ROGUE RIVtR COURIER | mission in life is to kick, and their timsi since 2 o’clock Toral is considering ' is devoted to finding targets a. which to the pro|Njsition for surrendering, now rl'BLIkHKb KVKBY VWVMDAY, 1 kick. We have men among us who that I have the town surround*-«! on th»- PRICE A VOORHIES, walked the streets anil roundly de nortb. The line» were completed at 6 noun c«$d the administration (or not de p ui. by General Ladlow right down to xnrroRM ano frofbikturm . Ullllaina I HOW DO YOU DO? I Itrttw Scrofulous Humor We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Hoa- ell is quite sick The Sharp brother* are building a large barn on their Isrin A Krai llurw iliddru iu ihr Old F’urtu of íddrraa V» hivh Should lie lli*iu«dlrd. the way to make It <tteual<l N.ver Hr Heat Takrn Ulll>ua, ' Mr«. 8. T. Rorer write, of tM eocoa nu<l • hcolate in her « ki .on. tn tellinp how to ben pr »lie |X)iut» out that “tannin^?*" tiouable ilMfredient of tea. i»B-* ’ oU|fbly di»kolved by boilin, y ' the leu«t tannin we mu»t. th,, boiling the tea. The ni.ehi * teas ure undoubtedly mart « than the tfreen-colored tea. dried on copper plate«, p, ! expensive teas—those »old at to twelve dollar» a pounder, healthful as the cheaper blaefc at a dollar. Tea should be tai or with very little tupar. if, tween meals it tnay be tak< su^ar and cream, but 1 cannottk, a more injurious or pernicio,,? than the drinking- of tea wnk ** and cream at meal time. If take food it prevents masticatioa, creating stomach fermentation “To make tea properly first pot, drain and put into it wfin, level teaspoonful of te» t0 , pint of water. I’our over the the first boil; cover for five wtir and use at once. Therul. ing tea is to allow one teaspoonfni,, for each person and one for ft. Tea should not. under any stances, be made In a metal Ladies’ Horae Journal. Blood in Terr’blo Condition and Ail Run Dow n in Health Has Be come Strong and Healthy. claring war immediately and wiping the bay. The lines are rather thin, but -How du >ou do . James Hail ma«!«» a trip to Jiu-kson. Spain from the face of the earth Now I will have them strengthened in the "Commeut va 'a • these same Mien are denouncing the ad morning by General Henry, who has ville Friday on his bievcie. -Wie gebt üeuu •‘I wad al! run do n. »loud in terrible ministration for having brought on the just arrived at head viarlers. üue imgat u 1 W ill Cheshire is visiting rrlailvrs and i condition and I was t: uubled with a severe war. It is hard to please such people—In scrufuluus humor which cau»ed rue great There have only In-en three er four I friends oil W illiams creek . , 1( cue iimr ui me . ......... fact they would kick if they were please«I. casualties. Noone waa killed s«> far as I I suffering. I took medicine fur a long man prv»c‘ uuuid H»earu»t About 12 men as4sle«i Mr. (’hapman time, but received no permanent benefit. ».„uoitvng— 1 he sensation would l»e so startling that lean lea.n. 1 expect to have twe oi the in bis barn raising Tuesday. ■* ,he 77;, X.«« v. -i..« *•• •i“ At this time I was working in a general they would kick like a mule when you I new batteries in position tomorrow. Dr. l^eBarr came down from Jackson-1 store, and 1 thought I would look over the tickle bis heels with a straw. Such men There is a great deal of suffering ville Saturday to ?«e Mr. Turn Hall. medicines and see if I could And something Advertising rates on spplirstion. 4'opy are harmful only when taken seriously among the people who have gone out of I that would hit my case. I recd an adver Mr. Sparlm and son Johnny return?«! I for change or* ad’'must l«e nanded in before We are in the war. it is for righteousness Santiago, and 1 am doing my utmost to tisement of Hood's Sarsaparilla and con Tues«iay main, otherwise setting of the and humanity, tho lx»rd has crowned relieve it, hut have not been entirely Saturday from a trip to the i0uuiitainv. cluded to try it. The first bottle helped • our efforts with marvellous success, and Mrs. John went to Grants I ’ shh last i per running inch, »ingle column. Altera successful. blf AFTER. me wonderfully and I continued its use lions and additions to copy will l»e < hargtsi the world will be better and humanity week to visit her daughter,.Mrs. Howard. uritil I had tak« n nine Ixjttles. By this The ‘ for at the rate of 10c j»cr running in< h, sin A io baMUMgurs at Ma«1ri<l Hunt |*ea« ennoble«! bet ause of it. Then let the time I felt like a new man, and since Mi?s Ella Perdue returned U» Me«!ford gle col u am. kickers kick. Ixindon, July 12.—A Vienna di-patch Wednesday, after celebrating the Fourth . then have not been sick a day. I ttI„l thru there < r lb, Entered at the |M»*d ottn nt Grants F om , | to the Chronicle says: am now strong and healthy and I have uiulerstaii’ ii •-.' at Williams 4lr«-g<.n, oa -«•- Ol • • n..ill« r The <|iieation of the permanent occu* such confidence in Hood's Sarsaparilla that It is semiofficially announced that the The weather ia about up to the stand- ( palion of the conquer*d islands in the 1 recommend it as the best medicine on ambassadors of the powers at Madrid T hursday , July 14, 1898. One morning Tomlins, when editing ar«l of July temperature; the thermome Atlantic and ths Pacific is one that may earth.'* J ohn J. L ittle , Munnsville, N. Y. “u,t.e.lo-r..ftl.eque»«1.,Uer have express«*d to Sagnsta a desire that Jerrold ’ » Newspaper, found his office ter registers from S5 to 92 degrees. we LI cause statesmen aoane anxiety. It “,,h. I-.» pv-ople bore me tellu.g me pea<e negotiations be opened. ,lt is locked and no office-boy on the prem is no light thing fur a nation to radically A party of pleasure seekers went out ise». He waited for some time, and state«l that in spile of denials, the < e- Is the tw*st -in fact the One True BI« nn 1 Puri °'^^e«h U«Mr».HV. Sh;«> revolutionize her policy. It may mean sire for peace practically prevails in nil camping last week several miles up Will when the boy appeared reprimanded fier. All druggists. $1. six for $.5. Get Hood’s. a great deal lor um in the future. Wt iams ¡creek, and we «uprose the trout him for oversleeping1. The lx»y denied clasaes in Spain, but the government is cannot well hesitate to assume the re sulfered it, tearfully, and explained that hr had Hood’s Pills •»The first .dr. i afraid ¡the revolutionary partie» might 1 , , i,n i i» this climate will sponsibilities thrown upon us, but the Dr. Sumner of Klamath Faffs has been been up all night. MIt’a thia way. sir.” when I meet bil.t I* „ take advantage if the government should weak points in sur system of govern open ncguuatiuns. visiting his son. C’. Sumner, and re be «aid. ‘‘My uncle was hung at the I Lili him 1 wish i< would. | "ov «ill I -''P'- «f° 0,1 on the field of duty. ’’ These, at all Old Bailey thia morning, and alt hough merit will l»e made plain by the exten The Madrid correspondent <»f the Mail turned last Saturday to move his family we weren’t on. speaking terms with events, did not die in rein. Stone col I J'rtunBte Mend, with . h.story of sion of our demain We cannot let the vo Williams. telegraphs that the current in favor of him. I thought, as one of the family, umns are not now used in supports for Philippines, the Lad-ones, Cuba and 'lTh. 'l.-’'are just a »*• samples of the Mr. Tryer went to Medford Wednes I ought to go, to be there." "Quite buildings in New York. peace is running stronger today, The Porto Rico go if we would without a So one might go on quoting the perils day. He was well eatisiied with his right," said Tomliri. "Never neglect government will negotiate without the * Military Powder. San Jone aeeiua to I m » having a scandal manifest injustice to the inhabitant? intervention of any foreign power, Fur work July 4, having cleared alsiut $44), your family duties. But when another of the firemen as so many steps for in her high school. (if powders low made, there arep. of your relation* is to be hanged, pleas« and to humanity. We believe them, a? ward for the better protection of the eign diplomats observe that the tenden which was doing quite well for such a ably a hundred kind». Iteyxn, to leave the office key under the mat." rest of us. It was the burning of the f Santiago is doomed and will soon be yet, incapable of self government, but cy in Madiid is to exclude the powers Ismail place, considering the fact that -Crypt. divided, however, into three St. George flats, and more recently of their ignorance and degradation have altogether from the negotiations. th«*re were two other candy stands on Sbaftef*« possession. blasting, sporting and milit.ry, the Manhattan bank, in which adozen been due in a great measure to the C or . military | wiler» look a» littlefik,, The editor of the Evans City, Pa , men were disabled, that stamped the The premier’s resignation was exact tlm grounds bronpht the Whole trouble upon our cruelty and oppreasion of their Spanish Car vara is a proud old Castilian, al- Globe, write», “One Minute Cough Cure average fireproof construction as selves. In the full flush of the timet lip dinary gunpowder as it 1. powil»,. ed liefore peace negotiotions O(»enecl, so For Constipation take Karl ’ s Clover urrender them to Spain as to leave the crown absolutely free to conceive. That intended for th tho he had to Nuccamb to the inevitable. masters. ? Root Tea, the great Blond Purifier. is rightly named. It cured my c hildren faulty and largely delusive. One might we deliberately, followinpa eiolom thn. caliber rifles, with :heiriead.perr x to continue her work of destruction consult with the leading statesmen. Corea Headache, Nervousneas, Eruptions after all other remedies failed." It even go further, and say the fireman’s i, almost ns rure a law in the social lets and 2,000-yard zone of |rt. Spain want* peace and no more war, would l»e a crime. To leave them to Should Sagaata’s resignation be accepted on the face, and make« the head clear as coughs, colds and and all throat risk increases in the ratio of our prog 1HMh u. is circulation of the l.«o<_• "• very good imitation of • lean, t,. t but she is afiaid to ask for it for fear of a ! themselves would be 3 to ress or convenience. The water-tanks and lung troubles.— W. F. Kremer. invite other efforts will l»e made to form a military a bell. Sold by W. F Kremer. the physical, asked our friend: How well-grained sand. Then there » came with the very high buildings, det|»otisma to absorb them, and their revolution at home. i.«... .... cabinet, whose acts would inspire great powder intended for similar uaetu which in themselves offer problems to do you do? ’ condition would not be material’y im What tire they to do? If some one f of reddish brown, and is cut intoii The Spanish reported only 2000 men proved, The question liefore us is "Do er confidence in the army the fire fighters that have not yet been ill if thev have a new grief or n new minute squares. Powder lobeu,, solved. The very air-shafts that were to defend the city of Santiago. The we owe anything to the w»*ak and op pain is it not only natural on their par- | some of the field guns looks like Full «»f Mam lugo I n Near at Hand hailed as the first advance in tenement number killed, captured and wounded pressed of the earth? Do we owe any that thev should tell us of it? lhev ma.' in the world so much as sheet gin, Washington. July 12 — The expecta house building added enormously to far exceed this number. The Spaniard? thing to those whom we have rescued have a lot of blessings, but a pres, n sixteenth of an inch thick ar.d a,-, the fireman’s work and risk, as well as ' toothache makes one forget that stock» into irregular bits. The pou<..r ( can beat the world lying as their pies? from the slavery of despotism?" If so tion was general today that Santiago to the risk of everyone dwelling under would be ours very soon. The main went up a point or two the day befcri dispatches will pro' s. the Hotchkiss gun is in blocks,« we owe them all, protection, education source of apprehension was that the the n-ofs by acting as so many huge chimneys that carried the tire to the 1 or doing all the cooking nt home be fourth of an inch square and at in th*» principles of liberty and self gov* Spaniards may succeed to a considerable The war has taugnt our congress the open windows opening upon them in ! cause the girl has left is just cause fol as coal. There is a spherodicl kr ernment, education on ail lines that degree*in evacuating lite town before The following ia a copv of the program of music* played l>v the band necessity of a navy but it seems that every story. More than half of all the overlooking the fact that one is in luck whose grain is something larger th. j on l»oard the flagahip New York the evening before th« winking of the tend to the development of true man the American lines are competed. Gen fires in New York occur in tenement to have things to cook. an ordinary ma a de. It ; something will tie necessary to teach the M«*i»imac across the entrance to the harbor of Santiago It is an interest- hood and womanhood, This can only eral Miles, who arrived at Sibon y on Xo. the fault is in the question. We <( ing <l«*< ument to keep aw a record bouses. When the tenement house of lead, hardened! into giobulsr icr. people and congress the necessity of the ought Io address people differently i' he done by our assuming the full meas* the Yale yesterday, made the following commission of 1894 sat in this city, This is also a field-piece powder. 7 Nicaragua canal. With this canal com urs of our responsibility That there is report to Secretary Alg -r today : considering means of making them we only intend to laugh with those who 13-inch guns take the brown pri^a; plete and tinder the control of the Uni laugh, and it is easily managed. Why safer and better, it received the most danger is due only to our infamous and the black prismatic, /he a,, “Arrived at noon. Had a consultation d ted States and a good navy our sea FLaGBMir NORTH ATLBNTlC STATION practical help and advice from the fire not go up to your friend and say: which is tile quicker of lite two,ins spoils system. Were our offices tilled by with A'lmiral Hampson and General coasts would have a protection that ••I’m •!. lighted to see you." or “This b men, especially from Chief Bresnan, merely for purpoees of ignition. T1 men who weie appointed because of fit Shafter by telephone Tho troop* other powers could not down I»et us w hose death occurred only a few days a pleasure.” or any one of a hundred powders are called "pr smatie,- ness, and not because of their corrupt brought from Tampa, Charleston and ’ ON GUARD” OFF * SANTIAGO DE CUBA ’ have the Nicaragua canal by all means after he had testified as a witness. The possible forms of greeting that you cause they are many-sided, like readiness to be used to further the New York have arrive«! ami are leaving SCHLEY Men with the strength of ‘ SAMPSON in the ‘ MERRIMAC ” recommendations upon which he in could find instead of the old hackneyed prism. Each grain has a hole tliru We prreume that the fusion officials schemes of political bosses, then the ad for tho fori. sisted are now pert of the general tene and really injurious phrase: "How <1< its center, also an aid to the f Line investment being A TRI E NAVAL DRAMA-The real old Met oy. will now live up to the resolution adopt dition of colonies would be a source ol extended. ment house law.—Jacob A. Riis, inCen- you do?” Miles." ignition. A grain of these pan - L xtkst S ong T o -N ight : ed by them at their county convention, wealth and power. Abolish the cause It is not exaggerating the state of af t ury. General Miles has not taken and will one inch in height and twoinehesin- and reduce their Nalarieaone half accord fairs at all to sav that this primary Arc von going to come out to-night? If so step lively of the evil and then let us assume the not take « barge of the operations now b<- cumference. These explosives u> ingly.—Yaquina Bay News. we’re going to lock the door." Whew Niiiunm Will No Lonner Flow. question as to the state of every one'» saltpetre and charcoal bases. Tk It is useless to presume, brother, that full measure of our obligation toh'iman I iug conducted against Santiago. He is health or feeling is injurious. It hurts From discoveries in the history of _________________ I simply there in the capacity of com any official will reduce hie salary, not >iy both parties alike; it spoils the bright- j make much smoke and much toia-; Niagnra it is found that the land is ris Golden Days. PROGRAM of music . Woodmen I iinim II mi ion manding general of the army to l«>«)k ov withstanding his promises to do so prior ing at the rate of 1% to D/j feet a cen ness of the day, and it is positively hurt | M arch .... “For Ix>ve or War” • latsl Friday evening, George H. Cal- er the fiel«j and ascertain whether the tury in that district, more than two ful. so. at least, «.ay our most ndvauei d I to hits election Fast evidences arc t A BONBON Joke O vkrtcrr .... “Brnnze Horae" • • At-HER feet northeast of Georgian bay, and doctors. There is nothing so bad in this proof sufficient that populists are not l houn. (»ant consul comman<l«*r, metalled o|H*rations are going along as they Some joker or lunatic, the pec; W\t.rz...................... “Jolly Brothers’’ • • Vol.I.MTEOr world for anybody as to brood or eon- | over four fret a century at the outlet of averse to drawing large salaries when the following officers fur the Woodman should don’t know which, went to gendam- "Surprise Medley"............................................ B b illAM Lake Ontario. This northeastward ele tinually speak of their sorrows or theif on duty in tin* outskirts of Tacuba lodge in thia city at their hall in the “The Song That Reached Mv Heart" ever they have been the favored ones. Naval officers regard their part of op • J ordan aches, and we all know that if in a da.' vation of the land is causing the waters Qi: \ i > rii . i . k • • - “The Rialto" - • • Mexico, at night and told them that :’ ()d«i Fellow's building:— J A. Mover, erations at Santiago as practically at an - D r W itt of the lakes to overflow the low country we meet three or four people, each ol prefecture ordered that theyaroiueri The debt of Jackson county has been consul commander ; F. W. Uhausee, ad end, and are looking around for new about their southwestern extremities. whom tells us he has a sore throat, people in all the houses and warn tin reduced $42,000 in the past two years The inundation continuing, it is esti we are inclined to think it is epidemic that an earthquake was coming. T? The judge is a democrat and the coin viser lieutenant; I . L. Coron,escort; N. worlds to com pier Their eyes are June First, 1898. E. Me Grew, watchman; L. L. Jennings, turne«l to the east, and they ere rushing mated that in 600 or 700years Lake Erie and discovera scratch in our own throat obedient gendarmes did so, and their missioners are populiatH an excallent MUSTER combiaation to insure an economical ad sentry; George I Brown, manager; Drs. preparations for the dispatch of Com w ill be on the same level as Lake Huron; before bed time. pie ran frightened to the fields and• L ministration u( public affairs.—Raaeburg J. S. Moore and William Flanagan, phy modore Watson’s eastern squadron. in 1,000 or 1,200 years all the upper Iowa There are people who have thought streets. When cold gave them nx*i Vixen \ evitici i>er Fleet Review. Tex as lakes will have two outlets, namely, by Porter over the matter and decided to get sicians The iastallation took plain in 3 Boat.*«. A demonstration agsinst San Juan de shivers than the fright hadtheybeftj < »regon Harvard Bless your soul, brother, haven't von way of Niagara river and also by way round the hush in this way: the presence of about 125 ¡»ersons, being Porto Rico is understood to be the next Dolphin to think somebody had lied.—Uhiofit Brooklyn made a mistake? f igures will not he, of Chicago and the Mississippi. In 2,400 ” 0h! I always say: Tin very well New York Tribune. Woodmen and their families families. . After number on the programme, but the Mayflower ( 'other years Niagara fails will no longer flow, but they can lie made to mistake hugely. thanks!’ if anyone asks me. even if I’m New Orleans Murblehea«! Merrimac the officials had been installed, ice naval authorities believe it will not Wnr Horror». as by that time the waters of the upper ready to drop," says one woman, mid M;i"U<-husett - Where did you get your figures? Farewell) cream, cake and lemonade were served amount to much because of the easy re Filler—I suppose you think lakes will l»e emptying into the Missis another remarks that she answers the sippi end Gulf of Mexico In 5,000years query with the snmequestion: "Howdo sort of a picnic? Hawaii at last has become the proper in abunduace, to which Brother Fallen duction of the de fenses. Bowles—Oh, dear, no: not that kB the Niagara ri»er and Lake Erie at yottdo?" In theflrst instancethrnchemc ■ At the cabinet mec ing t</day tele* ty of the United States by the final vote can testify, and there are a number of IJutTal«» will l»e drained. But the Chi i is bad. If you say you are well when rlble.—Cincinnati Enquirer. I would In* grams from General Shafter were read of the nunato which stood 42 in favor of, others whose testimony 01.1 s.,! .r;;7. X......... . hkkoes who fight fire cago canal, which is now being built, i you are ill all sorts of funny annoy- “What'll von give me for the hot»' g| to 21 opposed. It t»k a long time to e«pially as good as that of Mr. Fallen. ami discusse«!, but no new plan of catn- 1 will greatly hasten the change of drain | ing complications are sure to arise; ■■ V load Of hay." settle a little matter, hut the reason for Among them are L L Jennings, T. B. paign was considered or important or- «lavs. age. but save the low country about some other unfortunate of your fnmily I “What goes I is that withoot Ik 3 such a delay is clear to any one w ho will Cornell. Frank McGregor, J A Mover, ders given. Secretary Alger, on leaving Chicago from being submerged.—Dr. is asked after the state of the house later horse?” I rank Stith is pushing work on u six Their Rieka Increase in tho Ratio lake lime to look into th«» matter. Claus George 1. Brown ami a host of others the cabinet meeting, expiesaed the opin anile ditch on the Josephine J. XV. Spencer, at Canadian Institute. on p t! aps. and. selecting you and your of Our ProgroBS. "I’ll let you keep the horse till betr- W Hprecklea waaopposed to it and Senator whose modesty requires un to keep still. ion that the Spaniards are now cumple'e-^i ills f rd' .ctission. Is met by the amazed --------- --- it tip."--Fliegcnde Tllaetter. R Jolmn) Turner is hauling freight fromf Jokes aside, it was one of the most on exclamation:: ly cut off* from outside aid, and that it White ol California is the paid attorney Among the wonder# shown at the re ■Grants I’ass for our merchants tins weel "Wliy. I met Z----- this morning and I for Sprrckles and of course he would, joy able occasions of tho season, and is only a question of prompt surrender cent exhibition f the Quekett Micro There is more in the way you scopical club in London was the whole she said she was very well." and did, make a hard and bitter fight every out» went home feeling that he had or fight which will result in their cap | James Logan tak«»s regular trips to I than the gun you shoot with. O mm B enjoyed himself very much, | Waldo lately Wbat ’ s the attraction,/] ••fill, was she?" your brother may an- The Wood* of the second chapter of St. John ’ *Gos ture, in the senate in up|»osi!iou to annexation. It was Se« relarv Alger’s opinion pel written on the two-thouxanddh part SWI r. "Then why can’t she do her own rear Hay Lake. Me., killed a moctf [ It la an awful struggle for statesmanship man lodge is growing rapidly hi this as well as that of the other members of J i III ? the smallest working cartridge kcowj of a square inch, and plainly legible at errands?" A L, Root has opened up a bicycle to rise above the |»ocket book or sel city, there being at preaent over 100 the cabinet that the Spaniards would Xo. it won't do to make a rule to lie —a 22-calibi r. He encountered r that under the microscope.—Chicago membeis repair shop up stairs in Howard's build* suriender rather His life is too fuff of real peril for Inter than takt« risks fish tuolivna________________ when some one says: “Howdov udo?" moose suddenly in the weeds, anil.« in«». him to expoae it recklessly—that is to CrrHCCIU k <*ii«t lalMtHB t'US! g« neral assault To Hora a Well and as for say mg in reply: ’’T’ow do von in less than 30 feet, fired two St a gi There arn two things about Admiral Mrs Sophia Gilmore w ent to Waldo say, needlesaly. From the time when A petition is being circulated Hiking do? the win le thing i, alMvut as sensi iron» his little revolver. The aninrt”? Line rasseiigcr Rate* Our Policy. Uervera worthy of commendation, obedi Monday to visit her father, diaries he leaves his quarters in answer to an ble as when two serious-minded roos dead at the second shot, which, on «-I enbtcriplione to pav lor boring a well in From (.¡rants Pass ence to orders, and bravery in the face nlarm until he return«, he takes a risk Territorial extention ia a puli« v which ( Decker, ters take t-> remarking to ca< h ether: amination, was found to have piffW the old school vard. Home think it m L > w i '. .!«• i villa ............. ... .. .. of death. He succeeded in getting hit $ .75 “Cock n doorlie do.” Then snoesenp'- its heart. .Another Maine woc<b’*: Mrs. Decker, accompanied by Grand that may at any moment set him To Ixwe’a or Anderson gooii thing to du ami are aubacribing to i belongs to the United States govern ........ (ace to face with death in its most cruel $1.(H If people will nsk each other this sort or brought down a moose with a entire ffeet out of Santiago de Cuba bar f*' the fund, while others care nothing lor I ment ami it is no less a principle of any ma llart.paid Geo Simmon9and family furan. He needs nothing so much as a To Selma .................................. $1.25 1.... 1 " •! ■ ■’ ou they «mt taka th.- i revolver, and out west there are st-’ ber before the Ameri<*an warships To Kerby........................................... progressive natio n To the 1.3 original I a visit last week. it. How much it will coat to put m well $2.00 dear head; and nothing is prized so io Waldo opened fire, and if he and his crew, with Î3.00 •■ >n«cqiiem- s. Hnt] they are bad.—De of grizzlies being killed by 21-ca. z sufficiently deep to obtain flowing watsr states their have been added at different Chancy Messinger and M Bratlon went highly, nothing puts him so surely in troit Free Pres., _ I exprt-sa rifles. The ordinary hrr’r their eipnpments ha«l in any sense been | cannot be ascertain»«! only by experience times vast territories and today no one from the line of promotion; for as be ad , out to cut logs for the Draper creek saw ■ however, would rather take cb»* •Ute. troni Giants Baa, to Ct e«jual to a like force of Americans, the questions but whit it is affright. Jef vances in rank and responsibility, the I mill, this week. I but money spent in thia way would be OVBB one thousand yards of linen with a cannon in meeting a grin.'" To t’le-cerit City and return battle off* >anliag«> de Cuba would have lives of others, as well as his own, come h | hmi I in a gov«! cause It is believed by ferson strained his authority in order cloth have been unrolled from one Forest and Stream. rao penant, each It is supposed that we h ill have a new to de[M*nd on his judgment. The set terminate«! in great destrui tion on both some that no great depth would be t«> obtain the lajuirisna purchase, a war organ for our Sunday nc I iuu I in th? mummy. The cloth in texture re of conspicuous daring which the world aides. There was nothing lacking in temblé. the i hee.e cloth of the present rea> he«l t»eiore the water would rn«* to with Mexico gave us California, Texas course of human events, Ex«cutor*» Notice. The Chinese send three invitations- applauds is oftenest to the fireman a 1 Spanish bravery on this o< can ion but tomewhat. It Is finer in quality. .the ffucsta that they desire $••* * the suifact. We would like to see the aske«l for admittance; ami Alaska was In the matter of the «-state of Horace matter of simpl«» duty that bud to be * GusLenholni n ho haw there was in gunnery; they could not been mining in The Sandwich islands asked their jrreat repast«. Th«- first in b I enterprise undertak«»n and carried to a bought done in that way because there was no Woodcock, decease«!; notb-e is hereby hit the American vessels often and when I that Uncle our neighborhood for ►exeral years, left other. Nor is it a way«, or even usual given, that the umiersigned has t»een by patched two days before the feast; tk A Mitr«1 Vrr«llet. successful termination, believing with admission ami b**ggr«l this week f°r Montana to remain per- they did no material damage was «lone, i A London jury th«* other day brought second on the day itself, in order to* ly, the hardeat duty, as he sees it. It the county court of the slate of 4 >regon. «»there that a goovl supply of pure water Sam would extend his fatherly cats maiiently. He has done and it will insure pro I came easy to him because he is an ath for th«* county «»( Josephine, silting in in the following decidedly mixed ver mind those they expect of theirenimr Probate is «iuly appointed sole executor Nome of our exchangee feign to lielieve could be obtained. tec lion to those islands and it will not' Quite a crowd of base ball enthusiauf lete trained to do such things, and be of the esta»e «if Horace Woodcock ; de dict: “We !in«l the prisoner not guilty, ment, and the third just before the hut that there are more Mitchell men amuug and that hr admitted his guilt through has struck, so as to show how inipfi»'’ War News cause once for all it is easier to risk reatricl m the least the liberties of the cease«!. With his will sMiiexed ignorance, and wp strongly recommend they are to no«» their friends-arriv®- went up in the valley irom Kerby Su the republican legislators elect, than ' (Taken From Telegram of July 121 one ’ s life in the open, in the sight of Ail perruns indebted to said estate are |»r«»ple. They will b«» made happier anj* • lay with the expectation of playing ball, one’s fellow», than to face death alone, hereby requeste«! to call on the under him to mercA’." If Mitchell Thousands of (»ereons have been there were last »•salon. No IN ace Overtures 11« reived lite little country «leveloped to its fullest of piles by using Ik» Witt’s Witch H** caught like a rut in a trap. That is the signed an«« settle without delay , an ! all but they got foohtl thinks there is a ghoat of a show for Mo-To-Bsc f«»r fifty At-uta. Washington, July 12.—Secretary oì extent. Salve. It heals promptly andcure^r him, he is certain to b«>b up when the bta<e bay, on entering tU«« cabinet room It is with pleasure that ne aie aide to leal peril w hich he knows too well, but persons having «•lain** against said es Guaranteed tobuveo hubtr cure, make*» west zema ami all skin disease It C»w Russia, Germany, France and Eng of that the public hears only when hr tat«» will present the same, duly verified Den «trona, b uod pure. tOc.ll. AU druggi?Ut When a man once legislature meets mediate relief --W F. Kremer. as required by law, within six months Unlay, authorized the statement that no land have (well aggressive in obtaining [ announce the fact that Mrs. Iludcn, an has fouglit his last fight, and le st. from this date acquires the taste for offlcs by having (wavs overtures of any kind have been ' foreign }*oaseHsiouN and their motives ’ a«*cofuplished teacher from Grants P ass . How literally pur everyday*security had a mouthful, he rarely loses his apa lias hern engaged t » teach our next term —of which we think, if we think of tat i I BAC'l >■ WOOM « k , made. may be questioned at times, but there is Executor I said estate with will annexe«! tite. There are plenty of men in Oregon of sc hool all, as a mere matter of course—is built no doubt but what the lesulls have been D avis B row er , more acceptable to the people than New York, July 12 A dispatch to Misa Lucy George will close her school upon the supreme sacrifice of these de- I fur the better in the main. England Attorney tor the estate. Mitchell. Mark it, tb«»<e republicans th«» World from London says vote«l men. we realize at long ■ ntervals. I»ated July 2d, lt*‘.‘8. has proved a blessing to India, and dark at Waldo one w«*ek from next Friday when a disaster occurs s«ich a* the who support Mitchell in ibe next legis Fram e's new minister, M de L. Casse, est Africa is rapidly ser:::g thr i ntU of with a basket social and ball. Bask»‘ts one In winch Chief Bresnan and Fore On Front Street near Ahlfs old meat market. Work gUJ‘ g thè lature are either candidates for the pub has notitied the Spanish amba«*va«h>r at day. All the aggresiiv nations take will l*v sold, and the proceeds devote«! to man Rooney lost their lives three years teed first-class. Agents for the ECLIPSE Bicycle—the best« lic teal, or else have friends whose in Paris, Senor Ixeon Castillo, that the with them into new fields a belter civil- buying furniture for the sch nd building ago. They were crushed to death un- made. Give us a call. teresta nee«I pushing. That element of French government is ready to tender Jack Nmoc'k. our deputy P M will liler the great water tank in a Twenty- ixation than tliey^ find The United republicans who are not dying for ice the g«MMl services of the French ambas /¡»• ‘ »n leave Ir.s post at Kerby and go lol I fourth street factory that was on fire States will take to all the lands untamed are not Mit<*hell men. sador at Washington ino p'iiing negotia G. a frulli Npain in th«» existing struggle the Allhouse to take charge of the store naw I J Its supports had been bprncd away. An tions fur pea<M», if the Madrid goveru low nt cl by loliit Riley There ar«» other/ r examination that was then ma«!e of the highest civilisation, education and Spain has be« *omeao dilapidate«l in tlio’t ment will permit it ludo so. water tanks in the city discovered love for republican lust tutions Thelhtrk • 1 changes it is rumored, he will take p and in purpose, that it would l>e well that were either wholly unsupported, | in, but wr will wail \g«'s must give way to the progreaa of1 (or the governments of Europe to have Wpaln W tiling to Give up < ulut <»nl> exc ept by the roof beams, or pr< pped light Not a war for conquest but a We read with great pleasure theedi- on timbers, and therefore a direct men her disband govermental function a ami Madrid, July 12 l'he possibility of retire from business We are willing that |N*acewith the Unite«! States is being aar for humauitv and let the tvrant pa\ turial in the last issue of the Coi rikr , ace, not only to the firemen when they IHE|>. Einporor Willie of Germany take such widely diHt'UNsud b> th«» neawpap«*rs and dearly by the forfeiture ot the islanlte 4 entitled Civilians as General*«. There is were called there, but daily to those plentv |>-( material without "honoring” living uuder them. It is not pleasant part of the peninsular government as i bv th«» public. Conservative pa|»rrs de both Atlantic and Bacifiv. to add that the department's just de such men as Bryan, Astor and others may fall to his lot, but he must keep ! elare kpam wdl act'epl peace providing mand for a law that should compel simply because they have a "pull" and L.ntl'.ords either to build tanks on the his hands off* the islands of the Atlanti« it implies the loss only of Cuba, but th»»* John are thus able to secure vouimatt«ls waff or on iron supports has not been an«( the I'aciMc. Hhould the war close assert that bpam would prefer to «x»n j want The) would be thought a great deal hteded yet; but that is, unhappily, au row ,or will take all these islan«h linos the * ar if the United States should umre of. am! there woqld be less n«ad o d story. to satisfy the demands of the United claim I'orto Ri«*o, the Philippines or an do wot l «wer less slaughter of mei) if they would en Seventeen years ago the collapse of n l ine llcarse Fi Blates, and atoould the war be prolonge«! immense imlsinnity which it w«»ul«l I m vMiun to a list as privates, gaiu rxperivHce and by Pr-».i«lway build-rg «luring a fire con indefinitely, then we would seed a CuiHns l»eautiiuUy dnishe« ihi pMisiLle for "|»ain to pay. eli«-e from hsr home loaf to help pay . courage ami valor, fit themselves for the vinced the community that at«»ne pil- I wood, with glass, trimmed Correspondent is asserts that General Urs were unsafe as s ipp«»rts. The fire an«! ex|«r< t position* Only a lew daya ago a nephew war e%|»eti«*es. The war with Spain «-an [ only $17.50 Correa, minister <»f war. does nut dis Photographs, of Prv* M. K»nl»v pane«! the ranks as a was in the laneuieut. and the firemen I Wall paper in the latest pat nut continue long as the (towers of Eu ' had turnrd the hose on. When the , agree with tUe other cabinet iniiiislers ernw and g cheaper. rope are on the verge at compelling her private, and oulv a few years ago an un- water struck the hot granite columns j best vol IH*S at 10 so eerk«usly as is generally supposed,an«l » «nd up. those to sue for pears I Ills «Jid the same tiling No straw backs in view of the gravity «*f the Cuban sit* . . 11 ■■■■». <.>ur carpel II<iinan nature is a queer thizig That nation it is possible that he will no •P'inz a. meet o longer upi use )>ea«e, providing the < whk h for a better name we call ’ canlan- See ut >m plel dil ■. ’ 4H i. ; i ■ kerou«ne«s" is very uiudi in evidence* American Fl»g when there is anything ia the air to stir Envelope* up tin* bottom of the stream of bo«an ►nit ft »e nearly 50.000 Envelopes nature. There are men who are living anden which we will sell at a Bargain, witness« s of the theory ut ev«dul»«»a, ui We «re addii at least of the unmistakable mily of hu >f up to date fi lion si.U l< 'ik.-v 1 .«■•»■. ! »>• f w h...r I batkm or MCBMcmrrioN: One Year, In advance, • • >125 Six Months, • - • • .66 'three Months, ... .35 Single Copies, . • . - .(161 The date opposite your name inda ates the time to which your subwription is paid it is your account with the Cot mi km . When you pay your Mub»cription see that the date M «•hange.l. ________ Hood’s Sarsaparilla J Music in War. I► > ► Armored Cruiser New York. > > Wednesday, the ►> ►► ► > J » BICYCLE REPAIRING- - - - - - I MOON SON These Goods are Rag Stock O is naiu Price & Voorhies.