. Ox' cf t I lie < *«r i • ! I • 1 , Iris These rare pictures, four in number, bv the renowned paste LeRov f New York, have been < hosen from the very choices, .. his st 1-i’io and arc n--w offered for the firs’, to the public. The | > tures are accurately reproduced tn all the colors istk, • . and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. W f-jstel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing sur k ...... t .. ,..r and artistic merit. meof these pictures ■■ I clastic Stare 1 purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the mark j is sold for iocenis a package. Ask your grocer for this starch > beautiful picture. : ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUIlTIlr - «•HNM uf <11 ill »C Trowblea. ^ANDY CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED "LT" L7 pie and but k let free. Ad. STEUI.1M« IMMA. m « O*. Chicaro. Montreal. < • . or\„T,r a for Home Tirile Grocery list. ■ I RAI/ ’ r... pane Furniture atalogue. U V K ^H/IV r '- ‘ I l atlieN a - Gent.' >nit'. All free. Money saved on every order. I 4f Axz AaHAI. Shasta Routt — of the — SMITHS CASH STORE Market Street Ferry, S. F , Cal. O«.GUNN’S<Æ PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. T -n re Pimp eg. Prevent n .»riens. Purify the Biuod. - a _________________ Southern Pacific Cm Ex ureas Trains Leave Portland is k I Ar 11 6.00 r. m ~ I LV. Pòrti... : x :05 <. m I lv . Grants Pass lv . ‘ t *:15 a . M. at . San F ran co lv . Above train.« stop at al! station:® Portland and Salem, Turn«. U Jefferson, Albany. < 'ullage Grove, ?ss Shedd«, Halsey. llarn>l>urg, Jun.f Eugene, Drain Oakland, and nJ a from Roseburg, to A-bland mdueirt N:30 a . M. 12:25 p . m . 5:2ûp. m . Roseburg Mail Daily Lv. Portland Ar. lt . Albany LT Ar. Roseburg LY. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROr Pullman Buffet Slee?' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, land office ai Roseburg, Oregon,» May 4, 1898.1 Sotiee 1» hereby given that the follow mg naineii settler La- filed notice of hie uitentivH to make final proof in support j | hw claim, and that «aid proof will be made before J. M. Chile«, euuntv judge ol Io«e(.bine county, Oreg n, at Grant« ra-~, Grej. n, on June 1*. 1898, viz: ''nliam W Wilton no H E No 6878 for th« A ‘T >E!4 and lots 3 and 4. sec. *». 11«. 34 8, R. <j West He name, the following witneeeeg to pt \e hi, vuniinuou, rotdence upon and u 111 \ st mu ui Baid land viz: Jatnw Neely, of Merlin. Ore., W. A. • of -Merlin, Ore . Joseph McCas- Merlm. Ute. and J. S. W. Smith K. M. VtATt H, Register — and — C* ass S leepihg C*® Attached to all thiough tnia S econd Tur further particular* inqiwvdlO Purdoni, Grant* Pai«« West Divisici ■an. TBAia paily i <■ xrr mw 7:90 a . m . i lv . Forti and 11.55 p . m . I ar. Uorvalii« Al Alltany and cunwfl train« of Or. Central A Eastern Ky KXFRKM TRAIN DAILY (IICIFTMI* 4 60 p . m . i lv . Pertlai at . I •1 r m . xr. M Mini • i.e ir J Rebate tickets on sale »•etween Sacramento and San Franci**) S17 first clas.*« and 111 -eeund cl*** ing sleeper Rates and tickets to Eastern Europe. Also JAPAN. < Hl NOTIC E FOR PUBLICATION. OLULU and AUSTRALIA. Css« Land office at Roeeburg, Oregon.» tained from J.S. Purdoin. <»ranuF^' . .. . , -May 10,18><8 f U. II MAMH1JI • oltce u 1 ereby given that the follow- K KOEHLER. 1’ F *rl Sfanager. Porws Ln.M‘u,*’r t,M filed notice of bit • • n ion to make final proof in tupiiort " " »■'.atm. and that «aid proof will be m.;«e b.f..r. J M Chile*. countY; Oregon, aiGranl« evon, on July 2, 189fi, via* X " E So- ‘-‘>7 for railroad 4- <• 4*^ 4 and >W«4 l-’.Tp 34', R.o West SCENIC LINE Of THE W"L name, the lolloxing witneeeaa to -ntinuous residence upou and J land, viz: . U Hugo, Oregon, <‘t Hugo. Oregon, 1 lacer, Oremm ar»«i TO THE Weekly Excorsins ¿GENTS WANTED * »Md« .■•st tkf brink r>f £ra. EAST and S ---- VIA THE — mem Notice a ,kiià AU DRUGGIE 20« 50* ( Humanity SU’ Z4r htaitk »oiks, Ur - EAST- In through tourist rar? wit hoot <’"■ Modern Upholstered Tourist SleeF In rliarg* of expert and poi Mondays 1 ESTIMATIONS M photografhs Hood’s without change, via. Burlington Route. Thursday» Pilis T »Hew JftM*»d»ce CsrM the ity w Ò awi I»I he 8cpt> i hie ♦>. i »i*. 'alt lake and JliaK>un I‘«f* AGENTS WM. E wanted imONF patents » a ‘Ut L p r,„ 0 ripMin‘11 v « »liner mm im tri h * b au-i % mer ri ft’ready tarait asile K' "ait l ake. Missouri I’a A Alton Rys. rUMiaV« r.'On a aVhktf i uubuay s ,a!o,, change via. Salt Lake and OW I’land A Pacific Ry. 'Vednodav*^,. 4 r.-*;S.Now*co A day stopover arranged xt and I leaver. .» ride through the Fannu’ '•enery. For rate* and all informau*”’ 1R. C.-Ni« hoc . < |E B. IH rrv. T C* 271 Wathinctou 1 * K Hoom. G I’ A T •»■. Plan.» o< P C«.. B> * * Grant* I’a , ■