Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1898)
— ; locai tiappcniiw ‘ WWWW ’* Foard! March! Halt! at the B. & M Ice cream at the Novelty. Will Juck»un resident dentist. Get your bln« vitriol at Bartlett's. Try »-AlUut« • Hsu tsa and knktag gsvdar. L-. personal ...... ...— { Some Do s and Some Don’ts Miss Isa Dyke has closed her school First-elaee bicycle repairing at Cramer and returned to the city. Brea. l> E. Dotson of Kerby was iu ths city You alnay» find groceriea all right in Monday aud made our office a pleasant price.quantity andqttxltly at A. J. Pikes call Mr. 1 Kit son returned to Kerby Clemens, Druggi»', opp. Opera House. next morning, New sugar cured breakfast bacon.— Father Desmarais was on the train ia I City Market. Tuesday, going home from the Jiibiiee|tn Bicycles «old oil monthly payments Portland. The lather reportshaving at Cramer Bros. had a very enjoyable time. Where you can get the finest Oranges in the city at prices within W. H. Flanagan, ph v sitian surgeon Mis. J. S. |l'urdoni returned Wednes the reach of and dentist. day from Salem, where she lias been for . 1 am still selling fruit at figures you several weeks during the sickness and Large, juicy Lemons, 20c per doz I cannot beat Call before buying A death of her father, Mr. Ray Pure Comb Honey, I2%c per pound. Leave your washing at McGregur's J. Pike. Geo B. Hart has joined the Albany barber shop ter good work. The best bicycle in the market—Tbe company of O. N. G , and ia new en Fine Eastern Breakfast Ba«x>n. Home made txt con, bams and should Tell you that we are the ouly gro- Monarcn—at Dr. Kremer's drug store. rolled for active eervi.-e in case the com ers to be had of A J. Pike, the Grocer. Give him a call. Fine Eastern Breakfast Bacon. ettry store in town. pany should be called out against the The Epworth League Will given chick Choral I mon Concert. Tell you that you are going to Fine Eastern Sugar-cured Hams. The slate evangelist of the Christian Spaniards. I en pis supper in the room next to post starve if you don’t eat our groce church will begin a senes of meetings al The following ia the program of the Rev. J L. Childs, pastor of the Ash Spuds, guaranteed, 50c per, 100. j office, on next Tuesday evening, May 10. the Christian church, Sunday, May 8th, land Congregational church, wasen the C horal Union couuert to be given in the ries. I ■ Grain and Alfalfa Hay. Our advertisers are requested to notice at 8 o'clock. Everyone is invited. Attend to anybody else.s busi train Tuesday, returning from Eu opern house. May 9th, 1898: the paragraph regarding "ads” at the ness. One car load of Phomix bievcica gone gene, where he had Iteen attending a Overture—’‘War March of the Prieata” (Athalia) . Mendelssohn head of the editorial column Charge too much for what you already, anti anuther on the road. Write convention of the Congregational church. Orvliestra. Booth A Hockett have just received a ua for catalogue. Mitchell-l*wis A Sla < borua -•‘Hunter’s Glee ’ . L. II. Southard buy. Mrs. J. O. Booth and little grand Choral Union» Sell you unseasonable goods. The drought iu California is creating a demand for Oregon flour, due line uf Imperial wheels winch is ver Co.. Portland, Or. daughter, Ailene Dunbar, returned from Ladies’ Double Quartette—’’EstudianU- on exhibition at Hotel Josephine. L ail ha'* Laconee Allow anybody to under sell us Tbe beet nlace in town to get your I'hoenix, Aria, Monday. Mrs. B<x>tli Mrs Van Dyke. ... Bertha Barrie. p. in consequence of which flour is advancing rapidly. At present and see them. Hattie Tel on anything. shoes repaired is at Hackett’s harness reports Mrs. Elmer Dunbar not so well, ford, Mrs. Voorhies, Mrs. Kane. Edna we quote all best grades at $1.40 per sack in any quantity, but Smoke tfie Stage Line Cigar. Itisthe and Parker. Mavaie Foster. Laura Parker. Lose our customers. shoe shop. which is not good news fur her many Tuba Solo—“Air Varie" (Beelzebub) best 5 cent Cigar in the market—J. G. this is only for a limit ed time as it is sure to go higher. .......................................................... t'atoze l’rof. J. M. Horton of Jacksonville, frienda here. Schmidt. Fred Cheshire. representing the Penn Mutual Lite In Mr Chas. St Louie returned Mouday Chorus -“The River .’sprite”.. Have you seen the Phcenix "ad” in surance t'oinpanv, is in the city in the evening trout Picket creek, where he had ..................................... L. H. Southard this issue? ('hural Union. of his company. Mr. Horton been to visit his wife and daughter on \’ocal Solo “A Son of the Desert am 1 ’ We can furnish you with coffee to suit your taste from 10c up to Hood's Pills are the favorite family interest will remain in the city for a week. the farm. He speaks in the highest N. P. Dodge. 40c per pound. We would rather please you at a loss than disap cathartic Cure sick headache, break The greater include« the less Hood's terms of tlie efficiency of the work being Chora» -‘’Queen of the Valley” up a cold. L. O. Emerson Choral Union. Sarsaparilla cures hip disease and serof done on the public road between Grants point you at a profit. Have you dandruff? Is your hair fall Ladies'Quartette Lady Bird. ” 1 ‘ ae, and Merlin. All praise to those ula sores aud it may bu depended «poll -Geo. B. Nevin ing out? If so try McCregor Bros, to cure boils and pimples and hunters of who improve their wavs. Carol Quartette. dandruff cure. No cure no pay. < larinet Solo “Adagio Op. 107”.. . Mo/art all kinds. Hugo lit-111». Dr. F. \V. Van Dyke. The war with Spain does not affect the Laities' Chorus -“At Eventitle” l'ianos ami organs at manufacturers' from Mr Baldin lias returned home sale of l'hienix bicycles. See our "ad” and Duett - Mrs. Mangum, Mrs. Kin prices, direct from Kimball Cu..Chicago. Seattle They now will remain with Solos ney Flute Obligato Mr. Searle tn another column. Mitchell-Lewis A Fire, Life, and Accident insurance, ill Quartette-- “Kingof Song’’ Alfred Beirly POST OFFICE STURE. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. I Slaver Co, Portland Or. ua a month or two longer. Bertha Barrie Edna Parker, Geo. Have the largest anti best stock American, English or German eumpa- Cramer, A. K. Vooihie*. Married at Tunnel 9. Mr Jesse Os 'S" I The many friends of Miss Amy Booth ities. At the old reliable Agency on 6th of groceries in Josephine county. Solo and ( horu> Silent Hroees” born and Miss Ida Grant will be pleased to learn that she is im street, Grants Pass Or. ............................................ Planquelte Sell the very best grades of coffee T. P. < ramer and Choral Union. proving and will soon be able to be Hugo School gave an entertainment at a low price. J. E. PtcrtasoN, Agent. Quintette “The Bells of st. Michael*» WE ARE NOW around again. Friday atternoon which was a credit to i i >u R r Btewart Feed lots of people at prices that Children's Day exercises w ill be ob Mrs Kinney, Laura Parker, Geo. Craiuer, Buy your baking powder of A. J. i'ike served a*, tbe Christian church the first their teacher. Mrs. Lae efin’t be duplicated. Theo. Cramer. N. P. Dodge. and secure a piece ol Klondike Opales Sunday in June Sorry to »ay there is quite a lot of sick Violin Solo—“Fantasie” Chas. DeBeriot Exercise "America Sell souced mackerel, which is Prof. (’. J. Kurth cent ware aud a chance on the three Sending the Light”. All are cordially ness in our neighborhood Duet “Cheerfulness’’ F. Humbert one of the best fish dishes on the capital prizes consisting of a gold deco invited to attend. Mrs Mangum. Mrs. Kinney. Dr. Lee has been very ill. market. Solo and ('horns -“Crowned with the rated tea set,water set and berry set. Sell nice bright evaporated Mrs. Nidav and family have been visit Tempest ”. F Guml»ert The C. K. Conventions. Hr. Kreuter has laid in a stuck of Mon N P Dotlge and Choral L nion peaches at 5c a pound. • ing frienda at Hugo and have returned The attention of the Christian.Endeav Double Quartette “Jack and Jill arch wheels ranging in price from $35. Sell Ashland flour and lots of it; \ i Caldicott orersof the world is being directed to to thetrjiome at Eel «nd To greet Customers in our New Store. for a high-grade wheel, to $100 for a Denison, Hattie Silsby, Mrs Cramer. most people think its the best dour Mrs. Mulonia and Inez Osborn acre Mrs. Nashville now as it was a year ago to Maysie Foster, J. E. Peterxm, Geo. Cra Monarch chainless. The Monarch is We shall as ever brought to Grants Pass. mer. N P Dodge, A E Voorhies San Francisco, ami one of the greatest down from Tunnel 9 Saturday one ol the best wheels made. Call and Chorus —“Sleep Gentle Lady”.............. . Sell broken coffee 11 pounds to meetings ill the history of tliia great Ben .McCormic was over from Wolf ... II It Bishop see them. he dollar or one pound for 10c. movement ia assured Oregon En.leav- Creek. choral I’nion Public Speaking orers are looking especially toward» Want a lot of orange customers V ehn The City Klection. Will R King I nion candidate for gov Roseburg at this time, where lheir an for the next few days. 15 boxes W e Celebrated. Tuesday was cityj election day, and ernor, aud J R. Sovereign of Arkansas, nual state convention will lie held May of the finest kind of navels which today wa cun announce who aru to be Tuesday evening the band,the fire boys will address the citizens of Josephine l‘2th to 15th, preparations are being th« city ’ » official* for th« next year. Th» we will sell cheap. county, at Grants Pass, May 10, 1898, at madv in that lively burg for the recep dressed in their uniforms, and a number following la the rote for th« different of-1 See the window display. 1 o'clock p m Mr. Sovereign «poke 111 tion and care of all the delegate» who of others met at the court house and llees: marched to music to the depot, where Buch a The accoiiiinotl.ition of our patrons anti the Sell lots of vegetables these days. this city some years ago, aad he is re may find it possible to attend m i v OK ported as being a very able speaker. reception ia promised as has nevei be many ladies and gentlemen had congre W. T. Coburn ........................................223 Why? Because we buy fresh every keeping of an l’p-to-I late line of Hardware. fore been attempted by any entertaining gated to listen to the patriotic siweches. J . W. Howard.......................................... 154 ' Turn out ami hear him morning from the lrest gardens and Ours is no city in Oregon. The program as out Messrs. Mel.ean and Miller spoke each ALOKKMEN. the assortment is complete. Plane Hettle. lined is one of the best they have ever about 1.5 minutes, reviewing the »¡tui Tom Smith ................................... 188 All those knowing themselves indebted been able to offer, and as no limit is tion, and commending the nation for its L. L. Jennings ......................... .Ml to me will please settle st once and thus placed on the number who may attend course in endeavoring to put an end tv W.B. Taylor ...........................................145 156 save cost, as I expect to leave soon for a successful meeting 1» alreudy assured Spanish cruelty in America. Both gen Jas. Ilolman F. Fetsch.................................................. Rig Alaska, and must settle up before leaving tlemen were listened to attentively, F. I. Coron .................................... 22U Want to sell a lot of extra fine D b . W m . 11. F lanagan . Remarkable Itescue. which showed that the entire crowd, ALPKMMKN (short term.) Early Rose seed potatoes at 3 4 c a with au exception or two, were ill hearty J. H. Williams........................................ 162 Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield. Ill Weather Keporl. Fred i iuyer.................. pa; pound. Bargain-Stock, but, in connection with our new store we have Following is a nummary weather ob makes tlie statement, that shn caught accjrd with the sentiments expressed W, A. Haskins .................. 234 Sell 4 pounds of either Sago cold, which settled on her Iungs; »he The fireworks and the giant powder . .............. 139 I much that is new in Stock anti prices It costs nothing to ex servation at Grants Pass during the was treated for a month by her family committees did their work well, by re Theo. Mott. Tapioca for 25c. month oi April, as reported by J. B i ' olii ' k irnuK, amine our goods. \’ou are Always Welcome. Paddock, local voluntary observer for physician, but grew won», He told her minding us that the victories thus far W. Elmer McGregor Sell fine selected field corn .. 220 the Oregon State Weather Service. she was a hopeless victim uf consumption are ours J A Jennings ‘ . ... ............ .166 seed, white and yellow. Max. Min. -Mea» Frecip and that no medicinn could cure her ATruBMgt DATE Thr Choral Union, Still give free of charge one Ten*. Tern. Tein. inches Her druggist suggested I>r King's New l> Wilbur ................... . 1 ........ 59 03 35 47 THSASl II*. R The concert to be given by the Choral those nice paintings with tea and Discovery for consumption ; she bought 2............... 52 33 42 347 Union next Monday evening, May 9, Col. W. Johnson............................ coffee. a bottle and to her delight found herself 3................. 67 24 45 MAII»If IL. 4 benefitted from first dose She coatin should be well patronized by the people Dave Keenan.................................. 54 71 37 Sell New York state cheese at .139 of Grants Pass. This organization under 48 5 ............. «3 34 07 ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. F W lliiggerth.......................... ued its use ami after taking six bottles, 247 the a |xiund; Williams cheese at «1 .... 52 38 45 15 the directorship of Mr. II C. Kinney is found herself sound ami well; now does HTRKKT SIFT. 7 .... ........... 52 43 08 47 .225 i2/^c a pound. her own housework, and is as well a» doing a great work in Hie cause of music T B 1 liott 8......... 43 71 67 J 1', «ialeener . . .................... 147 tn our city Last winter it gave tho ft st Not know of a better seller than 9 . (j<> 54 she ever was —Free trial bottles of this 42 06 Shall inilk cows run at large within our deviled ham, large cans KI................. 62 38 50 Great Discovery at W, F Kremer's store. musical convention evor held in the 11................. 49 76 32 Large bottles 5 ) cents and $1.00, fl slate of Oregon ami while it was net a liti corporate limita uf tho city " small cans 5c. 12............. 11 86 65 .. '207 success from a fin»m ial point owing to Ye»....................... 38 58 13 .... 79 No ..................................................... Not want you to take the grippe, 142 Nt ray Notice the apathy ot tbe people at large, artis 14............... 1 76 47 61 and there is no need of it when we There has been at my place on the tically it was all that could be desired 15 .. .. 56 68 62 Look out tor (be Thief Hi............... •Vi 70 30 Applegate in the New Hope neighbor and was of great benefit to the causo of are selling large juicy lemons for 17................. Monday night at J. E. Peterson'a resi 32 66 49 hood for the past year, a stray red tuiily music, in Grants l’ass there are many toe a dozen. 18 ... 31 73 52 I.ADI l > co* with crop off left ear and under young fresh voices whose owners can lience, stm» one. perhaps a tramp, 19................. 34 76 55 Want you to know that our raised a window and crawled into the alope in right. Owner can have »ame not afford to hire private teachers To 20 ............. 58 48 70 store is the place where you can get house, went into the pantry where he 21 50 45 56 02 by paying charges. J. N. Daniels. those the Choral Union is a fr.-e school anything in the shape of bottled 22 . 67 4« 58 and the instruction given is of a high found some chicken pie, other pies etc., and canned grxxls, such as ripe and Kerby Item» 23................. .42 80 «il ami literally devoured the whole, or else order. When the advantages of such an J4 ............. 89 40 64 R. Thomas of Grants fas«, was look carried off' a portion of it. From the green olives, pickled onions, pep 2$................. 81 43 62 ing ever th« mining interests of our sec organization to the community are con amount lie disposed of, it is not likely per sauce, meat dressing, pickles 26 48 6« sidered it tnuet lie patent to tbe mind of tion last week. 76 27............... 34 The thief car of all kinds, sliced pine apples, 55 ve yone, that the work nhould be en* that he is hungry today 28 6.1 38 55 James Ixigan, who baa been making netl of!' some sugar, but be did not seem sausages with sauer kraut, shrimp z an extended visit to the east, returned rouraged. The program Las teen care 29 ... 58 42 50 to care for anything save nomething to and tomatoes, snow flake lolisters, M)............... 30 ! 48 66 last week. He visited the leading cities fully arranged tn hiiit all tawteM and thor* eat This seems to lie the highest atn little neck clams, chicken taiualas, n............. >ear»als have been he’d so that Stopping long enough at Washington. ou bitioti of a tramp. Io fill Ills stomach,and etc- SI MM \av : Mean tem(«rature, 54; D. C. to catch the war fever. everything will go off sn.tx-thly. Mott therefore the evidence is sufficient proof maximum temperature, 89; date 24th; of the music is new having never liven Monday night a tracip minimum temperature, 24, date, 3d, /Augustus Fetch and J. Wolke were in given here before, particularly the »olos of the culprit total precipitation. .41 inches; total our section this week drumming up hue- went raised a window at the resided«» number days clear. 17; partly cloudy, 4 ; ine»s lor their clothing and hardware both vocal and instrumental. The or of A E Vuorlties, hut took noth cloudy, 9; prevailing wind, 8. W.; light chestra under Prof. Kurth will play for stores in Grant» Pass. ing eave something to eat. At T. P. Cra trusts 2d and 30 the first time in Grants Paas the, "War mer's Munday night some one ol the rams How to Look Good. Mart h of the Priests”, from Athalia by profession helped himself Chickens are Mendelssohn, an exceedingly warlike tiood looks are really more than skin disup|H-aring elso. Look out for I he WRIGHT—In this city, Friday. April deep, depending entirely on a healthy inspiring march. The proceed, of the tramp«, and put a .lop to this nuisance If the concert ate Io pay the running expenses 29, 18U8, Carlos W., son oi Mr. and coiuiilion of all the vital organs Mr» F. L Wright, aged 4 years. Fu liver is inactive, you litre a bilious look ; of the society, 1*1 everybody Turn out Tie bad enough for tram;*» to make dai .. ALL COLORS neral held Fuday afternoon at 3 if your »tomai-h is disordered, you have and give the Choral I nion a jammed ly visits to your door, ami ask for some o’clock thing to eat, but to deliberately walk in a dyspeptic Iwk; if your kidnevs »re full bouse. ami help himself, ia t<*o much fur us to CROW—At Silver City, Idaho, May 1, affected, you have a pinchtd look. 8e Aalilanil H. I*. Htation Cliangr». !898, Albert Crow, aged 30 years, of bear. cure good health, and you will surely The courteoc.s and efficient agent of Prescription Druggist. consumption haveg'xel looks "Electric Bitter«” is the 8, I*, Company in tsliland, Mr D Albert Crow was a son of Wm. Crow, of Merlin lie was a yuurg man of a good alterative and tonic. Acta di- L. Rice, who lias served the company great force of character and sterling «ectly on the stomach, liver and kidneys, so well lor so many years past lias liven •• werth and was greatly esteemed by ail purifies the bloo-l, cure» pimple», blotch promoted to be a train dispatcher in the those who hail the pl'-asure of bis ac es and boils, and gives a good complex Portland office, succeeding Capt. J. L. Every bottle guaranteed. Mold at May, ami left the city on laat night’s quaintance He contracted a very se ion if you hare exchanged that suit of heavy winter underclothe vere cold some years ago in trying to W. F. Kremer's Drug Store, fst centa sorth-bound train to assume his new dn 5 tiea. .Mr. Rice will be succeeded bv Mr. for a suit of Fetsch's "summer weights.” we have ’em oi’ save the life of Mi»s Ida Simpkins, who per bottle was accidentally drowned in Ixtuse Montgomery, who has had charge of tbe Klondik Mining Company. every kind, from Balbriggan to light-weight Merino----- 35c during a winter freshet, which freight office, and that department will to ft 50. Some world-beaters at 60c. Sweaters at 40c up. Can- creek Klondike—Yukon Mining A Ifevelop- brought on that fell destroyer, consump be in the future under the charge of Mr. ing Co of Spokane, Washington has a vas leggings. tion, ano terminated his life. He has A. 8 Rosenbaum —Tiding» capital stock of $2.500,000 fully paid up gone to that bxirne from whence no The many frienda of R. K. Montgom ami non assessable. A block of fUSOjOuu traveler returns. ery in this city will be pleased to hear of of Treasury stock is now offered for sale Yet floating echoes from that that gentleman's promotion It is the at 10 cents per share. On the first of Fearless vale beyond result of I'lose attention to business. April it will advance to 'JO cents per Coms Hosting ba- k share. Invest now and double your To tell us of a life to come. M’ECI Al-M. money in s few day«. You can hold your job in the sunny climate of Southern l.’OR -Al.K THE RKMIDENi K OF * Oregon and still make money in the fro a A. -tile- and Is u a< r»-- <>f <>r< hard tn zen North through these men of mean» tí,. ■ ily of Unni« Pas» «-heap; must Is* sold Immediately. For further peril. «1er. and experience. Call and see me. enquire of II. A. Iloterniund, Grant« Pa»», or A A. Stile., Vallejo, « al. J. E. PxTrasoN, Agent. Grants Paas. Ore.. pm 8 ALM OK KEN I I HEAP EOK • «a-b Hist-re farm near tosti «I. hm J house, harn. ami oel building», horse», cows, wagon h*. k ami farm Implement» When a i*oy gets so particular that he wont eat bread and mo Lor further particular» addreaa l*vx 3, Grant. I*».«, «Tre lasses for supper, and wants hot pie with his lunch, he has arrived Represents our FREE HEARSE. L'OR -AI E OK ritAHE I at flu- age when het-, "ticklish” alx>ut his clothes It’s the particu W e sincerely hope none of our ■ friends will need it. but if they - Il or trail« for a »ft»«,■ I cow W lar boy—the boy that knows just what he likes when he sees it, Ixiwer A ppirgMle l»r.<ixr. should have that misfortune, they Gilfillan sells pur« milk. Thoma» Smith, Undertaker. C. St. Lotti» fur watch repairing Additional local» oil the first page. Fresh sugar cured uam» at Ahlf's. Call ou Gilfillan ; he will sell you the purest milk. Fresh tisti every Friday at A Ulfs City Market Gilfillau'» cows are in cleau pasture. He sells the best milk. imperial bicycles tor sale bv Booth A I Hockett, Hotel Josephine. ail. 15c, 20c, Kk and 50c per doz. We Don’t FLOUR B. «Se M . Grocery, We Do TAKE‘AIM FIRE We Do New This Week ! New Neck Scarfs and Ties IN PLAIDS AND STRIPES At The New Variety Store Varnish Stains, Bicycle Enamels, Enamel Paints, Calhoun Grocery Go AT M.Clemens’. Geo. S. Calhoun, Mur The Ticklish Age ÏOÜRE NOT SO WARM Fetsch’s summer hats 10c to $1.50. F. Fetsch à Co Men’s Outfitters FROM ST THE SECHLER EUGG-IES are the EASIEST RIDING buggies on the market. Call and examine our NEW STOCK before pur- cba sing and we will saxe you MONEV as xveli as BRI USES. The Jewell Hardware Co. The Aboxe Cut would be welcome to our servie and to whatever undertaking goods are needed at a very small advance above actual cost to us, and fifteen years of successful experieuve in the profession •» th* guataulce ut our ability to render appropriate aervice. J. It. HILE. I lowers and —- < Irnaments |?‘»R MALE A fMITH • I txprwnkr for»»*« heap in A» sn inducement to purdiasers we lion Ervpair* «t Ihm olBr« offre a • èold follar Bntfon warrant**! for M rear» with earh »2 «s^or Hat or ebuiea betweeu a «iold 'tur» Wai»t fiat aod Cuff Butfon» (warranbM for 20 | years, with em h $4 or $5 Hat. Mrs S. A. Weidman that we can always please. A large stock and choice of patterns does this. The little price marked on them makes a quick »ale. Sec our New Spring and Summer stock. It's worth l«x>king at. The price is right. Reinember, we »how Three Piece Suits from co tip<.-3r i B.r, , T*.. I’ieve Suita, Juvenile Suit», Children s wash Suits, fn fact we are prepare«! to please the boys. P H HARTH & SON W E L L --A FIN E N E W LIN E Cramer Bros. At The Sugar Pine Store. READY RELIABLE SHOES THAT W E A R COFFEE