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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1898)
1 ’’ » "7-ft — t lisutatiqua. .IUl$ I'J 21 I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IS'ia personal local toaiwniiuw : Lectures by John Tetnpie Graves, Dr | I’. M Henson, II I. Conary, Dr. Chau- j man, Miss Mnreutt of Australia and lion. J. A. Jeffrey was in the l’a»» other«. Schools—Music, Prof Kinross; all paper at Terrells. Elocution and Physical Culture, Mies last week. Gilfillau sells pure milk. Safford; Cookery. Miss Morey; Bible J L. L. Jennings took a trip to Win. Thomas Smith. Undertaker. Normal work, Prui. Day; Round fable, 1 Crow’» place Tuesday, Will Jackson resident dentist. Prof. Vining Season tickets $1.50 I H-m W. H . Hampton of Placer ia in ('. St. Louis (or watch repairing Beautiful camping grounds, Expenses town today Wednesdav). Assembly belter than ever. light Additional locals on the first page. K. C. Turner has gone to Wimer to Address the president at k«h Horseshoeing at Trimble A Bacher'» Come work for J. W. Robiutun. land, < frvgon Terrell sells wall pa|-er at 10c per il t. Bobzien returned this week CetBns at cost at Hale's. roll. from a five weeks stay in the east. Call on Gilfillau ; he will «ell you the Sprinklers and hose at Cramer Rio«. Eo Kuykendall has been appoint«! purest milk. Piettv pattern in wall paper at Ter deputy county clerk by Roy Bartlett Lunching nn Crackers The patriotic feeling runs so high on the 4th that some people haven’t time to prepare regular meals. They send here for some dainty and delicious articles from our stock of Canned Goods. In this way they tave time, labor and money an-l can set a good table. The Potted Meats, Fish, Cautied Vegetables and Fruits that we offer are unequalled. The best canners, domestic and foreign, have been drawn on lor our supplies. Here are some which are especially good: Heinz’s Baked Beans with Toma Boneless Chicken Tomales, to Sauce, per can . . > 25 2 cans...................... 25 Heinz’s IndiaRelish.per bottle 50 Lemons, per doz . ioc and 25 Keystone Dressing Oranges, per doz . 25c and 35 per bottle................................. 25 Cocdanuts, each................. 10 Boston Baked Beans, per can IO Asparagus, per can............... 35 Van Camp's Pork and Beans. Ltiuch Tongue, per can ..25, 40 per can ........... “ Chicken, . . . Sardines, per can .. 5C to “ Turkey, ......... Lobsters, per can . . Deviled Ham. per can ... 10, 15 Shrimp, “ Flour has taken another drop, Frankfu rter Sausage, per can I SO today we quote per sack. Sauer Kraut and Vienna Sau In quantity ..................... I 25 sage. per can...................... '5 Fire works of all kinds. Cottte and get our prices. B. &,M , Grocery. POST OFFICE STORI OVERA HOUSE BLOCK. A HAMMOCK EOK WITH STRENGTH EOR TWO FOUR A Summer Dav A Cooi Spot A Hammock. We can furnish the last named in all styles from $1.00 upwards We have a new rope with patent fastening th it will not slip <>y break. If you need a hammock, come ami see us Cramer I >ro« ODD FELLOWS BLOCK, FISHING TACKLE BICYCLE REPAIRING On Front Street near Alilfs old meat market. Work guaran teed lirst class. Agents for the ECLIPSE Bic ycle—the Ix-st wheel mdse Give us a call I C MOON & SON Poultry dressed to order. Front at rells. 10c. Ex-sheriff Joe Hiatt will, in a short Grants Paas. Trimble A Backer are prepared to do lime remove to his farm on Deer creek. Good flour $1.50 jner sack at Scutl all kinds of blacksmithing. Morford John came to the Fa»» last Griffin's. Clemens, Druggis', opp. Op-ra House. Saturday to attend his brother's wedding. W I.. Blackburn ix now loc ated on W vntkp .—To buy a fair driving horse Mrs. Will Alfred and ton Arthur Front street. about 8 years old. IL L. Tat xx. went down to Leland to spend the 4th. Good lead pencils 10c a doxen at the F ob S ak —A gasoline burner, three Ernest Stites is now in Idaho, and Cot RlEK office. burners st the Second Hand Store. will remain some time before returning F ob S ale —A refrigerator at the Sec Fruit jars and cans; extra rubl-ers; home. ond Hand Store. Martin Heston went out this week to capsand sealing wax; very cheap al Mee's mill where he will try hi» hand at The new county court has organized, Pike's Grocery. and is now in session We give two reports which were fur logging All Sufferers From high prices cured free of charge. Here’s some of the medicine. A twenty five ounce »over one pound and a half) package of good ground coffee for 25c. Five pound can coffee, cup and saucer for 85c. Eastern break- farst bacon 12 l-2c a pound. Oregon hams lie per pound. Calumet baking powder 25c a pound. We will say a few words in favor of this last named article. Calumet baking powder should not be confused with the multitude of cheap, low grade powders. Calumet baking powder isguaranteed entirely free from alum, rochelle salts, lime, amonia or any substance injurious to health. Try it before you buy, we will give you a small can free for the asking. Mrs. D. Me Carili? ani daughter A hammock for two, and that will not nished us of the battle at Kerby on Anna hav» gone to Ashland to spend break with two at Cramer Bros the -till,both interesting Giiflllau’s cows are in clean pasture. You can buy Snowy Butte flonr from the summer. Raymond Scovill iias gone out to He sells the best milk. your grocer if jdu insist on getting it. Take your blacksmithing to Trimble A Price the same as other first class brands. Swede Basin to work iu the S. I*. 1>. A Bacher for first-class work With this issue we send out the Ash L. Co.'s sawmill. Mis» Mary Day returned to her school Cardboard 5c per sheet at the Cot kick land chautauquajsupplement which will give an account of «hat is to Is* done at mi Grave creek Tuesday, after spending office, better stock 2 for 15c 4th tn the city. The Sugar l’ine saw mill in Swede the Chautauqua. Read it. Miss Nellie Sturges went to Medford I Bob Moore, of LaFsyette, I nd , says Basin will start up in a few days. last Saturday for an extended visit ¿Tobacco and Cigars a specialty at that for constipation he has found De there and at Ashland. Witt ’ s Little Early Kisers to lie perfect. Pike’s Groceiy. Give him a call. They never gripe. Try them furstoiuach S. W. Upton has gone out into Galiee Fresh oysters, fish and poultry at the and liver troubles —W. F. Kremer. ■reek country where he will »|a>iid eoine new fish market on Front Ht., tirant» W. H. Flanagan, physician surgeon time hunting (or the dust. Pass A Good Homo fur Sale Cheap. Land Script and dentist. J. W. Coffman ami Georg» blover We have »everal thou»and acre« that Consisting of 7*. acres, fenced, set to The Layton House lias nul changed A good second-hand sewing machine went daw n to Galiee last week to as fruit principally pear and apple, mostly will locate either surveyed or iiii»ur- hands. Johnson Bros, are »till pioprie- sist in surveying the road. at Pike’s Grocery for sale cheap tors ‘11 bearing. Good building, black and veyed in any state or territory of the Paul Bristow of the Coft'man and red soil, it is about ‘^niile from the United State« No residence required ( ash paid for eggs and poultry at the A line place in Grants Pass to sell or lease. Cail at the Col bier office for new tish market. Front st. Giants ¡’ass Bi ¡»tow mine on Applegate, returned depot. Any one deairing a good home and United States Patent issued direct terms. ata bargain wilt please cal Ion or address to locater. Price $5.00 per acre Up to-date photographs only at the from Eugene last Thursday. Hannah A Miller G. S Person, Miss Carrie Farr has closed her school Smoke the Stage Line Cigar. It is the Carbon Studio, opp. court house, Grants Attorneys at Law, Visalia, California. Grants Pass, Oregon 011 Althouse and returned to Grants Pass, best Scent Cigar in the market—J. G. F Pass. Schmidt. Win your battle against disease bv where she will teach in the fall. The American Navy. An Enterprising Druggist. Dr. Van Dyke ami family, and H. C. New line of 2-ply posted wtdding card acting promptly. One Minute tough Those who have already secured the There »re few men more wide awake stock for calling cards, for sale at the Cure produces immediate results. M hen Kinney an I family »|>ent the 4th on Ap and enterprising than W. F. Kremer portfolio of tho American Navy will lie taken early it prevents consumption plegate, in the vicinity of Wilderville. Col mKB office. who spares no pains to secure the best of interested to know that tho publishers J R Hale has been in Portland for Hon. R. A. Booth will deliver the ora And in later stages il furnishes prompt everything in his line for liis many have added five more numbers to the some weeks combining huianess with tion at the celebration at the Greer relief —W. F. Kremer. customers lie now lias the valuable series, containing among other portraits The best bicycle in the market—The pleasure. He ia expected home soon. Machin A Co. camp. agency for Hr. King’s New Discovery (or those of Admiral Sampson and Corum o Arthui ( onklin of the Mining Journal consumption, cough« and colds. This is dore Schley. There are also many inter Deering Steel Binder. New York Monarch—at Dr. Kremer’s drug »lore with his family, left last Saturdav for the wonderful remedy that is producing esting scenes in Cuba, the Philippine Champion hayrake, and all vehicles for Give him a call. The best nlace in town to get your Colstein, to be gone uutil next Tuesday. such a furor all over tho country by its island«. Porto Rico, Spain and the ('sou sale at cost at Cramer Bros. shoes repaired is at Hackett s harness II. W Chapin Jr. of Leland walked many startling cures. It absolutely ries. A large number of the vessels of A tandem in town that is for rent into town last Saturday on good tini» cures asthma,bronchitis, hoarseness and the American navy and some of the 11 ’» a Crescent; come an> 1 give it a w hirl. and shoe shop. If yon It the Bicycle Den. Buy your fish, poultry and eggs at the and went out to Waldo where he S|»mt all affection» of the throat, chest and Spanish vessels are shown lungs Call at above drug store and gvt want these interesting numbers semi in Don’t go without lead pemil. when new fish market, Front street, Grants the 4th. J. A. Jennings returned from Port a trial bottle free or a regular size for 50 your orders immediately you can get them for 10c per dozen at Pass land tins Wednesday) morning where cents and $1.01. Guaranteed to cure or We have Eagle Bicycles on hand,readv the Cot biek office. t'lirlHlened. 5 Complete stock lie had been to attend the celebration of price refunded. An eagle is a fine bird. An “Eagle” for instant shipment Last week we inadvertently failed to the 4th. is also the lightest running of Bicycles. of sundries at Cramer Bros. make mention of the christening of Mr Miss Lucy McElroy, a teachar in the KI W lac People W a NTKP—A partner to take one-half Ask for them at Cramer Bros. San Francisco public school», is visiting ill the past 7 days have availed them- and Mrs. A. L Rotermund's baby which I. G. Moon and Bon have opened up a interest in mining claim. JO acres, good in this city the guest of J. W. Howard'» took place at their residence on the s-tlvea of our splended offer oi a carbon bicycle repair shop oh Front street. We cabin, stove, whole camp outfit, mining family. evening of their marriage a nniversary, enlargement with each damn of our $1 Price $125. Address box 210, wish Mr. Moon and his son success in tools Russell McGalliard of Waldo visited a photographs. This offer lasts only until Friday, June 21th, ’UH. Grants Pass, Or. this new line of work. There were about 50 invited guests few days recently with relativa» in July 17,see exhibit in SugarPine window. Mwisville, Tesa«, E. C. Blanks, of present and at the liour appointed It is estimated that three hundred peo Grants Pass. He returned home today For true likaneM.permanenco and beauty Mr. and Mr« Rotermund Mr. Rol- ple or more went from Grants Pass to „riles that one ls»x oí I>eWitt’a Witch Wednesday). our |H>rtraits are not excelled iivMoutheru llaz.el Salve was worth $ .0 (10 tolniA. ermund with babe in arms), Mr. George attend the 4th at Gold Hill and Ashland Oregon. For good pose, fidelity in de 11 C. Kinney and E. B. Miller went last Monday. About an equal number Il cured his piles of ten years standing. tails, good expression, lighting, and fin Nlover and Mi*» Bertha Barrie appeared He advises others to try it. It also out to Swede Basin last week where the went to each place ish nothing in Granta Pass lia« ever been having on the wedding mrmente and Sugar Pine will have started tip it» cures eczema, skin diseases and obsti the mother ami father presented the lit Just opened a new fish and poultry done that can conipar» with late work saw mill soon. nate sores —W. F. Kremer. tle one to the Lord. Rev. Robert Me market on Front St., Grants Pass, next Be one of the Ernest Lister will act. as deputy for of the carbon aludió. Bick headache, billioiiBness, constipa l-ean, who pronounced the ceremony door to Palace Hotel. Ail kinds of fresh wise ones and get on« of those large ' is father -luring the next two tears and making these two one, baptized their fish, poultry, eggs and etc. ilighext tion and all liver and stomach troubles carbons before late. They are it ia too rtliur will take Ernest’s place as clerk first offspring in the name of the I atlier cash price paid for poultry and ••gga.— can be quickly cured by using those fa worth $4 alone. Other ■lie« and at y lew for 1*. H. Hartk A Son. pi'ln known a« DeWitt ’ « Mon ami Holy Ghost. mous little Lambert A Seiiert. from 11.50 up. Ask for the little Ixsik II . C. Perkins went down last week Risers They are pleasant The occasion w as a pleasant eno and “Photograpiiii Ilials” free at the xutdio ¿( ieorge Merriman of Medfqrd refused Little Early a solemn one when the father and moth never gripe —W. F. Kre- with a force of men to survey the road to take ami or by mail To get valuable |x>inters, to accept the special deputy collector leading into the Galiee creek section you want to know Carbon Studio, oppo er weie remimled of ths great ret-poiisibil- ship for Southern Oregon because there mer. from Win. Crim ’ s place. lly of bringing up their little one ill the The Chief Burges« of Milesburg, l’a., site Court-house. was no assurance that his job would last way it should go and in accordance with Zera 1 *00! returned from William« says DeWitt’s Little Early Riser» are any definite length of time. the vow just taken. After the baptismal the best pills he ever used in his family last Tuesday where lie had been to at* Hutner Kowlt-y Wedding Onr foreman is in Portland this week, csremoiiie» refreshment« were «erved during forty years of housekeeping. tend the 4th. Zera report« a grand cel Onr good friend, Rov J M. Hunter and the remainder of the force together They cure constipation, sick headache ebration by the people in that flection. formerly pastor of the Christian church and a social hour spent, after which the with the editor celebrated so extensively and stomach and liver tioubles. Small George Topping, representative elect in this city, arrived from Portland last company retired on the 4th,that theCoi hike may Is-short in size hut great in results.—W. F. Kre from < < oh county, i« vixiting bin ol«i Thursday and when getting ofTlhe traiu ('«rd of Thank m . of the usual amount of reading matter, mer home on William« « reek, thia county we thought there was an embarrassed but our readers we know will excuse us. I m liebalf of the people of Kerby, we We are informed tliat the y -hland and (ieorge in quite a favorite with the peo or suspicious look on his face. Tho mist wish to return thank« to the good people Dr. Kremer has laid 111 a stock of Mon Hrants Pass ball teams contested earn ple of William«. though rolled awav when he made his of Deer creek valley for the large and arch wheels ranging in price from $35 estly for honors in the match game on asnta known by claiming heart and patriotic delegation attending I he cele for a high grade wheel, to $100 lor a the 4th. Grants I’a»B won try the skin z Mt’HxrH. Geo.Calhoun xml A J. Ander* eon with their families took a trip up hand of one uf the nice young ladies, in bration Their finely decorated car and Monarch chainless. The Monarch is one of the teeth. The team« were we/1 tile person of Miss Ellen Rowley,daughter ^Hndsoinel) < apari•••n- I I ■ •- weir of the best wheels made Call ami see matched, and the contest so close t«i»t Rogue river ioran outing on the I th,(and they had a little runaway accident, tho of George Rowley of thia city. Th« hap among the ob«ervable ieature« l'he them. at tunes some of the hoys wonlil show py wedding took place at 3 1* M ol the car with its beautiful GoddexH of Liberty no one wa« hurt. the tropical blood that coursed liter Ttie Woodmen intend having a public The wife and two children of Tboinaa same day at the residense of the bride’s and little tMiaaea representing the state« installation of otlicers to which their veins, but the people managed toquen»(i ITitxgeraldg a wealthy sheep raixer of parents in tho presence of 40 or more wan altogether very attractive« families will be invited next Friday ev the flames, and al! ended well. Althoune and Sucker creek along with Bridge Creek, Croon county, are on a in- ited guests, Rev. Win Ruble otticia- ening at their hall in the Odd Fellow’s Hon. A J. Barlow has turnedovor the ling After the wedding the bridal par Waldo poured out. their representatives building. Ice cream with cake and deputy collectorship with all of its perqs vixit to her parent«, Mr. and Mr«. J. J. ty and invited g tests partook of excel with their usual readiness to make ev lemonade will constitute the refresh- to hie successor, Mr. Fox of Ashland Frier of Ixiuxe creek. lent refreshments already provided for ery laxly happy and to one and all we ment«. Col. J. A. Straight went to Eugene latl Mr. Barlow relire«;from the office taking the occasion. The decorations of ever wish to convey in behalf of Kerby our The editor spent the 4th with the with him the’commendation of the de Tuesday evening to I m * gone about two people of Kerby and it is his testimony partment at Washington for having week« visiting with hm family. 'Che greens ami roses, supervised by Mr»- sincere thank«, hoping that a'i may live Wilson and Mrs Knight, were very to enjoy another anniversary of our na that the people in that vac r ity know served his government well.lor the past Col ih thinking Hotnew hat of taking hi« appropriate ami tasteful. Mr. and Mr» tion’s life under the folds of our emblem how to celebrate the 4th in order four years. What business will receive family to Kerby to live Hunter left 011 the evening train for I of liberty with Hawaii, Cuba, Ladrone There was a large crowd of people pres Adolph R Hermund and family and this gentleman's attention for the f i ent and lor so many there was no con tors has not l>een definitely decided .Mies Stella Pa<ldo<*k left today (Thun»* Portland, their future home, »lopping I islands, and Porto Rico added to I he off a day or two at Turner to attend the i galaxy of our terrdorirx an 1 with pea' e fusion recorder! arid much credit is due upon, but lie does not intend to be idli day for Shaata Report in California, to Christian Stale Convention which ia in I arid prosperity prevailing throughout all Col J A Straight and others for the About 40 Christian Endeavorers of the , l>e gone three week« or a month, for a session. Their friends gathered at th» de- 1 I land« and in all climes. planning arid carrying out of the day’s «uuimerx outing ami tet. Bethany Presbyterian church celebrated pot to bld them God sf-eed and to shower Faithfully Yours, program. lion. R G. Smith went to Cottage | tlisin with abundant rice. The editor the Fourth by going on a picnic up J. A M thaioht ¡tie war with Spain does not affect the Rogue river near Bloody Run The day Grove iaxt Sunday evening, where I m * takes pl> asure in wishing these young sale of Pho-nix bicycles. See our "ad” The lieople, whom he knows so well an-l fa was very pleasantly spent indulging <lelivered the oration Monday, in another column. Mitchell Lewis A in out dooi ajxirts an I games, in social people of Cottage Grove did tliemselvaa voiably a happy j- urney through life Slaver Co, Portland Or. conversation, singing, etc., and in eat jiiatice in a grand celehratfon. ao we are i I he Junior Christian Endeavor Mociety ing of the abundance of good thin"» that informed. of the Bethany church held their grad were taken along to appease hearty M M. Rummage, Rev J. A . <'rutcli*' dating eaercises under the management appetites. Nothing happened to mar I field, J. If Holman, Dra. Kremer, Flan-i of the -Upt .Ml»» Mary Coe last Wed the anjoyment of the occasion, and the agan and Jackaoii, J- E. Peieraon, J. I’. I ae«.|a» evening^zThere were six gradu universal verdict was "never was there Taffa, Judge Axtell, I* II. Ilartli, J. T | ate», all girl»,arid they did nicely. Where a inure delightful pimic.’’ Galvin, A. J Pike and other« attended are the boy», may we ask? The answer Pianos and organ« at manularturers’ the fvnerml of Father Harper at Wood «right be. that too many buy» graduate | price«, direct from Kimball Co..Chicago. ville the 4lb. on the streets, while their sisters and Fire, Life, and Accident Insurance, in Cecil Royal and <ieorge Ruee left laat others graduate from the Junior Erulesv- 1 American, English or German compa week fur the North ia que«t of work at or Parents can, if they will, realize nies. At the old reliable Agency on fitb good wage«. They report to friend« in a hich is the better. street, Grants I’asa Or. Granta Pa«r that they have found «■< The sixth Annual« Assembly of the1 J. E. PaTkKsox, Agent. ploy ment down on the Columbia at fair Southern Oregon Chautauqua, will open I wage« and later arc promised different Ile<l m ed Kates. next Tuesday, the 12th. The p/esi.lerit work at increased pay From now until October 17th the 15. P G. I- Billings, has »pared no pains in i Judge II L. Renflon and family left making extensive preparations to make Company will mue round trip tickets fortheir future home east of the moun from <• rants l’a«« to Cel stein and return, the chautan ;na a »ucceMl. Able s|>eak-1 good to go Saturday arid return Mom lav tains, today Wednewlay). They wdl inoiiiitaiiH lor vour er» have been secured, and good instruct reside in Klan-ath Falls. The family ors in art an-l music, so that those who j $24». Good for 30 days $3.50. Those has reaided in Granta Pa«« ever ain<e it < wishing an outing will have an opportu woul-i may ’earn. The people should j us—you’ll has iieen a town. And in their «iepart- patronize the chatauqua liberally, for its 1 nity to go on cheap rates. 11 re, they leave a boat of friends, who influence for gorxl can be seen more and An Army and N tvy will wish them well in their new home. I lor more each year. Memorandum book is what you 1 have David John |r , of Willirin« Creek, The many friends of Mi»» Elisabeth been wan’ing. The Northern l I ’a< i!,. and M im Sarah King of the aame com Wood, formerly a Grants I’arn girl, will bas it. It contains cut of the Maine, munity, were united in marriage laat be pleated to >arn of her succes» as a ! map of < una. list of I’ 8 u.5 -panish Sunday, by R«v. Robert Me Izcan, at Macher in the schools of the Webf-szt navy veeeels, interior drawing« of s bat the residence of J W. Howard in thia metropolis. Altar a year of aui-r-eesful tle ship, i'-ln«t rat ion» of U H and Span city. The contracting partite are of the BLANKETS In the ^ellwood district, she has ish ship«. gl<x>«ary of navy and army highly respected young people of Will TENTS. WAGON transferred to a position in the wr-r-is, table of distancse, commanders iams pre« met, and the i’o< bibb extend« COVERS an<l HECKING. QEII.TS, ETC Puvtiaud's bon Ion district, of U H ships and army corps, list ut grata let ion« st paid and an-st responsible U 8. regiments and their com iman pea to women teachers in the end other information very useful and We would aak |<rtm« who have ore By force of industry ami ability, vaiuabie al thia time amenable to Cyanide treatment Co either the aid of political or social in- The book fits the vest po- ket and is call upon us or correspond as to what she has attained the d.xtinction ' up to dale. Beu 1 ('has 3. Fee, generai amount »d or« diry «uuUj in a«i pfobabtl* of baing the vrwmgeat teacher emploved passenger agent, N. P R . f*l. Paul, ity furnish W P W biowt A « -rt’ai .l », l„»,ls Minn . ten i-ente and Ih» l»*ok ■ sours. Agfa MarCrihur Fo»r»l< vsnide Prvwvee Calhoun Grocery Co 'I You want Wfi can ...furnish it We have Snow Ball, Medford & Snowy Bute Flour also Portland Mills Whole Wheat Flour, Your choice, any brand $1.30, We have We have No ba its or prize goods in our Fancy Grocer ies that make protit without giving you full value. We have A line of Shoes that you can depend upon. ()ur guara ntee means just what it says We have The Celebrated Ken tucks Bull Breeches the best working pants made. We have The best line of Cali cocs and Staple Dry Goods at the right prices. We have A market for your Grain Bailed Ilav. .1 il CLEMENS ^KE^r STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MONMOUTH. ORE iin< A ade,inr and Professional Courses. ll-C|Uip,«<l training department of nine Hide- with 2r»l children Regular Norraal Coarse of three years, -enior year wholly professional. • iradnate« of VK-reditz-d high schools and « olleges admitted dire-lly to prvfe-eismal work. The diplofna oi th< •e * hool is recognised by as a life --erti ¡at)' ate to teach be grad ual school are a- U-a. h- ar fur Summer outing consult have ’ceii looking P. H. Harth & Son The Sugar