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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1898)
h uuner 4 A» i.sDii-KMniNr Panca, D scotso EarniAUA ro rus I mtsbksti * u» Soi tiiemm Oasuox. VOL. XI\ GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 5. 1898. — ROBERT G SMITH. v ro NEY at L aw , â'i P:Scl:r»i locai t>.ippcnui(i6 Office «ver Firwt National Rank Oxx«m» G bamt b P as ». JJENRY L BENSON. attokxby ai law Pr»< tir»-» in all Court«• of the S«rtir Wolff à Zwicker Iron Works Office over Fir»t National Bank • oaKG*»s G bast • P am , MANVFACT RE.-iS OF ^RTHUR P. HARTH, Hydraulic Pipe DOCTOR OF DENTIL -UK ERV i«»»*al Bn l vbaht ’ b i «»». JJ 11. E. Bell »hnwed us a letter frun his so i ‘ h de « ho i*« in the reh »rm a* h* >ol, a t«*a dayaag««, from which we draw the vVwWYVWvwv - >rwwwvsr>ev»vvww i conclusion that Clyde has thoroughly re n'ed lor the • rror of hi» way, and will Onion «et«» st Baril«'C’a h* teaiier Iran a m<»rr aa«i»Caciort li*e It 'alba it McGregor Bros was m I ng time, lievau-e oi hit «1 ter -ho s repaire I at Hackett's mit»ed di posit mn. Iiei .rr he would y irld. <>«>ld <Iu«i «'rtbhcl ai C'ame Bios and make a«*knoa 1« Ugm«*nl to hia lath« r Carhun ps|M*r at th- <’<»< R1EK that he a a» going astray, but at last he If \ mi wxt.t y*mr hair I •»» io anil vou, has conteMMed, and promise« a better life » McGregor Bros S*x’h St We ate pIcH-ed to m»te this Matvmen. N»*a line o’ 2 <»ly p«w«tnl w»d ing t a d fi< in Hi«- lx»y «hose piteiita are anxiou- Faithful aork on th* «•k for calling t*ar«is, for aa'e at th. for hi» wellare. pari of p rent» is never barren of rv- m Riga •.fTicr. Up to-date ph *to*.*rapha n» l\ at the j nils, though it tuav be often long ilt* •’•on >tm|«o opp court hou*e. Grants I ay r.| Federal Cour Olii«-.over Eire« N 1 >(tH All Kinds of C PERKINS, Machinery fcr Mining »eft I Y I’. VK V F.R » Mi * »KF Ob MAM- Bri'h’e Wmk. Bo’ts. Rmls. Ir*»n Shu ter»*, • r;tÄ. u um«*yy <* iard*. Ik>»r<. ini •pHUMA- SMI TH Casi Iron S'ruclure Work UNDER r.iKEX, G rants P ass O regon i < >1; ! E ■ GN i E à < E ' >1. K TIM \ I E> l I H l-lii I) Portland, Oregon. BEE SUPPLIES J.W. Turviy, AS once said by in observer to be the grandest sight in the world. “A nobler sight than that,” replied a triend to him, "is a father and son walking arm-in- arm as if tliev were reallv comrades." If both be dressed in good taste the charm of the picture is intensified. Many men ot good taste tn over 7.000 American cities andtownsnow Get Suits and Overcoats! rom WILL IAMS, ORE. ITALIAN Qi . EX- Unlsete.i Q ip. u ■ Tested Full (’.»Ion. ? J 5 2 ? N 2 C «• M. BORN & CO., The Great Chicago Merchant Tailora. •’ Sons and Fathers •» are equally sure aure to be pitasf«! No poor u ' * O MMlfitS .. Ni> mfe- rior goods. Iso exorbitant prices. . No — dis. satislactiun. Every body fully Satisfied. FIRST NATlONA Over 300 Chulce ■•aiiern« to Fill lour Order iruun CALL ON — OF — SOUTHERN OREGON I I. 1 Iri i*i li I| V l'<. • > • $50,00 Receive de|MMits -ubjeci to chec k or w Certi beate payable on demand. • "• "• - ■» «• FINISH GUARANTEED. J FIT and S ■« Sou. U S. « till s t Xl> »II )F~. Crescent Wheel Sells sight J ’ails on New York, ^an H < eisoo. and Put land. gb Í ’• rade Wheel Telegraphic tran»t“i> sold on all |x»ini«* the United .State». Nos 11 &1. Special Attention given .u i ollecli«»«i- general business of our customers. $30 Collections made throughout N hih I-. Oregon, and on all aucemible poniti». J. I>. 1* RY, President. J. T.TUFF8, Vice Presi lent. R. A. B ooth . < ashler T. A. HOOD - BICYCLE STORE N. E. McGrew Sundries A large and c« tnplete assortment • »I Bicxcle Sundries in sock L C. VAN EX XT O. PHEBY Carbon Pboto Studio Opp Court Hous* I i --- 1 All Work We Make ; FinlSheJ in from • Specialty Repairing a Spedali« H tve a regularly equipped Bici ele repair Snop. Parts supplitd. M. CHILES DEALER IN 3 to 6 Days, of ^egirdless of Chidrens i Photcs L.. the Vïitner. J Pl** < . N T Styjb í ^aic/Groceries \ G» » ' \ k V tt I i •» 1 i. J.v ir^. Tinware, Tabic vare L 0. Fay à Sun a ’ 0 I leM-’qti »« i -«»Id warruntril a« represented. Harm Produce t «le« n j IJ 1 I MU Evrrv .I’ticl* I » exchange 1 t* » OCR I DIRI) CAR Ol New Rigs, afe an J Fast Teams. » Comm**rrial T«avel»*r» given -per ial at <?n ioti J OR'.NTS PASS, )R Hun». *«ardr.1 rat». at rr^ona'-l is no,v on the way from the factory < for a 5am pia t»« F.Ubli.h.4 iM4. Ora«« fjverland V Monthly THE PHOENIX i- the POPULAR WHEEL Bccau-c it Look* Well. R uns W eli and "it Stand- the Racket.” THE GOLDEN EAGLE is llu best medium priced ahtx'l on the market. WRITE 1 OR A I*ALO- .UE- TO MITCHELL, LEWh à SÎXVER CO. MEDI OKI), OREGON Dollar ih«. Cheapest Place for Overland Monthly Publuhinf Cx Iron and Steel Implements sfALs BOANCS.t j ON'A^T, 7 a *» fOAHCH ' Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh Is one of the most obstinate diseases, and hence the most difficult to get rid of. There is but one way to cure it. The disease is in the bliMid. and ail the spravs, washes and inhaling mixtures in the world can have no {»ermanent Spain continues to fumiah our pt-in- effect whatever upon it. Swift’s Spe .-¡pal amusement*, for at the theaters cific cures Catarrh permanently, for it is one hear» Spanish playa, the Basque the only remedy which can reach the Mil player«, the "pelotaris," continue disease and force it from the blood. .o attract great crowds, and now we Mr B. P. McAllister, of Harrodsburg, .re abcut to have a season of bull flght- Ky.. hiui Catarrh for year». He writes: •rl could see no improvement whatever, '.g with Nlanzantini as the “espada though I was constantly tr*»»ed with snrays .trincipal,” accompanied by a first-class And washes, and differ ent inhaling renie«!!»**— . ouf.e of performers. But even more in fact, i could feel that onautional will be the advent of “the each winter 1 was worse than the year previous :dy bull fighters,” now on their way •Finally it was m Spain to this lansl of winter nun- brought to my notice that Catarrh was a blood „¡lie. di-ease, and after think " toreras," or the feminine fight- ing over the matter. I saw it waaunreanonabk ts of bulla, will be greeted with en- to expect to be A*ured by hnsiasm, for they will lie a distinct remedies which only reached the surface. I novelty, and are bound to make an im then decided to try pression ou the susceptible masculine 8. 8. ft . and after a few bottles were used. 1 no ub’.ic. And w by not lady bu!’. fighters ticed » perceptible improvement. Continuing the remedy, the disease was furred out of my .s well as the “new wom.1i>" of tiorth- system, and a o«»mplete cure was the result. rn and colder lands? The gir. whoen- 1 advise all who have this »Ireadfu! disease to I abandon their local treatment, which has never ra the arena to confront the “toro done them any good, and take ft 8. ft., a rem avo,” the fierce bull paw ing the sand, edy that can reach the disease and cure It.’* To continue the wrong treatment for id, head down, awaiting his human Catarrh is to continue to suffer. Swift’s e, must have “sand" herseif, and one Specific is a real blood remedy, and it» fancy how convenient it would be cures obatinate, deep-seated diseases, io marry one of them, and so have al which other remedies have no effect ways a valiant enemy of burg'ars In the whatever upon. It promptly reaches ouse. Al the first alarm, at dead of Catarrh, ana never fails to cure even the ight, one could awaken one's lady most aggravated cases. u l-flghting consort with: “Oye. tu. ariquita de tnia alma, get up quick; here's some one in the dining-room teking up the sliver!” And the wife is Purely Xegetable. and is the o"ly blood remedy gusranteed to contain no f your bosom, arrayed in a wrapper dangerous minerals. «! carrying her trusty mvord in her Books mailed free by Swift Specific ' and, would descend to the lower floor Company, Atlanta. Georgia. > give the burglar an “cstocadn" in the mst classic and approved form! 1 don't think the new woman of the ’i-th can approach in interest the cor- - or.dirg "feminine new departure" ii y out of Spain in these days. In -• _' :> a female company of militia Preval I must be chosen. with_ i* been forme«!, and the gallant gov- r ha« n lady colonel on his staff. ii ago presents women footpads who -nil and rob male victims in the most - rovcil style of highwaymanship, very w here lovely woman Is making •ogres», and it ia fitting that the I^itin a«-« should produce, as their choicest < \ . xhibit. the lady bu'l fighter! Ì < Ir Mexico the woman doctor has ar rived, and Is building up a clientele, i-d we have n'so a woman lawyer, be lies innumerable teachers of the "fe- -al'- persuasion," all bright, capable mil energetic young women. Women t’ an FrinciM«, •:re being employed in the national post Cpnuiflrr - If von can k*»p th»* wet out Of yuur rill«' Il will not t iuinug/t e<ze. Onl j il service and are giving satisfaction. Soon they will begin to invade the I hav«« »«»I|«t Top«*. Bh»*«lJln< water liken •reat government departments, and ¿ 11 1 ■ ■ • ' i jU-t olili tell* Mil m -ut tlc’in. l p toola e înfor- will supplant the languid ycaing dudes P ilion h . ,(yr«,bl.M-k and «moke* •a; i>ri»p«*r •!/.»••. quiintltie*, | h * w to who now smoke cigarettes Incessantly- l".i'l ; li>ii.ur'"U of bum (a, lead, alloyed, i--<l manage to kill time nt the govern- ’ jn<'‘ >l, aoft mualiiootn. etc.; J t! »i> . I.u >■•■», iwuM‘nie4,|ien.-t: .lUoui. All ent expense. The dudelet of the na ç rallbrr« v.* tnc> ; how to <-are for arme and InUotli'-rt i.nei. Including mnny trade tional pn'ace and of the government M «-'ci ‘tn never before kivaíii to tiie public. «1 A-- • • •/ v t »fill ••’nd h>r pail HQ p to ifllces outside is a study In pink shirts ,-'X The Mi da 1 rearms Ce., New ifav«», Ct. and tall «-ollnrs. He certainly toilsnot, although lie. spins yarns in office hours, and he is "the man «with two hats,” for in - is soft, which he can carry in an rni “hie pm ket. and the other hard, of ‘he derby quality, which he leaves on !>ls desk while he saunters out of doors, Thnce-s Week Edition caring his soft hat! The chief of hla ' Itreau comes to his desk and asks, ab- -nt-midedly: "Where is far'itoa? ' h, I see he is in some other cfl'ce. for «•re’s hia hat!" Credulous chief of The World has IH page» a week; 15J biire-i u! your Ca rlitcs la even row down paper» a year. on riatcros street, ogling the pretty The Thrice a - Week Kditlon of Th® New girls an<l “throwing them flowers.” as York World in hr-t among all “weekly pa they say In Spnr»i»h. Ikiston Herald. ¡•rrs in aize. frequency oi publication, and the fre-hne*«». accuracy and variety of it« »■It Water to Quench I'lre. contrnlb II ha- merits of a great The proposition tn lay an aux liary P- daily at thr price of a dollar weekly. It< system of water the bu.i- polili< nl ne. - prompt, complete, accurate and impartial a- all tin reader» wih testify. ie.4 (action of Xew York, in order to lil-auainsC the mono|»oliei and for tlie •rot iire n larger supply of water from people. he North nt d East rivers for the tire 11 print- th»* tie« - of all the w«»rl»i, having department, al.o to utilize the superior ’•pc« ial corresdondence irom all important nrw-point» on ibe glolte. it ha» brilliant nower of the engine, on the tire boat., i II um I rations, nlorie» by great authom, a hit« again Iteen brought forward. Com- capital humor page, complete market», de- -n..inter Sheffield, Chief Bonner and paitiiieiiln for the h«»UHt*hold and women'» I'oater Crowell, a civil engineer, have al w«»rk, ami other -peciai departments of un- u-ti «1 interent to all cla-N?« of reader**. ready impeded the pipe« in Horton We oiler thin unequalled newnpafier an«l which will bring sea water into use in the Roova K ivkb (dt'RiKM together one ttt.e of tire, and they will leave for a year to new or old subscribers a ho par tifit to Buffalo, ( levelar.d. Detroit and one year in advance, al the »mall sam of Milwaukee, in which cities the fresh water from the great lake, ia uaed. Aa i.t aalt water in thia country baa not lieeti tried. although for fire purposes ar <1 for ffiohlrg streets It ha« been sat isfactorily em-doved In England, nota bly at Plymouth Berwick, Birkenhead. Bournemouth. Falmouth and Yar mouth. Bod on Transcript. Imo a a Thrui Shr Givra Physic tu tu« Sick a»d Holds Government Posi I Iona»—Sup plant I a« (hr Mr«. taining diploma in both United -tale» and »'air court», ami hi» honorable prac tice in ini* uou ilv lor «ha Id jrara Ian! pant, ha» won him mant friemia. Mr Ixtrll »«I born inn - -*d, IS45. at Barbourville, l>rlewaro county, New York, an l 1» a «*«n of doarw \nell. The early teaching* o: a good lather and mother tn a mo lei neighborhood, inritla- t«r*l in It»«» nature which hae »o N< ih lullie 11» form Nch«»ol. well fli'v«l him to Hüllt life’s itali le«, n »«*11 gur»s li* w iuau » p»*«-pl»- io Dav»- Uit».m»••*•, «*t»o had The Ittrda are oí English exitavt- i will he »I g I' œiiix hi v. I» - (> iug court aa a witne-a iu the Hopkim M » hch Axt»ll, Hi - great great Ju e Is ? Uiine law-uil aw rec« iver. was in our ol tiou. * I « »ilea .«n*l wi’e hav»- gone I»» Y»r fire recently ami inturmud us H im « he wa- grand-father ui Major Kbe Axtell, fought I He «a» al- »» »• IIIHII some Inn«*, a» <1 p»«Hial«h compelled tn tend Tomin« Kaimmy. the in the Revolutionary war. ‘ I bn -« r» foi iheiuturr bov who has hern iving with him fur way» proud ol the tact and uoa»*led ot being a im*uib«*r ot the lamoua ‘tea par ah«*« ila« iuii h »* ii « ««ver «<> i^.T' Hiu pa-i nix or eight months, to the re n ” in tiie Ikiiimi heritor in 1776. Abv k I i dll' Hiie«i:«M>n I«« I m - g«i«ii* a I« a form M'lioo' lx*uause the buy had btMfoinr IxlvIP- mother, Huhtah Grecuv. la al»o unmanageable, eapecialh when Mr till i- •• \ i-i; hi ia' hrr * family « «i*urmlvnt of the cl**» ot revolutionary nr«! «• i I .5« |H* ►>«»••’ a « th»* '• VKIKK iu '» ic « uh away tr ni home. The boy 1» »ante, and her lather uaa a »oldier ol the a had bro tier o 'he tiiay bo>, who -hot ’»»•«It i at >« k ?i«»r Lie All ol which t <ut* contnb h.H Im e viHier near Merlin Iasi tail, III war ol 181J (T oiiiiii *' Miler ol Goh* Hill ite n >t a little to \I x -’ m »lability, pain will be rent o ’•ale ii tonight. i I r»«N» H. ilia I he Singer Svwi’lg .Mauhliir oti»m ami military qualiKuallomt. .Ma A Wor«i I«» the Public. *<mpi«p ih iu the t*oun«y doing wmk hi jor Abe \xtvll ha* al*o htm»elf rendered >u Im«*. After two week» oi more or I.*»» chao-, honorable military eervuN to the Uni rd w\ can now iniurm our friend*« that w» stale», wheirfore he obtained bi» »aid K v. II A W o « m | lorni'-rlv oi I hi-uin are ready lor buaine»». al our new »(and military title •m Io» Hie pAHt year at Oaklaml, Or The Major ia a very pleaNant man to • x- |» fi the latter pl ice •» Kan»aw Cilv . in «he corner store oi the Od<« Eel <>w > b.'A-k. Tin* trade you have given uh in meet. Ami l»e.-ide» bring attentive to d e- liri lie pant lias been appreciated by uh hia profeaaion an a lawyer, and thor Mr>. Dr. Slone of Cre-ien Ci’y. fur ami we liUHt that our bu»inrs- prinri ough buaiiHHM man, Abe timla time to • •••rl* Mi»» < « Ivig oi thin city, arriv»»i plet» hav»* met with your approval. VV« fraternise with his town’s |>eople. «•» ii ('re«« ent W »-dnehdax, fur a \ ihii oi shall mo.-i heartily welcome <»ld and In nominating Abe for the otlhe of ytf weeks with her iatliei’» family > '.new irieiida to our »tore, ami »hall ntnv« county judge, those doing **u did not se III«- Oirgon .Militia haw l>eeii «al ed io merit, their confidence ny cour’e-y lect a man to till aucli place a ho is igno .nil The it-^ inen: u ill uohrimi ot « welve prompt iichh hu I lair tm«in dea'lug» rant of public att'air-, but eeivclvd a man numbed n ♦ n a d ’hey ant rendevon- Hoping noon to count you am >ng «»u» who ha- had experience, uml uhoee ad* u l‘««r l.itid Until called fut by the gov« rn cualuniers. Youin Truly in Min h place- ol trust has ptovad a val m»*nt C kamkk hk » liable aiquisitiun to 1I h » mv placing him hi 1'. r ’ ’'ti.Miip iti'Hi ak<* Karl’- Ch»v» i Uaidware, linwaie, >to\e ', .*p»»r' hg miui. place. G« h »I h . R Tea, ih»- g»«at Bl««**«i Pitriil» r The maj*«r i< a man of the people, lire- H» H'l.ttlie. N» rv *u-n» -w Er up' mn- unbind mill the prinuipI.Hoi When (raveling • ■ ’lie iaue. And make- the I i «* h «I clear a- •Vhetheron pley^ur»* bent or iniHineM»* Ameiicanisin, patriotism, ami love oi hell Sold by IV F Kremer 1 lake on every trip a bo He ol Sy tup m i lie golden rule. Ilia elicrtion sh< uld In I'rui VV I. I «11;» i * i of 1'1 t*.«r. th« b igx, as it act« most pleasantly ami e« x toretfone conclusion, it only should in puhl can nomine»* for repte-rn'a'iv« «dually on the kidney»«, liver, ami uou . qu- «lion oi the rise of his majority 1 r in thin county ih in ilievitv Friday on la, preventing fever», headaches, ami lie Milan h of ihe county couhl not well bim:ne«a. |«erliap- more than uii a levt ot her form« oi aickne»». F«»r ral* in .»0 lx* enlru.ted to a better man onering tour. • ent boitlr« by all leading druggi*is Ke-pect lolly, Mr» Maty Ellen Lease will »oun b** in Manufactured bv the California Fig A T ax 1‘ avmk . Oregon to op n the ami sign tor th»* syrup Co. <»nly. • Ilobbcil itie Grave. i nion ticket She will «peak at Alban* I Convrnilon In J mv I lmoii . \ startling incident, of which Mr John •ii »lie IHtb ol M av at the college, bu’ Oliver ol Phila lelolliA, wa« the Hiibj- ut, Tae popntistH, democrats ami free ail- tier s«p.‘e«*h In thin instance will be mm « • »er republican«* held their conv* inion»* ia narrah d by him as follow»: •* 1 » if I m »1 iti* al hi a limit dreadful condition. My bkm in Mt-diord la-1 Saturday and put up»« A torpid liver rob« you of »niMHon a A»* almo-l yclmw, eyes aunkeil, tongue • iukrt. Nineteen middle of-ihe road «nd iniiiA your l«»*alih DeWitt'» Lillie Earlv Rinern cle.iHMe i|»e liver, Clire cull popiilisis roul l not become »atiafi« < coated, pain coutinua'ly in hack and 11 pat ion and all »:<mi<«c*h ami live» with ilie anion Of Itlr fUHimilHlM h « i -ides, no appetite— gradually growing rmule« —VV F Kiemer. aeakvr dav h\ day Three phyai« iaim hence they walked out oí thr•onven A. K K ijh » wile an I <l-»ii^ht«*r of Kei • ion, bill ae did not Irani uh al I lie« ha<l given me up. Fortunately, a trieud ny areintheiity preparing to h*a«e ini did. The following I« the ticket an «< advised trying ’Electiie Bi’lvrs;' and to Nevada City, w here they are going ’«• g* I it from a friend : rny great j »y and »nrpriie, the first liottlv l«H*a«e in hope» ol finding a climate m*»r» mad«* a deuidr<l impn»v«*im*nl. 1 contin i .1 Howell -•litable tu ih** health ol M«-» R iihh uli«> Z Came» oil ... ued their u.-*e lor three weeks, and am i C Cu»y ih not well. Mr R •»» and ’»mill* intenn now a well man I know they a »ved •• dem odrive through ami to laie their turn E X Sh- rain... mv life, and robbed ih«* grave ot another R Dean ............ .. .. .... ,Kh» r fl dt*m • ii tbe way We wiah Hi» m d pled-atl’ I W Markwbiiry. .......................... Cleik pop victim, "Noone should tail to try th»* tn Hml profitable trip, ilardin ............... Recorder, pep On I) 50 cents per bottle at W Kre F i le»*, dem mer's I hug Store 0 Gold«*n Eagle Bi«*y»*le» are hone-1 14 L Jacoba . . . Scott ............. . .. ('ornmitMoiivr. pup •«heel» at reasonable price». Write foi E R «¿all lf»»e-e<ir pup Hcripai Par. , fit1 a login* Mi chell L«*wi* A Staver U»» » base................. Surveyor,... p»*p M r I' pitor : —I am glad to make I he i>r Wail. ....... . . (’orone-, dem I’orHand. ()r. ’ohn Harvey . . .School Stipi, Hilv»*r r* I» Blaleinrnl that the county ofliuera have r^E C U3IE I THREE MONTHS <5c L5 c Mold I heir «crip Io I m « drawn for «alarir I •« M m I lc » Iteply. M-s. G ■ hu S C a H i '«I ìii hii «! li tie l»o* for the month of \ptil, io .• Joerphinr *« ni to * Anhlen«! I h»* íollnwing letter wa» receív. <1 b> party for 100 cent« on the dollar, a ilung j* n- a i week, relativi»» an ! Mayor J. W Howard y ente» day, in hat ua* never done to iiiv knowl> <lg» ■ lend» ply to the telegram »ent a dav or two piner I have been a ireident ol I hr corn» II L Be » Pun reuirntsl from laukwo 4k.o, fen lering Mrvicen *»f vuliiittrere : ly . Three ami one half year» ago, th»- • unity Sa«iir«lav evening. in-lead of g • ••S alem , April 20. 1S9H Aral aalary that I drew, it waa with <l«l ng te Klamath, h»t l)H I h I' UU4III slln inhn VV. Ilo«ar«l, «irami Ta-*, Or In fk’ulty that I could get M6 cent» • « ami i- now well on hi- wav ea»* Ik-ar *ir.—Governor Iy»id in in receii making tbia aiatriiiriif. thr people will t iic mountain». • •I your telegram, teiid»*ring your nervier»« know that it i» not fm the pari*)*« o wni. T. Cottier, representing th« to thr government for lh«- war with getting vote», a*« I am not l/eíore the pain, lie dinde ine lo thunk you l«>i public for any office. Respectfully, uneriean Ventila’ing Camipan« (im*»»r fir »ante, and to ray Hiai n Mill b* l*«»ra e«i)ami the John Bonner U oii .|» aiij . J M. C hilb « placed on fiir, and l»e given mil cotlthl -in the «it« ant mar have the opp«« radon w hun opportuiiit y oth r» unity ot doing auiia wora in hi» line Rrepeuifnliy )oura, le »urely »»light tn have a chance, »► \) . L 1 >« NIWA Y here <r«* pl ««*••» ibit need »uch work. Private sr<* ria»« I ih a grew« I *ap from «he old a-h MATERIALS FOR SPRING. • I <i«H-eH •»« bln- ma - ami naii«“-«»m> Fa»hl«»wablr « «»lor« unrf < «»rrrri 1 r«> < <«•» lu •• I V- • I«'«,«»« ill.- p| H-AII’ lllie , ill« k no** r asks ' * rf.vits i 4iw»i4tii»riic . ■ Rtylr« of Trimming D W i C i ' m L” e harb Ki**»*r» Th. i it (' C C. fail to cure. dr ugg.»»« r* I .id ib < In one or two of the large eHtnldi»h- ir» »*«••«> ip4>mn ei«*k h»*M«i»rli lilt meuta in New York there j» uhvayM a •*n *»—A t* Kr» n»*r Th* N mvm I lt< -» rve. , rotn ne.nt nounfer devoted to what are II v Wilbur Fi-k <•( Fr»*e *»ro. ih« Or* g "ti A mva I r»* ♦ i ve a ili »ou« I. to b»* the ru-w fabric» njid color a place trtived in Hieci’t la»' u uarhMitìng. T ao • <>»• |> miiì > «• I imv rhoriDeur, ue it were. Hornetim»*» a very '» f rni» 'o «•»{ I wo •hr»*»* « • en L » tu« »I in l'ori laii'l .«nd un»* ai I- nricMiH ob»«»Tv»*r will discern that tJa* u<wla tlm» displayed are withdrawn Ait k«»n» In One llcKlnirnt. tub «l»e f. milv »>( J S*« «VI I le • I «•UH R»-' riti* nu im g'fng on h»r iii'U li i thin a very »hurt tinx*, as tlmngb Ell Clarke, a rt aifte-ntt of Chichester. • Ii r ft «ends living in t*i’y. W-» '-• iiii aii» Jii«« a»» *>011 a * tlii- i- ioim* i»*re hiwl been a tentative of the Eng., baa u-t prearnt six aona serving e gen 'bin n'- visit * I h * Will «<• Hi» ufli« er* « ili I m * el»ri«*»L I li«- »«*• •••« ubLc pul»e and the tarrnperature wiw* n thr prince of Wales' Leir.ater Royal IVIrl'HI lllMlb M| pIll'A l'Hl (*»r «»IgMll z «»f Dika'i a «lier«* II. » II • •m»' l»y ■ t what it might I***. This weaaon, no Canadian regiment. In which Mr, Clarice ><n> lo thè «iute niiliiAr » I»«««« I i«» I * » aii ail « **t h lew <l»y» fur. the piece d’ltttimeur ha» been g ven hiniM-if arrvrd until his retiring in 1*77 I ?o KiiMMitb, light c .I o U m , such i»r* were Th r«' five year» make a gi'iierut)• <n iini!»>riii* H’i«l «*<|'ii|»iii liti* nre or I lie um <»ucrn VictorJa has written to Mr. r< ih M atm I-I mih I, < al «• «1 ia h«»*» I ng l«tnl|’ii L i»lier,r»f Z «»■♦•» he fushion in I'axi» last sununer, aiwl < larke, to express her ffniti float ion up • ’b*. <> , ►ntfe»»-i| »n il» | ilea lb* W»* most exquisite are tiw »hades in ««»h** on hear i ig <»f this almost tini(|ur in-1 Gt «*« led i he II«») • • I»» «1 in UHitig line«- «•( DeWi'l’«* .ere, drap d'ete, etc., while a fine-«*ord «inner of a <*on4inueu' avid « xrrnp!ary < in h axel Halve—VV f* Kremer, Fridftv nigh’ when the tr.tin pulled u. gbt. weight blur A»*rg»* is shown, to I»* arrvlre by one family in thr «witne regi- trotn the »«jutli, there *<»• a large crowd made up u»*M-t elaborately aiui with ex- V 5-w «lax* ago. Mr Haven» •rum the mcirt <>f Hhr British army. There ia nl-' * naive r bixins. By th«* way, let no rnoat a» rrmarknhlr an inrtancr in the »•nrilb «»( Apl'leg» e. brought I«» low I* •I pfuple »« I lie <|r|»«*t I«» grrel I lie A fl l oinan delude herself into the tsdirf «service of five « due of Mr. Itattyp, of • •nr little «*nt*—«»»ynlea, which wer« land b«iy»» who u«*re «.if lor the «nr I will cost l.ttlr to »Irras well this y « ur. tie Bliwlow lj»»}M'»f VVllll.iiHH liA'I t hare’e Brighton, of whom four fell in action paced bv G K. Cadmun. who bought * aterinlH may arrni rxtrn»»rdilMir'ly and one of whom, Ool. Batty»*, thr latr In in. in ttie eiiow window ot the Ca> *»l Hie eipl wion and they fairlv mi» .iraj>, but ther»* i»rv«*ry indhntion (but postmawtrr-grnrral of Bombay, is still h»- earth io -hake in ;nwh an tei.» '»«in Gr«w*ery Co Thue u'lbe we»»- much trimming 1« to lie umv <J on waiMfx ! ving. Quintan Batty«- fell lieforr File Are • «»rih f*2 e»» h to the rnsu «ho capture«' o rea«.tind for null* around. and »kir'M alikr, and yards and yards Delhi, Wigram. Richard and Arthur JI be nrcesaary to rnakr the velvet »•em. Fa-retiM* of the bounfi on i*oit»i» work» were furnithed bv Hie B. A M fell in action in thr Afghan MH».- Chi ( t rnpitn) »nd he t ali uun Gr»M*er> hands or tbe tiny nifflre that l«x»k m » cago Chronicle. They »re now innocent mi d alp* mart ami fresh. >Jayf«il. but la«er. ii allowe«! to run. Hies w hi« h did « red11 to a 4< h J uh ceiehra» i «» h Fraalc Io a Diplomatic U«y. (»ray in all thr »aifferent »hades 1» to «»»ii’d play aa«1 barn«’ to aomc <*ns’»* (he tea nd ««- on hand io erdiveti th* Edith There ia one thinif in particu r grmtly thr rag»*, and thr favorite o<*a»i«m with »orn«* g m d iiitivie, Tt« ie>nhry. pig- or »beep lar that I like Mr. Tactin for. He ia r rnming. particularly on the rush bot» were i»id«iing goodbye Io l»i*n«l rr« ■«, will l»r thr graduated trimming m» frank, you know. He alwaya tell» % G. hh I l.i.Jhiu, v f*,r * v... <’■.••• * arid were reaching the wrli wish»« of me of my fault#, w ithout thr lra«t hrai- uwsof I !.»ek vrhrt rlblsm*rwr»lon only > .l.rtii.nary <nn'a ní.K i I. h <|.fln*tion« ’tie people. We were j'let atMOJl to Io» tiition. That waa the affrrrment I ♦ one edge, wli ch gi'*'» more a rufli •i 10 000 of tl,4 in<>.. an.t * canned him to nwikr. ger «hat a g»e»« many hum 'he . The pill» Uig oil of « !»»•*«* hlUHth •* , «ni «.«r.l. >» «I.. E*<irl..h 'anx.iatf*. !• Hertha And you mean to «ay that *tlg4r I'lue were waving hi Ibe air » hi« I I f unlt task, and it mu»t hr rein* m bv D.. Mil lama M««l<: * »nd that it ia a fa»bion much mure you do noi get anxry with him? a a» enough l*« enltmae H>e patriotic spir o , -cb^fwn'ta.l 1.5 . N Y Y, . .X lilla .1 »-«ni • ‘ Never.** rr>in plr *« oiii rig to slender than it is to »font riiaíng. it '• a .in. »««tu. a«lv.r>..«na, it <»l evervone I he cr<»wd di<*prr«e<l MTeil mr aome of the fault» he ha* an mrra.'t I a.HH-ar* . r>4»< ’ •v aa an«fl women. aHer the traia ieit. hut ihrme whoub'uin tasrc h •» n > «*,>«n|*'h.,a ' l.i On berg»*» silk brawl will I** put on in found in you?** »-«i d*^’ lid »1 »' retiiru 'heiri but ibe> n <<* «>*m< n n r»( i ( mmh - c<m “Oh. he hadn't found any vet. When Hw* - »me way *»• ’hr velvet rd»b<»n. and •tewi'd «tu an, a« Mr I ru«*s r»qu n a ti e «I. ,|a.,lir>a >f e»a»*i «•» J a«k him to nnrnr them he alwaya »Aya .round thr wal«t and slreves as well «rti. al lux., a »»•»■tn n «n iliffb •«tu-* that I am fanltieaa.’*- Boaton Tran is thr skirt. Three rows »>( eith<. •■t, 1«. Wall a.ln.'M’ail |e««|»lr script. .rhrt or braid arc sometimes put ».n aun liaa **.n .»tr-va i a- mm te round th» front nri«l side breadth«. Ready Jai. 1, 1898, I Inloon.lH«, a. |W«*-l'i|. in a lim«t»d ■ Bucklan » Arnivw S I, »• it. Mistress ;<l then turned ami »<» orranffrd a» to a.a. W.lli tl.i. m v>aw. • her»* n nn. I The Beat Salve in H ip world for Cuts On All News Stands. » up the bai ’ k of th«* skirt to the waist j diva an.l varb wrr all n r»l»vir»U«*t <sm I I Bruise«*,Kore».Ulcers,Hall Rheum Fever ■ iniily likes iL « >1 >n inaan«..,. ti.nal j»»ne»«nh y t is rlain'ed that this it* more hrrom ha». ji .4 .4 Jl .4 .4 .4 J« jt S .4 Horen, Telle*, Uhapi»»*d llanda (Jill- I tir volarne w »II tlm» he 1 ■ n ínanriad n«f, and gi'»*s m*>fv* I rarrfiil liiws, but Se- i. biaitip.f'orn* and all *kin Eruptio.ii*,and u.*.| <* <*.w«.»l» i the meaning ol %e«y i dr«s very elevr ly <l«»nr, it looks ex« pr»«itivly cure«* l’ilre nr m» pay reipiire«! I* Larger, Better, More Complete L»kmr fevwdeV a «He litan it p«r/»-«-ps ir» •«*<•» g »str»'«» rd«n<ly m graorfi»!. A much m«»rr It is g’iarantrrd to give perirei satiafae pxplaiu. •M'1 9p> r« Than Ever. ’eeonung at vie, fhniifvh not «•<» n»*w an tlon or mnnev refused. Pr»eo 25e tw» lot •••* • h-ive « di* t; ar des, is to tr m thr Neotux from waist b x. For Sale By W F. Kremer, grocer pays vou • i- ho«a. will » * itim» » «j i aril ’»*-• «u* it to hr in with brsi I or velvet «wwed on { luoit trilla wAf /itMul Rtftr- ««*m|»ect, ilghl art'l covivrli'ent ; to ¡ money in full if lint F«»rtunately. it is at Innt connhl- »•«e «h., fur* nn whateverJ fi, , fí.nk mí Pattiti fai hitad. ¡(you vani «he tit* ent ihing th»' ever rr<1 p»»»Mb|r to rm»difv fashions and a ill Lr »»• * *< One may •* t like it n»sk>- th«-m br* oming In this **gr «>f hapi*?ne»l hi wheels get ihw new Ntrai ns ■irrd by «nimg I«» the ah»»ve »■«•nc rn, THS WORLD, «teta ¡«p»*r, and eiwl «srng a 'hr wurl»i, w hrn dr?*« is to marked, both •t Revi field-. They are b**aiihe» finished * wo rent »tamp « .»/--r -»'d Je-lr . »nd n'tboMgl» th« r jHdin« New York. In H ’ »» k nr < «range marne!. nt,, rvsjv g, Î t»w Co . f, f . . . » ’fit ARMSroa™,£ ^KLONDIKE ' Marlin Repeaters Andthe COURIER'oronly $2.00 $2.00 OF ALL KINDS Oil, Paint and Gia--. F. U.SCHMIDT,«. ....... h - b Will Answer Any Question You may Ask It. Standard American Annual like • Yaar PüBßfR STAMPS’ She Fiuhta Bulls and Does Other Manly Things. PRICE nr.» t, RoiHSEveu.» wildkai « Like no other magasitie oa earth Fi.’.ed to overflowing with glorious pic- tares e' the Golden West. Ur. that they have probably uauer to beltrvr that Maj r Ala» Allrll will be the next dulv • levied county jmlge in, and lor the county Major Axttrll 1» a I practicing att<»rney, holding and main NEW WOMAN LN MEXICO. íá 9 Send jEBaBHIIw ’ss 1 Major A I m * Axtell. It ia’inly gra' fyi»'* to thr many o* H»e good citixemi <>| Joecpnine countv. S.S.SMaBlood BEE HIVES Capital Stock, | Y« 1 CENTS