BALDNESS BACILE I b LATE WAR NEWS. San Juan, May 13—The insur­ London May 16.—The Spanish Washington, May 12. —A naval battle m in progrès* in the vicinity gents are having a joyful celebra­ have seized the grand Canary cable Do You of Hayti. Docrery of th. Microbo DúwWM- tion over San Juan’s surrender. ffice. Washington, May 12.—The A Suaimar. of imp- rua.i I arm« The navy department recommend* Know the News tag to Iu Victim»- I J ash i n gton, . l/ay i quartermaster’» department ha* or­ chartering the transport. Ohio and they Occur Fro»» I>a> The navy department re ­ dered forty thousand picks and V m co © ©••• •< © to !•* Conemaugb now at Seattle. 1« l>ay. shovel*. ports that France allowed Washington May 16—The City Washington, May 12.—General Spanish war ships to coal at of Peking sails from San Francisco í:.o50Cn¿tb 4 Merritt leaves Washington to- Key West, .May 12.—An enga^l- morrow as governor of the Philip- -Martinique. This breaks Wednesday for the Philippines, ment occurred off Cardenas last with thirteen hundred troops on May take 15 exri troops neutrality. 1 Wine no»wda.T* It 1« cn u>drr>’oc night one American officer and four pines, n to New York, May 13.—A Spanish ers Yale and St. Paul are hurrying Manila, May 12—Insurgents at­ crobe. This useful little < Try It for a aumtn a a©api© e«py will Americans .Melbourne. -Way 12. tacked 00c hundred priests and cruiser has been sighted off the KroM the Caribbean sea to meet me-full scaeoce »net trum up» ©re to tb* be Baued to yo« tree A 3d rea» , the go»! old; Spanish officials this morning, kill­ in Australia have fi. 'rrned two com­ Jersey coast. whiet player acwordinf to the Spanish our learned panies of volunteersand have a»xed The Telegram, ing thirty rule. When in doubt. < New York, May 13.—A London tacillu». No OB». Washington, May 16. — Florida to be «ent to the Philippine*. friend » piny thi PORTLA5D. OR. ------ ;,rd to hear that therefore, will be surprises ¡1 ashington ’. May I j’ 'I Washington. May 12—The navy -pecial to day says a desperate bat­ coast cities are fortifying, Citizens ,, has ha. been added to w its ii» nunw-r- l^Mne.s department today received advices tle is reported between Spaniards are alarmed for their safety, Span- The theme i>.— ou. iriuBf*- >anish battleship* and and insurgents in Cuba. ish fleet is determined on bombard­ — The Spaniards pro- | that two Sf »¡th nueh in’< deta. ■ three torpeed > Theodore S. Parvia, M Sebouraml »» ruthle»». Bablne.s, he 0SLy^ ,: American cruiser Concord sunk a can prisoners at Fort Cabonas, Cu­ of Cellar Rapid«, la., ha- b»-en gather­ «av«. i» “one of the mont purely micro- Washing ton, May 12.—Cables Department to-day decided to give ba will be exchanged for Spanish ing work« on naaonry, and now ha» a I bial dinea»e* be ha« e*er seen.” from Hong Kong report the in­ ! Spanish warship. The latter went all volunteers now enlisting their prisoners. Moreover, it in only a variant of other collection of them numbering over 30,- surgents as uncoutrolable at Manila ' down with colors flying. »kin aff-ction« which are -omrthinir eokuk owa ew aven onm Dewey is powerless to restrain Washington, May 12.—General di-1 barge at the close of the war if Portland, Or., May 15—Ten OfjO volume*. w coming 1 ' ■ —The mo*t remarkable echo in the them and will lose the Islands tin ' Wheeler will command the cavalry so requested. companies of the Oregon volunteers world is that which come« from the mused by the riune microbe, a little - .Z « lews help arrives shortly. The now about to embark for Cuba. New York. May 14 — The are now ready for service in th. north side of a church in Shipley, Eng­ 1 modified according to rirvum^aneej. Spaniards will not surrender, They Tt • atareh is prepared on ac!«ntiflc principle« by men who hare had yesra of prse»*» I States army, having lieen land. It distinctly repeat» any sen­ It •- n mall transparent bacillus, which •xpeneoc* in fancy huudernur- It r^torea old linen and rummer df«*ea lotU. H 'ashington,May I.J.-The jw rNe*Orle»M and auxilia." prefer death to surrender. natural wbitaoeM and impart* a bsantiful and laating fin>h. It ia the onlr tence not exceeding 21 sellable«. multiplies by dividing into two These cruiser St. Paul were saluted by mustered in by the United States manufactured that ia perfectly barmle**. ©ontaimuc neither ar«cnic. a'ua w * Madrid, May 12.—The rejxjrt nai y aepartment tod"y re­ —Vaat quantities of her e hair, which I qualities, it may be ob^tned, are aubauiDce injurioua u> hnen and can be uaed even for a baby powder. thousands as they sped on their recruiting officer. The remaining ix chiefly u«ed for upholstering furni­ shared bv a good many other specie«, that the Spanish government has ceived ojjicial notification For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers, and oennot be called very distinctive. way to join Schley. ture, comes to thi« country from Si ­ borrowed a hundred thirty million two companies, L and M have been beria. It ia taken from the mane and The o-gnni«m in question has. however, pestas, is confirmed. The govern­ that the Spanish/te t reach­ ; examined by the surgeon and by tail* of hor«e- Wdden by the Cn- • a<4 s. • - f ben bent on ment i. greatly encouraged. es the If'est Indies. This Washington, May 14. — A special permit from General Mer- —A piece of fallen ceiling dropped on producing baldness it locate» i self in Key West. May u.—There is an changes thr department’s Tribune special to-day says: iam, they were mustered in this Thoma* Gorman a* he wa* aboot to de­ a convenient little »pace just above the w-end the cellar *tair» at hi« home in roo* of the hair, ami below the ©urfaee exciting chase in progress thn "The Wilmington shelled morning. The regiment is now King*land. N. .1. It caused him tn tum­ of the skin. How it gets there in the plans regarding the inva­ morning off Matanzas. An Amer­ Cardenas, Wednesday, after (- mplete and ready to move to San ble down the xtair* and break hi* neck. ftrst instance we are not informed, nor ican cruiser is pursuing a Spanish sion of Cuba. —The health of a pig i» indicated by ta it ea»y to guess; but oner on the spot the other vessels withdrew. Francisco. Transportation has Wash., May 13.—The Spanish ¡t* tail. When the tail h:iug> loovely, I it thrive« ©nil multiplies, and at last ship. lieen arranged over the Southern the pig {» not well, and its foe*} should get» “wrapped up into a kind of co­ Yesterday an inspection Key West. May 12 —The dis­ fleet is coaling at Fort lie Franco. Pacific, and tonight the two battal­ I m * changed. When the tail is tightly coon.” Th» mysterious proceeding is patch boat Hudson has just arrived preliminary to an insidious attack upon • was made, One hundred and Washington, .May 13. — ions will leave on a special train in coiled, the anima) ia healthy. Iiappy and Uie hair follicle. A© Mr. N’uta 1 ob* from the American blockading frisky. fifteen dead Spaniards were two sections. The regiment is re­ All the funeral* in Pari* are con­ •erve». so long as the tetter re untouche 1 squadron and reports the gunboats Sampson cables that he will found in masked batteries; 10* cruited to within ten of the limit, ducted by * »ingle syndicate, which has I it will defy the microbe and continue Machias and Wilrn ington still shel­ attack the Spanish fleet to­ three hundred others were » licensed monopoly of the business. I to send forth hairs, whatever may be­ SM so* DnuoBui ling Cardenas when she left. and consists of 963 enlisted men rn or row. There is a regular tariff of rates, a first come of them. On the other hand, the utili nrer v cnioiiTvrn ?om found. IDuULUluLl utlAIlAu I du D ■>- » ,. t „-ripe, boi muse kjkj net >rr- Irteli ' and 52 officers. elans funeral costing - . and the “co oon” is -ituated above the f »Hide, Old Point Comfort, May 13,— and is, therefore, unable to make a di ­ cheap, or ninth-class. $4.50. Increma ­ Key West, May 12.—A • 1 Schley’s Mjuadron is putting to ■■ Chicago, May 15.—A special to The city is in ashes and rect attack. .Accordingly, the bacilli tion the price* range from f00to$10. battle is in progress off the | ' sea. the inhabitants have fieri. the Journal from Washington says: —Thecggsof the terrapin are hatched proceed to manufacture a “toxin.” coast. The roaring of cannon ♦ Wash.. Secretary Ix>ng sent urgent mes­ in about 30 days. With her forepaws w hich passes down the hnir to the root the female terrapin, in the middle of ; and acts as a slow poteon. Then a BOYS - - have reached 1 Yale and can be heard in the distance. sages to every port along the South them, Wash.. May 14. — Sampson's scratches a hole in the sand, and ' struggle for life ensue«. The follicle and < i 11 { I .!"*» ! St. Thomas. bombardment of San Juan de Porto American coast where there is any in it place« her eggs, from 13 to 19. does not succumb all at once, but tries VIA THE ---- We offer yea a chance to earn premium* to go on doing its duty. First, the ex ­ Key West, May 13. — Cuban coast Rico was under iastructions of the chance of reaching the battleship She then covers them, and relies upon Sanjuan, Porto Rico, May 12 isting hair bi gins to decay, it becomes and to learn bovine*. method, at name the sun to do the hatching. on an Arneri- I batteries to-day fired Oregon, warning it of the location Sbastii Route Navy Department. Insurgents arc tn itching ujion the wreak, loses color, and falls out; another time. If uader 20, write for particulars to No orders ME INSTRUCTED THE JUDGE. springs up to take it« place, but that is city. Citizen» are expecting a bom­ ; can cruiser. No damage done. \\ ish . May 15 —The total of the Spanish fleet. — ol the — Wash., May 13.—The Navy number of volunteers mustered were sent to Captain Clark, as the U bo Maa »• U ell Pleased Tbaf He weaker still. Others follow at short in­ bardment by the American fleet. terval«, the follicle showing n progres­ Gave Him Berea Woatba. Terrific firing was heard off the Department again changes orders Southern Pacific Compì; J into service to date is sixty-three 'department has confidence in his “Nathaniel Patrick Henry Schofield sive decline, until it is at last unable to coast last night. regarding ¡he mobilizing of East­ 1 thousand. Evun-sH Trains Leave Portland!)»»■ ability to meet the situation. He Berry!” called the |Mxlice court clerk in make and further effort, and baldness Key Weat, May 12.-A few shells ern lroo|>s and orders thirty thous­ stentorian tones, and a heavy laugh was is fully Rstablinhed. has a splendid ship, a full comple ­ South. I i sm Key West May 14. — In ettgage- were thrown into Matanzas trxlay The proce-s always begins at *he heard from th»* lawyer«, builitfa and AT. 6:* P. M. ¡ lv . Porti ind and to Chickamauga. by Americans ; nient at Cienbuegas, Wednesday, ment of men, etc. Should the sit general hangers-on ©round the room. t»—ter. accoriing to M. Sebourand, ©nd :05 v. M lv . Grants Pass LV. ¡ T:»il A very black negro of about 40 spreads in a circular fnshaon, Bke the :15 a . m . at . Han ¡' i an i i LV. j Mhl Markst Street Ferry, 8. F., Cal. San Francisco, May 12.—It is Madrid, May 13 A cable to- ' '•tie sailor on the Marblehead was tuition demand it, he could make a expected that iz.ovx» troop, will day says the insurgents at the I killed and six wounded. Al>ove trains stop at al! station* tatd wide detour aud make Porto Rico, stepped to the bur with thr remark: concentric waves which are formed when a stone ta thrown into waiter. “Yea, »ah; dat*s my cognomen title.” Portland and >aieni, Turner, MinJ leave for the Philippines tomorrow. Philippine, are giving Dewey I tar north of the French West Indi.s. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Jefferson, \ ittageG ivt, T wm “Well, Nat. wdiat hate you to »•? Hence the familiar round p©tch, with Madrid, May 14. — The official bhetids, HaGev, Harrisburg, Junctbu'd Hong Kong, May 12.—The trouble today, Big riot in pro- about this charge of—or—Mhat'a the its stealthy but sure enlnrgmrnt. This Land ulbcr at Roeeburg. Otegon J Eugene, Drain Oakland, undal! »uaJ If bomba*’, bluster and bragadocio report from Manila of Spanish loss Boston is pursuing the last Spanish name of that thing, anyhow. .Mr. is a very pretty and interesting demon­ April 23, 1S983 from Roseburg, to Ashland inclusive. I gress at Madrid when Dewey annihilated the fleet go«« lor any thing, the Spaniards are Bailiff?” stration. but it m a little too complete ship in Pacific waters. Notice is hereby given that the folio* - surely g ing ta do some big capers. Roseburg Mail Daily to l>e altogether convincin'?. Those “co- ing*narned settler has tiled notice of hi- “Shootin’ crap«, your honor.” is three hundred killed and six San Juan, Porto Rico, 1 Ley declare from the highways and by­ Ar. i Onl “Shootin’ crap©,” repeat»*») the judge. coon©” and the action of the “toxin” iRtention to make final proof in support M ;3U a . M. i.v. Portland hundred wounded. lv . 12 -.teil the imagination of his claim, and that said proof will be 12:25 p. M. i.v. Albany ways, that they aie going io send a re­ “Now, look here! I have »ent enough of are more suggestive May 1T- -Sampson bom- THE W0NDEB8 OF SCIENCE LV. 1 7JM Ar. Rose ’ -urL' 5:20 p. to. i fellow» down on thi» charge, but 1 than of the dry light of pure ohserva- ma le before J. W. Howard, county clerk ba rt let I San Juan at nine Lung Troubles and Consumption Washington. May 13 —The navy lief expedition to the Philippines to at­ you of Josephine county, Oregon, at Grant s * OININL UAH s ON OGDEN ROUTE I confr»» I know nothing about the game, department has received the follow­ tend t© Admiral Dewey. The chances o'clock this morn 1h, -Vine it such it might be called. I’ve listened a degf nerative process in tlx* tissues of Pass. Oregon, on June 4. l^JS, viz Pullman Buffet Sleep«'! Can be Cured. are most favorable that when th© Span- ing dispatch from Admiral Sampson ships were engaged. The to th«* pigeon English of Chinamen in th« si-aln. which is quite likely to be ac- ira F. Spariin on HE. No. 7384 i»»r the ¡«h f*x(»©dition raachee Manila Bay. they NW‘4 NE’ a . NEl4 NW»4,sec. U >W telling of their fantan arrangement, companii I bj the presence of some under date of May 12: -Imerieans captur< d the will And Admiral Dewey who will give ami now you, Nat, there, tell me what micro-oi g in is n ii*. but that it is directly l4 Sh'-t. >E >4 toW^.sec. 2; Tp. 3'.» S. S ecón j O' R. 5 \\ est. ‘‘A portion of the squadron under them such a reception that they would this game of crap« i© like.” signal stat ion. Attached caiwed by a specific bacillus I* an as­ H» name» the following witnesses to my command reach'd San Juan wish that they had been drowned in sumption for w hich sufficient evidence Key West, May 12.—The Wilts- “Well, judge, it*© just like dis: Y’ou 1 prove nil continuous residence upon and li.lir.1 S. has hardlv bet n offered. If it were so cultivation ot said land, viz : •re, you take de bones—’* low was struck by a shell and En­ this morning at daybreak. No Noah's flood. one would naturally expert thr discov-1 James Leeper, We»ly W ilheliu, Perry “The what?” sign Walter Bagley was killed armed vessels were foul in port. Information now comes that Spain is “W’y, de tones, yo’ honah. Them’s errr of the cause to I m * ready with his V. bhotunake, Samuel, al', of The Winslow was towed out of the W<"»t Side Division R. *M. V eatcii , As soon as it was suffici ntlyl.ligbt overrun with plotters; that Weilerites, de thing» you throw." remedy. c*r at least hie sug»?» »tion for Williams, Or. fight, and the di ad and woundi d Register. “The dice,*’ suggested thr |>olice offi­ one. \ -recifU* microbe located in a tn>Oll the Carlisl*, and republicans are ra< h stnv- I commenced an attack brought here. partiruHr ond acce*dble *’>.-»♦ I* easily cer making th*- complaint. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. batteries defending the city. This iag to raise a revolt, and have delitwr “Oh. I Mer." anaw Ted hi» honor. “It’s dealt with. Find thr germic'de that hr1 Washington, May 12—The spy, alely eui about to bring on a revolution most i and resulted in much damage and with different objects in view, but here, hanged hitnself this Notice is hereby given that the foitow­ KXPKF» TRAIS H a ILY (EXVIPT STI thaniel Berry, looking with supreme ta » cure f »r haidne««. according to M with a towel. to the batteries and incidently to they are working incessantly for a com­ contempt on the surrounding crowd Rchouror. I’s hypothesis. Rut. npp«r-| ing named »cltler has filed notice ot his 4:50p. m . lv . ForUsnd ai . intention to make final proof in support 7 3up. m . | at . McMinnville i v. that portion of the city adjacent to mon end the destruction of the existing anxioii« to learn th«* in* and outs of rr-t’v. hr holds out no hope at all to the of Topeka, Kas., May his claim, and that said proof will be the famous tint l>adly misundristood victims of his nt w harillu*. They have Reflate ticket** <»n >a!e between Kansas volunteers hive been the batteries, The batteries re- government, root and branch. made’before J. W. Howard,County clerk game. “De first man hr t’rowsdr ix»ne» still to rely on the old hair wn-hrs.! of Ju-ephine county. Oregon at Grants Sa ramento and San Franciaco dered to San Francisco to swell the plied to our fire but without ma Th® war dspartinent's plana for an out like dir and pops his fingers. wld h art. so far ns they act a» ill. bv lass, Oregon, on .lune 4, 1 SOS, via; 117 in st cla-s and 111 second cli ing sleeper numtier of troops for the Philip­ teiial effect, line man was killed immediate invasion of Cuba have been ‘Come »even-eleven,* 'got you faded.* stimulating the circulation, and are. George H. Fenn on H. E. No, 7074 for Rates and ticket« to Eastern point* pine» therrf re. in agreement with *he theory the N h 4 SW‘4. SE V4 NW »4, sec. 22 •cut hi« throat eleven.* ‘ railroad,* *nat- the materially changed by the news of Ruro|H*. Al>o JAPAN. < Il IN A. H ‘ on lioard the New York and seven that Im hl ties.« {» caused by a (bin nern- ip 37 b R. o West. E New York, May 12. Germany <>LI RC and AI s TR a LIA further corroborated by the In­ prove hi» continuous residence upon and “ ........... io serious damage to any ships the final disposition of the Philip P. F. AtB.Af R KOEHLER, cultivation ot said land, viz : fluence of old age. of weak h- lth. and way from Boston,* •come on, Joe. you Portlnd* pines. Manager. Few Ainaiii'SM base any idea of the resulted. S ampson . Henry L. Reed. Murphy, Ore., John mental anxiety on the growth of »he mint l»r mine—’ ” 1. Wil) mm , U irpi.y. Ore., F. U Itej. eatciit ol It.« I’liilippiae island,, a foot­ hair, an I also bv the fact that ^having Washington May 12.—News to­ “ Hold on, there! ” shouted thr judge, -All cables ing upon »Inch »a, aogallantly capturtd Murphy, Or©., Isaac Custer, Murphy, day confuses the war department. before the enthusiaMic Nathunirl could the head frequently results in a new Ore. R. M. V eatvu , Iront Cuban and luxuriant crop -Loudon Standard ' bv Commodore Hewey, and over «hick Many orders have lieen changid I m beaded in his enthusiastic di»*< rta- Register. No news the American dag now the* A late is ­ tion. “Um «till in thr dark atM»ut that The Oregon. Marietta and Buffalo notice for publication . at. Havaaa sue of the daily publication of the De­ game, but from what 1 heard you get «ctors l l*o‘ thr < enter of lit*- will be ordered to return to the RAILROAD Perhap© the fondneaa of certain act­ partment ol Stale known aa "Advance seven months.” Pacific coast. Land office at Roseburg, Oregon./ SCENIC LINE OE THEjWOtLP ? ^tAT INVENr/0^' • ml ^UfACTUREO TUC.HUBINGER BR0S.C9 K J . N H X . ANDY CATHARTIC CURI CONSTI PATIOS EAST and SOU! SMIT CASH STORE Denver & Rio Granit* A M‘°r$e /S 7H$f from a minn/t'r r.c f/* t'lilue tn thoie u foit nenes are umtrnn^^ health shattered or othenvise ailing. It is particularly appropriate in this age of actu ey nm rmitets labor. Ws ar« kvtng ton faaL * Faat as light ©in|.” «xprciMt it, f<>r we talk by elec trietty, cook by chctnclty, travel by «lMtndty aad so on.. Ito a hurry, hurry, hurry from the cradle to ths grave. ▼a crowd too much i crowd our work, crowd our eating, crowd our pleasure, crowd our sleeping. A * breaking down of the nenmut ay* Um" to the way «4 ex phasing the reault. ¡1 maana a depleting of the nervea in duced by prolonged »train | overtaxing of the aervou. ,y.Um I a pnxiiKt ul uv«t hurry and buxl«. It allacta all panfil. In all walk, ol Ulr. Il batfl«, phyaKiaiu ol all «chorda. No ana know, tba horror, ol auch a con4«r.;n b«'t«r than Rav. J. N. Me Craady, ol Elkton, Mich. F « yean h< labored faithfully and w«tL Hr war pr<> fmM.r and a,,r«uiv< i a trader among man, a d««c it-mker and a hard w rkrr. In hn aaal, ha ovtrworhtd i ovrrUaed la» aw ital and phyaieal »trmglh. Th« outlook waa dark, with health aha! larad and eacovary apparently hoprlaaa. Many maana lor a cure were tried, wnli- out receiving benefit. Finally ha took I>e. William.’ Pink lor pale Paopla and waa featured to health. Ha aaya> “la ApriL 18%, the phyaiciana said I «nuat »op preachme or du. “1 had overtaa«d inya«ll and waa »of taring from a complete braaku ( do» •> c t nervous system and a persistent ** Several phyucun» .it«fed me, but re permanent betwlit wu drove J. M Four time* I wax »trkkrn w tth nei vr. Wdbama’ Pink Pill» lor Pile People. One box w u continued and I lelt no better. T hat dia cour.tved me« ** My wife urged me to try the pill» •ome mort, feeling that my Ide depended upon the re Milt. ** I continued to take them« M Since then, and tt haa been ae> cral m »nth*. 1 have etiyxytd ktc. ** Have preache J all summer and h»t|on wa» adequately lighted. Washington Poet. In the early day» of thi» century, be­ fore the Introduction of ga», the foot- The miner*, a* well a* the mine own­ light« consisted of a half a dozen or er*, operating in northern Idaho are more oil lamp«, and the point where peculiarly intrreated iu rational and their rays converged was very prop­ effective methodn of forrnt protection erly known as the “focus.” Herr all to what remain* of the public timber important passages of thr piece had to land*, and a* producer* of national I m * delivered, since elsewhere, thr ac­ wealth have a right to demand it. I hev companying piav of feature was not have the result of yenra of wanton assuredly vlaible. It is told that when forest dent ruction >»efore their eye*, one of Kean*» admirer« compliment­ and can *4e thrn>*ehr» confronted with ed him at supper after a performance I'be Ttau-t- it Centennial has Iwett a timlw-r shortage t>eforr many year* of “Othello.” saying that in the great that threatens their commercial anil scene with lag»» he almost thought the I ordered to lie in readiness. indiiMtrial life That such a condition tragedian would strangle the villain, K< v West M iv 16.—The Span­ is fa«»t approaching nerds no prophetic Kean answered: “Confound the fel­ vision to foresee. The extent to ish cruisers sighted at Martinique, low! He wa« try ing to get me out of which burned forest land the |*a*t the focus!” ” ‘ ___ _ lijrbt the ” Under the electric are the Prince de Austria, Galiti Irt years has developed in thene face of the actor can now be na and Cardinal Cisneras. regions is an evidence that re- the moit remote corner of the »een in •tage.— argument to Scribner’» |<. « . .. ha s u»n*»a. »«4 quirt** no supporting Kev West, May 16 —The j»eople . ri • M t tolta »fl' 1»U« «.»nt*. make effective. That many thou­ here are alarmed at the approach sand« of acres of forrat «till exi*t in Yellow Jaundice Cured the Corur d’Alene basins dors not on nivrcR • of the Cape Verde fleet. weaken the fact of an Impending lim­ 'utter ->g auuia it. itiuuLI I* r •up , piled Washington. May t* --The de iter shortage I'nder the prevent con- with ever, tnratis poasible for ua re ef oiscovfRT wive« rant <1 it lows, two or three dry season« would 1. is with i' «asure wo publish the I........ partment is advised that the Span i .« 11 » » . ”l’’ **••«» »r e«ii sufh.r to wipe out the larger portion, mg ish L "Thia is to rertify that 1 »a, a coaling Kings kL/** U î ••»*♦• by far, of what remains of the for­ F at t».t«M«M» th— terrible sufferer from Yell w laun.ii.e - * «» W Ha«»■« » I »«.I» t« « ton. ests In this part of the state. There / a.' I-* *v»a «»^1 bs® $1 • r ' • Is not yet adequate protect ion or su- over sis wontbs, and was treatrU be M av W 1 hington. I1 > The |M»rsislon. ami public arntiment upon tome of the best pbr.ieans in owr rtty b, i [*>rts is il hinchad r»f these points I* not yet sufficiently and all to no avail l>r Bell, ur Jn g ailed t I t i’ V • I ,<>ng aroused The Forrester. I - - v i • ' I r : i ••*«» gratrlulle pourw M \ lk * . •- • ••». 0« ••That’» true. You *ee. what the work- ,o**«»o co. r*a*.ra When Traveling hav e ap ing man moat needs ia work. Xnd I am I too intkh the working man's friend to R’I»©ther ©w pleasure bent or 111 le»l 1HI' lou» run any ri*k taking work away from tike oa ©very trip a bottle of Ma lb — in Hp on l^n ” - Buffalo Commercial Figs, as it acts must pleasantly an. .lave l*cen day i n U frctiiaily on the kiditay©, fiver. aa>l were atta pr©wif«g ?rv*> •. fteaua u©« at* rrvts pranan»•<’***•* ! w ;tr. a*.-, end other forms of sick sees F©r »air 1 ar e W'itien taking an idivt par. Th© cuv- ,-enl kx'itle» ya va ' ■xt guUlig airv < barged the mob but were rwpultod Manu ac'ured by lb© < a torma » < ¡by drier mi a©J women fly rap Co nnlv btiRla of ( enaular Ke porta,” la devoted to the Philippine islands, which w.i» decided to are 1" r cent larger in area than >.w ■d thousand more England, New York, Sew Jersey, Mary­ e the expected land an I ls-la»*ru combined, and which 1 lie unsuccess hair* an estimated imputation of from KO OnO.OuO to lO.OOO.nOU. But proliebly the moat aatonitlnmr thing about thia 16. - The war publics)ion, to moat people, are the o'- filial figure, aborting that the t nilerl Ijor portion of the troops for the .tales has more commerce with the Philippine, from Seattle, Wash Philippine islands, than doe,all the rrit of tlia world combined -Hood’s Pills ROYAL-TANSY PILLS May 4, 1S98 f Notice it hereby given that the fohow ing turned settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final prooi in support of his claim, and that said prod will be made before J. M. Chiles, county judge of Jo**ephine county. Orvg n, at Grant* Pas», Orvuon, n June is, 1>'S. viz William W Wilaon on H E No 6s7 for the W r*El4 and lots 3 ami 4. sei 34, Tp. 34 S, R b West He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud viz . James Neely, of Merlin, Ore.. W Massie, of Merlin. Ore . J -vph M--Ca- lin of Merlin, (lie , and J S. W Smith, of Grave,Oregon. R. M. V f . at < ii , Register None E FOR PUBLICATION Land uffi<*e at Roseburg. Oregon.) May 10, l&H t Notice is hereby >y given that the tallow- ing name«! •‘ctt ♦ r hx* filed notice of hi» -..ler intention to make final proof in sup^mrt of hit claim, an d that said proof will In* made b dor© J M Chile*, county judge ol Joe phi ne co . Oreg-m, at f P bm , Oregon, n July George 1. 1 k H. F th© *il /W >El< tec, 12 He prove I « -»dliva Hue Weekly Excursions *. n throng'-1 tourist cars trit bout cbsoF- Modern Upholstered Tourist Sleeps In charge of exjs>rience‘lilcWrt and porters., > _ t Tuesd 1 v< r'> '>>n«h» c,,; ■ ti.nze vi* *»T .«1 I - bilk .M'ir • f »S J ». • I »vi.r Ml t a ! I nc w»ia«*r MU • •gtlf »».r*«« «k • * ’* •< ’rna e -..••»« M rifFUl •’ m aurad • ’«M »cca*L fta <« i A IlMSSuv M © «4 $ a vw a w - rwii’i'a^v.vr . • '«H L»k... Mittwuri Ficiflc »n«» 1 *"** A Alton Rys. I R. C.*\l4’If1»l.. (i IE B. Il