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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1898)
.M hü LATE WAR N h WS. w-|) >t Hinder aid tl.en tt.list with the Spaulards. W ashington April 29 —Gcner il Let •* ••• ch»se consultation with the state dcpjrtment. There « re- I newed activity in all cities where 1 tro< pa are stationed, hasty prepara lions are bring made on every hand, and expectation for immeiliate :«er vice seems to strike e»ery oue It is the prevailing opinion that there 1. going to be a telling blow struck -omewbere s«jon, but no one, un le-s it l>e tn high authority, know- just when or where 't will take 1 j ! place. M obile .Ala .April 29—Two reg i imenls left this city todav for Tam ’ W ashington . April 28.—The re|<ort that Portugal was inc inecito ll>) O) t ill I I« Bi A •> be Irieudly to Spam, that »be would permit Spanish vessels at Cape Verde, ha* been confirmed, and the latest authentic report 1» open as W ashington , April 28 —New« sistance by tliai government. reached the department today that P ortland , Or., April 28 —Ore the U. 8. Monitor Terror, ha» cap gon troops for the war have alreadc tured the Spanish steamer Guyado commenced to arrive in Portland; from Coron , bound for Havana 111 ic will aitite tonight and tomor with a valuable cargo of money and row. supplies for the Epam-h troops W ashington . April 29 At last This is a severe loss to the Spanish, | after some hesitating though under pa. Fla From the active prepara as more money is very much need the influence of Spain, Portugal rations, and from general ap|>rar ed in canning on the war on th« lias declared lor neutrality. France ances in Tampa, the troops are ^o islands. has the appearance still of aiding mg to depart soon f-r Havana W ashington , April 28 Th« spain, there being unusual naval Portugese minister ca'led at th« and military otx-ratious throughout Front indications, it will not be long state department this morning with that country, which means some until sufficient troops will * land ed on the island to co-operate with the message that his governuien. tiling. the insurgents against Havana. bad not yet decided to order th T ampa . Fla , April 29. The L ondon . April 29 —There i- Spanish war vessels to leave tin ■ mops heie arc expected to leave Cape Verde islands, The order l< great interest in this city and a' >or Cuba to night to join uith the leave the islands ha* been lookei Hong Kong over the sailing of th« iisurgents against Spanish rule for by diplomats for the past tw anish fleet. There is great in »T P aul . April 29 —Minnesota*» days, and the failure ot this ordei uirec regiments have leached this terest manifested by the crows a- to be issued, together with Fortu tty and aie pitihing their tents O” thev collect around the bulletin gal's action in suppressing new lie lair grounds. They are rear» regarding the movement of ti. 'K»ards to get the news of the naval lie called to the front by the Mar Spanish war vessels, is regarded 1 vpartnient at a nioineuts notice battle which is hourly expected London as an indication that I'.«, It is the general opinion here that N ew O rleans , April 29 — An ugal may be an ally of Spain. a battle must occur soon, ntire regiment left this city this W ashington , April 28.—Th I. ondos . Ap-il 29—Three mor« war department not having wj lurning under rush orders from -hips with a thousand or more re ships on the Pacific coast will d« adquarlers of the wai department, fend coast cities with guns, ga lugees from the Phillipine island- i neral l^e is in consultation with risen« and sub-marine explosion- K ey W est , April 29.—Great he state department relative to ac which it is thought will tie sufficieh excitement prevails hete on account as Spain will need all of her vesse l Don ill Cuba. of the bombardment by the Cardeua- in the Atlantic. W ashington , April 29 —The ■panidi discovered and fired u,«>ii and Micbias of the town of Car Blanco says that he is ready f. A Summary of liuporiant Eviti a C hickamauga , April 30.—"On ' to Havana” is the war cry. K ry W est , April 30.—The j S| anish guntMra' Liger engaged , and defeats an American torpedo j : tx>ai near Cardenas todav W ashington . April jr>.— Schley'.* flying squadron put to sea D> You Kn )w the N jw * Per... -zxz*Per -tooth } Gw loriih today,to intercept the Spanish fleet nowon its way across the Atlantic N ew Y oke , April 30.—The I World Special . of this morning _____ says , that prominent Spaniards favor an a Te'ejr«« <»f P-rt'au-l tn Th« re< -D 1< • th I r.'e-t eten nr n--»*- «1 er p« 1 el m r>'«g»n. it •on'ai » •Il tne • w of hr *l>«e and rhe nation fry if f.-r • u. a h. A • mple copy will be UAM led U» )• u « • Ad ire.» immediate bombardment of the ''acific coast cities tn order to cripple the American forces which .«re now advancing on Cuba The Telegram, poktland . oh . K ey W est . April 30—The town 01 Mariel, Cuba has t*een bombard 1 ed. K ey W est , April 30. —Foitres- Cabonas i- a scene of desoluti-m K ey - W est , April 3<», —An American torpedo boat wa> seen tod.*y chasing a Spaui-h meichant ■nan. MAINE SALMON Made Famous by the Late J unes Q. Blaine. They Esteemed ui*d Costly publican LuntrntluB of lKMo— Tlir Catch. W aashington . April 30.— The government has orders«) the build- There are nearly 2 gi weirs betweer 1ng of one hundred new torpedo Prospect Ferry and the foot of Sear J boats. A Soldier’s Escape. AV ymr thf Ittmorrai yftun^e Ml Storting, IU Subscribe for the Courier, Si I) rponia»»r«Hl»> ubxr. <*trr idrrilh ft* t»»* mad»* rtidrfiflt !•• hr made u rdrr ut imputtani«. *•» lar a- in« c»»ni*rrn»*d, i tHl»«rai-« •«crelari a « hi Id nrvrr haie railed U¡ n «U rank ••»("• u no I • »I mich high I the ala«ion u vummami ii»r o in«o<MÍorr hax l»«rn rrlir rrtli* <i •• P<»-1 Fluni) h navy tard h) * fierr <»i » qual rank Two liiorr r«li»« ffivrii» «»I d hinh iir.11 r of aoi'il) arr r «*MÌlrd im*» attfivr -ervirr ilumi»v. 'hr p- rHons ••' N •* -I < ’om*trii«*!«» R L M ih . m ) or I in ev-ry pickaxe of Sch I- Z/n s !> st tea Full»» the n—33 what tei you use the transmission of news regarding naval movements, therefore nothing can l»e heard from lkwet as yet Mote troops M.-im k . Apr.' .;•> left this city this morning f«>i Tampa Two companies of infant iv and one of cavalry art no* breaking camp at Chickamauga l’.nk destination not given. H avana . 'pril 30 — Heavy rain' are falling in the interior of the island >kx F rancisco . April 3«.—An Examiner speci «1 »ays Havan t lie«.n tired upon, but the iiatteties made no r«rspon«e L ondon , April 30 -Th«- Uriti'h consul at Santiago Cuba, ca- bl d the government for a watslitp to protect British interests W ashington . April 30 - Sp«m * cat to Unnbard the Ci.its along IIr coast line is causing cousldera 1 le alarm am ng the pci-pie along the coast |H »S. or . RtrrtR s ROYAL-TANSY PILLS. O* I? , Jf W 7 r \ •|w oiicoYiRv. wtvta Fans A rw !•' • an I rw N r rwliwf f aucprai«« J ruwairs, Kami «a» i» »c ( *••»• F«- * • -r I AW«*»»*. ‘ »». »«all S'i • Tr« * -4 !■» I a * • er •** '• •L»«' - r t art ■;•->. I’l fii MEL’ICAa- a SJ.N tAicw^v. HL m K.O tV »I » L* MF. vs ONE FOR A DOSE -V« P • *■»*«. r -ruy tn* ».**.-4* •• •• i • • , » t»« K..*» . »seti Jag 'k* se **«aary • r »»*•»» IXey MUbeetor» o^e»**eo. T.»««. • * * « t « We- a«o4 -g dmaatM". M BûUVaO CO. mua. >• .IA ! — » W* 1ir al S m S' SC ¿üií ■ tv. i But the d' would mmr alm«? !ai*r didn't «JIM hmn»’ ward, when one d and bedragjrled. jn along th«* road. I diH'k The colon«* feathers which hr saw th •niff. ami. upon rv »• : they had brkm£vd to the duck th ful brute bmutfht b me. Apparrn the d<xf had fulL-«e»1 the qtmrr\ m nr found its ro j piner and nal> X gvervtxMly have so. 1'•••<*• re* a < and CaUar*. • their a drrfui iu Muai d •»X» eenierv uf ti e ar a i and rwfr*al»*n< to ib« 'a« e a nt | |taa*lively on hMnevs. It >*«4n«ing lb* «*ei<rr •»•' * hn/ M Muawrea. I*eaa»' b»n • -»iwv; ia, av w. . .. . g .amatORsd io cun. by ail dr i^giata. REQUIRES NO COOKING Fl MMES COLLARS AMFFSSTIFXflNO NICE dentistry run ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL CO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH. ^m)»ACTU«ED 427 liOuS. 0NLyBy TUC.HUBINGER BR0S.C9 i K eokuk ,I owa . N ew H aven ,C onn Canines Now Have Their Teeth Preserved with Gold. How ao iB.rulou. Naw York Doc.or D!.- count» Danger Wl.ll» I I»*"« *he Impaired Tech »• *!•«• Animals* Thi« starch is prepared on scientific principles hv men who Lave had yetnof^ exp. n.-ure in fancy Jaundenug. It rextprea old linen and summer Laiun 1 » bitenA- and impart» • twauDful «nd laatinc Amah, h b 11» «C;' m ■.ifacturrd (bat i» ^rfwily harmle.«,cvuumuut ofitbw• orwenie. Other ul»t-nce tniuriou* U» Ixuen Bild c»n bo u»ed »Ten for • baby powda. For sale by all wholesale and retail yro<r A New York dental makes a specialty of filling the teeth of dogs. Hi» prac tice, it is said, is quite liirge. i in- . .«traction of ’hp decayed teeth of .logs lias I ■ ■ I eonimon for years, but the tilling of them is ■'< new branch ol the busmens. The le. >h of a dog an- meant to be exercised <m lough meat and hard bones, but when he is fed ou chicken, pate de foie gras nnd such ■iel.eiii ies the teeth do I ot get enough work, nnd i-onsequently decay. My lady's |H-| dog I hen begin» to how I with pain. Formerly the only remedy was to yank out the offending tooth. Now : the sufferer is taken to the dog dentist and goea away smiling with a polished gol.l tilling in the tooth. The ojH-iation is coinj aratitely sim ple, except with a vicious or unman ageable dog. The dentist s assistant holds the imimal’s head while his chief e'nmiiH-s the decayed tooth and de- < iil.-s upon t he beat way to till it. \\ hen he hus reconnoitered the ground he takes n hand excavator, very much lik. the instruments of the «lent st will, which most of us are painfully f: miliar, anil cuts away the decayed part. The follow iiig o; . ration is exactly the same as putting in amalgam tilling in a hu- nian tooth. lit* H!la up the cavity with amalgan iin.l bob s the dog's mouth op n unt Ii lias had t.metoset. Them :: al con.: down next day. The roll*, i <: es ar filed off and the filling In <1. In stead of the aching molur Ire is then a serviceable t.Kitli in the do;' mouth The tilling requires renew i ■ cry tw. y ears.somet ni.-softener. Mai y v e;.lth owners insist that only the be. t ma terial is lit to go in the d< ■ | it . oil mouth, and gold must Is* uaed Th< dentist s glis resignedly and complies, but the o;s ration is very I d ous and can only be performed on qua t . ogs 1 Gold 1 as to be hammered m with a great deal of care, and the process is lengthy—almost a.“ lengthy as the bill which is very high for gold fillings. A vicious dog has to lie chloroform, d be- lore liis teeth call I h - tilled l ack teeth are, of course, much harder to fill. A w<Hwi< n gag is employed to keep the mouth o;»*n. "Ilow do you manage with a big dog?" the dentist waa asked. *‘l wear thick gloves, and if the anima) is vicious I put him under an anaes thetic. It's mighty strange, though, how often my opinion and that ot the owner differs ujhiii the dispos.tion of the dog. -Gentle as a lamb doean’t mean much to me. I can tell you. I uin a pretty giwHl judge of u dog. however, and take no cham-es. If I see nnv trouble ff. Sight I chlorofoim the Inast In-fore operating upon it. There is no reason why a dog should lose its teeth any more than a human being if they are priqs-rly looked after Of course, if a dog eats hones and good, hard. Wholesome food, that tilling would not stay iu n week. But, then, if he were fed that way his teeth would not de cay. so there you are. Dealers often wedge a dog's teeth with little wooden wedges when it is a puppy in order to shape tlie teeth and make them set even 1 his is prohibited, lint cannot in* tetected when properly done. Yerv often a fine doc is overshut or under- si.ut—that is, the top and bottom teeth do not meet. In such u case a little ju dicious wedging will add largely to the value of the annual.’’—Chicago journal. CURE CO 10* 25 ♦ DR» 50 ♦ •n t. *c-ir<*barrl»h ruMM t fifl)- •avniiMt 1 ■ .. << V» ]■ -w:- *-*•<* *>■«"»»»«••* ABSOLUTELY GU1KMTEED pie and Imokkt fi> e. l.l. STI RLING <«. -’1 .•» |{< >VM - - iiik I ! U< Denver & Rid RA'LROftD Ye nfi< r \( ii a chance io earn i«r» niiiiiii»- tiid »0 G Min iiii>iiie‘-h mrlhoda xt hhihu 'm«, ii un«lrr 20. w rite lor |«artiri]larH t< SCENIC LINE 'IF THld 3' •JI’II I Weekly Ei® k?. To THE EAST CASH STORE Market Street Ferry, S. F., Cal. in 11>rout'll tourist cara «' Mit H E | ol; pi ARON Modern Upholstered Land ûlficr ai Roprluirg. UirgonJ lpi il 23. 1S98 f Notice ’> brrrl-v givrn lliai llir folio*- mgnaimd briller haw filt*<i n«»ii<*r<»t hi> mrniion (o niake tii-al ptoo in Hiip|M«ri •f I iih viaim, and iiiat xani ¡ roof mil !>♦* Iliade ht*f‘»re 1 \V. d **ar«l. coimtv t leru • il .ioxrphinr ronmy, Oirgon, at Grau ’w Faxx Ureifon. un •lune 4, 1SU3 VI» ir" F '-pallili on HE. No 7534 l«»r »li** -V" ‘4 NK'r Nh'4 N 1' *4 bec. 11 ; SÜ ‘4 '»-‘a. 8E '. 4 •> M *4 . BrC 2, rP..pj> K ó W.-1 Hw Daino (he iollouin^ uitnHgHVM Io prove his nun iihioiix ivxiilence npoii ai*'l • uilivatiun o> said land, viz: lainew I •*• 1 nr, W exiv ^illi**hii, F»*rrv V Siot'iiiai-• bamuvl Bingaman, all ••! Ailhautb Ur. R. .U. V eatcii . Kcglftv .'I’M MOS' In thè Ciicuit Court of the Sta’« o Or»g<»n. for ih« ( <»uiity ot •luavpiiinr. Mail L Biit kiier, 1 Flaiu iff | At timi .•• dip v». e«'lve the mat llmon \V Bui k’irr, ) • tag»* contract. ih*iun«la»it. To Alm n \V Buckner, defendant. In lb»* nan.r ot tlir Matr ol Uiv^mi »OU are lirrrtn nq..iir«l ’•» apt» a» anna«» .«- 'h« - c«»ut • I-« ni ti > 4 4ga J».| ■ it III« alxiv« et.i illc<i Ct >ur*., ai nn day» ir«Hit ih« d nr ui iii< r -rrvivr oi -1111111.011*- upon t on ii s rv> <1 a ii bin county ; or II srrvrii aiihin a ) u I uHmy tn I I Ins Mair, ill* 11 a ill Hi .0 rum ill»- dal Ir «»I I tie »»on- U|*»»n ♦ u ,‘*r it n« Mate ui O g h nen h\ ih* | fir-t da* »I I said L Mur Io ail ic ui i bix notice | ••»• hi |it»-e*n in r»-gii »(•»••«lav in April, a » I rp'« ini»er vm - ii )« h I I. u ifi* d - ha it li i»"arr said «■< ». ¡lllirti. i lit* ph •h ••¡let »4rioxnd.. di- »ivr tn ma *n ar* Il I hr p alo I his »Ullillioh I. K. Hann *, j • mr*. mad** i- t 4C sm » • v>un v Mir.h \ 11 have bean caught four nnd five times, though none of them conies hack to the river until the seceond season after | l»eing liberated. The voting fry which AMHiNtiroM. ipril M).—Th« Ctiineae hatch in the winter are kept until the jor». mimvur, W11 Finir Fang, railed al th« next fall, when the} are shipped to all M tDRiD, April jo.—A number •«air d-p iritu « ii inlay an I had a talk ¡tarts of the country Many are sent of Pnrtugu -e are enlisting in the a 1 n «dlit tala « «>meriiing th** war ailua* abroad in exchange for fish of other Spanish Army. 1 i«m. lit- did nut b ing * iioiio uf Chi* specie®.—N. Y Mun. April 30. — An na’a in ima.m. nor hai« tie rtcv.ved K ry W kst . l (aMMlI III rd l»o< American torpedo Ixiat today tired aord llina lar inmi hi* g ivern n«ni that Col. J. AV. Barnett, in New Orlcann. five shots at Havana tortiticatious. China aid de< lare h r nmirali'y. told a «tory of nn unusually fine bin! W ashington , April 30.—The Spauish government has forbidden INVE a ," l JH Directions volunteer regiment: Summers, t hai : he Puritan will le sent hack to Colonel; Voran, Lieutenant, East Maianiaa with unit ra lu dealroy any uea battei lea cuiiatrurt d wick, Willis and Gantenbein, Ma dog that he on<*e owned, the I *t dog, be mh nt. that ever wax in his >«ion. Hr ha<! trained the dog w ith gn at t are to know a bird by the feather« it dropfxxl. lhd a par’ndgr drop a feather tlve dog would take the went and find the binFs retr»at. On»» day the colonel hit a wild duck, but only knocked cut a few wing feathers. The dog "luffed them and «tartrd away. Xfter a little his master called h’tn. but got no r«M*|M>n"e. an«! at the end of an eshaustiie « ,r* K of •' • - -• * - STARCH I Siace W'ere IJoomed at the He- .aland, eight miles below, and thoug. ome of tlie well-to-do fisl erinen i Naw Y oke . April -7 — pa-*eng-« ••«• lulge in the luxury uf a salmon dir.« i»e •i«4int»r Sai at o / a from liai atta -**d aow and then.'they always buy cam.« ¡Lah, because Oregon and Alaska s. I ot l-ixtit ¡non sell [or ten rents a pound, wl. ' I have c'lVrrfl lh'* wl >n I *114:1' ••»•« pound oi the name »peciesof fish t • •» iitz th« rt*b«!ii<>nl <u«l hi ' oi •• »*» urn Penobscot river will bring in* iii"iirki«ii*" nr« fiii'ii g up . maa'.i*' its us koo.i aa th** fish is caught. « • ■••hi fi^til. Il «h<’ Unit»*! Si.n.'M .1- i - »ear reasons the local fishermen •• make ii« ca*H)»Mikzti in • nht *nc •> • ; ii .1 their catch in Boston and i.u.s n *ill have tn «'O <»1»*-rai« «ith tr rther west, receiving large ¡ay lot •ir ■ v. hie!» u e no better than fish v. hi« Jr-lit" I' Wtlll i no I»« <■• ""Mr« • . l'uget sound. I’ m i»*«i SlHlHM t-» n n I h lar denas, Cuba. The engagement ■ 11 A met lean cruiser in M- zambique the confl ct with the American fle. u several reasons have teen m nba, ax MiK'h a (Ilina w-iii'ii h« •!.»•» tMnnei. Roseyelt is very busy la-ted for two houis and the citizen- J for this diflierence in pric e, th- that intends to bombard Havana •11- Mt ’lux "«ax »n rti« ''pi'iiiri- j James < . Blaine is said to 1 iihsting cow boys iu a brigade. He says that .he fleet will receh of Havana are terror stricken in •o* rrlii*«a on 'Ii« dim i'« «■• ki I »if man v. ho brought Ma severe punishment when the at W ashington , April 29—The consequence. The batteries were . mer icuii troop- Hial are ¡••••le i mi o high repute. In the su tempt i* made to take that cit) ;unl>oat Newport has captured the completely silenced. The soldier* «•lain!, urire liiMii th» y ar« on tli« r •»• n , a short time btfure the ri Blanco either has implicit confi Danish sloopEngralia. American iuH-e «»I Ml III" * .ona) convention was to . at Tampa receive the news with dence in his ability to hold Havan. hi< ::go. a hotel keeper of t ruiser sighted off the coast of B ak H ahhih M e . April _7. - \t tin else he talks to keep up his courage y, knowing that Mr. Blaine > Irani chasing a Spanish merchant great joy and shouting, all anxiou- breBK till" morning the cruikrr Mini e leading candidate, wrote t* a to move on Havana The Michea- 4p-> I m wm - "i^httd 4t air'll »r in Fronppct W ashington , April 28 —It i nan. .sta fish dealer an order for atuhentically reported here that th W ashington , April 29 —At a was built in 1891. has eleven officer- >i.«rliort off 1 hi" c »axi. Sim did iri com .'.’.nebec river salmon, belie mint ale iilh lim "iiore. 411 I pm to m «- m French are enlisting in the Spanist h that were caught from t! . ahinet meeting today, the princi- and one hundred forty-three men •00 i alter wtinriMP army. hieh flowed by Mr. Blai • ’ ■al di-cussion was over a bond arrived in this city this morning U AMUINGToM, I plil 27 .-* I’h« >»’•• J«r ould be a popular dish with boat lands at this place from Cub There has been a heavy run on --aie. An eflort will be made to orters of the Maine candidate, and gives the report that food i- ■revent the Morgan syndicate fiotu Spanish banks for the past few days, - pi raval reserve uttaliori h is oeen m - dgned to the Ke- lute an-l Badg» r ui the he Kennebec river has net j liecoining very scarce on th«- island, .etting control, and if prevented ,n of s.nlmon In 50 years, the .* i * which is creating great excitement •••mu pa«rot fleet. and that unless iood • upplies ar« lie people wi I have an o| portunity market mar did not «ee fit to r.. ti and will produce a panic, which B akcel na , \pril 27 — The Shtpppre' transported soon, the Spanish can the fact, bu* came to Bucksport, b i p W ashisgton , April 29 —Seen- the government will be piwerles« 0 d Sliiiruwiierx’ i""<»ci<ilioii liap ad his fish, put them on ice and sent th : not bold out against the blockade ary of war Alger has asked cong iiraard a proteal to I lie >paiii"h govern on to the hotel, where they v ere Fcrvi • W ashington . April 28—Th« ■ ss for thirty four millions deficien to prevent. up n' aaainat Ainu* iem acta of pirari*’ and billed on the menus us “Kennebet Yacht, Scorpion which was former , y. .sufficient at pmpi iation to carry N ew Y ork , April 30. — A Jour- order in «1 Spain* thromfii th« t iencti Milmon a la Blaine.” ly the Sovereign, has been ordered lie department until July 1 of this nal special says there are thirty Senator Conkling, of New York, and o tiMMHV. tii4 d»inuid an indemniti to join the Flying Squadron. Capi. year Congress, it is expected eight thousand Spanish soldier* WABHiNur N, April 27 —Hie ntvy d« a few other members of the famous Marix, who was judge advocate ir kill immediately grant the nqu-st. INtrifneiil hax declined to accept I tie •*300” refused to eat of the dish, but sick in Cuba the court of inquiry in the Main« m*r»*i Bieinark and Columbia, tendereil most of the guests ate it and 1 ked it. N ew Y ork , April 29—The N ew Y ork . April 30. — AJouu il affair will lie put in command of th< »nd the reputation of Kennel e<* sn' o'le goii mint lit mb anxiilarv « ruin«™. four' al special says that the S] an mon became national. Every ear sin« special says the insurgents hav« Scorpion which is one of the last r the reaaon that the veatels are «aid (hen the »Augusta market men have i h fleet left Cape Verde islands est boats in the world. 'his morning, but its destination is captured Manzanillo,a north Cuban • • tn- iin-nit abh* tor service. eived orders for salmon from all par. K ey W e - t , April 2« —Th« mt known, though it is anticipated port. K ey W emt . Fla., April 27 —The prize of the country, and have had them fillec. M adrid , April 30—Theremain- • uri ol i qmry met here todav. G in Bangor and other places on the American warships, the New York, hal it I* wt tw.n,i ____________ the Puritan and the Cincinnati der of the American coloney here tro* n Fai terxon, ol thin city, presided, Penobscot; and though Oregon salmon yesteadav after noon passed tine« W ashington . April 29—The have been driven from the ci'y by «nd i tie pro< eedtiigx Were conducted in is equally good, the Maine fish always hundred shots into Matanzis lortifi veret fiie finding" will not b« an- brings better prices. Spaniards are endeavoring to te a mob. Sixty years ago salmon were so plenty catious which caused great da-nag «iQiiiiced nnid the entire matter ha" lieen mild the fortifications at Mantan- in the Penobscot that farmers hauled BtsMYRK. April 30. — Since the to the fort and produced consteina • ep >ed of them on to their land by the cart load /.is. which were well bombarded troops have lieen removed from tion among the people. • »DEbHA. April 27.—R'laxian newapa- and used them for dressing for potatoes •v the American fleet yesteiday .•< r- largely atnipaili ze * nil Spain, and this state the Indians are threaten and corn. There waa no need of weirs W ashington , April -8 —Th \ naval battle is expected tomor- Mexican government thought her -ow ing an outbreak. 1 hey seem to •Mprt-aa tin* l»eliel that if the Ui i'e«! then, for a hedge built out into tide ««er* tails to gam a signal victorv no in, water from the shore would capture representatives in this city tiav« think that th* troops being gone •l»«tiit'0 honor • ill »»e X4i’«d. and Europe more in one tide than all the present given satisfactory assurance tha there is nothing in the way to «id iiiria' up >n the latter’»iTHpitiilalion I weirs t.ake in a season. Mr. Pierce, un it will strictly observe the neutrality 1'HE WOND R8 OF SCI NCE prevent them from doing as they m orde< io prevent «lie toxa ahich com- old citizen of this town, says that he laws. has seen an acre of mud flats covered Lung Troubles .nd Coi.suuipticu please. It is only the blue coat* ii» n e tinigl antler 'hroug!. privateering. ! from five to ten fish deep with salmon P ortland , Or April 28 —Th E iioi moiib qirtniitiex ol gram have Iren caught below one hedge, and when the that they ikrm to tear. Can be Cured. New Yoik Tr'btine special say >ulu in **p«m. j water got low on the ebb he has seen T ampa , Fla., April 30 — General that the Spanish fort* at Matanza- n fmin. nt N.» York and Sci U AblilNor n \prtl 27 — Irder« * • re the mud thrown 30 feet in the air by whicb were bombarded by Anuri Shaier will invade Havana by •ntlat Make, a free Offer Io i -" u «*< i ’•Mia» tu recruit the army lu t » the struggling fish. Then all the teams Wednesday next. can warships yesterday afterno«>n ! in the neighborhood were kept haul 0 r Header*. fun * ar xirengtn oi t>|.(Mt were blown up wi h great loss ol ing until the tide came back and ¡mt a K ey W est , April 30.—Th«- U AbiiixuroN, April 27 — It wae learned Thr dixtingiiislied New Yor vheiuixt, T. Dispatch Imat Dolphin tixlav cap stop to the work. In 1845 AlvrJi Pag«, life. A nhwuin. drmonslraling hi" disvov« ry uf t*»d <\ that the lorp * I I tx»4t Cil"«i»tlg la of Bucksport, hauled U cart loads of M adrid , April —Heavy sub .1 rrliu>»l miti almo u*v < ure for fon-uni- luted the Spanish gunboat Galle. • ii her any .\<»riii Iron» ill« Mtpiadron ai salmon from his weir in one tid«* and lion (pulni«»narv I ui*rrvulo-i-) and all K ey W est . April 30.—The • ixiana i i ordei that repair* mai la* thinks thete were a» many more dead scriptioiu have betu received h<i. roncbiMl. Ibruat, lunr ami « »li*i «'«•*, i I ■ tul»iM»rn • «»11,11-, • aiurrital »..«*• inlions, sound ol heavy firing can lie heard made to her wtarboard engine". by wealthy men to ai l in pro'eent The in* I ones which he could not get for the .*rti«*ial <ie< Him and a«*uknr-x, loan of .ir'li, from the southeast indicating either itig the war against the I 'lilt«-1 ami jury im the re-u’l ol iryinj t«» rd»*»* off coming tide. Though he did not weigh a.I •'•»mliiion- «»I wu-tinx mmiiv , aill j them, he believes that he took mon State« to the tullest extent. riiKhh. MIKE B'»rrLF. (alidi .r«-ni..»f! a Iwmbardmeut or naval battle. lie» fine q iali* tex hv .Naval Cadet B-»vd. I than 30 tons of salmon at that time. ilia new dla< «»varit* i<» any altLrtvd reader 1 *hu hm » trmpuiarii » io cu ir ,r. i ’ ne re- W ashington . April 28. K ey W est , April 30.—One- Then I «»I Un* r writing ioriiiem. | Besides salmon, there were thousand: IIU* X w .Nit ntihi I ren!mrnl"ha* rur»*d ' iMirn, il la esperi «l will lake almui a <»f great fat shad nnd tons and tons of are busy scenes at the war depili iht»ii ami« ¡»rriiiaiirntiy l»y It.- limrly uxr. hundred insurgents have enlisted mollili and ai I i «Hi iiiideai Norfolk. 1 i alvvvivpR und porgies. meat today Shafter ha.t ami hr • uii-ider« it a simple professional in the Spanish army, the reason 1« *ai<J die veatrl hai 11 1 rlicuunkir u At present the businest is at so low a long conference with oflicials duty to mi ..ering hamaiiky to donale a . inai «»I ni* in allibir run*. assigned is starvation, Reports are • ••y •-»ri anil lie ^panixli, and there ie i an ebb that able-bodied rnen cannot af He favors the immediate bombard >• iriir«* daily develop- n«*w wi»r.drrx, and I ment of Htvana, lielievitig that th« • hi« great • lit*mi-t. patirmi) exprrinirn'ing | that food is tiecoining scarce and nothing i • • nr r» pori itisi ilir Spauiah ford to follow it, no most of the work is i done by old men and boys. The averugc city can lie taken w ithout am great lor vrara, ha- pr*»du< «*d rt**u i«a- l»eiielirial , thousands more will starve unless gunlMMì» Ligirra rtrru al her lu humanity, a- «an l»r • Laimrd by an) liueTt’N, A urli 27 —Tue « mi arr Culmi! | catch of «a Penobscot river weir is two effort and that the blow should ■ <>• m«HÌ*-rn .rmu- Hi" a-sritioti lhal lung iclKt reaches them soon. 1 *»r thre«* 15-pound .salmon a week. »•ia w • aigliled in the lo*cr hartavr lina be delayed. One Spanish ls>at runs trounlr- and von umpdun arr • uruhlr in i Though a few shad arc caught i.ow and any «lliiialr, I- pr«»»rti l»v lirarifrh letter- »»**..................................... «.......... . inoriiing *>he look up a putiuon 10 the blockade and retches harbor, •»I » rani utl**,1 libs I in tin* I. uro pr ho and I then, and though a dozen or more drop IMI lea earl ol Telegrapli Imi, wiiri«* «dia in nearly every title, the labor of keep which produced great excitement \mrrivatt lalx^ra orir« in tbou-»»nds from' P oktland . Or., April 30.— th -r « ur«*«l in all par « ot hr world. remained <luiin< ih« lorenoon ing night watch, the expens«* of re among Spaniards. M«*div d rx|H»rt* • «mvrdr that brom bial. I An attempt was made last Nsw Yoaa, Aprii 30.— Another bom* pairing weirs and I »oats, and mending P ortland . April 28 The New • lir-< ami lung limi >lr- rad to von-ump j night in this city to blow up tion. atmli uuintrrrupird, luraiia sprruy , iiardment ui dataniix arili pribibly lui marlin, and the general watchfulness York Tribune sjiecial -avs that an uinl vrnain death which are required in order to make the Wolff X Zwicker’s torpedo low 11 Ciiiitral Bianco inaliti* am at- dimply aritelo T. A Sloruiu. M it» arrival from Havana reports that business a success do hut v ieid sufficient • inr xirrrl. Nra York, giving |"»-l otti« r | boats. It is believed that the 1« lupi 10 iej tace thè h.tlleriei* demolì-lieti insurgents are very short ot pro and « xpre-- addrr- . and tlir irrr niadk'ttlr returns to warrant the erection of new in Admiral >amueoii. -»ay«» the Washing weirs. work was that of some Span visions and that there is much a ill l«r prumpliv -rut. Ml vrrrs should ■ • mi correspondent of ihe lleiaid Olii The l»est customer for the Penob suffering. He reports that unless ish sympathizer. A closer <»|M>-ition, • tal diapalrhea troni Admiral sampBN» scot »almon fishermen* is the V'nited relief is sent soon the insurgents guard will be the result of received al the navy dep «rliurnl teli States fish hatchery at Orland, which thi' deviltry. l»ri» dy ol Ihe bjinhartlmeiU. The only buys 1,000 to 1,500 salmon a year, pay eipiana'ioii he makes lor the attack 011 ing a few • ents above market price for live fish. These salmon are kept In lise Mal ina* formicai luna la that he tanks until November, when they are P ortland , April 30.—Governor d tatui e reti lhal the Spaniard* aere stripped of their eggs and milt, marked Lord today made the following v'et-liog lieavi guna there and he deemed with a number and dated tag, and appointments for officers of Oregon it tipedwiit Io demolish ihem. lie addi turned loone into the ara. Many fishes ! When Richmond hl I fallen and the gr»'«! ws« wrought by Pr. Williams* l*iuk Fills f r •ummantier» La>l mri l*uraih the liKtonc I’ak People. ** I waa a great aaflerer from sciatic rl • u* apple tree at Api’omattoi, the Nkl Print eyGaula Voluntrrr», pn utaturrly agr>l, t lad maiibiu alm*«t tr«»m the lime of my •!*»-• h *• e front ihr arm). Al itinra I ua» i»ent .1* I in latter» and rag», broken in Ixxly but of double, and £•»< aroitn unit only the gunl -I daunt»pint, awuirg into hue fur lha ln»t dilticuif x \« h ' g »•a iuttl to give uh * | h r* •’ grand review " and then qub tly marched maiirtil rrlirt uui.i linee year» nwo , wiu-n n»y away to begin life'» tray anew Rebel »hot atlmiiun uà» ••allevi t«» tome •»( thr won L rful * I r •nd »bril, Ihr dread nnasma uf (he southern cures • co i «si I.y l»r Wiiiiam»' Fink I Fair lVople. ami I nimir up mv mil I * y ewamp, aieepiea» i.ight*» ami weariaumr days them. I had hot i .ru nmre Ilian a half • had depleted their ranks until only a hand I»»* when I i-.otir«*«l an improv «me nt in r v fid remained Among the numl»ar Asa R«>h cuadition. I t«u»k three I- tr« «-Í thr pi»'«, laaou came b»rk to the old home in Mt. and al the end ot that Unir was in better e« Bier ling, Illa., that he had left at the call to dtlh-ti than at any time liner th»- cI'* m - ot t arm» four years pre t mu» He went away in army service. Sun r then 1 liave nrvr» I h » hr WI Ihe drat flush of vigorous manhood , hr came i-oiiier«d m 'h rh« mallum I'iuk Fill" b r Fair iVopIr is lite only retín f ba> k a ghost of the self that answered to ’tut ever did i ie any ■ -««I, ami tu ihrui I t>«e Freai-f rut Lincoln « call for** more ” u.y n »turai»on (•»l»«aith. With bi» return tn the old h-nn»«i. • ' A sa S Poni\M’X.*• there ran« to him Ihe knowledge that »ar S.d.» l*d tod «wont t«» >«t.t« me tbit With him waa nnlv bee m . that he n 1 < tin l.’ih dav «»I Jul « \ P . IW7. flght the battle «ith tli«« aw tn 1 i r « I uf 1 • J- UN G. («INI i K. JoMter <»r Mr /• ire. day« that the g’are of a «•-other»» »nn and blrdiral evidrnc« « a*hird in the follow the galling Are of a southern ‘ iery were ing physician ■ certificate : as nothing r«»inpared to the < - - »u t < f • I ut« is r. • rtify thaï I harr thi« «lay • 1« enemy ths« fought under «over aud lt«r. amin«-«l A mi R«*bin<Htn and tuoi him enjoying warded all the rule» of civilired warfare a healthy ph y »hal rowiitiott and trve flout Rriatlr rheumatiRtn fastened ft« fanes n|- » rheumatp him, incapacitatiuw him « r «•« al h say M (\»n Fv, ) M M P. pandering him, mu< h of the ume, p > »11» Hui«cu*rihed ami «* »r«i to imìotw mt ti.ia •a helpiraa a« nn tufant I he v )■ ... huh d »y of July, |.*”T. be but hia anfferitiga, with tnrrr»»sii a.> le F V asi * were inrrea»«d rather tha di- mi* lie (tatery Jutigr, . • •pent a small fortune lor dorfor • h « uei» > All the elementa n«-»-vMarv tc IV« nrw K»p prating for even Msporan relief, but ft !*.J ami rn-l ur«e tn the hbn«> ami rv r« «hattrtT»l not come arrv«* ar** roata'iie*! in a •*nmi p*i f.'tw. in Today he ia an alert, active man of l>r Bilama* l*ink Pili» for ak le. flve year» III« rheu’natic pains have le They are an uafaihnu »trcifi •r Midi di«. parted, and while there are fra ** <>t I. « rsu-R •• lornaitaor atelia pe» I raraGatt, year» «»feuffenng in hi- f««r Le ua ke w»* M. Viiu»* dam-r, sciai ra. me» >• rhrt *na • rtrsi < ■( a the soldierly and apriniry step of a tiam, m*r••'«»• hrmlachv. thr ef grippe, ral |>u »»*•»• of ihr hr an ale an»* «ab healthy youag man Tn the [tomMTiit »efw.rler he talked freely about hi« caar Mr K .. - t* « «• of mm-h more than average education ami I.« intelligence Where he la Inown in I m* « County hie word is •« a»***«p<a le a» the l . nd « « ef the average man and there is ao qtie-art.-n bat lhal in bt» cane an almost tuiraculuu» cura j Williams Med«, me to., b hr».ertB.y S «•tld m i ai. ihviilrmai i«upp «i.iglil )»•* *np|M»»t*d If »* m iheir t * «*rlr ami U 1 Ui*bljr F K ON ï NG MADE lütllt- arr hll'Mlrgll W a*m>*ir*''* — M*«-r iary rx. Aprd .-r ie«*rirrd a di*pafrh irotn Ad L«»og tuda* i«. it, rHa'IVr tu »hr »tir liug imr«! SamÿMu« i i n> - ill«*« j oi Alatai'l «a bat irrire, tm in |i r re no n'"rmxti >n ahatrtrr nlay. |orlrd alla« k up«ui Car«i«-H4N e at I be <le itupri eeimi pmaila The L_, i-aMineiit. aii.ofi ih*M»r • bn srr id »1 tak •*«< mi«» • ht* tr«*rrta ol ttie I'll*1 W '« l«uaoi, 'lia* Hir moit-mr» t- • I 'it» i a a pr->h air ni a ritd rgi«- « h <*»»*• Tornisti hi rliar/f» of «x|»»*ri»*ii(v<l cwl and |x»rter» ' Mond-i y *•, r a/ ‘‘ „ K*"**' Wllhl,ie Sali Lak«, .Mifbuuii Faci fie » & Alimi Ry». Tiiesiil-i \ S < la!o r11 U1 ÄI1 "« ,| h u,. » I ULbUUJ •'liHiigH via «Sali Lakeandùi I h I aik I A Pacific *Cy. Wednesdays is without ch«"gf*, via. fa*t Burlington Ruiite. Tu Kanw Louis wKèd] via. Sah Like and dir-oun^i Thursdays •lav •Gipowr armn¿»il « ‘ and I h*nvt»r, A ride 'hiongh the F mwb SiPllerV. For ratei and all in orinatiBf JK i’ N icb <. * )E i’» Pirn.H 271 ' HblilllgiOH M. *. K. H oofkr , « * I* A r A * I •>. l’< KU iM or An» (D idi Aat. «S. I* Cn , tirante« l’a»*. Orni* EAST and S K' I I < i S> t. r i • • 0 ithcru Pacific wE: «•«« » lMill" l.rMl’el'^^. x»Glh. r. u -■*•5 4. M 7:4ft v n . _ . k, P d ind !" Giant* Pt* L’ j tr. San Fran’ceJ^-l Above trains stop at all«t*t>*’ '«»rdand and alviii, lun*’.j rffrr-i n, Mhanv, ( 'br.i»is, II lHey. Harn-bunpJJJ » u/enr, I »rain Oakland- •»»* rum Roseburg, io A-biio<i®t*r^ Oil MIE ir r K I Ft rut: - VI A \ I « in • ,e:Mai *.;»>*. u -' r. * r m i.v. R t.a, V «£ K< AH < NlNt. - . J M S-eff”*4’ I nr.'litl'* Uf her partivii a^- inqu-.*’* ■Fanta Fa"«. lì X JOYS Both tbo method and result ..... ta when * ■ • i ■ ■ 1 ami r. f-.'- 'ui- !•’*'. ■ ta-:. . •?! act- gently y et promptly or. the Kidneys, Liver and Bowel*, cleanse* the ava- tern eflwti itally. di*|>els colds. hva«l tches and fever* and cures habitual -on. • ■<•«•! ■ Syrup of Fig* is th« only remedy ol f it» kind ever pro- diited, plesaingto ■ •- the ta«te and ac- rentable to tin- at»nia«di . prompt in it< action and truly hern eftcial in it* effect*, prepansl only fr< >nt the nio»l healthy and agreeable eul bstaiiee*. its many exi-ell« ri-ninieiiò it to all and I it the ni<>*t «■optilar re'in Svrup o' ■a’e in Imttlo« Any not hav it pro* e« to try *» 's-pt anv ibMitnte CAUFORMU FIG SfRUP CO. u» nu«c«x c«c Utaataaz <r ara raa« a » bide Oniitio# «•Aff« • « IfT P-»ni«;| « ’ ’ >-.* < IP •rid <’orv«i rm ral A ■* • * ••»III IF- F«* .tland M tl'.mfii :»ir«ri c nnectioii a Min rm idmtal xnd Hrirr. al m 4 , » ne- h.r tAPAÜ ani hip '•io • ‘ la e • o<i app f. ati*»n ‘. - « i.. «ir- a t I .i 4r !•• Mr K a iP 'N. ir l»e l o l-l'L’’ and I T H uni in m * i ■ n»ni C H M*Kk K’»KIILKR. Ma > tjrr. O. P Ci St