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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1898)
m -»»te*' LATE WAR NEWS. Nell Manila Kiprilillini. San Francisco.Juno ¡¡0.—It now seem, probable that the next fleet of transport» conveying troops to the Philippines will be coin|io«ed of the rteamer* Peru, City uf Puebla, Pennsylvania, Walla Walla and Acapulco Major General Otis will accompany ths expediticn, which will be under command of Brigadier-General i Marcus P. Miller, and will probably »ail about the middle of July. p r wounding several others. The Terror dropped back under cover of the fortifl ea I ions with difficulty. and was towed into the harbor in a sinking condition, where she is now being repaired. Later the cruiser and a gunboat started out again, but remained under protection of the forts ” have no fear If the attack on her nav al supremacy is to depend upon the re sults of the Hispano Amerit an object lesson, enough baa already befB demon strated to show that on sea the Latin races are no mure dangerous than they have been at any time in their past hi« lory. In th«« The« es of l>i»»»olution the nary, and promoted to tbete position therein as the president, by and with the advice and runeent of the senate may determine. Mr. Hobson’s transfer from the’const ruction corps to the line is fully warranted, he having received the necessary technical training as a graduate of the nava* academy, where he stood No. 1 in bis class, and such action is recoin mended, partly in defer ence to what is understood to be his own desire, although he being now a prisoner In the hands of the enemy, no direct communication on the subject baa been received from him, and partly for the reason that the abilities displayed by him at Santiago are of such a character as to indicate especial fitness for the duties ol the line. W illiam M c K ixi . ey . t WORKING BRi GINS I An Exciting Scene on « Great Battleship. I lluw a Tbirlrra-la.-b < •••«■'I brawe Catarrh is Not Incurable a But it c wa.ii'*» •' , r-Lo The diaeai* •• reach otib . '«• in the bl' t 11 *1 a: S ....... s S 1» the only through t * • hate any effect u;*»n y. ,-iiedy which cun h-- “ . . ¿e |ierina* Catarrh; it cun* nently and forever rid. the zytieui * t complstn’t* every' < I»«* iM-lier. Ohl« . -I waa »f i infar.<-y h. and n«> Beautiful Present |„ . Her to further intr.xiu. e ELASTIC STARCH (Fl»' he manufa< 'urers. b (- Hulnnger Br«. Ca.of decided :■> GIVE AWAY a beautiful present withSjS «arch K'M. These presents are tn the („rm uf Manila yiaiet. a Prejeclilr Viete. b*«M A journal of the status and reputation Washington, June 29 —The navy de i'uoadi—4 learUs <**r **njoy««d by the Ixmdon Telegraph ie cer Avilo a. partment today gave out a message from Admiral Dewey, which was brought to tain to select none but the most careful -I arn told.” said ( apt. Higgiuvon. of Hong Kong by the McCulloch,*o it must and competent correspondents to repre sent it abroad. Hence it may be accept the battleship Massachusetts, now of have left Cavite on the SM. The mes They are ijxio inches in size, and are entitled u follow ed for granted, according to the latest in the flying Mjuadron, ”th: at the Indiana sage made no reference to the landing oi < Minara Must Leav« Port Maid. put a shell from her l>iuch gun telligence from that paper's Madrid rep yards, ami I Washington, June —ft was learned the German marines, and the officials resentative that the present royal dynas through a target at 2,0 then went through the same hole with this afternoon th it the Egyptian govern here are satisfied that Germany is acting ty of Spam is in the throes of dissolution. W a » U r „ a aecond shell. Pretty good work for ment had decided to notify Admiral in good faith, ami according to the rules The situation in Madrid and the prov by the d*»e- one of these fellows,” ami the muscular rt me only Camaiathat the continued i resence of of neutrality. Admiral Dewey’a message inces, as cabled oy thia correspondent, little captain stroked the muzzle of one „mpor.rlly, »>■d Lilacs and the Spanish fle«*t at Port Maid is violat follows; | depict a condition bordering on political I Cure tb«*i Cough with SJiiloh’a Cure uf the four 13-ineh guns that make up thoMh I u»»d “No change in the situation since my ing neutrality, and that the warnhip« Pansies. 1 and social chaos. The uppei classes, re* The best Cough Cure, Relieves Croup' the main baHery of the big ship of th« >ra. lb* <•!«<*•* h,,t • telegram of June ¡7. There are five must leave. I tried & numl*r of I sponsible lor the non-acceptauce of the j promptly, One million bottles sol«l last line. flrmrr German, three British, one French and year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Hold by i Secretary Ixmg said this afternoon their mineral imcrrdient» Don’t get out a tape measure or a foo’ blood ultimatum uf the United States, are reck- | 2 and gave me rhrumatiam. that he understood Camara'« fleet had one Japanese men-ef-war in port. The iess and seemingly indifferent to the des -W. F. K remet . rule and measure off 13 inches an l gettied in le condition, and after ex wonder to what portion of the gun that I was in 1 pai«l the canal dues, and the presump insurgents are constantly < losing in on utution and utter demoralization uf the DcafneNN < annot be Cured refers, because it would avail you little; h»u»tlng»U trrmmeni. w.s declared incurable. , i tion is that they will continue the voy- the city. Aguinaldo, the insurgent lead* masses throughout the length and I Pansies By local applications as they cannot but rather listen to the account of the Seeing » 8. S. a. a eur» for er,witb 13 of his staff, arrived May 19 by •g® breadth of the mother country. History I reach the diseased portion of the ear. stupendousness of this greatest engine diaea».'». I deci'ie.l *' <» try it. Ai ««on •- “'J and my permission on the Nanshan, IJe es iP »-fleet of th«* medlcin«*. Some SpMnish J>l»pM(«-hf*N in letters of blood illustrates that such There is only one way to cure deafness, of destruction, of modern days. A "13- system was under th tablished himself at Cavite, outside ol . ami after taking it Marguerites I lipgan to Improv«-, M idrid, June 80.—Official Spanish re the arsenal, under the protection of our I conditions represent the dying embers and that is by constitutional remedies, inv-li i»r»-e< h-!<Jii(ling riti<‘. M the big twit months 1 w»* , ; .-i <-.>nipleU ly. IM Recklussness and dm- Deafness ie caus' d l»y an inflamed con- gest gUzi used in the navy is technically dreadful dia^a-e was . . H.iicated from my »y«- psrts rrceive«i here from Havana say that guns, and organized his headquarters. uf governments i return of it." a column of American troops, supported The progress of Aguinaldo has been won regard for the welfare ul the popula* «* dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- described, is a piece of meta! weighing tem. and I have had no 136,000 pounds, a few inches over 39 Many have l»-e ii taking l<*‘al treat- by three warships, advanced Tuesday derful. He has invariably conducted marked the decaying «lays of Rome, and ¡ taebian Tube. When this tube is m- feet in length, and with a powder space and find thcmwlve* from Si honey via Aguadores, and iin the war humanely. My relations with the same slate of affairs prevailed dur- flamed you have arumbling sound orim- 15.5 inches in diameter and 80.8 inches tnent for yeure. worse now than ever. A trial of i These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned paste1 mu - jub mediately retire 1 after an exchange ol him are cordial, but my conferences gen mg the iMimediate period uf disinlegra- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely long. ' R LeRoy.of New York, have been chosen from the very choice/ rifle shots with the Spanish scouts erally have been cnly of a personal tion of every subsequent government, doeed, deafness is the result, and unless The only reference to 13 inches is in in his studio and are now offered for the hrst time to the public. democratic, imperial er royal, down to the inflammation can be taken out and t he diameter of the steel projectile fired. The pi.tures are accurately reproduced in all the rotors used«-. The dispatches add that during the last nature. “Dmr.” ‘ inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. the dark day of Sedan, which forever ter- this tube restored to its normal condit- This monstrous gun throws a projectile three days the Americans have been en will prove it to be the right remedy ! Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothin? Troop«» for feaniiago. minated the Napoleonic dynasty in ' ion, hearing will be destroyed forever; that weighs 1,100 pounds, and the for Catarrh It will cure the most ob- deavoring to land artillery at several ! th m in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. amount of powder consumed for each France. Coupled with her external nine cases out uf ten is caused by ca- points, but their boats grounded, and it Washington, June 28.—Orders have . »ne of these pictures «■ — shot so fired is 520 pound*. The explo- st inate case. is only with the greatest difficulty that been issued for the departure of another troubles Spain cannot long endure do- tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed sic-n of th.s powder sends this weight • . d fr< e to at y ii'U.res» by th«*y saved thsir «tores large army expedition from Tampa,com* mestic discord, and her leaders, inimical , condition of the mucous surfaces. of 1,100 pounds of metal from the muz- j swift S|M-cilie Co., Atlanta, Ga 1 purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the maV We will give |100 for any case of deaf zle at the speed of 2,ICO feet t per sec- Another Havana dispatch announces ¡«used of alsjut 9000 men of the second tu.the reigning dynasty, are ri|>e for its | is sold for io cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch at ness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be that General Arola« has "reiatposed the division of the Fourth army corps, un overthrow, though from the fallen throne cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send ond, and with an energy of .33 3,627 tons I beautiful picture. —enough to send it through 4 inches of «iecree fixing (he price ul provisions at der command of Brigadier-General Sny may rise a temporary republic. Tempor for circularH ; free. bi steel at 1,000 yards, and 21 inches at a F. J. Chenev A Co., Toledo, O. ary — because the powers would rather Havana, owing to the lact that prices der, and six batteries of artillery, three mil«* distant; arid while the mechanism . ................. WMMm Sob! by Druggists. 75c. were raised during the temporary sus light and three heavy If the expedi* sup|K>rt the pretention« of Don Carlos of this gun is complicated, and while Hall’s family Pills are the beat. than allow Lt to become permanent. pension of the decree." Treatment of Captives Under Mar tion ieit today, it will arrive off Santiago every part after every shot must b about next Saturday The trip doubt These reamingly improbable change« cleaned, so complete is the discipline tial Law. A flint to Olii-T I'owei-s. aboard that it may be fired once even less will be to lhe eastward around Cape may take place between any day and London, June 30.—Lord Salisbury, ad three minutes. And there are four of night, tiecause of the manifest det-pera- Maysi, along the same route as that dressing the Unity club last evening, these terrible engines. Civilized XtttlutiN Hine Respected the taken by Major-General Shafter’s expe atlon haunting every Spanish province. said : Rights uf Enemies Taken in lt is a bright, clear day. and the Mas- dition. This will bring Shafter's force Further, should it lie true, indeed, that sachuetts has sighted an enemy’s war Hui lie — Some Legni "Then* is a black cloud u | miii the hori Camara has ventured u|s»n his «¡uixutlc up to about 30,000 men, made of the Can Be Used to Lure an Enemy’s ship. The preliminary work of clearing I’hUMCM. zon. It is a war of two nation«, to one 16,(8)0 be took with him, General Out- iniasiou with his impotent fleet to dis for action has been accomplished; rail Ships to Destruction. of which we are bound by every tie of fold‘a command on the Harvard and pute Dewey’« position in the Philippines, ings, ladders and boats are down and One of the Irust pica-tint incidents foi kindred, similarity of institutions and re Tale, General Garretson's command, and our navy proceeds to Spain, as now | have been stowed away, and everything ligion. The other is the state that which will go on the same steamers, and outlined by the administration, the in- , Special Dulle» of th«* Keeper in Time movable in th«? big ship fastened. The the individui 1 during war with Spaii ’oilId be to I ? Liken prisoner. Still, a.* fought on our aide when we struggled General Snyder’s invasion force from stant meous crashing and crumbling of uf Trouble*—llow the I.iaht« glass port lights have been replaced Spain makes claim to civilization, it with th«« tyranny of the first Napo Tampa. Mitfht He Manipulated with steel, the water-tight compart the Spanish throne wi I follow. This is ! would nut be >o i ni as though she were to Ad vantaste. leon. We are bound to abstain from ex ments closed, the electric plants for }• n absolute? savage or even a barbur- not a wierd picture ul the imagination, Eight transports will carry Snyder's lighting the ship, turning the turrets 25« SO* pressing preference or judgement on ous country, The usage?- of civilized na- but it rests upon substantial historic The lighthouse keeper has his special and working the ammunition lifts, either side. We know that in both expedition to Key West, where it will be precedent«. lions regarding captiv s conform in a ABSOLUTELY GÜ1RAHTEED duties in times of war, and it is in his started; the ammunition magazines pie an.i iHHikleifm. Ad. »Tntl.lMj Itaaii.i « b. Ch lew. Montreal. <jin..w!lnln cases the motives ar«« of the highest joined by a strong naval convoy and pro g» neral way io these principles and power to render valuable service to his opened, and, lastly, the sick bed pre ceed to Santiago Preparations have rules. character. I can only say I wish the AuguNil Will N«it Yield. country’s cause. The extinguishing of pared. been proceeding vigorously for Burnt* I All tr m mbvrs of an enemy nation ar»* day inay^apeedily arrive when the terri the lights in the bay was the beginning Madrid, June 28,—The government In the forward turret with the great >, though all arc not treated ble slaughter between two nations will days, but the rigid censorship at Tampa ! lias received the following dispatch from of a policy which was outlined early in pair of 13 inch rifles stands a crew oi eiiemie} g fur Home ('¡rile Grocery list. The l .it ral rule obtains that alike. prevented a word going out regarding I I for 40-pag« Hardware catalogue cease ar.d the world will be restored to 12 men, six to each gun. In the hood of • no use ol f fe.« i against an enemy is A . Captain-General Augusti, dated from March by the lighthouse board. the expedition R ft 1/for .;J page Furniture « atalogue. At that time general instructions the turret, just above the men, sits a peace?' I Manila on June 23d : le?s it is necessary to accom- U X K for .sample lX9h Wall Paper. lawful uni Snyder ’ s division, looked upon by the were issued to the keeper« of the light- senior officer and a junior officer. "Si It is said Salisbury’s speech was in plish the purposcs of war,” and the ^^U|>for sample l.iuiie.-»* Gents Suits, "The situation is still as grave as ever. honscs ordering them to familiarize lence!” is the first command, and grim practical t .ipp it-ation of it, refined for Bargain Lists, pub. weekly. ---- VIA THE— I tended as a hint to the powers that Great war department as the one best I continue to maintain my position in themselves and their assistants with all Britian is in sympathy with the United equipped for an immediate start, is side the line of block houses, but the ene the re«|iiirements incident to the exi ly the half-naked men of the g in crew through (•• iniiri ,h r Nd to exempting All free. Money saved on every stand behind the guns. "Cast loose and iiKiuy classes made up of three brigades and nine ref SHasta Rout® isses from iron) capture. Ulates, and it was called forth by Ger my is increasing in numbers, as the gencies of war. The extinguishing of provide,” sharply rings the order, and order. iments, which include both regulars and According to \V’i leaton, th«* custom of many'« attitude in the Philippine«. th«* shore lights will be a last resort, as — of the — every man is instantly working. rebida occupy the provinces which are volunteers. nations ex nipt.- fi rum capture the per- the extensive commerce of foreign mer The gun captain and numbers two. surrendering. Torrential rains are in : gn and his family, ovcrc (ainara was too Slow sons of the r It was learned at the war department chant vessels would be seriously inter three and four, who are the practical Southern Pacific C ol undating the intrenchments, rendering government, women fered with by it. The order to put out gunners, unshackle the great monster officers of t lie Washington, June 30.— While not today that General Miles will proceed to a-r>. mechanics, arti- and children, the work of defense difficult. The num these lights will only come in case of Exnress Train, Ix-avePortlaci ul ating its ( lose watch over the Cadiz Santiago within the course uf a week from its peace fastenings; one sees that «ans, laborers ii cf science and let- bers of sick among the troops are in actual danger of invasion by foreign South. fleet, the navy department does not feel The exact date of his departure is nut repair tools and cleaners are placed, ters, and. gem . all those engaged in creasing, making the situation very dis inen-of war. 6:00 r. «7 lv . Porti uni gets water and hose ready; another the same degree oi apprehension regard determined. suits, unless actually h :05 ». M. lv . Grants Pass lt . '! In considering the various means by opens the safety valves and exhaust ordinary civil tressing and caused increased desertions ing the movements of those ships as SifÖA.M. at . San Fran’co lt . England Need riot I* «-Mi which th«* lighthouse keeper can render pipes, starts the smoke fan, am! ship» taken in mm of the nativ« ¡ oldiers. Count Bi.-uiarck even niaiiBained in Market Street Ferry, 3. F., Cal. when the start was made for Port Said. Above trains stop at all station*• ll. W. Wilson, an Englishman recog- "It is estimated that the insur¡.ents servi««* in war time, it is necessary to the sight; and another provides drink 1S70 that ihe crews of merchaht vessel« Portland and Sa ■ ni Tan The government has dorm everything know something of the lights them- ing water and does a dozen other things. nixed as authority on r aval matters, number thirty thousand, armed with Jefferson, Albany. <'ottage Grote cctild not he made prisoners. As early possible within fair lines to prevent the selv< s. In every light house stat ion the Shedd», Halsey.rl I arrisburg, Jw.. ■>ays that the greatest problem of the rifl«**, and one bun Ired thousand armed beacon has some characteristic with But all is done within a space of four as 1 m >» Mr. Mafii.-oii contended that a fleet from reaching the Philippines, and Eugene, Drain Oakland, andai, s minutes, and again each man in his French dr'-ree t: t "every foreigner with «Words, etc, Aguinaldo has sum which the mariner is familiar, or which from Roseburg, Io Ashland incìdi agents of the slate department have war is the question whether the Anglo- place stands like a statue of bronze. found on board the vessels of war or Saxon race has stood the strain of civil moned me to surrender, but I have treat hr may readily recognize by an exami been particularly successful in their The ammunition has come up pre com me re (■ of 1 he enemy is to be treated Roseburg Mail Daily ization. After comparing conditions as ed his proposal« with disdain, for I am nation of his chart. In some cases the pared with fuses, and then come the or ONE FOR A DOSE. work. as a pris nt r of war" was in contraven 8:30 a . m . I Lv. __ _______ ir. I Portland Remove Pimples, Prevent I they existed at ths beginning of the war, i resolved to maintain the sovereignty of beacon is a fixed, white light, which ders, in quick succession: "Open tion of the law of nations. t2:2Sr. M. | lv . Albany LT. H himjprh , Purify the Blood, Consular Agent Kroadlnuit just made a never changes, but sends its rays far r- U'-Adache and DjaDepaia 5:20 r. M. , ar. tU:-ibu: burg LV. ■ showing that on paper the cenibatants Spam and the honor of the flag to the _______ breech, sponge, land shell.” The greni The (iciit va or Red Cross convention, master-stroke, w hicli In* reports to the out to sea, where the watchful pilot hydraulic rammer pushes in th«* big were not unequally matched, he goes on extremity. I have over one tliou- » - r „ “ 7. nn,t V er < r 'P e n °r sicken. T . con- to which the Cnited States acreeded. w < 7n »’ w,‘l mai1 "•«ni'1* free, or fall box fur DINING CAR» ON OGDEN MT department While the Spanish shi|«e recognizes it at a glance. 1,100-pound steel projectile. "Loa I to say : I Hand iie'k and two hnndre.l wounued. Other lights change from red to first cartridge,” and the brown pow but to w hich Spain has not, we believe, » bold b, ira„uu. DR. BUSANKÒ CO. Phila. ri. Pullman Buffet SI«"* were seeking permission oi the Egyptian given her assent,« xenipt; «1 hospital and "Thu citadal ha. been invaded by the white, or the rev« rse, or show a disk, Thus all conditions are favorable to a -- and — government to take coal at Port Said, der, one-half the quantity necessary, ambulance att(*:idants and chaplains at NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. trial of our race; upon the conduct of Huburban Inhabitant,, who have aban one side of which is whitrand the other S econd C* ass S leeping ? the consular oflioer succeeded in quietly goes in. “Load second cartridge,” and tached to hospitals and ambulances I.aibi ottiee ai Roseburg. Oregon,! doned their liotnea, owing to the burbar red. Th«* approaching mariner knows in goes the second. "Down lift.” and Attached to all through 0» ; buying up all the coal available at that 1 j Admiral Hampson and Commodore Haun capture as prisoners. May 4, 1898 a ’ ity of the relwla. Thete inhabitant., at once in what direction hr should the ammunition carriage goes down for place. This amounted to 2000 tons and Schley’s officers and blue-jackets de By early cu. tom. soldiers, when taken Notice is hereby given that the follow coiihtitutc an einbarraH.n.ent, aggravat steer. If the red light is on the right more. "Close breech.” comes the order in war, were ki For further particularstoqumiM it is in a good place to be shipiMul to pends not meiely the honor of the ¡..ed. Thex may be killed mg named »etiler Im» filed notice of In» ing the situation, in view of the bom- and the white on the left side of the <|uick!y, and followed in an instant by I to-day in case e of absolute necessity; intention to make tinal proof in eupport Purdom, Grants Pass. Unite«l States, but tbe very existence of Dewey, to serve as a base of supplies for di.-k, hr knows that by keeping to the “Prime,” when the captain puts in the i for example, i if prisoners impede the ol hi» claim, and that »aid proof will be Watson’s Eastern squadron, when it en the British Empire. If the men who liardinenl, which, however, ia not ser left he will find a safe channel, while electric primer. West Side Division movements of ; an army necessary to its made before J. M. Chiles, county judge dangerous shoals await him in the op- ters the Mediterranean, or to coal any arehuuily expecting battle in the Car iously apprehended for the moment. of Josephine county, Oregon, at Grant, I'll« i> the captain of the gun, seeing! mail train daily ¡«rein*« preservation, Later, captives x V. ----- b -‘The governor of the VizeayM and pos le direction. Of course, it is obvi- « re -------- j pass_ Oregon, American vessels that may pass through ibbean falter, if they show any want of everybody clear, says "Rea«iy,” and the I made slaves. . After that the custom of | William W , on June 18, 1898, viz: 7:30 a . m . I lv . Portland a ? that the lighthouse keeper by re Mindano islands cable, that lie l.a. de courage or sHilormanship — which <*«»«1 Wilson on H. E No 6878 11.55 p . m . ! at . Corvallis :*• the Hues « anal bound Io I he Asiatic officer in th«* hood above responds with, holding them i n t n I for the W >E' 4 versing the enters on the disk could do forbid — then let us lie certain that an feated the insurgents in an engagement, 6 and 4. see. ’ Point.” Slowly both turret and gun | vogue. During the seventeenth cen-l 34, Tp. 34 8, R. 6 West. station At Albany and t'orvai.:* conw „1 attack will be delivered u|Mm England during which t hief Arco, Aguinaldo’, in« stimable damage to unfriendly ves- are moved until the range finder indi tnry exchanges of prisoners became fre-1 I Ie names the following witnesses to trains of Or. 1 entral A Ea-tern aels. In nl uch case« it is obvious that I Disabled i hr Terror. by her enemies, who will conclude, ami rep esentative, wax killed, lie adds cates that th«* muzzle is pointing at the «nient, but exelia iinging prisoners is not prove hi, continuous residence upon and EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY («XCWfM our own i marine rs must be warned in Washington, June 38 The navy dr- not unjustly, that the military «pialitieH that tranquility now prevail, throughout enemy. Then, quick as a flash, th«* offi- 1 obligatory if the * captors prefer to hold cultivation of said land viz : 4:50 p . m . I i.v. Portland at . i time of th ie changes contemplated. cer in the turret hood closes the electri<* 1 for ransom or to o leave their own com part men t today posted the following of th«* Anglo Maxon have de« line«! umier these inland., and he further aH.erte J.Ames Neely, of Merlin, Ore., W. A. 7:30 r. m . | \r. McMinnvUM lv ()ther lighthoiiM*s hat«• a beacon flash- circuit and the M —ie of Merlin, Ore , Joseph McCas- Reblit«* tickets ('ll sale Letwerr. oig projectile goes on its rades in the eneni bulletin : the depressing burden of civilization. the principal Malay chief of the ine^white .r rcjyuhr intervals. Thus mands. ¡>ath of destruction.—George Edward al . «.,f ,<»' Me,rl"h . »nd J. S. W. Smith, Sacramento and San Francisco M Prisoners ar. fn .pnntlv “Admiral Sampson reports that the And as this is the greatest problem to Mindano group declare, their desire to the vharacteristic of tlo* light at Fir«* I .U • W« u TO | of (,ia\e. OrM’mi P R, M. v V .......... kat < h , Graham, in Leslie’s Weekly. $17 first class and $11 second''^* return to their c iwn country on promise M'¡rave, Oregon. auxiliary cruiser Yale arrived off Manti* Ire settled in the war, so ue shall hope tight on the aideof the Spaniard,againat island is “one flash every minute.’’ If ing sleeper Regimcr. not to engag again in hostilities this were ehnnged, so that the light ago yesterday and discharged her troops. ami pray that our race may emerge ‘.he invaders. Rates and tickets to Eastern p««*1 A Dnoÿ'a L ouk Jniirncj-. against the ca i ptora. Europe. Also JAPAN. «HIM ’'Captain Hiqsbee, of the St. Paul, re- with glory from the tea NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ••According to our advice», the emis would flash only once in two minutes, The inhabitants of the lonely isle of Perhaps the wc.rld w OLULU and AUSTRALIA. '« r w. ul I be as badly off as if ill some day ar- l«orts that Wednesday afternoon, while Land ufliee at Roseburg, Oregon.« Mr. Wilson’s anxiety has probably saries sent out to seek General Monet’s St. Kihla were astonished not long ag*u knowledge the • nobility of the spy, but tained from J.S. Purdom. (¡rant’i no light at nil. With the C. H. oil San Juan, he was attacked by a been «¡uieted by this time, llis article. column of one thounaiid men returned .. May 10, 1898 I at the appearance of a great blood-red, it is doubtful : if conten ding forces will head that he had reached -i Notice 1» hereby given tirai the follow- It. KOEHLER. I'-F Spanish unprotected cruiser and the printed in the J uly "Pall Mall Magazine", after a fruille.r. search. I. the unusual sig conical object floating on the wild At ever cease to 1 li a ng or s hoot him when ng named »eltler in, filed notice oi hie Manager. lantic billows to the westward of the I.? is taken and ponvicte <1. Spying lacks I Spanish tor|«edo boat Terror. The Ter was evidently written some time ago, t'aptain-General Aiigusti’s family is hat his cal- -...... “1Bl,e *‘"*1 I’foof in supiKjrt isle. With much difficulty the derelict the moral e’.eni ror made a dash, which was awaited by and l»efore Dewey's victory came to re ■till in the hand. of the insurgents crime, . I but it i of hl’<-lann. and that WU1 1>roo( Wln t hat he was was brought to shore, ami. as the St. y tint pen"' “ de b-fure J M Chile», county judge finest. Paul Shots from the guns of assure him that there has been no letting General Pena, will, one thousand sol ility. i.v the great rhk of death ■•fJo-ephrne county. Oregon, at Grant. lieh the pilot Kildans had never before seen Mich a the St. Paul hit the Terror three times, down of American manhood, a«*aman* dier», Ira» surrendered. Hi, soldier,, queerdookinff thing an«! could make no Hng in it. Du ring the Fran* «M, Oregon, on July 2. ¡898, viz. le distance of killing one officer and two men and j ship, pluck or gunnery. England need moat of whom are native,, joined the in guess as to its puqtose or place in the » war it was « •«intended that '■eorge Blalock on II. E No 7287 for iliinnecock light, railroad NW'4SW.; surgents. io went up in balloon» to re tin. kite light sitn- scale of created things, they indulged in • F , »ec. 12. Tp 34 8, R. t> West w ild visions of its valuable nat ure. But, SCENIC I.INE Oh THE " p the enemy ’ s t, on t position and Honors for the Hero«*« ot bHniiago when the factor came across on his l“,l"tS "le lollo*'"K» to ? so dangerou o him that . t.ioct | ______ Lon; mih I t'rtrdt-iiMM yearly visit from the neighboring but to be trrated i -p... Th. cultivation of »».d land,’viz'' sen bi «listant island of Great Britain, he iden Washington, June 27.—President Me- « to tie unsettle Hugo W ■■ ■ M Kinley to-day trHiinunlt-4 to congress tified it as a great iron buoy, which, it r isses of captive R i- t. ol l*nP°s Oregon, subsequently appeared, ha«l broken two me!«?agep, in which he re«'uuiite the (its of priaonei M I iv/h|,gl l *Mcer» Oregon and TO THE away from its moorings in New York E -I- iincis unatta« u( heroic exploits of Lieutenant Richmond Light, of ! lacer, Oregon harbor and drifted in the gulf stream I*. Hobson and hie gallant crew of the h M V e at « ii, across the Atlantic. It ha«1 taken two ( Merrima«-, and Naval Cadet Joseph Register. years in the passage.— Chicago Inter Powell’s bravery al Santiago de Cuba, Ocean. lu through tourist car» witbou' » A«»c»amant Notier. AGENTS WANTED and of First Lit-uten snt Frank B Nvw- Shoe« tn Jiipnn c.omb, commander of the Hudson al the M<i/ srrm /ikr amntmjrtio*; a huk of In every Conn ty to Supply Japan. with over 40,000,06 i» iñ ha b- Cardenas engagement, and mak<> th« the Great Popi ular Ionian«} fur ; friends feared one girl would fall dead «»// /lie itants. has only c xne leather shot fac- IXM/joseph ^R l“" J4 Worl1"' ,ir«"ts following rscommrndation; Is ha* , ao.epmne(x>unty. Or. Nearly all the nativ still wear street; restored to health by a sensible 'iconian^s The memlx'r» of tla«« crea '"<oi thè h'7n|'of*'nn th,t St * "'w*1' of straw or wo« .i Albany Ar In charge of experience»! suggestion. "till Mr. Hobson on bis memorable and porter«. Told In Picture and Story ">e 27th d,v Ot Mav ‘"J*1 0,1 • -asion haw already been rewaided for girb of sixteen years teem to 44She gzincd strength rzpidly. Soon xha Compiled »nd Written by -hare, w,., l-.i.,'. ly P* Mllllll'IVi To •<»"■” M m M« for -nllinu % their services by a«b ’•OllU.l V S (.agl) will,..Ut •: • • have cotisumption, zlthmigh they have it WU tn pcrtcxt health The highest masts of sailing vessels 8I ih I( ni »1 ' upon the Capital not. 44Since then 1 have kept Dr. William»' under the provisions i SENATOR JOHN J. INGALLS ’ me |i»«elv in CniVèd^t' .0' !’ay*bl<’ ,n,‘ -alt Lake. Mi„ouri I'a. -ric ,n are from 1G0 to I**»» fe» t high, and spread Thetr anxious parents and frtends watch Pink Pill* tor Pale People in the house al tion, the secretary ot '''• ret rv è K u"“’1 Gold Co"’. 'o vk Alton Rys. of Kansas. from 60,«M»0 to 100,000 square fret of them slowly tade away. ways and have done much gvx>d with them. thoiizsd to make, and P«nv. r-'m n “ ' '».« L'Jm- The most brilliantly written Tn,M r.. <>o ’ canvas. Chicago Times-Herald. A death dike pallor, transparent com t pro* One example : „,„11».^ fusely and artistically illuMmted plexton and hstlesanesa are signs of this 44 I here u a young girl friend of mv senate •>( Naval Cadet Hütet intensely popular book <»n th \ ’ The National debt is now near fl,VX), • ar with >paia. Nearh ' a 1 fTancisco, change via. Salt l.ake and Cl ",- condition. f the California. daui * daughter w*ho seemed ahiHMt transparent. «(vain launch followed H'0.000. Island A Pacific Ry. T he b«xly lacks blood. ”3>he wa* white and very thin. We were p lor Ilie pui oi Tr •hall return V’’*M,ll,nt 200 SUPERB ILLUSTRATIONS Mrs. John 1 ansey knows the meaning afraid the wuuld fall dead tn the street ailer the sinking of the of these symptoms, and the cure. when she went out. from photographs i, without change, via. Sell 14i' She lives at I JO Baker Street, Detroit, idvance«! to the rink of ”1 begred her to take Dr. Williams* Pink taken ,p Meh. Ptlls for Pah People, and finally induced art* niak Burlington Roate. t*u prepared and nt n I’hunon mph Her advfca to mothers has been of great her to try them. 1 hey helped her wen rentaNe with win •se gallar value to her neighbors. She tells the story pl v for d };^4n*tiS* derfully, probably saved her hie and re k Item ar le during Io help others who art at a distance. witl. ofTt* **•-*•»•«■"«. vie. Salt 1-ake anJ .Mi»*>«b r* ' stored her to perfect health. Now she >s She said: ,,le •'•»ertising «nd recommending them to other yvxinf w-omen. N.D. THOMPSON PUB. CO. "When my daughter was sixteen yean A <l»y stopover arranged »' "* 441 earnestly advise mothers with go u . f th. Hoard of Di St old she began to waste away. Louis. Mo . or New York Ca; inr daughters to keep t>r. Williams’ I ink rectora. •nd Denver. 44 Had 1 not known there was no taint »4 Pirn always on hand as a house hold remed>, Coins, A ride through the Fan1'8* consumption in the family I would have Many women’s lives are miserable be **vretary. Yellow Jaundice Cured Scenery, , agents wanted believed her lu '.gs were affected. cause such symptoms as Mrs. Tanse^'s foa tmc Lira or ---------- budding, For rate« and all inform»'*08 . Suffering hunmnity shouM l«e 44 She grew thinner and thinner every day. daughter showed w ere neglect«U while they She lacked only the hacking sough to show •*>. Cali- .k. u.'Nn •" ' /p were developing mt woni.u lu.d. f with every mean« possible for i E. . »«I.»' all the outward sig u «4 umsumption. |R I'.. I»i rrv.T. I that period of rapid devcfopmrnt the It if with pleasure we publish tl 44Our doctor called the disease by an odd needs the highest degree «4 strength 271 Waeh ingtou ^t. 'T|^« i< to certify that 1 name, which I learned meant simply weak pair the tissues that are raptdly was e K. H«M>rna g P A T. \ blood. «uffrrrrfrom Yello« ¿r An» »• These needed elements are sup*/h J S. IN’Rntkv “ No treatment seemed to do her any fix'd* Ore. R< * Dr.Willums’ Pink Pills for Pale F Agt. B. P Un., x «nd vi She was fading away before our eyes. The vegetable ingredients ol tliese (.31* Grants Pas»« ** I wax induced to try Dr. Wtlliams’ Pink kke niagw tn restoring strength Io I pills for Pale People, and the change they des and ruse* to the cneeks i4 grow made was almost magical. or adults weakened by overwti 44 Before she had taken half a b«»s there All druggists sell Dr. Wdhan was a great improvement tn her looks, ap- foe Pale People. T hey cost 50 petite and weight. sis boxes iJJMk Beautiful Pastel Pick S.S.SX Blood i PlUSONhiiS OF WAR. clastic Starrf ! ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT NO SClSTiTr LIGHT1I01SES IN W AR ^ANDY CATHARTIC CURECOHSTÍPATIOM ———-=■ EAST and SC? I 5 * SMITHS’ CASH STORE O».GUNN'S^ PILLS I Denyer & Rióte 1 i t b a fi a P N ti at IX it la Ul •ti an by to* tn tie u I th« t of tioi the g* the lesi am •ha tl»e nee Young Girls Fading A way. !ix: Weekly Exco® - EAST Modern Upholstered Tourist^ America’s War for Humanity i uesua^s U|O Jul’-- è ¿ ,'T""* 15th ,l*‘* "i Wednesdays ‘~ Thursdays WM. GLADSTONE. PATENTS Subscribe for the Courier 1