ROGUE RI' rVBUhllKD PRICE KDITOKM A BATKM OV One Year, in adva Six Months, I bree Months. Hingle Copies, • Tbe date onpo* the time to w hich it is your account you |»ay yoursubi is changed. TUEW.C.T.U.^OOUNnu^ ANSWERING TO ROLL CALL. (Air. "Marrhinf Through (iw/rgiaj This vnw ff.tight with JaciuM/n und fReed the fight with Lee, That <>n«> foHowtal Hherman aa he galloped to tl.» wa. But th«”, iv marrbiu on together ju»t ax tri* rwlly •» caa be. And th* y ’ll an»w*-r to the roll rail in the mum- I They'll rally to I he flfchl In th» -torn./ day ami night Jn bonda that no rru< I fnte nhali tu ver, While the ntorm wind« waft on high TJn ir rlngin battlecry, "Our «ountry— our ecmntry foraver!” Advertising rat- for change or*ad’ Tuesday noon, < matter will I* rhs per running inch, lions and ad«iitK> ’ for at the rate of I gle culuain. Entered at the ; Oregon, as wont The brave old flag above them ia ripplir down it« r«d, Each crimaon wtrlpe th«f emblem of th«- blood by h-rfMa ahefi. It ahall wave for th«m victorious or droop above them dead, For they 11 answer to the roll call in the morn in! T hursd . V-" 1'j.y'll rally to fi^ht In the »tormy day and night that no cruel fate »hall never. While their far fa.nwl battlecry Shall go rlnglu Io the aky. ••Our country- our country rorev.-r!** —F L. Stanton In Chicago Tiniee Herald. the lligl.l Word. "Did yon say, air, that I was not a man of veracity?” "No, sir. 1 said you were a liar.” "1 supi>OM-d so. It is not poaxiblu for you to make tbe simplest statement of fact in a gentlemanly manner. ’’—Du- troit Fro« Pr-HS. In A VETERAN’S LAMENT. American in, ted in England before Sfieecb Engliab men* cot for reaiating in ■aid Engliahme name thinir. On the way and California enough to capti the Ladrone tola any fighting doi nay. Old Olor; inland, a, it wil iati poaxeaaion, ic unica« the wa Competition other than a ret ia not ideal bu out and the'flat moment it ia 1} prize of die lid lor break faat. nea, to ia.S ow bait, to beat Id public. A fair ahould have, ahould not veil Io dia|>oae ol | weight, or unle hi, atock. Two fleet a ol bi the bottom will not eue fo fur America to to the |*nin»u land in the aen try, plant the ■ every rampart every yeatige tne earth S cidal one and I lie is bringing the ipieen'i at material loa. Thia war for h until that opp Eui|*ror W ti.iH tu count and claim a rii position of th. the war ia ove not point to 1. .■ouipliahed ai lle*may hav. down to futur tiyuien a few American, ir iene« i, a han learn in no ot obtained tier ton, then it n ey give <ierui two lor the gi The grain c (¡mated at 40 bring no lit Farming whi a profit lean years pot, h in th« East prices fur far be »ought fur or four year« fair pftce Tof' of the East « the Weal * erable rhang becAUte ma: are anxious tiinily, whih the farm, wl Annexatk the prewenl meat, (’ire h*al <-l ang«i roiigr»«» uie til 1« that Btrua^er in th« people I to meet There ifl a J men I which that princi| Hince the I blatei-Spar ately throw for greater will to BOWK political p. Hl ate» «top ari«*N, or nil come dear, ami plant country wh lat ion ehou larged, but ¡jiiNtion an aland« br a and the 14 by tfie le»m too atixioi great nati lliem and which thej they long. What ia of A meric lion w U om the a|>p*l game, ilia the rivera league i« I and genie AHSEMRLY NOTES. Oh, for th« \>uyA uf the old brtgade Who fiiught in the rm kN of L« • . Who charged th«» columna wlwn Hlwnnan piado With hm legion« for lb«1 tx n! Hut the gru--* • of for» t und fleld und glade W hv «», ov » t the b«»yM of the old brigiule. Oli, for th»- lioya of th»' old brigade Who fought Ly my *»i»h that day Win n we battled for vi< t«»ry, blade to blade, And the rank« at our mah gave way I Hut ion«» In tbe alienee ami m I um I uw they’re laid. And the graswH wav«» gre« n <»’« r the old bri gade- Oh. for the !>oys of the old brigade! And the legioaa xeem to come From a th» u¿and gravea, hk<- bre't.-itworld juade, And march to the rolling drum. Like ahndowa they march ami like shadow« they fade, Th«» gh«»Nta of tlie Niya of the old brigade. Ami G< m 1 mat the Ixiyw of the old brigade And hallow th«» turf that H« h » »wering over ettoh crlmaiin«*«! blatte Ami over their dreaming « yea! Am! the slurs <»f G««d on the heights arraye«! be «tentinola over tlie old brigad«t! —Atlanta Oonatltution. The Wiley if. Allen Oo., ot Portland, Oregon, mie of the moat extenaive rnuaic hoiieea mi the l’aciflo Ooiiet, lieve con- Rented hi formali h very line piano to lie uned during the A.Hembly. H. L ITE I h . ih I h Sniinnarv of War Tax»» HI HKDL'I.KM NOW IN KKFKCT. ‘ Brer.ale and other fermented liquor, per barrel............................................. $ Tobacco Manufactured, per |>oiind (':/a f •». ' iL’ar»'t I«- h , -iv t r 8 pound.*«, par i "> jo ....... Cigar», under 3 |»ounds, |»rr 1,000 Cigarettes, under k pounds, per I QQQ Tea, imports, j»er jHjiind..................... M«'HEUUI.KR THAT <1O INTO KiFKCT JULY Bank capital, including surplus, over For each 11,000 over |25,(J0U........ Brokers in negotiable securities. Pawnbrokers .. ...................................... Commercial brokers.............................. CiiMtom house brokers........................ Theaters, museums, concert hulls, in cities ot over 25,000 inhabitant.*« Circuses ................................................. Other shows and exhibitions............. Bowling alleys, billiard rooms, per alley or table ............................ Tobacco dealers Leaf tobaum, sales* r4J,000 ¡Miunds or under ... Hales between 50,000 ami 100,000 P'l'iinin . . ................. Hah*s oyer 100,000 |«ounds Toba< :co, manufacturers Bales un- dei 0,000 Hales between 50,000 ami 100,000 P' iuii 'I h ............................ 2 IX) 12 . MJ 1 00 1 .'X) 10 lat. 50 00 • oi rMJuo 20 00 20 00 10 00 100 00 loo oo 10 (MJ 5 (JO (J 00 12 00 21 00 o oh 12 00 24 00 Ou« who is famtlisr with llis prices cbargeil by noted lecturers for tbeir ser vices tn tbs MiseisHippi valley. Mid to tbe president of tbe Cbautauq'ia: Ido not see bow you have obtained ho inucb Oral elm* talent for tbe atuoiiul indieatoJ. it la certain that the acme talent could not ordiuarly be obtained sitlnn 21X1 miles of Chicago for twins Hie amount. Tbs H-.utLern Oregou Cbantauqua Assembly is under many obligations Io the Southern Pacific Katlroad Con.pany for favors granted. Whenever you want to lake a trip always enquire of the 8. P. agent for rates over their great route. Safely, speed, and courteous treatment are thair guarantee. Get certiUcate for fare paid and get reduced rate back. Nowhere else than at the Southern Oregon Chautanqua cau you get a<> much tn the way of help aud entertainment for so little money, Here ir relaxation and profit happily con. blued, Ten day« crowded full of the beet thluga geuius can devise aud money procure. Every hour > h so hour you cannot afford to rinse. Tbe lectures and concerts, which in every place would ooat you 00 cent« each, yon get for a few cents each by buying a season ticket. You gel two eseb day. Rail raids curry yon at re- duced rates. Tent facilities are offered for almost nothing. Tbe most talented lecturer, in America some men with world wide reputations -are to lie found ot> tbe programme. Make all your plans to spend the entire season at AHhlaud. Vary tbe dull monotony of life, get a little i u tel lent ual uplift and profit for all the days to come. Miss Mary Hilsby, tlie competent musical teacher of Ashland, will as in tbe past lie the aecnnipai.wt fot the Cliorus Class. Reduced rate« on the Sonthern Pacific railroad. Bring your family to the AHwmbly au 1 I have ten days of recreation anil eu joyment. Doubtless II will lengthen your life. One might travel for hundreds of miles and visit many I och ities without llnding a tamping ground having so many rul- vantagi h as there are to lie found at the Southern Oregon Ciiaiilauqita grove. 1 [Ì r 1 SIXTH ANNUAL ASSEMBLY Tbto rxiuveuliriD wiJ| be b()|. i The Southern Oregon Chautauqua Association Rogue River Courier. . THE SUMMONSOFTHEDRUM Hark, 1 bear th« tramp of thousands And of arrntsi men the hum. Lo, a nation'» h<«ts haw gath« n«i Bound the quirk, »-laruling druiu. Having, "Coma. Freemen, come. Ere your heritage be waited. " »aid 1he quick, alarming drum "But wb» n won the coming battle. What of profit springs th» n from I What if cunquart, subjugatnm. Even greater His become!” But the drum Answ» red: "Come! You must do the sum to prove it," said the Yankee answering drum Tims they answered, hoping. f»-aring, Home in faith ami doubting **omr, Till a trumpet voice proclaiming Heid, "My < hoaen people, come!" Then th«; drum, Lo, was dumb. For the great hrart of the nation, throb bing, answered, "Lord, we come!’ —Bret Harte. To be Held at Tabernacle and Grote in Center of City- I The A hhocih I iou baa recently purchased by voluntary contribution« the valuable frontage on Main elreet. This will be used as au entrance and will add very inucb to the lieauty ami convenience of >be ground«. The building tn tbe grove baa been thoroughly repaired and will make a comniixliou« and attractive room for one of tbe school«. paròlvare. farming ìmplemin,: Editor ‘ Atlanta Constitution lie corner from a race of orators; is a Sra'“*"^1*^ of .Joint C. questions of Calhoun. His lectures wrap themselves J1'® one lecture patriotism ami statesmanship. He wi.l levture Here are estimates from being “The Reign of the Demagogue. L=._ - men qualified to judge. •He 1»Ibe m<»t eloquent Souiberuer •«*>«■>’ ' '‘li'Junr « 1 IrnJy- He h*» the mo»l phenomenal eloquence I e'ef h«»r Un",,,,, g I o ’»- ••He 1* ■ born ur«u>r If ever une ran« V, ““ living I ulton. "He .urp«»*» luxem.ll in •nddelivere. . Bobert irnug U m * u »•’ v-" *" The Kelxu of th. Dem.K». by John Temple Gru»«, tbe find ornUou ill the inerii t. yiC|¡c|es, - Bicgcles ! ‘Asljlanò Oregon. J. K« VonSant, Dealer in STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES Speaker House of Representatives, I . K. 1). D: 1-1- !>■ . . . CROCKERY, GI.ASsW.tki TOBACCO8 mid < IliAKg Chnrth, Chicago. One of the leading pulpit orators of tbe U. S. For the last sixteen years pastor of the largest congregation in Chicago. A brilliant an«l Corner Main ami lldiii.tii Sts, ASHL.lMl. III[ popular speaker whose lectures beam with beautiful illustrations and are brimming with wit and humor. He ranks second to no man on the public platform. He will deliver three great lectures, < >ld and Young America.' “Grumblers,’ and ‘Tools.’ “He has the humor of Burdette, the vlvidnew of Gough, (he path«»* ot Dickeus, au»i the elfM4*,1^”<i® Of ijnCoin, more polished and graceful, but with essentially the same sort of presence and intellect.” _ , , "He is a strong man In e\ery way, X"o one can afford to miss an opportunity of ht ai ng him."—G. A. Gregory, Supt. Schools. 0r. fl Jf. deader, Jfomœopat/lieta n, HOYT L. CONA RY. I10RT0N, He will give a famous and unique entertainment. terse, bright, and witty. Of eg on It is original, Persona intending to camp would do well to bring, in addition to their tent, chair« or camp «tool«, pail,, plenty of warm lieddmg, ae night, are always cool. We have a beautiful grove where tenia will be pitched, city water convenient, and free to all. " ‘Around the Stove’ is a recital of the evening scenes in a village store. The politician, the pedagogue, student, old soldier an<l a eircl« of interesting characters ’drop in' and arouiiii the stove tell their stories, speec hes and exploits. Each character is personated wilh remarkable individuality. The fun, wisdom, and laughter all follow in quick succession. There is not a dull minute during the evening and through all there is nn undercurrent of tender ami w holesome sentiment, “ ‘Around the Stove' is commended to fellow Assembly superintendents as tlie finest eulertaimnent 1 have heard in years.”—John M. Hall, Mupt. Assembly al Flint, Michigan. He Is a King in his line,'' so says Peter c. Koss, Berkeley Temple, Boston. Il ia possible that some slight changes will have to l>e made in our program, but every effort ha, been made to have it ex actly correct. No one is advertised ex cept those who have promised lobe here. Will deliver two lectures, one “The Mission of Mirth.'’ Come pre pared to laugh. People who have heard him have nothing but words of praise. lie is highly recommended, the following endorse ment being typical of many others. TlfOMAS WUHY. of Minneapolis, Hales over 100,000 pounds.... maniilii« i iir»-i m <>f cigars The musical talent of Medford will lie « OO Hales under 100.000 ................... Hales bi twecn lou.ouu and 200,000 12 oo w.ll represented at the Assembly. Mina "I «an heartily coin mend the lecture to those who desire to lx* both entertained ami in Hales over 100,00«) .......................... 'I to 1'eiirl Webb, M ihs Etta Medytiski, Mies Will you come? We hope so; you o«e structed." H oii . W in J. Bryan, Lincoln, Neb Blocks, bonds, dviieiii u res .certificates Grace Foster ami M ihh Mabel Jones will it to yourself and yours. Uow long Sime, issued after July I, IMOK. |»er |I(JU A Complete HU m k of Everything in My 1.1 IK*. 06 be heard in soli h . M ihh Foster and Mme yon hail ten days' vacation? It may face value............................................. 0 ’ I'ransfer ot slock, per >100 face value .lone« will h I ho furbish li duet and it is make yon feel ten years younger! Wliat FIFND. Bulea ol merchandise for present or President of the University of Oregon, educator, mathematician, probable that M ihh Webb and M ihh a change I future delivery on exchange, |s»r | I0Q Ol author, and lecturer, Pres. Chapman lias spokenat a previous As Virgie Woodford will furnish s uumber The eecretary I ihr a few lent» which II ’ Hunk check or sight draft................. He will give a for one of tlie prelude". We h I ho I i ipe to will tie rented tocnm|ierH at SI.51) for the sembly and made a very favorable impression. Ill I Is of exrhangt* (inland), time and pr«miiMHory note, money orders, l«»r have Heveral other niinilierH from Med Assembly. Hlionhl yon want, apply at popular lecture on Astronomy illustrated with a stereopticon. each 1100............................... . . 02 ford people, including MrH. Vawler who ouce. Hills «d exchange (foreign), letter of credit, drawn singly, |»rr <100 . .. id Hang last year Willi M ihhch Feeler, Pn-kel l»r. F. W. VanDyke of Grant, 1'aaa I n sets of two or mure tor each bill tr! and J oiii h in the Medford Quartet. Bill «»I I. ti I hq ; or n«< i|>l lor any Mias Murcutt will deliver one lecture. She is a highly talented LE ADING has promised Io lie with us two evenings go<Hfs to I h * eX|M»rle«l ............... 10 and r« rider two clarionet Bolos. Tbe Dr. lecturer and a type of Australia’s best womanhood, and is prominent Bill <>l lading to lie issued by express is ii th e player mid never fails to delight in the counsels of the W. C. T. U. Miss Murcutt is a young woman, and transportation companies, per pa«-k:i:'i- 01 I lie Araemlily. possessing a most attractive personality ami an ability toexpress her Telephone mpasages, charged al 15 INFORMATION. cents or over ... ill She possesses a good Mine Mnroutl is a native of Australis, thoughts in a bright and pleasing manner. Burelv bonds......................................... .'MJ born of English American parentage. voice, dear enunciation, and a fluent delivery, and easily commands The Houlhern Oregon Chniit.Hn<piH A h - (Certificates of profit, memo, shotting Hcinbly ih l<>ciil««d ut A h I i I hih I, Oregon, We thought as we listened to her lliiih the attention of her audience. She is highly recommended by Miss interest in corporation, or trans fers of same, per |KM) face value 02 lilxiiit niidwny helwt on l'ortlnnd, Oregon ling address, wlmt a pity tliut the entire Jessie Ackerman who was with us last year. ('eitiiieate of damage and certificates ASHLAND, OREGON Norlliwiat cannot avail themselves of the miti 8an Fraociaco, Culifornm. of port wardens or marine survey Miss I I.A I!A 1.01 1ST, SA PPOIID, of ,S'<m Nrajicisco. ors . ........................................................ 25 Board ill private fniuiliee, fl to f5 per great privilege r.f utilizing the servio?» Ollier certificates not speeilie«l. 10 of so able a speaker. (l(> TO (’barter party Per vesael ol 300 tons .3 00 week. Miss Sallord for seven years has been instructor in Physical Cul I'.« i wi . it loo ind (JOO tons 5 (N) Board al the Oregon mid Itapol hotel,, Irseie Ackerman did a great work for ture and Docution at Pacific E.rove Assembly. Uesiiles having Exceeding (MJU tons.... HI 00 tf'2 00 per day, #S to ill! per week. humanity when she won Mine Mnrciilt charge of the 8chool of Physical Culture and Elocution with us she Contrail, broker's notes of sale or exclinngt* of goods, stocks, bomia, Bourd ni thè Ahliliind iloiiHe, fi per ns a trophy ot the Cross of Cliriet, and will occupy the platform twice. She is a graduate of the Emerson notes, real estate, elc .... 10 day, $5 per week. then enlisted in the ranks of the W.C. Conveyances Value between fl(M> ( allege of Oratory of Boston and the strong recommendation of its M hh I h and liiiieh«*» ut ree»Hiirunt» ut and |500 T. U. Mi«s Muroult is full of physical president will be found elsewhere. The president of the Pacific Each additional Il(M) over f.MMi IMipiilnr priora. and intellectual vigor, and her ripe young r«*|egraplnc messMgeN 01 tirove Assembly says of her: “She delineates character perfectly Tenia will l>e rented, r <> long hh tne womnuliood may liecome untold bless Cuslom-house entry Not over fl(Mi 25 speaks clearly, and is without affectation." She will lie a i*reat .<i Hiipply I hh I h , h ! fi 50 for thè AN»eml>ly. mgs to the ranks of Christian workers. Bt*lween |KJO and f.'MM) Orel t oo favorite. 1 » - » ICiimping privil* ge, wilh city water, free Custom house entry for withdrawal TM) Miss Esther Sileby, who has recently Insurance (life), for each flUU of lo all holding meniiH'rHliip or eeneoii returned from Oaklaud, one of the mem policy . 10 ticket». ) Industrial weekly payment plan, bers of tlie celebrated Ashland Ladles' Dr. Iliff has U-en heard several times in Portland with great en- 10 per cent ol first weekly |>a> Quartet, Im, consented to help in solo KA I ES FOK ADMISSION no nl jovnient. Anyone who has heard him will readily accord him the I’ I le and in hi i lie, p«f || nor. work. UHe "I nnce of Western <irators.’’ He will preach Sunday morning Casually, fidelity ami guaranty uu. Miss .Desie R me, who has returned Leases For one year 25 Hernnm ticket........................................ #1 «50 «'!•> w'.P'lehver his great lecture “A Trip Through a World .J Between one and three years Day ticket gtwal for one day ... 1(1 AU from the city where she baa been study Bealrr in <>ver tfuee years 1 he eloquent divine s fame as an orator has gone before I (<> Single a« 1 miwaii*u ticket...................... 25 ing iiiiaie, has kindly consented to help Mght. Manilest lor custom house entry or urn lie is an easy, graceful talker and soars to tights of eloquence Seaaon ticket« Hiliult to ail the cxer in tbe solo au<l chorus work. clearance tor foreign ports that holds the mind of the listener. Per ship of .MM) tons I no cieee, rxc«*pl to apreml c I hmmi in the I’rof. C. J. Kurth, of Graute Pane, one Between 3UU am! «¡UU tons .1 txt Exceeding GUI) tons.... . IX) Hchuule of («Miking, FhyHicni Culture,aud of the must promtueut musicians of MoiI” 1 ween 11 0uand <i 100 25 Elocution. Childreu'a eeneou ticket, Houlheru Oregon, will render Heveral I-or carb $50U additional half price; children, an gle edmteeiou, 1«5 violin eoloe. i'.i • .o »- ih kel to foreign |»orl • oel lug not over |30 i gg (elite. Tinae reduct iodb will lie given to Main Htreet, ("The Star Hpangtal Rsnner" vm written M bs May Tiffany, Mrs, Geo. Estes,and Between >.<u ami |0u .’> im cbildieii between ten ami fourteen y**flra B,2U*h «•“"■ ' ■ “eH«»wy In W< «ad » ” >"? 5* T ’**• « -«M tba Hrtweern Church and Granite, MtoSwleatln« ott tl" f -rt .(ter firing had <£L1 pr : t ’ < >vvr |t)0. 5 (MJ Mr, T. A. Hayes, Aeblaud singers of of age, under ten yearn, tree. Camping •••Power of at lor my to vote li) r fl . ________ _____ ■ p ’"'Ong an Am.-ncan victory ) note, are expected to assist in solo work. I ••••To sell, rent or collect ......... 2á grodiiila, including city water, free. Protests ot notes, etc ... ........ M les Jean Rose, a graduate of the New Tent», SI fiO, tor the term of the Haneinldy. Warehouse receipt» ....... Medicinal proprietary articles and Karli«*» will do well to apply nt once hr England Conservatory of Music, will be |«erlumery, cosmetics, etc , i»er a member of the Chorus Class and will X On lb. ahoro dimly awn IhroUh« n.M of'thZ d’«n'wh,^'h‘ T '117 ’’ h»u <> «» the juickage ot 5 cents, retail price .OUI 2ft the supply ot tint» in limited. J/frs. 9//. dierrin, sing several solos. Miss Rose jioseeeM-e Between 15 and 25 cents.... .. jxxr_’.'> a And whero U that band who ►, .,On.i.,I,‘ '('ji*“”“7 h"M ln'Ir' " ' Chewing gum Per |»ackagrol fl re- ''REMEMBER THE MAINE!” a tine voice and uses it with rare skill. ° " -............ :n t tail value................................. 01 THE BEST Each additional fl............. Mum Belle Robmeou, of Grauts Pass, 04 Wh« ii th» v«-ngean«»e wak«*N, w hen the tattle . . PHOTOGRAPHER . . Sparkling or other wines Per pint br.Rkw A * who lias been so •nccemfiil hs h piano tsillle........... ........... ir.» And th«1 shi|»N sweep out to m*n. instructor will assist us as a soloist au<l M ore than one pint. ......... . V/ain St. JÍ?A/a n d, Ort. O2 Win n th«* f«»«» is near«*«!, when the <tedui are Petroleum and sugar relining or aecompamst for c< me of tbe solos. char»'«! Irrfisporting oil or other producia And the rolorw floating free, f INP PORTRAITS and by pipe line, excise lax on gross re Prof. Parker will gives tine drill with | Wh«»n tbe <««pindn»iiit ni»*«<t, when it's fl«*<*t to OHAUTAUQUA VIEWS ceipts exceeding |'.\YO,(XX) .0025 flwt a large number of boys and girls in cos Palace or parlor car seals or berths, '' , ïe n -- t U “ ! And front to front with Hpatn, i»er seat or berth .............................. 01 From ship to »hip, from lip to lip, turns ou tlie evening of the 13 b. “ «war " rew-u d land, Prai» (hr ••legacies between fH).(MX) ami $2»,- I' bm on the quick refrain, ( mm ) to lineal descendant, or It is the aim of the management to an ' lb inemls r, remember the Maine!” r4*Z Z-J»T?-« _ brother or sister of testator, i»rr nonuce only those speakers aud instruc ♦ ItW dear value ...................... 5 Wh« n the flag shall sign, "Advance tn line; I o descendants of brother or sis tors who liave pledged the nisei ve« to I m * Train shi]»a on nn even k«s I," ter of testator ..................... I 4> it hen th«* guns ahall flash and the shot shall with ns. To brother or sister of tathri o. craah mother of testator, or their dr- And L*und on the ringing steel. Mr. N. P. Dslge, a Due solo Ringer M*«ndants » th.« hs<b «d pre«, , u. . ««W „„ th„ .1 no When th»* rattling blast« from the armored from Grants I' hsr will lie with hr this To brother or siMer ot grand- ms be our motto—••Tn masta IMirents ot testât >i, or their de- year and will render valuable service to An* hurling their deadliest rain, scendantB lat their voi«*ea loud, through the blinding our musical departmen’. To other benefieiaries cloud. lax on legacies bet a ven |25,UIM) and Cry ev«*r the flerce refrain. It is «aid that nearly all of tbe IItMi.KM». multiplied l»y one and 'K« in« tidto>r, nt-memlxr the Maim*!" -ME4LS AT ALL HOURS— a half. mmiHlers in the state of Kansas who are -"•«’M.»tu m« O.Td Between IKUIMX) ami | Mli.tW Iks! *» -kt ami a in tha‘ storm shall be wit Inn one loindre.1 miles of a Chantsn- multiplied by two. Fate’s ch.’» - of amok» and flame, <| la A«s> iiibly make it their bneineea Between | MJO.OlM) ami fl (Mili.(Mil. ’ " ••* ' It h« il »•'» 1 X'<'t ii nun « an miaa It#« aim; multiplu-d |»v Iwiinml one-tialf. and enj *yment to attend every Assembly. Over fl (MMilMMl multiplied by X» t a bl»»w -lmll fail on tlw* <*rumhlteg mail. Ob! that we might have a regular Kanras three. Ami tin w . o . m that rnguif th. -lain TL l’H»l>l|KN ritXTlH« INTO ■FFK«'T IN -i % n »tall su.w p th. d.w ks of tbe bln« k« ned wm ka cyclone to stir up the nimiatere <»f tbia With th«* thundering, dread refrain. i » xy * trrak MiuNh.iir, ji ss 13, |*vi valley so I list they nta) HiideraUtHl that at " Io in« ltd*, r, i< Illi tids r th«* M.nm«!’' Mi\r<l flour Dealers, per annum f •?«i tliey cannot iff .rd to mw hik ’I i helpful ll«»U*rt llutw*» Wd.-oti In X« w Y«*rk I1«*ral«l. Per pa« kagr, hii)«orlx inchnhsl. tano-r (.»numph 4olll *• «« Ln. .nd t. . H<MWIOÍ lh, opportunities. tx t ween *K ami I ' « (M ...................... ^“d?' Mam Hl . u|>|»\ sit« Hit* brolgv, Peopl,. who have alleili tat tin* (’han “ «»d tb. Hum. n( u„. b A **liIn11»I, < irri’oii, taiiq ia in former years, la.t.Mder it tlie and R rb I «»I r«rr l«k«n <»f k Hrsl ciana event of tlie year. frani» nini ng» U» Iw |i«,| m l|»f»r Mablr». No pains will Im spared to mike thia Assembly a grand uplift to Hie people ¡4 thegoii and Cdiforma ivr sat i slnriit Il ih l in J *< eei I de f*»r th» people i*f S, mb- INVERTMKNI IHioKIK OUR GROCERIES •»u CXrvgi h to have* III«* ad van tage« «»I lit* LAIV. LOANS. REAL ESTATE Im i ng to th« lending »¡»emkera <*f lb« u V VAL'Prt p »ND SUPPLII S AND INSURANCE. OHiulry and to hav« tiie mat ruction of YX ili da» ihi» •‘very hm«*. «untori in lit« van«MW <»oly Ihr nigh «i ('hnut4Hi*iua Aaacmbly. Let caras», »et cnrs«» «vwry one who in mt«* rea tei I in lhe latml amt I mm A f«rm ot ml neat too»I aixl moral Aukland iirsson iiiNtnx'ti«xi mili* an effort to tw» present I’ i I hi « » «», UP TO D7ATE? JeWEL&R ♦ J^inney & Pro»osi ,5tol>es Cinluare &c. Pastor First Miw I I, Beufey, of New York City, who bo delighted our HUdleuce. with her raadtug. m 1M*.)7, will be at tlie mother iS.autampia ttii, year. Subject—The lls.k of Job. - ASHLAND, OREGON. JULY u - 21. ■*<>«• /*. .S’. HENSON, NOTES. 12lb i>f Jnly. Tbe mori.i.,g cu vece at 10 o’eloak iu thè l'rf.hvu^' Cburcb hu <I lite allei ikk .,, -ew,,,,,, . u’eiiK-k in Ibe Talieruiu'le. Corner SreiAam a net *2Jtsta St'ecfh Notions and Novelties In During the Chautauqua sesaion, you Mil be supplied with Fans, Table- Pencils, Handkerchief», Niptm, Shoes, Hose, Sox, Waists, Suinmrr Vests, Ribbon, mid Dry G om I i Notion,, Tinware, Ac hv callingo, til. C. //. CHAPMAN, Ph. D. Fox & Hildreth, MTSNA. L J. MI IIOPTT, of J uslralia, IL //. //■//’/’’, I). I)., of Denver. W m hevener , pn i ni iltl THE FÏÏIR STORE Gelepljone Drug 3t°re, HELEN R. STANLEY MAN AGE ft Corner of Main and Oak Streets. ASHLAND, OREGON HOTEL OREGON Barber Shop, COTTRELL & EOOERS Proprietor.*. Ashland, Oregon. Don't fail to visit the— STAR SPANGLED BANNER. ASHLAND, OKI GON ó*. ù't1“ X <l’¿r ■ ü^"’ ""b'' °,,r “EÂÂæÂW : " your horses Ha R K. SUÎÏON S STABLES, Remember DAVID ALLEN, Agent. J. P. DODGE, ----- Dealer in----- Furniture, Be.lding. Window Shade», Mould- nig*', I'ietnre Frames, Floor Matting«, baby Carriages, Boys' Wagons, «t<’ ■‘•••Ing Machines aud Hnpplies for same. LiiriD nt stock of Furniture in Southern Oregon tn »elect from. Opera House Block, A8ILA1W, OBKHOfI C. K. Klum CENTRAL toarket ASHLAND, Ol Wbolnalean.l Retail Dealer In llwl. Pork, Matron. Veal. Hams, Ba< on am! lj»nt. kinds of (tame in its seaaon. I lie Main . GEO. W THEFRKN Pelican Bay Liodge . . CICRR O. WINTER IME boda fountain « a fieaufj; H.S. EVANS, Paints, Oils, Glass, Alabastine. Artists’ flaterials, I«’»" line Ot Wall Paper )OH «!-«< w.„„, Hf •‘•'»••«t and paper banslas A3HLINB, u KEKMIN.