Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1898)
t i— l haul s n i| ua local ttappemnoe Wail paper at Terrells, tiiltiilan sells pure uiilk. Tlmuias Smith. Undertaker. Will Jackson resident dentist. C. St. laHlia for watch repairing Additional locals on the first page. Horseshoeing at Trimble A Bacher'» Terrell sells wall |>aper at 10c ¡HT till. 12 21 I NUN Lectures by John Temple Grave». Dr H. Henson, II I. Conary, Dr. Chap man. Miss Murcutt ol Australia and others Schools—Music, Prof Kinross; Elocution and Physical Culture, Mfoa ‘ Safford; Cookery. Miss Morey ; Bible ‘ I Normal work. Frol. I»ay; Round Table, Piof. Vining Season tickets $l.’»0 Beaitiiliil camping grounds, Expenses .\«M-ml*ly better than ever. light Aaaembly Come Address the president at K-U» land. < tregon personal All Sufferers C. T. Payne of Kerby was ia the city last Monday. From high prices cured free of charge otate priuler, W. II l«-ed. ot Salem Here’s some of the medicine. in in Ashland. Mrs. W. J. Rogers was up from Mer A twenty five ounce (over one pound lin last Tuesday. lion. A. J Barlow has gone to Rose and a half) package of good • • ground • burg on business. coffee for 25c. Five pound can coffee, J O. Turner ol Kerby, was in town Collins at cost at Hale's. Call on Gilfillan ; be will «•>11 you the Sprinkleia and hose at Craiuer Bros. Tuesday on business. cup and saucer for 85c. Eastern break purest milk. Mr» N tiroes of this city was in Pretty pattern in wall paper at Ter Ashland last Saturday. Poultry dressed to order. Front »I . fast bacon 12 l-2c a pound. Oregon rells. lOu. Grants Pass. O. E. Rose, the Applegate postmaster, Trimble A Bacher are pre|>ared to do hams lie per pound. Calumet baking was in town last Monday. Good Hour $1.15 per Hack at Scott all kinds ol blacksmithing. Griffin’s. J. C. Harper, the »tag«' man came in powder 25c a pound. We will say a few Clemens, Druggis', opp. Opera House. Are not living luxuriously, but the quality of the food is good W L. Blackburn is’ now loc ateti on Adjustable window screens Sluifl.OO I from Crescent City last Monday. Front street. words in favor of this last named article. Mrs. Henry L. White of Kock Point ! enough to eaable them to whip the enemy. at C ranter Bro». spent last sabbath in Grants Pass. Good lead pencils ltk- a doten at the In the groceries we sell you can live well and cheaply. If our W antxd .—To buy a fair driving horse Calumet baking powder should not be Coi KIER office. Win. Crow of Merlin made th» Col Rita stock was subject to governtneut inspection it would be stamped ‘‘extra about 8 years old. II. I.. Ini ax. oflice a substantial call last Saturday. F ob S ale —A refrigerator at the Sec confused with the multitude of cheap, The Wosdmen ot Ashland installed of fine.” Every article is pure and wholesome. We buy only from ond Hand Store. Mm. Victor Peterson and Miss llowett • wholesalers who have a reputation lor putting up the best goods in A hammock for two, and that will not ficers at their regular meeting J uly 6. low grade powders. Calumet baking are in Ashland attending the Chautau- Cardboard 5c per sheet at the Cuixits qua. their respective lines. break with two at Cramer Bros powder isguaranteed entirely free from office, better stock 2 for 15c Oranges, per doz, 35c and 25c. Mrs. Dr. J. H. Parsons of Ashland was ' (iilfillan’s cows are in clean pasture. F or S alk —A gasoline burner, three visiting George Calhoun’» famsly last! Letnons, very fine, per doz. 25c. He sells the best milk. alum, rochelle salts, lime, amonia or burners at the Second Hand Store. Peaches just coming in. We start them off at 50c per box. week. Take your (»lacksmithing to Trimble At Raspberries and Blacklterries are getting cheajier. Fruit jars and cans; extra rubier»; any substance injurious to health. Try Mrs J. 1>. Hayes left Monday evening Bacher for first-class work. capsand sealing «ax; very cheap at for Galice «reek to visit relatives for Pickles, sweet and sour. 1 leering Steel Binder, and all vehicles Dike's Grocery. it before you buy, we will give you a Olives, 15c per bottle. some days. Try some Key Stone Dressing for meats or salads, 25c per bottle. tor sale at cost at Cramer Bros. You can buy Snowy Butte Hour Iront J. E. Ixxmii», the Galice cieek mer small can free for the asking. Tobacco and Cigars a specialty at your grocer if you insist on getting it. Eastern Hams and Bacon. chant was doing business in Granta Pass Pike's Groceiy. Give him a call Prize Baking Powder. Try your luck A splendid and useful Price the same as other first class brand». last Monday. present given with each can and all for 50c. Fresh oysters, fish and poultry at the The county treasurer’s office «ill lie at James Croiiemiller of Jacksonville new fish market on Front st.. Grants Calhouns Grocery Store and 1 »ill lie has been appointed deputy sherifl' foi Pass found thereat regular office hour*. Jackson county. A fine place in <*rants Pass to sell or J. T. T aylor . 11. I . 1-ewis of Galice creek wa» see lease. Cail at the Co« kier office for Bob Moore, of LaFayett«, Ind., says pn the streets Tuesday, shaking hand- terms. that fur constipation he ha» found l»e- with the lioys, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. POST OFFICE STORE. Land Script. The eworn reporta to the insurance Smoke the Stage Line Cigar. It is the Witt’s Little Early Risers to be perfect. Col. Merritt and (.mlily left last Tues department show there is but one life Wo have several thousand acres that best Scent Cigar in the market—J. G. They never gripe. Try them for stomach day for an outing of a few weeks at By insurance company that during 18117 will locate either surveyed or unsur Schmidt. and liver trouble» —W. F. Kremer. WITH STRENGTH FOR A HAMMOCK FOR bee Soda Springs. paid every claim without a contest. The veyed in any state or territory of the Land inspector J. S. Howardof Med W. II. Flanagan, physician Burgeon Hon John A. Jertery was a passenger Penn Mutual of Philadelphia has not United Staten No residence required ford was in Grants Pass the first part of and dentist. and United Staten Patent issued direct on last Tuesday morning's train going had ono resisted claim in yearn. the week. A good second-hand sewing machine home to Medford from Portland. to locator. Price |i.00 per acie S iiikman & H armon , geu'l. agt»., New line of 2-ply posted wedding card at Pike’s Grocery for »ale cheap. Aildr, hh Hannah .1 Miller Portland, Oregon. D W. Graff return« I from Oreeceni slock for calling cards, for sale al the Attorneys at Law, Visalia, California. Cash paid for eggs and poultry at the l ily last week, where he lias been to , 'ol'KlER oflice. A G cxm I Homo fur Hale Clienp. new Halt market. Front st. Giants Pass look after the stage company’s interests. The American Navy. Pheby A Van Exxe, leading artists Consisting of "'a acre*, ienced, set to Up to-date photographs only at the Mm. Geo. Calhoun and little boy went fruit prmei|>ally pear ami apple, mostly Carbon Studio, opposite court bouse, Carbon Studio, opp. court house, Grants Those who have already eecuied the | to Ashland this (W«»dnesday) morning I ¡ ----------- n Bearing irau s Pass, Oregon. „. Good building, black and portfolio of the American Navy will lie Pass. to visit relative» and to attend ehautau reil go|1 u gbout 1<ml|e from (he interested to know that the publish-rs A tandem in town that is for rent Win your battle aga.nst disease by depot. Any one desiring a good home have added live more numbers to the v’s a Crescent ; come and give it a whirl. acting promptly Jne Minute Cough qua Monis A. Gilmer of Mount Reuben at a bargain will pleane call on or address series, containing among other portraits U ill** Bic vele Den. >. ■ Cure produces immediate results. When came to town on Monday’* train. He G. 8 Person, thoae of Admiral Sampson and Commo D.*li’t yo without lead |<n<ilv when taken early it prevents consumption report* everything in that district look Grants Pass, Oregon dore Schley. There nre also many inter oil vail net them for 10.' |wr <lozen al And ill later stages it furnishes prompt ing well esting scenes ill Cuba, the Philippine lie CoraiKu oltlce. relief —W. F. Kremer. Cuuntjr TreaNurrr'» Notice. ¡‘resident J. I>. Fry of I lie bank han islands, i’orto Rico, Spain ami the Cana tVe learu that ilie yruve above Aah 1 he best bicycle in the market—The gone Io Cui*tein to Hpend a few nay« Notice is hereby given that there are ries. A lurge number of the vessels of aul ia rupidlv being filled up with M<marcn--at Dr. Kremer’» drug »lore with hi* family and to breathe the pure funds in the county treasury tor the re the American navy and Home of the amper» w ho are attending Chautauqua. Give him a call. demption of the following warrant», pro Spanish ve»»els are shown mountain air. It you Mr*. E. J. Longlev and daughter Leni tested Hept. 30, 1890. The best place in town to get youi | want these interesting number» semi in I John Randle wa* returned thia Wednesday) morning from shoes repaired is at Hackett’s harness 193 194 lUo your order» immediately a few days ago and Glasco«:, Mont., where they have been and shoe shop. Inteiest on same will cease from this mine will be ready Hl \\ I mc l’co pie forth« past year. dale, July 14, 1898. J. T. T aylor , Buy your fish, poultry and eggs at the the rah** *et in. in the pant 7 days have availed them* County trea»uier. Just opened a new tieh and poultry new fish market. Front street, Grants President (' II. Chapman of the state h jives of onr aplendod oiler of a carbon market on Front St , Grants Fa»», next Pass A bra Imm Nargent Head university, was on yesterday’* south enlargement with each deaen of onr $4 door to l’alace Hotel. All kind, of fresh We have Eagle Bicycles on band.ready bound train going to Ashland to deliver Abraham Sargent dropped dead Tues photograph*. This offer lants only until ti»h, poultry, egg» and etc. Highest for instant shipment. Complete stock day, the 12. at noon while walking out July 17,see exhibit in Sugurl’ine window. an address at the chautauipia. :ash price paid for poultr/ amt (.gge,— of sundries at Cramer Bros. Hon Win. M Colvig of Jacksniville in the yard at the home ol his son Oliver, For true likeness,permanence and beauty i. Lambert A Seilert. A bummer Da v W antid —A partner to take one-half has recent’y returned from the East where he lias lately been residing. our portrait* are not excelled in Southern Southern Oregon fruit is beg nning to inl»-e»t in mining claim, 40 acres, good where he had been attending the annual Heart trouble was tlm cause of his Oregon. For good pose, fidelity in de A Coni Spot ‘how itself in the market» in Grants cabin, stove, whole camp outfit, mining He will be buried today sessiou of the A. O. U. W. nupretnv death. tails, good expression, lighting, and fin Pa»» The flavor of the fruit thi» year tools Price *135. Address box 210, (Thursday) on I>eer creek. Mr. Bar- ish nothing in Grants Pa*« ha* ever been A Ilamincck. lodge seems up to the u»ual standard. genl lived in this county formally years, Grants Pass, Or. We can furnish the last named in all styles from $1.00 upwards The Epworth league of the .M E. People are not as easily gulled as in Z. 8. Gather of Lon Angele«, «ill be though the pa»t year or two was spent done that can compare with late work We have a new rope with patent fastening that will not slip or church will give a lawn social at the tiie past and cheap john work ami work- Henry Booth' h successor ah manager of hi Coos county, returning to Helms re of the carbon studio. Be on» of the the Booth A l Kelly company at Saginaw, wiae one* and get one of those large break. If youned a hammock, come and see us. church in honor of the pastor’s birthday menwho want practice badly are fooling cently. He was a veteran of the Modoc carbons (adore it is too late. They are lie went north Monday night to take on July 22nd l<efre»htnents will be no one but themselves. Plieby A Van war, because of which lie was drawing a worth 11 alone. Other s*ze* and wtylei» possession. served and everybody is invited. pension of *12 per month at hie death. Exxe keep one fair price to all, first-class from $1 50 up Ask for the little book 1). T. Pay of Washington, geologies; Dr Kremer has laid in a stock of Mon work only, and satisfaction guaranteed An Enterprising Druggist. “Photographic Hint*” free at the sutdio surveyor, and W. E. Barrows of Phila arch wl.eela ranging in price fiuni *35 Carbon studio, Opp. Court House. There are few men more wide awake or by mail To get valuable pointers, helphia, spent several days the first part ODD FELLOWS BLOCK, for a high grade wheel, to *IC0 lor a The barber shops of this city have en you want to know Carbon Studio, oppo FISHING TACKLE BICYCLES Monarch chairdess. The Monarch is one tered into an agreement to close I heir of last week in Josephine county looking and enterprising than W, F. Kremer site Courthouse. who »pares no psins to secure the best of al the mining prospects. of the liest wheel» made Call and see shops on Sunday hereafter. This is a .Mrs Winch, Mrs II (’ Kinney, Mar everything in his line for hie many More Recruit* I'rom A n I i I aih L them. good tliir.g to do and commendable—all jury Kinney. Mr*. l>r. Van Pyke and customers He now has th» valuable (’apt. Kendall. Unilrd State* recruit The war with Spam does not afleetthe work and no play or recreation is hurt Miss Bertha Barrie left Tnemiay morn agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for ing officer, Drs. I>. Walker ami 11 S. sale of I’lnenix bicycles See our ‘‘ad” tul—man needs rest, let him liave it. ing fur Ashland to attend the chautau consumption, coughs and colds. This is I JuhriMoii, U . 8 Miirgeona, together with in another column. Mitchell Lewis A E. C. Blanks, of la-winville, Texas, qua for the next ten day*. the wonderful remedy that is producing two clerk*, arrived in Anhlaml, thin St aver Co, Portland Or. writ«» that or.e box of DeWitt’s Witch Mike Clemen* and his wife returne<i such a furor all over the country by its morning, ami with Major Gillette, <). N. We would aek parties who have ore Hazel Salve was worth $50.01) to him. many startling cures. It absolutely <i , of till* city, have been engaged in 1 irom the East la»t Monday, where they «inenable to Cyanide treatment to either it cured Ins piles of ten years standing cures asthma,bronchitis, hoarseness ami the examination ol applicant* from I have been for some time. The change call imoii us or corres|x>nd as to what He advises others to try it. It also and rest did much for Mike, a* he cornea all affections of th« throat, cheat and thi* place for enlistment in the S. cure» eczema, skin diseases and obslc amount of ore they could in all probabil lungs. Call at above drug store and gi t Carrying I . S. Mails, back feeling like a new man. volunteer* under the president'* sei ond nste sores —W. F. Kremer. ity furnish. W. P. W riout A H on , a trial bottle free or a regular size for 50 The following parties left today cents and *1.Oil. Guaranteed to cure or call during the present war with Spain Passengers and Stage Ex press. Agts Mac Arthur Forest Cyanide Process. Hick headache, billiousness, constipa Fourteen volunteer* were alloted a* (Wednesday ) for Ashland to attend the 5 Stiges run both ways daily lietween Grants Pass Oregon, and Crescent Pay no attention to cheap John work tion and all liver ami stomach troubles chaiitauqua Mrs. E. A. Wa4e, Misses price refunded A*tiland*a quote, but upon the arrival but get your portrait» made by artists can be quickly cured by using those fa Lou Wade, Laura Thoma«, Amy Booth, Kcliekah Installation City Cal., passing through the following interior points: Wilder- of the board here I be maxi mum number who are not compelled to cut prices Ire- moua little pills known as DeWitt's ville, Love’s Anderson, Kerby, Waldo, Shelly Creek, At the tegular meeting of the Keliexah a an increased to twenty. The board Florence Day, and Ken net I. ¡tool low living rates to gel something to do. Little Early Risers. They are pleasant Patrick's Creek. Gasquets. lodge in thia city Monday night, the fol accepted the following: J. Wolke has Isjaght the lot and old Onr magnificent offer doses July 18th. to take and never gripe —W. F. Kre- city jail for He will move the old lowing officers were installed: Noble I j (’ha*. J, Foster, John II. Wagner, Follow the crowd to the Carbon Studio, mer. timi TABLE. building* t»a«-k to some other part of the grand, Bessie Carr; vice grand, Harali | I (’ha*. A. Bolton, Clarence Black, Elbert opposite court house. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa., lot, ami have II. E. Allen pul up a ware Jennings; recording secretary, Alice Crabtree, Russ 8. Sutton, Herbert II WESTBOUND EASTBOUND While we are sweltering in the heat, rays DeWill’s Little Early Ki«*rs are Hmith; flnnncial secretary, Emma Applegate, Thon. McKenzie, Geo. Stan bouse on the part of the lot made vacant. . 9 a. tn. | Leave Crescent City Leave Grants Pass 6 a til- T. II. Warford informs us over the phone the best pills lie ever need in his tainlly A J Anderson left Monday evening Schmidt: treasurer, Carrie Farr, con ley, Ernest Stone, John II. Briner, Geo. .. 7 p. m. | Arrive at Waldo . 8 p. Hl from Crescent City that he has on his during forty years of heueekeeping. for Minnesota, where lie expect* to do ductor, Allie Jennings, warden, Allie’ F Smith, Olney G > flopwood, John < I. • ' Arri\ e at " aldo . . 4 a. m. | Leave Waldo .. Leave Waldo . 7 »■ til overcoat to keep warm When Edison They cure constipation, rick headache some work for his brother who ia in bus I hornion ; chaplain, Alice McGregor; R. Fray tor, Frank C I High, Jan E. Grieve, 6 p. tn. | Arrive at Grants Pass.. ••5P nt succeeds in transmitting a change ol and stomach and liver troubles. Small iness in that Mbits .Mr. Anderson was H of N. G , Alla Minor; L. H. ol N. G., Harry I). Young, John A. Bailey, and Arrive at Crescent City. tetr peral ure over tl>e telephone line, we in size but great in result».—W. F. Kre Essie Hartman; R H of V. G , Mrs j Roland Smith. The scenery through which this liue passes is beautiful, A de' will believe him a necessity to comfort mer unable to *ay bow lang lie would be Thomas Hmith; L. H. of V. G., Mrs. Hu- : The velunteer* are to leave on the ligbtful mountain road t om Gasquet to Crescent City- Excursion Attorney D. W. Wilbur and aaaayer 1 gone. sir- Root;outside guardian, IxMlie John south bound train tomorrow (Tuesday Frank McGregor of this city was re- . rates during summer season Vnorliies are «X- son ; inside guardian, Mrs. T. II Cor-1 morning for Man Francisco ami Camp Wright liave moved into the bowling Mr ami Mrs A. E D. W. GRAFF. Grants Pass. Or . and J C HARPER. Crescent eenily appointed deputy gain« warden alley building. Mr. Wilbur will have pected home today ( Ttmniday ). .Mr* nell. Merritt, en route to join the Oregon reg for Josephine and Jackson counties, bl mother, Mr. ar»<( City, Cai., Managers. Aller the installation of officers, i< <■ iment now at Manila It is expected state game warden H. D McGuire, We aia law office in this building, and Mr. Voorhies’ fat tier ami ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- «re glad to report thia appointment, and Wright intends preparing a mineral eab Mrs. E F. • ¿rabill of Greenville, Mich., cream and cake were served and the, they will nail within a week Tiding*. are coming with them to make a short company enjoyed themselves perlaking we sincerely bone that son.el birig will inet which is the one thing needful for Cure that Cough with Shiloh'* Cure heartily thereof, ami n> conversation un The be*t Cough Cure. Relieve* (’roup ire done with these fellows « hoilaiTj* vio Southern Oregon At present «lien visit. •trengere come to the county seeking in J W . Coffman took a load of house til a late hour, after which all departed promptly. One million bottles sold last Líate the fish law on Rogue river vestment in mining property, we have hold effects out to Judge Benson's camp I for home well pleaser) with the work year. 40 done* for 25 rente. Sold by j H.C. Perkins has completed lite cur^ nothing to show to any advantage the Klamath Fall« last and enjoyment of the evening The — W. i . Kremer. 2 1 vey of the Galice creek road. It is esli mineral worth of the county. We trust ing ground (>eyond Thursday. Judge Benson and family editor can testify hr tire rxr'sllant flavor ■ mated that this fund will cost »pproxi that Mr. Wright may secure an excellent ont for about six of the ice cream as be happened aronml ' are going to caiup I mately *350) The county court ha- cabinet. wreuk* rusticating. next morning ami found plenty. ; made an appropriation of «1000 to ap- J. A. Abbott I* »pending the week in Camp Meeting pl, m tn., dire ’> tn I he ■ There will lie a ramp meeting held by town after a season of several weeks in will have to be «nb« ribed bv the people the ••Church of the l.iving God” on the Mount Reuben district. Mr Abbott Harry Chapin last Monday, brought Jones creek near dry dlggi'-gs, 3 miles i* siirve) ing the Jones’ group of mines to theCovaiKR offliv from Mr. Triplet's and the mountain air seem* to be agree Klondike orchard near Hugo, two clus east of <¡rants Pass Irani Angust 5 to ing with him admirably. August 15. Evangelist J. W. Byeis of ters of choice cherries of the Bla< k Ke- Henry Booth came up from Haginaw ' publican variety. Our force can testify Oakland, California, will be present. I to the gor»i quality of these sample, anil The meetings will beheld at 10:30 A. M, last Sunday to upend a few days with we are sure they would he pleased to 2 3OP. M and *30 I’. M. of each day. relatives ami friends before taking charge see Harry often un ler such circuinalan- The public in general are invited to at- of the receivership of the Roaeburg land office. Henry wdl make many friend* I '-es. It has been represented that tend ail the meeting*. in Roseburg just a* he has in Grants Southern Oregon in not particularly Kate«» Paas. adapted to the culture of this kind of From now until October 17th the 8. P. Dr. J W. Robinson of Jacksonville, fruit but Irani the quality and quantity Company will issue round trip tickets has been appointed special deputy inter grown by Mr. Triplett this year in his from Granta PaMto Col stem and return, orchard, the representation is a fallacy. good to go Saturday and return Momiav nal revenue collector for Southern Ore Before going into the mountains foi your The ladies' benefit society of th» Pres- $2 ML Good for 30 days $3 V». Tie»«« gon This is the tamo place refused by t V ~^^ sxj f I g- — Ueorgo Merriman of Medfo-d. l>r Rob * wishing an outing will have an opportu inson is a good man and will do his duty outing consult us--you*ll t>r. Moore, who •»» ssaiatad by Mee- nity to go on « heap rates. well. A appointment damea Coe and I’ardotn Thirty-three R Thomas and family and T. I*. An Arm, and A ivy lathee were present. After the regular have been l<Hiking for business was Jis;>oM.'d of Mrs. Van Dyke Memorandum book »• what you have Cramer and family went up to By baa MONMOUTH OBE • 51 hawn wanting. The Northern Pacific Bridge on Rogue river, Wednesday lor -.j \ .fici :< and ■ Velt-4h{Uipi«e»i trainin< <iepartnt«-nt tjf nine «•ting article taken Irom the Home Mis has if. It contains cut of the .Maine, an outing of a week or tea days Th« nub 2»» «hiidre»«. •ion Magazine. The article read by rnap of Cut«a, list of V S and Hpanish l«arty expects to Hah while up there, wo Kejnjfar Nonuil <ourw of three year« Mr. Kinney was exceptionally interest- navy vessels, interior drawings of » bat men a* well a* men, ami surely the edb *eni<>r year wbolly profe«*t«»nai. (iradua ted Lifh ‘*hon|- and mg. It was entitled “Ask some on« tle ship, illustrât ions of U 8 and 8j»sn* tor uught to have a supply when they TENTS. WAGON BLANKETS tlv to nrofd»*>i<mal ' in r^fcr^nc« wirlt for the i*h ships. giowWWjf ui navy anu army retnrn. two Master. The society will meet in Ised by Friday H C. Kinney, Eddfo Van « i ll, table el diataacee. eowrnen-lef« COVERS and DUCKING QUILTS. ETC. • ecka hence, with Mrs McCroskey ot U " sb ip» an<i army corp*, list of Iryke, Mrs. Robert McLaan and little Piano» and organs at manufacturers’ U H. regiment« and ‘.heir commander» t rar res Price will drive to Ashland ta ear for fron* t price*, direct from Kimball Co„Chi<ago. ■nd other inlormation very uw(ul end attend Chautauqua, aad next week f>r. Van I>yke, Prof. Kurth and M im Baifo nr Bth No Fire. Ute, and Acerde-» Insnranre. in valuable at thi» lime The book fite the veet pocket and I» Robinson will go up tn «auter^mo th« American, English or German cornpa- lay, ■’♦pC n«ea. Al the old reliable Agency on fill, np U> 'late Han 1 Uba*. 8. Fee, general peep's sou»<. oi tb^ir cbofon solo», i on. Addrr*« etn-et. Grant» Pane Or. pr \ an will Kf »( »* fn1 Rigft th’* pswengrr »gent. N. 1’ R., Ft o( Fa* wily. J E Pavannou. Agenr M ->t’ . *-*e i-eot* an.1 ipe l*»*k I, tt-urs orcs >u P. I.. CAMPARLI. Prwsideni Uncle Sam’s Boys B. &,M , Grocery, Calhoun Grocery Go You want the Best? We can FOUR TWO Cramer Bros. Urants Pass & Crescent City -STAGE LINE Snow Ball, Medford Ae Snowy Bute Flour, also Portland Mills Whole Wheat Flour, Your choice, any brand $1.30 We have .Mill Feed, Bran, Mid- I Hings, Oats, Chopped Oats, Chopped Corn. We have No ba its or prize goods in our Fancy Grocer ies that make profit without giving you full value. We have A line of Shoes that you can depend upon. Our guarantee means just what it says. We have : The Celebrated Ken- tucks Bull Breeches, the best working pants made. We have The best line of Cali coes and Staple Dry Goods at the right prices. We have [<l. Malt ; • 'i AKEPS* STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Summer A market for your Grain and Bailed Hay. Come and see at The Sugar