Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 14, 1898, Image 1

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A n I ndxvkndxm 1‘vrta, D evutkd
riiK I ntrrxstr or S ovtmrrr O ueuon .
H r * *
Pi act ices in all State and Federal Courts
Office over First National Bank.
G rant ' s P ass ,
Pioneer Truck and Oeliiery
l’ractiees in all Court« of thè State.
Office over First National Bank,
G bant ’ s P ass ,
O kkuon .
— OF —
Capital Stock,
Office over First N itional Bank,
Receive dspoaiu subjevt to check or on
O kkuon . I certi ficaie [my able on demand.
Sells wight drafts on New York, San Fran-
j cisco, and Puitland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all pointe in
the United States.
Special Attention given to Gollectioni an«4
MINER \L SURVEYOR. ' general business of our customers.
j (Collections made throughout Bout lien
( iranís P ass ,
O kmom . i ()regon< andon »ill acueeeible pointe.
J. D. FRY, President.
.1. T.TUFFS, Vice President.
R. A. B ooth . Cashier
undertaker .
G rants P ass ,
.......... C E Harmon
Joint Senator.
County Judge
N. E. McGrew
.................. William McKinley
.Garrot A Hobart
Vise Presirlent
.......... J udge Dav
SecretarV of Stale
Secretary*olTrea- in . .Lyman J Gage
Secretary of Inter r ............ C N Blias
Russell A Alger
Secretary of War
John D Long
Secretary of Nav.
Secretary «í Agr icm i u re ; I James A Wilson
Puetmaster-Generai_____ James A Gary
. Joseph McKenna
otate - 1 » URKUON.
(Geo U McBride
U. S. Senators
'( ---------------------
tThc.s H Tongue
Cougreastnen ...
(W R Ellis
C M lilleinan
Attorney-Genera I
. W I’ Lord
Governor ........
.HE Kincaid
Secretary of Slate
Phil Metschan
State Treasurer
.. . .G M Irwin
Supt Pub Instruct »on
W II Lee-li-
State Printer ..
1C E Wolvertun
.. - l< S Bean
Supreme Judges
I F A M < 'Ore
I E A Marcum
R It Cuiiiiuissiuiiers
-’ J H Eddy
( il B Compson
Clerk «IKK Comiuiiniioii. I.ydell Baker
Clerk Board School LandCom
Judge H K Hanna
Western Division
Judge HL Benson
Eastern Division
..... .................. C B Watson
Prosecuting Attorney
Member Board of Equalizat KA Emmitt
U. «. LAND Oil ICE K oh KIO h < i .
Receiver................................... Henry Brx>tb
J T Briggs
. Al»e Axtell
I Nick Tho«s
(Dick George
... Roy Bartlett
County Clerk
............ Ed Lister
.......... I W Virtue
IT Taylor
School Superintendent.......... .ID Haves
Assessor................................ Helus Pollock
Surveyor............................... BO Mi-Cuikch
■ Dr. J Myers
O regon .
T<> Cure CoastIpillimi lure»««.
Take C.iM uiets Candy Cathartic, 10c or JAc
ItC C. C iuü to cure, druggixus refund luuuin
CfRCl'IT col KT.
Meets on the third Monday in April
and the fourth Monday in >< plember.
Probate court meets
January, April. July
County íjominissioners
Wednesday after the
county court.
first Monday of
and September.
court meets first
meeting of the
Wolff à Zwicker
Hydraulic Pipe
All Kinds of
< Machinery for Mining Purposes.
4 Bridge Woik, Bolts, Rotis, Iron Shutters,
4 Cells, Window Guards, Doors, and
Cast Iron Structure Work.
L. D. Fay à Sons’
Portland, Oregon.
Headquarters for
New Rigs, Safe
and Fast Teams.
Commercial Travelers given spe<-
ial attention
The 11 igh (»rade Wheel
Nos. 11 A: 12.
Horses boarded at reasonable
local tbappcnin^B
Shoes repaired at Hackett'»
Gold-dust cashed at Cramer Bros
Mrs. Ed Lister has gone to Colstein
for a lew days.
Wtn. Ulrich of Medlord spent Sunday
in (irants Pass.
Frank Me Gregor went out to Love's
Sunday on his wheel
Golden Eagle Bicycles are
wheels at reasonable prices
Write for
catalogue. Mitchell Lew is A i Slaver Co.
Portland. ()r.
Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick head­
auhe, billiousness and all liver ill*
Price 25 cents
J. G. Underwood from Hammersly
mine registered at Hotel Josephine last
Mr and Mrs. N. P. Dodge left iast
Saturday for Ashland to attend the
/ Walter Harmon has quit work at the
Aummit sawmill, and left for his home
on Deer creek last Monday
A large and complete assortment
of Bicycle Sundries in stock.
The thanksgiving proclamation of the
president, was observed by al! the
churches throughout the land last Sun­
day .
Dan Johnson has been out in I lie
Thom [» son creek country for two weeks
Hope Dan will find it
out there.
Mrs. Davis, mother of Mu.< I.. M
Davis, arrived from Portland some days
ago to remain in this city for a time
If you have I een sick you will find
Hood'a Sarsaparilla the best medicine
you can take to give you appetite and
strength and restore you to a condition
of perfect health.
C (’ Pre’ley of Woodville spent
Saturday in the Pass. Mr. Presley is
not working for W V. Jones at the
If you vant the finest thing that ever
happened in wheels get the new Steams
at Redfield*. They are beauties finished
in Blac k or Orange enamel.
>ton«>, li.' Life ami Publi< .<ervi< ( '
by Thos. W. Hanford. A wonderful story
of u glorious career. Over .MX» large, radi­
ant pages. 100 superb, rare engraving*.
Richest, biggest, best and onlv endorsed
"Gladstone l»<>ok published. Only $1.50.
Commisbion, 50 per cent. Credit given.
Freight paid. Outfit free. Drop all trash
and clear $3iN) month with the only true
and good “Gladstone book.” Address Tux
D ominion ( omfany . Dept. 36. 352 .«»♦>,
Dearlwirn street, Chicago.
Reuben Jones of .Mount Reuben spent
Saturday in town on business. Mr
/ Jones informed us that work was pro-
.greasing on the wagon road from Mount
Reuben to (ilendale.
Thousands of persons have been cure»)
of piles by using De Witt’s Witch Hasel
Balve. It heals promptly ami cures ec­
zema and all skin disease It gives im­
mediate relief.—V> F. Kremer.
Hon. H. B. Miller went to Eugene last
week and when he returns his family
will come with him to spend the slim­
mer out in Swede Basin, where th«*)’ can
enjoy the mountain air for a season.
Bucklen , Arnica Salve
1 he Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises,Sore Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ( till
blaine,Corns,and sll Skin Eniplio.ii.and
positivly cures Piles or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­
tion or money refused. Price 26c ner
>X. For Sale By W. F. Kremer.
Repairing a Specialty
Have a regularly equipped Bicy­
cle repair Shop. Parts supplied.
11. E Allen, the contractor and build­
er, will soon commence the erection of a
store building in the city, to h* occupiei
by some one who a ill come later, lie
will also erect a dwelling for the same
Carbol i 1 *11< )to
Stud iO
We Make
All Work
McCormick’s Right-Hand Cut
Open Elevator Binder
3 to 6 Days
Regardless of
the Weather.
ufficiai .
by Cwagrasai. a Jaiue-Rankin 5 <-unr. All
ai»oal war Villi Spain, tbs navy, all defsn —
*>, balUe-ab J»- »»■
P rtra.t- ar».I I i ^
rapbws »rf I>. sv and all prominent ffi-
«r». Haart-. «•■’ page*. Ma**ive volume.
Marvekni^r cheap. Be«t aath<»r«li.p <>-.-
ly ambenti» official twik Kvperwi.-w m t
ns«w*arv Vnyhudv < an -.¡I it
I »I •-
-...uc.we.fu' a* »et'tleiuen. We are tt»»
iararwt sabs- r 'U..n liook firm in Amrru-a
Wme a«, flhfty |-er~»n- a-»
i • *--i »
• ■ar ORSgNpm
IrparfmenL a r t<
M-rvwyoa TO»»- r.«.k i- juHout.
«.y an»l he Hr- ’ n the field I are» “ W ar
map tn aster* -sw » ita l»«»k »>r »»utn« <>U»-
ar valuabteprsiE Cni. Tren» eitdou- •»tier
tog g sn mq r»- maker .ver i r rown
®>asai teriK* I
T wrnty 4av* » «-redit given
til hiMvk »er» it prepaid to
-n*lld .ample outfit and
ir nine .’-cent stamp. u>
tiun thi* paper.
OK CO D«^ • M Ch
lit /
The Jewell Hardware Co
Finished in from
<>PP.Court llou.e
Phoenix Bicycles
K now on the wa> troni the factory
Beeaine it Look" Well,
Runs Well and
“it Stands the Racket.”
Till: GOLDEN EAGLE i> thv hot medium
priced tvheel on the market.
is due not only Ui the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but alar»
to the care and skiU with which it is
manufactured by acfenUflc processes
known to the CaLlPORNta Fin S trit
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the CxLiroKNia Fto bVRfp to.
Only, a kn>rwledge of t»».st fa t ■■ .11
asaiat one in avoiding the worthies«
imitations manufactured by other par­
ties. The high standing of the Cai l-
ron.viA Fin Srni e <:<■ with the medi­
cal profesaiun, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Svruj> of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
ot the excellence of Ila remwly. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it ar-ta on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken­
ing them, and it doea not gripe nor
•ausaste, in order to get it*
effects, |»lea*e rtrwmlrr th»* name of
the ( ompany —
MM ••TIM .F, By
Dan Hunt of Waldo s|»ent Monday in Gotcher |2000. W II Flanagan 12009, .1
tiaanlf Pass.
W. Howard »2000
Thomas Smith, assessor, |5000 bond,
W. R. Whipple of Waldo was register-
with May Smith as surety for |40 *0 and
- I at the Layton the first of the week.
, August Fetch 110 X)
Mr». J. D Fiv and children have
W F Kremer,coroner, J O Booth
gone to Colslein for their usual sum­
E W Kuykendall was appointed dep­
mer'« outing
uty cloth.
Twelve recruits for Company D of
False Kiras urNucerss
Eastern < >regon passed through (¡rants
(A. E. Warduer, jr. in the Inletior.)
Pass last Thursday enroute to the Phil­
I was in tlie country our day walking
ippine islands. They were A. G. David­
son, (i M Icard. J. R. Brooklin, C. W along the roadsuie with a little lariurr
Chandler, J. L. Kishing, A . <». Brookler, lad,when, noticing a pretty fragrant
William Morelouk. F. Stanwood. G. W. dower at my feet, I asked him what it
Schermeshain, L 11 Selsor, J E. Gaff was. “Oh, that's nothing, ” he answer­
ncy and M. Jensen. A number of these ed. " it isn't good to eat. ” And appar
boy« are well known in Southern Ore­ ently with him that endeil the whole
matter, there was nothing further to be
Ihe State Teacher’« Association will suiJ, the tlowei was not gimd to eat, |>er-
begin its labor W^luesday evening. July ferce unworthy of consideration. The
27 at Newport, Oregon. There will be a little fellow's point of view was simply
i two »lays session at which the old sub­ that of the great world about him, and
jects will he thrashed over ami over by he did but speak what the world speaks
its standard of utility is much
(hose who feel that it is their duty to try to-day
to keep up interest along educational the same; for men of the world a man
lines. People these days worry very or a thing to be useful must possess a
little about things educational except certain money value, or its equivlent in
that which comes from the school of ex- terms of standing ami influence. Will
that man help me along to wealth and
|>eriem*« and necessity.
p«eitionT Can 1 get more out of him
than I put iuto bin? It so, well ami
Peach Shipment«.
¿he first peach shipment oi the prev­ good, if not, I can not use him. Hie
ent season was made Io 1\ rtland, yes­ question is not will lie make me a l etter
terday, by the Garter I and Co’s or­ man, but will he make me a richer one*
chards, the variety being eaily Alexan­ Take our idea of a successful tuan ami
ders. The market is very good at the OR analysis it is found to rest really on
present, quotations being from 60 te 85 the size of liis bank account. “Yes, So­
cents per box. It is expected that com und so is a successful man, he's worth
petition with the early Crawfords from $100,000, ’’ is a remark we hear almost
California will bring the price down in everyday. But wbat is he worth? Is
the »100,000 all there is to him? Thea
a short time — Tidings.
is he no man, he is not much better
than a penny-in-the-slot machine winch
('on nd I Proceed Ing^«.
Council met and was called to order doe. -ertaia things for a certain cost
y the mayor. All officers were present consideration making profit automatical­
Is he a man or a money getter?
Except councilman Dr Win. Flanagan. ly
Petition presented by Joe Griffith ask­ Is lie a lover of the gooil or is he u lover
ing that I’ street running west to factory of the good for himself? Has lie »lone
be referred to the committee on im­ anything to make the world bettor, or is
he only a peacock-green man lined w ith
Retail liquor license granted tn Major banknotes ami for this reason pleasant
to look at ? These are but some of the
Lemke for 6 months
>ame to John Shallhorn for 6 months. questions we leel impelled to ask <>( what
Same to August Fetch lor 6 months. the world calls the successful man, that
/1 ire and water committee reported we may prove Ins character and learn
po agreement with water company. w hether his success he r»»al or apparent.
Thus it is that in our estimates of men,
The leport was accepted.
we have come to put money above the
Extra police discontinued .
man, wealth above worth and goods
above goodness. The popular <onception
Narrow Escape.
of the meaning of the word "suceefifi”
R A. Fellows’ family of Looking*ilnss,
demands a radical modification, yet ho
Douglas county, bad a narrow e»ca|»e
long bh the mammon of anrighteousnesa
from death on the 5th, near Canyonville,
is allowed to rule in our hearts we shall
die family left Roseburg last week to
never discern clestly whst true success
travel couth to California, and when
really is. How much better it would be
they reached the narrow grade near
if the world's standard could be sup­
Canyonville the team was matte to bac k
planted bv that loftier one of which
a little so that another team could pass
mention is made in the Third Epistle of
on the grade, but the team backed loo
John in these words: “ Beloved, I wish
much and upset the Mutimi, throwing
alwive all things (list thou mayest pros­
frmily and all down the bank 20 fret,
per and be in health now as thy soul
tin* wagon falling on them and one of
prospereth. " If this just measure ol
the horses on ths wagon, but-on account
Fiiccess came into general use what a
of the brush whith partially held the
falling off there would be in the number
wagon up no one was seriously hurt, but
of our sucueseful men.
badly frightened. The wagon was badly
-mashed up, so Mr Fellows Informed
Weekly Crop Hulleiln.
Tlie family will stop for a few day«
P ortland , Or., Monday, .Inly 4,'118.
<>■> Evans creek, before going ou to Cali-
Showers occurred east of the Cascades
during the nitht of June 20th and the
Cuuitiy Cour« Hrocerdintf«.
morning ot June 30th ; with this excep
The old county court reconvened the tion, fair weather has prevailed over
29th ultimo. I. M Chilew, judge ; R. B. Oregon during the past seven days. The
George, and Fred Croxton, eoininiwwion* temperaturs changed but little during
.i- J. ' Ilian , 'I m i ' I W ll.vkar-l, the past week from what it was the week
clerk by E. W. Kuykendall, dept. The befoie. Frost occurred over the plateau
region of Eastern Oregon on the morn­
¡•Hon ing hudineM was traiiwauted :
Ordered that estate fund in treaaurer’s ing of June 28tl>, damaging the more
hand be tran«ierr«*d to the general fund, tender vegetation tn various localities.
Tlie weather has been favorable to all
amounting to $49 12. special 5 |>er
cent road fund, now amounting to*86.99 growing crops. Hay haivest is in prog­
to he transferred to the general fund as ress; tlie re|M>rts indicate that clover and
the county has recently expended on wild bay are unusually heavy, and that
roads and bridge« far in excess of ttiat the crop of timothy fully equals the best
cropsoi former years. Fall sown wheat,
barley, rye and oats are nearly ready to
be harvested in al1 sections. In Douglas,
J A Jennings, insurance............... I $ Io no
6 00 Josephine and Jack-on counties, and in
Tyiie*riter ................................... .
if 10 the counties ot the Columbia River val­
E W Kuykendall, stamps
Tom Smith, work on ballot boxes
I 00 ley, heading ami harvesting have com­
J A Jennings and F W Chausse,
menced. The grain in r-ported lo be
suit Jennings vs county court
17 5<)
1U0 0» periei t ami the yield unusually heavy in
S I* D dr I« co, county road
Trimble de Bachdr, road tools.
3 55 every section
Spring-sown grain con­
N E McGrew . .
.............. ..
tinues to promise a yield almost as heavy
«1 00
Favdt Son, manure for court house
3 00 ; as the full sown, while volunteer crops
I* < > M«< illuch roa«l • <irve,
are equal to many former crops which
J G Hiatt, «*xpen»e to reform
school ....................
33 Ox were called "good crops.” The fruit
J D Ifaycs 40 school <Ji»tri< la at
crop continues to promise very large
100 no
|2 50 .........................
1U 50 yields. Prune trees are generally over-
Teachers examination
Abe Axtell,dep<list at tty .five cases 37 50 loaded ami hand pruning has com-
W 11 O'Dell, abstract for assessor
1 (X) niem-ed. Early peaches hi Wasco, Sher­
30 90 man and Morrow counties are ripe
Glnferdc Prubhormne,t stationary
Observer, printing
33 75 Cherries continue to bo plentiful. Straw
(’ourier, printing .
It B George, commisF »ioner
14 (XI berries are nearly through bearing
8 F ('ass, tax reinitte •d
2 69 There is no improvement in theeondi
40 50 tion of hops. Lice have appeared and
I'.ri’l, • work
5 »I
Work on court house yard ... .
50 energetic spraying has commenced. The
Work on roads .................. ..
Bridge lumber . ............................... fifi 00 missing hills will amount to about on«*
Road tools ...........................
57 55 bill in five; those growing are a* heall by
W II i allin.hoard.washing.guard­
and promising as pmrsibls. Corn and
ing pr:a«>ners
4 (>) vegetables ate doing finely; the latter
Dr J .Myres, altendin g biester
Pauper account, mdsu i, board, etc 311 Jt are growing Sli4 developing much better
Wiineea f«*en circuit c ourt
31 Mi than is usual. Early sown flax for fii»ei
Justice fe *s
is being pulled—it is 3*1 and morn inches
.. .................. 448 85
Election exp '.•ea
long in all fields ; the later sown flax it
W E Ewell's resignation accepted MR
making most salisfaclory progress. The
road MiperviiM'r and V Taj lor appointed
success oi fiax growing in Oregon is as
to fill (he unexpired term.
sured. Sugar beets are making must
saw col WTY OVFK KBs
satisfactory growth, and this new Indus
The new * ounty coort met in regular try ban the most flattering prospects for
session on Tutedty. July 5, and approved success
Range fooij is good and sto< k
the Ifonds of ths new officers. Ed a a rd is in prime condition
luster qualified with a I xmk I of $20,(M m >
There are no adverse conditions Io be
a« sheriff w ilh the following sureties : J re|*>rted sM< ept in hope, and even bops
L( aivert
B E Staiii, J T Tuffs, promise a yield equal or greater than
Joseph M oms and If B Miller each $2(>M); last year’s
A year of big crops in Ore-
J E l>*s!s and E W ( hatieee each $1500; gon is assured, < only unprecedented
J A Jennings W F Kremer, G ffCalhoun, weather conditions «an injure present
J G Schmidt, < M Mtltes and J S M<x>re pres fleets
and as tax collector
with a bond of «10,001 with tlie
W kaiiilr .—The m«*an temperai ere
following bondmnen : J T Tuffs CtOiiO, averaged M2 deg. for the past week, be­
and Frank .Mee, A W Nsticke, E A lag 2 deg. higher than for the preceding
Wadi. F W Van Dyke, J T Galelfl, L I. week and 3 dega. lower than (or tlie cor­
Jewell, ami
A- li »oil vai li |l<»11
responding week of last year. The high
Roy Hartl *-’t q ialifl».4 with a bond ot eat Umpersliire during the week was 90
lio.ono as c itinlv i-I.rk with th.- follow- dego., on Saturday; tim lowest waa 42
mg iMjii’inoeii J C CMfiipbeil, J F Tuffs, deg«., on Tuesday and Thursday
joeeph Moos, A Bartlett, II C Kinney, Sprinkles of rein ocearred on Wednes­
B Demick.
day and Thursday, in amounts generally
J T Taylor quaiilM as treasurer with lees than .01 of an inch In the corres­
the following temdsmen L I. Jennings ponding avr-a-k of teat rear, «»neral rain*
• ’ *» • I N <►. -irr- I
Walter Dyke was in town Saturday
from Mount Reuben where he has been
working for J. W. Abbott, surveying.
Mrs. B. .M<? Arthur and Mrs. C S
Price drove up to Ashland la>t Monday
where they intend apending a week or
ten days at the Chautauqua
The editor of the Eva.ns City, Pa.,
Globe, writes, “One Minute Cough Cure
is rightly named. It cured my children
after al) other remedies failed." It
cures coughs, colds and and all throat
and lung troubles.—W. F. Kremer,
Butl'lNCT otFlCEK.-
Justice...................................James Holman
........I 11 Colby
city or urant ’ s hash .
•Mayor.. ............................... W T Coburn
Auditor......................... w Elmer McGregor
Treasurer. ..
■ ■ l ol Johnson
Street Commissioner.. .
1 li Elliot
!■ iV liuggerll»
I Dr. W m I- lanagan
i L i. Jennings
, E 1. Coron
]W Allas dns
I Frank Fetsch
Fred (iuver
Regular meeting« ui the city council of
Gran»’« Pana are held in the council
rooms in the city hall on the fii-t ami
third Thursday evenings of each month.
< <
No. 35
Voi.. XIV
WaalilnKton Letter.
un nth, have been trivial. Noone class
He is a callous man, indeed, who can has been more abused on account of the
look at Old Glory after reading of the new law than tbe receiving clerk» of the
heroic conduct of Shafter’s brave men at teiegiaph companies.
When one man
Santiago, and of Sampson’« gallant tars, tendering a telegram unstamped would
who so ably «-»«intel in the winning of laugh and say, “Oh, I forgot," when in­
victory after victory, without feeling formed that it could not be received un-
new pride in his country. Shafter’s I til tiie »tamp was attached, three would
men fought under great difficulties. The «ay unprintable things about the tele­
country around Santiago would he a dif­ graph company txeauee it does not pay
ficult one for military operations- under I thi.i tax. No troub’e was experienced
the most favorable circumstances, but ,«t any of the banks, although many of
when those operations are suecesstnlly their customers appeared to have heard
conducted, with the thermometer rang­ <»f the stamp tax ter the first time when
ing from 105 to 125 in the shade, and they presented checks without stain|t«
against an enemy about equal iu num­ and had them handed back by the pay­
ban .nd strongly mtrem-lied. they com­ ing tellers.
manded the unbounded admiration of
The .State Department has information
not only Americans, but of all men who that Spanish agents are in .Mexi<x> try­
admire bravery, endurance and deter­ ing to organize a force of Spaniards and
Shafter's short campaign Spanish eympathixers to make a raid on
against Santiago has made an enviable Texas towns near the border. The in­
place in history for himselt and his men. formation worried nobody in Washing­
The casualittes were large, but it seems ton, because the t>elief is general that if
wonderful that they were not larger.
the Sbanisrd« ever take a raiding party
Inasmuch a the members of the se­ from Mexico into Texas, the Texans will
lect committee on the census, just named see to it that not a Spaniard gets back to
by Speaker Reed, will have much to say Mexico.
about the large number of appointments
to be made by the census bureau, which
The amount of liquid refreshment
will get tn work next year on the census taken by a man of 70 years would equal
of 1000,outside of the civil service rule, 7o,7oo pints, and to hold thia a pail 12
there was more or less seramul.-r.g and feet liig-h and more than 2,500 times as
wire pulling to get on the committee. large ns an ordinary pail would be re­
quired. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Following is the committee: Hopkins, of
I'umoiiM ('olieciloita of Antler«.
Ills , chairman, Russel, of Conn., Bab­
Of the famous collections of antlers
cock, of WIs , Heatwole, ot Minn , Ach­
eson, of l’enn..Alexander, of New York, formed in the seventeenth century only
two or three have escaped the general
Aldrich, of Ala., Wise of Va., DeVries, of
fate <5f conflagrations, siege« and pit
Cal , Norton, of South Car., Ridgeley, luge. One of these is in .Moritzburg, the
of Kan., Griffith, of Ind.,ami MaclMwell king of .Saxony’s historic hunting rus­
of Ohio. Eight of the committee are re­ tle, near Dresden; while in the celebra­
publicans, four democrats, and one pop­ I ted: gun gallery in Dresden itself are
to be aeen, in un unrivaled show, the
Although theie is still considerable wonderfully inlaid arms used by the
elector. The great banqueting hall of
outside speculation as to Germany’s in­
the castle of Moritzburg is one of tin*
tentions in the Philippine«, Pusident sights with which no doubt many ••
McKinley and Secretary Day stated at a traveled reader has been charmed. It is
cabinet meeting that they had received a rhnniberof nobh» proportions—66 feet
official assurances direct from the gov­ long by H feet wide and 38 fe«‘t high.
ernment of Germany that no interference On its otherwtaa unadorned white walls
witli America., plans in the Philippinus hang 7! [»airs of magnificent antlers,
which one may describe as the most fa-
had been even thougnt of. The revival
nioUB of their kind in the world. Not
of the old European story that Germany, a single one carrUs L
than 2t
Frame an.I Russia had formed a com­ tines or is I chn than 209 years old, w bile
bination to head oil' the United States «milt* are probably double that nge.--
ami Great Britain in the Philippines, is W. \ Baillle-Grohman. in Century.
not attracting any special attention in
Trnln de l.nxc for Siberia.
Washington, for the very simple reason
Th» Kiif-i..i. • <Aurnmcnt has recently
that nobody lielieves it.
had built a train of car« as a sample
Military men are much interested in of the railroad coaches that It propose*
the successful use of a balloon by Gen. to put upon its line which, when com­
Shafter to make observatio«« of move­ pleted, will run from St. Petersburg
ments inside the enemy's lines in and on the Baltic to Port Arthur on the
«round Santiago, and they liave no coa^t <»f China. Th«* four ccaches of
doubt that when the report of the cam­ which the train is composed are sahl to
paign is made, Gen. Shafter'« statement he superior to anything that has user
before been conftructed or used in Eu­
of the use of the balloon will be so strong rope. There are staterooms for the pas­
that it will give the balloon a perma­ sengers. a saloon or parlor ear, a dining
nent place among American military cur. bathrooms, telephone communica­
accoutrements, such as it already holds tion from one ear to the other, and, a-
a distinctly new feature, a section 1.«
tn Europe
Further than a temporary shortage of set aside as a gymnasium. This latter
stamps iu several large cities, the causes feature is Introduced for the reason
that, when the line is completed, it will
of complaint made to the treasury de
he albout twice the length of any rail­
partinent about the new tax law, which way system in the world, and it is as­
has been in effect since the first of the sumed that the pasit-ugers traveling
over this long distance will require
•ome form of physical exercise as a
Conks like
hitting's means of keeping themselves in a good
state of health. The opportunity will
thus he afforded of pulling chest
baking powder
weights, punching the bag. hauling
natoli"« extracts
ami apite«.
one’s self up upon rings and In other
setting the blood in circulation,
their ways
and after a half an hour or more spent
in this way a bath can be taken, aru! the
* 4.7
traveler nppr< hrs lunch or dinner in
a physical condition to do it full jus­
r Ul MKiC Uy
tice. Bowton Herald.
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